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14388483 No.14388483 [Reply] [Original]

Rhythm games thread, not o2jam edition

>> No.14388508
File: 181 KB, 450x676, `.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wanted one of these
i played a few rounds and didn't get one, but i got a unique card each time and it said i had 5/8 so i figured it would only take three more rounds at most to get one

>> No.14388513
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>> No.14388518
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I just want all the ones with yukito-kun on them
I wonder if there's a PUR with him, is there a list of all the available appeal cards on any wiki or anything?

>> No.14388537

tfw no bear bf

>> No.14388734

>not o2jam edition
Daily reminder that O2Jam is still the best keyboard VSRG

>> No.14388745

Is there any way of getting a sows invite without hanging out in irc?

>> No.14388769

I got mine from here

>> No.14388791

Get in IRC, we have cute girls

>> No.14389037

Irc is your best bet unless you know someone in real life.

>> No.14389042

that's disappointing but I figured as much

>> No.14389167

What's the best way to play Pop'n on keyboard?

>> No.14389340
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>> No.14389341

Tennis balls

>> No.14389414

What fingers do you use for this? How do you position them on the keyboard?

>> No.14389514

How the fuck do people play with their fingers cramped that close together?

>> No.14389608

I just sort of freestyle with index, middle, and ring on each hand

Unless you're trying to use your thumbs or something I can't really understand how it would be seen as "cramped"

>> No.14389832
File: 2.38 MB, 640x360, feelsad.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nanahira will never do this on my face

>> No.14389985
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>skill in Taiko continues decreasing the more I play
I want to die

>> No.14390155

Who Team Rafis here?

>> No.14390242


>> No.14390478

>implying I don't have that open in another tab already

>> No.14390496

I'm just kidding, I have a couple open too.

>> No.14390601

I can trade with any other private tracker invite you have

>> No.14390606

I only have jpopsuki and animebytes which you probably already have I'd imagine

>> No.14390864
File: 261 KB, 500x333, renard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>average BEMANI user

>> No.14390933

Isn't he just a stepmania player

>> No.14390934

Licking cute IIDX players' cute clits!

>> No.14390941

Sucking cute IIDX players' cute dicks!

>> No.14390949
File: 847 KB, 1200x1200, a2364991568_10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Renard is a gamer, though they primarily play rhythm games that include dancing and music such as ThirdStyle, FlashFlashRevolution, Dance Dance Revolution, Pump It Up, Pop'n Music, and BeatMania IIDX.
he plays IIDX and apparently sometimes makes files for LR2

also is the text in the top left in this album art supposed to be a reference to the text that appears in the top left of AC data rips?

>> No.14390991

Just cleared 6dan, and cleared out a few Black Another charts. 250+ FCs and 500+ A's and up. Am I still a scrub?

>> No.14390997

how can you clear Black Anothers but only on 6dan

>> No.14391005

There are some 10 Black Another's that arent too much harder than most 10s. Also The Safari is a bitch.

>> No.14391007

oh my only knowledge of Black Anothers is Mendes

>> No.14391021

So where do think being a scrub ends? Is 6th Dan a scrub?

>> No.14391032

Where can I find his bms?

>> No.14391047

I have no idea, I don't even know if they exist or not, but from his Patreon

>this is also where i dump rhythm game stuff. i write some notecharts / stepcharts for things like StepMania (DDR, Pump It Up, etc) and Lunatic Rave 2 (beatmania, IIDX, Pop'n, etc) for my own tracks and this is where they end up getting dumped.

I guess give them shekels on Patreon?

>> No.14391051

>giving a furfag money

I hope none of you ever do this.

>> No.14391055

6th-7th average
clear 8th dan and you'll be above average

>> No.14391068

Sounds good, I'll take being 'average' over being a scrub any day.

>> No.14391285

Why does he have a patreon? Don't you like, buy his music? Why would you give him extra shekels?

>> No.14391297


I just cleared a 6, am i still a scrub :)

>> No.14391578

It's the new hip way to beg for more money when you're doing something that either already pays or shouldn't pay (and doesn't). The sad thing about patron, crowdfunding (for some aspects) and similar is it really ruins the aspect of doing shit because you can and want to. Now people feel justified that they have to be making money off it and that it can't be for fun or for experience. But in the end, it just is chaining yourself down to produce content, sure you can walk away at any point but if you do, heh, good luck kid.

>> No.14391768

you know where the keys are, good job

>> No.14392433


>> No.14392683

Why do I get strong Bs on many 10 songs that I'm not even close to being good enough to pass? I see my rivals getting equal/lower scores and passing these songs that I have played multiple times and can't finish with over 20% health and it makes me rage

>> No.14392769

Because timing does not always share the same skill set as reading/playing/scratching

>> No.14392809

This becomes so much worse when you venture into level 12s and you see people getting hard clears with low Bs and Cs while you and a lot of other people in the same scoring neighborhood are getting mulched. It becomes super obvious who primarily plays BMS/LR2.

Until then, it just means that your rivals are a little better at keeping a combo even if their timing isn't so great.

>> No.14392811

TeamShige (soon™)

>> No.14393541

Very clever. Also I think that text is present on all data. Ripped or not

>> No.14393576
File: 39 KB, 1280x720, 714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah it's just the version number and it shows up on all cabs

also i just noticed this, clever konami

>> No.14393602

>logo is a train coupler
>konmai can 1337speek now

it's the future

>> No.14393615

but is it SUPER FUTURE

>> No.14393623
File: 47 KB, 800x501, The_final_straw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has freeleech ended on sows yet?

>> No.14393646

ages ago

winner? fuck you

>> No.14393657

cotula :^)

>> No.14393679
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Big thanks duder.

>> No.14394119
File: 8 KB, 184x184, Meltman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asked for an invite in IRC and I just got kicked with the reason of "no". That's fucking stupid. They didn't even ask me for ratio on other trackers or anything.

>> No.14394123

maybe you should be more tactful

>> No.14394126

Maybe you should try be less incredibly autistic

>> No.14394127

that's not how you do it lmao

draw cindy, send pm to someone famous

>> No.14394132

with someone famous being either sherl0k or corin
wouldn't want to make it too complicated for this kind of person

>> No.14394152

Fuck you.

>> No.14394163

I got mine here instead of IRC so I don't really know exactly how it works, but I can tell you that's not how you do it. They aren't going to give an invite to some random guy who just joined, you need to hang around a bit and participate in some conversations so you aren't a no-name. Even then you probably shouldn't just outright ask for one, wait until the conversation turns to something related to invites.

Or you can just draw cindy and send it to sherl0k

>> No.14394388

Ah, fuck you, leather man. Maybe you and I should settle it right here on the ring if you think you're that tough.

>> No.14394408

do not, i repeat do NOT send pictures of cindy to sherl0k unless you like seeing an old man's semen.
he will print it out, jizz on it and send you a photo of the aftermath.

>> No.14394436

>tfw can't play Osu!Mania anymore because my monitor is now a 60" TV
>tfw my skill is decreasing, can't even play 5 star maps anymore

Why live

>> No.14394446

>can't play Osu!
but that's a good thing

>> No.14394463

It probably is, I didn't much enjoy the carpal tunnel that was slowly setting in

>> No.14394542

>combo a tough pattern after 10+ tries
>get so surprised that I fumble the next easy pattern immediately after

I love this meme

>> No.14394573

You have to suck cock before you ask for divine pleasure from behind, you know. That's how circlejerks work.

>> No.14394628

>implying this isn't my fetish

>> No.14394635

>paying attention to combo

stop playing osu

>> No.14394643

Do you still get the invite?

>> No.14394823



>> No.14394873


>> No.14395480

>meme stepmania tracks

I hope this doesn't become some sort of trend

>> No.14395525

stepmania is a meme game so it fits

>> No.14395715

I've been getting As and AAs solidly on 12s in sdvx. 13s are still a mixed bag for me.
What counts as decent? I'm getting better but it's definitely a lot more stagnated... any tips other than increasing the hi speed? I've found 560 to be a pretty good spot for me but I think I can do better.

>> No.14395813

You're good when you get to 13-14

>> No.14395815

i unironically like the new shrapnel song

>> No.14395849

learn to crossover and one-hand stuff, as most upper level charts rely on that. A really common one is forcing one hand to hold both FX notes with pinky/thumb and then running either knob.

Increasing high-speed is good for note reading, but after 700 or so reacting to knobs becomes somewhat difficult in my opinion, both because they're not as intuitive as buttons and also because you have to move your hands to hit them.

>> No.14395896

it's been a trend ever since people started shitting mines across their files and windeu got popular

>> No.14395994

neo generator 7 grew on me after hearing how shit devil's gear is
i hope myosuke doesn't come back

>> No.14396208

i can only imagine the clench

>> No.14396288
File: 102 KB, 600x800, coupleplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I attain this?

>> No.14396292

Go to arcade
Talk to girls.
Get girlfriend.
You'll never do it but I can believe in you.

>> No.14396419

what key config are you using? i'm stagnating on 12s, too, since the patterns in 13s make me reach across my whole kb awkwardly

>> No.14396438

>key config
Umm the arcade config...?

>> No.14396440

it's probably his sister or something

>> No.14396452

Still pretty cool desu, being able to talk to your family about rhythm games without them thinking you're crazy from mashing buttons.

>> No.14396467

not him but the guy he replied to
>key config
it's called an asc m8, specifically a turbocharger with omrons

>> No.14396469

Is Dj dao gonna have any black friday / cyber monday deals

>> No.14396475

ya it's on the site

>> No.14396479

not him but I've literally never seen anyone call that a "key config" before

>> No.14396491

yeah slightly cheaper shipping, and no customization, so best to get is probably jubeat or pop'n, unless you buy the sanwas and omrons somewhere else.

>> No.14396502

Is it just the stuff off of the US free shipping thing? All of the products on their black friday page still just have the price cut from the summer sale thing, is it gonna get cheaper within the next few days or something?

>> No.14396510

that's not a black friday sale, also us only

>> No.14396522

Regular items (NOT THE US STOREHOUSE ITEMS) are having a discount.
FP7 is currently 199 + whatever the customization you selected costs.

>> No.14396533

So just a continuation of the Summer Special?

>> No.14396584

i'm poorfagging it over here, so i was talking about what keyboard key layout anyone was using for playing 13/14s (since it says key config in the menu); but i can see you're using controller, so nvm

>> No.14396667

What is that unit on top of the card readers?

>> No.14396712

What the fuck. He didn't jizz on mine.

>> No.14396730

yeah, it's an invitation by mr.Cum

>> No.14396930

Anyone else take it hard when you can't pass your favorite song?

The Detonator has been my favorite song since way before I played IIDX and I simply cannot pass it. (On Hyper). Yeah, I'm not very good.

That off beat scratch part near the end fucks my shit right up and I hate it.

>> No.14397008

headphone jack

>> No.14397130

Fuck you man

>> No.14397506

When is a good time to catch people on IRC? No matter what time of day I try there never seems to be more than like two no-names bullshitting with no sign of Sherl0ck or anyone official.

>> No.14397547


I got ahold of Corin just last night. He stopped being away around 8:10ish EST and he solved my issues in a right hurry.

I feel your pain though, that was like my 4th day of trying.

>> No.14397676

acid pumper is growing on me

>> No.14397863

Anything not jpopsuki or animebytes and we can trade

>> No.14397910


>> No.14397922

the end of fuchinkan candy keeps cockblocking the hell out of my 10th dan attempts but it's so catchy i can't get mad

>> No.14397935

penduals present bgm is better than the future bgm

>> No.14397973

i agree
better confirm sound too

>> No.14398086


>> No.14398095

I thought everyone knew this

>> No.14398252

no one disagrees with this
however I kinda like the play over sound (after ejecting your card) from the future phase better

>> No.14398272
File: 143 KB, 421x248, 1443720270792.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no matter how frequently I play I only get worse
I've been on a downwards spiral skill-wise for the past few weeks
everything is bad

>> No.14398287

it gets boring after a while
the sfx are better in the future theme

>> No.14398291

take a break

>> No.14398293
File: 223 KB, 555x795, 1432328190271.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me and you both. Trying to break through the 10s wall.

Does not feel good.

>> No.14398296

i figure a 30s loop would get boring less quickly than a 5s loop

>> No.14398298

there's absolutely nothing else I want to do though
rhythm games are pretty much my only source of entertainment anymore

>> No.14398301

Try playing a different rhythm game for a while then.

>> No.14398328

You feel like youre getting worse b4 you get better

>> No.14398349

Keep at it anon! You'll get there soon, and it'll feel great. I got there just a few months ago.

>> No.14398365
File: 60 KB, 600x375, B657YHZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh replace osu with rhythm games please dont hurt me

>> No.14398423

just sort by clear lamp and work through your folder

also random 9s

>> No.14398448

while I haven't been getting worse iktf
suck man
My irc m8s say find another hobby to enjoy but nothing interests me anymore

>> No.14398525

IIRC my first 10 was New Sensation [h]. Fun song.

Also avoid Rave Saves You. That song has a nasty as fuck ending.

>> No.14398561

Relax I couldn't pass the normal until about a month ago

On the flip side this is incredibly annoying for me in SDVX as all my favorite songs are 15s and I'm on the 14s wall and to make things worse my controller is broken so I won't be able to practice

>> No.14398638

A lot of my favorite songs are too easy on Hyper and too hard on Another.

I'm looking at you both Reflux and say YEEEAHH.

>> No.14398672

This is a long shot, but can anyone point me to a download for all Dance Dance Revolution songs?

I can't find somewhere that has them all, and has them clean.

>> No.14398679

sometimes the chinese are actually pretty cool guys

also rest in peace your hard drive after you download fucking everything on this page


>> No.14398703

Thank you so much
Jesus this is going to take a long time

>> No.14398715

>using USKOC for LR2
>can't get delay right no matter how hard I try
>auto adjust is jumping all over the place

Is there a specific type of song I should be using for auto adjust? I've just been going with easy 1s but it's being pretty inconsistent.

>> No.14398733

>easy 1

nah do something with a nice stream so you can just get into it

Play a song that you know you can pass that has a solid beat

>> No.14398764

IMO you can't adjust the delay that well for US/JKOCs unless you have really really good adapter for it. You are only adjusting the line where perfect hits are registered, leaving audio untouched. This is the biggest reason I think I'm having very hard time having consistent timings because my mind is constantly trying to synch to the audio while the input is delayed.

I can't believe there are people who can finish +10s with USKOC. Do I just have a really bad adapter or what? The delay is around the same level you'd get with TVs, playable but throws me off during very tight patterns.

>> No.14398768

Agreed, try 3s or 4s which you can pass easily with relatively few misses.

>> No.14398771

I can only play up to 3s at the moment so I don't know if I have anything suitable for that
I'll give it a shot if I can though

Sometime I can get it to a sort of comfortable level where I'll hit PG more consistently but none of them ever really stick
I'm using some cheap adapter that was like $3 so that's probably a factor in it

>> No.14398776

You can never get it right with an adapter, just try to get it feeling decent and ignore score. Just focus on actually hitting the notes

>> No.14398778

Just keep playing and focus on clearing the songs, perfecting the score should be left for later levels. Delay shouldn't be the biggest issue at your current level.

>> No.14398787

That's what I've been doing but it was just kind of bugging me since I switch between keyboard and controller sometimes and going from 80/90% to 60/70% is a little annoying.

>> No.14398869

summer special is literally over a year long

>> No.14398934

Does sending Cindy art to Corin work the same way it does for Sherl0ck? Don't want to blow my chance here but I've been lurking IRC for a couple days and he hasn't shown.

>> No.14398956

Regular shipping items have both the Summer special plus an extra Black Friday discount.

>> No.14398964

I took the keys out of an extra keyboard i had and left only the DF and JK keys for BT 1-4 and CV and BN for FX L and FX R, two mice for the knobs.

>> No.14399124

yes it works the same way

just lurk and chat with people

>> No.14399218

I'm using an FP7 and my timing really doesn't feel consistent. In easy streams I'll get a Great or two peppered in with dozens of Just Greats and I'm fairly sure it's not me.

I've got my timing set at +60ish ms and I feel like that just way off. Though I Auto Adjusted on a few songs and always got around that.

Does that whole frame rate, monitor frequency thing apply to LR2? I'm using a CRT at 85hz.

>> No.14399289

Try changing the frequency to 60hz and see if it helps, afaik LR2 is not affected by frequency though.

>> No.14399848

6th mix and 7th mix are both broken
Can anybody else put them up?

>> No.14399851

both work for me, don't see your issue.

You did put in the password correctly right it's right next to the link

>> No.14399856

Yes, was getting them in order until I had to skip those, did the others just fine.
I'll try them again after the rest, then, thank you.

>> No.14399866

Daily reminder that every O2Jam player should be sent to Auschwitz and the world would be a better place

>> No.14400195

Now what would killing all of the south Koreans achieve

>> No.14400237

A chance for someone else other than some random Korean dude to win a tournament/championship

>> No.14400248

the kac entry page has an english translation
even though you have to live in a (south) east asian country to enter

>> No.14400257

For the Chinks maybe?

>> No.14400266

Am i the only one waiting for some Gumi on PIU Prime? (not counting JE, which already has some)

Actually let me change my question.

Am i the only one who kind of enjoys Vocaloid music in Rhythm games? They usually have really fun charts.

>> No.14400320

I like some of it, though I prefer covers of vocaloid songs desu.

>> No.14400352

covers of vocaloid songs > regular vocaloid songs

I can't stand the sound of vocaloid although some composers are really good, so I pick up covers that I can.

Some kind of reverse SDVX soundtrack in a game would be nice, where instead of turning regular songs into vocaloid songs they just have covers.

>> No.14400356

SDVX does have vocaloid covers though? Unless I'm misunderstanding you.

>> No.14400362

I think I worded that awfully

I meant it'd be nice if a rhythm game's soundtrack was vocaloid songs that had been covered by real singers, as I prefer how they sound.

SDVX is plenty of regular songs covered by vocaloid, so it'd be like a backwards SDVX soundtrack.

>> No.14400372

I thought that's what you meant but I was actually mistaken myself, SDVX has some utaite original songs that I thought were vocaloid covers.

>> No.14400460

So there are "chords" that actually three or more separate notes like 64th - 128th apart.

Do the very best players actually treat them as individual notes or just a chord and take the potential Great?

A good example of this is thunder by Lion Musashi.

>> No.14400481

looking at that chart those are definitely notes they'd just play as a normal chord, and the difference is small enough for them to still be a pgreat

that kind of anmitsu is nothing compared to this

>> No.14400499

I can play most rythm games pretty well
but when it comes to music... I used to play sax but it's never been that much of a draw to me. I have a midi piano but can't motivate myself to learn, even with keyboardmania. Anyone actually play any instruments here? I sorta want to get back into playing again and eventually writing but obviously easier said than done when motivation is at an alltime low. I just really want to create an album of arranges of my waifu. For free of course.

>> No.14400522


Best sample in Pendual coming through

>> No.14400531

>turning the entire thing into 8th notes

sounds pretty good actually, surprised he got AA with that kind of timing

>> No.14400546

I stopped learning to play the piano when I realized it would conceptually be the same thing as IIDX: pressing keys to other people's music. If you want to make your own music, study music composition.

>> No.14400569

yeah, I know playing and writing music are two very different things, just, I kinda miss it back when it was fun to play. The wind instrument that I'd want to learn these days is the bagpipes but that might be a bit out of reach...

>> No.14400571

just played copula, what are hell charge notes?

>> No.14400616
File: 272 KB, 1300x762, `.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

simbly erin

>> No.14400634

get good lmao

>> No.14400636
File: 236 KB, 1300x762, `.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14400640

got good lmao

>> No.14400641

They're charge notes that drain your meter while you're not holding them, and if you miss them or let go of the key you can hit it again to pick the note back up like in SDVX

>> No.14400682


Yeah, this game is not very fun.

To be honest, I hate it. But I'm never going to stop playing.

>> No.14400998

So I have been thinking.

Does playing Pop'n prepare you for goofy fucking chords that are existent in IIDX?

I want to believe that shit helps IIDX players.

>> No.14401031

Other music games mostly just prepare you for reading, the real difficulty with IIDX is adjusting to scratches

>> No.14401147

This is me reporting in.

I just got DAO FPS controller, and oh man my consistency improved vastly from USKOC, managed to even get my first lvl4 AA (from B) after first try. Scratching became a bit harder due to the AC distance and feels like the turntable is stiffer than in USKOC.

>> No.14401167


That sounds about right.

The Scratches, if offbeat, will fuck my shit just right the fuck up.

>> No.14401397


>> No.14401826

How long does it usually take to get an FP7 shipped out? $93 shipping and it hasn't even left yet.

>> No.14401838

Are you even sure they finished assembling it? They have a bunch of orders.
It took mine like 3 workdays but could be up to a week

>> No.14401902

It's been 5 business days and still marked as "processed" which just means they've taken my money. Really doubting it takes 5+ days to put together one of these things.

>> No.14401930

They get a lot of orders before christmas, your order is in a line of dozens, their assembly isn't so large.

>> No.14401945

Ordered on saturday, DHL picked up the package next tuesday, got my hands on the package week after wednesday. They are probably busy thanks to christmas and black friday sales.

>> No.14402013

Thank you! Was wondering about that.

>> No.14402041

Hung out with a girl in Japan I met on the interweb who was hungry for some white cock and we got lost on the way to our destination and ended up in the arcade and played pop'n and IIDX together (she was a complete pop'n noob and never played IIDX before). It was bad. 0/10 would not do again and would not recommend.

>> No.14402203
File: 75 KB, 1055x793, Clipboard01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still a no-go. When I hit the download button, this quickly disappearing error message appears.
(I've gotten everything except 6th and 7th)

>> No.14402413

recommend me a keyboard for BMS and o2jam

>> No.14402423

Lapistoria when?

>> No.14402439

Short answer: Soon™
Long answer: Who knows.

>> No.14402463

Why are some sows people claiming it won't come out?

>> No.14402468

tau is done since pendual is out

>> No.14402469

No one is doing it in a serious tone, don't worry. Or at least if they do they're just being dumb.

>> No.14402477
File: 78 KB, 436x436, fp7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14402518
File: 6 KB, 615x35, funnyfilename.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry too much about that.

>> No.14402524

for all the shit tuxdude gets at least he isn't CharliefromCali

>> No.14402561

This is true.

>> No.14402563

It's surprisingly difficult to find a free filehost that requires no login that supports large files.

Give me probably about an hour for my potato internet to upload these two and hopefully the links won't be caught by the spam filter.

>> No.14402569

Who is the quote from?

>> No.14402570

Thank you very much

>> No.14402653

for o2jam you just need a keyboard
Its not the gear that makes you good but its you

>> No.14402674

Why exactly do people hate CfC so much?
I would ask the people in the SoCal thread but I don't think I'll get any responses besides "He's stupid".

>> No.14402677


for 6th mix wait a bit for 7th to finish

>> No.14402698

And here's 7th mix.


Also sorry, I just found out that this host requires you to turn off adblock.

I'll find a better one next time, I've just been using pomf clones this entire time for small files lol

>> No.14402703

Every single thing he post is at least mildly annoying. Lets just take a look at some of his most possible Posts
"Nice, I don't even play or like jubeat but I gotta admit that's impressive." Who gives a shit if he plays or not
"you're a bad electrician. jk lolz. Which pop'n cabinet is this. The fighting game looking one, or the cylinder looking one? Also button lights and microswitches are tricky to install and difficult to replace so don't feel bad. " starts with annoying unfunny joke.
"So that's the reason why recent pop'ns aren't coming here in usa. Gosh I wish people would just tell the fucking truth. Thank you so much mechacrash man."
And this ignoring his socal posts where is accusing everyone of being racist.

>> No.14402716

>Also sorry, I just found out that this host requires you to turn off adblock.
The site's so scummy it crashed my browser

>> No.14402718

someone please recommend me a filehost that doesn't require logins that takes files with a max of 1gb that's not scummy as shit and I'll bookmark it

>> No.14402719

Disable 3rd party scripts and it's slightly less shitty.

>> No.14402727

So he's just a huge shitposter? He hasn't done something really bad that gave him his current reputation? For being a shitposter it's crazy how much people hate him.

>> No.14402746

Does mega nz still work for people?
I know you can take without logins, don't know if they're a pain to give on.

>> No.14402748

you can't upload to mega without an account last time I checked

>> No.14402768

Why is that so crazy? literally everything he posts is shit. At least with Venny, bemanihyper, or tuxdude you might occasionally get a ok post but Charlie's posts are always bad.

>> No.14402819

I hvae a 144hz monitor, is that going to fuck with my IIDX? In-game it constantly displays 59.99xxx~60.xxx

>> No.14402830

You can always set the refresh rate to 60 on the monitor itself if you fear for it, but it should be fine

>> No.14402842

Speaking of refresh rates

When IIDX is timing my monitor the rate tends to go in a upwards sawtooth between 58.5-59.5 or so

So it starts at 58.5, slowly ramps up to 59.5 or so, then suddenly drops back down and does it over and over again

In game I've gotten A's but I'm not sure if it's because my timing is garbage or my setup is fucked

>> No.14402860

Tonguing Corin's cute, underaged British arsehole!

>> No.14403035

>At least with Venny, bemanihyper, or tuxdude you might occasionally get a ok post


>> No.14403071

Am I the only one sick of all this VIP/MGH meme bullshit?
None of it was ever funny and it's just the same LE EPIC OSU IS BAD MAYMAY ITG SUX NO DDR SUX garbage over and over again

>> No.14403154

>staying on sows for the forums

this is probably where you fucked up

>> No.14403168

The forums are mostly fine if you stay out of VIP/general discussion
I'm on the forum to actually talk about rhythm games and arcade hardware

>> No.14403181

Ok occasionally acceptable.

>> No.14403198

Yeah most of my posts are either in building arcade controllers or just rhythm games in general.

>> No.14403250

This. I'm using an old 1999 PS/2 keyboard and can keep up with no problems at mech-keyboard users (currently until level 60-70 charts).
Just try to find one with no ghosting.

>> No.14403280

When does the groove coaster server arcade maintenance end? I'm standing around like a faggot waiting to play for the event

>> No.14403469

For all the shit tuxdude gets, he at least has done more than a lot of people here.

>> No.14403473

if it shows 59-60 FPS it should be running at 60 Hz, running at 144 will shoot the framerate up to 144

>> No.14403631

Am i the only one that can't hear some system sounds like announcer voices in pendual?
(e.g. at the very beginning of this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fe7DeIi3H9s )

>> No.14403721

Probably something wrong with your data

>> No.14403762

Thats what I thought, bit I made a recheck and nothing
Ar far as I record, i had spada, copied its folder and overwrote it with pendual data (to have both stored).
I had some .unwanted folders left over by qbittorrent, maybe they are doing something here

>> No.14404205

Play with your speaker or audio output setting on your computer.

I noticed something similar back in Tricoro and again in Spada with some sounds (Voices were never affected in my case). It turned out the game didn't like trying to work with 5.1 channel setup, every time I want to play I have to change the output to stereo in order to hear everything.

>> No.14404229

I only have 1 USB headset and monitor speakers via HDMI. Tried both right now and no results whatsoever

>> No.14404255

What else?

>> No.14404386


>> No.14404396

No one cares about your aiming simulator.

>> No.14404451

How? I thought bans couldn't be appealed.
So does that mean Hakurei Reimu is coming back too?

>> No.14404488

Reimu came back months ago

>> No.14404542
File: 57 KB, 960x720, FB_IMG_1448512868423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want off this train ride

>> No.14404556

Formally no, but it's happened a lot before.
Aubrey's been banned and unbanned several times now

>> No.14404637
File: 371 KB, 490x750, 1416443373534.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, getting into sows was a lot easier than k thought. Just drew some OC of Cindy and got an invite pretty much instantly.

>> No.14404694

Yeah, it's not actually that difficult.

I don't know why people keep acting like it's an impossible to enter sekrit club.

Just keep your ratio up and download shit during freelech and don't become a shitposter and you'll be fine.

>> No.14404717

if you don't like charlie your racist bruh

>> No.14404723

>charlie, the living /pol/ stereotype

>> No.14404725

tfw dont know if my setup is offsync or if my timing just sucks

>> No.14404726

They're talking about osu u fag.

>> No.14404738
File: 236 KB, 500x500, 1433389175615.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm part of many private trackers and have a seedbox so I'll have no issues.

>> No.14404868

yeah it's not hard, basically, dont be an entitled prick and you can get in pretty easily.
I never invite people from irc on sows but on rizon with people I know that's a different story.

>> No.14404877

are you the same faggot that mentions "entitled" every fucking time someone talks about sows invites?

>> No.14404892

no, I'm not. But I do believe it is the right term for some fags who just hop on the sows irc, ask right away and then cry when they don't.

>> No.14405000

ugh now bassdrop is in my mybest folder from all the exh attempts

>> No.14405208

fuck off don't talk to me don't ask if i'm playing or what's up just get the fuck away from the cabinet and let me play copula you greasy autistic shitlords i hate all of you

>> No.14405238

Are you playing?

>> No.14405247


fuck you

>> No.14405262

What's up?

>> No.14405996

TeamShige (now™)

>> No.14406984

What do you do on those days you have shit accuracy and can't even get close to beat scores, try new hard-clears but fail them all before the middle of the song and still can't break that higher difficulty wall you've been stuck to for months? Fuck this shit why do I even play rhythm games, all I do is get mad

>> No.14407026

I go back and clean up some of the easy songs that I don't have FCs on.

>> No.14407057

>miss a single note near the end

no that'll just make him angrier what are you doing

>> No.14407440

First time trying out iidx on psun. Only played ddr before this. Couple of questions:

1. Can I reuse the card.txt from ddr or do I have to make a new one?
2. Can I reuse the pcbid I used for ddr as well?

>> No.14407446

pretty sure yes for both

>> No.14407448

1. yes
2. yes

>> No.14407449

Thank you

>> No.14407453

since I'm not sure if you played IIDX before: make sure you're not discouraged, and if you like it get a good controller (dao) whenever you can.

>> No.14407479

Last time I played was when empress cs was new and even then I was only in the 8-9 range. Somehow managed to find my old koc lying around so I figured I might as well try to get back into it. Guess picking up a dao is first on the list once I can manage to remember hand placements and whatnot.

>> No.14407522

I just take it easy and play the songs older songs I like that I can play safely and easily but haven't played in a while because I'm trying to break through harder songs.

>> No.14407847
File: 238 KB, 1300x762, `.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fun song, just wish lr2 supported non-paleolithic formats so i could put the video in too

>> No.14407896

Is the best controller BMS player better than the best keyboard BMS player?

>> No.14407944


>> No.14408118

Lol no 0133 is significantly ahead of any BMS player and he plays on keyboard

>> No.14408294

0133 holds 1st place on 502 insane BMS songs. The next person on that ranking is K-CHA* who is a controller player, holding only first place on 112 songs.

1st place sniping might not be an accurate evaluation of skill so there is also a point ranking based on how many songs a player has achieved 1st to 3rd place. 0133 is 1st place with 668 songs and K-CHA* being second with 385 songs.

So yeah, there's a significant gap there.

You can see rankings and the best players here http://stairway.sakura.ne.jp/bms/LunaticRave2/?contents=rank

>> No.14408489

Usually asdf line as no ghosting

>> No.14408689

>tfw taiko is the only rhythm game I'm inconsistent at

Some days I'll full combo songs I usually fail and other days I can't even pass easy songs, it's so frustrating.

>> No.14408841

Yeah but unless you're using PS/2 you're going to run into problems with only being able to hit 6 keys at once.

>> No.14408925

as an aside, most laptop's built in keyboards are PS/2 internally and shouldn't give you problems assuming you pick your keys carefully.

>> No.14409265

don't know, might be but that doesn't fix how many have rollover issues, especially among cheaper ones.

>> No.14409317

my twentieth 12 cleared, it's a thanksgiving miracle

>> No.14409673
File: 27 KB, 455x475, received_10207739861992597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That face when your dog is 10th Dan but you're only 6th

>> No.14411216

Isn't keyboard objectively easier? Especially to play ridiculously hard stuff

>> No.14411254

keyboard is cheating

>> No.14411293

lr2 supports mp4 video files with mpeg4

>> No.14411539

Not for scratching, since you need to press down either two buttons, or one button faster than you would a turntable.

>> No.14411568

reminder that if random wasn't cheating it would be allowed in class courses

>> No.14411620

I'd say if you ignore 0133 inhuman accuracy, keyboard and controller plays compete evenly with each having their own pros/cons.

Scratching involves a completely different skillset on a keyboard which can't really be compared or applied to controller play. I would say it's just as hard as controller scratching but if mastered can offer better accuracy/control.


>> No.14411621

Not really, the only real difference is in scratching.

>> No.14412499

What are some good adapters if I want to use a USKOC on my PC?

>> No.14412531

A dao.

>> No.14412539

Just got my dao fp7, how do I get the lights to work by themselves on pendual? Like in the song select screen they should be blinking automatically but I can't get that to work, they do light up on press, though.

>> No.14412548

The dao pcb doesn't do that, you need an arcin for game controlled lighting

>> No.14412553

Ah fuck. Guess I'll just deal with it then

>> No.14412663

Is there a way to keep lines on the left and right of the lanes in dark mode on LR2?

>> No.14412905

You don't think the fact that keyboard lets you have every button covered by a dedicated finger at once might make a difference? Really?

>> No.14413380

You know that basically every top ranking BMS controller player plays static 1048 and wristscratches right? Or you know, have every button covered by a dedicated finger.


>> No.14413509

wait does this mean that playing "traditionally" with pinky scratches is fucking me over

>> No.14413514
File: 272 KB, 1300x762, `.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chart's some bullhonk

>> No.14413520

And doing it on keyboard is a lot easier and doesn't involve twisting your arms into awkward positions

>> No.14413623

Nah, top ranking IIDX players do pinky scratch.

>> No.14414064

>mfw i just asked for an invite

>> No.14415771

That's enough to cause the timing window to drift which probably is fucking you over.
Turn off any shit running in the background, I had a similar problem when I left f.lux running. Maybe force vsync as well.

>> No.14415983

>Turn off any shit running in the background, I had a similar problem when I left f.lux running. Maybe force vsync as well.
f.lux is the exact thing that was causing it for me. Once I uninstalled it, everything has been buttery smooth.

>> No.14415985

I'm not the guy you're replying to, though. If that guy has f.lux installed, I'd suggest uninstalling it.

>> No.14416009

Would there be an alternative to use instead of f.lux?
I kinda like it

>> No.14416018

You can probably just close out of it while you're playing.
I use f.lux but never noticed any lag from it, although it does apply itself over the games so I usually disable it so IIDX isn't tinted orange

>> No.14416063
File: 547 KB, 2688x1520, IMG_20151128_124539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who's playing copula

its fun but I can only do level 5s

>> No.14416075

"Japan's newest game"

That's not much of an achievement, all Japanese games have been the newest at some point.

>> No.14416106

Tried that and got kicked from IRC lol.

>> No.14416116

Is that a R1? It looks like the inside of someone's house

>> No.14416120

they stick that on pretty much all the rhythm games

>> No.14416125

My refresh rate is 60.145~150 how fucked am I
Vsync doesn't help

>> No.14416177

So I need an XP machine for Beatmania IIDX right?

>> No.14416187


>> No.14416207

No, I'm running it on Windows 7 perfectly fine.

>> No.14416213

But it's their newest game from Japan.

>> No.14416219

That's pretty good i'd say, unless you're full milliseconds off then it should make a difference at all.

>> No.14416229

Have you tried just disabling it when you play? I think the shortcut is [alt + end]

>> No.14416299
File: 299 KB, 1375x1589, 9EmCIA4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you can't get over the wall

someone kill me

>> No.14416568


>> No.14416889

i didn't ask on irc
i just know people who are on sows, asked them, they hooked me up and thats it

>> No.14417187

白露の風 should've gotten a leggendaria

>> No.14417387

Why does it seem like difficulties in the normal scale on LR2 are wildly inconsistent? I'm playing 6s right now and some songs feel easy enough to be 3s or 4s while others are just ridiculously hard and seem like they should higher than 6.

>> No.14417439

Different people who chart these have different ideas of difficulty.

>> No.14417474

IIDX is more fun with a Pop'n ASC

>> No.14417599

Can someone explain to me how DJ Dao can make all of their products while having the games logos on them? Wouldn't that get them sued into oblivion? Or do they have a deal or something with Konami?

>> No.14417613


>> No.14417682

I don't think Konami gives a shit about a chink making controllers for "console games" that they don't make anymore.

>> No.14418034

Is there a Pop'n equivalent to wrist scratching/baby powder/bar raping?

>> No.14418135


>> No.14418609

gloves are no where near as bad as the things listed

>> No.14418761

what game is baby powder for

>> No.14418769

because only babbies play it and they need to powder their butts

>> No.14418779


>> No.14418898

Chinks don't give a fuck about trademarks.

>> No.14418991

Don't worry, it gets better.

But you must suffer first.

>> No.14420485

how do i turn on the bar graph that everyone uses on the iidx cab

>> No.14420501

In LR2 or arcade data?

>> No.14420562

set a pacemaker with the turntable in the options menu

>> No.14420639

>new round 1 near me isn't even open yet
>local furries already have monthly meets planned

>> No.14420668

Well, what are you waiting for?

>> No.14420678

>round 1 opens near you

>> No.14420874

press start and scroll to PACEMAKER A, PACEMAKER AA, or PACEMAKER AAA

>> No.14420912

Be grateful you piece of shit, that's why we never get good things.

>> No.14421026

>local round 1

hey at least you have one

As a sidenote the other options are for rivals, your best, best in shop or something, etc

>> No.14421062

グラフ表示なし no graph
自己ベストスコアのみ only your best score (no red target bar)
全国トップ country top
全国平均 country average
都道府県トップ area top (the area displayed on your card after you enter your pin)
都道府県平均 area average
同段位トップ same dan level top
同段位平均 same dan level average
DJ ___ compare with a specific rival
ライバルトップ top from rivals
ライバル平均 rival average
PACEMAKER ___% select this and you can enter a percentage with the numpad

i don't know how the country/area stuff works if you have a non-japanese area set on your profile

>> No.14421102

>not using translation patch

>> No.14421111

but i can read it just fine without

>> No.14421125

filthy baka gaijin

>> No.14421294

>not being able to read Japanese

>> No.14421575

At least yours wasn't delayed a whole fucking year.

>> No.14422679

where can i get copula songs for LR2

>> No.14422687

they don't exist

>> No.14422692

just watch a video and pretend to play it

>> No.14422736

wait a copula months

>> No.14422746

When the OST comes out.

>> No.14422906

i do this a lot desu
