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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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15436254 No.15436254 [Reply] [Original]

Drama of the Year Edition

>> No.15437030

I tried watching Yae no Sakura.

I guess it's my fault for watching it - hoping to see the girl shoot a lot. It took a while to get there. Then after the battle, the rifle/gunnery stuff was gone. You get a good 20 episodes of women empowerment (30-50).

Also, she never wore whatever they had in the poster/image promo for the show.

>> No.15437053

In addition, watching Mozu after Yae no Sakura feels weird lol.

Most of the actors are in both shows

>> No.15437625
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Amachan makes me so happy, I just want to hug everyone in that drama (minus Yui).

>> No.15437629 [DELETED] 
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Empress Ki is way better.

>> No.15437658

I just finished watching Trick S1.

Very enjoyable pair, bases Ueda. Is the second season worth watching too?

>> No.15437804

Anyone know where I can watch Ao no Umi?

>> No.15437810

Does she get to fight and stuff?

>> No.15438022

Now that Yutori has finished I can say it was one of the best j-dramas I've seen in a while.
It's not perfect but it's definitely worth watching. I think it has a great take on the "millennial generation".

>> No.15438218

>tfw subs never

>> No.15438661

When will you learn?

>> No.15438906 [DELETED] 

Not all Korean dramas are for lonely housewives and impressionable 15-25 year old girls.

>> No.15438917 [DELETED] 

Fuck you, idiot.

>> No.15439427

share the subs with us, dipshit

>> No.15440808
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Is there any japanese tv streaming web?

>> No.15440910

I started watching Hayako Sensei
I thought it was a romance drama (or at least a very slow romance)
But it seems like she might not end up with someone.

Usually for dramas like these, there's at least 1 guy she keeps running into.

>> No.15440950

some people can actually understand japanese

>> No.15440981

They're all dogshit.

What I wouldn't give for an eastern equivalent of Kodi or something.

The official catch-up services offered by the free channels are absolute garbage, either they don't work without a paid VPN, they only store shows for a couple of days, and none of them offer subtitles. You'd think that for a language that can be so easily misinterpreted, you'd have a better subtitling system in place.

Instead, you have to download shit off sites that only covers the most popular stuff, and only a few dramas have subtitles which you have to fully re-time yourself because they couldn't be bothered cutting out the ad breaks.

>> No.15440992

I feel like I have watched all the noteworthy Japanese dramas. I think it's time for me to turn to the dark side and watch Chinese/Taiwanese/Korean (most korean shows look overly political though)

Anything you guys would recommend?

>> No.15441890

which jdrama is your favorite? or you think is best?

>> No.15441916

>I have watched all the noteworthy Japanese dramas.
Make a list. And what exactly counts as "noteworthy"? Are new dramas unable to meet the criteria?

>> No.15441942

I have no clue about Korean and Chinese dramas, but for Taiwan try Love Contract and Autumn's Concerto.

>> No.15442019

>Anything you guys would recommend?
Reply 1997

It's bittersweet and nostalgic

>> No.15442854

Cruel City
Shut Up Flower Boy Band (ignore the name, it's actually great)
It's Okay, That's Love
Reply 1997

>> No.15443280

>(most korean shows look overly political though)
What gives you this impression? The vast majority of Korean dramas are about a rude poor girl who gets with a rich bratty business guy.

adding to the lists above: School 2013 was good.

>Shut Up Flower Boy Band (ignore the name, it's actually great)
I agree, glad to see someone else recommending this, I love all that coming of age bollocks.

>> No.15443304

When does School 2013 get good? I'm on the 3rd episode and not feeling it.

>> No.15443558
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i keep seeing this ugly fuck so much, it's gotten annoying

>> No.15443950 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15444195
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Not sure how it's on here, but what tracker you guys recommend? Or am I just stuck till AB starts adding live-action?

And is there some sort of site that tracks what's being subbed and what not? Where you can vote and compare different subgroups?

>> No.15444238 [DELETED] 


>> No.15444517

I thought the writing went to shit near the end?

>> No.15444521

anyone know where I can watch Ao no Umi?

>> No.15444659

Fuck. No one ever translated the Time Taxi special.

>> No.15444889

There was a special?

>Aired: Apr 5, 2016

Ahh fuck, season 2 when?!

>> No.15445161

It doesn;t.

>> No.15445163

>/jp/'s download sites list for Dramas

>> No.15447664 [DELETED] 

Are there any jdramas that have sex in them and realistic couples with realistic human needs?

>> No.15447918

Watashi wo hanasanaide has sex more than once. I highly recommend it, i's very well written even if the male lead acts like a retard.

>> No.15448013
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This wasn't so bad after all. Glad it follow closely to the source materials as well.

>> No.15449797 [DELETED] 



>> No.15449820


>> No.15449872

Busujima Yuriko no Sekirara Nikki

A recent one with subs upto episode 6 so far.

>> No.15451279

Why is Muri na Renai so hard to find online?

>> No.15451288

j drama business is not about talent. It's about pushing certain actors and actresses in.

>> No.15452139

Yes sir.

>> No.15452504

What the fuck man?

Does Acchan have sex?

>> No.15452984


>> No.15455836
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After 20 days of intense watching, I just finished watching Amachan.

Overall, it was pretty great before that earthquake arc, then everything went to shit.

I don't know what the writer of the story was thinking, it's like his way of thinking was "Hey, let's add something totally out of place, that doesn't fit the tone of the story at all, just to fuck everyone's shit up and ruin things for everyone." It made me so mad.


>> No.15456531

i'm new to jdrama (drama in general i avoid as i hate the weird framerate the shots have and alot have poor filmography) i tend to stick to movies, but 1 litre of tears fucking destroyed me and i loved every minute of it.

Any reccomended dramas on that level?

>> No.15456805

last friends

>> No.15457471

Yeah, I didn't like that part/arc either.

>> No.15458041

Ryuhei is one of the most talented actors in his age bracket though so I don't see how this applies

>> No.15458171

I'm sure that other anon was implying he's not talented, but having talent doesn't necessarily stop it from applying.

>> No.15459343

I always thought he's popular because his father is a legend in Japan.

>> No.15460075

>last friends
Thanks it looks great

>> No.15460099

That earthquake actually happened and had a terrible effect on that area of the country.

In fact, the show was probably only made and set there to remind people of the suffering that occurred and drum up more support for the continuing recovery efforts.

>> No.15461509

I always come back to Orange Days really wish i had some more money to buy the Blu-Rays that were released in march.

Well I keep watching the new shows year after year but they are not to my liking it's time for me to look elsewhere for entertainment.

Will have a look at these recommendations, thanks.

Political was the wrong word to use, I meant that most of the Korean shows involved royalty and quite often had princes and other nonsense.

>> No.15464584

Never Let Me Go
Busujima Yuriko no Sekirara Nikki
Love That Makes You Cry

Which one should I watch?

>> No.15464610

I'm seriously going to register on d-addicts just to tell the guy subbing Yutori that he's a stupid fucking retard for not having translated it after all this time.

>> No.15464898

i'm sure that will motivate him to get it done.

>> No.15465203

Definitely not that first one.

Second one - I don't like the actress so I haven't seen it.

Third one is okay, though idk what happened to the (screen) writing in last few episodes.

>> No.15465274

Why don't you like the most famous AKB member?

>> No.15465343

I just finished Nobunaga Concerto and I enjoyed it very much!

>> No.15465522

sorry, not really into this idol stuff.

In fact, I mostly avoid dramas that push/stars actual idols.

>> No.15465622

I like the second two.

>> No.15465756
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>> No.15467229

I feel like that applies to his mom and to Shota who's more of a traditional ikemen and plays in more ikemen roles like hana yori dango etc but with Ryuhei he's always been a little more avant garde and has been taking more challenging roles since he started and has actually grown as an actor and takes it a bit more seriously. That's just my opinion though.

>> No.15467458

Shota is a shit

>> No.15467486

Should I watch Bloody Monday?

>> No.15468081

Never seen it, sounds kinda similar to Mozu though so I'd just watch that instead.

>> No.15468097

I've seen the first season of Mozu, but somehow couldn't get into the second one. Dropped it after 1 episode.

>> No.15468147

Fair enough.
Never seen it but this show seems fairly similar aswell

I'm a pretty big fan of Watabe Atsuro personally, he's really great in Keizoku and Kageri Yuku Natsu.

>> No.15468379

I tried to get into Mozu, even just for Maki Yoko, but I had trouble getting into the show.

The 3 characters barely team up together. I heard the same for the second season.

>> No.15468685
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holy shit, it's otomo yoshihide O___O

>> No.15468761

The first one.

>> No.15468804
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Bout to start this.

>> No.15468925

I didn't like it. Very predictable and lots of overused trope. Might just be wasting your time.

Guy who got rich because of his successful startup/company then becomes not-rich because of underhanded tactics or betrayal by someone close.
Seen it happen too many times in tv, movies, books etc.

Only reason to watch this is to see Ishihara Satomi and her lips. Though she still plays pretty much the same characters.

>> No.15468944

download link pl0x

>> No.15468951

Is the hype because its designed to appeal to the kdrama audience? You don't see this sort of naked troping anymore, its very 80s and 90s

>> No.15468967

It's an unconventional Japanese drama that plays with the conventional tropes of Korean dramas and turns them upside down.

>> No.15468984

Anyone recommend any good cop/detective drama? nothing too crazy or overdramatic.

I usually avoid detective dramas because they're dime a dozen (even in the US).

Last one I saw was Strawberry Night, and only because of Takeuchi Yuko. Otherwise, I haven't seen many at all. I do remember dropping BOSS and Tokyo Dogs though.

>> No.15468985


>> No.15469010

do the cases get super ridiculous?

I know detective shows how to separate themselves from other detective shows to stand out.

Also what's up with the Tokyo MDP divisions?

So many departments/divisions/units lol

>> No.15469023

the mc (detective) works together with his bro (yakuza) to find the guy who killed their foster mom and get revenge. pretty dark man, just watch it, 8.5/10

>> No.15469025

Bayside Shakedown/Odoru Daisousasen is like the quintessential cop drama, the movies were the highest grossing films in Japan for awhile too.

Siren was okay, Keizoku and it's semi sequel SPEC are pretty fun, Kageri Yuku Natsu, Hitorishizuka and Ishi To Mayu are all high quality WOWOW dramas and they're also pretty short.

And as anon said here
Ouroboros is pretty good.

>> No.15469038

got good links to download dorama m8?
i want torrent tho its hard to find, but ddl is okay too

>> No.15469064

Are you on avistaz? That's where I get all mine. I know KAT, nyaa and rutracker has some dramas aswell. If not there then you could stream on kissasian


>> No.15469068

oh yeah, I forgot about bayside shakedown, I saw that a long time ago. I even bought the dvd for the movie

I will check the other ones you listed, thanks!

>> No.15469078

i havent tried avistaz, thanks

>> No.15469082

that does sound quite interesting.

>> No.15469083


I saw Siren sometime last year. I couldn't keep watching because the detectives all looked like high schools students lol

>> No.15469088

It isn't trust me.

Unless you want to watch it for the doki doki moments between the leads, the overall plot is so basic.

>> No.15469089

I liked border and kurokouchi

mozu was shit though

>> No.15469094

pity a lot of wowow isnt subbed

>> No.15469105

oh man, Kurokouchi is so bad, and I'm a Nagase Tomoya fan. Goddamn I hated his role. "SEEE KAAAAAAIII", jesus fuck, that was annoying.

If it wasn't for Gouriki getting molested by the CSI girls, I would have not kept watching.

As for Mozu, it's such a shame. Had so much potential too, and I'm a big Maki Yoko fan (Dat voice). I was hoping the 3 leads would team up more, but for some reason all 3 actors/actress seemed like they were in contract NOT to be in same shot lol

>> No.15469127

Yeah I'm kinda blown away by the fact that a lot of trash gets subbed and people complain about the quality of dramas but no groups ever wanna do WOWOW stuff even though they're generally of higher quality in story, acting and budget.

>> No.15469212

Well I watched it for that other girl. she like a gravure model or something? she ain't shy about showing her body

>> No.15469351

Kimura Fumino looks like a high school student in any show

>> No.15469360

This trash still hasn't been subbed, why?


>> No.15469454

Sounds like what Mexican dramas to with Columbian dramas...
never works well.

>> No.15470452

I'm really digging the current taiga drama, Sanada Maru. What other Taiga dramas would your recommend me checking out?

>> No.15470821

For everyone asking for downloads:
Remember to post it for future OPs.

>> No.15470856

It's already been posted here >>15445163 But yeah, less people will be asking if it's in the OP.

>> No.15472820

Eh, I thought it was prety good.

I saw it as a parody of Korean dramas.

>> No.15473273

I want to ask as well. I'm not familiar with japanese history and politics at all either

>> No.15473279

Maybe if I watched it that way, but here are zero 4th wall breaking moments, so it's hard to see it as a parody

>> No.15473751

I watched a bit of gunshi kanbee and got bored. I think the only period shows I finished was Jin 1 and 2.

One day they will adapt Ooku and that might be cool

>> No.15473752

lol they actually did adapt ooku and I erased it from my memory because it was terrible.

>> No.15473824

Where to download?
The RAW of course

>> No.15474138

Just finished Siren.

Nanao needs more action roles!
If only tv doramas can get better camera work and directors.

>> No.15474156

and better fight choreography

>> No.15474199

Kimura Fumino was amazing too

>> No.15474279

WOWOW suspense shows have great soundtrack.

Also, glad their shows are getting subs nowadays. I remember their shows being ignored for subs lol

>> No.15474616

I just saw Busujima Yuriko no Sekirara Nikki.

Fat guy was friendzoned hard.

Could anyone recommend similar doramas with friendzoned male characters?

>> No.15474680

Ryomaden is a classic.

>> No.15474688


>> No.15475373

the reason why is because wowow, unlike other channels, does not provide closed captions. Fansub groups use these as the basis for translation. WOWOW subs have to transcribe by ear

If you want to change this, write to WOWOW to get with the program for the hearing impaired

>> No.15477872

Any good japanese dramas about the prosecution team? Like Law and Order

I know there are a bunch of Law dramas out there

>> No.15477888

looks cheesy and a bunch of CGI?

>> No.15477890

Hero and Hero 2 were pretty well received, I think.

Between what I know about my own country's justice system and the whispers of little birds coming in from across the sea, I suspect it may not be the most balanced account of how the Japanaese justice system works, but I quite enjoyed the series.

>> No.15477981

Thanks, do you have any more recommendations that aired 2010 and up?

>> No.15477992

You'll have to wait for someone else for that, I actually don't watch the most drama myself. Those two just happened to catch my eye.

>> No.15478180

np, thanks!

>> No.15478839

Just finished strawberry night series
loved her name "Himekawa" lol

any more doramas with female detectives?

>> No.15478987


Matsushita Nao's character is not well written though, imo.

But it's fun to see her towering over the other cast members (she's like 5'9 lol)

>> No.15479419


>> No.15479568

no idea if its any good but tantei no tantei

>> No.15479583

It was pretty boring. I dropped it after the fourth episode.

I'd recommend Okitegami Kyoko

>> No.15480651

Thanks, will check those out!

>> No.15482361

Why is this thread allowed?

>> No.15482366

>Yutori is being translated by a high school girl

Well, now I don't care even if we do get subs.

>> No.15483332

What? It's being translated by someone doing JET

>> No.15487436

Just finished HERO.

I didn't like it.

>> No.15487497

Hero II is better, the first one was a little disjointed.

Or you might as well stop throwing good money after bad.

>> No.15488601

ep3 is out now on goodrama

>> No.15489125

Why is Muri na Renai so hard to find?

>> No.15492901


>> No.15496464


I love me some dramas that take place in the countryside, islands, or spas/inns.

>> No.15496478

This is a well done list.

Also, I want more 30-40 something single women looking for love dramas lol

>> No.15501682

What does the end scene mean, that she's seeing 3 men at the same time, but each of them aren't allowed to see other women?

>> No.15502041
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Started watching this today, off to a good start.

>> No.15502169 [DELETED] 

It means she's a whore.

>> No.15502173

It means she's a whore.

>> No.15505960

It means she's a whore.

>> No.15506416
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>> No.15506470

I like watching this, a solid 8/10 drama.

>> No.15507507

Anyone know if Aragaki Yui is doing any dramas in 2016?

>> No.15508720
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>tfw this in a movie
wtf Japan

>> No.15508772

what movie

>> No.15509217
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Heroine Shikkaku. Not that I expected that much from a live action but I've seen better ones than this. It was shit. The only thing I liked is the main girl and her acting.

>> No.15510362

What would you guys recommend for dramas with Nakama Yukie in it?

I haven't seen her in anything other than Gokusen and Trick

>> No.15510432

idk, she has a lot of dramas, but more than half of them, she does that righteous speech stuff/life lesson

>> No.15512292

Any J-drama more in the spirit of Blue Blazes/Aoi Honoo?

I've tried watching some more 'normal' series, but a lot of times it felt like I was watching a parody of a soap.

>> No.15512527

Look at the people involved in making that show. Then look for other shows that they were also involved in making.

>> No.15512551


It's a bit of a crapshoot, and considering how unusual BB was I don't think it'd garner the results I want (Aside from the number of Kamen Rider overlaps)

>> No.15512558

Well I haven't seen BB so I can't give you any specific recommendation. But don't just give up just because you think it won't help.

>> No.15512899

What is Aoi Honoo like and is it good?

>> No.15512910


It's really funny and entertaining.
It follows the life of the author in his university days, in the class he went to alongside those who'd go on to form GAINAX (Including Anno) and the president of BONES.

It's really interesting.

>> No.15513652

Is Sanada Maru any good? I haven't watched any taiga but I really liked Three Kingdoms and Nirvana in Fire

>> No.15513740

Well I'm really liking it. Don't know the popular opinion on it

>> No.15513797

Minna Esper Dayo
Mr. Nietzsche In The Convenice Store
Arakawa Under The Bridge
Atami Sousakan

SPEC: First Blood and Trick aren't very similar in the same sense but they're both kind of absurd and silly

You can also try
Mahoro Eki Mae Bangaichi
Rivers Edge Okawabata Detective Agency
Fuben Na Benriya for a more serious yet stylized type of show

>> No.15514334
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Any period dramas set in the heian period?

>> No.15515237

Taira no Kiyomori

>> No.15515604


"Kasuga Taichi, an expert on historical dramas, told the Yomiuri that the problem was presentation. He said that NHK “insults viewers’ intelligence” by purposely dumbing down the scripts so that they are “easy to understand,” disappointing “habitual viewers” in the process. On the other hand, Internet commentators complain that there are too many characters and subplots. Moreover, history is forced to accommodate dramatic expedience: Facts are streamlined, characters made to appeal to post-millennial sensibilities, heroes injected into familar historical incidents they didn’t have much to do with.

These remarks, however, are limited to enthusiasts, the kind of people who already know something about history, which may not apply to the larger audience NHK wants to attract. When the series does try to be rigorous with accepted truths, as it did with 2011’s “Go,” about the niece of warlord Oda Nobunaga, viewers complained it was “dark” and “boring.”"

This made me sad.

>> No.15515899

I'm someone who is not very familiar with Feudal Japan/Sengoku History.

I've tried different historical dramas and most of them, I could not get into it.Partly due to the fact that, there are too many political subplots, in addition to plots/events/references that a history buff (or someone familiar with this stuff) already would know.

With that said, I am in constant search for historical Japanese drama. I am enamored by their armors and weapons. Sadly, I have to sit through a ton of political conversation, both in the open and in secret, before I can see the parts that I want.

>> No.15518501
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The raves and respect for Kudo Kankuro cover the whole spectrum of the J-entertainment scene - from movie critics to drama bloggers to theatergoers. It was Twitch [ inspired by an earlier interview by Midnight Eye ] who sums up Kankuro's amazing career:
... the prodigious talent delivering a seemingly nonstop string of high-end oddity throughout his career. As a writer he's delivered the screenplays for cult hits Go, Ping Pong, Zebraman and others. As a performer he's worked with acclaimed directors such as Yukisada Isao and Nakashima Tetsuya. And as a director he's responsible for offbeat favorites Maruyama The Middle Schooler, Brass Knuckle Boys and Yaji & Kita: The Midnight Pilgrims.
Kankuro is back on TV and the new drama features the trio of Masaki Okada, Tori Matsuzaka and Yuya Yagira.
In Yutori Desu ga Nani ka [ ゆとりですがなにか ], we enter the world of three handsome young guys in their late twenties who belong to the Yutori generation. This "Yutori generation" is meant to identify a certain generation of Japanese who underwent school (late 1980s) under a more 'relaxed' relatively stress-free environment, as opposed to the current Japanese curriculum where pressure is applied on a grand scale to keep everyone on a seemingly dangerous alert level - a constant reminder that they are the lucky ones who got accepted in prestige schools and will later get managerial jobs at some of Japan's top corporations.
Belonging to this Yutori generation has exposed the guys to ridicule since poor performance at work always meant their failure to appreciate the strict academic requirements of the current 'norm'.
"He's a Yutori, therefore, he cannot appreciate hard work and just want to take everything the easy way..." that's what they always say.

>> No.15518558


Same guy wrote Amachan, Gomen ne Seishun!, Ikebukuro West Gate Park, Tiger & Dragon, Ping Pong and Yutori?


Dude's a fucking genius then.

>> No.15519472

Honestly, anything by Kudo Kankuro is gold. What I like is that he has a very unique style and tight writing. His shows have long-running jokes and the humor ranges from really subtle to absurd and with some of his other shows is often pretty dark. The characters are exaggerated and play up to certain stereotypes but in a very self-aware manner. They're played by very famous actors so it's not exaggerated because they are poor actors, but rather because the characters or the situation is absurd and it's played up for comedic effect. There are a lot of sober moments to temper the comedy, and that's when the characters feel very real.

>> No.15519584

Just finished Orange Days. It was cute, but there isn't anything interesting about the show aside from the whole inability plot.

What are some good dorama directors and writers? About to look into Yuichi Fukuda and Kudo Kankuro.

>> No.15519672

>Gomen ne Seishun!
Is that any good?

From the description, it seems generic. I was afraid it might run into your usual high school drama tropes.

>> No.15519697

I watched it for that girl/woman who doesnt want to marry japanese men lol

>> No.15519744

Daily reminder that j-dramas are only watchable if there is a powerful source/script that prevents actors from making cute faces for too much time. You may find “similar otaku stuff” like “Densha Otoko” and “Akihabara@DEEP” that is only good for making GIFs.

>> No.15519751

Someone on /jp/ convinced me to watch it, like a year ago, otherwise I know that I would have never picked it up because it seemed like another generic high school drama.

Man, I was so wrong.

It's a masterpiece.

>> No.15520260

I really enjoyed it. There is some of the usual high school tropes heartwarming life lesson bullshit, as you correctly observe, but there's also clever comedy and colorful characters.

>> No.15520294

That was probably me. You're welcome btw.

>> No.15520344


I will watch it then! thanks!

If only for Reina Trendl lol

>> No.15524165
File: 34 KB, 530x301, oioioi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


anyone have more channel links?

>> No.15524311

Post your impressions!

>> No.15524396

I will try, as soon as I find a cleaner video or at least a "good" 480p one xD

Incidentally, when I first saw the poster, I thought the female teacher was fukuda kyoko lol

>> No.15524469

found one nvm.

The male teacher looks young and the male students look older lol

>> No.15524508


>> No.15527732

What are your favorite WOWOW dramas?

>> No.15528209

hitori shizuka
mosaic japan
lady joker

>> No.15528298

>mosaic japan
too short
should i actually watch this? it has the length of a movie

>> No.15528359

If you're a JAV fan and like comedy, its the best ever

>> No.15528569

What that means exactly?

>> No.15528821

WOWOW is a production studio

>> No.15528830

I tried to get into Lady Joker. First episode is kind of a drag. Is it worth it?

Also, more Kaho please

>> No.15528881

I think its worth watching but yeah if you dont like it, why suffer, there's so much else to watch

>> No.15528931

That's true.

Though sometimes, I wish I could find a show that I like right away. Rather then trying to force myself to watch.

>> No.15530298

Hey /jp/, looking for a good subbed jdrama that is about some serious business/political stuff. Any recommendations? I watched Hanzawa Naoki and thought it was great so I would like anything like that.

>> No.15530636

I want to fuck Kaho.

>> No.15534752

wtf dude no
shes ugly

>> No.15534900

She looks great in the other roles imo.

Just not in Esper Dayo, though she looks kinda cute in that.

I wish she had more screen time in Otomen though.

>> No.15534910

Roosevelt game.

But most reviews say they got more invested in the baseball side of things than the business stuff.

There's a bunch more out there. A couple really tried to "copy" Hanzawa Naoki

>> No.15535061


>> No.15535146

Roosevelt game is just like all the other TBS shows, its a thinly veiled public service announcement about morals and being a good citizen. Crime never pays, good guys eventually win, good deeds are rewarded etc etc.

>> No.15535697

What's some of the best stuff of the last few years? Looking for something new to watch, I'm not really picky with genre as long as it's entertaining and tries to be somewhat original maybe

>> No.15537916

Hanzawa Naoki (Revenge drama)
Legal High (Law comedy)
Saikou no Rikon (Slice of Life comedy)
Mondai no Aru Restaurant (Feminist comedy)

>> No.15538111

I enjoyed these comedies:
deeto koi to wa donna mono kashira
kokoro ga pokitto ne
saikou no rikon

>> No.15538564

Man, I really wanted more team ups in Mozu.

Had to wait until season 2 to see the 3 of em somewhat stay in the same room (or frame) lol.

But hey, I get to hear Maki Yoko's voice, so there's that.

>> No.15538568

That's like most japanese shows anyway.

Always with that life lesson shit.

>> No.15538857

true but roosevelt game and tbs in general make it very unsubtle, and it gets in the way of the story

>> No.15539171 [DELETED] 
File: 564 KB, 1440x1080, 好きな人がいること No.01 「最高の再会、最低の出会い」.ts_snapshot_28.30_[2016.07.15_05.30.13].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get it while it's hot

>> No.15539218

Please list at least 5 of your favorites, I need to get into J drama.

>> No.15540114

not a drama, but happy flight was one comfy movie.

has haruka ayase in it.

and am i the only one who goes on kissasian if i'm away from my computer and need to kill time somewhere?

>> No.15540919

Two votes for Saikou no Rikon, guess I have to check it out. Thanks

>> No.15541114

is there anything like MAL for Jdramas?

>> No.15541120


>> No.15541141



>> No.15542238

Gomen ne Seishun
Hanzawa Naoki

>> No.15542631

Anyone know how to get into Avistaz with no previous experience with private trackers?

>> No.15543262

how was seeing your "waifu" daemon

>> No.15543471


>> No.15543629

You listed 4 completely different genres
- high school romantic comedy
- action thriller with nonsense plot
- asadora
- business/politics

>> No.15543643

J-drama starter list, trendy romcoms:
- densha otoko
- nobuta wo produce
- orange days
- hana kimi (1st one)
- stand up

>> No.15543670

Yes, and?

Also, asadora =! genre

>> No.15545735

I do too, but I watch w/o sound since I can't wear headphones/earbuds while at work.

Also, I can't find happy flight stream, do you have a link by any chance?

I watched it for Maki Yoko...and I'm sad

I didn't like Nobuta wa Produce

>> No.15547141

Do gooks have their own equivalent of Taiga dramas?

>> No.15547216


>> No.15547231

Yes and they're great.


>> No.15547848


>> No.15548294

wow, they actually showed the body getting run over xD

>> No.15548345
File: 2.84 MB, 800x480, My.Love.Story.2015.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a English synopsis of what the story is going to be about?

>> No.15548397
File: 120 KB, 1199x848, CndNr8nVMAEE5BQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

20 years have passed since the first clone sheep Dolly was born.

With regenerative medical techniques evolutionally advancing over those years, regeneration of human organs, which was thought to be impossible, has become a reality.

While regeneration offers a broad range of possibilities, human beings are now trying to play God, to “re-create life.”

When we lose someone we love, are we allowed to regenerate their life or even bodies?

>> No.15548979
File: 435 KB, 600x413, Naka nai to Kimeta Hi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drama about bullying. This is an interesting topic to me so i enjoyed it,though ending was fucking stupid.

>> No.15556323
File: 167 KB, 900x828, a-girl-three-sweethearts-sukina-hito-ga-iru-koto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this just started and im lovin it

>> No.15559237

Anyone got Fragile subs?

>> No.15561975

>drama about bullying

Like a good 40-50% of Japanese dramas? xD

>> No.15562345

Doctor X season 4 is happening?

If so, I hope it's more like Season 3 than season 2. More cast members from previous seasons.

>> No.15562392

Man, All Esper Dayo movie is great for us pervs.

So many pretty and cute girls!

Too bad no Kaho though

>> No.15563704
File: 62 KB, 384x522, 833741Life2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know only LIFE.

>> No.15566021

WHERE'S KAHO? NO MORE KAHO? KAHO is the main reason I'm here... I'm out, I'm not watching this without Kaho :(

/ KAHO no more KAHO? i want KAHO to play Miyuki rather than this newbie

>> No.15566048

I just can't watch jdorama anymore after Amachan.

Everything feels so weak compared to it.

>> No.15566734

I guess she couldn't go "full lewd". Her character Miyuki still in the movie. And she's in bra/panties is half her scenes.

The Movie is full of gravure idols, which is nice.

>> No.15566745

What a dumb bitch

As if that could somehow "lower" her image.

>> No.15566802

Have you watched Kekkon Dekinai Otoko?

>> No.15566870

I did not, should I?

What are your other favorites?

>> No.15566912
File: 1.88 MB, 800x334, I'd a middle.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

J-drama with good cute child actresses?

>> No.15566923

source pls

>> No.15566936
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From the movie An. They only show up for a brief few scenes.

>> No.15566972

Ashita, Mama ga Inai (NTV / 2014)

>> No.15566988

queen's classroom
marumo okite

>> No.15567033

Anyone saw mirror of the witch? was pretty good

>> No.15567063

You should check it out. I think it's really good. It's one of my favorites.

I hold it in high regard because I was getting tired of high school dramas (and romcoms) when I found KDO. It completely changed the "field" of Japanese dramas for me. That there are 'grown up' dramas that I can enjoy.

>> No.15567064

Gomen ne Seishun

I should have watched this sooner! Even just for Trendle Reina and that female student president!

fuck amarin though!

>> No.15567086

Who's Amarin?

I can't believe I don't remember this much.

>> No.15567097

the girl who was dating ebisawa but fell in love with Handa (muscle kendo guy)

>I can't believe I don't remember this much.

No worries, there's lots of characters in this drama.

Still Female Kaichou is the cutest!

>> No.15567198

KDO is a strange drama. It seems like it is written to appeal to middle aged men, but it tells a fundamentally female centric story about a middle aged woman who defeats her younger prettier rivals and tames a bachelor

>> No.15567236


a huge love polygon by episode 3 and 4!

>> No.15567438

aw fuck me :(

Nakai (female president) is moving away T_T

>> No.15567501
File: 54 KB, 843x448, nakai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting best girl before I go to bed

>> No.15568986

Best bully

>> No.15569065

I finished this recently because of the praise it got in this thread. Very very fun show.
'Perfect' doesn't even begin to describe this girl.

>> No.15570882

she's in the new Girl Who Leapt through time tv drama.

idk how many movies/dramas Japan is going to make milking that work lol

>> No.15570895

Have the eng subs for yutori desu ga ever finished or did the translator drop the project?
Have no idea what it's about but since I heard the theme song I've been pretty interested in watching it.


Might just test myself and watch it with Japanese subs if no ones working on them.

>> No.15570900

Second best girl

>> No.15570904 [DELETED] 
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forgot the image, my bad

Also, I love how Hachiya-sensei's outfits, especially the white one the last two eps lol

>> No.15570915
File: 33 KB, 634x438, Bir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot image

Hachiya-sensei's clothes look awesome too. Specially last two eps

>> No.15571157

Saigo Kara Nibanme no Koi

I ended up loving this show. Love the banter and the conversations. Not for everyone though, since it might bore people. I mean there are parts where the main character does banter for like 10+ minutes lol

>> No.15571207

I hate that really goofy humor they add to so many shows that would be good otherwise.

Is there anything worth watching that's recent, serious, not high school and not overloaded with goofy humor?

>> No.15571228

Well,if they don't add that "goofy humor" you get shows that are way too serious.

Maybe try Mozu or any of the serious law,business,detective dramas out there

>> No.15571486

Translator dropped it, it seems.

It's a shame, because Yutori is apparently the best drama that came out in 2016.

>> No.15571491

i don't like this white girl at all

>> No.15572042

she hasnt. just slow

>> No.15572074

They just probably used the title and adapted it differently.

I actually like it, it's not bad, though it's full of time paradox plotholes.

Only 5 episodes though, but I guess each episode has a problem the girl has to solve or something

>> No.15572100

She's more mature in a 2014 drama than a 2016 drama lol

both high school senior

>> No.15572133
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I don't like those either.

I liked the one about the girl who owns a small book shop, the corner bar cafe thing, the forgetful detective, orange days, koukou kyoushi, platonic, ghost writer, boku no ita jikan, kami-sama please give me more time, love generation, and majisuka gakuen.

>> No.15573047
File: 195 KB, 1440x810, mm150825-0131330521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Majisuka S5 was depressing as fuck. Brings back bad memories.

>> No.15574734

>majisuka gakuen
people are actually watching that AKB garbage?

>> No.15575448

Why is Legal High called Legal High?

>> No.15575468

I watched season 1 and 2 of Majisuka, are 4 and 5 worth watching? I heard 3 was trash

>> No.15575685

Watching an old drama from late 90s called Beach Boys, she looks like that high schooler girl lol

>> No.15575824

Why do you like Amachan so much?

>> No.15575845

Fuck, that was playing at a local cinema for the past month, ends today, wish i had the time to go to the final screening tonight

>> No.15575853

Where do you get your japanese subs?
I thought it was about high school lawyer trainees at first.

>> No.15575891

Just saw Joshizu out of the blue.

Pretty and Cute cast. It's pretty funny too imo.

But I guess for most it might be too corny. Still, the main cast is great eyecandy at least!

>> No.15575895
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4 and 5 are linked. 4 is basically the reboot of 1. While 5 is totally different and really dark which I personally enjoy.

>> No.15575902

Who is the girl in the middle?

>> No.15575936

Saw that a while back. Their helmets were too big.

Just surprised they could get all those girls to do a movie a like that

>> No.15576346


D addicts or avistaz generally.

>> No.15577903
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Majisuka Gakuen isn't that bad, it's definitely no Innocent Lilies, but even that had Moga being a lesbian

>> No.15578621
File: 213 KB, 948x1600, DSC02270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ugly fuck
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, I think he has something attractive. But then again I have a thing for men with shoyu faces.

>> No.15579704

Does anyone watch Terrace House? Basically 6 strangers living together. I was looking for a torrent and to my amazement, there's none I could find. That's so rare. I think you guys will like it though, seeing 6 normal japanese interacting with each other.

>> No.15580241

Yeah I loved it. There's a bunch more episodes on Japanese Netflix WITH English subs but since they attack proxies super hard now it's basically impossible to watch until English language Netflix adds them or someone rips them and makes a torrent.
I'm pretty sure they change all the background music in the English version aswell which is retarded.

>> No.15580247

saw some clips on youtube. looks way too setup (especially the camera shots in public). but thats probably the new/current series

>> No.15580282

even the older ones are like that.

Feels like there's a full camera crew inside the house, rather than just cameras by itself

>> No.15580312

They should have an anime fan/otaku guy in the house, but not the SUPER creepy kind

>> No.15580374

I just looked at a few clips on youtube. They don't look or act like normal Japanese, they behave more like media personalities on a variety show.

>> No.15580471

Oh. I didn't watch it yet since I can't find a torrent. I read the synopsis of it. I think /jp/ will like it like the dramas.

>> No.15580523

Crow's blood is surprisingly decent. Would watch even if the cast weren't idols.

>> No.15583351

the one from hulu?

>> No.15583355

there is less drama actually.

just attractive yuppies talking most of the time.

>> No.15585549


>> No.15587196
File: 1.90 MB, 320x200, L3Z7vKT[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any suggestions for something as good as Three Kingdoms? warfare, court politics etc

>> No.15588982

Anyone here watched High & Low before? Care to tell me if its good or not? I have a soft spot for delinquient/gang-related dramas

>> No.15589003

Is Crow's Blood out yet?

>> No.15589727

It's decent if you're into that kinda thing. It feels kinda like a shounen anime from the 80's, so basically a slightly toned down Crows Zero.

>> No.15590390

Why is everyone talking about Crow's Blood? Is that supposed to be good?

>> No.15590479

Yeah, it's a good drama in my opinion.
Breaks the mold of idol dramas because Mayu is surprisingly a good actress

>> No.15590523
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The only good actress Mayu is pic related.

>> No.15590835
File: 99 KB, 1024x576, 344234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Out 3 days ago.

The drama is a co production with Darren Lynn Bousman who did some of the Saw movies. So you'll know what to expect...

>> No.15592845

>AKB members

>> No.15593107

Is there a torrent for this or something? I'm not American so I don't have Hulu

>> No.15593333

Won't Mayu get less fans if she did a show like Crow's blood?

It ain't exactly fuwa fuwa

>> No.15593567
File: 562 KB, 1280x676, 6863345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't know about torrents but you''ll be able to find streams and ddl easily when google.


Majisuka isn't exactly fuwa fuwa.

>> No.15593697

oh yeah, I forgot about that.

Then again, there's a lot of akb48 members, so you can pick and choose I guess.

>> No.15594819

Is Ikebukuro West Gate Park worth watching?

>> No.15594822

yes you dip

>> No.15594830

this pl0x

>> No.15597010

>watching this garbage when there are shows like The Wire or Mr. Robot

what's the point?

>> No.15597190

That's Matsuoka Mayu, you blindfish.

>> No.15597375

1) My Boss My Hero
My favorite JDrama. Nagase Tomoya is a genius, my favorite actor - he's so funny, charming and endearing. A virtuoso performance as a 27 year old Yakuza who has to return to high school and keep his Yakuza roots secret from his classmates. The cast is very good with Koki and Yuya, as well as Aragkai Yui and Kashii Yu (of Death Note fame).

2) Kurosagi
Yamapi puts in a great performance as Kurosaki, a young man who's goal is beat swindlers/con-men at their own game.

3) Tiger & Dragon
Another great performance by Nagase Tomoya, again as a Yakuza. It starts off slow with the first few episodes introducing the characters but as the series goes on you grow attached to the characters. A very charming and funny drama, that will definately make you laugh.

4) Hana Yori Dango 1 & 2
Great story, great cast, very entertaining

5) Gokusen
If you haven't watched it, you can't call yourself a JDrama fan. An absolute must!

6) Nobuta wo Produce
Great cast and chemistry. So very funny and great acting. Great if you're into drama's based aroung school-kids/teenagers.

7) Ikebukuro West Gate Park (IWGP)
Another great performance by Tomoya, in his earlier days. Yamapi is good in it too. Very fun and entertaining.

8) Buzzer Beat
Great performances by Yamapi and Keiko make this a very fun romance-based drama.

Others include; Densha Otoko, Dragon Zakura, Mr. Brain, Galileo, Tatta Hitotsu no Koi, Akihabara@Deep, Stand Up!

>> No.15597461
File: 58 KB, 478x640, 1385312024539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like someone may continue subbing, look here: http://www.d-addicts.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=162387#p1762332

I can't wait to see the rest of this one.

>> No.15597472
File: 75 KB, 512x384, iwgp_ep02_dvd[sars].avi_snapshot_37.51_[2016.07.28_01.00.51].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy reminds me of takuya kimura

>> No.15597780

I already watched both of those. All five seasons of the Wire, and everything of Mr Robot so far.

>> No.15597846

I love My Boss My Hero.

Perfect for Nagase Tomoya's overacting.

Plus Gakki in school uniform

>> No.15597850

who is that in the pic?

>> No.15598878

I just finished Sekai Ichi Muzukashii Koi.

What a refreshing drama.

- No unnecessary love rivals/polygon

- No "real" villain, as a matter of fact, the company rival is a nice guy

-Nice music theme

-Nothing is super melodramatic

>> No.15599129

Only Johnny's idols...

>> No.15599164

Too many drama, not enough time.

>> No.15600549

Never watched any japanese drama, anyone got a recommandation for a first show?

>> No.15600690

Odoru Daisousasen

>> No.15600928

Go with the best: Hanzawa naoki

>> No.15602072

Are you looking for high school dramas or work/adult-oriented ones?

It's not that bad. I really like how there's an actual ending

>> No.15602905

Swing Girls!

Love the movie, also because I love Jazz.

A bit unrealistic at the certain times though lol

>> No.15602953

Will add those to my list.

I don't care if it's high school dramas or adult ones. I like more light-hearted shows but not childish.

>> No.15603061

>light hearted
ultimate feel good show. Densha Otoko

>> No.15603315

Okay I just watched the first episode and I absolutely loved it. If you have any show similar to this to recommend, I'll gladly add them to my list.

Those are next.

Thanks for the help, guys.

>> No.15603689
File: 100 KB, 848x480, 6447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okitegami kyouko no bibouroku

Or you can watch anohana

Maybe watch flying colors

>> No.15603787

Maybe it's time for someone to make a new thread?

This about to 404.

>> No.15604496


