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14214418 No.14214418 [Reply] [Original]

Post and discuss vocaloid related songs, albums, producers, pictures, videos, etc. UTAU and utaites also allowed because why not.

Previous thread: >>14054583

General info, essentials and download links in the Miku Monday copypasta:

Crossfades google drive:

If you're looking for a specific song or album, try searching on vocadb.net (for reference) or mikudb.moe (for downloads). Or ask in the thread and someone might have it.

>> No.14214440
File: 1020 KB, 811x1080, 20151011_213623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey so now that I’m home back from work I can write an in depth review/PERSONAL opinion piece on the IA NYC 2015 concert for what it’s worth (tl;dr Blah Blah). Now I already posted a few things in the topic along with shitty camera pics of the concert itself and the free booklet that was given out at the end, but I can put all my thought into one cohesive post. Also those who also went to the concert feel free to add to the post or correct me if there’s some discrepancies in my reporting, my mind’s not as sharp as it used to be.

Now I’m not an avid IA fan, pretty much P Taka’s song Dream (again this was mentioned in a previous post) made me fall in love with her voice which got me interested in searching for more of her songs. Since this concert is something that comes out once in a blue moon I wanted to make sure to experience it first hand.

First off despite misconceptions I found out that the doors OPENS at 7 and the show starts at 8, not start at 7 which is what I originally thought (I lost the link where I found out about the time of the show). So as the crowd entered the venue it’s definitely a much smaller theater compared to The Hammerstein Ballroom in NYC which was where the Miku Expo was held in last year. When the show started the projector screen rolled up and it revealed a monitor not the “hologram “screen”” that was used for the Crypton Vocaloid shows. So once IA appeared I noticed that aside from looking really beautiful that there was a different quality of her appearance compared to Miku and the rest of the Crypton gang. Her facial features were more defined I guess would be the proper terminology.

>> No.14214445



Now there were two things off right off the bat, one it was like watching a TV, and two there was no live band which added to the feeling of watching something on TV. So as she’s performing I noticed that she would dance to and from 3 specific locations, the middle, far left and far right hand sides, I guess to allow the audience from all angles to see her. Then there was a gimmick implemented in IA’s shows that wasn’t implemented in Crypton’s, live dancers and I think they were put there to give the illusion of “live” entertainment since IA is not “projected” like Miku and the lack of a live band. Seems kinda lame IMO, again MY OPINION ONLY.

So as the show went on in the middle they showed something KagePro related, again I’m not knowledgable regarding that as well. Eventually she performed the “last” song and ended the set the crowd of course wanted an encore, and this was an amusing situation as you may or may not have read from other Anonymous posters in this thread. So as the crowd chanted “Encore!” the projector screen came down and stayed down for quite a bit which dejected the crowd as it seemed like their cries were not being heard. Then the projector came on and the first thing shown was an iPhone screen then a clip was hurriedly played, it was that of either the Japan or LA concert of IA and One performing Into Starlight… (which can be seen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Ems4_tMQvE ) Lame but there was a purpose to this. It gave the background dancers a chance to change and dance to the next IA song as the projector screen rose. After that bit IA played one more song then that ended the show.

So again with my VERY limited knowledge of IA and her songs these were the only ones I knew listed closely to the order I remembered them in:

- Inner Arts
- Circuit Disco
- See The Lights
- Shooting Star
- We Gotta Run

Of course there were more but I don’t know their titles.

>> No.14214447 [DELETED] 



Overall It was an experience for sure. Was it worth the money? Well that I can’t really answer since I enjoyed myself on some levels and yet there were a number of things that they could’ve improved on. It would’ve been nice if they played in a bigger venue but they don’t have the same amount of capital as Crypton to acquire the Hammerstein Ballroom or something just as big. Due to the cramped space in the Gramercy Theater I didn’t even bother activating my glowstick since if I waved my arm I would start slamming into people and sure enough I got whacked in the head by a girl who promptly apologized.

For those who are interested I compiled all my shitty phone camera photos of the concert, yes all including really shitty blurry ones since I couldn’t be arsed to check em along with the shitty pictures of the booklet that I already posted in this thread. You can get them here: filedropper (DOT COME BACKSLASH) ianycconcert2015

Again please share your thoughts, add or correct me if I was of

>> No.14214453



Overall It was an experience for sure. Was it worth the money? Well that I can’t really answer since I enjoyed myself on some levels and yet there were a number of things that they could’ve improved on. It would’ve been nice if they played in a bigger venue but they don’t have the same amount of capital as Crypton to acquire the Hammerstein Ballroom or something just as big. Due to the cramped space in the Gramercy Theater I didn’t even bother activating my glowstick since if I waved my arm I would start slamming into people and sure enough I got whacked in the head by a girl who promptly apologized.

For those who are interested I compiled all my shitty phone camera photos of the concert, yes all including really shitty blurry ones since I couldn’t be arsed to check em along with the shitty pictures of the booklet that I already posted in this thread. You can get them here: filedropper (DOT COME BACKSLASH) ianycconcert2015

Again please share your thoughts, add or correct me if I was off.

>> No.14214583

So she wasn't actually projected past the screen?

Visibly in terms of depth I mean.

>> No.14214610 [DELETED] 
File: 170 KB, 405x720, 20151011_203735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm not certain because I didn't turn around but it seems like basically a 3D image on a TV screen. Perhaps some other chaps who went to the show can chime in on this as well.

>> No.14214642
File: 170 KB, 405x720, 20151011_203735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm not certain because I didn't turn around to see the projector but it seems like basically a 3D image on a TV screen, to me anyway. Perhaps some other chaps who went to the show can chime in on this as well.

EDIT: revision

>> No.14214704

It seemed like the front part of the area was packed, as the back part of the area, the ones near the stairs for the VIP chairs, had enough space to at least go a little nuts with the glowstick. Though, I guess it's understandable if people wanted to get a closer look at IA.

Yeah, it was basically a 3D model being projected on a screen, with enough depth to blend into the background to create a sense of a 3D model dancing along with the live dancers. Though, it didn't help that the backlights kept colliding with the screen, as well as the occasional reflection of the audience being seen on the screen.

>> No.14214952

Sounds similar to what they were doing with those GUMI concerts a few years back. Probably not worth going to London for. Chvrches and August Burns Red are coming up that month and will cost a fraction of the price and won't involve a 1,000 mile bus trip.

>> No.14215201
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Glad you enjoyed the concert IA Anon. I was gritting my teeth as I walked around Manhattan the other week knowing I had to miss it.

>> No.14215572


Sorry to hear that, hopefully they'll have another show soon.

>> No.14216516

I thought Gumi had only one concert and it was fanmade.

>> No.14218344
File: 1.35 MB, 1024x8603, miku test.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lets play a game--name as many as you can

>> No.14219159

Hatsune Miku x 39

>> No.14219160

Pretty sure they had one at Nicofarre for one of her anniverseries. I remember reading it was using Nicofarre's unique setup which allows for holograming without a projector. It was advertised all over Nico. Here is a link:


>> No.14219214

Pretty tired but here goes

Shinkai Shoujo

14 escapes me but I definitely recognise it

>> No.14219261

Really tired as well, but I'll give it a shot.

Love is War

World is Mine?

Junjou Skirt?

Deep Sea Girl


Fakery Tale? It's some DECO*27 song, definitely.


2D Dream Fever

The Path to Eternal Happiness, I Found It

Rolling Girl?

Romeo and Cinderella




This is the Happiness and Peace of Mind Committee

Artificial Enemy?

1/6 -out of the gravity-

Two Breaths Walking

Hello Planet? R.I.P.



God damn, I'm missing a lot and half of them are probably wrong, but this will suffice for now.

>> No.14219322

Adding on,

Reminds me of Rotten Heresy and Chocolate, but I'm fairly sure that's not it.

fix? Top Secret? No idea.

Tell Your World

27 and 29 are on the tip of my tongue. Anyway, bed time.

>> No.14219769
File: 297 KB, 1280x1280, mayu-loves-first-404623.2[1].jpg_nq2syf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've taken a great liking to MAYU. Any other albums that feature only mostly her? I have the other large Exit Tunes one as well.

>> No.14220070

>The sheer disappointment of that album.
I wish they featured more original stuff on that album. There is a significant lack of Original Mayu in the world.

>> No.14221156

1. Love is War
3. Nyanyanyanya (?)
4. Tricolore Airline (?)
8. Deep Sea Girl
10. Senbonzakura
11. World is Mine
13. Spica
14. 2D Dream Fever
17. Romeo and Cinderella
24. Matryoshka
29. Rolling Girl (?)
32. 1/6 Out of the Gravity
34. Hello Planet (?)
37. Tell your World

>> No.14221593

1 Love is war
3 Neko mimi switch?
4 Tricolor airline
8 Shinkai shoujo
9 Saihate?
10 Senbonzakura
11 World is mine
12 Otogi banashi
13 SPiCa
14 Nijigen dream fever
15 The path to eternal happiness, I found it
16 Rolling girl
17 Romeo and Cinderella
21 Puzzle
22 Melt?
24 Matryoshka
25 1925
28 Risky game
29 Strangers
30 Hatsune Miku no shoushitsu?
31 The beast
32 1/6 -out of the gravity-
33 Nisoku hokou
34 *Hello, planet
37 Tell your world
38 Odds&ends

>> No.14221718

1. Love is war
8. Shinkai Shoujo
10. Senbonzakura
15. Path to happiness, I found it
17. World is mine
24. Matryoshka
31. Party x Party

>> No.14222823
File: 452 KB, 550x550, ワン☆オポ! THE BEST OF BEST!!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was anyone able to find a download for this yet? I know it's only been a week since the release but I'm excited to give it a listen.

>> No.14223387

1. I'd hit it.
2. I'd hit it.
3. I'd hit it....

37. I'd hit it.
38. I'd hit it.
39 I'd hit it.

Oh wait, NAME as many as you can...

>> No.14223579
File: 132 KB, 600x600, folder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still like hearing her sing songs that I already like but I don't disagree that she has very little original songs. Liking this Jazz version too.

>> No.14223601

Why is senbonzakura the best song ever?

>> No.14223616

It's not though. It's entry level secondary bait on the same level as kagepro.

>> No.14223633

Sorry. That was over the line. I had a bad day. Senbonzakura is a great song but there are many others better than it if you open up and listen to new things.

>> No.14223687

I like a few kagepro songs... Outer Science is objectively great

>> No.14223696
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Ia can sit on my face anytime.

>> No.14223775
File: 569 KB, 1920x1200, 1439241912449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, back after a few days from an r11 violation.

Miku Forever, Forever Miku <3

>> No.14223872
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DAT ass.

>> No.14223884

I disagree. I don't think it is even the best in Vocaloid let alone all music. I love the artwork but the song is nothing special.

I bought it just to support Mayu. In the hope of a bloody future to come.

>> No.14223896
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Just need a nice MAYU scale.

>> No.14223948
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>> No.14223959

Alright anon, it's just an opinion. And I have heard a lot of so called newer songs, I just don't like them as much as senbonzakura for miku or meltdown for rin. And when I say senbonzakura, I mean arranges included not just the original miku version.

Yes, I do have some newer favorite songs such as hitorinbo envy and donut hole, but senbonzakura just consistently sticks out in my mind is all. Once again, I said that half jokingly, maybe just because I saw it in the fanart and the tune started playing in my mind. maybe you need to be Asian to fully enjoy it, which I am.

On a separate note, I don't consider either of them entry level, kagepro or not, shit isn't melt or love is war or electric angel or even last night good night tier. Just because other people like it doesn't mean it ruins a song for me. The gigap arrange of electric angel is honestly great and makes the song worth a replay for me. That said, don't act so elitist over a 4 minute fucking song m8

>> No.14224447

A nice Mayu anything would be good. I'd collab with a Mayu fan in a heartbeat, isn't saying much though, as I'd produce a song for any of the smaller Vocaloids in said heartbeat.

>> No.14224499
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I have no power to lend to you sadly.

>> No.14224525

It's cool. I think Mayu needs it more these days anyhow.

>> No.14224760

>The gigap arrange of electric angel is honestly great
So true. It's probably my favorite Rin & Len song of them all (and I love a lot of Rin and Len songs). Nothing wrong with liking popular stuff.

>> No.14224863

dem feet

>> No.14228438


Apparently vgperson's channel on YT was taken down because of a copyright strike. So many subbed videos with millions of views even just gone...

>> No.14229288

I never really paid much attention to Vocaloid on Youtube. Was it really that popular there?

>> No.14229491

Yeah, it is infested with the worst kind of people as you can well imagine.

>> No.14229656

Quite popular. There was a subbed video for Matryoshka that had over 10m iirc.

Youtube comments are always shit though.

>> No.14229716

Nico comments are shit too. It's just none of the actual content producers are on YouTube, or even if they are, uploading to it is an afterthought and they don't interact with their fanbase on there.

>> No.14230283

It's pretty annoying when people never seem to acknowledge producers and group songs solely by what Vocaloid sang them, or ask if a song is part of Kagepro, Shuuen no Shiori or some other shitty series when it's completely unrelated. But Nico and YouTube both have faggots like that and you can hide the comments in both sites anyway.

>> No.14230357

It's where the vast majority of non-Japanese speakers (so, the vast majority of Western Vocaloid fans) went to listen to Vocaloid given that they're people in need of subtitles.

>> No.14231398
File: 671 KB, 1280x669, IA A CUTE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddammit I think I fell in love with IA...

She's so cute like in the video for Shooting Star where she does those jazz hand-ish moves during the part of the song that goes "Oh ohhhh ohhhhhhh...". I just wish she was here for me to hug tight and rub my cheek against her cheek.

>> No.14231475

Does anyone have a mikudb link to either versions of this song or the album it's from?

>> No.14231719

Anyone really excited about the 闇音レンリ update? I've been in love with the voicebank since I heard the cover of 影炎≒Variation. Hopefully with the exposure gained from cillia using her she'll be more popular just like what happened with メイジ.

>> No.14232042

Depends if konuko picks her up because that's what gave meiji her popularity in the first place. I honestly don't think so because her voice is not as versatile as meiji's and is niche / sounds best with r&b and the nips hate that genre.

Man, the vocafry here sounds like kim kardashian

>> No.14232279

They are always awful but with Vocaloid they generally piss me off more as I am a lot more emotionally invested it.

I found the waifu fags and generally creepyness more annoying but I also found what you said rather sad. It is why I as a producer tend to avoid associating with Vocaloid despite using it heavily. I want people to notice my whole effort not just my Vocaloid work. Yeah, I just use Nico in Japanese, they can be fags all they want as I don't understand them.

>> No.14232335

They belong to the onibi series anon, by masa.

Does someone knows songs which sound like the ones from this series but less dark? (love the instrumental and how the vocaloids sound, but the lyrics...)

>> No.14232997

Thanks anon, but I know that I just can't find a link to a download or torrent of the whole series.

>> No.14233776
File: 371 KB, 608x900, Haruka.Nana.full.1259904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know if there has ever been, or will ever be, any sort of haruka nana figure?

>> No.14233870

Make your own garage kit because it's not going to happen

>> No.14234135

Definitely not unfortunately. It's taken us this long to get Teto stuff and we haven't even seen Ritsu or Momo shit. I do like her though, she is up there with Aoki and Avanna as things I would buy merch of that will never have.

>> No.14234236

You could download the songs from the youtube videos...

>> No.14234333
File: 713 KB, 1010x720, そつなく - IA_ONE (51162079).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is my absolutely favorite part too! I also adore ONE, she's a cutie as well. Do you like her too?

>> No.14234733

It triggers my autism to do that.

>> No.14237653
File: 233 KB, 600x600, 77de08db17d004b9eec21ea033e3ddcb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IA is life

>> No.14237697

How can somebody be a vocaloid secondary? Being entry level is not the same as being a secondary.

>> No.14237722

You read the comics but have never heard a Vocaloid song in your life

>> No.14238576
File: 1.61 MB, 1920x1080, 1443279256137.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got a Nintendo 3DS here? If you do then scan this QR it's very cool.
To scan just close anything running, press L+R and touch the QR. Turn 3D on.

>> No.14239489

I know it's probably a long shot but by any chance does anyone have a copy of the IA/00 album or know where to get a hold of a CD? I've been searching for it for nearly 2 years but just can't get one for myself. If anyone has one I would pay a pretty hefty premium to take it off their hands.

>> No.14240087

Nice Miku tits. It works on my phone.

>> No.14240123
File: 102 KB, 500x600, 1444597998752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Phone? Kind of missing the point there, it's actually in eye popping 3D if viewed on a 3DS.

>> No.14240154

doesn't work on my "new 3ds", but that's probably because it's japanese and I can't understand how to get anything to work, I'm just aiming my camera at it and nothing.
I know enough to translate things if I take the time to do it, but I'm too lazy

>> No.14240163

>close anything running
>press L and R at the same time in homescreen
>touch QR
>turn 3D on

>> No.14240245

If kagepro is so popular, then why doesn't anybody try to do what kagepro did?

>> No.14240687
File: 3.20 MB, 1412x2000, Ia 9.06.30 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That is my absolutely favorite part too! I also adore ONE, she's a cutie as well. Do you like her too?

Don't know too much about ONE so she doesn't stand out much for me, but her design's cute.

>IA is life

Heh, you're a devout follower.

>> No.14241317

Because most producers are too prideful of their work to sell out.

>> No.14241358

Pretty sure most producers would break out if they could.

>> No.14241747

You have to be popular before you can sell out.

>> No.14241845

They are trying though, you have shit like Mikagura and Senbonzakura getting/having got adaptions. Even that skidmark Echo is getting an adaption. None have broken out because all of these 'projects' are pretty awfully written.

>> No.14241852

> What is Pandora Voxx

>> No.14241859

They don't have the same theme as kagepro.

>> No.14242024

Any UTAU otaku here? Favourite voicebanks? Favourite covers/original songs?

>> No.14242121

My bad, I though he was referencing people trying to break out through projects not specific genres.

I enjoy dabbling in UTAU now and then. Prefer Vocaloid as good results come a lot easier. Currently I'm hoping to hear an album this guy.

>> No.14243990

>KagePro adaptation by Shaft
>Mikagura School Suite adaptation by Doga Koba
Some Vocaloid musicians actually have a brain.

Those themes being?

Either way, I stand by what I typed. There are some things inclusive to one medium you can't execute with the other, I think some Vocaloid musicians are aware of this and exclusively love to write and produce music instead of venturing into writing novels, manga adaptations, etc cetera., because they know where their strengths and faults stand.

Regarding themes, isn't that what make Vocaloid unique? This isn't commercialized pop. The musicians each create their own distinctive voice, sound, themes and all within their music. Sure, they may get influenced by other Vocaloid musicians yet it isn't "I like your style so I'll mimicry what you did onto my next album" it's more like they use their influences to motivate them.

>> No.14244156

This tuning sounds incredible are there anymore songs with this kind of tuning?

>> No.14244172

>Even that skidmark Echo is getting an adaption.
What kind? Does that make it the first adaptatuon based on an Engloid?

>> No.14244537

I was hoping for an animation but I guess a pic is alright.

>> No.14245636

Novel adaption.
Which isn't much to really care about in the first place, now a japanese person can pay 1,200 for a fanfic oh wow.
A lot of publishing companies are just going towards songs that stay on the Vocaranking in an attempt to get a quick yen.

>> No.14245664

I don't see the music as the main content of kagepro even if it came first. The music was meant to lay the groundwork for something else from the very beginning.

>> No.14245694

No it wasn't. Jin didn't give a shit about it and honestly never expected Kagerou Daze to blow up on nico.

>> No.14245705

Yeah. Too poor to afford Vocaloid. Though tbh, I have yet to figure out how to actually use UTAU.

>> No.14245706

Am I suppose to believe that he pulled the entire plot of stuff out of his ass?

>> No.14245712

It's believable that he suddenly made up the story.

>> No.14245738
File: 62 KB, 460x256, l16iw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Writers have PIDOMA'd bigger things before

>> No.14245748

Oh, okay that makes sense.

Still though, what the fuck. I always thought it was going to have to be something that would be a cult hit across the west to warrant them caring enough to do something like that. Though I guess it basically is at this point.

>> No.14245751

With the same amount of success as the kagepro LN?

>> No.14245754

Almost no one in the west likes Echo. It's mostly Japanese westaboos.

>> No.14245891

Oh man the best Luka vid.


>> No.14246437

Light Novel adaption from what I remember. I'm not sure of the details to be honest as I always avoid anything to do with Echo like the common cold. It never fails to shock me how bad that song is.

I'd say it is the most likely case, that shit was awful all round.

I wouldn't be so sure. I met a trap friend at a con who seemed to think that his music was worth something and Vocaloid fans hardly have patrician music tastes.

>> No.14246491

>Almost no one in the west likes Echo
but that's incorrect anon

>> No.14248579

Vocaloid newbie here.
I'm this close to get the Project Diva games for the PSP, only 2nd has Popipo?
What about Triple Baka?

I don't know if I should consider the best of the 3 PSP games overall or just the one with most of my favorite songs.

>> No.14248786

no one with decent taste likes echo in the west.

>> No.14249054

Just get F 2nd and listen to real songs instead of meme songs.

>> No.14252140

same, echo is a shit song with 13 year old emo edge lyrics.

>gonna burn my house down into an ugly black

how do you listen to this drivel, anon?

If you want vocaloid english, listen to anything by SAT.

>> No.14252161

I'm actively working with utau and very much into the entire fandom. Of course, I still like vocaloid but more for the technical aspects such as tuning. utau is pretty fun and I've been doing it for a couple of years now. A utau version of comiket was recently held in Japan and I saw it all over my twitter.

Favorite Voicebanks to work with:
Hibiki Shinji
Asane Bou
Gahata Meiji

Favorite Songs:
probably the senbonzakura parody by hibiki shinji , the gahata meiji version of Antibeat
Nizimine Kakoi's original songs

Just throwing it out there, but since 2chan founder is in charge now, would anyone here be interested in making a 4chan themed utau series much like the vipperloid series from 2chan?

>> No.14254289

the claim was "Almost no one in the west likes Echo". Just because you don't like something doesn't mean it ceases to be popular

>> No.14255551
File: 517 KB, 1280x1581, Scan01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A day or so late at this point, but I guess I'll post anyway. New songs (and corresponding Modules) announced for Project Diva X.

>> No.14255570
File: 445 KB, 1280x1582, Scan02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love Song by LamazeP (Module: Hatsune Miku V3)
The Lost One's Weeping by Neru (Module: Astray)

>> No.14255590
File: 492 KB, 1280x1576, Scan03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mrs. Pumpkin's Comical Dream by Hachi (Module: Pumpkin Dream)
Patchwork Saccato by Toa (Module: Pizzicato)

>> No.14255601
File: 520 KB, 1280x1585, Scan04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brain Revolution Girl by Maretu (Module: Ambivalence)

>> No.14255611

These are all songs that came out like 3 years ago...

>> No.14255673

Pretty good selection, IMO. Looking forward to Lost One's Weeping and Brain Revolution Girl in particular.

Kinda sucks seeing all these screenshots with concert-style stages for the songs. I know it was announced far earlier, but I always preferred the story-style music videos in Project Diva.

Also, it's weird that they based Rin's Module on the PV for Abstract Nonsense. I know the PV for The Lost One's Weeping features a male character and they needed SOMETHING for her, but it's jarring considering I associate that look with an entirely different song. Am I missing something?

>> No.14255876

I would personally, I love the Vippaloids, I can't UTAU worth a shit but I'd be willing to produce a song for it and help in anyway I can.

They will most likely cram something more recent in. You have guys like Hachioji, Utata P and Neru still releasing and evolving their sound. I'm still waiting for HSP to debut as well, they have plenty of modern shit they could use.

>> No.14256118
File: 34 KB, 500x500, a1437467044_10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how big is your vocaloid collection /jp/?

Right now, I'm have 3417 PURELY vocaloid/utauloid albums, all nice, tidied up and organized with album art and by artists.

Also I recommend this album.


Very interesting shoe-gaze/post-rock/electronica with interesting Hatsune Miku vocals. Probably not for fans of denpa, hardcore or pop.

>> No.14256144

i have already voiced an utau (so far 4 voicebank updates) and imo the most recent one is fairly decent (unlike a lot of non-japanese ones her pronunciation is passable + decent quality for home recordings)
so yes, i would be interested

>> No.14256334
File: 342 KB, 515x541, 1445513095176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CV04 never, silhouette art of Rin/Len v4 never.

>> No.14256558

I wish they'd finally give them teeth.

>> No.14256575

How do you even have that much? The mikudb torrent from 2 years ago only had like 2000, and that was literally every album on mikudb.

>> No.14256591

Both torrents on nyaa.eu from the old database totaled around 1780~ albums.

I obviously downloaded them, scoured a lot of vocarock from said torrents then mostly downloaded non-stop from various sites such as mikudb.moe, hikarinoakariost.info, baido, various blogs, web archives and well, using vocadb to find artists and then using google to find as many of a selected artists albums as possible. Did that for two years.

Keep in mind, I have avoided downloading a LOT and I mean a LOT of vocarock albums. Had I downloaded every single vocaloid album I'd stumbled upon, I'd have upwards of 6000 albums.

>> No.14256613

I have only about 30 or something, I only buy music (unless it is given as a free download) and then it's only from artists I believe deserve being supported. I could never have much more than this as I'm very picky especially when it comes to Vocaloid and I like to have a decent ratio so I'm not spammed by one type of music when I shuffle.

>> No.14256702

So they're stealing step up from IA?
Although it looks like it has more incentive with the unlocks, I don't know, my moon's not great.

Still not sure if I should get both versions of this or just wait for ps4.

>> No.14257481
File: 645 KB, 1023x765, miku2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a long shot for me to ask here, but why not

So for a while i've been working on an IM@S cover with Miku singing it, but I've hit a wall after getting the midi imported, corrected the timing and lengthening the notes.

WIP so far: https://soundcloud.com/bejoba/owoamiku2

as you can see in pic related, the notes are all on one key. How do I know which key the notes should be in? I found a piano sheet for it which I can't read: http://i.imgur.com/RQzWa0S.png

would being able to read the sheet help me know what keys and notes for miku to sing in?

I got other questions if it's possible:

--which parameters should I use for Miku? not the default parameter settings that you can find i.e. which numbers to use, but rather out of all of the parameters available to use, I just need to understand which parameters to mess with for best results.

---how do I adjust the pronunciations for phonemes?

any help is appreciated.

>> No.14257602

>as you can see in pic related, the notes are all on one key. How do I know which key the notes should be in? would being able to read the sheet help me know what keys and notes for miku to sing in?

It's in F major. Pic related is where you can find the key signature. You have to figure out which notes to have her sing in by ear since that's the piano sheet music obviously, but knowing what key signature it's in definitely help's narrow it down and knowing how to read the whole thing would make it much easier.

>which parameters should I use for Miku? not the default parameter settings that you can find i.e. which numbers to use, but rather out of all of the parameters available to use, I just need to understand which parameters to mess with for best results.

---how do I adjust the pronunciations for phonemes?
I've never used Piapro but if it's similar to the Vocaloid Editor you just right click a note and select "Note Property"

Also I'd recommend getting the midi on the right notes before exporting next time. I know why you didn't, but it speeds up the process a bit.

>> No.14257609
File: 84 KB, 905x368, keysig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot the pic

>> No.14258905

Wow, are these the finished tony taka figures? They look amazing! If only I had the cash to burn...

>> No.14259403

I ordered on ami already. They come out this summer in July. You have plenty of time to save up

>> No.14259799
File: 134 KB, 340x340, 4A9OKVO.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>zero-g is getting rid of furry designs
now im actually tempted to buy them

>> No.14260418
File: 195 KB, 857x1280, 1425472384242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No boxed version.
That mildly pisses me off but it will probably save me money I suppose.

>Furries BTFO.
Just take an eraser to their ears and tails and I'll be happy and for bonus points tell fatty to fuck off and get someone who can actually use Vocaloid to condescend on me.

>> No.14260570

You must upload or at least generate a name list of the albums you have sometime in the future, for safekeeping.

>> No.14260857

Thank goodness

>> No.14261783

Another wonderful example of レンリ. The user isn't nowhere near as experienced as a tuner as cillia is but it still sounds amazing.

>> No.14262417

Buy them? Daina sounds like absolute shit. Not even going to bother pirating

>> No.14262973

I wanted to make a huge torrent, but it'd probably end up being around 300GB

>> No.14263297

Read this thread, anyone who listens to Vocaloid music on YouTube is SOL

Can we get another #savemiku to happen?

>> No.14263308

>Read this thread, anyone who listens to Vocaloid music on YouTube is SOL
Why are you implying that's a bad thing?

>> No.14263318

I'm in Canuckistan, and all the youtube links work fine.

I also just bought two Go-Qualia EP's

Anyone interested in them?

>> No.14263329

Because NND's streaming and video playback quality is equivalent to 2002 standards and I like using a modern video site to watch my meekos.

>> No.14263346

Works fine for people who don't use subs.

>> No.14263439


>> No.14263461

Nice url.

>> No.14263608

I love personally speaking with vocaloid producers via email or twitter. They're always so cute and humble, and 90% of the time, they're more than willing to give away their music for free.

Based Japan.

>> No.14263631

use tor to watch blocked videos

>> No.14264051

What are you current favorite artists/producers?

Mine are Phasma, NOEL-KIT, Go-Qualia, Camellia, QUADROPHENIA (more a label than an individual producer), Nekomata 猫叉 Master, Leggysalad and Kiichi.

>> No.14264134

I only hope that Jharbort's channel takes a nuking. Him being the Vocaloid equivalent of CWC and watching sperging out on a regular basis is one of the few things left in Vocaloid I enjoy.

>> No.14264139

id be surprised if that happened since im pretty sure he gets permission from the producers to upload to his channel

>> No.14264302

dex's samples sound half-decent though. but that could just be because we have a lack of good male engoids

>> No.14264373

I know, I'm hoping on the very off chance, but either way he is going to get caught up and sperg out. The guy is a complete retard.

>> No.14264374

Oops, wrong reply.

>> No.14264584



>> No.14264959

Giga-P, Clean Tears, kemu, otetsu, Nem.

>> No.14266629

They do look gorgeous but I'm not sure I can justify paying that much for two 25cm figures. As much as I love Rin and Len (and Vocaloid in general), I like to keep my weebness to myself and I wouldn't want people to see that in my room.

>> No.14266833
File: 951 KB, 160x159, Kodamas_8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm very very happy to hear that!
Thank you very much.

>I'm not producing any CD now, but I always want to make the new CD and music..

>When we publish new music on the Internet, I'm glad if you watch and listen to it again.

>And someday I want to release our music worldwide.

>I'm really glad. I wish I could express my gladness better..
>I want to improve my English.

>I hope your life will be full of happiness.

Vocaloid producers are literally kawaii.

>> No.14266946

I don't know. That sounds like the normal nip person trying to speak english. I find broken nip English cute but it's no different than the type you see on /int/ etc.

>> No.14266964

Dateken, yairi, koyori, kurousa, giga, sat, patirchev and iroha sasaki

>> No.14266971

>it will never be 2008 again

Meltdown is still one of my favorite Rin songs.

>> No.14267008

Same. But, his new song sigh is pretty good as well and the pv is well made.

>> No.14268132

I collab with a Japanese UTAU producer now and then. He says the same kind of stuff, but he also has 'issues' so sometimes I get a really kawaii message full of psychobabble. Cool guy.

>> No.14268498
File: 1.27 MB, 1000x1000, hie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

powapowa p

>> No.14268684

Is tamani throwing in random japanese kotoba the new cool koto?

>> No.14268839

Tis a sad day for vocaloid and utau weebs in the United States. They blocked / claimed all the songs and covers of songs to do with exitunes and popular shit like sasakure on recoed labels.

>> No.14269001

Only on youtube though... Sucks, but NND is still there

>> No.14269058

Not quite like that. He is more paranoid and insecure, so the contents are usually slightly more... abrasive. Pretty monsterous UTAU work though. Deserves more love than he gets.

>> No.14269377

they have also claimed a shitload of anime theme songs too

>> No.14269454

Go USA. I never thought I'd be glad to live in my third world shithole.

>> No.14269542

google is antiweeb. what are we going to do as they get even more powerful? otakuism in the west might be in its final days.

>> No.14269588

Stop being a disgusting weeb.

>> No.14269660

I don't think I can. It's the only thing I have.

>> No.14269963


you're getting it soon too. whenever youtube red reaches your meaningless corner of the planet.

>> No.14271061


>> No.14271271

i wonder if camellia will do another vocaloid album. stance on wave is greatest of all time.

likewise hoping he'll do another release as good as moksha. algorithm was decent but didn't even come close imo.

other than those two, i'm still a fan of clean tears. he puts out consistently solid music.

>> No.14271862

would i be wrong to believe he's one of the greatest producers in all of vocaloid? can anyone disagree? there isn't a single weak track in his discography and the way his style has drastically evolved in such a short period of time is sort of staggering. he's also quite young, 23 last time i checked, and even as a young person shows a great deal of talent at making music. i too wish he'd continue produce vocaloid music because i'm in love with vocaloid and that is my bias, but ultimately what he chooses to make is entirely up to him. maybe he can't help but change his style. the only thing i can say for certain is the next thing he releases may not be what you'd expect.

my personal favorite is Trippers, as it was the album that made me realize i was listening to the work of someone quite special.

>> No.14272483

We don't know yet anon. Some people theorized that the blocks are just shows of good faith for the content producers like Warner music japan official. Maybe once they sign onto youtube red and does the shitty deal with Google, everything will be okay again. Things seem the case at least with anime songs being copyrighted in the past.

>> No.14274611

>he's one of the greatest producers in all of vocaloid
He's currently one of the most popular doujin music producers in general.

>> No.14274828

I pray every night to the vocaloid Gods for another Utsu-P album. Is there any news on him.

>> No.14276417

Camellia, Utsu-P, Kikuo, Hachioji, Otetsu, Pinocchio-P AVtechNO! and Yuyoyuppe

>> No.14280068

I might be a bit late to the party on this, but I just got my copy of Project Mirai DX last week and holy shit the game is great. I'm already friends with Len, Rin and Miku and have a perfect on most songs on easy mode, trying to go for normal mode next.

I love how you can switch the vocals on most of the tracks, a lot of the alternate voices have become my default ones for the songs (Len on Snowman, Rin on Animal Fortune-telling, Luka on Romeo and Cinderella...)

What did you think of the game, for those of you who got it? Do you use button mode or tap mode? What are your favorite songs in the game?

>> No.14280428

Just found out that my favourite ゆかり tuner uploaded a new EGOIST cover.

>> No.14284091

IDK, these copyright issues or whatever they are seem to be happening more frequently nowadays. I think it would be better for the people who used youtube for this to find a definitive alternative instead of waiting around for a solution which probably will not come. Google doesn't care and I doubt the content producers all the way over in Japan care either.

>> No.14284784

Does anyone have High Trance Airline in mp3 320 or v0 that they can upload? And does a 600*600 pixel or greater version of the album art exist?

>> No.14284791

the cover art on vocadb is 600x600

>> No.14285662

i hate vocaloid

>> No.14286332
File: 295 KB, 1200x1680, yande.re 243570 animal_ears bunny_ears thighhighs vocaloid yucca-612 yuzuki_yukari.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yukari is quite nice, she is definitely one of the more underrated Vocaloids.

Any good Yukari albums or producers out there?

>> No.14286368

OwataP is great. The End is one of my top 10 songs. LIQ is also one of my favourites.

>> No.14286494

I'm a big fan of Deco*27's more happy/upbeat songs, like ゆめゆめ and 愛迷エレジ. What other artists/albums are like this? I've listened to the more common "upbeat" ones like Last Note, HachioujiP, livetune. Any others?

>> No.14286611


>> No.14287061

Can't stop listening to this song...


>> No.14288146

the whole album that song is on is pretty good, give it a listen if you haven't already.

>> No.14289859
File: 908 KB, 817x989, 49391158_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Refer to >>14287061, Yokomin's Yukari and music in general is solid. I also love KagomeP's use of her, but it might be a hit or miss.


I just want more original Yukari jazz, but her current discography is pretty good.

>> No.14290107

Wonderful Opportunity and Hikari Shuuyou.

>> No.14290483

The vocalossless torrent has the album in FLAC.

>> No.14292333

Happy Halloween!

>> No.14292340

Rin and Len V4 webpage updated: http://www.crypton.co.jp/mp/pages/prod/vocaloid/rinlenv4x.jsp


>> No.14292411

There's also a demo for the V4, Tokyo Zombie Land by Jesus-P/ Wonderful Opportunity


>> No.14292968
File: 66 KB, 389x388, 1373350545587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw new LiveP album next month

>> No.14293348

>Four Engligh voicebanks being released in three months.

Poor wallet. At least I'll have some fun with some new shit to play with and Rin & Len in English will be a barrel of laughs for sure.

>> No.14293573
File: 95 KB, 580x580, 450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vocarhythm should definitely be on the rec list.

>> No.14293760

yuxuki waga, clean tears, AVTechno, keeno, toa, ROMO, L'anochip, regulus, Niki, Colate, 23 and few others

>> No.14294084

it's in the crossfades.

it's also one of the few vocaloid CDs i actually own.

>> No.14294096
File: 49 KB, 600x900, CSiPLOGXAAAJSZt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silhouette of Rin Len V4x

mothy is my hero

>> No.14295112

Looks good. Len's banana hair is on point, and Rin's bow looks more like bunny ears than ever. You can't really tell from just the silhouette, but I think they look slightly older as well.

>> No.14296281

I'm excited for Len's English voicebank. Hopefully Crypton took the time they needed to make it sound better than Miku's English one.

>> No.14296505

I did an English Version of World is Mine with Miku V4x. Go check it out!

>> No.14296739

Try Junky and EasyPop

>> No.14297064

Pls no. If you want proper sounding English you use UTAU.

>> No.14297145

>patchwork staccato
Fuck, I'll have to get a PS4.

>> No.14297747

They won't have, think it has probably been well established that they are just aiming to cruise on autism bucks when it comes to their English Vocaloids. Doesn't fuss me though, I have Miku, Meiko and Luka, enjoy them as much as I do using Avanna or Gumi.

>> No.14298889

>be me
>be retarded
>be like album
>be put album on essential
>be vocaloid producer
>be produce album
>album be %50 dubstep/instrumental
why is this allowed?

>> No.14301341

Does anyone know if Asami Shimoda is fluent in English? Luka's VA speaks it pretty well iirc, and Luka's English has always been miles ahead of Miku's, so maybe that could be an indicator.

DESU I'm not getting my hopes up either, they've got their hands full since Rin and Len are two complete voice banks with three appends each already, plus they're also working on Miku at the same time. I'd be surprised if their English is anything more than acceptable at best.

>> No.14301364

Wasn't a clearly worded post, but what is wrong with instrumentals? When I write my albums I always go for more instrumentals than tracks with Vocaloid.

I forgot that they are working on Miku at the same time. Hope they don't shit the bed with Rin and Len just to dole out Miku.

>> No.14301862

Has anyone made any interesting OC with Luka V4X yet? I've been seeing mostly covers and it's been quite a few months since the release.

https://youtu.be/TQbw-8aLbqM This is probably as good as it got.

>> No.14302369
File: 86 KB, 647x592, tako5036472.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luka V4 seems to be pretty hard to use in order to get a decent result, so not very much is rolling in. People have tried regardless because of her still high popularity.

Posting Dixie flatline as prime example is tautologic though, as everything he touches turns to gold.

People that have used Luka include Okame https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oiG6Q2G9jIY
as well as regulus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_YfxVcEE4Q
and JinseiP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KFMAdML_SCs
Luka remains prominent in Hardrock https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=frRGC_ZeWl4
and Urban styles https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cINfToFLUls

Also a personal favorite of mine is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-vm0w9fZi1w

>> No.14303655
File: 43 KB, 700x393, 1433515005033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read the guide and I understand that the voice banks are pretty much instruments. But how can I tell which one is being used?
I've been wanting to listen to stuff with Rin but I can't seem to find any torrents with just her. And I can't tell when I look through files what I should be looking for.

>> No.14303676

Sometimes there's a tag in the title with feat鏡音リン/whoever it is but not always.
You can try looking up the albums/songs on databases.

>> No.14303785

If you're listening on NND or Youtube, there's usually a Kagamine Rin tag or an equivalent. If you're downloading music, you pretty much have to know the song itself or the vocaloids that the song/album's producers usually use if you want to know.

Try looking at the VocaDB page: http://vocadb.net/Ar/14

>> No.14303909
File: 96 KB, 1469x510, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My channel is mostly populated by Japanese.

Finally got around to putting up Magical Mirai 2013 in 60fps.

I'll put together a Youtube playlist of 'em all sometime later.

>> No.14303921

That's not the one I wanted to link.

>> No.14304010

Decided to get right on that playlist.

>> No.14305837

I don't have access to EAC so FLAC doesn't help unfortunately.

>> No.14305848

I don't think you know what EAC is or what it's used for.

>> No.14305942

eac is for ripping cd's

>> No.14307194

Vocaloid wiki has pages listing the most notable (popular) songs for each vocaloid. It's not complete but it's a good start if you're just getting into it. If you want Rin, check out Rin's page and the page for Rin & Len duets:


>> No.14307515 [DELETED] 
File: 86 KB, 610x601, folder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This album is seriously so good.

There should only be albums of this type on the essential list. High quality, cohesive and flowing with talent.

Stuff like Dual Sight and Mekaku City Records don't belong there imo. They just can't compare in quality.

>> No.14307521 [DELETED] 
File: 197 KB, 600x600, 391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wrong image
Meant this album, though the one I posted is just as good.

>> No.14307527
File: 197 KB, 600x600, 391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This album is seriously so good.

There should only be albums of this type on the essential list. High quality, cohesive and flowing with talent.

Stuff like Dual Sight and Mekaku City Records don't belong there imo. They just can't compare in quality. There isn't a single stand out song on either album, whereas every track on pic related is top quality.

>> No.14308492

that's the problem when making essiential lists for things that are subjective. Example: I feel the same way about the album homeland as you do about 39+1, I can listen to homeland start to finish over and over whereas i only like 3 songs on the 40mp album.

>> No.14308529

I don't agree with every choice in there either. It's even missing a few big producers with 1M+ views songs like Otetsu, Nem and Hitoshizuku-P. There are producers which appear more than once. Last Note has a strictly better album than First Trip out, and I disagree with the choices for Pinocchio-P, Wonderful Opportunity and Clean Tears.

Anyway, the list can't be perfect, but I don't think it's that bad either. It could use some work, but updating it is a pain since you just won't be able to settle on a few albums that everyone agrees should be there.

>> No.14308537

Oh, and takamatt as well. Miracle Child is nice but East End Pandemonium is just so much better.

>> No.14308548

Porter Robinson


Japanese tourists in Paris.
Japanese visitors are observed to be especially susceptible.[2][3] It was first noted in Nervure, the French journal of psychiatry in 2004.[4] From the estimated six million yearly visitors, the number of reported cases is not significant: according to an administrator at the Japanese embassy in France, around twenty Japanese tourists a year are affected by the syndrome.[5] The susceptibility of Japanese people may be linked to the popularity of Paris in Japanese culture, notably the idealized image of Paris prevalent in Japanese advertising.
Mario Renoux, the president of the Franco-Japanese Medical Association, states in Libération': "Des Japonais entre mal du pays et mal de Paris" ("The Japanese are caught between homesickness and Paris sickness", December 13, 2004) that [Japanese] magazines are primarily responsible for creating this syndrome. Renoux indicates that Japanese media, magazines in particular, often depict Paris as a place where most people on the street look like stick-thin models and most women dress in high fashion brands such as Louis Vuitton,[6] while in reality French high-fashion brands are mainly for foreign consumers, and the French population are far more overweight than the Japanese population.
There is a 24-hour help line run by the Japanese embassy to help Japanese tourists suffering from this condition. The embassy reports that on average twelve people suffer from this disorder annually.[7]


>> No.14308553

Everyone on this board has Nippon Syndrome

>> No.14308723
File: 45 KB, 835x427, 54655354343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp, i found this video in some thread around 4chan may as well share it here, miku is delicious.


>> No.14308913

I'd back these changes. I don't even like hard rock, but where is the otetsu album? Also should put in man_boo's hoshi no daichi imo. There's a lack of voca jazz in general on that list for something that is supposed to be comprehensive.

>> No.14308941

And toa's album, I know hasn't been out that long, but I think it's better than quite a few of the albums on that list as well as being very agreeable to people of various genre preferances.

>> No.14310614

Downloading now. This had better be good after a recommendation like that

>> No.14311536

Wasn't that originally a PV for World is Mine? Thanks for reminding me that video existed, time to hunt down the original on YT, if I can find it.

>> No.14311553
File: 2.59 MB, 1279x706, Thrust It Bitch.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I was wondering where this gif came from.

>> No.14312068
File: 86 KB, 610x601, folder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me know how you felt about it. I'm working my way down the essential list.

2/22 so far have been perfect, that and pic related. I've listened and re-listened to some very good albums, but on these two I feel every song is worthy of being a single.

Feels nice since before this my only perfect albums were from Rin and none of them are on the list.

>> No.14312090

The original is long gone.

>> No.14312660

Finished it. Not sure about technical terms, but the voice tuning was amazing, on par with mitchie M.
As for the actual music, it's not my thing, prefer more fast-paced tracks. I can see why you like it though. Scrap and build was the best track tee bee haych.

I think of an example of a not-so-well tuned album that was good because of the music would be wowaka's unhappy refrain, but you've probably heard that already.

>> No.14312912

>not-so-well tuned album that was good because of the music
Neru's Sekai Seifuku as well. Overall it wasn't that bad, although a few songs were worse (Re-education for example), but the music is just amazing. His tuning did improve a lot though and I actually like it on his newest stuff.

>> No.14313352

Gumi V4 demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mj_HqOogsSY

Sounds great. I'm almost as hyped for Gumi V4 as I am about Rin and Len V4. Release date when?

>> No.14313402
File: 199 KB, 1070x868, 1445925747635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This video contains content from SingerSongWriterjp. It is not available in your country.

>> No.14313575

here you go anon: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm27518772

>> No.14314007
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God damn this album is great.

>> No.14314434
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Has anyone heard the song "Goodbye"? It's in English, which makes it a great introduction to Miku for the uninitiated.

Also, has anyone ever heard of like a fusion of EDM with Miku? Seems like they would work really well together.

>> No.14314619

English Miku sounds terrible. I remember when they played some English song on Letterman.

>> No.14314889

>has anyone ever heard of like a fusion of EDM with Miku?
no anon, never :^)

>> No.14315254

>fusion of EDM with Miku

>who is camellia

>> No.14315481


hate that her power VB is not that powerful

i just want to hear gumi belt it out

>> No.14315492

If you put a bit effort you can get some decent sounding shit out of Miku English. The only reason people think she is awful is because talentless hacks like to use it as a crutch when they inevitably realize they suck and need an excuse.

Camellia, Soh Yoshioka are probably the most re-known Electro House/Wubwub Producers in Vocaloid. You also have a load of Trance and Prog. House Producers like HSP, Clean Tears, Bernis and Aerial Flow if that is also your scene.

>> No.14315530

I'm pretty sure the demos aren't really tuned. Gumi can sound quite powerful in the right hands and I don't think the V4 will change that:

>> No.14315728

meiko figma announced

>> No.14319219

About time. I lke the love Meiko is getting for her birthday, I've always been a fan of her.

>> No.14319818

how many times has he remixed this song by now

>> No.14320665

Not as many times as marasy replayed Senbonzakura.

>> No.14321467

asami shimoda can't english but it's still better than miku's english. There's something about saki fujita that is incompatible with english. I would predict it to be worse than luka but better than miku.

Also rin len v4 demo was released a few days ago but I didn't get the chance to post. Did we discuss it here? If not, can we.


>> No.14321548

Are there any import services that would go to vomas for a reasonable price? Nekobolo is making a new album for the next vomas. But I guess he's always put his albums up on Toranoana anyway.

>> No.14321560

I love whoo's music a bunch. It'd be amazing if he made another new album sometime. Pretty much everyone who is in that s10rw circle makes the sorta music I love though.

>> No.14322624

Working my way through the essential list and the Unhappy Refrain album is my favourite so far.
That is all.

>> No.14323015

what's your idea of reasonable?

>> No.14323191
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these are my favorite albums of 2015.

>> No.14323257
File: 1.14 MB, 1280x720, miku paranoia 53402618_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My personal picks for 2015

>> No.14323840

Well, since it's a single cd, preferably not over $50. I know that there are services that go to events for you if you pay for their accommodation and travel expenses etc which is why I was wondering if there are any like Doujincore who are already planning on going to the event.

I'm guessing it'll just be cheaper waiting for him to put it on Toranoana though, right? Unless I'm looking in the wrong places I'm not seeing any Vocaloid-version Doujincore.

>> No.14323924

Now that Taggleburr doesn't go to vomas anymore, how do you cool dudes get your vomas uploads?

>> No.14323962

>Shiina Mota
Too soon...
I didn't know he released another album besides Ikiru this year. I'll give it a listen.

>> No.14325600

most places want 200$ to just step foot at your event not counting your purchase cost and mail expenses.

>I'm guessing it'll just be cheaper waiting for him to put it on Toranoana though, right?

Nekobolo stuff isnt that hard to find after events so maybe hope he puts it onto an online shop or check rakuten/suruga-ya /auctions and see if it pops up

>> No.14325626
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>checking c89 circle list
>samfree's circle is listed

>> No.14326004

Does anyone know if the Heaven feat Hatsune Miku (ATOLS Remix)got an official release via sound track?


>> No.14330590

I thought the demo was great. A definite improvement over the appends, at least. Rin sounds much more fluid and less squeaky, and although there wasn't that much Len in the demo I thought he also sounded much nicer.

>> No.14332646
File: 165 KB, 600x302, guy-sunset2-e1354765626309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As simplistic as the song itself is I really like Miku's voice here, it's one of the best uses for it I've heard


>mfw the lyrics at the ending

>> No.14335855
File: 2.57 MB, 1920x1070, Hatsune Miku Magical Mirai 2015 PlayStation Plus Limited Threater [60fps 1080p Hi10p AAC][kuchikirukia] .mkv_snapshot_00.03.22_[2015.11.10_01.54.31].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Magical Mirai 2015 is up.


>> No.14335992

Most of my vocaloid collection is from kz.

Do I have shit / pleb taste? Be honest?

>> No.14335998

Whats this year's like? Compared to previous years?

>> No.14336001

absolutely based taste desu senpai, kz makes some great energetic music

>> No.14336005

He's one of the most popular producers but I still like his stuff. Mostly his old stuff though. I'm a huge fan of Packaged and Last Night Good Night.

>> No.14336008

Don't they just repeat the same songs every year except maybe add 2-3 new ones?

>> No.14336062

The screenshot describes most of it. Official outfit, dark background. The camera work left a lot to be desired. There was a ton of lighting action off to the sides that was rarely captured.

>> No.14336095

His stuff is good, but thats most of your library, you are missing out on a lot.

>> No.14336415

good starting point but if you haven't bothered to explore past kz then yes, you're a pleb

>> No.14338028

Will there ever be another one like 2013?

>> No.14338050

Oh man i totally forgot about choparty this year


>> No.14338224

I liked it. Good mix between old songs and new songs. Models look nice as always.

There were more than 3 new ones this time. The 3 Rin and Len songs were new (and great songs, considering how lackluster the ones from previous years were, sans Tokyo Teddy Bear), there were some new Miku ones that were very good as well. Plus AiDee.

>> No.14341706
File: 61 KB, 851x315, miku2016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miku Expo 2016 North American dates
So glad it's in Toronto finally.

>> No.14342073
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>San Francisco and Los Angeles
I may get to go twice this year

>> No.14342114

Ah the sweet smell of Europe getting shafted again. Thank you Miku.
Same here, quite excited.

>> No.14342231


fuck yeah, anyone coming to New York? I'm sure as hell to be there again

>> No.14342408

looks like ill be going to the los angeles concert again

>> No.14342430
File: 610 KB, 1024x876, 96cf4cd8e40bfd26c6925ea9c7057579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Europe never

>> No.14342490

South America here. I feel your pain.

>> No.14342782

i think South America has a better chance than Europe.

>> No.14343125

heard the last miku expo in the US was pretty lame though

>> No.14343159
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Dallas isn't that far I guess. Now to find some people to drive with.

>> No.14343251
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T'was alright IMO. Surprised there was a small art exhibit for her.

>> No.14343435

Of course it's all the way in Toronto ;_; Doesn't anyone realize Canada's big and people live outside of Ontario?

>> No.14343513

Australia never?

>> No.14343850

Ontario has the highest population so it will satisfy the most people as possible, including me. Suck it

>> No.14344007

only the new york one was lame

>> No.14344014

Australia never.

>> No.14344426

Anyone have a rough idea of how much the vip tickets will be?

>> No.14344483

i think last time they were around 125 so i'd guess something similar this time around

>> No.14344630

I wish they would make flights cheaper at least. I'm in Alberta and its fucking expensive just to go to Vancouver.

>> No.14345513

I live in Missouri and am debating on either roadtripping the Dallas one (since I have family there I wouldn't have to worry about a hotel) or waiting on the off chance that the last city they unveil will be KC, STL, or at the very least Chicago. At the same time I don't want tickets for the Dallas showing to sell out before they reveal the last city. Also ACEN is happening a week after the Dallas concert.

>> No.14345612

How do I import csv information from VocaDB into EAC? Trying to burn some of my vocaloid cds and I'm getting stuck. Do I have to manually edit the title of every track?

>> No.14345916

Honey Works, wowaka, DECO*27, Zudodon, Baker, toa, 40mP.

>> No.14345931

Really excited its coming to Toronto, the Sony Centre is a good venue.

>> No.14346047
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What does Crypton have against Europeans?

>> No.14346089

Never been to a Miku concert before, how much are tickets usually? Thinking about attending the New York one if it isn't too bad.

>> No.14346305

if you specifically want vocadb info on your tracks then you're probably gonna have to do it manually. If the cd you want has info in gracenote you can pull that info to EAC by doing the following steps:

download : http://www.vuplayer.com/player.php

1) start program
2) insert cd into pc
3) click file > gracenote > retrieve disc info
4) click file > export info > cdplayer.ini
5) start EAC

EAC should now have your tracks populated with gracenote info

>> No.14346343

Kind of silly, but you could download the lowest quality version available online and copy the tags over.

>> No.14346676

There are several reasons why Europe keeps getting ignored. First let's look at the past, from what I understand, the opera THE END didn't do so well in Europe, iirc most of the people who showed up were people who flew from Japan and not native european fans. On the other hand when CFM held a concert screening in LA in 2011, the movie theater was sold out, and many native fans showed up. Thus, it was shown that there was big interest for Miku to go to LA (and eventually the rest of the US)

Second, I've never really seen Europe actually buy Miku merch (or rather a large amount of it). I'm sure CFM is choosing concert locations based on Mikubook statistics and sales from Good Smile Company. Why tour in an area where people don't have a Miku money pit? It's common business sense. Other than France being interested in Japanese culture (and even then look at ALYS the wannabe vocaloid failure), is there a concentrated section of Europe where there are Asian districts/japan towns? No, not at all. So now we're on to strike 2.

And finally, there's no notable producers in Europe. In the US we have Utata in LA and arguably Circus, whether you like him or not, the fandom knows about him along with Crusher and a few others . Along with Porter Robinson, there is arguable a (very) small vocaloid scene in the US. Europe? Name a notable producer who's made original songs (aka not cover artists like Laura). Final nail in the coffin for Europe.

tl;dr There's no active Vocaloid scene in Europe, hence no concerts. It's just not worth sinking money into touring.

>> No.14346862

Isn't Cillia and Orangestar from the US?

>> No.14346975

Yes, they are from the U.S. as well. (I can't believe I forgot to put them first oh well)
This further adds to my point that Europe has nobody.

>> No.14347103

I use MP3Tag after EAC. Download the .csv from VocaDB, select all tracks on MP3Tag, choose Convert -> Text File to tag

format string: %title%;%dummy%;%artist%;%album%;%discnumber%;%track% for example.

%dummy%;%title%;%artist%;%album%;%discnumber%;%track% alternative.

>> No.14347474

Oh well. Guess I might as well just kill myself then.

>> No.14348202

Save up, take a friend or two and travel. You can go to the concert and do some sightseeing as well.

>> No.14348530
File: 1.46 MB, 1018x728, 1419278319012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god damn those lyrics are so true they hurt.

>> No.14351094

I'll be going to the seattle one

>> No.14351874

Thanks mate, this is pretty useful.

>> No.14353034

New thread >>14353029

>> No.14353461

hi im new here.
