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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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16753254 No.16753254 [Reply] [Original]

I'm making the ultimate waifu simulator game where you'll be able to date your virtual girlfriend, dress her, kiss, cook food, and more. What do you guys think?


>> No.16753297

Looks cute but the animations still need work

>> No.16753605

What 3d program did you use for the models? Blender? 3DS Max?

>> No.16753625

Poor graphics anon-kun

>> No.16753634

I think they're cute. A little dated, but that's okay.

>> No.16753664

Looking forward to seeing how far you're taking this.
Projects like these are fun to follow

>> No.16753702

Damn thats cute, but I would not call it ultimate simulator
Is it a unity engine?

>> No.16753992

Does it have multiplayer and pvp?

>> No.16754042

They're really good for "one guy on /jp/"
Don't discourage him, we have enough failed projects as it is.

I for one like the professional looking UI and the idea behind it. Obviously he just provided us with an early sample of the game idea, so it will look more polished as the game develops.

>> No.16754049

I was trying to be constructive with the animation comment, didn't intend to come off as rude.

>> No.16754255

Well that is also good
/jp/ should still be critical of artists and content creator, not a hugbox

>> No.16755339
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I know that many animations look awkward, but I'm improving and editing them all the time.

The game is made in Unity. 3D models are created and animated in Blender.

No. The game is focused on various interactions between a player and his girlfriend, and I don't have any particular ideas for online gameplay, if there was one. Apart from chatting and trading items/clothes, maybe?

>> No.16755417

Does it have porn at least? Or anything interesting or unique about it?

I mean, I don't want to discourage you but there are like dozens of 3D dress up games, and most of them have porn and some of them are extra dumb like Love Death series and the shit Illusion vomits out to the point they're fun because of that.

>> No.16755428

Will the pvp be ntr? I want her to take off the ring.

>> No.16755455

When are we going to get an MMO dating sim, with thousands of NPCs you can go after and steal away? Then, when you're at the highest affection, you can suggest lifestyle changes, turning another anon's pure waifu into a gyaru streetwalker?

Or the reverse, taking a prostitute and making her into a nun. The possibilities are endless.

>> No.16755523
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No porn of any kind. Like you said, there are dozens of 3D (and yet more 2D) hentai games out there already, so making yet another porn game would be something directly opposite to "unique".
This game is about dating and school romance. The closest analogue (gameplay-wise) is Tokimeki Memorial, I think. But with a lot more freedom and things to do.

>> No.16755932

Add some red/pink tint on their skin,
unless they are zombies or vampires.

>> No.16758851

Now this looks damned good. Will you post updates often or every so often on your YT Page?

>> No.16759216

Now this is a game I can get behind.

>> No.16759234

>The closest analogue (gameplay-wise) is Tokimeki Memorial,
You better not leave something like this unfinished. Nobody has made a good Tokimemo game in a long time.

>> No.16759249


>> No.16759282


Please please PLEASE tell me there will be Headpats and gentle caressing. and Cuddling.

>> No.16759441
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Looking at everything you've presented us it has become clear that your efforts are sincere and come from the heart.You're not following trends, you're making what you like! I'm behind you one hundred percent and will be rooting for you all the way!

>> No.16760869
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I am going to post new videos once in a while, but how often that happens will depend on how often I have something new to show, I think.

That's the plan. But I will need to get some idea first on how such features should affect gameplay. For instance, I was thinking about adding a feature where one can walk with a girl around the city, or shopping, while holding her hand. But how exactly holding or not holding hands should affect gameplay/score or anything else? That's something I don't quite understand as yet.

Thank you. ^^

>> No.16761210

can i be a girl? in love with another girl?

>> No.16761277

I like the style and concept. I wish you all the best on your project.

>> No.16766358

Yes, and right now that's the only option. In the future it will be possible to choose male or female character model. Dateable characters are always girls. There will be several girls with distinct personalities to choose from, or (maybe) at the start of the game everyone will get their own randomly generated girl. Not sure as yet which will work better. Maybe both. Like, in the story mode one will get to choose one of girls to date, and in sandbox mode one can get a randomly generated girl and play without following any storyline.

>> No.16775018

>Not using unreal engine
Put In some effort

>> No.16775715

Will any of the other girls be straight and refuse your advances?

>> No.16777275

This looks great anon.

If there will be a story mode for this, this will look like Love Plus.

Good luck your project anon, may your waifu give you strength to push through the difficulties that awaits you.

>> No.16777414

Make it multiplayer. Let me date a jaypee!

>> No.16780800
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Right now I'm not sure if there will be any girls to choose from - maybe there will be only one randomly generated girl everybody gets at the beginning, and then they will have to advance relationships with that girl throughout the game.

My current goal is to release a playable demo (hopefully in a few months) showing main game features and stuff, and after that I will work on various gameplay details and storyline depending on comments and feedback I get (if any).

Even if there was multiplayer, everybody still would have to date virtual girls, since that's what the whole idea is about. Dating real people over Internet would mean that it's some completely game (dating app?) already, and I don't really see ever taking the project in that direction, sorry.

>> No.16786783

Are you aware of Love Plus?
Get some inspiration from that too.

>> No.16786787
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For reference

>> No.16790359
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I have watched a couple videos on youtube about it in the past, but I will explore it more thoroughly as soon as I have some free time, thanks for the suggestion.

>> No.16790457
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Will you be able to make Vocaloids there?

Like Gumi, or Gumi, or even Gumi?

>> No.16793172

I have extensive plans for cosplay and character customization, but how much of those plans will be actually implemented is another question. For cosplay, I was thinking something along the lines of the player joining a cosplay club and getting missions/quests there to obtain all items for a full set to cosplay some anime character. After one quest is complete, they (player and/or their girl) will level up and can obtain new quests/wear more complex cosplay items.

But I don't know as yet how such cosplay items should be obtained. It would be too simple if they were just sold in a shop. There should be some challenge and gameplay for such cosplay quests, I think. That's one of future aspects of the game I still have to think about.

>> No.16793533

Does it respect our freedoms?

>> No.16802279

Clothes seem a bit too form-fitting at the moment, though I assume you know that.

>> No.16802302

The graphics remind me of ai sp@ce. This is a good thing. I miss that game. A lot.

>> No.16802315

They need asses. Model them some asses.

>> No.16802321

I don't know why but I find that I Love Hugs t-shirt extremely cute. Good job OP

>> No.16802403

The proyect is bad for these reasons:
-Bad anatomy, a child? really?
-Ugly face morph and body-face proportions
-Simple body texture, may be my monitor but i saw subtle green body shadow
-3dcg menu without item sorting,could be ok if your game engine wont support users custom clothes
-As everyone else says, the animation need to be refined
With 0 gameplay showcase it's hard to judge buy i feel like this game will be a very limited 3dcg-2 with some random text and animation. Highly doubt a non experienced programmer can pull an interesting NPC behavior.

>> No.16804809
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Yes. Ai Sp@ce always was one of my main sources of inspiration for visuals and aesthetics. Virtual Akihabara as one of playable locations is on my list of things to do, too (in the future).

Some of things you listed are edited and changed all the time (like shadows, menus, animations), so most probably they will look a lot differently in the final game. As to anatomy/faces/proportions, it's a matter of taste, I guess. The characters were modelled to look similar to Da Capo/Clannad (and Ai Sp@ce, of course) character design, since that's the kind of design I personally like for anime girls and which I think looks best for bishoujo/dating sim game. Anime comes in many different visual styles, and somebody is always going to like one style and dislike another, I think.
As to gameplay, I have shown none, because there isn't any as yet. I think it will take me about a month as yet to (almost) finish the first location (school and adjacent area) and after that I'll begin working on adding main gameplay elements.

>> No.16805098

>As to gameplay, I have shown none, because there isn't any as yet.
>after that I'll begin working on adding main gameplay elements.
I'm not going to be too negative about it, but this is a serious concern. You can't simply add the main gameplay elements after designing levels (for lack of a better term) for them. Even if the gameplay is meant to be a passive thing rather than the focus, you should be thinking about it while you're designing the setting, as the setting must be conducive in every way to it.

>> No.16805313

I have designed all the main gameplay elements already and know how exactly core game mechanics will work. If my post above sounded like I'm building locations, and then will just attempt to throw some random gameplay on top of that, that's certainly not the case. I'm just doing one thing at a time from my list of things to do, and right now that thing is building the first location for the game.

>> No.16805601

Oh, well in that case that's good.

>> No.16807731
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Everything seems to be focused on the waifu aspect judging by your posts and video, so what is gameplay going to look like? Is it going to be something like doing stuff to unlock costumes/accesories and gift them to your waifu? Will there be stats, combat? Do you have to attend lessons? How do you get money?

>> No.16807790

I miss chilling in our apartments with /jp/ watching Nico Nico Douga in Ai Sp@ce

>> No.16809545
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Bumping for interest

>> No.16809548

make it a mmo where everyone is a cute girl doing cute things
I want to go shopping for clothes with /jp/

>> No.16809962


>> No.16811143

Hey, Anton, when the first demo will come out?
Your works look great by now

>> No.16811576

wow OP that project looks great, good luck on it! Dont be too ambitious on the scope of the game at first. id suggest actually cutting your plan down a bunch, then when you achieve that you can start adding stuff to get to your original goal. cause the only problem I see with this project is that it could be a bit overwhelming to get past the barely-starting stage. its better to go in with an idea where you can get to the almost-done stage, then start adding a bunch more content.

how about you go make something better? for a one man project this looks fucking amazing, especially the art. youre basically criticizing him with expectations that are far beyond what is capable for a one man game. fuck, the art here is better than my summer car and that game had art good enough for a one man game and did really well.

>> No.16811596
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Main gameplay features: dating, cooking for one's virtual girlfriend, kissing. With each of these activities being a mini-game with its own rules and conditions. School clubs, cosplay and sports activities will be optional. How many of those optional activities will be implemented is something I don't know as yet. No combat of any kind is planned, but if sport activities will be ever implemented, one will be able to participate in competitive events, like playing tennis with one's girlfriend or other NPC girls from the school area, which will affect intimacy score and upgrade sport skills.

Obtaining money will be done by catching squirrels, or by working in a cafe.

How many full-featured 3D MMO games developed and maintained by one person without any investments we know about? I think it's better to set realistic goals. Besides, as mentioned above already, I don't really see what multiplayer features could be used for in a game like that. Just chatting to other people who walk around with their girlfriends? That doesn't sound like a valid basis for a MMO game, I think.

As soon as I have something playable to release. It's not really possible to say anything for sure at this point.

>> No.16817369


>> No.16817623

This looks hecka neat anon. Did you just one day decide to say "I'm going to start working on this" and fulfill your dream, or did you ever do work on animation and art beforehand?

>> No.16817704

He has made at least two android&ios games. So probably he is not an absolute beginer


>> No.16817818

Reminds me of this game called Ai Space, where you ran around town with a waifu.

I'd play this if girlfriend chan go streak in public in her undies or something.

>> No.16818224

Is there a game like that? Where you have to run across places while streaking and not get caught? Besides MGS2 or whichever that was I mean.

>> No.16818383

It's not streaking, but there's a PS3 game stealth game where you have to take pictures of panties

>> No.16819509
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< - Something like this?

I have been making various small 2D game projects for many years, and there exists a simpler "Shoujo City 2D" already (the link is above), which took me around a year to make. Creating a full 3D game combining Ai Sp@ce freedom of movement and design + Tokimeki Memorial style gameplay was my goal since long ago, so I guess I was (slowly) progressing towards this project for a few years by now. About half a year ago I started learning 3D modelling and animation specifically for this project.

>> No.16819610

Saints Row has a steaking minigame where you have to pass by as many people as possible within a certain timeframe.

>> No.16819616

Make cute bras and bikinis.

>> No.16823678
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Recent progress on the shopping area:


>> No.16832669

This may be a weird question to OP, but would you recommend your previous games?

>> No.16834286
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< - this one, yes. A few high-budget projects from big companies aside, I think it is among the best sniper games for mobiles, and looks quite polished and finished. And it has elaborate gun mechanics, wind, bullet time, etc. - something most other sniper shooters ignore completely. This game never took off, though. Maybe because there are countless thousands of other mobile sniper shooters on mobiles, and it is impossible to get noticed in that genre without ads and promo campaigns.

As to the 2D version of Shoujo City, you won't lose anything by ignoring it and just waiting for the 3D version. There was a lot of learning and experimenting involved in that project, so the final result now looks somewhat amateurish and inconsistent. If that game was good, I wouldn't start remaking it from a scratch. That project (Shoujo City 2D) helped me to experiment with many gameplay ideas, and now I know how to implement them properly and make a lot better game out of that earlier concept.

>> No.16834344
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>has a handgun
An I missing something here?

>> No.16834403

A sniper rifle is a poor choice for close-range combat. It's a good idea to have a sidearm, too.

>> No.16834582

screw shoujo city, I want a jyosou city if you know what i mean

>> No.16835094

Probably because

Materiel Sniper is GOAT

>> No.16842583

What's the difference?

>> No.16843954

That means he‘s into girls(male).

>> No.16844374

What's the difference? Loli, loli dickgirl, shota trap. They all look the same and there's no sex. Just pretend it's whatever you want.

>> No.16844975
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>tfw you have all these H-games
>none really offer the chance to just live with your virtual gf
>have her cook you food
>say sweet stuff to you when you log on like "Welcome home, I miss you [...]" etc
>make her angry at something small, and make her smile by head patting her

Keep going anon. Keep it up.
Give me hope.

>> No.16845112

This. OP has a really good idea.

I hate how a lot of eroge don't have enough bonding with the heroines, most of them are just fucking once you hit the routes. And don't get me started on 3D eroge, it's pretty much dress-up and nothing but sex. Wish there was more relationship stuff. You are doing god's work.

>> No.16845133

It would be better if the game acknowledges the difference between them somehow.

>> No.16850798

Looks neat anon-kun. Best of luck to you. Will it have rpg mechanics?

>> No.16852216
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If you mean stats/experience, the main stat will be intimacy/relationship level. Some activities and locations will be unlocked only after reaching higher levels. Another stat will be cooking skill improving quality of cooked food and unlocking new recipes. How many other stats are added will depend on which features are (or are not) implemented in the game.

>> No.16852958

Looks fun and easygoing.

Make the models cuter, though. Still too polygonal.

>> No.16852964

How do you unlock vagina sex?

>> No.16853127

Will you add easter eggs?

>> No.16858167

Ya that's what I meant. Sounds amazing so far I hope you implement a lot of different stats. My ideal game is pretty much artificial academy with stats and this is sounding kind of similar to that.

>> No.16859092
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No. There is one idea though, not quite an easter egg, but something more like a small fun feature with reference to otaku culture. There is a (somewhat) famous Japanese guy (love-nemu.seesaa.net) posting photos about him visiting places with his Nemu dakimakura girlfriend. I have been following his blog for quite a while, and at some point I got an idea to add dakimakura dating as an optional route in my game, too. It will work pretty much as regular dating, and one will have to carry their pillow girlfriend to cafe, feed her, entertain, etc. Maybe it will be a "super easy" game mode for those who have trouble winning love of one of regular girls. That's one of optional/future game ideas alongside with sport/cosplay clubs and others, and I'll begin working on those only after finishing all main and more important game features.

>> No.16859110

That sounds like a fun idea.

And man, that guy really looks like the typical faceless fat guy from an eromanga, but you can tell he's a nice guy.

>> No.16859344

What's the current size and map of the city going to look like?

>> No.16859695

Add ghost girls

>> No.16862220
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< - here is the whole map as of now. School + a row of shops in front of it. All other locations (when I make them, that is) will be connected via metro.

I'm not quite sure how ghosts would fit into a game focused on doing cute things with cute anime girls. Feel free to give more details about your suggestion so I at least can understand what you meant.

>> No.16862252

Not him but you could have a scene where they get hit with an evil anime truck but their ghost keeps visiting you or make a girl that's one of those "in the end, she was really a ghost" type girls from VNs.

>> No.16862263



Put it on PC through steam itchi.io

>> No.16862269

>steam or itchi.io

>> No.16862274

Wait, did you actually make the models and costumes all by yourself? How many years have you been modeling?

>> No.16862352

For example the ghost could be another girl to romance, but she only appears in the school toilet at night. And once you romance her she passes on to the afterlife, and you get a nice unique item or something

>> No.16862421

Sadako clone that's always popping out of tvs and stuff to meet you. She likes watching movies other than the shitty one she comes out from.

>> No.16863440

Someone should make a AI Sp@ce private server or something..
Does a AI Sp@ce private server even exist? I would love to play it again.

>> No.16863787

He probably meant monstergirls

>> No.16867612

Love the details like on manhole covers. Native games don't even feature that.

There should be no hud at all, or at least options to disable it for pc. Anything that can't be pulled from a menu with one button can be shown in play, like looking at clocks around town or the sun's position to tell the time. You can also show it on the phone when making a call. Cash doesn't need to be visible outside of shopping screens. "Inventory" should say "bag." Needs 1st person view also.

>But how exactly holding or not holding hands should affect gameplay/score
It doesn't have to; any increased interaction is good. But if you want to make it special, make shy girls and give them embarrassed reactions when doting on them in crowded places. Kissing a girl too soon can get you slapped. Their reactions is the "score." Figuring out the best times to do certain actions is better than locking them behind a relationship points wall. This will heavily increase your workload, however.

>in the story mode one will get to choose one of girls to date, and in sandbox mode one can get a randomly generated girl and play without following any storyline
This is more a question of monetisation and how the engine is built. You can sell additional girls with their own routes, or focus on the sandbox and sell additional scenarios that work with anyone, like a Valentine's Day quest that lasts 3 or 4 days. The latter only really works with a sim-like points system than a vn-like route system, but it's still possible to do both if you combine modes. Start with a sandbox, initiate a route by taking the right actions with a girl, then bring her back to the sandbox where the extra scenarios come into play. This raises the workload and has the bad effect of things being weird when all the other girls mysteriously disappear one a route has started. You're gonna have to choose between making a story game or a sandbox game. There are a million story games. There is no Grand Theft Shoujo.

>I don't know as yet how such cosplay items should be obtained
Each piece of clothing has an appeal value. Earn money to buy some. Give each girl a sewing skill value and have her make clothes after you get enough date points, with higher-skilled clothing having higher appeal. (Using date points means you can get clothes from multiple girls, but if you've pushed one to the girlfriend category and get too friendly with the other girls, she'll get mad and will stop sewing for you!) Join the cosplay club to get some free clothing. Win contests to unlock the club asset, after which you can find the complete and rare cosplay outfits.

The simplest solution is to just sell complete outfits. Fine for mobile but clearly an issue on pc.

>Virtual Akihabara as one of playable locations is on my list of things to do, too
Akiba is old news. Ikebukuro is the new hotness, and otome road is there, making it a better fit for the game.

>> No.16867708

>MMO dating sim
Second Life. A dating mmo filled with npcs defeats the purpose.

>They need asses.
Get out.

If you want an of-age dating sim, go outside. JK makes more sense since they spend most of their time at school or in clubs around town. JD would have you spend half your time standing around Lawson or a construction site, and above that you'd be salarymaning 100 hours a week for some washed up OL. Fine for a 90s 2d menu-driven sim because you're skipping all the boring parts; hell in 3d, which is why they're all dress-up-and-rape-boxes and not proper sims.

>> No.16867715

Is the MC a dude, because the demos all have that girl character. Also given you use a randoseru as a icon and is seems loli themed, is the MC a shota or just some dude picking up 11 year olds?

>> No.16867720

What a worthless post full of worthless opinions.

>> No.16867740

Let's do ass dlc and call it even.

>> No.16867810

>you will never be the gf

>> No.16868298

does this game have lolis? what about headpats?

>> No.16868571

Very nice!
The presentarion is very solid.
Looks great for a one-person game. Did you create all the assets yourself?
I'm currently learning 3D programming using C++ and it'd be very difficult to replicate that... Maybe Unity is helping but nevertheless you're very talented, looking forward to whenever you release it (I love dressup games and used to make/participate in dressup game threads here on /jp/ long ago...)

>> No.16869710

Is this a R-18 dating game or just a dating simulator

>> No.16869977

The world itself looks pretty lifeless and the character model does as well. Not necessarily asking for a more complex model. Just a cuter looking one.

>> No.16870754
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The pool water is the free water asset that comes with Unity. All other assets were created by me (well, apart from that dakimakura cover, of course). I learned 3D modelling specifically for this project.

Thanks for your suggestions, these are definitely some interesting ideas I will think about. As to Akihabara, I can't say right now how old-school for contemporary culture it is, but even if it is, that's not necessarily a bad thing. After all, those classic school bloomers and swimsuits shown in (many) anime are pretty old-school, too, and don't exist in real life since long ago, but the archetype they created remains popular, and isn't going to disappear any time soon. The same is true for Akihabara, I think. No matter what will happen in decades to come and how the area may change, it will remain a symbol of holy anime land for long time.

None ever existed, as far as I know.

In the beginning there will be a choice to play as a girl or a boy. I don't have a male 3D model as yet, hence only girls on all screenshots. As to lolis, it depends. Was Ai Sp@ce a loli game? One could say that it took that concept into account, but wasn't limited to it. Thus, some character customization and cosplay options made the girls to look quite "loli". Some others didn't. For Shoujo City, it will work the same.

Just a dating simulator. The most "explicit" activities will be kissing, hugging, and holding hands, and I consider all of these to belong to "school romance" category, not to "18+".

>> No.16870795

Would the pvp consist of NTR?

>> No.16879160

You play as a female and go yandere on other anons.

>> No.16885134

Will you be able to bully them and make them cry?

>> No.16885907

Hey, will you include sex with your girlfriend? Of course, not rough sex or rape, but loving sex as a reward for playing and sincereling loving your gf. I think it is an important part of an healthy relationship. Please keep on doing such a good job!

>> No.16888253
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There will be negative reactions on failed interactions, like bad timing for kissing, refusing to buy ice-cream when asked, etc. I hope to give girls different personalities, so they not necessarily will be crying. For instance, girls could become angry, or less talkative, or sad, depending on their personality.

No. Illusion did already way better job developing 3D hentai games than I ever could, and keeps producing new ones non-stop, with all possible flavors and fetishes, with VR and motion controllers for touching boobs and butts, and go figure what else. What else could I add or improve on top of that? Producing a weak Illusion clone game that always will be worse than real Illusion and that nobody will care about is not exactly what I would want to spend years of my life for, to be honest.

As mentioned above already, one of the main sources of inspiration for me always was Ai Sp@ce. I don't know a single modern game that would feel and play anything close to it. All other currently existing anime games are basically either visual novels, or belong to one of conventional game genres (rpg/hack&slash/fighting/strategy/shooter) with anime stylistics just thrown on top of it. Ai Sp@ce offered a unique idea, and attempted to turn the whole moe/bishoujo anime genre into a real game, instead of just adding it on top of one existing game genres. Unfortunately, developers basically ended up abandoning their ai-tune/chara doll idea and instead moved the whole game towards a generic shooter. Nonetheless, I think their original premise had a lot of potential and deserves another chance. I know what to do with it and have a lot of ideas and game features to add to turn that into a full and unique game. For a hentai game, I have no new ideas and nothing to offer, so don't really see any reason to move in that direction.

>> No.16888513

People are asking for sex because it adds another dynamic and the rest of the game would give it context, as opposed to just porn or game with porn thrown in. A girl with high sex drive can lower your stamina and make it harder to play sports, yet turning her down too often can lead to cheating and gameover. You could play it straight with a chaste girl, or attempt seduction at the cost of the rest of town looking down on you. Even going to the seedy places out of town can get you barred from taking certain part time jobs. It's a bit much for this game, but something to think about in a Shoujo City 2: College edition.

>> No.16890018

You should just have non explicit sex. It doesn't even have to be a minigame or anything, it can be fade to black.

I don't think the kind of people who would want slutty heroines exist outside of illusion type porn game fans though. A girl that cheated on you because you didn't fuck her enough would probably make even western fans drop the game. Still, the types that tolerated that sort of thing in the past faded away with dating sim type games, so maybe the audience who'd tolerate that is the same.

>> No.16891425

OP will the sandbox mode allow you to design your own girlfriend from preset styles similar to games like Custom Maid? I think that would be better than a random generated girl.

>> No.16901017
File: 381 KB, 1280x720, sc3d_cc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A new video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mMeRPo4mxMw

If most people will want to design instead of random, I'll make it work that way, I think, no objections. The customization will never be even remotely as extensive as that in Custom Maid, though. All those numerous dresses, accessories, and body adjustments in CM come at the price of completely ignoring most clipping and collision issues, so skirts intersect with legs, hair pierces right through arms and chest, etc. Making just one simple skirt or hair that won't clip with any body parts, on all existing animations, and with all possible combinations of clothes and accessories takes a lot more time than making a few dozens of different clothes items that ignore clipping (Custom Maid style).

Well, it's not impossible that at some point in the future things may change (after all, the game changed and evolved a lot already), but for the time being, I don't really see any reason or gameplay value in adding H features, sorry. What is probably even more important, don't have any particular inspiration or interest for that. And working without inspiration is completely impossible for this project.

>> No.16901136 [DELETED] 

Just give use enough posing and mod tools to make our on sex mods like Skyrim and stuff.

>> No.16901139

Just give us enough posing and mod tools to make our own sex mods like Skyrim and stuff.

>> No.16901442

If you ever add clothes add 2hu clothes i want the ice fairy

>> No.16901471

Is this basically Sims: Loli ED? If so, i'm interested

>> No.16901488

Reminds me a bit of Virtual Novel. Well, sans VR. がんばって!

>> No.16901494

trap waifus when?

>> No.16901560

without sex how do you know they're traps? It's the same either way.

>> No.16901564

Buldge my dude.

>> No.16901573

You don't bulge in cute skirts, and you don't bulge if you're a proper trap with proper tucking.

>> No.16901583

>proper tucking.
Why even bother then?

>> No.16901618

What do you think a trap is if not someone trying to trick someone into thinking they are a girl or someone you mistake for a girl? If they are clearly male, you just want a crossdresser or just a girlish boy, not a trap.

>> No.16902532

Looks great so far. A suggestion would be having the bangs and rest of the hair as seperate parts. That way the player can easily change the bang style which allows for more hairstyle options without having to worry about clipping as much.

>> No.16904536

Add a cute saber-looking bun and maybe choose breast sizes (unless that messes up with clothes and hair?).

>> No.16905108
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The chest is adjustable already. I wasn't sure if there should be a separate menu for it (in the character creation menu), so for now it changes depending on height. This is probably not immediately visible in the video due to camera angle/t-shirt.

I hope to add a lot of cosplay items and quests, but that will happen only after implementing all more important core game mechanics. If at some point in the future the game becomes popular enough, maybe we'll have polls on what new cosplay items people want to be added next. Like having a long list of cosplay outfits that everybody can vote on, and whatever item is on the top of the list by the end of a certain period, is removed and added in the game. But it will be quite a while as yet before something like that becomes possible.

>> No.16905207

I'll definitely be keeping my eye out for this, any place in particular aside from the site?

>> No.16905213

Artificial Academy with PvP when

>> No.16905225

Chest could be a little bigger.

>> No.16905257

They're prefect as they are.

>> No.16905330

Nooo, I don't want to get forced!

>> No.16905424
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anon what you have so far looks really amazing especially for just 1 person

I dunno if this is past your ability, but my suggestion is finish this first, then if you are still interested work towards a online version where it's just a hangout game for lonely neets (play music, watch videos together, talk, etc) that would be a huge project though

>> No.16905460

No they aren't.

>> No.16906202

I agree
They are way too big

>> No.16906243

I wish I could help
What language are you coding the game in?

>> No.16906514

Give her a diaper pls.

>> No.16906582

Please take your disgusting diaper fetish back to /d/ where both you and it belong.

>> No.16907689


>> No.16907815

If they were any flatter she'd be a sheet of paper.
It needs to be bigger.

>> No.16909044

Look, I'm sorry you can't enjoy anything smaller than cow udders, but please try to remember that the rest of us might be fine with it as is.

>> No.16909192

He said unity so it's probably c# or js

>> No.16909633

You sure love having the last word, anon.

>> No.16910667
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All updates are posted on the game website, and there are links to my youtube channel and twitter, where I post videos and random screenshots. That's all.

An easy solution would be to make maximum available size a bit bigger and add a slider in the character creation menu ranging from 0% to 100%, so that everyone can set it to whatever they want. Things like these can be always fine-tuned later.

If that plan for an online game worked, we all probably would be playing Ai Sp@ce now. But that plan didn't work well. Just making it online and hoping that cute girls and cosplay outfits will somehow make up for missing online gameplay is exactly why Ai Sp@ce's lifetime was so short. Listening to music, watching movies, and just chatting is not real online gameplay - it's what people (those few who refused to give up) were doing to have at least some reason to stay in the game which didn't give them any real reason for that.

Even if we forget for a moment about all the technical and monetary issues of developing and maintaining a true MMORPG, we still would have to finally find that missing idea for an online anime dating sim, before making a new one: what exactly people are supposed to do there? When and if we have that idea, and all the other issues we forgot about for a moment are solved, too, I would be quite happy to begin working on the online version.

Unity/Javascript. If you want to help, in a few weeks from now I'll set up an online wiki with all text dialogues for "dating" part of the game, where everyone willing can contribute by adding more dialogues or translating them. There will be an announcement at the game website when the wiki opens.

>> No.16910744

Just play gikopoi or second life

>> No.16911006

I'd say make it like 3DCG but without the sex and backgrounds

>> No.16918866
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Not letting the thread die

>> No.16921455
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Currently working on the camera feature. It can take and display photos already, and has x2 zoom.

One possible use for the camera is visiting various locations (like Shinto temples and Akihabara) and taking photos of your chara doll (still not sure how is she supposed to be called. Waifu?) posing in special scenic places. If you successfully find all scenic spots in a certain location and take pictures there, you'll get a prize (a kiss or something).That will be possible only after those various locations are created, of course.

Any suggestions on what else the camera can be used for (and what other functions to add for the in-game phone)?

>> No.16921509

How does the game determine whether or not the condition is met for having taken a specific picture? Could it be implemented that if you try to get close-up shots of her legs, butt or chest you get scolded?

>> No.16926192
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Nothing is determined as yet, since it's only a planned feature. Something like that is possible to implement, yes.

Another idea I have is printing photos in a shop in Akihabara, and then using as posters for decorating walls in one's apartment room.

>> No.16926312

it's so cyberpunk and depressing that I want this virtual affection simulator

>> No.16926316

That makes me think of those photobooth things Japan has or had.
