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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 343 KB, 905x1280, mQLOB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11751583 No.11751583 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread: >>11736066

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.11751590

Just started Re:birth colony - Lost Azurite-. Reading through the prologue and so far the presented scenario looks pretty interesting. The OST is marvelous too, and I'm expecting a lot from it.

>> No.11751642

Still going through Kaihou Shoujo Sin on PS3 though I didn't have much time during the last few days, currently in the fifth chapter.
Last time I mentioned it was like Muv-Luv but actually it's closer to Reminiscence, a LOT of politic bantering and suspense.
It's pretty damn good so far actually, it's pretty apparent in a lot of way that this is the first VN of Suda 51 and his team but while some parts are pretty rough around the edge, a lot of other parts feel pretty fresh compared to what is the norm.

For example the characters are all part of the government (with the main heroine being the president) but they also go to school which obviously feel pretty forced as a setting.
At first I thought the writer just added a school setting to pad shit when things got slower with infinite school life scene as usual but I was completely wrong.
By chapter 5 the school scenes have been minimal and always plot related, actually you'd be hard pressed to find any scenes that isn't plot related in some way, though the very very minimal "fanservice" and pandering may be seen as a minus by a lot of people.

Anyways it's not perfect either and definitely feel rough in a lot of places but I have some great hope for the second half of the game.

>> No.11751945
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>> No.11751952

Does that say what I think it says? Can't be a good idea, the only real draw of that game was the art and a few of the characters.

>> No.11751959

That can't be good.

>> No.11751962

Oh come on, the plot wasn't even good.

>> No.11751969

Yeah it's gonna be bad.
Just imagine a kyoani adaptation of that art though. Sweet to think about.

Even for some shitty cheap anime it's a weird choice though.

>> No.11751975

>a kyoani adaptation of that art though
They'd rape the designs and do away with the brand of coloring the game has for 'warmer' stuff.

>> No.11751983
File: 107 KB, 500x706, jJPMFBZyCv02d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally had some time to read, was blown away by Steins Gate, Chaos Head, and Robotics Note (Not really by this one).

Nitroplus seems to be producing quality work, so I decided to try reading 君と彼女と彼女の恋

Any anon read it? Is it good or shit?

>> No.11751990

Unimpressive. Try >>11751583 for a quality Nitroplus work.

>> No.11751994

Cool system. Bad writing.

>> No.11752006

Thanks for the input and saving me time

>> No.11752012

What do you mean by bad writing? The direction of the game or the prose itself?

>> No.11752015

Mainly direction

>> No.11752026

The dialogue was pretty painful too.

>> No.11752106

shes very pretty what game is she from

>> No.11752111


>> No.11752119

Calling JC Staff.

>> No.11752125

How many VNs has JC Staff adapted? The only ones that come to mind as Kimikiss and Little Busters, and the latter was them taking KyoAni's leftovers.

>> No.11752137

Is anything interesting or any interesting news coming out during Comiket?

>> No.11752148
File: 98 KB, 353x500, 94112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They did Milky Holmes and something else that I can't seem to recall.

>> No.11752167

I am completely out of the loop. What are some hotly anticipated (aka overrated hype) VN's for 2014?

>> No.11752179

Everyone's looking forward to the Muramasa remake.

>> No.11752206

check in the archive

>> No.11752281
File: 594 KB, 1200x883, episode-6-suzushiro-kurumi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could anyone with a completed umineko EP1-4 save send it to me?

I lost that save with the upgrade.

>> No.11752317
File: 258 KB, 1013x622, ikusa verita 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Done with IM Zero, now I'll onward to IM VERITA.

I'll looking forward for the tragedies and for monstergirls.

>> No.11752651

I wonder if reading the novelizations of Genrin is necessary to enjoy the story

>> No.11752685

The game will switch between 2 protaganist Serika and Riui. Those 2 you see in the title screen is from Kishougun

The story is nothing really compare to Zero but the game is good if you like fire emblem

>> No.11752898

Uh, first time seeing a character calling her older brother 兄者

>> No.11752952
File: 1.43 MB, 1280x721, 2013-06-18_04-09-54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Latest one I remember

>> No.11752957

Uh, really? I do believe they're going to do something Muramasa-related, but a remake is not really necessary.

>> No.11752960
File: 796 KB, 1284x724, Hitoren0033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, that's the one I ever saw some character says that. Also it bothers me about the lack of standard this novel art, actually all the asa project novels I've read, about half of them looks good and the other feels so sloppy.

>> No.11752992

Update your game, anon.

>> No.11753020

I recently completed Episode 3 and haven't started 4 yet but if you want you can use mine although I think it gives you a way to unlock all the Episodes. Also with the Witch Hunt translation patch you should be able to hold ctrl to super speed through but that'll probably take a few minutes if you are trying to get through the entire Episode 4 that way.


Anyway put the Umineko4final folder in your C:\ProgramData

>> No.11753030

The only good thing about this was porn.

>> No.11753075
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>> No.11753085

I love those faces so much.

>> No.11753095
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>> No.11753098
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>> No.11753191


>> No.11753268
File: 211 KB, 1300x611, chuuni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this.

>> No.11753295


Surely this can't be real, right?



Spoiler OP as usual, must say the idea of Shizel route still screws my head, also that CG about Shizel having a childish joyful face hugging Ed felt bizarre and out of character. Oh well, my reception will change once it's released. I hope they tie up the wacko technology implanted in Ed's head with Marelle route.

>> No.11753312
File: 339 KB, 1280x720, naamloos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished this. Pretty mediocre.

>> No.11753341

This caught my interest since I'm a sucker for those homecoming back to the rural province type of settings.

How mediocre is it? I just want to do at least the main heroine's route and the comfy atmosphere I'm getting from the CGs.

>> No.11753355

The main heroine's route is locked, you have to finish the other three beforehand.
It's pretty short and at least the CGs are pretty, so give it a shot.

The story is nothing special and the drama is boring, but it's not awful.

>> No.11753432

So I just finished another novel and was looking for something new to read. I just checked this release, ラブレプリカ.

At first I wasn't considering downloading, but since the company is from the Visual Art's umbrella (Key, Frill, Saga Planets, tone works, etc) I've remade my choice, but music isn't really my thing so I was looking for some opinions before starting.

>> No.11753446

i was actually going to start it now, I read a good review from someone I trust so at the very least it shouldn't be bad

>> No.11753462

I was looking up at egs and saw some good critics about the work and considering is their debut title for what I saw they did 'enough', but seeing that most of the earlier inputs on egs always happens to 'praise' the novel more than they usually deserve I'll wait wait for your input later today or tomorrow.

>> No.11753507

I finished it too and had genrin 2 ready and all to play, but that fucking
>there's an error with the data
despite it not being a DC version has made me skip it.
Now I have to ddl verita because the torrent is being fucking slow.

>> No.11753526

>The main heroine's route is locked, you have to finish the other three beforehand.
I hate this shit. Enforced route order for VNs other than scenario-ge are fucking retarded.

>> No.11753627


Dutch, huh?

>> No.11753648

Welp, time to delete it then.

>> No.11753650

Don't bully Europeans please.

>> No.11753654

Me too. ラブレプリカ that the people above are going to read has locked routes too, I always check this crap beforehand.

When it's not a scenarioge, I grab a 100% save file to read the route I want already.

>> No.11753692

I'm working on Hoshimemo. Can someone tell me how far I'm through and what route I'm on? I'm around the part where You gets introduced to the mom of the twins and takes Chinami and Aoi to the lookout to meet Mare.

>> No.11753694

You won't get into a route till almost september.

>> No.11753705


>> No.11753746

Pretty nice OP song also also those spoilery CGs prove that stuff foreshadowed in BSZ1 coming true. Heres hoping they don't fuck up Marels route as it has good chance of being good stuff. and still can't get my head around the fact that theres Shizel route maybe it will be mostly about Arc&Elpis related stuff with some Shizel on the side, nothing else probably wont make sense. Also I spy Nidhog there so more Eiji too.

>> No.11753814

Yeah, you're still only halfway through the common route or so. That said...

Not quite. The last day of the common route is 8/17, and the routes then time skip to September except Chinami's, which goes straight into the next day and the entirety of which takes place over summer break, unlike the other routes which involve the new semester.

>> No.11753988

G-Senjou no Maou. It was really good. Reminded me why I'm reading VNs.

>> No.11754343
File: 57 KB, 1040x500, キャプチャ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Out of AGE's VNs that don't have muv-luv in the name; which ones should I be sure to read before reading alternative?

Looks like the answer is "all of them", can anyone confirm this?

>> No.11754348

Kiminozo and call it a day, it's a good game.

>> No.11754351

Muv Luv Extra
Muv Luv Unlimited
Muv Luv Alternative
This is the shortest route. If you want to enjoy it fully, read >>11754348. Maybe Kimi Ga Ita Kisetsu but it's not really good.

>> No.11754354

Oops, didn't read the post fully. Well, I stand with my below statement then.

>> No.11754364

depends how deep you want to go. Most of those are only useful to know the "extra"-like backgrounds of some side characters, but you can get most information about them in Alternative itself.
For example, a character from Kimiita universe tells you in Alternative that she and her sister have fallen from the same guy, and that's it, you can play the whole Kimiita and try being that guy yourself but it's not going to have much of an effect on Alternative's storytelling itself.

>> No.11754378

In the extra modes VNs usually have, are the songs ordered chronologically? As in, from the one who showed up first to the last.

>> No.11754380

What about owarinaki? Is that any good?

>> No.11754382

Not usually, they tend to have the character themes first after the menu song, but the ones used to finish the routes/most important moments tend to be last.
And the place for OP/ED varies greatly.

>> No.11754387

Does anyone have Shinju no Yakata and is willing to seed/upload it? My torrent is stuck at 40% for the past few days.

>> No.11754402

It's my favorite title made by age post Alternative, but I'm a sucker for just about everything in it from the setting to themes.
Though, the whole being set in the UN/AL setting isn't supposed to be immediately obvious, and only really does become so in the Epilogue that's unlocked by completing all the routes and piecing together some other stuff mentioned earlier in the game, like Ritsuko's ending and what not.
And to be quite honest, it's more or less a slice of life charage through and through. It's also the best of the 3 phi-age titles but that's not saying much.

>> No.11754433

Well regarded if you aren't a pretentious kanji spamming sperg.

>> No.11754463

Do I really need to play through the whole thing so I can listen to the OST individually? Well, it can't be helped I guess.

>> No.11754465

Depends on the game.
Some have them all unlocked as soon as you unlock the mode, others you need to actually witness playing the game first.

>> No.11754469

>pretentious kanji spamming sperg
Elaborate, please.

>> No.11754606

I'm seeding this one now:

>> No.11754617

Been meaning to read this so I'll grab it now if you don't mind. Many thanks, anon.

>> No.11754788

You're a godsend anon. I can finally read this.

>> No.11754800

>Is the VN industry doomed? The games keep getting worse and selling less I wonder if its true that LNs are to blame

Isn't that true for video games in general and anime too?

>> No.11754834

Is the VN industry doomed?
The games keep getting worse and selling less
I wonder if its true that LNs are to blame

>> No.11754844

Why would LNs be to blame? I don't understand the reasoning behind that logic.

>> No.11754856

I suppose there might be some overlap in their target audiences, but LNs and VNs are so fundamentally different that I don't really see a connection.

>> No.11754885

LNs are stealing away the writers and the sales from VNs

>> No.11754886

Really? I'm finding it hard to believe that eroge otaku would go back to reading LNs.

>> No.11754895

I can only think of Romeo Tanaka and Type Moon who dabbled into LN territory and besides despite opinions, eroge writers delve into more "mature" themes that just aren't accessible to LN's which mostly target teenagers.

>> No.11754897

Maruto's light novel series isn't as good as his eroge. Granted, I have only read the first volume but the writing is pretty boring.

>> No.11754912
File: 29 KB, 569x399, 20131221184409250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you talking about, like vn, ln is also a dying breed.

in galge scene the one that's improving the most is this >>11752997. Social game and smartphone game.

>> No.11754928

I thought LNs were having a huge boom lately

>> No.11754934

>Social game and smartphone game.
I honestly don't see the appeal to them.

>> No.11754945

You're not social that's why.

>> No.11754952

What's jp's favourite song from a VN?

I really like this one, have a bunch others though it's hard to rate them all...


>> No.11754959

There really isn't anything "social" about Kancolle yet and it's topping the competition except for Puzzles and Dragons.

>> No.11754960

Fair enough.

>> No.11755031

I don't see why there would be any connection there.

>> No.11755036

I found the song fitted so well with the last part of Last Episode.
Sadly, Eri Kawai passed away in 2008.

>> No.11755066

I read some of the first volume and it really doesn't feel like Maruto at all.

There is also Kinugasa's light novel series that looks incredibly silly and Shumon is working on a series as well.

>> No.11755500

Anons, I installed 月光のカルネヴァーレ that I got from a Nitro+ catalog torrent, but I can't get this thing to work, I always get the error "script system library stopped working", already tried reinstalling and resetting my pc but still got the same error, any ideas?

>> No.11755640
File: 193 KB, 1024x768, main.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished (preliminary?) Kagami, Tsukasa, and Zakuro routes.

What the hell did I just read? The train scene at the end of Zakuro's route was just a giant clusterfuck. I thought they were talking to some mystery man and then it turns into a book? What?

>> No.11755746

Hold your horses, it was just an introduction chapter. You'll know a truly fuck when everything starts.

>> No.11755839

I want this game so fuckin bad :(

Looks up there with swan song

>> No.11755915

Still there? Got any impressions for us?

>> No.11755936

Perfect timing.

>> No.11755953
File: 709 KB, 816x639, and_then_they_got_all_rapey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started my first ever VN in moon, Hanahira. Enjoying it, it's really cute (and at least I can understand it, which is usually not the case for me), but nothing is happening whatsoever.

Still, it is fun and the girls are cute so I only have positive emotions about this.

>> No.11755958

did the nips already start voting for 2ch top?

>> No.11755961

>but nothing is happening whatsoever.
It's a moege, you don't play it so things 'happen'.

>> No.11755962

I'm curious as to what another big hitter, in terms of feels, would be after I finish Muv Luv Alt. So far I've finished

Are there any feelsy top tier VNs left to play?

>> No.11755964
File: 235 KB, 1440x810, 1388404185640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>terms of feels

>> No.11755966

You should play Ketwa Shujo. It gave me a case of the feels so bad I had to go to my doctor and have them removed surgically, then go back regularly for chemo therapy.

>> No.11755968

Plenty, take a look at vndb.
Muramasa, Aiyoku, OreTsuba, Baldr Sky, etc...

Please follow /jp/ etiquette, though.

>> No.11755969

you what mate

>> No.11755973

first time on this board, forgive me.

thanks, i'll take a look at it.

>> No.11755972
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>> No.11755977
File: 666 KB, 816x639, threesome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, like I said, I'm not disappointed by this in the slightest since the girls are cute.

And I love the choices here

> She has ketchup on her face:

> Remove it
> Leave it there

>> No.11755981

so tons of meaningless choices.

>> No.11755982

Aren't all the choices we make meaningless in the end?

>> No.11755989

Ah, whatever... what you want is called Nakige.
>his type of a story is designed to have an emotional impact on the player

This ought to help you (http://vndb.org/g596?fil=tagspoil-0.tag_inc-596;m=0;o=d;s=rating)) though a lot of tags in vndb usually are wrong escalated if the game isn't famous.

>> No.11755988

No, why would you think that?

>> No.11755991

In this Berry's novel they only got that horrible artist from Navel so they could fuck Asahi, isn't?

>> No.11755994


>> No.11755992
File: 202 KB, 1280x720, nkme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11755993

As a matter of fact, yes.

>> No.11755997

thank you a lot, i'm kind of new to VNs but I'd like to get deeper into them. I'll lurk a lot more in /jp/, i'm missing quite a lot it seems.

>> No.11755996

It's not even a choice, dammit...

>> No.11755999

2 and while Noucome was pretty good


>> No.11756001

Noucome would work so well as a mega bad end VN...

>> No.11756002

Well, the problem is if they got her a good VA when I play later trap in paris I'll get mad about Navel stinginess, like seriously, if you're going to make a trap game with the trap unvoiced...

>> No.11756007

No problem, good luck with the new VNs. Since you seem to be new I suggest you read swan song, kana imouto, air, cross channel.

>> No.11756006

They did release a patch for the original version.

>> No.11756009

After I played... who's voicing him?

>> No.11756014

For sample.

>> No.11756020

i'll get on that, thank you.

>> No.11756028

Not bad, I feel like I've already heard that voice, but I can't seem to find any other of her works.

>> No.11756032

I think I'm already a fan of subahibi's soundtrack.
It's pretty good at changing the mood of a scene. I feel really nervous during the creepy scenes(the bgm alone is nightmare fuel) and happy during the slice of life scenes.

>> No.11756034

it's very good, but isn't particularly great save two tracks.

>> No.11756036

I'd say about 5-6 were pretty great, and really liked the op/eds.

>> No.11756045

100% guaranteed feelios.

>> No.11756050

is this the boku no pico of /jp/?

because I played this and it was ass, couldn't even get off

I wasn't trolled either just randomly came across it

>> No.11756053
File: 8 KB, 191x191, mokomoko is not pleased.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it's just one tard who likes to post this shit, if you want feelios read a elf novel of something, I guarantee that you want to punch the balls of the creators of their games.

>> No.11756054

hey I wasn't the newfag I was just wondering, fuck feels I am a cold husk of a human being

>> No.11756056

>fuck feels I am a cold husk of a human being
I don't know how meta this is supposed to be, but I spat my tea. Thanks, anon.

>> No.11756057

Me too I don't feel sad, but I can't control the rage just remembering those games, seriously what's wrong with people who enjoy ntr.

>> No.11756060
File: 160 KB, 512x256, 1388406957052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It means he was indoctrinated by the reapers.

>> No.11756066

how DARE you enjoy something I post
ntr is literally for the lowest of the low, at least masochists have something
that game has so many biblical implications and metaphors but I couldn't finish the third one it was just too bad

>> No.11756073

The two was a masterpiece as far as western media (games) can do. The third one was 'okay' but the game part itself was the best from the all three and I enjoyed some hours of the horde in multiplayer mode.

>> No.11756166

Favorite eroge seiyuu?

>> No.11756184

Itou Shizuka
Nabatame Hitomi
Tanezaki Atsumi
Asakawa Yuu

>> No.11756188 [SPOILER] 
File: 41 KB, 179x768, Marie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Kajiri Kamui Kagura.
I just can't get over the fact that Marie is gone forever. Whenever I was reading a happy scene and was about to get happy myself, I kept remembering that she's dead and getting sad or mad at Hajun and the lunatics who made him.
Speaking of Hajun, I understand why many wouldn't like him as an antagonist since he's more of a force of nature than a character, but I personally liked how Masada inserted Mara into his universe. Due to Mara being the opposite of Buddha, it's normal for him to seek isolation, since that's the opposite of what a wholesome human being should do. Whether or not Masada planned it, I liked how he connected Marie's embrace with Hajun's desire to be alone.
And I now understand why Masada decided to start a new series. Despite all the black hole tossing and destroying universes just by getting angry, Shinza Banshou is extremely confined.

>> No.11756202

YnS Sora's VA. She's in a lot of things I've played.

>> No.11756244

Yeah despite people who complained about him lacking oomph I didn't mind Hajun myself. It's just a different kind of antagonist than Reinhard or Karl or Spinne

>> No.11756242
File: 1.01 MB, 2397x1811, HITOMIIII.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hitomi btw

>> No.11756246

Those man-voices, uh.

>> No.11756248
File: 28 KB, 236x248, melt got dropped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't be helped if you're insecure.

>> No.11756253
File: 38 KB, 240x625, father.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Talking about antagonists, if he wasn't Yoshiya's father, I wouldn't say he was the last boss after the second trial, so many factions.

>> No.11756257

Best girl ;_;.

>> No.11756267

>Just two months to go now.
Hope no more delays.

>> No.11756266

You reminded me I still have to read the second trial. Just two months to go now.

>> No.11756334

I think it's quite obvious it's Shinno's master, Amakasu, who I believe is the purple eyed dude with the same military fashion sense as Yoshiya. He's the only one whose name we didn't get in the opening.

>> No.11756374


>> No.11756435

Playing Yumina The Ethereal. What the hell do I do about the request to have sex with maino? Will it affect going down Yumina's route? What should I do if I want to go down Yumina's route? Sleep with Maino? Don't sleep with Maino?

>> No.11756536

Soyogi Tohno.
Her voice is so soothing.

>> No.11756681

The usual ones like Nabatame, Kawashima, Soyogi, lately been starting to really like Momoya Minami too.

>> No.11756711

1. Kazane (too bad she is voicing less and less VNs every year)
2. Kaibara Erena
3. Toono Soyogi
4. Misonoo Mei
5. Aoba Ringo

>> No.11756838


Apart from the usual big names like Nabatame et al., past 2 years, these 3 newcomers tops for me: Kiritani Hana, Haruka Sora and Ui (卯衣).

On a side note, Magicalic ⇔ Sky High hasn't really made much of a good impression with the maid senpaid route done. May be other routes will be better.

>> No.11756857

>(too bad she is voicing less and less VNs every year
Please don't remind me.

>> No.11756866


あじ 秋刀魚

>> No.11756906

What makes a chuunige good, and what can make it bad?

>> No.11756915

All chuuni games are shit. Chuuni = shit.

>> No.11756918

I guess finding a proper middle ground between cool/overblown shit and seriousness so it doesn't enter in the joke/stupid territory, kinda like fortissimo where the action just gets boring because it's filled with constant powerups.
So a clear definition of powers with their limits is a must and it can be broken with enough foreshadowing.

>> No.11756920

if it can make you involved and make you think what's on screen is cool shit, it succeeded
if you keep going 'this is silly', that's bad
like all games, this is influenced by a mixture of plot, characters, writing ability of the author, artistic direction, etc

>> No.11756922

Are you including Masada's works when saying all Chuuni are shit?

>> No.11756929

Why is that a question?

>> No.11756931

Because they're usually regarded as good games even if they're Chuuni, so I was thinking maybe you considered them exception.

>> No.11756940

Maybe if you hate fun.

>> No.11756968

Regarding updates, I just updated it to version 1.07 and installed both appends, should the screen look any different than the one posted >>11752317 ?
Because it doesn't and both appends appear as installed in the folder.

>> No.11756979

Is more like this. You = Retard.
If you don't like a certain genre is fine, calling it shit makes you a big retard.

>> No.11756985

Did you install the Perfect Guidebook Append 2.0?
The title screen should have an Extra Story above Game Start.

>> No.11757008

Just playing the devil's advocate, but I think what that guy is saying (or at least, I would hope what that guy is saying) is that the the chuuni label inherently means it's a bad game. If it's not bad, then it's not chuuni; it's just magic/supernatural/sci-fi or whatever.

>> No.11757021
File: 129 KB, 1020x572, verita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, thanks for the info, the one I downloaded is so redundant, had two appends separated and then the one you mentioned with them three again.
Now it looks more like it's updated like zero/genrin 2, again, thanks.
I guess extra stories are meant to be played after the first time like in kamidori so I'll leave them alone for the time being.

>> No.11757030

I'm thinking more here of games where the protagonist is in a context where it's possible to self-insert, in which this same MC receives powerups and somehow is different and more powerful compared to the scenario around him. It's because of the MC's origins being close to the reader (like for example, high school setting and such) that he is able to self-insert. When I asked the question, I was thinking more of "in such a case where you have a game with chuuni elements, how can they be executed in a positive way, and what can make them end up poor.

Because for example, moege is also pretty generic and the contexts surrounding each game are awfully similar to each other. Does it make all of them bad? No. They can still have an atractive and interesting story.

>> No.11757032

Just an advice, finish the Extra Story first, they are prequels and unlocks you playable characters after completion.

>> No.11757038

Ok, good to know. If I can ask about the three routes it has, I can do them in any order right? No need to leave one for last or anything.

>> No.11757043

Not gonna repeat anything the other guys said, but I personally consider music and how it's used to be very important.
There aren't many chuuni-related things that are worse than having your hype killed by unfitting music.
Might as well mention voice acting while I'm at it.
These reasons combined with art is why many people who never played the games, EOPs included, enjoy watching videos like these.

>> No.11757076

Both the Light and Dark routes are standalone.
The canon neutral route has no closure, it continues into the next game so its best to play that last.

>> No.11757181

If that was the case, he should have explained his point, otherwise just by the comment alone sounds like he is some little kid that hates chuuni and label the entire genre as shit.

>> No.11757944

One of the problems with chuuni games is that there's a really fine balance between really cool and really dumb. Most of which is subjective.

I think as painful as it can be sometimes, there needs to be a lead-in to the chuuni stuff and cooldown between fights. Usually this is where the slice of high school life segments come in. It needs foreplay, you can't just ram the chuuni in dry.

A lot of the best parts that I remember seem to come from the MC (and other characters) having incredibly specific powers that seem useless at first until he finds out THE TRUE MEANING or upgrades it to its final form or logical extension and it becomes all-powerful. Those moments are what really sells chuuni for me, the big I UNDERSTAND NOW moment.

Music's already been said but needs saying again. Music is a huge part of atmosphere and atmosphere is what gets you immersed in the story, and the fastest way to make your chuu2 game look ridiculous is to fail the immersion part. You have to ease them into something so ridiculously over-the-top, otherwise the whole escapism bubble pops like a sand castle made of a house of cards.

It's gotta have style, too. Visual and audio. Great character designs and great voice acting. Again, more immersion stuff. The more immersed you are the cooler the cool parts are and the less you think about the silly stuff, because there will inevitably be silly stuff.

>> No.11758079

Yeah, I think that the wole stuff about how the superpowers work is somenthing that is necessary but needs to be pretty well executed too. After all, that is what make the powerups credible and not some asspull.

>> No.11758841
File: 655 KB, 1920x1080, capture_034_30122013_070520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never really enjoyed any of Masada's stuff before, but after playing through the trials for senshinkan, I'm actually looking forward to this. The only thing that really bothers me is 神野's voice, but I have a feeling that I'll get used to that in time. Now for the 2+ month wait for it to actually come out.

>> No.11758908

Why? I think is perfect for the tipe of character he is.

>> No.11758914

Saya no Uta.

You probably haven't heard of it, it's pretty obscure.

>> No.11758920

I just don't really like voice filters like that for some reason.

>> No.11759473

Kayo Sakata
Soyogi Toono
Fuuri Samoto
Yui Sakakibara
Kaori Mizuhashi

>> No.11759520

p-please respond

>> No.11759572

Looks like a young Genkai.

>> No.11759618
File: 43 KB, 640x480, capture_001_30122013_181853.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I started Rance 4 and I have no idea what I'm supposed to do. After the first attack this pops up and nothing happens. Clicking around doesn't seem to do anything either... Any idea, techsupport-san?

>> No.11759649

Did anyone like divi dead as much as I did? Probably one of the few vn's I might replay to get a different ending

>> No.11759665

I read the translation and it made no sense.

>> No.11759671

well your dumb, you need to have some occult background knowledge to really understand it I guess but everything is well done

>> No.11759717
File: 662 KB, 1280x720, 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11759715


>> No.11759719

Shutup milf autist.

>> No.11759726
File: 43 KB, 500x389, tasukete.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11759734


>> No.11759739

translate it weebs

>> No.11759759
File: 187 KB, 588x363, pasukonpuro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I move to Japan
it work now

>> No.11759766

You are supposed to get beaten up by her because you have no weapon, iirc. Rance woke up naked from the last game.

>> No.11759788

>Not speaking the language of eroge connoisseurs

>> No.11759828

white pig go home

>> No.11759837

Anyone have any idea where I can buy Fate Hollow/Ataraxia?

Because dammit Type-Moon I am trying to do things legally here but you are not making it easy.

>> No.11759851

Wait for next year and buy the pack.

>> No.11759856

My google fu has failed me. What pack?

>> No.11759864

For example, product B00HG6XMG0 on Amazon.jp.

>> No.11759867

More like your Google fu is non-existent:


>> No.11759870

Right, I'm a moron. Didn't even think of looking through JP sites. Thanks.

>> No.11759880

>Didn't even think of looking through JP sites. Thanks.

One would think that would be first place to start looking..

>> No.11759883

You would, but I'm an idiot and thought that going to google and inputting 'Hollow Ataraxia pack'.

>> No.11759920

Why was Reminiscence and Yururu the only two good novels (history) of the year?

>> No.11759940

Because those were the only ones you played and liked narrow taste -kun.

>> No.11759946

The word 'history' doesn't mean what you think it means, ESL-kun.

>> No.11760014

Oh, sure. I'm always glad to learn more, what was the best scenario-ge of the year in your opinion, broad-kun?

>> No.11760117

I think I liked those two the most too. They just weren't the only things that managed to entertain me.
Who reads only scenario-ge anyway? Seems weird.

>> No.11760142

What's the deal with these 2D.G.F guys? What's the point of 2 week upload delays?

>> No.11760170

Such as? Seems to me 2DGF is typically a little bit faster than girlcelly, if anything.

>> No.11760191

I don't know about them specifically, but some uploaders give companies a "grace period" if you will so they can still get money from people who want to have the game on release date or close. Or it might just be how much it takes for the game to reach them in china, a few of their releases are tagged as private copy (as opposed to got from share or whatever p2p)

>> No.11760193

From my experience they usually are equal, but about 60% of the time, 2DGF is faster than gircelly. But there are some more "alternative" titles that takes a fucking ton of time to release I suppose because gircelly don't go for then and 2DGF only open to the vips on their forums, the last more famous was KF2, which took a lot of time until they uploaded in the public tracker

>> No.11760200

By no means I said I only read scenario novels, in fact considering this year I've read about 8 to 10 scenario novels and at least four or five times this amount in moege...

>> No.11760201

Well of course, girlcelly just re-uploads stuff, be it from Freenet or 2DGF, he doesn't provide anything by himself.

>> No.11760583

What a faggot

What's the point of doing that

>> No.11760727
File: 296 KB, 800x600, 1388500811697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aoyama Yukari

>> No.11760737
File: 149 KB, 800x600, capture_004_19122013_162343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For some reason, I've never really liked her outside of her roles in Shumon games.

>> No.11760746

I'd read that asairo spin off.

>> No.11760750

She voiced the hostess in Fukuoka in Ryu ga Gotoku 5, I swear. That fucked me up. Get out of my Yakuza games Aoyama!

>> No.11760755
File: 153 KB, 800x600, capture_003_06122013_135913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That spin off still wouldn't have a Waka route though, not that one would really work anyway.

>> No.11760773

Anyone tried Tsuyokiss NEXT?

The original was my first untranslated game and I'm feeling nostalgic enough to try this new one, but if it's absolutely horrible then I don't want to bother.

>> No.11760790

It hasn't leaked yet so go to Japanese boards if you want impressions.

>> No.11760815
File: 49 KB, 800x500, o0800050011968577494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11760824


>> No.11760826

What kind of incest would it qualify as?

>> No.11760976
File: 1.21 MB, 719x960, 1388506183890.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone knows what's this? I've read that this should be a new sound novel.

>> No.11761016

uh, so r07 working for key again?

>> No.11761050

for some reason just looking at it gave me the creeps and 'that' bang sound played in my mind immediately
Requesting more info.
No, R07 announced another entry in the WtC series quite a while ago but know we know that it's going to be higurashi related.

>> No.11761064
File: 189 KB, 640x359, wwwjanai.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11761097

It's out now.
Hopefully it's not completely Tsuyokiss: The Rehash Part 3.

>> No.11761124

Actually, it's 3 weeks now (or until someone else releases their copy). They purchase the games, so I guess they're free to hoard them for however long they want. It's obvious that they want to make money off this (the easiest way to become a VIP is to donate, not to mention they upload CG rips on file hosting sites right away to make money off downloads) but it's not clear whether they spend it on further purchases or not.

>> No.11761171

I think it's 3 weeks after release or 2 weeks after they get the game, whichever comes first.

>> No.11761210
File: 564 KB, 1280x720, Berry's0008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Things are slow today.

>> No.11761223

candysoft suffered a heavy blown when takahiro crew left, but they finally did do a good novel last year with ガンナイトガール, let's hope they can get two rights in a row.

>> No.11761243

Didn't the writer for that leave already?

>> No.11761267

Takahiro? Yes, as I said he left candysoft to open Minato Soft and he's the writer of the original Tsuyokiss, Kimi ga Aruji and Majikoi.

>> No.11761274

The writer for Gunknight Girl left too.

>> No.11761277
File: 375 KB, 784x600, Yukari.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's also been in a few notable all-ages VNs as well.

>> No.11761281
File: 144 KB, 852x1136, BcyDTOjCUAEeiBR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's more info/chara just for you.

>> No.11761288

Oh my, what a cutie. Where might she be from?

>> No.11761293

Oh, I wasn't aware, just looking at egs now I see that he only worked in CS, is he going to be a freelancer or did he went out to another company?


>> No.11761297

Is Happy End a rewrite or a FD?
That is to say, should I read the original first?

>> No.11761304

It's about half rewrite, half FD. Go straight for happy end and just choose that you haven't played the original in the beginning.

>> No.11761314

Freelance I think, hope he gets work soon.

>> No.11761322

Did anyone start Love Replica yet? How is it?

>> No.11761346

Well, NEXT is written by the guy that did the Tsujidou-san games and those were pretty well received right?
He also did Tsuyokiss 3 which wasn't too bad, rehashing aside.

>> No.11761360
File: 130 KB, 750x450, Masaki sd4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One anon started two days ago but he has yet to deliver feedback.

>> No.11761363

Oh Tsuyokiss next came out, whoevers playing it write up some impressions when you finish a route please.

>> No.11761376
File: 181 KB, 806x625, the talk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll take it as being so bad he's been incapacitated for a few days.

I guess I'll man up and download it after I finish Djibril.

>> No.11761449

Not the anon the people above me are referencing, but I've been reading it slowly on my own and wouldn't mind giving my thoughts on it. I've only read past the first section, what I assume to be a really, really long prologue that introduces the characters but also the central conflict.

If I had to sum it up, it would highs and lows. There are some really good scenes (Elizabeth) and some really bad ones (the entire relationship mess between the protag, Mizuho, and Rin). It feels like the ideas are there, but the writing isn't quite up to that level.

The setting is fairly unique with the clones and I'd like to see more of it used. That being said the central focus is more on the characters and their interactions over the scenario, so I don't mind it too much.

As for the enforced route order, wow Ai's route was awful. It was just a sex scene, credits, then epilogue that introduces even more questions. Hopefully future routes (working on Mizuho's now) will be a little more fleshed out.

I'm only halfway (maybe) through the story, so have to see how it unfolds from here.

>> No.11761479

Thanks for your thoughts.
I started it yesterday and it was kind of corny for me, but if there are redeeming scenes I might keep reading.

>As for the enforced route order, wow Ai's route was awful. It was just a sex scene, credits, then epilogue that introduces even more questions
This seems like a huge dealbreaker though. I thought she was the main heroine.

>> No.11761502

Well that's the problem with her route though. After the credits it shows the epilogue where she's starting to lose her personality and turn into Rin.

So with what's in the spoilers (which probably are significant spoilers later on) I assume there's going to be more to it. I admit though I was pretty upset when that happened. I want to keep reading though, just to see how it turns out, which I guess is a good point for the game.

>> No.11761535

Can anyone recommend any VN's that use mostly low-level Kanji?

I'm well into the Core 2000 vocabulary, and would love something a bit more interactive to attempt reading.

>> No.11761537

Whats a chuunige anyways

>> No.11761656

Serika's append was fucking annoying to start verita, god damn Ekrea was a fucking bitch to fight against and grinding was horribly boring as the skills available fucking sucked.
Loui's was a lot more entertaining, even had puzzles and bosses you could actually take on without much trouble.

>> No.11761660

See >>11757030

>> No.11761755

Twinkle Crusaders
Lovely x Cation series
Midori no Umi
Dangan Ronpa series (PSP/Vita only so no JParser or Mecab if you were planning on using those)
Most moege and nukige.

When you're confident enough try out slightly harder games like Root Double, Baldr Sky, eden* or SubaHibi.
Also check the archives in the future. The same question gets asked a lot in this general.

>> No.11761770
File: 24 KB, 250x300, c796605chara6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game better have at least one third as much homolust as the original did with a character design like this.

>> No.11761785


Just stop beating around the bush and start having yaoi sex scenes with these types of characters and the 'drawn like a girl voiced by a girl but whoops its a dude' characters.

>> No.11761976

How would the fans take the whole 'now you can fuck your bros, they even get CGs and all' deal?

>> No.11762000
File: 129 KB, 1280x720, help.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>First scene of Next is already rehashed
They're just doing this for a juxtaposition effect and as a nod to the original, r-right?

>> No.11762029

You really, really should have expected that from the beginning, that CG was on the official site for the longest time.

>> No.11762040

There's a difference between using a similar CG and line for line using the same scene.

>> No.11762093

IIRC the same scene is used on the three games, man. Try picking something else to opine or complain, that one is no surprise.

>> No.11762209
File: 187 KB, 819x638, old.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never thought I'd be the kind of person to say this, but I think I like the old designs better.

Unless I'm completely retarded and those are actually different characters; I haven't touched Tsuyokiss since a failed attempt way back when still practicing japanese.

>> No.11762226

>Unless I'm completely retarded and those are actually different characters

In that case yes, you are retarded.

I didn't like the old art much, though.

>> No.11762389
File: 208 KB, 1006x618, ikusa verita 19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well duh, I forgot to update it into 2.0.
Can I update it later after I finish the game?

I'm way too far to restart the game again.

Pic: I'm surprised Emilio and Lily got a scene, I thought they gonna appear as clone, like Lily on Kamidori

>> No.11762482
File: 140 KB, 1280x720, lewd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only two and half hours in or so, but this has actually been pretty fun so far.

>> No.11762715

This seems super gay. This is Tsuyokiss Next, right?

>> No.11762728
File: 154 KB, 1280x720, dasracist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11762739

Fuck off.

>> No.11762745

Agreed. Fuckin Jap.

>> No.11762749

I find it racist the black guy never gets a sprite. Fuckin Japs.

>> No.11762751

You can't go and terrify your main audience with something like that.
You'll give them all heart attacks.

>> No.11762754

Those are saved for NTR eroge

>> No.11762765

>I find it racist
>Fuckin Japs.

>> No.11762820
File: 405 KB, 800x600, capture_004_04022013_122619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11762840
File: 715 KB, 816x639, all_ages_game_yeah_yeah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished my first untranslated VN. I have to say I liked it and it was incredibly cute, but whoever stuck "all ages" on it...

>> No.11762846

kamige of the year all years

>> No.11762849

I wish they focused more on the girls in the upper top corners. The main two girls didn't really do it for me.

>> No.11762858

Well, it's not like we haven't seen Konata and Kagami antics before, so yeah, there could have definitely been done more with the other two.

It makes me wish there was more Lucky Star to look forward to, though. I wonder if Hanahira itself is going to get a sequel though, no idea whether it sold well or not.

>> No.11762943

All ages Yuri game?

He, count me in.

>> No.11762955

I hate how 99% of yurige is nukige

>> No.11762980

IG is going to save us, anon.

>> No.11763035

Anyone willing to help me find a game, and possibly put the CGs on exhentai?

I'm looking for a small bonus game and I can't find it anywhere.

>> No.11763213


They probably would start patting and rubbing their crotch

>> No.11763454
File: 179 KB, 1279x718, Martinez.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was actually a sweet nigga unlike the rest of those black rapists in eroge.

>> No.11763495
File: 1.03 MB, 1286x748, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished http://vndb.org/v210 a few days ago, currently working on this.

As I'm admittedly rather new to VNs, I have to wonder what is commonly agreed upon as the definition of "finished". Might I say I've finished a novel after unlocking a good ending or two and then losing interest for the foreseeable future? Or would that just be the equivalent of temporarily placing it on the backlog until I feel like going back and unlocking every possible ending?

>> No.11763517

If it's a moege, I declare it finished when I've read the routes of all the girls I care about. With scenario-ge I read all routes as a matter of course, so it's not finished until I've done that, particularly if there's a "true" route involved.

>> No.11763603
File: 115 KB, 540x540, 20140101004300da2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy New Year everyone!

>> No.11763701

I like that Latte one best!

>> No.11763750

Well, give me the name then

>> No.11763803
File: 152 KB, 1000x486, 2013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


moege strong

>> No.11763832

I want to go solo karaoke some VN songs, but how do I know if joysound has the "real" song and PV like for 未来への咆哮 or shitty fake midi renditions like this:

Also, is there any info on why baldr sky's ost isn't karaoke-able?

>> No.11763839

IG? Production IG?

>> No.11763877

Innocent Grey duh.

>> No.11763956
File: 761 KB, 1221x851, Votes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about this version?

>> No.11763960
File: 39 KB, 605x50, PrtScr capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about this version?

>> No.11763987

What's interesting is that the Getchu sales results of 2013 are quite similar to the two previous years:

1 Aiyoku no Eustia August
2 Koikishi Purely ★ Kiss Effordom Soft
3 Daiteikoku ALICESOFT
4 Kamikaze☆Explorer! Clochette
5 Walkure Romanze ~Shoujo Kishi Monogatari~ Ricotta
6 Kamidori Alchemy Meister Eushully
7 Koiiro Soramoyou: after happiness and extra hearts Studio Ryokucha
8 Rance Quest ALICESOFT
9 Damatte Watashi no Muko ni Nare! ensemble
10 Grisaia no Kajitsu Front Wing

1 Maji de Watashi ni Koishinasai! S Minato Soft
2 DRACU-RIOT! Yuzusoft
3 Tsujidou-san no Jun'ai Road Minato Carnival
4 Natsuzora no Perseus minori
5 Twinkle ☆ Crusaders -Passion Star Stream- Lillian
6 Grisaia no Meikyuu Front Wing
7 Mahoutsukai no Yoru TYPE-MOON
8 Soukoku no Arterial Eushully
9 Hanairo Heptagram Lump of Sugar
10 Hatsuyuki Sakura SAGA PLANETS

1 Daitoshokan no Hitsujikai August (see 2011)
2 Amairo*Islenauts Yuzusoft (see 2012)
3 Prism◇Recollection! Clochette (see 2011)
4 Grisaia no Rakuen Front Wing (It has grown quite a bit)
5 Madou Koukaku ~Yami no Tsuki Megami wa Doukoku de Utau~ Eushully (see 2011)
6 Walkure Romanze More&More Ricotta (see 2011)
7 Lovely x Cation 2 hibiki works (this...)
8 Reminiscence Tigre Soft (...and this one are newcomers)
9 Otome Riron to Sono Shuuhen -Ecole de Paris- Navel (see 2009?)
10 Karumaruka * Circle SAGA PLANETS (see 2012)

>> No.11763993

Didn't know Reminiscence sell that good, also is that a boost did navel got such a huge boost between the original and the fd or the others were lower?

>> No.11764017

Also this for those who are interested:

>> No.11764039
File: 777 KB, 923x541, vbb1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11764079
File: 262 KB, 1230x890, 1388542595943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11764093

I think we have a new fatso.

>> No.11764104

>August Yuzusoft Clochette
Truly a great year for moege lovers.

>> No.11764105

>August Yuzusoft Clochette
Truly a great year for moege lovers.

>> No.11764215


Can't say I miss R07's art, hahaha.

2014 January's release looking a little poor to me, did minori change their artist from Perseus? AKB's release art does stand out, will take a little to get used to.

>> No.11764329

So cicadas cry even in space, huh?

>> No.11764387

The new Higurashi thing is for summer, this is another game he's making for next winter.

>> No.11764544

When will 2ch vote for best eroge of last year?

>> No.11764549 [DELETED] 

What? These designs aren't for Higurashi, right?

>> No.11764569

Everyone knows what's going to win anyway.

>> No.11764572


>> No.11764575
File: 12 KB, 300x168, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My most likely bet.

>> No.11764577


Daitoshokan will win

>> No.11764587
File: 1.05 MB, 288x198, thanks for the laugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11764593

I will enjoy your tears after I'm right

>> No.11764609

Sure, then screencap this and let's who'll laugh at the end.

>> No.11764618

To be honest, I think daitoshokan is probably one of the most deserving just in terms of how well it does what it actually set out to do .

>> No.11764626

Daitoshokan deserves a eight at best, stop being delusional. Aiyoku no Eustia was way superior to it and couldn't rank in 1st place, even without WA2 there's still plenty of better games out there who deserves way more than some fancy control usage, like this one >>11764575. If those fancy cheaps were everything Witch's Garden would be ranked better last year.

>> No.11764636


>> No.11764644

Except Chusingura was mediocre as hell.

>> No.11764652
File: 393 KB, 1360x768, capture_055_02052013_034913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no doubt that Lovely x Cation 2 will win.

>> No.11764654
File: 70 KB, 800x600, malie 2014-01-01 14-07-56-29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This novel has a pretty good ost so far.

>> No.11764659

i fucking love burnscarred military women

>> No.11764662

Yeah, me too. One of the few things I possess anime related is a poster and a action figure, or whatever it's called, of Balalaika.

>> No.11764697

Wow, this month is really shitty. Time to work on the backlog.

>> No.11764703

I'm just waiting for eiyuu senki gold.

yes yes I know call me a pleb but I enjoyed the first one

>> No.11764716

I'm also waiting on that one too.
Everything else this month (except maybe Bradyon Veda and new Tanuki soft) looks boring though.
I'm a huge moefag but none of these titles appeal even to me.

>> No.11764734


And it's one of my favorites.

>> No.11764737

Is there a walkthrough around for Caucasus? I got 3 endings but i am now stuck and i can't imagine being able to get all the other ones without any assistance.

I feel like the interrogations in the living room are completely useless, i never get anything out of them.

>> No.11764805

IIRC some specific interrogations were needed for certain endings. Also the whole game is a complete flag hell where missing one small thing in the beginning phases could lead to having to restart the whole game.

攻略 is the word when searching for walkthroughs.

>> No.11764824


Thank you! Yeah when i realized the drawer-key at the end needs a third little wooden block, i gave up on the idea of getting a full clear by myself.

>> No.11764838

I'm looking forward to many games this month, many delicious titty-ge. Couldn't give any less of a shit about the titles you mentioned though.

>> No.11764849

I am a very sick person, vn wise, and I read so much moege, but surprisingly enough, after 10 moeges in the last two months I'm 'kinda' saturated and now I want to read one novel by it's scenario, any suggestions?

>> No.11764860

Who let all the people with shit taste in?

>> No.11764869

I like recommending carnival, fast and to the point.

>> No.11764894

This month is all about fapping to me. Syrup's new game finally coming out and Choco-Chip being back in the business, stuff of legends.

>> No.11764911

You were here first.

>> No.11765079

This month is indeed bit lame otherthan nukiges. But finally having the new Syrup game out will be nice also the new Tinkerbell game seems to be for my tastes too. And let's not forget Dark Lord either for more Banaya goodness so it should have decent story too.

>> No.11765451
File: 290 KB, 1366x768, tsuyokiss next.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading Tsuyokiss Next, I'm actually curious about Pureko, considering her route is locked and has two ends.
Yandere? Just insane? Secret childhood friend?

>> No.11765457

How is it so far?

>> No.11765469

Fun I guess, have ways to go in the common route but I like the whole group of friends part in VNs, which keeps me entertained.

>> No.11765493

So how does the Tsuyokiss series work, anyway? Can you read Next first or are you supposed to start from the original? And how do 2gakki/3gakki fit in, are they just new routes for the old characters, or what?

>> No.11765505

New thread: >>11765502

>> No.11765675

Wanted to read Eustia but every time I download the rar's some of them (usually stops at part 04) show incomplete. I guess I'll just start reading Eien no Aselia instead.
