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File: 277 KB, 1920x1080, carnival.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11735691 No.11735691 [Reply] [Original]

Previous Thread:>>11727291

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>> No.11735700
File: 346 KB, 404x393, Item get!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember to refresh and claim your christmas dinner!

>> No.11735701

Why didn't you post the FAQ about the event like how to unlock what

Get ready for everyone posting quests asking what they mean

>> No.11735704

LSC crafting:
Modernize 4 times
Scrap 4 equipment items

Sink subs

Clear 6 expeds
4 boss kills

Win 4 pvp matches
Kill 8 CVL/CVs

>> No.11735705
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Link to Kancolle Viewer

>> No.11735711

Apparently I19 is in the event maps drop list
Good news for people that sank her.

>> No.11735712

Because making a summary of that takes ages. Why don't you do it if that sounds too easy for you?

>> No.11735716

YES, time to redeem myself for that fucking mistake

Any news on the drop location? I'm guessing it's on a boss node...

>> No.11735725

Waiting for them to populate the droplist.
Mikuma confirmed for E3

>> No.11735728
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>> No.11735729

Yeah, I think I'll just look for her instead of trying crafting her using LSC

>> No.11735731

subs added to 1-4 if you need the quest

>> No.11735734
File: 294 KB, 1594x528, iku drop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't expect to see her in E-3

>> No.11735738


Much easier than E-2 boss battle.

Bit more difficult to get there though.

>> No.11735735

What are the odds we'll find I-8 in E-3?

>> No.11735737

E-2 composition help? I'm getting buttblasted

>> No.11735741

Yeah, if you can clear the pre node with Maya and make it to boss (not get sent off course) you really can nab the kill easily. The CLs aren't an issue if you take a sub, and night battling will almost get you the win.

>> No.11735746

Iona + 4subs

>> No.11735748

>tfw no I-8

>> No.11735750

What a load of bullshit.
That mist ship on the first node of E-2 never fails to use it's laser thing.

>> No.11735752
File: 305 KB, 1559x932, christmas dinner with haruna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe I should get her a plate from the dinner table this evening.

>> No.11735764

Even though that one was more recently updated.


That one is actually has newer code from the original Jap dev.

Resha's ones kind of old because he has been busy.


>> No.11735767

This is a good use of our limited image uploads

>> No.11735768

Does the laser attack only trigger against certain comps or is it completely random?

>> No.11735773

haruna a shit

>> No.11735775


It's your way of getting RNG'd this event

Maya particularly loves inviting you to her carnival, please enjoy.

>> No.11735776

E-3 Boss is dropping holos like crazy.

Problem is that it's only been giving holos I already have (Akagi, Mutsu)

>> No.11735783

I'll fight you nerd

>> No.11735785

Why are you still using inferior cuntcolle haruna?
Why dont you use the superior ハルナ from arpeggio?

>> No.11735788

Because only one of them has the color scheme of the Kaiserreich.

>> No.11735786

That Haruna looks stupid.
I'd much rather have Arpeggio Kirishima

>> No.11735787
File: 133 KB, 629x477, At least I have 2 CAVs now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I figured I'd blow up all my resources with 6000/4000/6000/3000 100 after getting I-401.
Can't say I didn't like my rolls.

>> No.11735789

Random node?

>> No.11735791
File: 21 KB, 228x165, over 999 crit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks Isuzu, it's the sixth time already.

>> No.11735795

So not only did you not get Yamato but you got Mikuma which can be farmed from E3?
Seems like LSC is a scam.

>> No.11735799

Wow. A fleet with 1 BB and 5 anti-sub ships can't sink a lone level 2 Iona.

>> No.11735802

So it's a good idea to use the collaboration ships as modernization fodder before the event ends?

>> No.11735801

Her level hardly matters considering her base armor and HP.

>> No.11735803
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>> No.11735815

I wonder what happens if you send them on expedition right before the event ends.

>> No.11735817

Your fleet will probably return without them and you'll fail.

>> No.11735826


Just cleared E-3. Never got blown off course although the endless Carnival forced me back few times.

It might be worth farming E-3 later, the boss node has quite a few holo drops from what I see.

>> No.11735832

Okay, the Takao sortie quest(200/200/0/0):
I cleared E-1 twice, but no %50 mark appeared.

Anyone knows what is going on?

>> No.11735829

Nice, I'm almost done myself. Got sent through the transport ships several times but never hit the item node (4 runs so far). Drops haven't been good at all, though, but the pool sounds good. Seems good to farm.

>> No.11735833

There's another admiral from Latvia besides me? Impossible!

>> No.11735835
File: 10 KB, 265x65, worse_than_CG_gacha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before -> After.

4000+/4000+/6000+/6000+ (varies depending on mood)

100 kit attempts

20 kit attempts

I think I'll stop doing large ship building until next event.

>> No.11735836

Santa Naka...

>> No.11735843

And a Yamashiro from large ship building.
I got so hyped up when my minimalist craft turned up with a long timer too, knew it was too good to be true.

>> No.11735839

Well at least now I don't feel bad about my crafting binge. What's a faster way to get dev kits anyway?

>> No.11735840

Did you destroy her or just win?

>> No.11735844
File: 7 KB, 203x62, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't play for quite some time. Logged in only to test the big dock.
4/4/6/6 3x

6/6/4/6 1x

>> No.11735845

for fuck's sake man it takes 2 minutes to clear it 2 more times by the time someone would answer your question you would've already found it without us having to spoonfeed you

>> No.11735846

These fog shits have some fucking insane armor.

>> No.11735850

already wasted 6k fuel without even clearing E-2 once...this fucking game

>> No.11735856
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>> No.11735861


Out of curiosity are you only turning back when your ships are in red or in orange?

>> No.11735864

After clearing E1, no Takao.
One kill wasn't S rank, but there was no record so I got worried.

It shows the %50 mark now, after 2S and an A rank.

>> No.11735868

At least she looks better than regular Naka.

>> No.11735870

I go for it on orange. Never even got into night battle without going into red. I put up repairs but reds can't do shit in night battle anyway so I can't kill them. Takao, 2CV2BB, Iona

>> No.11735871

wikiwiki said g node in E2 can drop Nagato
This is your chance now.

>> No.11735872

It also shows me 50% mark after 2xS victories at the 1-1 area map.

>> No.11735874

So it's pretty much 4 S-rank on boss nodes?

>> No.11735873
File: 682 KB, 801x479, 23123123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here we go

>> No.11735880

Enjoy your wagahai

>> No.11735876

I haven't done any more E-1 runs after clearing it, so I am sure that you only need to win(with S rank?) a boss node.

>> No.11735878


That sucks, I was going to recommend that you go for it in orange if you weren't already.

Maybe you should try swapping out 1 or 2 of the CVs for CLTs just to switch it up. I ran Takao, 2 BB, and 3 CLTs and I made it to nigh battle everytime.

At the very least, it would cost a lot less to sortie.

>> No.11735879

Did you modernize your fog ships? They pretty much duo all of E2, I just put any random high level fillers, bb/cv/clt/dd

>> No.11735889

Looks like five subs is also the best way to clear E-2.

>> No.11735887

Also, have the quest marks started rounding up the percentage?
After another S rank victory it shows 80% mark.

>> No.11735888
File: 95 KB, 449x106, 23123123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow many thanks Junyo

>> No.11735890
File: 115 KB, 799x478, shibasub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you kids like the shibafu?

>> No.11735891

Zuihou from first E2 node. Could farm there if you really want to.

>> No.11735892

I do. Can't wait to get I-401.

>> No.11735893

Sore thumb of my sub fleet.

>> No.11735894
File: 250 KB, 457x356, 5X1mV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These stats are pretty fucking good to be honest

>> No.11735898

That's beyond good for subs. I don't care too much about that art if she performs well.

>> No.11735903

How do I sink submarines? My torpedo monsters aren't strong enough to sink them...

>> No.11735900

So she comes as an aircraft submarine already

>> No.11735901

She's a carrier right off the bat?
Another reason to not use her

>> No.11735905

She comes with nothing on

>> No.11735904

Does she comes with Seiran?

>> No.11735908 [DELETED] 

janiboi u cant stop me

ur 15 min bans are useless.............

>> No.11735913

I swear, those laser attacks have a 130% crit chance on my battleships. I should stop using Musashi.

Got a Yuugumo, at least.

>> No.11735914
File: 26 KB, 399x95, ss (2013-12-24 at 03.28.42).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got her

>> No.11735918

Please, we have 150 images max. We don't need more timer pictures.

>> No.11735919

There is no point farming 5-2 or 5-3 with these event maps. What a nice xmas gift by the devs.
Seems like pretty much everyone will complete their first 3page of the library with these maps.

>> No.11735920

Can your ship sink in night battle if it only got hit into red during the day battle part?

>> No.11735921

Iona's naked max torpedo stat is 129, plus that firepower means she's pretty unstoppable in night battle.

>> No.11735925


>> No.11735923


>> No.11735927


>> No.11735931

Wait, light curiser mist ships have lasers as well? I thought it was only boss fights.

>> No.11735932

This is Wo.

>> No.11735934

Take a sub (or iona), they target her with ASW attacks and won't laser

>> No.11735938
File: 127 KB, 747x436, e2 subs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are actually people not doing it with full subs fleet?

>> No.11735944


I found out too late. Wasted a bunch of resources doing it with my original fleet.

I though they also attack subs like they did in the manga/anime.

>> No.11735941

Because not everyone is successful at previous event. Now please stop taunting us who are less capable playing this game

>> No.11735946

From what I've seen only the mental model ships (and fake mental model Maya) have lasers.

>> No.11735947

Nope, normal mist light cruiser have lasers as well. Pretty rare I guess.

>> No.11735948
File: 95 KB, 310x200, im3589282.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who are you going to have a lovely little turkey party with this Christmas?

>> No.11735952

Nah not really, they do at least twice everytime I try the the map.

>> No.11735953

Come on, kancolledb, update those LSC recipes already

>> No.11735956
File: 875 KB, 1062x647, 2013-12-24_18h29_13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like that shibafu I-401 personally.

>> No.11735958

Only shibafufags like her.

>> No.11735960

Kagafag here.
Even I dont like his I401 design.
Subs are supposed to be showing their sukumizu. That singlet is fucking disgusting.

>> No.11735962

I like Iona way more than I thought when I was watching the anime.

>> No.11735965

It looks like she is wearing a sukumizu under that weird little shirt.

>> No.11735967

Why are they making Shibafu design a submarine in the first place?

>> No.11735970

because shobon put a dick on Goya.

>> No.11735969

Just wondering, how often does new content gets added into the game, normally?

>> No.11735971

Yuugumo at E2
Naganami at E3
No Hatsukaze...

>> No.11735973

Dammnit, only have 4 subs and Haruna is always the one that survives.

>> No.11735978

Still cheaper and less frustrating than running a full fleet.

>> No.11735976

Put the cut-in sub for both the last slot.
Iona and Goya almost always perform cutin

>> No.11735977

I don't see the problem.

>> No.11735980

Yeah decided to that, just waiting for repairs to finish to see if it works.

>> No.11735981

Anyone found out how to craft the helis? I've spent around 4k resources while crafting on CVL's and CV's and didn't get shit.

>> No.11735985

Fucking 3-4, Iona went from level 11 to 29 just from doing it and I still haven't beat it.

>> No.11735989

They changed how quests are counted or something?
I noticed my subs daily comes with 50% completion right when I unlock it. (Killed 3 subs for Iona earlier)

>> No.11735990
File: 638 KB, 800x478, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just fed that ugly ass penguin from large ship crafting to my Musashi. Confirmed for +luck stat gains.

>> No.11735992

What's going to happen when Iona is the only ship in my first fleet and she is removed from the game?
Maybe I'll get to keep her, right?

>> No.11735995

You'd abandon all of your current Kanmusu to have a slim chance at keeping Iona? As adorable as her kyusoku senko~ is, that's just crazy talk.

>> No.11735999

Seems like 5subs is 100% boss. It is always ADEG
4/4 so far for E2.

>> No.11735997

>+1 luck
Wow, it's nothing. I rather keep her for expeditions even if her remodel ends up being still shit.

>> No.11736001


>> No.11736002

I meant the only ship in my first fleet, not giving up all ships. I could never do that to all my loyal and cute destroyers for example.

>> No.11736005
File: 264 KB, 497x807, LP87iWQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, way to ruin a fucking christmas, fucking gooks. Couldn't they hire good artists for once? Are they all fucking blind? Even I-401's shittiness pales in comparison to the other new ships (except for Taihou). They look absolutely horrible. It's below even dA tier. It's like they did a collaboration with an elementary school. This is a fucking disaster.

>> No.11736004

It is.

What I want to know is if 5 subs can clear E-3 too. I would try it myself but I have to wait for pvp to roll over.

>> No.11736006

I already saw a screenshot of it from futaba.
I gotta wait for another 8hours to attempt E3.
I dont know how I am going to get 4wins against Iona, Takao and Haruna. Any tips?

>> No.11736008

sub pack

>> No.11736009

I got wrecked at the NE route with 4 subs.

>> No.11736010

it seems like our resident shitposter has a protégé now. How amusing.

>> No.11736012


I assume you probably can, unless Kongou is the only Fog ship that can hit subs or E-3 is littered with ASW ships.


The vocal minority complains about Shibafu's art. It's almost a meme at this point and it's really fucking annoying.

>> No.11736014
File: 266 KB, 795x467, subs beating e3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the screenshot from futaba.
Gotta feel sad for the people without hachi.

>> No.11736015

>vocal minority

Other shibafu samefaces are okay, but this just looks like something drawn by a 13-year old mexican
Look at those fucking legs

>> No.11736016

I don't have Hachi or Imuya, how screwed am I.

>> No.11736017


This is probably what they meant by an easy event.

>> No.11736019

I don't have Goya, where is my sympathy?

>> No.11736020

I don't have I-8 and didn't manage a kill from 3 runs in E-1, so I switched to my usual fleet for the next 4 runs.
I don't think I'll even try a submarine run for E-2/3.

>> No.11736022

Sucks to be you but with how many resources we dumped into getting Hachi I guess this is a great way to pay us back.

Goya drops like candy in E-2.

>> No.11736023

Submarines also dropped like 'candy' in E-5 last event, but after 200 runs I didn't get a single one.

>> No.11736024

Has anyone had any luck doing it E2 with 4 subs? Tried a bunch of times and haven't got a boss kill with it yet ;_;

>> No.11736026

No sympathy for you. You can easily farm Goya at the current E-2 map or even 5-2.
Hachi is not available at all for people that started late.

>> No.11736027

Considering the 100k of each resources I lost trying to get I-8, this is a dick move.

>> No.11736028

What the fuck is this shit?
At SE route Maya critted my level 63 Kirishima to the red.

Beginner-friendly my ass, I knew they would dick us hard in the back.
Xmas ruined.

>> No.11736032

> Xmas ruined
take your shitty meme back to wherever you came from.

>> No.11736034

I already cleared E1 and E2.
Less than 1k used and no buckets at all.
This is a walk in a park compare to E4 and E5.
This is like doing the last event E1. Even the previous E2 map is harder.

>> No.11736038

Fog ships can oneshot just about anyone.

The thing is that if you're doing things right, they either get only one attack or can't even hit your wolf pack.

>> No.11736039

Just got Imuya from S-rank E-1-1.

>> No.11736041
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Woah, it comes at 80%. Nice gift by the devs to include your previous PVP win even without you getting the quest.

>> No.11736042
File: 165 KB, 463x365, Taihou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taihou seems to have really good stats after her remodel, she gets the highest firepower, armor and AA stats among the carriers and a solid plane count in addition to her ability to launch at orange.

Pretty good in my opinion.

>> No.11736045

For the amount of resources she costs, you'd expect her to be good.

>> No.11736047

That luck is worse even than Mutsu. Though there's Maruyu luck food, I still won't consider her to be part of my main fleet.

Of course, assuming I could get one.

>> No.11736049

Please dont tempt me. I dont want to waste 7k bauxite to get a junyou.

>> No.11736050

How is 10 luck worse than Mutsu's? Also, luck doesn't mean anything outside of night battles.

>> No.11736052

Does luck mean anything to CV/CVL?

>> No.11736055

Do we have an LSC recipe collection with a decent sample size? Kancolle-db is not there yet

>> No.11736058

Oh, forgot the remodel stats.
>luck doesn't mean anything outside of night battles
Somehow the usefulness is quite apparent in my case. Using same setup, my Hiryuu can steal MVP from Akagi more often than Souryuu during 4-1 grinding.

>> No.11736056


It's only been a day. I say wait about a week or at least a few days. LSC isn't going anywhere.

>> No.11736057

3k/3k/5k/6k 20devs for Taihou
Most widely spammed recipe so far.

>> No.11736059

How do you unlock E-3? I can't seem to find the sortie quest or PvP.

>> No.11736060

See >>11736041
You should get a new PVP quest.

>> No.11736061


Look harder or finish the other quest.

>> No.11736062

I'm doing that right now, but hearing about everyone crafting Taihou and Yamato makes it pretty hard to stop myself from wasting resources

>> No.11736063


I really don't know how this even.

Also E2 first node GoldenS-Maikaze

>> No.11736065

She drops at E-1 boss too.

>> No.11736073

Well darn, looks like I'll have to waste 20k+ resources over this. My I8/I19/I58/I168 levels are 1/5/1/21 and I can't be bothered with grinding them.

Still, it's just ~20k and I will probably spend five times as much over LSC, so I guess that's okay.

>> No.11736075

You could focus a day or two, that would be enough to remodel them.

>> No.11736086

5000/5000/6000/3000/20 is getting Yamato reports on the English wiki.

Just tried it myself and got Nagato which is fine by me. 1 to 100 finally complete.

>> No.11736089

Nah, I already used ~10k in dropping E1 and E2, might as well go all the way in. It's a good excuse to use the remaining resources on LSC and let the natural regeneration kick in. There's still some time until the Midway event.

>> No.11736096

2-3 oil run can cover your oil spending, at least. And it's not like the event will end soon, there are 13 more days.

>> No.11736117

How much more resources does Akitsumaru give on expeditions?

>> No.11736121


>> No.11736126


>> No.11736130

Not sure, haven't tried to put 2 Daihatsu in 1 ship.

>> No.11736135

When you can, also try to put 2 in different ships.
Maybe they stack between ships, if not in a single ship.

>> No.11736147

I was new during the last event and didn't take part in it, but I do know that it was immediately available. This event, however, remains locked to me. Is there a campaign requirement in order to start the event?

>> No.11736150

You need to get Iona first. The english wiki has details on the event quests.

>> No.11736154

Holy sheet Iona and Takao eats resources like a battleship.

>> No.11736160

Anybody try farming E-3 with 6 subs yet? It seems like most of the heavy hitters can't target subs so should be easy.

>> No.11736166

What ships can equip the Daihatsu?

>> No.11736163

Got a 400 steel bill for Iona, damn.

>> No.11736169

Other than Akitsu Maru, only ChitoChiyo AV version can use it.

>> No.11736172

What are peoples optimum fleet for E-2?

Should I use Line Abreast against the BBs until boss node?

>> No.11736175

Just use 5 subs and laugh at them.

>> No.11736173

5 subs.

>> No.11736174


5 subs.

>> No.11736177

Fucking PvP quest hindering me to get past to E-3.

>> No.11736180

Yeah, got to wait till evening.

>> No.11736183

Currently the PvP list is CARNIVAL with broken fog ships everywhere.

>> No.11736187

I have 5 Imuyas and only them. Any other way?

>> No.11736191

How are you guys getting 5 subs so easily? I've been doing E-1 and not even a rare drop has showed up. I also started playing this after the previous event.

>> No.11736195

I-8, I-19, I-58, I-168, + Iona

>> No.11736193

Anyone has any info on where the new equipment comes from? Large utility boats, helicopters and other shit? Can't find any info in the Moon wiki yet.

>> No.11736194

one of the subs is uncraftable and doesn't drop so if you didn't get it in the previous event you're fucked

>> No.11736197

Dunno, try Haruna, Takao, Iona, +3 something? My guess is either torpedo monsters for preemptive torpedo + god mode at night, or carriers for more preemptive damage + decent dmg during the shelling phase. Downside to carriers though is that they're useless at night. I guess you could just try 3 BBs and just brute force it, but having them get crit to red with gravity cannons over and over may drive yo insane.

>> No.11736203

>I also started playing this after the previous event.

That is why you don't have 5 subs yet. If you have RNG on your side then you can potentially get all the subs you're missing from this event.

>> No.11736204

I fucking hate Iona in PvP, hope she drowns in a sea of dicks.

>> No.11736206

Is there some compass bias? I can never go south path in E-2.

>> No.11736207


I brute forced E-2 and E-3 without using Iona.

For E-2 I used Takao, 2 Kongou Sisters, and the 3 CLTs. Cleared it in 4 runs, never had to retreat.

For E-3, I substituted Fog Haruna for one of the Kongous. Kept Takao and 3 CLTs. Again, effective if not cost-efficient. Had to retreat twice out of seven run but otherwise smooth sailing.

>> No.11736208

Basically >>11736197, but no Haruna if you are doing E-2.
I just cleared it with Takao, Iona, Ooi, KTKM, Kaga and Akagi.
I might replace Akagi with Kongo, just because she is level 96 and can be used in night battles.

i-8 is a drop in this event?

>> No.11736209

It seems random with NE favored 3:1 from the runs I had in there. Same fleet every time, and 2 out of 6 sorties went south.

>> No.11736210

Not sure, but I saw I-19 drop today and she was unobtainable outside of last event as far as I know, so maybe?

>> No.11736212


>> No.11736220

You could try to craft the Maru-yu sub...

>> No.11736221

Arpeggio OP isn't really suitable for Kancolle events. The event mood is usually more in tune with SPLIT YOUR LUNGS WITH BLOOD AND THUNDER

>> No.11736225

I don't think she has the ability to attack.

>> No.11736229

Any info who illustrated those two pale girls? Is it really ZUN?

>> No.11736236

Yahagi craftable using 1500/1500/2000/1000 using 1 dev kit

Proof: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZrpS3T-U9Lc
The guy got her on his 10th attempt

>> No.11736234

So... Why not use Iona for E-2 & E-3? is there any reason aside from too much fuel steel consumption?

>> No.11736241

Dumb question here, how do you guys get Haruna? I just cleared E-2 but I dont see any quest relating to it. Been relying on the english wiki.

>> No.11736245

E-2 is breaking my balls, Kirishima just won't stop oneshotting everything, and nothing will hit her.

Why is she the worst?

>> No.11736243

I bet 5 bucks it's that guy who drew Nagara and others.

>> No.11736246

Complete the 5 PvP battles quest. Then complete the 8CV/CVL quest.

>> No.11736247
File: 303 KB, 1300x753, 40061300_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kirishima is great, you just need to take it easy.

>> No.11736249

I see thanks. The english wiki didnt state that the completion of those will yield Haruna. A quick question, does scoring A rank in Pvp count as victory? Iona is such a bitch atm.

>> No.11736252

Kirishima > Kirishima

>> No.11736251

I meant the Arpeggio one.

>> No.11736256

It will. S, A and B ranks are all victories.

>> No.11736260

Any list of confirmed LSC recipe?

>> No.11736261
File: 106 KB, 468x489, Strongest sub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She was indeed made to wreck the enemy fleets.

>> No.11736267

It's inevietable that someone will level her to 99 and marry her.
Looking forward to it.

>> No.11736274

I wonder if her remodel will be an early one, as it is she can't even equip a single item.

>> No.11736281

Thanks. I just have to kill everything other than Iona then.

>> No.11736288

Can Takao/other mist ships sink?

>> No.11736293


>> No.11736289

It can't be helped. She's meant to be a ship for use with modernization to increase other ship's luck stat.

>> No.11736290

1 node bill :

Musashi : 50/65
HARUNA : 40/55
TAKAO : 35/40
IONA : 30/30
Kongou K2 : 22/27

well looks like using the arpeggio girls to tackle E3 is out of the question.

>> No.11736291

I like tanned plain girl in sukumizu. Feels like summer.

>> No.11736292

Wanna try it out?

>> No.11736297

Well shit.
She took 1 crit and ate 687 steel for that.

>> No.11736298

This is fucking impossible without 5 subs. I hate seeing how everyone with 5 subs has cleared the entire event without a hitch and I'm still on E2 after wasting 15k in resources. Time to quit this game I guess. I just wasn't man enough.

>> No.11736299

Doe 4-5 sub work on E-2 and 3?

>> No.11736300

Haruna's red damage repair bill made me want to cry.

>> No.11736301

I used <5k all resources to clear, no subs either. Just use CLT/CVL and 1xBB, it's a very easy event

>> No.11736304

What are you using?

>> No.11736303

Nigga please I finished E-2 with Takao, 2CVs and 3 CLTs E-3 with Haruna Takao Iona and 3 CLTs.

Learn to night battle.

>> No.11736307

get some skills noob

>> No.11736306

But how do you learn to not get critted to shit on your way to night battle?

>> No.11736308

By killing everything that can crit you in the opening torp phase?

>> No.11736312

You kill everything else with pre-shelling phase attacks.
The only crits I got were from the laser and sometimes those spread their damage, so ships don't get heavy damage.

>> No.11736313

1500/1500/2000/1000 using 20 dev kit.


>> No.11736324

Huh, unlocked Iona but E-1 is not showing up. What gives?

>> No.11736330

Does that bitch on E-2 has 100% critrate?

>> No.11736335
File: 450 KB, 874x427, Screenshot 2013-12-24 14.03.25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nope, fuck you

>> No.11736334

Clear cache

>> No.11736347

She comes naked? HELL YES SHIBAFU

>> No.11736354

Why are you people preying on innocent people who don't know how to use Google or wikia? Oh wait...

>> No.11736365

I'm in the same situation, everyones saying 3 CLT like even that's easy.

>> No.11736369

Am I the only one swimming in Ikus and Kumarinkos from E-3?
The drop rate for rare ships seems a bit too high for the event maps.

>> No.11736371

I did my first 3 kills with Takao/BB/BB/CLT/CLT/CV, don't lose hope.

>> No.11736370

So where can I get more boats for Akitsumaru?
Does anyone have an idea what her remodel lvl is yet?

>> No.11736375

Can't really answer your question since I've had no luck getting Akitsumaru, but can you use her boats on any other ship?

>> No.11736378

I'm just hoping that the South Path is easier, it's just that in the 15 or so times I've done it, it's always been North East.

>> No.11736379

I'm doing it with 4 subs although it pretty much requires Iona to cut-in Haruna in a night battle.

Getting a S rank for this though is gonna be difficulty though.

>> No.11736382

Is sub cheesing E3 viable ? it's not too costly but there's always tons of ships alive during night battle, I can't dedicate enough shots to kongou. (got 5 subs)

>> No.11736386
File: 247 KB, 366x340, Screenshot 2013-12-24 14.33.32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is fucking retarded, and I can barely scratch them.

>> No.11736389


So is it true, that the difficulty scales with HQ level?

>> No.11736390

Guys - easy event doesn't necessarily means you can wrap that 2 weeks event in half a day.

>> No.11736391

As things stand, I'll run out of resources by the end of the week. 1 fucking run costs 300/400 and repairing is also that much, and fucking mist ships seem to have 80% crit

>> No.11736392

But a handful of us already did though.

>> No.11736397

It's not because there's lotto winners that you should be pissed off at the first non winning ticket you buy.

>> No.11736398

I just ran it with 6 subs after having cleared it. The problem is i401 is weak as shit so she is basically useless, even in a night battle. Maybe once I can remodel her she can actually perform cut-ins.

The other subs though are monsters, but like the other anon said you pretty much need cut-ins to kill Kongou. Otherwise she just laughs off the normal attacks. I cleared it with Haruna/Takao/Iona + 3 lvl 94+ subs. If you can get to night battle with Haruna and Takao better than red (and have them equipped for double attack) then they can 1-shot Kongou.

>> No.11736402

Her tan is good, everything else is shitboring. Where shobon when we need him most?

>> No.11736403

Guess it's time to put damecons to use again and push red night battles

>> No.11736404

It works but it is not too hot.
You are always send to NE and you have to fight 2node with ring formation so those shits can wreck your subs hard. Sparkling them and going with double line will get you to boss relatively healthy. You need Iona as your flagship or maybe the compass is random. I got sent to the steel node when I have Hachi as my flagship. Once you are the boss you need to get lucky with T-cross if not sinking Kongou will be hard.

I decided to brute force it with Haruna, Takao, Iona + 3. You get sent to the boss in a straight line. You can easily perfect S every nodes if Haruna open with her laser beam. It fucking cost a lot but you save time.

>> No.11736408
File: 69 KB, 692x339, Fifth Carrier Division.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a Shoukaku with 4000/2000/5000/7000 100.

Can't say I'm too disappointed.

>> No.11736415

I just breezed through the last south node and damn you guys suck at this.
>lazer cannon x3
Oh... I see now.

>> No.11736427

tried the Yamato recipe and got a Taihou. What am i supposed to feel?

>> No.11736428

so I tried the large ship construction once, finally got to unlock my 4th fleet.

a merry kirishimas to all you fellow teitokus

>> No.11736437
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>> No.11736438

taihou > yamato
Yamato is just a useless hotel that looks good.

>> No.11736442

I just got a Naka-chan dayou~ drop and she was dressed like santa.

>> No.11736445


>> No.11736447

Please see >>11735856

>> No.11736446

I didn't screenshot, I'm so sorry ;_;

She dropped from e1 boss node, A rank

>> No.11736449 [DELETED] 
File: 502 KB, 800x480, naka santa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11736451

That's actually really cute.

>> No.11736456

It will not redeem her.

>> No.11736458
File: 189 KB, 323x504, image 19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cutest.

>> No.11736459

I hope they give this artist more ships to draw.

>> No.11736464

She has done nothing wrong.

>> No.11736465

Did bob draw Santa Naka?

>> No.11736467 [SPOILER] 
File: 364 KB, 571x321, Screenshot_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So with Haruna/Takao/Iona/Musashi/CLT/CLT it's a pretty easy fight for E3.

But man... I don't even want to count in reparation cost.

>> No.11736468

You are not a smart teitoku.

>> No.11736472

>not using 3 CLTs

>> No.11736478 [DELETED] 

Use kiso you noob.

>> No.11736484
File: 137 KB, 805x481, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess low-level admirals got the blue ships instead of the red ones...

>> No.11736483


>> No.11736514

Just got back, from what I've gathered the cameo ships are huge resource sinks and for fun units and the new units aren't impressive except for Taihou, right? So I ought to clear the event and then pray for a Taihou, after which farm E-2 and E-3 until oblivion, is that correct?

>> No.11736516

Farm E-2 and E-3, Taihou can wait.

>> No.11736517

No the guest ships have some really amazing stats, and ridiculous resupply/repair costs for their class.

>> No.11736519
File: 130 KB, 213x346, 1387896458518[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These 2 weeks are going to be fun.

>> No.11736522

I should leave my Maruyu out for pvp.

>> No.11736527
File: 65 KB, 690x377, fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do i do now /jp/

>> No.11736531

Hate money.

>> No.11736532

Construct additional pylons.

>> No.11736533

Scrap Iona.

>> No.11736538
File: 81 KB, 699x384, e3 cost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not sure if I want to farm for Naganami at E3.
It is fucking expensive to run. Plus repair you need to put in another 500fuel/steel.
I cleared E3 with about 5k resources.
Going to level up I401 to see if running it with 6subs is viable.

>> No.11736540

Looks like someone added tips for E-2.
Am I the only one who thinks those aren't good tips?
1. I cleared E-2 with a plan to kill everything that would waste firepower at the start of the battle so 2 CVs were a must have.
2. North paths node has 2xBBs, that can actually deal damage, but South path only(except for Maya) has small-fry that evaporate before the battle even begins or Fog ships which only attack Iona.
3. I guess it makes sense to play defensive to get to the night battle, if those small-fry next to Haruna and Kirishima are actually moving, but targeting Haruna becomes a lot harder, so this one just seems to make this map at last event E-2 difficulty level.

Does Maya from South path trigger laser cannon attack? I fought her twice but maybe I was just lucky.

>> No.11736548

>Does Maya from South path trigger laser cannon attack?
Yes she does.

>> No.11736550


arigato gozaimass for much help

i cleared my cache it worked

>> No.11736555

>Always follow the upper path as it is the safest and shortest route to boss node.

What the fuck.
I told compasschan to take me that way but she won't listen

>> No.11736560

Event is nothing but depressing, as usual. Also, fuck this large shipbuilding gimmick.

>> No.11736561

How hard is E2 compare to E3 if you do it normally without subs? I did E2 with subs with E2 and bruteforce E3 with CLTs.
Outside of wasting resources, they are all straight forward map. Laser has terrible accuracy and doesnt hit anyone to red in 1shot even when I use vertical formation. So you can always make it to boss without anyone going to red.

>> No.11736564

It's a ploy so you can never recover enough bauxite for Midway.

>> No.11736568
File: 81 KB, 691x341, shibafu sub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does it feels to know that the new sub isnt white like the rest?

>> No.11736569

Why won't the stupid fucking retarded submarines attack the boss, this is the same fucking retarded shit that was so infatuating last event and they only made it fucking worse

>> No.11736570

I like her tan. Also, no dick.

>> No.11736572

Enjoying your Christmas gift too, I see.

>> No.11736574

brute4ce it faget

>> No.11736575

It bothers my OCD. I can't deal with this, two new subs when?

>> No.11736579

Alright going my level 32 Kiso to 65 so I can take on E-2, I'm currently doing 4-3 with heaps of ASW, seems pretty safe and better than 3-2.

Is there anything better than that?

>> No.11736582

I401 uses 2fuel/bar
I168 uses 1fuel/bar
I58 kai uses 1fuel/bar
Her only advantage is using less ammo compare to other sub.

>> No.11736584

Tried the lowest possible recipe and got an Agano on the first try.
Why did they make getting ships so easy?
Is this game really casual now?

>> No.11736587

Getting all high and mighty just from one lucky get?
I did 2xYamato recopies to get 2 random BBs.

>> No.11736589

Kill yourself.

>> No.11736590

It is the devs xmas gifts to the player.
I401 is a holo sub with better stats and is much easier to get compare than Hachi.

>> No.11736598

Do events give admiral ranking points? Wasn't around for the last one.

>> No.11736620

wow! Careful with those edges, you might cut yourself

>> No.11736629

it feels like my fleet is becoming culturally enriched.

merchant ships when?

>> No.11736631

Any stage you need expedition fleet support,./jp/?

>> No.11736645

What's the average ship level of those who cleared E-2 easily? Becasue with an average of 58, I'm getting shat on.

>> No.11736653

level~10 Iona + 4 lvl90+ subs

>> No.11736654

I like my tan little girl.

>> No.11736655

Mine was 79.2.

>> No.11736657

95 Ooi
86 Akagi
54 Kaga

Wasn't that bad. Every time I reached boss node, I beat 'em down.

>> No.11736660

Yeah, now I understand.

Fuck this event, seriously.

>> No.11736664
File: 65 KB, 476x330, christmas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Merry Christmas.

>> No.11736665

I get to the boss easily with level 70-80 subs,
though it seems Iona needs to get a cut-in on Haruna to kill her,
maybe put her into last slot and kill her at night?

>> No.11736669

I only have 3 subs not counting Iona. And they're 66, 60, 44 only

>> No.11736674

You are upset over this piss easy event?
Guess you werent here for the previous event with E4 and E5? You would have probably ragequited.
Seems like this game is too hardcore for you, better find a more casual game.

>> No.11736676

Kongo 92
Akagi 70
Ooi 64

Took me 15 battles, 8k/5k/8k/1.5k resources or so. Yeah, I hate my resources that much.

>> No.11736678
File: 29 KB, 385x290, merry christmas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it time to open the boxes?

>> No.11736679

>piss easy

Fuck off, it's piss easy if you farmed lvl90+ ships, for everyone else, it's annoying

>> No.11736680


Other than compass troll, E2 is E4 tier.
If initial air bombing misses, one ship gets to critted to red.

Which is the exact same shit with E4.

>> No.11736688

What's wrong with red? You can safely go to night battle.

>> No.11736690

Supposedly it scales in difficulty with your level. It's not like a level 99 is going to shrug off a supergravity cannon any easier than a level 30 anyway.

I spent 20 hours straight on E-4 with the exact same fleet I just used to clear E-2 in 8 sorties. Barely any changes in levels or equipment. You have no idea what you're talking about. The compass makes one hell of a difference.

>> No.11736692

>E2 is E4 tier.
You are comparing a map that need on average 8hours to clear to a map that can be cleared in an hour. You are given super ships, use them.

>> No.11736694

Confirmed for not doing E4

>> No.11736695

"What is difficult in training will become easy in a battle"
-Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov

Are you sure that you attempted E-4 last event?
I think I was quite lucky this time, so for me this was even easier than E-2 last event, but I would consider it to be around the same difficulty.

>> No.11736696

Not really, I dumped 30k resources, 4 damage controls, and days of time on E4 and didn't get passed it. I cleared this E2 in a few hours with simple brute force, it's laughable to compare them.

>> No.11736702

You have your super fog ships and CVs to help you with this, along with doing only 3 nodes where the only real threat preboss is a red Ru-class BB and Kirishima.

Don't fucking compare that to E-4 last event.

>> No.11736705

>The compass makes one hell of a difference.

Its been 6 hours,I've just got my third kill with the last slot KTKM at night.
Kirishima 67, Iona 13, Akagi 50~,Kaga 40~, Ooi 69, KTKM 72

>these replies
Okay its possible I'm not having my luckiest day.

I depleted the boss gauge, I had resources, but I was out of time for E4

>> No.11736709

What formation do you guys use when running 4 subs?

>> No.11736715

>not using Takao
She is basically a BB with higher evasion + a laser that can multi-kill on lvl1.
Give her equipment for double attack, so she hits at least once at night battle and it will suffice for her to deal 200 dmg to Haruna.
Maybe your equipment is different, but the rest are basically my fleet with lower levels.

I stopped trying after my 1st 4-sub run.

>> No.11736720

But I had the worst experience with upper path.
It activated PTSD from the last event.
I gave her 15.5+15.5+AA gun.
She never saw night battle for I always had a kanmusu critted to red in day.

>> No.11736722

Maya always crits her to red while saying "Caarnival dayo~"

Every single time, I feel like she's mocking me and taunting me.

>> No.11736723

Great, Kumano from E-3 boss.

>> No.11736725

At least modernize your ships.
The most Maya laser can do is to hit the arpeggio girls to orange. How the fuck are your Takao so weak?

>> No.11736726

They're all modernized to 5 stars including Iona, im guessing its some level scaling bullshit

>> No.11736730

Yeah, by the time I had to finish off Haruna one last time, I was hoping to go South too, so I wouldn't have to deal with those BBs.

Uff, that's basically your luck if a single attack crits your ship to red. Keep trying because that can happen with any fleet other than sub runs.

>> No.11736736

I'm fairly sure having both Iona and Takao in your fleet forces you south and guarantees a boss battle for E-2. It also seems to guarantee the middle path in E3.

>> No.11736735

cleared e2 with the following after 4 sorties, average level 50ish:

2 Mist

stacking preemptive attacks was key, I killed the enemy mist ships several times in the pre-combat phase. I got lasered often in the boss node but it only took 2-3 ships to orange/red and I was able to finish the boss off at night. it was close though.

Good alternative plan if you don't have hachi.

>> No.11736738

Apparently now my hatred for pvp bites me in the ass. My teitoku level is high, and my ships, while high, are not THAT high, meaning I'm facing a fucking rapesquad.

>> No.11736740

wrong, I went north several times with both mist in my fleet on e-2

>> No.11736741

No it doesn't. I went both ways and always had Iona and Takao with me.

>> No.11736742

Just cleared with 20 Iona 44 Goya 75 Imuya and 79 Iku

S rank too but I'd say that was extreme luck since Imuya somehow one-shotted Kirishima.

>> No.11736743

Is there any point in bringing a battleship for E-2? You'll get two rounds on bosses anyway, and reducing Maya lasers to one is also a good idea.

>> No.11736747

The people who are having problem, are you guys avoiding night battle because your ships are red? You do know that it is safe right?

>> No.11736753

What's your alternative?

>> No.11736754

I started trying with that team but my ships keep aiming for kirishima instead of haruna.

Oh well, its better than trying with a full event fleet and getting raped in the ass with supply and repair costs.

>> No.11736755

3 CLTs 2 CVs and Iona of course.

>> No.11736766

I think that depends on your planes.
If you don't have enough good planes, a BB will fare better. But if you have enough holo planes to use, it'll probably be better.

>> No.11736771
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Not like she could use those lasers anyways.

>> No.11736780

Another Goya. God fucking damn it.

>> No.11736785

So, who here is waiting for some statisticaly significant samples before dipping their feet in LCS resource black hole?

I sure am. I've got one or two shots at it at most and I want to at least believe I had a chance to get Taihou.

>> No.11736789

How do I use kancolleviewer? When I run the exe nothing happens.

>> No.11736790

The tip is a fucking joke.
They are asking people with CLTs to use line abreast at the boss node. Fucking dumb

>> No.11736795

You need to be on win7+

>> No.11736797

everyone with a brain, i'd assume.

>> No.11736799
File: 76 KB, 796x494, kurisumasu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinda late but, Merry Christmas admirals.

>> No.11736800

I'm on win7, do I need to have the game running in a browser and then run the exe?

>> No.11736806

I'm more interested in the expedition ship development. A possible 45% bonus to expeditions is too good to pass up.

>> No.11736809

You just run the exe and log in, or copy the api link over.

>> No.11736810


You'd think so, and yet, so many teitokus in here already went on crafting binges...


That actually sounds like a great investment. With the resource counts for LSC it might even be necessary if you'll want to do the crafts fairly often.

>> No.11736812

2 Shoukaku from 4 E-2 S ranks...
I feel bad for all those bauxite spent for building her.

>> No.11736815

Only notable drop so far has been Suzuya. She hates me.

>> No.11736820

I'm not planning to attempt at all, still hoarding resources in case the devs pull another "one week for you to get this rare ship" crap.

>> No.11736821

Any chance for Zuikaku to drop?

>> No.11736825

jp wiki has her at E3.

>> No.11736826

zuihou nagato at e2
zuikaku nagato at e3

wikiwki got the droplist up.

>> No.11736828

Ok no Kirishima (and every other FOG ship) is broken as shit.
How do I not get guaranteed critted by them?

>> No.11736830

git gud

>> No.11736829

Run 5subs

>> No.11736832

Not everyone has 5 subs.

>> No.11736834

Then see >>11736830

>> No.11736835


>> No.11736837

Any tips for hoarding fuel? I've been doing expeditions and grinding 2-3, but I can't be jew enough because I only have one submarine, I168 (Iona doesn't count cause she uses more resources to resupply than a BB).

>> No.11736838

Is there a reason why you don't open your boxes til now?

>> No.11736840

I found 5 subs inefficient after 10 tries of barely damaging Haruna, then cleared in 4/4 S rank with normal fleet.
3 CLT + CV and 2 CLT + CV + BB was both good.

>> No.11736845

Im doing great with 4subs, the only problem is that cut ins always target that one ship that was still alive from day batle or Kirishima, never Haruna.

I can probably clear this like this, I just need the cut ins to target Haruna.

>> No.11736852
File: 11 KB, 169x47, whore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey anonymous, that's a nice perfect run of E-3 you have there, let me ruin that for you.

>> No.11736853

She does that in E2 too

>> No.11736854


>> No.11736858

Hope she drowns in a sea of dicks.

>> No.11736859

So it looks like I can cheese E-2 with 3 subs, 2 CLTs and a CV

>> No.11736861

It's not cheese when the enemy can instantly red any of your ships.

>> No.11736865

5 kongou kills for the kill?

>> No.11736867

Please don't bully the carnival.

>> No.11736874

Let's make a deal, she stops critting my BBs from green to red, I stop bullying, sound fair?

>> No.11736876

Its worse when she crits a fog fleet from green to red.
Oh god the repairs

>> No.11736878

Yeah, cant afford to repair my takao currently, so she's just sitting at home.

>> No.11736880

Why not bring a DD?

>> No.11736884

I have a DD in my fleet, doesnt stop her rapecannon.

>> No.11736887
File: 25 KB, 160x266, cap7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This just happened, was 2 perfect S before the node.

>> No.11736889

Would you a Kongou-class? Which one?

>> No.11736892
File: 75 KB, 799x482, anti subs farming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After clearing E3, they have 2anti subs node to prevent you from farming. Muh Naganami....

>> No.11736895

My Christmas is ruined

>> No.11736896

He was saving them for kurisimasu. Don't you want your girls to have gifts to open?

I'm waiting until later when it's Wednesday in EST to open mine.

>> No.11736897
File: 192 KB, 784x478, yuugumo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From E-2 with perfect victory.

>> No.11736898

Can we just farm E2 with subs then? Or did they add anti sub nodes in there too?

>> No.11736899
File: 364 KB, 800x480, E-3 boss first try.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was easier than I thought.

Good thing I got her at pre-boss node the first time I did the map.

>> No.11736902

Who knows, go try it yourself.
E2 doesnt have Naganami so it is no go for me. Guess I am going to clear 5-3 with Iona first before thinking of a farming fleet for E3.

>> No.11736904

>Who knows, go try it yourself.
Too busy trying to clear it

>> No.11736910

E-2 second node got stronger, but 3rd is much easier after clear, so it is still good.

>> No.11736916

>the cannon misses sometimes
It's a Christmas miracle.

>> No.11736921

How disappointing, at least E2 is farmable.

>> No.11736922

Okay is this where I left off?

>> No.11736926
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And I forget my image...

>> No.11736929

It is going to be slightly expensive to farm it with CLTs and BB. A ta-class BB in ring formation doesnt hit hard and a sub can be used to tank the cruisers.

>> No.11736948

The moral of the story is that the Admiral is better than both of them and they should stop bickering and worship him.

>> No.11736952

almost in the same boat except i had time but computer crashed and i could not log on. by the time i could it had regen'd 40%. tfw never going to get hachi.

>> No.11736958
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>> No.11736962

6000/4000/6000/3000 100 dev
supposedly a Yamato recipe got me my Taihou 6 hours ago. No pictures or else nutjobs will get on my case with "muh 150 image limit". A list was in the previous thread too if it's still alive.

These are also on twitter if you're bothered to check

>> No.11736964
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>> No.11736970

how the fuck do you hold a cup like that wtf

>> No.11736979

Tried a bunch of Taihou recipes. Kaga, Akagi, Kaga, Kaga.

Well, guess it can get CVs alright.

>> No.11736982

What should I put on my torp queens? sub + 2*15.5 or sub, 15.5 and damecon, so I can push forward in case of red.

>> No.11736984
File: 59 KB, 402x369, kene.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely thought it was a fake sprite when it was posted yesterday.

>> No.11736985
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One does not simply question the admiral. The admiral can hold his cup with his mind if he wishes.

>> No.11736988

>Nonono we can definetely tell you were sinking deep in your bed earlier!
That's line is so adorable.

>> No.11737001
File: 460 KB, 1200x1702, 010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, my fellow admirals, is why you should keep your big ships locked up. I gotta love this admiral's poker face though.

>> No.11737008

Just finished my World 2 daily quest, and my 6 sub daily unlocked with 80% completion.
Did they change the quests to count previous kills even if you didn't have the quest or is it just a bug?

>> No.11737011

same thing happened to me.
I got the e3 PvP quest at 80% too.

>> No.11737015

What planes should I use for E-2? Dive bombers?

>> No.11737019

I didn't think this was translated yet. Did you do this yourself?

>> No.11737023

E-3 boss also drops Shimakaze.

>> No.11737024

Just killed 5 subs and completed my daily, so it's not just a display bug.
Also, my sub weekly is now at 80% too (didn't even have 50% before), so something weird is happening with quests right now.

>> No.11737026

If you are getting graphical bugs, clear your cache.

>> No.11737027

Do subs ever reach that point where they won't get oneshot by normal destroyers or are they just too shitty. Even at lvl 80 it happens more than regularly.

>> No.11737030

Probably from doing the Iona sub killing quest. I'm pretty sure kill counting quests stack the same way expedition quests do; once you do the daily 3 you only need to do 7 more for the daily 10. My 6 expedition event quest started at 80% because I had already done my dailies and then some.

>> No.11737031

It's not a graphical bug, I'm actually completing quests without sinking the required number of subs.

>> No.11737032
File: 438 KB, 1200x1696, 011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Error-ko appears

I am translating it at the moment as we speak. I'm doing the translation while the other anon here will take my translation and do proper typesetting later.
You can find the works we've translated together here: http://exhentai.org/uploader/towyen

>> No.11737033

Enemy formation matters. And their equip.

>> No.11737034

first time I heard of this

>> No.11737035

no I got the quest at 80%. I beat 1guy at pvp and unlocked the haruna quest. it is not a display bug. it is possible that they track your progress before you unlocked the quest.

>> No.11737038

Same for me except my was at 50%.

>> No.11737040

That's not how things worked before the update.

I've noticed this as well, quest completion status now progresses regardless of whether the quest is active. I can't say I'm a fan, because this completely eliminates the need for quest management and the need to make them active in the first place.

>> No.11737041

It's not true

>> No.11737046
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>> No.11737047

Thanks for sharing, it's much appreciated

>> No.11737052

subs are pretty much situational use now after the patch.

>> No.11737053

I don't think it's a matter of tracking completion without the quest being active, but rather kill counting quests sharing the same counter. When the Iona quest is activated you start tracking sub kills; when you get to your sub daily it looks at the same sub kills counter and sees you've already made some progress.

>> No.11737061

that's not how things should be coded, but well, it's not impossible.

>> No.11737062

So instead of private variables for each quest, they reference the same global ones? I suppose that would make sense from a resource usage standpoint.

>> No.11737063

Is there a plan to add Santa Naka to the galleries? It'd be a real damn shame to just let that artwork come and go.

Also, they really need to let bob design a Kai 2 so people can stop shitting on his art, guy has obviously improved (though he's already a damn good artist to begin with).

>> No.11737064
File: 405 KB, 1200x1696, 013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't look at the next page if you have a faint of heart.

You're welcome.

>> No.11737066
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>> No.11737068

At this point I'm convinced that the only purpose of Kancolle is to make you angry. You're not supposed to enjoy it, you're not supposed to have fun.
You're supposed to watch a fog ship graviton-cannon your fleet to 1HP before the boss node and then spend all of your resources repairing them for no tangible reward.

>> No.11737073

The thing is, I killed 2 out of 3 subs on 4-1-B for the Iona quest, and a full 5 sub node for the daily, and unless it's counting subs killed in practice matches, it's not even close to the 80% displayed on the weekly quest.

>> No.11737079
File: 559 KB, 800x477, 5XoCJ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This event is aimed towards new admirals. How are you having so much trouble, anon?

>> No.11737080

What? This event is a christmas gift, just lay back and enjoy the free rare drops.

>> No.11737082 [SPOILER] 
File: 530 KB, 1200x1709, 014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Click at your own discretion.

And we're done with the first part of this book. To be continued.

>> No.11737084

How fucking new are you?

>> No.11737085

Fuck you, not everyone can be lucky like you

>> No.11737088

This joke is absolutely stupid, Akagi doesn't even consume that much resource-wise. It's grossly exaggerated.

>> No.11737090

Might be easier without planes at all.

>> No.11737091

what is parody

>> No.11737094

I spent so many resources on LSC that I can't afford to run the OP ships.

>> No.11737095

I was spoilering the top portion. But yes, Akagi doesn't eat the much, but still a lot compare to everyone else.

>> No.11737097

>grossly exaggerated
Like her waist.

>> No.11737098

They warned you, why didn't you listen.

>> No.11737100

That's your own fault you retard.

>> No.11737120

How in the hell did you one shot Kirishima with Imuya? What the hell did you equip her?

>> No.11737123

That is why I only went 6000/4000/6000/3000/100 twice, instead of 3 times. I needed the rest to be sure that I don't run out of resources.

>> No.11737129

two of those torpedos that give +10

I really have no idea how she did it apart that it was a cut-in maybe the stars aligned or something.

>> No.11737132

my Kaga one-shotted Haruna once. Imuya sounds more likely to manage that.

>> No.11737137
File: 168 KB, 850x644, !Inbox 904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The most important thing

>> No.11737141

It's bob.

>> No.11737142

Well, normally there's only one daily kill counting quest for a particular ship type, and the Iona quest is a one time thing, so it's probably not too big of a deal outside of this particular instance.

>> No.11737145

Yahagi from 1500/2500/1500/2000 and 20 kits.

>> No.11737148

Shit, I might be out of the loop, but don't people normally put 1 +10 torpedo and 1 mini sub torpedo?

... Kaga? In the day battle? Something must be terribly wrong with my config then, what equipment did you use?

>> No.11737150

Minisubs are not useful after level 10 because they can attack by themselves.

>> No.11737157

You have 14 days to complete E1/E2/E3 a total of 12 times. Even if you had no resources at all, the natural regeneration is enough to give you enough supplies.

>> No.11737162

that's why you shouldn't code that way. so that you won't break things if you add something.

yes, in the shelling phase. And I don't know how she managed that, 112 damage on a BB isn't something I see often. I use mixed planes on her, nothing special.

>> No.11737167

Nagato from 1500/1500/2000/1000 and 20 kits

Goddammit, I was dumb this whole time then. Although, don't you mean level 50 instead of 10?

So... 2-4 blue plane and the rest is red plane?

>> No.11737168

So, the next lottery is this 夕方 in Japan, does it mean 18 JST ? Or do I just spend the night waiting for a twitter post with the exact hour on christmas day ?

>> No.11737173

1 red, 1 green, 2 blue

>> No.11737175

When a sub is level 1-9 it can't attack by itself so you give it a minisub and it allows it to fire a prefight torpedo, but at level 10 they can fire that torpedo without a minisub so you replace it with a turbine or a torpedo

>> No.11737185

I'm really astonished that you can 1 hit a BB, not to mention a MIST ship, with that plane configuration. Holy fuck.

Gotcha, thanks a lot fellow teitoku, may your event progress sails smoothly

>> No.11737191 [DELETED] 

Did you guys know this game is shit and only has any players because it's designed for the massive normal people crowd?

>> No.11737200 [DELETED] 

Did you know mommy doesn't love you and only lets you live in her basement because it's her "responsibility" as a parent?

>> No.11737204 [DELETED] 

Jeez, not this shit again. /jp/ is for normal people, losers like you should get out.

Scram or I'll give you a wedgie or something.

>> No.11737205 [DELETED] 


What the FUCK is wrong with you? You think it's okay to just insult someone like that?

>> No.11737206

Dont reply to the resident shiposter, report and ignore so the janitor can deal with him.

>> No.11737208

Merry Christmas, Trevor-kun

>> No.11737209

Email mods@4chan.org and ask them to do something about him. If you just report him he'll be back tomorrow the same way he was here every day for the last thirty days.

>> No.11737210 [DELETED] 


Why would I be 'dealt' with? I'm not breaking any rules, retard. Holy fuck you're stupid.

>> No.11737212

Doesn't E-3 take more than 4 times?
Or at least that's what I'm getting from the bar.

>> No.11737213

Oh god, maya is still there after you beat E2.
And here I was looking forward to farming E2 with 4 subs.

>> No.11737219 [DELETED] 


Excuse me, idiots?

We're talking about me here. Get on topic.

>> No.11737222

Oh nice, a second Iku from E-3-A.
I've been kind of regretting kai'ing my first.

>> No.11737229

What's the point of living if I can't have Iona and Takao permanently?

>> No.11737233

E-1 takes 3 runs to clear, E-2 takes 4, E-3 takes 5. In addition to that E-3 is trivial, even more so than E-2, because Kongo's escorts are rather wimpy and you are free to wail on her all you like.

I depleted all my resources below the regeneration cap, and that involved lowering steel to around 300, but I have no concerns whatsoever about being unable to finish this event. And neither should anyone.

>> No.11737235
File: 99 KB, 1018x720, The carnival never ends.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For more information, Maya moves to the boss node after you defeat Haruna and Kirishima.
There's no Kirishima anymore in the top route, not sure if Maya is still there in the preboss node in the bottom route.

Wanted to S-rank it a few times for some good drops but Maya and her fleet sent me back with Goya in orange and A rank.

>> No.11737236

I just got Goya twice in a row from both the pre-boss and boss nodes in E-2, and 2Iku/3Mikuma from E-3.
The droprate for rare ships on these maps is just insane.

>> No.11737238

Is kancolle viewer not working anymore?
I can get the game running fine on firefox, but it freezes before battles if I try using kancolle viewer. I miss the convenience already.

>> No.11737242

I find Maya alot more pleasant that Kirishima.
At least Maya's lasers aren't guaranteed to fuck you over.

>> No.11737246

It was the other way around for me, Maya's lasers were 100% guaranteed to fuck me over while Kirishima had a chance to miss or do nothing.

>> No.11737263

Well shit.
I haven't lost any of the girls so far, but after this, I have to pay even more attention

>> No.11737269
File: 92 KB, 600x502, 40491454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being a new admiral with no resources and not enough ships to do the event feels terrible, at least I got a free fancy table I guess.

>> No.11737271

And then the 8th goya dropped right after I read your post. She's supposed to be harder to get than Imuya, damn.

>> No.11737282
File: 499 KB, 1318x790, 1387011058401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As you are having fun completing the even flawlessly and having enough resources to make 10 large constructions in a row, remember to think of all those poor girls out there who have to spend this holiday cold and alone.

>> No.11737283

Just hit HQ 20 now and I'm trying my best.

I actually ran out of ammo.

>> No.11737284

How much longer until I-8 becomes buildable/droppable?

>> No.11737286

At least she has a pretty cool tree.

>> No.11737288
File: 262 KB, 900x900, 40465577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy holidays.

>> No.11737294

But everyone got a nice turkey dinner.

Even if you started today, you can easily clear E1 and maybe the whole event within 2 weeks.

>> No.11737299

Keep going teitoku!
You don't want to disappoint all the girls which will to come rely on you now, will you?

>> No.11737303

I don't think even two weeks is enough for anyone just starting to get resources for those arpeggio gluttons.

>> No.11737304

Do your best, young admirals. Even if you only complete E1 or E2, the rewards are excellent.

And well, with the implementation of LCS, the line between riches and poverty has become all too thin. I ended up destroying my bauxite and steel stashes, but at least I have enough fuel and ammo to keep the fleet well-fed.

>> No.11737306

So, I cleared my cache and everything and the game works fine in my browser, but when I load it into KCV I can't access the event map or LSC.

>> No.11737309

Is it possible to get sent of course in E-3?
I'm 4 for 4 now straight to the boss.
Running Blonde Mist ship, 2BB, 2CLT and 1 CA.

>> No.11737311

You probably cleared the wrong browser cache. Clear IE cache, viewer uses an embedded IE window.

>> No.11737312

I fucking swear, that shitty sub might only take 2 minutes to repair, but that 100+ resource upkeep is just bullshit. Fuck even trying to get her to level 10.

>> No.11737314

I've got 158 buckets and 2k fuel.

Should I farm for more buckets or grind for fuel?

>> No.11737321

Wait until Takao gets crit to red by laser beams.

>> No.11737323

Plain sub.

>> No.11737324


>> No.11737315

That's absolutely terrible.
Thank you.

>> No.11737317

What is I-401's proper name? (like Goya etc)
I didn't catch it in her introduction

>> No.11737319

Plain sub

>> No.11737320


>> No.11737327

Shioi or something. I just call her yonmaruichi, because shioi makes me hungry and it's a pain to say.

>> No.11737330

You wouldn't eat a shipgirl, would you?

>> No.11737332
File: 585 KB, 1000x2615, 40471239_p5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many nice gifts have you gotten your girls so far?

>> No.11737334

I'd eat turkeys. Hell, I'm going to eat one anytime now.

>> No.11737335

Depends how she tastes.

>> No.11737338

But turkeys aren't cute
Like steel and broken dreams.

>> No.11737343
File: 261 KB, 592x828, 40485413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Upgrades for everyone!

>> No.11737350

What the fuck? I did 6 expeditions with the question activated and it isn't even at 50%. Is there any other requirements?

>> No.11737353
File: 22 KB, 194x51, Screenshot 2013-12-24 21.12.16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Opening laser from maya.
Fuck that whore

>> No.11737354


>> No.11737356

Nope. Either you fucked up somewhere or something else is fucked.

>> No.11737358

Oh look, it's the queen of crit hits.

>> No.11737364

Doesn't help that Akagi is such a crit magnet to begin with

>> No.11737363

Do they all have to be done in the same day? Reset was 15 minutes ago.

>> No.11737365

With all this complaining about Maya, I have to wonder if I'm just really lucky to have Maya never hit a single of my ships past orange. I've never had to go back once while doing E-3.

>> No.11737369

you know that expeditions are counted when they come home, not when you send them out?

>> No.11737370

Same here, I only had to retreat once due to a CV crit in all 5 E-3 runs.

>> No.11737372

Iona will be permanently in your fleet?

>> No.11737374

The plain sub stays but the fleet of OP ships are going to go back to gunzou after the event

>> No.11737376

6 expeditions came home and it didn't complete the quest. I think the daily reset is the problem.

>> No.11737378

Aw, shucks

>> No.11737388

Nagato from E-2 boss and now I just need Shoukaku.

>> No.11737391
File: 389 KB, 800x480, 5-3a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5-3 is easy now.

>> No.11737392

Since E2 and E3 are cleared very rapidly, you either get forced to return a couple of times and gain the impression that Maya is a monster, or you breeze through the map and think that she's a pushover. If this event had regenerating gauges and required ten-hour onslaughts, people would probably have a more uniform opinion.

That said, the difficulty (or lack thereof) of this event makes me nervous. More than an independent event, it seems like a testing ground for new and exciting forms of suffering, and I'm pretty sure this isn't the last we've seen of these screen-sweeping lasers. I won't be surprised if the spring event exceeds every worst case scenario, especially since that nightmare of a fall event was what the developers considered to be a mere "increase in difficulty". The spring event, in contrast, is more of a "be prepared, we're going all out" sort of affair, and we can only guess what sort of tricks they have up their sleeves.

>> No.11737394

But repairing Takao and Haruna really hurts

>> No.11737403


What's going to be more fun is that the majority of the player base is going to use up a substantial portion of their resource reserves on LSC, which will give them less to work with for the event.

(Down to 17 Bauxite after crafting, no regrets)

>> No.11737410

They nerfed Iona before adding her, where is her supergravity cannon?

She should have one too just like in the anime

>> No.11737411

That too. But given the resource bloat that the more experienced players had, LSC was something of a necessary evil.

Did you manage to get anything good? I too floored my reserves, but I only have Maruyu to show for it.

>> No.11737414

Do you need to kill CVs for the haruna sortie quest or will CVLs work too?

>> No.11737415
File: 53 KB, 800x600, 40473013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even that sub is worth this.

>> No.11737423


I got Taihou with my 2nd to last 35/35/60/60/20 material craft. Also a Zuihou and a 2nd Noshiro.

>> No.11737425

wait till Fog Haruna eats a crit, her repair is worse than Musashi.

CVL is fine, a single full run of 3-3 should complete the quest.

>> No.11737430

That shitty sub is going eat everything I have left before I can even get to that point.

>> No.11737433

Yes, but they mostly use the protective field and get damaged only at the boss.

>> No.11737436


I would put a Fog Ship as my flagship, preferably Takao with double attack set-up so that she can annihilate anything at night

>> No.11737438

Don't use it.
I only used Haruna, since she takes about as much as the others, and the only additional costs are from her repairs, which only come rarely.
My Takao is sitting on 12 hp and 4fuel/2 ammo, while I used my Iona was used once.

>> No.11737440

I got the sub, I'm out of resources, but at least I got the only ship that I'll ever want or need. I can wait for the next event when I'm better prepared.

>> No.11737441

Actually, I'm having lots of fun thanks to this event. Maybe it's just fairly new player's perspective who doesn't have much resources, but every time I return to base with my Nagato, Arpeggio-Takao and Akagi critted to red, I'm having fun. Whenever this AoE laser triggers, I'm thrilled. These costs kinda hurt, but it's nothing I can't have back quickly. I wish I dropped subs, though.

>> No.11737442

Well, any ship with double attack does that, and this way Takao can protect the flagship.

>> No.11737449

Takao is a fucking beast during night battle that will oneshot absolutely anything with a double attack setup, I wish I could have used her on the last event to kill those annoying bosses in one hit.

Iona's crits and cut ins are insane too, its always 200~ damage in day battles and 400+ in night battles.

>> No.11737468

don't you have a torpedo-monster yet?

>> No.11737478

But torpedo monsters cant use screen sweeping lasers during day battles

>> No.11737496

Does I-8 drop in event maps?

>> No.11737500

Seasoned players probably compare this event to their E4/E5 experience, conclude that the current event is trivial and that they should be able to clear it within a day, and promptly get their faces melted by E2 lasers. This obviously is infuriating.

Beginning admirals don't have that sort of experience, and the event is easy enough that they have a shot at success, and yet challenging enough that they have to work for it, so they find it much more fun than the veterans do.

>> No.11737508

Seasoned players have five subs so we're taking it easy.

It's the people in between who are having it hard

>> No.11737520

What formation does you guys use for 5 subs in E-5? They seem to be shot down even on the 1st node.

My subs are lvl 80+ and Iona

>> No.11737522

Well, this was at most an E-2 experience,
I brought 3 CLTs and one of them almost always killed Maya before the battle began,
even if not, none of my ships got to red from lasers.

>> No.11737525

Having Iona for E5 and E4 would have made everything so much easier

>> No.11737527

Your PTSD is showing.

>> No.11737529

What are you seasoned with?

>> No.11737531

I heard they're dropping subs for 1-4. Is it dropping all types or just one type of submarine?

>> No.11737533

The blood of many shipgirls, tears, suffering and broken dreams

>> No.11737534

crap my apologies, I meant E-3. I guess the last event still haunts me.

>> No.11737535

Salt from the past sweat and tears.

>> No.11737553

Call me stupid but it was more fun just to brute force it. I tried running with five subs but it was less efficient at killing and more frustrating, whereas even when I caught bad crits with my main fleet it was still fun laying waste to everything in sight. I'm kind of disappointed that it's already over and with LSC I don't think I can spare resources to farm it. Plus there was some risky shit I pulled which made things tense and enjoyable in a way that I haven't felt since the fall event. All the mindless grind in between comes with the payoff that you don't have to give a fuck about min/maxing gains for a few weeks and can just go all out. That's why all the cheap moves they throw at you are still fun when you finally triumph over the boss. I've got no resentment for last E-4 and 5.

>> No.11737559
File: 130 KB, 691x386, carnival.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another one of those quest tracking oddities we were talking about earlier. 80% completion toward the sink a flagship daily, which is nonsense, and I think it comes from the fact that I have event's defeat four bosses quest active. Picked it up while doing some a 1-1 sparkle sortie.

>> No.11737570

Why haven't you sortied your Akatsukis yet?

>> No.11737594
File: 131 KB, 804x482, Screenshot_46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's 25 right now. Have you opened those boxes?

>> No.11737596

Hibiki is doing expeditions and I keep forgetting to remove her. Expedition comes in, expedition gets resparkled, expedition goes out. No brakes.

>> No.11737598

>I've got no resentment for last E-4 and 5.
I'll have to agree with this. I was relatively new during the last event and these two maps certainly required countless hours of blood, sweat and tears even from the veteran admirals, but pushing through everything that the developers could throw at the players and still coming out triumphant is exhilarating. When you get your ship reward, you really feel that you and your fleet earned it.

I look forward to experiencing the same during Midway, though Shinano (or whomever the big prize will be) will probably be out of my reach.

>> No.11737606


>> No.11737622

>When you get your ship reward, you really feel that you and your fleet earned it.
That's exactly the reason why I hated E-4/5. It didn't feel that way at all, especially when I droppd Zuikaku on my first E-3 clear. Then I got no lucky drops and only managed to clear both maps with the difficulties they came with. But honestly, it didn't feel like my work counted at all. That feeling was missing the entire time I was clearing those maps, especially on the final clears.
If my hard work had been rewarded in some way, shape or form then I would have gotten Yahagi. 200 E-5 A/S clears should be enough for a ship. But no, I just had bad luck outside of Zuikaku. But none of this felt like my hard work had paid of, I was just lucky in one thing and unlucky in another.

>> No.11737651

Ha-chan is hard at work helping you clear event maps. Did you remember to pick up stollen to share with her for Christmas?

>> No.11737654

Those that have spilled blood and resources for Yahagi to no avail, how does it make you feel she's easily craftable so soon?

>> No.11737666

The same can be said of all ships sooner or later.

>> No.11737671

they better should have been prepared for it since they said she'd be obtainable faster after the event compared to the Yamato-class ships.

>> No.11737672

I'm jsut mad that I couldn't even get I-8 and she isn't. Especially that she makes the difference between this event beint easy mode and annoying as fuck.

>> No.11737674

I got Yamato, Taihou and Mikuma from large building in less than 10 crafts so not too mad.
Still no Yahagi though.

>> No.11737677

How do you think people felt about Suzuya now that she's just a common drop/craft?

>> No.11737678

Kancolle Devs aren't Kancolle devs without their usual subtle dickery.

What recipes did you use?

>> No.11737679

Once you get through the stopgap that is E2, you'll have a much easier time. E3 is a complete joke with three Fog ships in tow.

>> No.11737682

Who do you pick to go along with my Haruharu and torpedo fisters?

>> No.11737685

Well, that was short.
I was almost expecting more from Arpeggio.

>> No.11737686

No one cares about that loose girl anyway.

>> No.11737692

Seemed about right for a mini-event.

>> No.11737695

It is possibile to drop Goya in E-3-A? I'm farmire there

>> No.11737698

I was actually referring to the anime.
12 episodes.

>> No.11737703

Welcome to anime adaptations. If you want more, read the manga.

>> No.11737704
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She was worth all the time put into getting her you horrid little creature.

>> No.11737706

E-2-A drops her. What are you farming at E-3-A?

>> No.11737707

For Yamato 5000/5000/6000/2000/20
Taihou 3000/3000/5000/6000/20
Mikuma just with base recipe and 1 kit since it has a chance of Yahagi.

>> No.11737708



>> No.11737715
File: 278 KB, 850x1157, 39699392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey now I still love her.

>> No.11737717

I got her while depleting the E-5 bar, with an A rank with the boss at 20/400 hp (empty gauge),
after the rage there is nothing that makes me forget the happiness I felt when getting her,
I pity those who just craft her.

>> No.11737718

I might, but reading a manga and watching an anime are two totally different experiences.

>> No.11737725


I'm looking for Goya and rare destroyers (not Speedslut or Beaver)

>> No.11737729

Goya is the Naka-chan of E-2, 4 dropped so far trying to get Shoukaku.

>> No.11737734

It's just a Christmas present. You should tune in next spring for the Midway event, if you're looking for amazingly fun map concepts such as "6CV requirement, map has nothing but Wo", "3-2, but with a gauge that regenerates at E5 rates" or "night battle map with flagship submarine boss".

>> No.11737735


Boss only? or every node?

>> No.11737739

Any node, really.

>> No.11737741

Well, I got 2 Shoukakus and only 1 Goya there.

>> No.11737742

She drops on every single node I think.
In fact, I got two Goyas on a single run not long ago.

>> No.11737746

I have no Goya from there yet, but it keeps throwing Tone class at me.

>> No.11737752

This event is too casual. At least have the fog ships regenerate health 10% per hour.

>> No.11737753

You and me both, fellow stalker. I want a god damned Goya, not my 57th Tone

>> No.11737755

I drop tons of heavy cruisers there. Just hope for favorable result from RNG.

>> No.11737756

You can clear any of the maps in an hour so it wouldn't matter.

>> No.11737759

Regen is a terrible mechanic. It just forces you to do things in 1 sitting, it doesn't actually make them harder.

>> No.11737762

It's weird that they removed the regeneration but took away chip damage. If you can consistently one shot the boss the gauge barely mattered anyway. For the newer players they claimed the event is for they might have had to rely on slowly whittling it down before giving everything they've got. Also no support fleets.

>> No.11737775

Maybe they removed chip damage to stop suicide fleets.

>> No.11737784

so when is Midway? late feb?

>> No.11737788

Midway is gonna be a bitch.

>> No.11737789

Speculated around March or April.

>> No.11737795

Three CLT with Iona is the greatest thing ever.

>> No.11737797

I'm gonna use the limited time we have to keep the fog girls to power through the regular maps. I think that's part of the devs' intention when they were planning this event.

>> No.11737799

You think will get a buttrumbling 5-4 before that? I don't think they can resist going 4 months without trolling.

>> No.11737813
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Hope everyone enjoyed their carriers while they lasted.

>> No.11737815

After reading the thread I'm just going to try and ask for a bit of clarity.

Is the rumour that the event scales with HQ level true? Is there anyone here who has cleared it with say, a sub-30 HQ level? Just curious if I should even bother.

>> No.11737819

Well, Iona makes 5-3 much easier at least, they want everyone to complete that this year for some reason...

>> No.11737821

Saw a few reports of Taihou with 4000/2000/5000/7000/20. Just got her on first try.

>> No.11737825

The abyss ships might scale with level but the fog ships don't, they're bullshit at all levels and will use their screen sweeping lasers at all levels.

>> No.11737829

I'm HQ level 22 and have managed to kill the first stages boss 2 times with the help of Iona.

>> No.11737835

I'm not even going to try Midway unless it has super cute/good ships.

>> No.11737836


Okay this gives me some hope as I'm level 20, and it's the holiday period. Thank you for the quick replies.

>> No.11737838

What are you gonna do that? That's basically 4 months of no events. Your shipdaughters are fun, but I doubt you'll be able to be busy with them for 4 months straight.

>> No.11737841

Save resources for 4 months.

>> No.11737843
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If a cute USN Kanmusu I might attempt it.

Provided I have enough resources and my girls are strong enough.

>> No.11737846

>devs planning Midway event
>everyone getting hype as fuck about how hard it's gonna be
>devs: "oh boy these guys really are anticipating a challange, we better make it extra hard or it'll be a disappointment. let's make this boss invincible to every ship except Naka-Kai. also 15% regen per hour"

>> No.11737847

Fuck USN. I need my Kriegsmarine.

>> No.11737850

Kreigsmarine is more or less confirmed (unless the devs pull a fast one which they have). But that Enterprise design is too pretty, but hey, we'll see what happens.

>> No.11737852

So, anyone leveled any of the fog ships enough for remodel?

>> No.11737853

Every single time.
Without failure.
Not even line abreast can save my KTKM.
At this rate I'll just put damage control on her and advance while she's orange.

>> No.11737854

I would roll around in shards of untempered glass to tongue-punch her shithole.

That is one delicious Enterprise.

>> No.11737858

Why do you still think they can sink in orange?

>> No.11737860

They don't sink on orange. We've discussed this to death.

If you're using line abreast with CLT you might as well replace them with battleships.

>> No.11737868

nice b8 wo

>> No.11737875

I've seen that "ships don;t sink at orange" thing a lot, but what if said ship is brought down to red in a single battle? Can they sink then?

And wtf is with the captcha... Telling me it's wrong no matter how many times I get it right.

>> No.11737878

They'll probably demand that you bring 1st and 2nd CarDiv with cruiser escort only.

>> No.11737879

If you enter the battle with orange hp or higher you can't sink in that battle no matter what happens.

>> No.11737880

they cannot sink during the same phase if they were orange or more.

However, there are still a lot of debate regarding if a ship will sink at night if they are in red while they were orange during day battle.

>> No.11737881

I think they get temporary invincibility within the same battle the first time they get to red, but after that it's all open for sinking.

>> No.11737882

If you start day battle on orange and get red then it is safe to go into night battle, but not safe to advance to a new node.

>> No.11737886

So better level up those dragon sisters?

>> No.11737888

>final E-3 clear
>Mikuma GET
Pretty nice.

>> No.11737889

Ah ok. Thanks for clearing that up.

Let's see how many times the captcha will say I'm wrong...

>> No.11737893

I'm still too scared to try going into night with a red ship. Do we have any evidence that can falsify this?

>> No.11737896

If they don't get a chance to shine / vindicate themselves / sink gloriously during an event named Midway nobody will ever use them for anything. Small carrier life is suffering.

>> No.11737900

There was the evidence video with the level 1 DD-s on summer E-4.
I do this since fall E-4 and even cut-ins miss the red ships.

>> No.11737901

There's no reason to risk a ship that you feel that is at risk of sinking, unless you're that hard pressed that you feel like you don't care enough about some ship sinking for some goal of clearing a stage.

>> No.11737903

No, we don't. I've been a skeptic of the safeness of orange until recently, but I've always found it OK to send ships into night if they got red during day.
It's definitely, perfectly safe.

>> No.11737909

Personally I'm hoping that they put some multiplier on damage taken by carriers to give the same amount of pain that was suffered when they were sunk.

>> No.11737911


I think that's correct.

I've been proceeding at orange, and going to night battles with red ships but I did two things during the event to mitigate risk. I put Damcons on the Kongous, and I also made sure that my double attack monsters were healthy enough to preemptively take out Haruna/Kirishima/Kongou in night battles.

There's been some conjecture about how the "Orange protection" fails to trigger if the ship's HP is at or below 30%. Basically at the point where the game can round it down to red. I have no idea if that's true or not. But that could explain why "Orange" KTKM and Oois sank in the last events.

>> No.11737917

The only ship you have that has a 100% chance at never sinking on red on any part of a stage is your flagship.

>> No.11737918

I did lots of battles with 25.24242% health and such and they never died,
though I always keep my finger on the Print Screen button when doing that...

I would say it is still safe.

>> No.11737922

There is this.

Fuck this new captcha.

>> No.11737929

>though I always keep my finger on the Print Screen button when doing that...
I feel like scum when I do this but I always do.

>> No.11737933 [DELETED] 

They were at red fatigue. You're just careless if you push red night with that.

>> No.11737934

Same here actually.

>> No.11737940

Nagato has a Christmas line, if you check her stats page in the fleet page. I wonder how many other ships have Christmas easter eggs.

>> No.11737941

Read the wiki.

>> No.11737942

You made me worry a bit, but actually they didn't sink in the video.

>> No.11737943


>> No.11737946

Kiso has best Christmas line.

>> No.11737948



>> No.11737959
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She dropped from E2 Boss node, S-Rank.

>> No.11737963

Already got 4 there and fed to my Maruichi. Damn common.

>> No.11737972

Maru-yu remodels at level 20 if anyone is still curious.

>> No.11737974

Does she still have shit stats?

>> No.11737977

She's not good or anything.

>> No.11737978 [DELETED] 

Anyone got Akigumo at E-1?
I already got 2 Shoukakus but not her.

>> No.11737980


Got her on my final clear of E-1.

>> No.11737982

Shoukaku at E-1? Well, I think I got one Akigumo there. Just found one on my dock.

>> No.11737984

Got her the first time I cleared it.

>> No.11737987
File: 393 KB, 653x393, OneShotOneKill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From the way it was going last few runs, I was starting to think that it's gonna pull a E-4 on me, when it's difficulty level skyrockets while you need one more kill, but Iona pulled through this time.
Good thing I actually let her attempt to kill a full HP Kongo, because I don't remember her dealing decent damage on previous runs.

>> No.11737989

Oh no Shoukakus sorry, I confused it with E-2 though she can drop according to the wiki.

>> No.11737993

Yes, HQ level 29 yesterday, and doing E2, pretty easy, and today my HQ level 30, and the abyss ship become more harder (used to blue DD, now red DD)

>> No.11737994

I couldn't hold back anymore after seeing all these admirals crafting Taihou in one go and splurged. 3 Failures in a row, no new ships, no resources. My depression just kicked in hard....merry x-mas.

>> No.11737995

At least you didn't waste 2x6000/4000/6000/3000/100 for Ise and Fusou

>> No.11737997

Remember kids, this is why you set a budget of what you can afford to lose before you start gambling. Don't end up pawning your turkey dinner for just 1 more attempt like this guy.

>> No.11737998

Tried 3/3/6/6/100 for Yamato/Taihou and got a Hiyou,
then got Mikuma for minimum+20devkit so I'm still happy.

>> No.11737999

12k/12k/18k/21k/140 for ise, some 1hr timer, and junyo

>> No.11738000

I splurged yesterday, pissed away 40 devkits and 8k resources for nothing, no new ships at all.

Would have been depressed but I got Iona, Takao, Haruna, Kaga and Yuubari from the event.
It will all be worth it if I can beat E3 and get that plain sub.
Beating 3-4 and 4-4 with the fog girls after im done with the event would be a nice bonus too.

>> No.11738001

isn't Agano class 1hr timer?

>> No.11738002

>21k boxite
Suffering full way.

>> No.11738006

I'm halfway done E2 and taking a break. Does it get easier or harder in E3? If I'm only having mild RNG trouble in E2, will I be able to clear E3?

>> No.11738008

With LSC and expensive nanomaterial, I'm now down to 1702 steel. It's like I'm a noob again!

Playing with limited resource is rather fun to be honest.

>> No.11738011


E3 has potential for RNG fuckery but it's not that bad. Worse than E2 though but E2 isn't bad at all in terms of compass fairy.

In terms of enemy composition, Maya in Pre-Boss Node can potentially carnival da yo your ass if your CLTs or Battleships can't take her out quickly.

Boss Node is Kongou, Maya, and 4 fog ships, much easier than E-2 Boss Node.

>> No.11738012

Well I got sent to C node twice and to steel node once with 3 fog girls + 3 CLT at E-3, but it wasn't much harder than E-2.

>> No.11738010

Indeed, my wellbutrin isn't strong enough for this shit.

>> No.11738016

Wow, the wiki has no pages for the fog ships.
Those guys are slow

>> No.11738018
File: 3 KB, 277x199, attempts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's always depressing seeing people get Taihou, Yamato, Yahagi, Mikuma consecutively or in only a few crafts while I'm not getting shit.

>> No.11738021

I just updated I-401 Kai's information. If I knew how to create pages, I'd add Taihou and Maru-yu

>> No.11738022

see >>11735835

>> No.11738023

I tried LSC once with max everything and got another Shokaku. Didn't bother with it after that.

It's all luck.

>> No.11738025

For E-2 sub tactic, which formation should I use? I tried both vertical and diagonal, both are shit.

>> No.11738028

Yeah, I have seen this. And it's pretty convincing. But then again, there's this

>> No.11738034

She's good for luck fodder if that counts.

>> No.11738039

What fleet comps do you guys use for E-2?

>> No.11738040

Iona, Takao, 2 BB, 1 CA, 1 CLT

>> No.11738041

Iona Takao 3CLT 1 BB

>> No.11738044

What I used to clear E-2: Takao, Kirishima, Haruna, and 3 CLTs

>> No.11738048


>> No.11738051


I used 3 Torpedo monsters, 2 BB and Iona

Haruna, Takao, Iona and 3 Torpedo monsters for E-3

>> No.11738053

I got nothing but trash there.

>> No.11738054


Takao,Kongou Kai 2, Hiei Kai 2, 3 CLTs

For E3: Takao, Haruna, Kongou Kai 2, 3 CLTs

Not sure why I didn't use Iona

>> No.11738056

So am I the only one who didn't use a BB on E-2?
I wanted to avoid a certain pre-boss laser as much as possible, so I went takao, iona, 2 clt 2ca

>> No.11738058

Iona, Takao, 2 BB, 2 CV
Seems like I'm the only one that used CV.

>> No.11738063

So do you guys go into night battle with red ships? I see there's a discussion again, but I'm interested in the practice, not looking for an answer for the safe or not question.

>> No.11738071

I mean 2cv not 2 ca

>> No.11738072

I do that only on boss node, and only if I have a fair chance to kill it. Otherwise it is a waste of ammo and can aggravate your repair bill for those who are still in good shape.

>> No.11738077

Is there already an information about difference in enemy fleet according to your HQ?
I know that there is a difference in enemy fleet you meet based on level of your HQ
I'm this anon >>11737993

>> No.11738078

Always when needed, I used to be reluctant when Hacchan was the one, but now I always feel safe.

>> No.11738079

I went with:
TAKAO / Kitaooi / Takao / Crane sisters (didn't have kiso ready otherwise, triple torp).

BB is borderline a nuisance in E2, as Kirishima and Haruna beam will most likely spell pain on them.

>> No.11738082

I go.
I go when the day battle starts with mid damaged ships and everything gets to red except Iona and Iona kills Kongo to end this event for me.
So yeah, I don't know if this is even a discussion. Just go with 2xuseless DDs on hard maps to test yourself if they sink on night battle, like I did a few months back.

>> No.11738084


I do, but only if I have a fair shot of winning.

I run 3 CLTs, and I usually have KTKM as my flagship. This mitigates my risk since no one is going to survive a double attack from a CLT.

>> No.11738090

I'm level 100 and never found anything higher than elite enemies.

>> No.11738116

At level 97 I've seen mist* class I think, * can mean strong.

>> No.11738126

The difference isn't too much I think, but yesterday at E-2 first node the enemy ship I encountered only consist of 4 ships, but now when HQ level 30 I encountered fll fleet (6 ships)

>> No.11738136

A node has more than one fleet composition.

>> No.11738156

Well, if it's indeed safe to go into night battle as red, I can understand the people who said this event is not that hard. I always pulled back in red before, even if I had a fair chance of winning the night battle

>> No.11738157

Anyone using Hyuuga for the event?

>> No.11738159

No, never.

>> No.11738165

She's the one resupplying your ships and your fog ships with corrosive torpedos and other special equipment

>> No.11738168

Why not?

>> No.11738179

Wait, what?

>> No.11738180

How do you profit from farming 2-3 with 2 subs when one sub going orange means you barely break even?

>> No.11738181
File: 869 KB, 816x538, Ionaaaaaaaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Merry Christmas from the eastern part of the world!

>> No.11738189
File: 122 KB, 805x532, chrismassu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Merry Chrismas from Ireland, Anonymous.

>> No.11738191

Why would you stop if they go orange? My level 80 Goya can do about 10 2-3 runs before I absolutely MUST repair her

>> No.11738193

I've had a ship sink proceeding into night battle when red long ago when I was starting out.

>> No.11738195

You send her on her lonesome?

>> No.11738196

3-sub fleet is much comfortable setup yet it's still profitable.

>> No.11738198

Are you sure it wasn't something else?

>> No.11738200

I send her with Iku or Imuya when possible, but since she has great luck she fares solo just fine.

>> No.11738201

I've tried 3 sub too, that's even worse.

>> No.11738207

That's actually my exact setup, 38 Goya and 44 Iku, can do like 3 runs maximum before repairing one of them, out of curiosity, are they kai? I plan to keep mine pre-kai for shorter repairs and lower costs.

>> No.11738208

Beginner-friendly event my ass
I've seen some fellow teitokus having their KTKM, Ooi, and Kiso sunk on E-2

>> No.11738212

Goya and Imuya are both worth upgrading. Goya becomes a big cylinder of rape (albiet SSV) and Imuya stays SS, so she's very worth it. Iku and Hacchi aren't worth upgrading, though, and I believe I-401 will be worth it since she's a SSV no matter what.

>> No.11738213

Beginner-friendly, not retard-friendly.

>> No.11738214

I'm sure that's how it was. Level 13 Kako was the poor victim there.

>> No.11738216

It is beginner friendly. If you're lucky you can just have Iona one shot the bosses.

>> No.11738217

2-3 sub run is called 'oil run' because oil node is almost guaranteed. The only way you can be in deficit is either retreat before hitting oil node or 3 sortie nodes and only 15 oil from oil node.

>> No.11738220

Yeah this is absolute bullshit.

3 E-2 runs to boss thusfar, I have yet to kill Haruna even once.

Average level 40-50 ships continually getting critted and only managing chip damage on Kirishima/Haruna.

And on top of that I've gotten about 90% trash DD drops so far. I'm seriously contemplating just going back to farming, because fuck this shit.

>> No.11738221

I'm a cheapass motherfucker so no Iona hax for me, I ran Takao/Kirishima/Maya/Ooi/Kitakami/I-19 for me. 2BB gives -slightly- better results during boss node day battle, Maya does better at night, and the choice simply doesn't matter after you clear E-2 fully since the boss node becomes trivially easy afterwards.

>> No.11738224

Are you doing night battles?

>> No.11738227

Six subs is so much fun in 3-4. I wish Iona could stay forever.

>> No.11738230

RNG hates me, they're all either missing or getting critted into red before night battle.

>> No.11738232

there's maruyu. she open one equip slot on kai.

>> No.11738235

Hatsukaze farming is possible?

>> No.11738240

Her stats are so low that even with a quint torpedo, her pre-emp would still do nothing.

>> No.11738241

>before night battle

If you mean prior node, yeah, that sucks.
If you mean to red during day, go for the night battle

>> No.11738243

I tried 4subs on 3-4, everyone not Iona blasted to orange on the first node and had to retreat.

Not fun at all. What formation are you using?

>> No.11738246

You can go into night battle with red, so long as they only hit red during that day battle and not on a previous node. I've been doing it all event long since fucking Ooi seems determined to eat every single battleshit/heavy cruiser attack.

>> No.11738247

So go into night battle red. As long as you have a few ships that aren't red and they're set up to double-attack at night then you can 1-shot any boss in this event. This is part of the reason why people are running 3xCLT - they can attack in the pre-shelling phase, after all shelling has taken place, and at night they can each push 500+ dmg without having to rely on lucky cut-ins.

>> No.11738252

I've only got one CLT, since Ooi won't fucking drop for me even though I'm T-7x already (instead I've gotten at least 20 KTKM), and I've been busy leveling my DDs instead of Kai2'ing Kiso.

I'm sure I'll get it eventually, just annoying as fuck that their "beginner" level event is anything but.

>> No.11738253

If you make it to the boss, of course. It's just as luck based as running a full fleet but obviously magnitudes cheaper even with Iona.

Line ahead. Kill them before they kill you. Having two extra subs makes a big difference though, even if I-401 isn't up to speed.

>> No.11738255

Are you actually using line abreast like what the retarded wiki tells you?

>> No.11738256

I tired 6 subs on 3-4 and got sent to the deadend node south of the boss. I'll try it some more to see if that was just bad luck or a barrier to sub-cheesing.

>> No.11738261

No, line forward every time. I stopped listening to the shitty wiki like two weeks after I started.

I don't get why I'm having so much trouble either.

>> No.11738263

You don't need 3 CLTs. My fleet comp is here >>11738040 (Kongou, Kirishima, Suzuya, KTKM). KTKM is the lowest at level 41. Absolutely no issues, I already finished E2 since I wrote that.

Aside from needing a few resources from repairs, this event is pretty easy compared to the last one.

>> No.11738264

What should I equip on Iona? I gave her Type A Ko-hyoteki, but she misses most of the time.

>> No.11738268


>> No.11738269

Line Ahead is the only formation that gives you decent torpedo accuracy

Type-A is only necessary until lvl10, when subs (Iona included) get the preemptive torpedo attack automatically

2x quintuple oxygen torpedo will max her firepower and let you do cut-ins at night for absurd damage, best in a sub fleet for optimum preemptive attacks, or 2x +10 turbines is good if you're using Iona as a tank to allow her to take less damage.

>> No.11738270

Mine has a 53cm Hull-mount and a regular Quad Oxygen. Leveled her so she doesn't need the minisub anymore, but it's worth using in the beginning.

She hits most time for a fair bit of damage.

>> No.11738271

Once she gets to level 10 give her 2x torpedoes.

>> No.11738282

That helped a lot, thanks.

>> No.11738290

Thank you, I'll try again later.

>> No.11738295

If you are not getting red/elite nagara ships then bring CV full of torpedo bombers.
I wonder what is the cutoff admiral level for them to be stronger.

>> No.11738297

Seems to be 30 >>11737993

>> No.11738304

Where can I find those fucking enemy CV/CVL that fucking quest impedes my progress for E-3.

>> No.11738310

On the wiki.

>> No.11738311

I'm T-7x, so none of that easy low level stuff. What I just find bizarre is that my fully modernized BBs do scratch damage on Haruna and Kirishima on the boss node, when they easily crit Kirishima just a few nodes earlier.

I mean I'd be okay with banging my head against this illogical wall if I got some nice drops (like all these people claiming E-2 drops subs like candy), but I've literally only gotten DDs the past 3-4 runs. I'd even settle for shitty common CL or CA, those are at least better modernization material.

>> No.11738314

2-3 is less reliable but cheaper.

3-3 is more reliable but expensive.

>> No.11738315

3-3 is FUCK FULL of them, a single boss node run should finish the quest.

E-2 has 3 or 4 CVL/CVs per run, so 2, 3 at worst, boss runs will finish it.

>> No.11738318

Night battle seems to be an effective way to deal enough damage. Just make sure a few ships are moderately damaged or better to participate and have at it.

>> No.11738323

>fully modernized BBs
I found your problem
Just bring Iona, Haruharu, Takao + 3CLTs like everyone else. Deal with the cost if you want to beat it in an hour.

>> No.11738328

Night battles bro. Keep in mind that Haruna/Kirishima have BULLSHIT armor totals so you're basically not going to be able to battleshit your way through them, rely on night battle though and they go down like little bitches.

>> No.11738340

Thanks for the tips, although like I said before, I've only got the one CLT. Should I just run a few Kai2 DD as stand-ins, line abreast @ the boss, and hope for the best?

>> No.11738353

Bring subs if you dont have CLT for the preempt torpedo.

>> No.11738357

I feel like I'm missing out because I never bothered to Kai 2 Kiso.

>> No.11738359

>line abreast @ the boss
Pls no

>> No.11738361

Kiso is a second tier CLT anyway, you'll do more than fine with just Ooi and KTKM.

>> No.11738362

Well, I'm HQ level 30 and still didn't get Ooi and KTKM

>> No.11738370

She's a jack of all trades compared to the straight up torpedo monsters the other two are. Still incredibly broken.

>> No.11738376

>I've only got the one CLT
So do I, and I beat E2 with just the one not too long ago.

Read here >>11738263

>> No.11738377

Does that term apply to CLT when their job is only to launch torpedo at the beginning and the end of battle?

>> No.11738389

Well, just got to boss node again using something exactly like your formation (Kongou, Hiei, Atago, KTKM, Iona, Takao) , and only damaged Haruna for 1. She dodged like 4 times.

So, I'm absolutely clueless as to what is going on other than RNG has decided to hate me today. Maybe I should just give up and try tomorrow.

>> No.11738400

I'm guessing you don't have all the subs? 5 subs is easy mode for E2. Takes a few tries, but costs almost nothing.

>> No.11738404

Third Nagato drop on E-2. And I just wanted Shoukaku to leave the hell out of there.

>> No.11738411

No, I started the last week of the last event. Missing Goya and Hachi. Otherwise that would have been the first thing I would have tried.

Ah well, time to do dailies.

>> No.11738412

I know it's possible, but could you show all three in a picture (modernization).

I need some motivation.

Also, what was your setup?

>> No.11738413

Did you go to night battle?

I think every one of my kills was at night. Iona would survive as my flagship, along with either Kongou or Kirishima and usually Takao. Then one of those three would one-shot Haruna. I couldn't do more than moderate damage to Haruna during the day.

>> No.11738414
File: 78 KB, 799x477, farming e3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good news for people farming E3.
Carnival dayo is gone.

>> No.11738423

Night battle oneshot Kirishima, but Haruna proceeded to dodge 2 night torpedoes and a BB.

So yeah, I'm flabbergasted and just tired at this point. First time in almost a month of playing the whole afternoon where I just want to do something else since I'm so frustrated and confused at how badly the RNG has fucked me the past 2 hours.

>> No.11738429

Come back and try later then, you've got time. That run may have just been bad luck. She can't dodge torpedos forever.

>> No.11738444
File: 448 KB, 1592x842, event.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, was in the middle of a run when you asked. This one dropped twice (first node and boss) now.

>> No.11738448

Haruharu lvl 36? Can you handle the flabgasting supply and repair cost?
After seeing how resource hungry Takao was, I didn't even deploy Haruharu.

>> No.11738450
File: 122 KB, 795x476, xmas gift.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously guys, the drop rate of these rares are fucking ridiculous. Just need my spare Iku now from E3.
Even if the maps are hard for you newbie teitokus, the rare ships more than make up for it.

>> No.11738453

Each full run on E-2 and 3 goes for about 400-500 ammo, 300 fuel and sometimes I have to repair her for about 300 steel. I already dumped 20k ammo and fuel this entire event.

>> No.11738454

I've been farming E-1 and I have yet to get a rare drop. All I got were Fuso/Yamashiro and shitty DDs.

>> No.11738455

As expected.

How often does she activate her graviton cannon and her klein field? like once per 2 nodes or something?

>> No.11738460

>farming E-1
That is your problem.
Have you seen the droplist?
Nagato drop from E2 onward and Naganami/Iku is only from E3.

>> No.11738463

Klein field is just the "miss" animation. And her graviton cannon comes with about 30% chance every battle. Sometimes, twice in one when you're lucky. I once had Takao and her do it four times.

>> No.11738465

I'm going to farm E-1 for Imuya.

>> No.11738469

Wait, you don't mean you got Nagato from the first node, right? Just boss?

>> No.11738480


>> No.11738491


>> No.11738497

Interesting. I want to clear E-3 and 3 PvP daily, then after I clear the 3 PvP one, the 5 win PvP mission after that already have 50% indicator. Apparently, that E-3 PvP quest uses 'won match' counter, and that 2nd daily also takes the same counter, thus making it possible to clear them in one go.

>> No.11738498

I want to do the event so bad that I dreamt I was Iona.

It was a cute dream, /jp/!

>> No.11738500

Jesus fuck, E-3 boss battle is a LOT harder than E-2's was, despite only having one bullshit Fog BB. Maya/Kongou both laser'd every round while the other cruisers oneshot my sub-chan, then night battle I did 0 damage. Fuck going NE route, ruins ammo for boss.

>> No.11738503

Would 4DD/2CLT be a good fleet comp to farm the first node? My fuel resources are running extremely low.

>> No.11738504
File: 50 KB, 202x334, all my subs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My spare subs are taking up too much space, I think I'm gonna have to use them to feed my ships. How many copies do you guys keep anyway?

>> No.11738505

That's cute. Did you say "kyusoku senkou~" in your dream?

>> No.11738507

If it just the first node, farm it with subs.
CV is useless. Torpedo cant do any damage to nagara class at all.
So the ideal fleet should have 1bb+3clt+2wild card

>> No.11738508

I'm eventually planning to keep 4 of each for expeditions and 3-2 sub rotation.

>> No.11738512

really? I have far less issue with Kongou than Haruna and Kirishima.

in E2 you potentially could be beam spammed by 2 damn BB.

In E3, a single sub will shut down the 4 nagara, and Maya is much easier to kill than Kirishima. In night battle, Kongou is generally alone and toasted by a CLt.

>> No.11738514


>> No.11738515
File: 111 KB, 421x663, need more iku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No iku yet but I completed my yuugumo class collection.

>> No.11738516

>kyusoku senkou~

I want to keep her.
I don't care even if she is nerfed to the point she is below the new sub-girl.

>> No.11738530

Did it 5 times for the whole event, didn't lose a single ship.

I'm still missing Akigumo and Makigumo.

>> No.11738529

Now it dropped Suzuya. At least this event is completing my album.

>> No.11738536

I did. It was a cute dream.

Until the sortie begin, that is. It gets a little scary.

>> No.11738560

Ah, that wan't supposed to be an empty reply.
>Go to night battle at red
You guys talking without knowing the situation of that guy.

For example, I would go to the night battle even if my 5 ships at red, if my flagship has a single target and dependable for taking out that single ship.

However, if my first 3 slots are at red, and enemy have 2 ships that will take turn before me, I would never go to night battle.
Ships sink yo.

Care about your kanmusu.
Otherwise, playing this game is an unjustifiable sin.

>> No.11738563

>Ships sink yo.
Ship doesnt sink.
As long as you have the chance to S rank it always go to night battle. I would have lost countless kitaooi if it is possible to sink them when they are red at night.

>> No.11738565

God damn it KTKM, stop getting critted to orange in the first node of E2.

>> No.11738566

>starts silver sky insertsong

>> No.11738568

So long as you don't start the node with ships that are red, none of them will sink. There is no risk for going into night battle with red ships if they didn't start the fight that way.

>> No.11738570

orange is safe

>> No.11738575

I can vouch for that. I don't know how many times I'd have lost Chi-cla... I mean, Kitakami/Ooi if it was possible to sink at night.

In fact, ships can't sink at all. That's a rumor perpetrated by the developers to fool us into buying repair teams.

>> No.11738582

Yeah, I understand orange is fucking safe but it's the first node, I'm willing to wager money that she'll get hit down to red on the second node (or third) and then I've pissed away all those resources for no bossfight.

>> No.11738583

Did you fug?

I want to fug Iona so bad

>> No.11738584
File: 394 KB, 1100x933, damekon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's a rumor perpetrated by the developers to fool us into buying repair teams.
Fucking this. I have 10damekon sitting in my inventory now wasting space.

>> No.11738586

Wo plz go and stay go

>> No.11738591

This is why people don't finish these events. If your ships do not enter the node red then they will not sink. Even a cut-in will bounce off of them if they have 1 hp at night battle. Even if you only have 1 ship capable of attacking in night battle due to damage, then you go into night battle on the boss and pray that ship targets the boss.

>> No.11738630
File: 202 KB, 800x479, finally.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, I'm done for now. Going to rename my fleet to "Fog, Flagship of my heart" and put Haruna, Kirishima and Maya on it.

>> No.11738643

What are you using to farm E3?
I need Kumano and Zuikaku so im considering doing some heavy farming later.

>> No.11738646
File: 548 KB, 753x446, neat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank god this happened on my last E3 run - I feel a bit sorry for her but she's never going to see the buckets again.

>> No.11738649

What did you equip your CLTs, /jp/?

I heard equipping radars on them increases the accuracy of their torpedo attacks

>> No.11738652

15.5 X2 + Midget for Kitaooi.
10 X2 + Midget for Harlock

>> No.11738656

You want 15.5s if you're going for accuracy.

>> No.11738659


I do this exactly. CLTs are absolute beasts at night and you need double attack to get the most out of them.

CLT's weakness is anti-AA so equipping Kiso with 10s help mitigate that somewhat.

>> No.11738663

That's a good idea.

How about the SS? two turbines or two torpedoes?

>> No.11738664 [DELETED] 

Yah. You need at least 1 10cm on Kiso anyway, otherwise her AA stats will be wasted since no green gun => no AA pewpew.

I will probably change my setup into 10cm + 15.5 + midget, but I have no spare 15.5 as of now.

>> No.11738667

It's nice that Haruharu can 1-shot Maya, but damn, she costs way too much to operate, and Kongo seems to have no problem gravity beaming her to death for huge repair costs.

>> No.11738670


>> No.11738671

Are you using fog ships or normal ships?

>> No.11738672

welp, it would be a waste not to put double attack with AA capabilities to Kiso. That's really asking for troubles.

that said, I might have to change into 12.5cm instead. I don't remember if midget sub is counted as a torpedo for the double attack setup. Problem is that DD 10cm is counted as a main gun.

>> No.11738674

Depends on which. Iona has the built-in tankiness to be able to run 2x torpedo for cutins and still tank gloriously. The rest have poor enough evade, even remodeled, that either you run a VERY initial-strike-heavy fleet and bank on killing all enemy DD/CLs asap, or you may well get crit to red before boss node and have to go back.

>> No.11738677

You can use 2filler subs or Iona. I brought 2CV on my first test run, totally useless. See >>11738414

>> No.11738686


I favor two torpedos, but I am using my sub fleet to farm for Kaga in World 2 right now. If I don't equip two torpedos, my fleet can't reliably S-rank bosses.

To be honest, I'm not sure how much good the turbine does. I generally favor certain damage over uncertain survival boost.

>> No.11738689

Thank you.
I dont have a 3rd CLT though, planning to level Kiso after this event.
Who do you suggest to replace Kiso? Iona?

>> No.11738692
File: 449 KB, 690x350, E-2 fleet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, I beat E2 twice with this fleet, but I keep getting fucked over by RNG in the pre-boss nodes now. How do I improve this fleet? I don't have Kiso and I don't have any more submarines.

>> No.11738693

Midget sub doesn't count as anything for night combos.

You can also just put Kiso as flagship to get AA capability. Your flagship can always shoot air, no matter what equip.

>> No.11738695


Equip a midget sub on Iona or get her to 10 and you have more than a capable replacement. (albeit expensive)

>> No.11738699

remodel goya

>> No.11738700

Already have Iona at level 30, she's really expensive but fun to sortie with.

>> No.11738704

You get the gun flares, but I'm not sure if the flagship actually shoots anything down if it's not AA capable.

>> No.11738711

It does, you can see it with all-submarine fleets where you still shoot down some planes.

>> No.11738712

Lose Goya and Iku. Replace them with BBs or CAs.

>> No.11738713

A newly admiral here, already depleted my resources for E2 run and stil didn't clear it, see you in couple days from now./jp/

On a side note, did you guys got rare ships or ships you wanted?
I got Goya, Maikaze and Yuugumo

>> No.11738716

Oh nice, so I can stick with 2 10cm and still double attack? I just got Kiso Kai 2 few hours ago and couldn't have her attack during night so couldn't test it yet (either onslaught on day phase or already in red...)

>> No.11738722

Thank you, you bring me hope to complete the event.

How about your E3, onii-chan?

Still have yet to try it.

>> No.11738724

I ran Iona, Takao, 2 CV, 2 CLT and prayed for southern route/getting Kirishima with the alpha strike on the northern route. Took seven runs. North three times, south four times; got hit to red twice by Kirishima and sent to resource node once.

>> No.11738726


Yup, My Kiso Kai has 2 10 cm green and double attacks at night.

>> No.11738728

Interesting, I don't think I've ever observed that. Are your subs SSVs or SSs?

>> No.11738733

I got Maikaze and she's my first rare DD, so she's certainly very welcome. I'll be running E1 to deplete my fuel/ammo reserves in hopes of Makigumo, though. I wanted to get her since level 47, I'm 77 now and I still don't have her.

>> No.11738741

One SSV now, but I'm sure I've seen it before remodeling. It's pretty easy to spot if you pay attention on 2-3 runs.

>> No.11738744

Did a scouting run for E-2 and took out a full hp Haruna with a lv 8 Iona on a 4 SS fleet. Wasn't expecting that.

>> No.11738749

I see. Good to know.

>> No.11738770

So when is supposed to be the midway event, approximately ?

>> No.11738778
File: 513 KB, 800x480, Holo BG best BG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got Nagamon, Zuihou, Naganami and Mikuma.

>> No.11738779

Ctrl+F Midway

>> No.11738780

What should I give to Takao and Haruna? I'm thinking, since they already have that laser, I don't need to equip them with cannon, just radar and turbine.

>> No.11738790


Equip them like you would any heavy cruiser or battleship.

Equip for double attack on both, particularly Takao

>> No.11738795

Alright, noted. Thanks.

>> No.11738799
File: 46 KB, 486x385, 57349e64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haruharu strong

>> No.11738824

I cleared my album except for Hatsukaze and LSC ships.
What do? Burn all my resources on Taihou? I only have 31k bauxit, enough for 3tries. Do it?

>> No.11738829

31k bauxite is more than 3 tries

>> No.11738833

So I got another clear (a clutch save from Iona) but jesus christ is running 2BBs, Takao and Iona expensive.

>> No.11738835

I like to keep 10k as spare.

>> No.11738837

Just burnt all my limiting resources on 6 7000*4 tries, feels pretty good. I got a maruyu, so it's definitely a failure - but I feel satisfied still.

>> No.11738839


>> No.11738849

I intend to try this one 3000/3000/5000/6000/20 for Taihou.

Do you guys know anything, should I check Kancolledb?

>> No.11738851

I am going with this

>> No.11738859

Post your result

>> No.11738863
File: 62 KB, 797x477, fuck you zun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11738866

Why is she so monochrome?

>> No.11738870

Drawn by ZUN.

>> No.11738871

I really want her

>> No.11738875

That is sad.
Where did you get that recipe anyway?My first time seeing it.

>> No.11738878

Again, CV/L is useless except during E-1

>> No.11738880

Anyone know if I need to put her as flagship or just in the expedition? Time for her to recover my lost bauxite.

>> No.11738885

No need for flagship.

>> No.11738895

Just got my Yuubari from my E-2 CLEAR.
Time to get my Haruharu

>> No.11738898

It is from futaba

>> No.11738913

Did the miracle plane recipe 21/60/20/131 stop working after patch?

I've been only getting crap since then.

>> No.11738922


大鳳 建造時間

Just saw the craft rate. Bull fucking shit.

>> No.11738925

The PVP quest is 0/0/300/300 right? I'm not looking forward to trying to win against Ionas and Takaos.

>> No.11738928

Multiple BBs and just ignore Iona. Takao is easy enough.

>> No.11738935

If I go against fleets with no destroys/cruisers, can I just do a full sub fleet and get technical victories?

>> No.11738951

How bad is yours? I did my PvP few hours ago, no one put any mist. Though 2 of them had I-401 and putting 5-sub fleet, but eh, sparkles for DDs.

>> No.11738959

How is LSC going for you /jp/?

I'm trying to control my temptation until nips figure out a good recipe for Yamato/Taihou.

>> No.11738962

E-3 is suffering. Maya bullshit laser oneshots remodeled+modernized battleships, lvl80 remodeled+modernized Ooi and/or KTKM goes red by second node, and Takao gets oneshotted by Maya laser the next fucking run.

When I actually GET to kongou I can crush her like a grapefruit, but I swear these last few runs have been about the worst luck I've ever had in kancolle. Even the fucking Wos JUST HAPPEN to randomly take BBs to red, somehow, despite my entire fleet having 80-100 AA apiece and all sanshiki'd up.

Can't even find a Goya in E-2, much less Hachi in E-3.

>> No.11738964

Not touching it til the event ends. Might do like one low cost recipe a week but thats it, I have to save my resources for midway.
My goal is to reach 50k resources and then 100k after that.

>> No.11738970

Hachi drops in E3? Seriously?

>> No.11738971

E-3 drops Hachi now?

>> No.11738975
File: 281 KB, 644x302, PvP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 subs
Lone Iona
Regular 3-2 farming fleet
Takao with Iona
Takao with Iona

>> No.11738979

Which map am I suppose to F5 at to get decent fuel?

>> No.11738982


>> No.11738988

Lighten up, at least no one put Haruharu. Probably you have to go to night battle, but otherwise, just wait 1.5 hour for PvP reset

>> No.11738992

I think I'll try tackling PvP tomorrow, if I'm lucky some considerate people will put two high level ships and lower the amount of people I have to brute force.

>> No.11738995

I'm exactly in the same mindset.

After finishing E3, I'll farm the event maps until I got everything.

>> No.11738997

Supposedly. I haven't seen one myself yet. At this point I'd settle for a spare Iku.

>> No.11738998

I've literally never gone south path before, do you need to have both mists with you?

>> No.11738999

Do you have source or a link? That sounds way too good to be true

>> No.11739001

All subs is 100% north.
No idea what triggered south path. Maybe all fast ships maybe?

>> No.11739002

Nope, I've run a full fleet without fog ships and gotten south before. I assume it's random.

>> No.11739004

i went south path when i added mutsu. my guess is you need a slow ship.

>> No.11739006

In terms of getting to the boss though, which is easier? North or South.

>> No.11739008

I really don't understand why people worship CLT, can someone enlighten me? I mean, sure, their preemptive strike fucking hurts like hell if you put midget sub on them, but after that, in the shelling phase, they fucking sucks.

Well, they do decent damage at closing salvo and night battle as well, I suppose. But that's about it.

Am I using wrong formation? I almost always use double line with them. What equipment should you put to make them so powerful?

>> No.11739011

Nope, sorry. I've heard multiple unsubstantiated claims and seen one drop picture (that could have been taken from November event, didn't have a timestamp), so I'm waiting to see actual proof, but dammit I'd be a happy fucking camper if it's true.

>> No.11739012

seems like north is better to me. it has an ammo sink, but the extra south node does the same thing while damaging your ships.

>> No.11739014

>I almost always use double line with them
Of course you are going to fail when you go double line. Their torpedo has a high miss rate with anything that isnt vertical.

>> No.11739015

Good preemptive, do good damage to Destroyers and Light cruisers, good for night battle. Don't expect them to shell battleships to death, they're just there to crit a ship for 100 damage and take it out of the fight before the fight even begins, they're more or less a gambler's ship- they can instantly kill the most powerful enemy ships in the node, or all three of them can focus on a 22HP destroyer.

>> No.11739016

Honestly? Not much difference. North has a chance of Kirishima fuckery. South has a chance of Maya fuckery. Just pray the RNG is in your favor.

The south node does have an extra node, but the first south node is often very easy.

>> No.11739017

>decent damage at night
>double line
You're doing everything wrong.

>> No.11739019

There's no I-8 in the japanese wikis so its probably not true.
I really hope the tables are just incomplete and she ends up being a possible drop, would spend all my resources farming for her if she is, fuck LCS.

>> No.11739021

Has anyone managed to complete E-2 with sub Lv.50 ships?

>> No.11739022

Line Ahead synergizes fantastically with CL(t)s, for starters. Additionally, the fully remodeled kai2 CL(t)s will oneshot anything short of a battleship with their opening torpedo (and ending, if enemy fleet survives that long), and they do unfathomably huge damage in night battles due to those working off of firepower+torpedo stats instead of just firepower.

On top of that, they're dirt cheap compared to CVs, so you have fantastic first strike, -decent- shelling phase damage with Type-A+2x 15.5cm yellow, great postbattle strike, and the queens of night battle.

If you want to kill battleshits they aren't that great outside of night battle, but having cheap autokill on just about anything else is really nice. They're extremely cost effective, and REALLY good against bosses due to the night battle thing.

>> No.11739024

The point of using a CLT is to kill stuff before the shelling phase. A dead or taiha enemy ship is a ship that won't damage you.

>> No.11739034

LCS a shit. I am not touching that bullshit.
They need to make Taihou a drop in 5-4.

>> No.11739035


They aren't going to hit shit if you double line, you need to go line ahead or you are crippling their combat effectiveness right off the bat.

They give the biggest bang for the buck:

1. Incredibly cost efficient compared to heavy hitters
2. Their preemptive strike will take out anything short of a Ru-Class Battleship. That's one less ship attacking you. With 3 CLTs, that's potentially 6 on 3 (although CLTs will hit the same target)
3. During the day, they'll contribute, but they won't kill battleships, that's what your battleships are for.
4. Again, you get another torpedo salvo from them to reduce their fleet.
5. During night attack, they will kill literally everything through their double attack.
6. They can also casually take out weaker submarines during the day just as a bonus.

CLT equipment is pretty standard, double 15.5 yellows and a midget sub, or any other iteration that gives you double attack.

There's no other ship that can do what a CLT can. The price tag is a huge bonus on top of that.

>> No.11739036

Merry xmas /jp/, I wish you success in your event runs and LCS crafts.

>> No.11739047

How many subs you got? Since the laaser can't hit them, having five subs made this event pretty easy.

>> No.11739052

Iku, Imuya, and I guess Iona is a given. No Goya/Hachi, obviously no I-401. If I can beat the event and eventually find a Goya at least I'll be able to field a 4 sub fleet, but at the dev's mercy for whenever Hachi becomes available to be able to pull off a 5-sub fleet.

>> No.11739060

Downside being that they're easily the most fragile type of ship you're likely to use, and when they do botch a preempt, you'll probably end up in trouble.

Still worth it most of the time, but it's something to keep in mind.

>> No.11739062

>>11739008 here
Alright thanks, I'll try those suggestions although if I always go line ahead, wouldn't that kinda be dangerous? Well, I guess it is a gamble to use them anyway

>> No.11739063

I used 3 subs + Iona with only Iku remodeled which I regret doing. Beat E-2 first 4 tries.

>> No.11739068

Pretty much this >>11739035
Why do you think every high level admiral has extremely overleveled CLTs compared to other ships? They are essentially god mode except for the shelling phase, and even then they can 1-shot almost anything but a BB or flagship CV.

Even when they're sitting with orange level damage, they can pump out 400+ damage in the night phase without relying on flaky cut-ins.

>> No.11739070


Dead Wo can't hit your ship girls and that's what line ahead and pre-empt is all about.

>> No.11739071

what the fuck? i've gone through it with 5 subs, 10-15 times and haven't sank the boss yet. Iku is the only one not remodeled, the other 4 are set up for cut-ins.

either i'm retarded or there's a severe luck disparity between us.

>> No.11739074

You were being lied to.
There is no reason not to use line ahead. It is the go to formation to run. Most enemy ships cant 1shot you to red besides TA class BB. Even they cant 1shot you when they end up using shitty formation like here >>11738414
When in doubt always go vertical and against subs always go horizontal.

>> No.11739078

I haven't used anything but line ahead in any event except for really special situations - ie heavy sub formation, heavy air, etc. Unless the battle absolutely requires some kind of gimmick formation then line ahead is the way to go.

>> No.11739087

You seriously can't beat E-2 with 5 subs? What are their levels? My 4 normal subs are all 94+ with Iona being 30+ and I can't fail to kill the boss unless I refuse night battle or something.

>> No.11739090

Seconding this. Line Abreast's armor bonus /can/ be nice in some situations, and obviously it's your best bet against subs, but 99% of the time Line Ahead is going to do more for you than anything else.

>> No.11739091

Dunno why RNG is being so good to me. My subs don't really do anything. It's just Iona hitting the boss with cut-ins all the time.

>> No.11739093

I've tried my fair share of sub runs (4 subs here). It's not terribly effective. I've hit the boss once, and didn't kill it. Seems like only Iona cut-in (maybe goya too) will do it.

>> No.11739094

Well damn, alright fair enough. My go to formation always has been double line since I use carrier very often (they don't get bonus damage from using line ahead, do they?)

>> No.11739098

All ships get bonus damage from formation. Planes are supposedly not affected by formation, but I dunno if this actually works as intended

>> No.11739099

there's always 2-3 opponents left when Iona does her cut-in, and she always picks the wrong one for me. levels are 65-80 besides her, but oh well. might as well keep trying while my CLTs repair.

>> No.11739106

Yeah, planes are not affected by formation. Enemy CV are always using ring formation because of this reason.
When I beat 3-4, I went with 3CV with defensive formation.

>> No.11739111

I like when they have subs only. I can easily get about 2k exp with Kiso (leveling her for kai 2).

>> No.11739113

Is LSC same with normal construction that flagship does not matter?

>> No.11739125

So guys, how do we use seiran efficiently?
I put them into my Kumano and they got shot out of the sky at the opening phase.
Are they only useful with CV support?

>> No.11739133

They are crap.

>> No.11739139

They're not air superiority fighters. Honestly? I'd say they're still useless, just by virtue of their low numbers. Most ships can only field something like 2-5 seaplanes.

>> No.11739152

So why aren't you starting your Akitsumaru farms yet? http://kancolle.doorblog.jp/archives/35905409.html

>> No.11739154

They're okay if you put them on a CAV or BBV that can hold more, along with some CV support. Probably the CAV, since BBVs don't see much use once you pick up some "real" BBs.

>> No.11739157
File: 56 KB, 768x305, bauxite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need 1750expedition to get back your cost.

>> No.11739158

I'd rather put guns and radar on my BBVs.

>> No.11739161

So is it better to have two quintuple torps or two 15.5 secondaries on torpedo sisters for E-3? Type-A is a given, I'm just not sure if the extra initial punch might be worth losing what minimal damage they do in shelling phase. I've been running 15.5 secondary and 12.7cm high-angle secondary to try to deal with the elite Wo bullshit, but Ooi/KTKM seem closer to deadweight than anything the last few runs.

>> No.11739166

20.3 + 15.5 for Ooi and KTKM, 2x10 for Kiso. Apparently my Kiso is the main target for CVs in first node.

>> No.11739168

Are they the only way to get the transport boats?
Because as much as a permanent 45% bonus to expeditions is incredibly tempting, I'm not sure it's worth it.

>> No.11739172

If I have the clear E-2 quest active and I empty the boss hp bar does that complete it? Or do I have to clear E-2 a 5th time?

>> No.11739179

It completes it.

>> No.11739191

Why 20.3+15.5 vs 2x 15.5 yellow? It looks like both setups give double attack in night battle, but the 15.5s have that extra +2 accuracy.

>> No.11739201

I don't have any reason for that. Both are fine.

>> No.11739214

They seem pretty good on CAv if you're not against much AA or you're fielding a ton of fighters of your own to protect them. With 6 of them, they 1-hit DDs and sometimes CLs. There really isn't anything else you can put on 4th slot on CAv that will be more effective than that.

>> No.11739215

Does primary + secondary double attack ever not trigger? I've had double attack not trigger about 5 times while doing E-5 and E-7 on 90 Ooi with 2x 15.5 cm.

The devs have said that there are some differences in the inner mechanics of the primary and secondary guns.

>> No.11739230

Finally finished E-3, completed event in around 10 hours straight. 9 sorties, 3 retreats (1 CV, 2 Carnival), 1 steel node. Setup: 3 mists + 3 CLTs.

Only new addition other than I-401 is Naganami. No cranes, no Nagato. And from the last E-3 sortie (in which Takao was the MVP), the drop was...Takao. Well played, devs.

Resource difference: -9k/-6k/-4k/0

>> No.11739243

E2 drops Nagato like mad, go farm it. It's easy, too.

>> No.11739256

Maybe later, I'll take those mist ships to 4th and 5th map first.

>> No.11739266

Is it only from the boss node?

>> No.11739267

Finish up event farming first since apparently the higher level you are, harder the event maps

>> No.11739272

Yeah, but I'd estimate she's probably like a 5% drop. You can also get Shoukaku and Zuiho.

>> No.11739269

I'm already at 96, could it go any harder?

>> No.11739281

So how strong is a Kanmusu?

We know the setting is at least near present or future, since Imuya is always busy playing with her smartphone. Since they're used to fight the abyssal fleet instead of actual ships and planes, that means they're at least stronger than modern military equipment.

If the current event is canon, then we also know they can survive being hit with Mist fleet's gravity beams, which is even more incredible.

This all leads me to one conclusion. The Admiral must have some immense balls to continually sexually harass them.

>> No.11739290

Good sir, are you implying that Iku, Kisaragi, and their ilk are not the ones doing the sexual harassment? All the shipgirls coyly suggesting that admiral touch their "flight decks" and "hangars" and other assorted "equipment?"

No, the admiral is not sexually harassing anyone. He's running the world's most dangerous harem, trying to stay chaste and pure as the driven snow (like Iku!) and sooner or later he'll say one wrong word or accidentally brush up against a girl, unleashing a tidal wave of raw animal lust that will, at best, leave him with a shattered pelvis.

This is assuming Kongou is not in play. I don't want to see what legs strong enough to hold a battleship-kanmusou, wrapping around admiral in ecstasy, could do to human flesh and bone.


>> No.11739291

Is there a leveling area guide in the wiki? Other than the one in 3-2.
I've unlocked until 4-4 and I heard that people are leveling in world 4 and 5, not sure where though.

>> No.11739292

If HQ level is indicative of your strength, then considering the fact he can go past lv100 is already reason enough to believe he has the balls to back it up.

>> No.11739294

World 4-3.
You can reset if you go south instead of southwest.

>> No.11739296

How would you go about getting 45%? I thought stacking two transports only gets you 10% (unless that doesn't work either), and I don't see any expeditions were ChitoChiyo seaplane-tenders can be taken.

>> No.11739300

>I don't see any expeditions were ChitoChiyo seaplane-tenders can be taken
But you can take them on almost any expedition.

>> No.11739301

You can take them to expeditions where ship type hardly matters, like 5 or 9.
So if you stack 3 Daihatsus to a remodeled Akitsumaru and ChitoChiyo, thats a pretty significant boost assuming they stack that high.

>> No.11739306

Oh god, you just made me diamond with that advice. Thank you for the Christmas present.

>> No.11739307

Most of the expeditions don't force you to have a specific fleet without any deviation - they simply have minimum requirements. For instance, expedition 5 requires 4 ships minimum, with 1 being a CL and 2 being DDs. This means that you can bring anything you want for the 4th slot, and nothing is stopping you from throwing a 5th or even 6th ship in there if you want. You do have to eat the resource loss from adding an additional ship though.

>> No.11739322 [DELETED] 

Just going off of wikiwiki here, am I to believe that Akitsu Marus/seaplane tenders go in the expedition slots that aren't DD or CL requirements? For Exp. 5 in example, only 2 DDs and 1 CL are needed but you need 4 ships to succeed, so Akitsu Maru goes in the fourth slot, yes?

>> No.11739348

Anyone know what's the resupply cost of Akitsumaru? Would it still be worth it to remodel her and use her for expeditions?

>> No.11739354
File: 1.09 MB, 1920x1460, 1387952981965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Newest stats from Toranoana
>Toranoana C85 Doujinshi Rankings
>1 Kantai Collection - (622)
>2 Touhou (506)
>3 Shingeki no Kyojin (298)
>4 TIGER & BUNNY (172)
>6 Utapri (101)
>6 Free! (101)
>8 Hetalia (83)
>9 Danganronpa (79)
>10 Madoka (67)
>11 Nanoha (63)
>12 Love Live! (60)

>> No.11739359

Time to pack your bags Touhou. Kancolle is the new hotness.

>> No.11739366

Thank god for 2hu and KanColle
Otherwise it is just fujoshit

>> No.11739391

What fleet composition would be good on this? Wiki says for DD/CL but I want to level a sub and a CV

>> No.11739406

Unremodeled, she's super ammo-efficient, like, submarine-tier ammo-efficient. She uses a little more fuel than destroyers though, shouldn't be much of a problem if you take her in a slot that would normally just be filled by a destroyer anyways.

>> No.11739414

1 SS/CV, 1 BB, 3CLT/Yuubari/DD(no more than 1 DD)

>> No.11739422

Oh great, thanks for the tips.

>> No.11739443

How do I sink subs? I keep doing 1 damage to them.

>> No.11739446

Kiso makes me think of tumblr landwhales for some reason, especially when she does that Christmas Cake thing.

>> No.11739447

Line abreast

>> No.11739474

Thanks, I'll just be using her in my expedition 5 fleet then. Might take her out first to level her till remodel though.

>> No.11739489


Refer to this.

Also if your ships are weak, F5 at J node.

>> No.11739494

If you want to level a sub, just do solo runs in 2-4, 2-3.

Even if you get Ds and Cs, its faster and cheaper exp.

>> No.11739513

Post deleted, checked the archive for info.
I'll just change one of those to the ship that I want to level then.

>> No.11739523

Man, 5-3 is fucking hard even with Iona to tank the CL and DD. I only have like 50% chance of surviving both the first 2nodes.

>> No.11739532

What does the red text mean?

>> No.11739562

There is red text everywhere - which line(s) are you asking about? If you want to see which ships drop where, just click the + button next to the item listed as "DROP" under a map. If you're looking for Nagato her name is written as "長門". You should only see her listed next to boss nodes on maps 2 and 3.

>> No.11739567

I was talking about the red names in the drop list. Does it mean it's rarer?

>> No.11739572

Yes. They're rares.

>> No.11739576

It just means notable drop.

>> No.11739577

Wait Shokaku and Goya is present in E1?
I thought it was E2.

>> No.11739610
File: 873 KB, 800x480, shioi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Event Complete @1530H.
Total Cost: 15K Fuel / 20K Ammo / 20K Steel / 2K Bauxite
Buckets: 80
Casualties: NA


>> No.11739614

Whats a shoi?

>> No.11739615

Plain sub

>> No.11739617

That sounds like a weird name.

>> No.11739620


>> No.11739621

it comes from 401: Shi-o-i
like the other sub names

>> No.11739623

LSC is some dangerous shit. Can get broke in just a few minutes with nothing rare.

>> No.11739626

LSC is events in a nutshell.
Throw away large amounts of resources and get something good if you're lucky and shit if you're unlucky.

>> No.11739627

Did anyone subcheese at 5-3? Is the compass rate to the boss really 25% like what they wiki said?

>> No.11739636

I just finished a few minutes ago. How did you use so many resources? Were you running the full fog fleet?

I used under 8k fuel, not sure how much of everything else. I'm still broke though because LSC is a dangerous thing.

>> No.11739639

What flagship and recipe works best to craft Type-A?

>> No.11739641

A carrier recipe.

>> No.11739642

I did 4 subs + Iona yesterday, 4 sinks (did one previously with a normal fleet). The compass to the boss was about 20% yeah.

>> No.11739647

Follow >>11739063 and remodel Iku and you'll be able to beat E2. Luck apparently shines on those with remodelled Iku.

>> No.11739648

Chiyoda/Chitose farming

>> No.11739650

I've had double attacks not trigger with 2 main guns (or 1 main 1 secondary) before. Doubles have a very small chance of not triggering, but it's there.

>> No.11739653

you get them as waste when you try to get 46cm guns

>> No.11739655

What did you have in the other slot(s)? It matters.

>> No.11739657

Any effective way to level subs, or do I just need to spam 3-2-1?

>> No.11739659

If 2 main: AA gun that's not a main/secondary gun.
If 1 main 1 secondary: Another secondary gun.

>> No.11739661
File: 132 KB, 795x466, subs cheesing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First node is almost always a guarantee 840xp without doing anything.

>> No.11739663

>6 submarines
I want Iku and Hachi now.

>> No.11739664

if you have a double-attack setup, it's a double attack setup.

>> No.11739666
File: 174 KB, 1028x992, Yamato_WF2014W.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My wallet is not ready for the onslaught of kanmusu figurines and dolls.

>> No.11739670

Anyone sunk 401 yet?

>> No.11739671

I hope that there will be an abundance of Kancolle material at WF in February.

>> No.11739672

Yes but I've found that putting things like radars, ammo, or mini-sub helps ensure double-attack. Basically in my experience, anything that isn't a true gun/torp seems to help them always double attack.

>> No.11739673

I see, thanks.

>> No.11739677

I had 2x 15.5 and 1 midget sub and double attack still didn't trigger multiple times.

>> No.11739686

Be warned though that going in with all subs means you'll automatically fail that first node every time since neither side can launch a single attack at one another. If you spam this over and over you risk lowering your win rate.

>> No.11739690

What's the purpose of Maruyu?

>> No.11739691

To prevent you from getting Taihou and Yamato

>> No.11739692

To make you very angry at large ship crafting and to provide a pitiful +1 luck on modernization.

I guess if you want to be the most pathetically desperate admiral ever you could add her to a sub cheesing fleet to replace the Hachi you don't have.

>> No.11739693

It's kinda strange to see E-3 drop list on D,F,G node is empty on wikiwiki

What's up with those node? Too hard to reach?

>> No.11739694

Wow, she's even worse than Naka-chan. At least Naka can fight and has a really cute Christmas sprite.

>> No.11739697

In my runs I never went in that direction once. All subs goes through the northern curve and triple fog with 3CLT goes straight through 90% of the time with the occasional divergence north.

I doubt anyone is willing to experiment going in that direction when they could be farming the boss node instead.

>> No.11739701

What are the bannable offenses in this game?

Because F5ing to farm fuel on 2-3 seems legit like cheating.

>> No.11739704

F5'ing and playing on a browser that doesn't cache the game.

>> No.11739711

Dunno why people F5 on 2-3. If you're running subs you can almost walk through the map getting free exp/drops while getting the fuel for a very minimal cost. Running expedition 2 makes up for the ammo loss.

>> No.11739712

Some people only have like 1 sub.

>> No.11739722

you have event maps that drop subs like crazy. no excuse not having all 4 by new year

>> No.11739725

Used to maybe, but there's no excuse for that now.

>> No.11739726

I-8 doesn't drop right?

Also, I've done E-2 burning like 5k resources and still no I-58

>> No.11739734

>I-8 doesn't drop right?
No, but the other three all do in E3.

>> No.11739735

Someone correct me if I'm wrong here.

If I want a Nagato and don't care about any other drops, I should be grinding E-2 Boss node and not E-3 boss node, correct?

My reasoning is that the drop list (at least on wikiwiki) is shorter for E-2 and I am less likely to get fucked by the compass fairy on E-2.

>> No.11739738

drop-list doesn't say anything about chances, you could have double the chance in E-3 even if the drop-list is longer, we don't know the drop-chances. less problems with compass fairy, however, could mean you could get more rolls in E-2 in the same time.

>> No.11739741

The fights leading to the boss are easier too on E-2. That being said though, nobody knows the drop % and we probably won't for at least a few more days until a larger sample size is available. It is entirely possible that the drop rate on E-2 is significantly smaller than E-3, or it may be the same, or higher.

>> No.11739748

How are people beating E-2 without 5 subs?

Are you using Iona and Takao?

>> No.11739751

praying to the RNG, those lasers can miss or not be shot at all.

>> No.11739754
File: 158 KB, 850x524, FUCK YES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My E2 clear, Kitakami delivers

>> No.11739758

Can level 12 Iona beat 2-4 by solo?

>> No.11739760

To boost other ships' luck.

>> No.11739759

do you hate your resources?

>> No.11739761

How do you get a permanent Takao and Haruna? The wiki doesn't say anything.

>> No.11739763

Haruna drops like candy on 3-2 and takao is a common drop in a lot of maps

>> No.11739764

Are your ships all like level 70+?

>> No.11739766

Battleship recipe.

>> No.11739768

3 CLTs, Kirishima, Akagi and Iona.

>> No.11739771
File: 163 KB, 848x520, Levels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the post battle screen with levels.

Ooi was below 50 and the fog ships have 5 modernization stars

>> No.11739773

I heard CVs don't do too well in E2

>> No.11739775

Oh you. I meant the Takao and Haruna from Arpeggio of Blue Steel.

>> No.11739776

I did better with 2 CV there

>> No.11739785

How many tries did it take you?

>> No.11739786

Depends on what planes you use, really.
My loadout was Reppu/Reppu/Suisei 12A/Zuiun.
All she had to do was shoot down the enemy planes and dodge, which she did decently. She also crit BBs decently, so I can't complain.

>> No.11739790

Several, lost count.
What really hurt there was repairing and supplying the fog ships. Im scared to sortie with Haruna because I don't want to pay 1200 steel to repair her.

>> No.11739794

Isn't Seiran really not worth it?
Most ships have really good AA so 6 of them aren't going to make a difference outside of being shot down.

>> No.11739799

Really? My Kongou Kai2 only uses 400 steel full repair from 1HP, FOG ships however....

Is using Takao really worth it? I'm using Iona+3BB+2CLT right now, I wish I have 3 CLT though

>> No.11739800

I only put seaplanes in BBV, and it's only for sparkling purpose to clean up enemies in 1-1. Seriously, it's not funny seeing Fusou bullied by scratch damage from DDs.

>> No.11739806

Takao has massive amounts of firepower during the day and will oneshot anything including the bosses during the night with a double attack setup.

She's useful if you want more firepower and hate your resources

>> No.11739813

Need to stop urge to LSC. The only thing keeping me from trying more is I am out of fire extinguishers.

>> No.11739814

Best way to farm E-2 or E-3 with only 2CLT? Using 2CV 1BB 1SS 2CLT right now, gets the job done most of the time but not exactly efficient.

>> No.11739815
File: 780 KB, 800x480, 25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Merry Christmas, Teitoku. Which kanmusu(s) are you planning to share dinner with tonight?

>> No.11739818


>> No.11739827

If it assures me with getting to boss node without anyone getting oranged, then I will do it.

Is it possible to remodel the fog ship? If not, then I'm gonna start modernize them

>> No.11739830

If it's not red, it's safe to advance.

>> No.11739834

>If it assures me with getting to boss node without anyone getting oranged,
That depends on your luck, you have to say goodbye to your resources if you get hit with the gravity cannon

>> No.11739836

Wikiwiki says you can't remodel them.

>> No.11739851

Some people actually have them at level 99?

>> No.11739849

The event map battle soundtrack is a hundred times better than the regular one, what gives?

>> No.11739852

Isn't this always the case?

>> No.11739853

The boss battle music is the arpeggio OP, savior of song.

>> No.11739859

3rd Suzuya today from E-2. RNG loves giving ships that I already have. Been farming the whole day with no new ships from random drops.

>> No.11739860

Guys, Kancolleviewer gives the invalid win32 app error, wat do?

>> No.11739861

get win7 or 8.

>> No.11739863

get a 32-bit version or a 64-bit OS

>> No.11739872

Anyone got Nagato from E2 or is E3 better?

>> No.11739874

Isn't r65 already 32bit? If not, where is the 32bit version?

>> No.11739875

Is rank D considered as loss which will affect win rate?

>> No.11739876

I've been grinding E2 but no luck. Bunch of other rare stuff like Yuugumo and Suzuya, but no Nagato yet.

>> No.11739877

what if one sent all the arpeggio ships to a long expedition right before the end of the event?
I'm gonna do it.

>> No.11739878

You mean Saiun?

>> No.11739881

You come back without them and fail.
Just kidding, you actually get to keep them forever by outsmarting the game with your wit.

>> No.11739885

just got a Nagato from E-2, but who knows if E-3 would be better

>> No.11739888

Yeah, sorry for that mixup.

>> No.11739893


>> No.11739896

No Arpeggio furniture for you?

>> No.11739898

If you get to keep the ship, I couldn't give less fuck.

I'll try that too

>> No.11739899

Aye, a small loss, yeah?

Would like confession lines for Arpeggio ships.

>> No.11739904
File: 498 KB, 731x405, e2hopefully.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've leveled up my CLTs, you reckon this will be enough to beat E2?

>> No.11739914

levels don't help much there it seems

>> No.11739919

Just go for it.

>> No.11739920

I want Iona to stay.
That expedition line man.

>> No.11739921

probably no

>> No.11739923


Should be fine, as long as Takao/CLTs have double attack.

(Also modernize your Ooi's torpedo when you have the chance, but no need to do it now)

>> No.11739927

You'll eventually make it if you've got the resources to keep doing it, but you'l fail a couple of times for sure.

>> No.11739928


Completely lucked out, Maya missed her Laser twice, and the Boss Node was pretty easy. Just always had trouble getting there.

>> No.11739931

The boss node is pretty much a cakewalk if you can make it there. The real problem is making sure the fog ships don't damage anyone important in the initial nodes.

>> No.11739932
File: 36 KB, 225x93, Screenshot 2013-12-25 11.56.28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you, Maya.
No, seriosuly

>> No.11739933
File: 628 KB, 751x459, onetenthofresourcespertry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About that...

>> No.11739936

I only failed to get to the boss node twice, and it took me some hours to clear E-2.

>> No.11739937

Hey, don't complain. The real pain is when takao and iona get hit to red. If you think their resupply costs are high, just look at their repair costs...

>> No.11739938

Thats 4subs. It is a beginner event and you actually have 2more weeks. You can build up your resources easily to attempt another 5tries/day.

>> No.11739940

Takao getting critted would've cost that much alone in repairs (plus tip in steel)

>> No.11739953

now that I've listened to it for a while , the "savior of song" in there sounds more like "save your resources" to me

>> No.11739975

Goya get. Thank you based E2.

>> No.11739976

What if devs pull another Yahagi at the end of the event? with everyone having wasted their resources on LSC.

>> No.11739977

How many runs did it take you?

>> No.11739978

I pulled a Yahagi out of LSC

>> No.11739980

10 or so. A only, didn't want to get CARNIVAL beamed because I'm not stacked with resources like the elder players.

>> No.11739981
File: 219 KB, 1151x541, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11739986

I have 4 Imuyas, you reckon it's worth just doing suicide runs in 2-3 for fuel?

Or is there better ways to get fuel?

>> No.11739987

just do 5/9/13 all day erry day

>> No.11739991

Seems too slow.

If only F5ing doesn't get you banned.

>> No.11739992

inb4 tons of posts of F5 ban debate.

>> No.11739998

5/9/17 is better.

>> No.11740000

Seems useful.
Got anymore?

>> No.11740003

That's one tsundere cruiser for sure

>> No.11740021
File: 797 KB, 743x1200, !Inbox 909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11740034

What about muh bauxite?
I have to do the Taihou recipe daily.

>> No.11740037

Is there actually proof of people getting banned for F5ing?

>> No.11740042

get enough of her and maximize luck on important ships like subs. most expensive thing ever though

>> No.11740039
File: 139 KB, 802x488, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally gotten one in. Iona isn't all that useless

>> No.11740046

Have you seen her damaged sprite?

>> No.11740048

Why are you not using takao? She's a monster

>> No.11740050
File: 152 KB, 797x465, 5-3 cleared.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys better take the opportunity with Iona to clear this map now. This shit is freaking E-4 tier. Took me longer to clear this map than the entirety of the xmas event.

>> No.11740052
File: 217 KB, 333x343, Screenshot 2013-12-25 13.47.42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My current E-2 team.
Any suggestions? If noone gets crit into red, it's a cakewalk, but fucking maya is unpredictable.
No, I don't want to BB and take two rolls on the maya roulette

>> No.11740054

Currently trying to smash through 2-4 with solo Iona. I must be the unluckiest admiral ever, since in ~20 attempts I've seen the boss node twice and failed to do enough damage both times.

>> No.11740055

Take out your CV and bring two more subs.

>> No.11740056

But it's usually the CVs who oneshot the boss

>> No.11740058

What kind of enemies are you getting?
Maybe my level is too high since the opening torpedo salvo from my CVs do nothing to the nagara class cruisers. You can always bring 2CA and they too can 1shot the boss at night.

>> No.11740064

My T-level is 72 so I'm sure I getting the harder enemies.
Also, they're filled with holo bombers, 1-1 reppu and 1 saiun on Kaga. The can deal considerable damage in the shelling phase and in the 2 cases I got to the boss, Kaga critted her for over 120

>> No.11740096

So what are the uses of Maru-Yu? I know she modernizes for 1 Luck, but what other than that? SS expedition fodder? Is her Kai any use at all?

>> No.11740106

I don't get why did they really go with that shitty I-401 design. It's supposed to be the biggest, most badass sub, created for desperate, last ditch effort secret mission...

And she looks like shit. WHY.

>> No.11740113

Get her damaged

>> No.11740121

With what fleet you beat E3? Maya is fucking me over with three fog + 3 CLT.

>> No.11740123

I like her voice.
You'll get used to her if you use subs all the time like me.

>> No.11740124

5 subs. Torpedoes before combat, almost nothing hits them, move on. Get to night battle on boss, torpedoes everywhere and boss dies.

>> No.11740127

I beat it with 3 fog + 3 CLT.

>> No.11740130

Haruharu, 3 CLT, 2 DDs, just drag it into night battle at the boss and it's an easy win

>> No.11740136

three fog 1BB 2CLT killed it every time I got to the boss node. Just equip them with double attack stuff. Wasn't kind to my resources tho.

>> No.11740174

Finally E3 clear.
Now how do I farm E3 /jp/?

>> No.11740177

3 Fog + 3 Sub. All set for Double Attack.
15.5cm yellow x2 + radar on Takao, 46cm x2 + radar + Type 3 (didnt know what to put) on Haruharu, all subs Oxygen Torpedos (event reward torpedo on iona).
Subs are level 80 minimum.
333 492 resupply
1188 steel 633 fuel on 3hp Haruharu
756 steel 493 fuel on 5hp (I think, I don't really remember) Takao
Formation was:
Iku, Hacchi, Goya, Takao, Haruharu, Iona.

Small chance to hit the NE 3x Nagara class Fleet of Fog, small chance to hit NE resource node

>> No.11740193

How is the crafting with Arpeggio characters?
Did anyone give a try?Any info?

>> No.11740200

only class matters and their classes are SS, CA and BB so its the same as any SS, CA or BB

>> No.11740202

I'd like to know this as well. I'm getting bored of E2.

>> No.11740226

today, an advanced order of the Shimakaze figure started at hobby japan homepage.
will you buy it?

>> No.11740236

>now this garbage

no thanks

>> No.11740301
File: 67 KB, 1090x509, lsc recipe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Latest update by the nips.
Go get your taihou and yamato now.

>> No.11740305
File: 2.23 MB, 1200x1818, 1387982503128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Merry Christmas Admirals!

>> No.11740312

Is drop quality effected by whether or not you go to night battle?

>> No.11740314

But that simply isn't true. I got my Taihou with 6/4/6/3/100 when it says the chance is 0%.

>> No.11740316

Did she get a tan from going to hawaii?

>> No.11740327

i have no idea what is what on that graph

>> No.11740329

it is between 0 and 5%. wear your specs

>> No.11740330

There are 21 sample there.
Adding yours makes it 22.
Its chance is 1/22=<0.05

They must be flooring the digits after zero.
Which is very nice, if they are actually doing it

>> No.11740335 [DELETED] 

What is it saying?

I don't understand event quests at all

>> No.11740337

It says read the wiki

>> No.11740338

Post a picture.

>> No.11740343
File: 379 KB, 546x877, 166[8].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually like how Akitsumaru Kai looks. WAY better than unremodeled version.

>> No.11740344

What do her Kai stock equips do?

>> No.11740348

Respond please

>> No.11740351

Same here. Oh well, leveling her to 25 then, I guess. That shoes are ridiculous, though.

>> No.11740353

I actually like it, because it has that ZUN kind of artstyle which has grown on me.

I kind of wish Ryu07 did art for this too.

>> No.11740357

Pure ASW planes I guess?

>> No.11740358


Wait, what? Yamato and Taihou have such big craft chance at 7/7/7/7 with only 1 development material? Sample size is rather puny, but still...

>> No.11740367

Do it faggot.
I know you have resources.

>> No.11740371

what's actually more horrifying is that full 7/7/7/7 100 has a borderline null result for Yamato.

No wonder they said that maxing everything won't yield the result expected.

>> No.11740402

Oh god, I want a Yuubari kai ni where she actually smiles a bit

>> No.11740404

When I thought my struggle with E-2 is finished, last critical hit during night battle left Haruna with 1 HP. Yeah, fuck you too, RNG.

>> No.11740422

I've been running E-2-A only as well, been going at it for more than 10 times, still getting shitty ship drops. No Goya in sight still.

>> No.11740423

>Yeah, fuck you too, RNG.

Three times in a row my Takao has been beamed to red. Fucking hell.

>> No.11740429

>Yeah, fuck you too, RNG

My Takao has been beamed to red three times in a row now at E-2's pre-boss nodes. If only she used the beam herself for once.

>> No.11740430
File: 174 KB, 348x385, Screenshot 2013-12-25 16.28.13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Talking about a fuck you fleet in pvp

>> No.11740434

Oh yeah, I had one with two level 1 carriers in first spots + Fog.

>> No.11740437

look good. you get good experience. better than lvl1 faggots

>> No.11740436

at least, be happy that the first 2 ships are high leveled. The guy could be much more of a cunt and put arpeggio ship on the topmost slots.

>> No.11740440

Does Mutsu drop in E-2?

>> No.11740441

Carnival dayo~!

>> No.11740444

I had her drop in E3.

>> No.11740445

To unlock E-3, can you kill CVL or does it have to be CV only?

>> No.11740448

I just did 2-3 with subs and got it completed.

>> No.11740450

Are you farming there?
I cleared E-3 with 5 subs and tried farming there but it's fucking hell.

>> No.11740453

No, not yet at least, she dropped while I was on my runs to complete it.

>> No.11740455

I had every single Kongou sister drop, and then Shimakaze on the final run.

>> No.11740460

I had a couple Haruna's, 1 Hiryuu and Mutsu. Unfortunately I already had the two holos and was hoping for Nagato/Mikuma.

>> No.11740496

Even if the night combat makes 5-3 seem similar to E-4, it's nowhere near as hard. All you needed was a good double-attack lineup with a couple of type-3 sonars to take out the sub during the day, and finish everything else at night.

>> No.11740539

I wish more difficult quests would be more significant similar to the fleet-unlock quests.
Most of the rewards they can offer are pretty lackluster after all. I wouldn't mind if unlocking world 5 would be tied to a quest, or even each part of world 5 to another. Naturally not the ones like having both Zuikaku and Shoukaku in your fleet, but stuff like acquiring the other carriers.
Because currently, most of those quests are pretty meaningless - on the other hand, I really liked how this event combines both quests and maps together.

>> No.11740553

>on the other hand, I really liked how this event combines both quests and maps together.
How is that different than the usual daily grind? It's just an annoyance.

The best quests are the one that require certain ships to beat certain maps.

>> No.11740559

Dev pls go
I don't want to do any more Furutaka and Kako quests.

>> No.11740595

So I just beat E1 and I'm looking at this seaplane that I got as a reward and I'm not too sure what it's use is. It seems to be the equivalent of the red planes, yes?

>> No.11740603

Put it on a sub, watch the plane get shot down and crash into ships for amazing (3-10) damage,

>> No.11740639

What I'm trying to say is that the higher tier quests aren't worth the effort. I personally spend a lot of time grinding for Sendai and Haruna which just wouldn't drop, because the rewards were definetely worth it.
Once I reached 3-2 I found that to be completely gone from the game - there is no reason to complete the quests outside of wanting to complete them all. Emergency repairs aren't necessary when completeing events, they can be a hindrance if anything.
If you tied those later tier quests to maps you'd feel like there are more steps of accomplishment. The best example is Hiryuu's quest - she's rare but ultimately nothing more than eye-candy. There is no reason to use her over any other ship and the chances of getting her are slim. If I was required to get her and Soryuu to unlock 3-4, the game would give me a feeling of progress again. Even though this event didn't do this well, what I'm refering to is definetely present, because you'd acquire both a new map and a new ship. That was what made this very fun to me and I wouldn't mind having more of it.

>> No.11740643

I'm tempted but I have to finish E-3 first.
I only have 25k resources each.

>> No.11740646

After 7-8 LSC, I am broke. What a trap with no reward.

>> No.11740654

CVLs count as CVs for this quest as it does for other quests.


>> No.11740655

40/60/60/30/20 is the best for Taihou?
I have just enough left after my first spree for one more craft, and the event is over so I can take it easy for the next two weeks, but doing so will still put my bauxite dangerously low.

>> No.11740670

My "Defeat 5 submarine" quest has just disappeared (probably reset with the day), and redoing the daily "Win a battle" didn't make it reappear.

>> No.11740674

quest resets arent for another 3 hours

>> No.11740677

I started it more than 24 hours ago, but didn't have time to resume the hunt till now.

>> No.11740685

But I guess if it's 3 hours left, I can probably just go level my sub instead and hope it reappears then.

>> No.11740694

whats a good fleet to farm e3 with?

>> No.11740701

is there a reason i keep getting sent to node G at E-3?

>> No.11740702
File: 390 KB, 800x480, 5-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should really do this if you value your mental health.
Got to boss node 3 out of 5 times.

>> No.11740722
File: 63 KB, 438x376, shipdamage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if you deplete your steel and bauxite, you'll still recover enough to handle E3 by the time the event is about to end. I depleted all my steel before attempting E3, and still managed to clear it after a day of expeditions.

The aftermath was still rather painful, though.

>> No.11740731

Any tips for 5-2? Made a 2CV1CVL1CLT Takao Iona run, couldn't kill the boss. Maybe I was just unlucky.

>> No.11740736

Well, 5-2 boss is an easy farm spot, you shouldn't waste resources with fog ships there.
2CV 1CVL 1BB 2CLT or something similar should be enough.

>> No.11740749

She still looks like a touhou.

>> No.11740786

Time to rewatch Shioi and her sisters' Seiran bomb Panama Canal in Konpeki no Kantai again.

>> No.11740789

So how many people are going to use Maru-yu after the event just so they can have a 6 submarine fleet?

>> No.11740801

Of course she does, wasn't ZUN the one who drew her?

She's only good as luck fodder.

Speaking of luck, could Arpeggio's Takao and Haruna's Graviton Cannon attack proc rate be luck-dependent?

>> No.11740809

She has an MVP line.
You should put her in your sub-fleet

>> No.11740817

If she can equip torpedoes and attack with them after she remodels, I'll use her.

>> No.11740820

Was it really ZUN? Why would they put in ugly ships?

>> No.11740833

Is there a specific fleet composition for E-3 so you get sent to the boss or am I just getting shitty luck?

>> No.11740845

Really shitty luck. But it's still better than wasting your five runs with a shitty gold drop, so don't mind too much.

>> No.11740846
File: 208 KB, 425x600, 40511950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SHIT! Marry X'mas /jp/

>> No.11740869

Oh Kongou.

>> No.11740870

They already let bob draw so many ships, this is not a new thing. But apparently some people like art that most consider subpar so the kancolle devs may be just covering all their bases.

>> No.11740876
File: 487 KB, 1167x700, 1387866789133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't bully bob.

>> No.11740881

I really wonder why he chose the name bob.

>> No.11740892

Hey bob's art isn't bad, he just put in too much "effort" is all.

>> No.11740896

Did bob draw the Santa version of Naka-chan? If so, that's one big improvement he made.

>> No.11740907

Yeah, unlike a certain plain sub artist.

>> No.11740908

It's funny how this works. I remember commenting, way back when these threads just started, that bob's style stood out too much and he should have tried to fit the general style of the game more. Maybe he didn't get to see others' sprites when he first designed the characters, and Santa Nakachang looks great now.

>> No.11740909 [DELETED] 

Anyone got rares from E-1 after clearing it?
I already did 20-30 S ranks for Akigumo and the rarest ship I got was Kinu, it's 75% Furutaka/Kako drop.

>> No.11740910

Sorry bob, I assume this is your best but I've still seen Naka fanart ten times cuter than this.

And one passable ship art does not excuse what you did to a third of the CAs. I wager he's at least partially responsible for their unpopularity.

>> No.11740914

Yamato is the best looking ship.

>> No.11740919

I have 9 Goya now but only one Imuya. There's something wrong with this damn RNG.

>> No.11740920

She can attack like any other sub at level 10, and once you remodel her at level 35 she unlocks a single equip slot for a torpedo.

>> No.11740926

Well fuck you too. I was also skeptical of Shioi's art at first but it grew on me. Still not as good as the other subs though.

>> No.11740931

God damn this event is fuel intensive, even though I am only running one fog ship. But then again I constantly have to repair my CVs critted by lasers.

>> No.11740943

who is the best artist

oguchi (for wo-fuckers?)

>> No.11740951

Fuck, accidentally sent my newly repaired subs to E-3 instead of E-1. I don't want to waste buckets on subs.

Don't use CVs then

>> No.11740957


>> No.11740958

Shobon, I can't wait for 1000 German U-boats illustrated by Shobon.

>> No.11740959


>> No.11740955

Some people can't access 5 subs, so we have to go with big hitters instead.

>> No.11740964

You don't need subs though, you can do it just as well with CLTs and Iona and whatever you want to fill the rest of the fleet.

>> No.11740967

No shit. I have yet to get a Goya drop and I've been running E-2-A for 32 times (and counting).

>> No.11740970 [DELETED] 

Is there any list about who drew what ships or I should know all these artists already?

>> No.11740977

Four of them dropped there for me already. But still no Imuya and I'm farming E-1.

>> No.11740982 [DELETED] 

in b4 they're illustrated by shibafu

>> No.11740988

Shibafu Gonna have to say Yoshinori. Fumikane has only done one and there's just something off in some of Konishi's work. Shobon's also good but I like how Yoshinori incorporates the ship parts better.

I only used all subs one time (only 4 subs then). 3CLT all day everyday.

>> No.11740991

Is it really that common? I see people in the thread having pages of Goyas. I have yet to get a submarine drop in any of the event maps, let alone Goya.

>> No.11740995

in b4 they're drawn by shibafu

Anyways, the real answer to >>11740943 is Fujikawa

>> No.11740996 [SPOILER] 
File: 348 KB, 477x768, dfc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

konishi - kongou-class, zuihou, yuubari, shokaku-class, agano-class, suzuya, kumano

yoshinori - nagato-class, yamato-class, beaver and speedslut

shobon - the 4 subs that are actually cute

oguchi - abyss ships

fumikane - pic related

>> No.11740997

Don't worry, they're just lucky. I'm lvl HQlvl 93 and it took me a fifty runs here to get Goya, too. Supposedly subs were common drops on the last E-5 too and I didn't get any.

>> No.11740998

Well, I forgot how many times I did E-2. I'm >>11738404

>> No.11740999

I assume you went with line abreast and waited till night? I've been trying this but I eat crits/laser at pre-boss nodes. RNG-sama hates me.

>> No.11741001

I like Shobon, Yoshinori, Konishi.

>> No.11741007

the proportions in some of konishi's girls are a bit weird especially around the hips

but other than that the majority of his girls are 10/10

>> No.11741008

For Imuyas you should try 3-3-A, I didn't get any in my ~30 E-1 runs, but last time I got 3 of her in 1 hour at 3-3.

>> No.11741009

My sole Imuya comes from there, though I got a Mutsu before the sub dropped.

>> No.11741015

>No Shibafu


>> No.11741014

Well, I have 8 Imuyas now, and still no Mutsu.

>> No.11741019

I actually like Shibafu's artwork. It's cute. Why all the hate?

>> No.11741026

No, my ships performed good enough that I could go line ahead and still S rank all the nodes consistently.

Are you trying to clear E-2 or E-3?

>> No.11741023

No Shobon Shioi.

>> No.11741028

because he touched the sub class

>> No.11741029

Shibafu and Shizuma (Yoshinori). As the above anon mentioned, Shizuma really puts the 艦 in 艦娘, and does it well. Perhaps the only work of his that I find odd is Mutsu's right eye, but extremely beautiful otherwise, so I can forgive him for that. Shibafu, I thought his art was bland, but that was six months ago. They've grown on me ever since.

Konish and Shobon are both good, but they have flaws here and there. Shobon's girls are colourful and pretty, but there's something uncanny about them, not to mention the odd shading choices that he makes and the weird proportions - it's like he can't make up his mind whether he wants his girls to be lolis or curvy and sexy.

Oguchi takes the runner up spot after Shibafu and Shizuma. He's really fantastic.

>> No.11741030


His art for I-401 doesn't fit the boat it's supposed to portray.

>> No.11741031

>line abreast
No. Always go with vertical/line ahead when using preemptive torpedoes, it's the only formation that makes them hit reliably.

>> No.11741037

E-3 is fucking pissing me off. Every single time I get sent northeast and then to steel node after getting hit by Maya's laser. Can't even get to the boss.

>> No.11741040

Would it be better to say Yonoi?

>> No.11741041

E-2, managed to get through once in ten tries.

Guess it's just my luck then. Pre-emptives often sink half of the enemy fleet, but the flagships tend to survive and blast me to bits.

>> No.11741049

I kind of hope that he does some rework on some of his art, the ones with the really generic damage poses. Maybe when we get Kai 2 or something.

>> No.11741044

If it's any artist that deserves hate, it's ku ro kuro. Guy needs to take his newfound accomplishments with being associated with KanColle and take some anatomy/lineart classes. Every time I field a CVL who isn't Zuihou I feel sick to my stomach. Also you guys who are associating his art with ZUN's need to get rid of your Stockholm Syndrome.

>> No.11741045

Were people expecting huge tits or something? Subs have always been pretty loli and a lot of girls don't fit their ships as well as they could because of a degree of artistic freedom stops half of them from looking identical. I like her design, I've got no complaints but most of the complaints I do see are just that she doesn't exactly fit the pattern set by Shobon's work.

>> No.11741050
File: 466 KB, 800x900, E-3 Clear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never got diverted to NE with this fleet, though I suppose I could just have been lucky as it only took 5 tries.

>> No.11741051

I agree with you mate.

>> No.11741055

In my experience the lazers are more likely to fuck over big ships while small ships like CLTs and DDs either dodge it or get away with moderate or normal damage.

>> No.11741058

I use the same fleet but Kiso K2 instead of Hiei. Northeast and steel node all day.

>> No.11741062

Is E3 gonna be even harder than E2?

I'm having hard time in E2 because of fucking CARNIVAL or fog kirishima

>> No.11741061

Oh wait, I just remembered I swapped out my fatigued Kaga for Hiei for just the last run. Don't know if that makes a difference.

Shibafu? Yeah, his damaged sprites don't change much, but I don't mind that.

I can't tell exactly what I don't like about krkr's. His anatomy seems fine.

>> No.11741065

For me, I think it's the eyes. They seem kind of buggy. And it's just that I think that it would be nice if damaged sprites got an update in general if only because there's more effort being put into the game now, so might as well go the full mile.

>> No.11741066

No, it's easier.
I cleared it with Haruharu, 3 CLTs and 2 DDs.

>> No.11741072

Haruharu... Oh you mean fog Haruna?

>> No.11741075

it's the faces, the eyes.

and the hair

the clothes also seem really blocky or with strange curvature like with isuzu's tits

>> No.11741079

Yeah, she ends up being refered like that in the show, I figured that'd be a good thing to tell them apart. She's really strong.

>> No.11741082

That's weird, used the same fleet and only went to the steel node twice even with farming.

>> No.11741083

I didn't actually see the show at all, is it good? Looking at wiki page, it kinda looks like futuristic Kancolle

>> No.11741084

I feel like it's just luck. I gave up on CLTs and ran 5 subs because Kitakami and Ooi would always get lasered to red together.

>> No.11741093

The manga is good, don't know about the anime since I dropped it on the first episode because of how they dumbed down things.

>> No.11741094

I think it's complete shit because it's full-CG which just doesn't work in too many scenes. The story is weak and predictable too, but it does have it's charms. Futuristic ships and explosions do look decent. I haven't read the manga, but that isn't CG at least so you could try that if the CG puts you off as much as me.

>> No.11741100

Wow, just got sent straight east and cleared E-3 without taking even 1 damage.

>> No.11741101

Went to steel node 1 out of 4 times with: Ooi, Kongo, Kitakami, Takao, Iona, and Maya.

>> No.11741107

Read the manga. The anime dumbed down things including, in my opinion, the main appeal of the series which is naval combat that actually feels like one. Also the anime went completely original episode 5/6 onwards so it's possible you may like the original's story better.

>> No.11741112

You've suddenly become a kanmusume. Which artist would you pick to draw you?

>> No.11741118

Whoever drew the Shiratsuyu class or Shibafu.

>> No.11741122

Of course, Shibafu

>> No.11741126

Oguchi. I want to spawn as the E-6 boss for Midway and cause suffering to countless admirals.

>> No.11741135

abyss monsters aren't 'kanmusu'

>> No.11741158

The manga is pretty fun, since human and Fog sides are actually quite close in power and competence (Fog ships are nigh-invulnerable to conventional arms and can do pretty much whatever they damn well please, but there are several Fog Fleet schisms in the making while humanity has its shit together and will absolutely massacre the Fog if the latter ever lose their technological superiority.) and Fog motives may turn out to be justified after all.

>> No.11741162

I raged like no tomorrow when after reading the manga, they cut important things with a chainsaw. The biggest loss of the adaptation was that Kirishima/Haruna VS iona's crew + superspeed sub, and the fog allied human faction.

The latter just ridiculed gonzo right from the get go.

>> No.11741170

>it's the faces, the eyes.
After seeing a larger piece of art, I can tell where he was going with these, but they're really inorganic. A little more exaggeration, definition/detail, and less gradual light shading in these parts would do a lot for video game art.

>and the hair
This is one of the big issues. He does very simple shapes and doesn't really source them coming from the top of the head, so they look like wigs made of Play-Doh hovering above the face. Not very well-defined shading under it either. Also guilty of large foreheads (This also used to be bob's problem).

His mecha effects seem alright.

Shop musume/Quest musume/Kinugasa/Yuugumo-class artist Fujikawa. I get to steal admirals' money, break their backs, and then flash a sick pose with a shit-eating Akigumo grin on my giant face. Life would be good.

>> No.11741176
File: 383 KB, 796x469, 37482135_p1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm recruiting エンタープライズちゃん at Midway event and you can't stop me.

>> No.11741179


>> No.11741189

whoever designed Ars Nova's Maya

>> No.11741194

The characters he draws with some form of noticeable headgear aren't too bad. I really like what he did with Ryuujou and Maruyu. Akitsu Maru is an exception. I do agree that the less we see of Yugioh hair the better.

Yadokari is another flawed artist. Like my god, same face up the ass with all his artwork. You can tell he didn't really give a shit when he was designing the Mutsuki class DD's.

>> No.11741204

I don't see why so many people hate Bob.
I admit that some ship like Chikuma have some weird stuff around, and that the shading make their design a bit too different from the other ships but it is not that bad.
Definitely not my favorite, but I think he did a good job with the likes of Sendai, Ashigara etc.

I really dislike kuuro kuro and drew.
Kuuro kuro just can't deal with proper anatomy whatsoever. I also don't like the clothes shading and all. There is a major lack of details in general.

As for drew... the shading, eyes and limb sizes are just whacky. If people complain that bob ships are too different from the other kanmusu, I would say Oboro & co are much worse, on the same page than kuuro kuro.

As for my favorite artists:
Konishi: I'm still pissed off by the Kai ni of Kongou and Hiei, but I can't complain with the delicious Agano light cruisers. I particularly like how Konoshi did the hair in general (except the Kai ni...) especially the crane sisters and the agano.

Yoshinori: pretty solid although I still have issues with the eyes, especially Mutu's.

Yadokari: I'm no lolicon, but I have to admit this guy really made adorable and badass DD. Bep's art was initially the reason why I sticked Hibiki in my fleet when I started, without knowing if her Bep form would worth the 70 levels grind. And boy, I wasn't disappointed.
The same can be said for Ichiso

I'm not completely sold with Shobon. Delicious curves, but the shading is quite uncanny and Goya is still way too odd in my books.

>> No.11741216

Goya just has a dick, you won't love her because of that?

>> No.11741224

People going wet over Samidare and yet no mention of Chiyou Amemiya? For shame!

>> No.11741225

Yeah, on that headgear issue, Akitsu Maru's hat is making my brain leak out through my eyeballs. Also that one Fusoufag anon must be rolling in laughter now regarding his favorites looking like "ghosts".

It's a shame about Yadokari's ships, because they're voiced by two very awesome talents.

>> No.11741230
File: 34 KB, 408x480, hard mode.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mutsuki-class isn't all that bad, but lack of Yadokari wouldn't have ruined the game for me either. The only kanmusu of his that I really like are Ikazuchi and Satsuki (though the rest of the Mutsuki-class have some adorable fan art).

Let's see if people are better at recognizing these girls 3 months since this was last posted.

I think there's like a whole 2 of Samidarefags who just won't shut up about her when they're around.

>> No.11741231

I still love my Goya. My first precious subdaughter.

>> No.11741233

Not even that. It is just that goya has a very weird pose in general.
Plus, I can't relate her voice with her expression.

>> No.11741235

And that's the second time a daily reset has fucked me over quest-wise.

>> No.11741241

Ichiso went from a serviceable artist to a very pleasant one on the eyes just in the span of this year, with the upgrade art.

>> No.11741239

It's fucking criminal that someone like drew drew (no pun intended) more ships than Hatsuko. Was he expecting too much royalties from the devs on commission?

>> No.11741243

Weird pose? she's just sitting

>> No.11741249

I do agree that her face and voice is not matching up really well.

>> No.11741260

Kuuro Kuro, Konishi, Kujou Ichiso, Yakodari, or Fumikane.

>> No.11741261

You know what I'd like? If quests fucking tracked without having to put one of your five quest markers on them.
That's 100 fuel, 160 ammo and a 2-3 run down the fucking drain for nothing.

>> No.11741264


1. Wakaba
2. Bep (damaged)
3. Inazuma (damaged)
4. Akatsuki
5. Mochizuki
6. Ikazuchi
7. Kikuzuki (damaged)
8. Mikazuki
9. Fumizuki
10. Hatsushimo

>> No.11741265

>drew hate
I-I like Ushio and Sazanami.

>> No.11741267

>better than lvl1 faggots
But that makes it easy to sparkle any fleet. I'd take a single level 1 fleet over someone's event layout I may very well lose to.

>> No.11741270

Three. Three samidarefags. Also I could stare at that hair forever.

And yeah, let's definitely hear it for the artists who didn't manage many pieces for the game, Hatsuko, 草田草太, Paseri, etc. Let's not forget that Mikoto Akemi's done only Atago and Takao, yet Atago's one of the most popular characters in the whole thing.

>> No.11741271

I must have gotten some kind of NE compass curses on me. 20 runs in 1-1 just for Takao quest, and now it's NE all day every day in E-2.

>> No.11741278

Atago has 2 distinct features: blond (nips are really blond lovers in general) and her personality.

A shame Mikoto can't do shit about clothes. Takao and Atago damaged sprites are hilarious when you look at their uniform. They don't look liked shredded clothes but rather random color patch on their skin.

>> No.11741281

3 fog ships seems to /generally/ take you down the middle path straight to kongou, but it's not guaranteed (I've gone NE once at each possible junction).

>> No.11741282

Yeah I can't really stand looking at their damaged sprites.

>> No.11741288

>it's like he can't make up his mind whether he wants his girls to be lolis or curvy and sexy.
I take it the idea of them being curvy/sexy lolis never occurred to you, because that's exactly what the fucking subs ARE and part of why people like them so much.

>> No.11741296

Go grind NE fuel at 2-3 instead, than.

I hope hatsuko draws more for the game. Aoba is adorable.
> Mikoto
I like his uniforms.

>> No.11741304

To me it looks less like color patches and more like the clothes are somehow glued-on with most of it burnt-off without moving. Either way, it's very immersion-breaking, oh my poor nerd fantasies.

Alright, best question: Which is the lesser of two evils, same face everywhere, or lazy clothes-ripping? I know a few other artists have gone down that slippery slope as well.

>> No.11741310

Definitely the latter. I've seen too many of the former to label it a capital offense.

>> No.11741340

Who would fill in the latter category? I want to say Shibafu (for example, I-401 - her damaged sprite just has her swimsuit lose a strap and she removes her shirt), but some of the other artists' damaged sprites do look awkward, like Takao and Atago. Which is too bad because I like Takao.

>> No.11741344

Here I thought I would be the only teitoku who prefers Takao over Atago.

It is a shame they won't update the sprite at all. I mean, Takao and Maya are vastly superior in Arpeggio end card done by their respective artist. It is quite ironic that they look worse in the original game.

>> No.11741354

Shibafu is clear example. Then, there's Nagara-class from くーろくろ.

On the opposite end, definitely bob has most impressive damage sprites, followed by fujikawa and Rikka.

>> No.11741360
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Christmas delivery!

>> No.11741364
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>> No.11741365

Atago's cute, but I find Takao prettier. I like her voice (although though both are voiced by Touyama Nao), and I just prefer her design over Atago's.

I forgot Kuuro Kuro did the Nagara class. I do like what he did with Hiyou and Ryuujou, but the Nagaras did look a bit awkward.

>> No.11741371
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>Nagaras did look a bit awkward.
That's an understatement.

>> No.11741374
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He's even a wizard, what can't this guy do? Also there's a sound effect missing in the first panel.

>> No.11741377
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>> No.11741379

>He's even a wizard, what can't this guy do?

>> No.11741383

Well, to be fair, Kanmusume aren't exactly human.

>> No.11741384

No one can stop the carriers from having their way with the resources. Not even the admiral.

>> No.11741381

Find happiness.

>> No.11741386
File: 835 KB, 1200x1696, 011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never trust wandering fairies, a rule I have lived my life by and lived it well.

>> No.11741389

It's just another yawning sfx.

>> No.11741391
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I know one category Naka beat Shimakaze in, the lewdest underwear contest.

>> No.11741394
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And the admiral sums up my feelings on the great artstyle debate.

>> No.11741397
File: 1.01 MB, 1200x1709, 014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus christ, how horrifying.

Alright, I'll have it fixed in a minute.

>> No.11741401

Goddamnit Akagi.

>> No.11741402

It's kinda sad that Nagara-class got short end of the stick. Even Konishi's ones are subpar compared to his other designs.

But of course, there's Kinu.

>> No.11741404

Anyone else hate enemy CAs?
I actually hate seeing them more than seeing enemy BBs, they always seem to fuck me over where enemy BBs will miss.

>> No.11741406

And Abukuma.

>> No.11741407

Yeah, they always pop up in the good spots where I want to grind and shit all over the ship I was hoping to not get hit.

>> No.11741408

Only on 5-3.

>> No.11741409

Any fleet without subs will get sent to the south node. A complete fleet with subs will get sent to the first north node. All other setups have a 75% chance to going East and 25% for North.

>> No.11741412

Really the only Konishi Nagara that bothers me is Yura, and that's because of the distance between her eyes being greater than the Pacific Ocean and that odd rubber belt tying her hair back, but Abukuma and Kinu are cute.

>> No.11741413

Damn it, Maya. Stop bringing my flagship to red. It's the fourth time in a row and the carnival doesn't seem to end.

>> No.11741415

You can't really beat a thong in an underwear contest... unless you go buttnaked.

>> No.11741419

I chalk it up to him having to draw the Kanmusus non stop that he cut a huge corner with Yura.

>> No.11741422

Finally got Taihou on my twentieth (and last) LSC craft. Still no Yamato or Yahagi, but it's back to craft spamming once I get my fuel back up. The ratios reported on wikiwiki and on 2chan are complete bullshit.

>> No.11741423

I'd take frilly panties over a skanky thong anyday. I haven't seen anyone with that criteria though.

>> No.11741428

20 attempts isn't exactly a meaningfull pool of rolls.

>> No.11741429
File: 91 KB, 722x1000, 1387555238800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, there is fan art.

Personally I like all kinds of panties, though Shimakaze's doesn't leave much to the imagination.

>> No.11741439

I want to fucking strangle whoever was in charge of Maya's voice lines. All I hear is Maya saying 4 fucking things at once.

>> No.11741442


>> No.11741446

Welcome to the carnival.

>> No.11741450

First E3 battle. Went straight to Kongou. All three of my FOG ships got damaged into yellow, and Mutsu got critted to orange during night battle (thanks Kongou)
At least I know that I can handle E3. Clearing the event is looking pretty good now.

>> No.11741452

Why are you wasting resources on a ship which will leave you?

>> No.11741456

So that I can get a ship which won't leave me.

>> No.11741467

You mean to tell me that you didn't get into the Christmas spirit and modernize your event ships to maximum? Way to ruin the holiday season, Scrooge.

>> No.11741478

I was busy eating Stollen with Hachi and Makigumo.

>> No.11741501

Speaking of Makigumo, I just got her from 2-3's boss node.

>> No.11741518
File: 298 KB, 457x364, seiran.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 free Seirans, really nice since it would be impossible to get in the top 500 on my server.

>> No.11741533

Nice, where did you level her up?

>> No.11741539

She's so cute. I can't get enough of Ayanami, Mutski and her though I wouldn't mind if there was a bigger ship with such a cute personality.

>> No.11741543

4-2 and 5-3 solo, sorry Shibafu but Seiran is more important than her safety.

>> No.11741548

>Seiran is more important than her safety
1. If she sinks before remodel, no Seiran for you
2. She's probably the best sub stat-wise, you'd have to be stupid to throw her away

>> No.11741549


>> No.11741552

You can't sink if you solo.
The only downside is that you have to stare at Shibafu's plain face all day, even in your headquarters.

>> No.11741558

Sacrifices have to be made.

>> No.11741561

Does she come equipped with 2 free Seiran or is one from E-1 clearing?

>> No.11741562

Jokes on you, Iona is the best sub statwise right now

>> No.11741569

One was from E-1, they wouldn't be that generous.

>> No.11741594

So, now that I-401 has a Seiran for remodel, how will she be distributed?
Will she only ever be available from this event, never to drop again, only ever be available from LSC, or will they remove the Seiran from the remodel before she starts dropping on maps?

>> No.11741604

LSC 100 devkit craft only, she is holo so 1% chance.

>> No.11741605

They said she was advanced release, so she'll be available in some way in the future, at least. I don't see why they would remove the Seiran. It's not like it's totally unbalanced or anything.

>> No.11741608

So how do you get the most out of those planes? I equipped one on a SSV and got disappointing results

>> No.11741618

I think they're just making it potentially available in infinite quantities when she drops.
Keep in mind she's a holo subs, there's not much chance of making a 401 farm.

And anyway, it's a pretty good thing this becomes available "easily" for more people than about 7000 players out of 1 500 000.

Ise class or chitose SAV, I guess.
A remodeled 401 can hold 6 so it's not too bad - for the others SSV they'll get shot down after the first map - which is useful enough for 2-3.

>> No.11741622

They will replace Seiran with a night fighter aircraft.

>> No.11741623

stack 2 them + 2 Zuiun on your BBV that you bring along with your ASW team. That's the same ASW stat as having 2 Type 3 sonar.

>> No.11741629

She eats 2.5* more fuel than the other subs, so not so good at 2-3.

>> No.11741632

He probably phrased it poorly, but he was referring to the capacity of the other SSVs as being good enough for 2-3, but not enough for any sort of prolonged combat like I-401.

>> No.11741638

What's the % that matters for events, PvP win %?

>> No.11741640


>> No.11741643

That's odd then, can't access E-1 even though I unlocked it.

>> No.11741649

Do you have at least 5 free space in your ship hangar?

>> No.11741650

Have Iona? Free ship/item slots?

>> No.11741655


Do you have enough space in your docks and equipment stores?

>> No.11741658

Was lack of free space in the ship hangar it seems.

I'm really tempted to buy that expansion to ship storage, because I keep filling it up...

>> No.11741663

>Was lack of free space in the ship hangar it seems.

How the fuck do people not know this already? This is probably one of the number 1 thing asked when people can't do any of the event maps.

>> No.11741667

You ship daughters need a home. You wouldn't put them out on the street during the Christmas season just to free up space for these temporary Arpeggio harlots, would you?

>> No.11741668

Do CVLs not count towards Arpeggio's Haruna quest?

>> No.11741669

I imagine the streets are better than being turned into scrap.

>> No.11741671


They do, I farmed 2-3 for all my CVs and CVLs for that quest.

>> No.11741675


I must've killed fewer of them than I thought I did then.

>> No.11741714

Finished my Yuugumo class collection today, I can't handle all these cute voices.
They are all so perfect.

>> No.11741773

Wait, E-3 is really this easy compared to E-2?
I managed to shat all over them in 5 runs, getting 0 damage in 3 of those

>> No.11741798
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onaka ipai Poi

>> No.11741824

I just got Iku (I-19) from the pre-boss node on E-3, and Goya (I-58) from the boss node.
It's too bad I already had both and just want Imuya.

>> No.11741860


You can farm Imuya at 3-3 after the event ends. I haven't seen Imuya either although Ikus and Goyas are dropping frequently.

The event is also dropping carriers like crazy. In the last two days I got Zuikaku, Shokaku, Kaga, Akagi, and Zuihou through boss drops. The devs must really want players to prepare carriers for Midway.

>> No.11741870

About that.

does /jp/ think it's better to aim for Taiho as fast as possible to have her at a solid level for the event - or just forget her to keep a largely comfortable amount of bauxite for the event, with already good CV like 1st CarDiv and 5th CarDiv ?

As for me, I already went from 90k to 40k for some kagas and akagis out of LSC..I'll have exams during midway most probably, so I don't mind passing on the latter part of it.

>> No.11741873

The boss node isnt a problem.
Getting there is. It feels like the enemies at 5-3 has higher accuracy than E5. I dont feel like wasting resources doing it with my normal fleet, subcheesing is the way to go.

>> No.11741875

What are people using to farm E-3? It's costing me like 1000 fuel/steel per run.

I just want Mikuma, Suzuya, Yuubari, and Zuikaku.

>> No.11741883

What's Midway? I've heard about conserving baux for some event or something

>> No.11741884

I can predict that at some point before the event, they will release night fighter. And since Taihou can launch planes while medium damaged, she will be great help for night battle in case day battle rape your fleet.

I still prefer keeping my bauxite, though. My checkpoint is at 60k, after that probably I'll try to catch Taihou or just pile even more.

>> No.11741886

you're better off using large ship crafting with those figures.

>> No.11741888


I'm using the 3 CLTs, Iona, I-401, and Mutsu.

That costs me approximately 400 fuel, 300 ammo, and 350 steel per run. Less when Mutsu avoids being Carnival da yoed.

Four of those ships are incredibly resource efficient, and having I-401 serves to deflect some of the damage from Iona since Iona costs a ton to repair.

Having 5 torpedos also cuts down potential enemy damage and saves on repair costs

>> No.11741894

They are not going to make Taihou a requirement for doing Midway. However get at least 6CV to be safe.

>> No.11741896
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Forgot to attach picture of fleet.

I've been getting to the boss 90% of time without compass trolling. Although I've been proceeding at orange and going to night battles with red ships

>> No.11741902

>at least 6 CV
because there are so many more CV if you don't count CVLs
Kaga, Akagi, Hiryuu, Souryuu, Zuikaku, Shoukaku, who else is actually a CV and not CVL or Taihou?

>> No.11741905

Well they are actually making CV drops like candy in the current event maps. Shoukaku actually drops on E1. That said, I believe noobs still can do the first half of the event just like the fall event. The requirement would probably be reserved for a 10stars map against super wo-class carrier with F35 planes.

>> No.11741910

is ur formula 4/2/5/7 + 20 dev for Taiho?

>> No.11741927
File: 5 KB, 277x361, attempts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, never tried that. These are what I used. I was mainly aiming for Yamato, and got Taiho from another recipe I noticed to have decent Yamato outcomes (via wikiwiki comments). Interesting to note how Noshiro wouldn't leave me alone, either.

>> No.11741932


>> No.11741942

The most important battle of WW2 and of the twentieth century

>> No.11741952

It's the place we won back OUR FREEDOMS from the god damn tojo scum. The reason why the world still looks up to THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA as their saviors. Therefore it is iour duty to spend 80k baux and 700 buckets. Honor our troops.

>> No.11741963

By playing as the selfsame 'tojo scum' and guiding them to victory ovet the US stand-ins?

>> No.11741965

But I'm not American...
Anyway, thanks this just means a huge scale event or whatever is coming.
Hope they give a few leeway for admirals to stockpile resources.

>> No.11741968

What if clearing event stages rewarded resources in addition to the prizes?
For example, I clear E-1 (Arpeggio) and get a Seiran, but I also get 1.5K fuel, ammo and steel to make up for what I spent.

>> No.11741973

You know these nip bastards are gonna make a US ship as the final event reward. We must liberate our ship grill.

>> No.11741977

What if just clearing maps rewarded you with resources? Every time I clear 5-2 I get all my fuel and ammo back along with a dollop of steel and bauxite just in case.

>> No.11741984

Anyone know if furniture fairies are dropping from any event map?

>> No.11741985

You are deluded. Event clear rewards are a mark of glory. The nips would be out of their minds to give that honor to an American ship, let alone consider introducing friendly Allied vessels. The Wos and Rus and Henderson-chan and armored princesses are your American 'shipgirls'.

>> No.11741988

Does Akebono drop from 30/30/30/30? I have her in my album but scrapped her immediately when she called me a kuso, but now I need her for that quest and she didn't drop on maps for weeks.

>> No.11741989

One from clearing E2 (Depleting the bar all the way)
Otherwise no, furniture fairies don't drop.

>> No.11741993

Yeah, I've crafted plenty of Akebonos with 30/30/30/30

>> No.11741994

You get 1 as a reward but they don't just "drop" anywhere ever.

>> No.11741998

Just do 1-1

>> No.11742002
File: 170 KB, 760x447, ty based recipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking 1shot

>> No.11742008

After 10+ failures to get Taihou, I tried the 35/35/6/6/20 on this chart, and got it first try.

>> No.11742020

The chart is pretty accurate imo. I did LSC twice.
4000/2000/5000/7000/100 - Akitsumaru
4000/2000/5000/7000/20 - Taihou

Seems like doing it with more dev kits decreases your chance of getting Taihou.

>> No.11742021
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>> No.11742031

What's the requirement for E-2?

>> No.11742036

Thanks Maya, you just ruined my night.
I'm not enjoying the Carnival.

>> No.11742046

I really like Taihou voice so far. Who is her VA?

>> No.11742062

Mamiko Noto

>> No.11742064

how much does it cost to upgrade my slots/repair dock?

>> No.11742076

4/2/5/7 and 20

>> No.11742079

I mean, and it's Tone

>> No.11742081

I tried that 3-4 times yesterday and even once at 100 dev kit. Got ryujo and junyou.

>> No.11742090
File: 63 KB, 685x362, nice xmas gift by the devs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

According to the chart, it is about 25% chance.
I believe it.
Yamato rate is even higher according to the chart but I am going to do it later once I hit my resource cap.

>> No.11742095

Three Kagas in a row, please leave me alone.

>> No.11742107
File: 556 KB, 1269x616, shoop carnival.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should feel bad for this.

But I don't.

Hope you guys are enjoy the CARNIVAL this fine Christmas night.

>> No.11742112
File: 185 KB, 1240x425, yamato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3000/6000/6000/3000 20 dev kit
Yamato Get

>> No.11742117

Unfortunately, it's hard to see big ships around the size of BB to be small and cute like them.

I would like to see one too though

>> No.11742121

Don't feel bad; it takes me back to 2007.

>> No.11742125



>> No.11742135

No need to buy repair dock, you are gong to be swimming in buckets later.

>> No.11742139


so 1000yen for +10 space?

>> No.11742142

>If you remember this meme, you had an awesome childhood.

>> No.11742145

Repair docks are pretty useful when you have a bunch of <1 hour repair timers that you don't want to waste buckets on. Events can eat hundreds of buckets, so you can never really have too many.

>> No.11742153

Top left second page in the cash shop.

>> No.11742154

I started the event at 100 buckets and I'm only down to 80 right now, although it's not like I haven't been getting a steady flow of buckets.

>> No.11742156

また、年末年始には、門松などの【鎮守府新年飾り】(家具)を、大晦日またはお正月にログインされた全ての提督の皆さんに、「艦娘」からお贈りさせて頂きます。来年も良い年でありますように! ※【鎮守府新年飾り】年末年始配信の詳細は、別途日時等をお知らせ致しますね。

Don't forget to login durin New Year's Eve and New Year for free furniture.

>> No.11742160

You are going to run out of resources first before bucket. I even bucket 30mins sub repair to blow through the event.
LSC is a huge resource sink.

>> No.11742162

This event is easy. Just wait till midway. On the last event, I went through over 100 buckets on a single map.

>> No.11742164


meh that's too fucking expensive

>> No.11742173

I second that - not only there's few money left after buying the game and paying the monthly fees, but hat little is used on necesary and fucking hard to come by stuff like buckets or flamethrowers.

>> No.11742189

This is a complete joke of an event, difficulty wise - minimal-to-no compass fuckery, and even the actual maps are pretty easy relatively speaking. I started less than a month ago and I still beat the entire event within 24 hours of starting, only used like 40 buckets total.

Shit like E4/E5 last event, or the upcoming Midway event, is where you start getting into the hundreds of buckets and higher tens of thousands of resources to actually clear, or god forbid farm for that 1% Yahagi.

>> No.11742201

does anybody know if that artbook is still in stock and the name of it, with the yuudachi in the green uniform? I'm going to japan and comiket, and was wondering if it was still available so I could pick it up along with stuff in comiket. I've been googling for it and I guess i'm just stupid because I can't find it...

>> No.11742203

Isn't that from the Familymart promo?
They are probably sold out by now.

>> No.11742245

I'm done. I'm fucking done with E-3.
Fuck you, Maya.

>> No.11742261
File: 433 KB, 685x365, 1388028387090.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuckin finally.
This Russian sub destroyer better be worth it.

>> No.11742274

She's actually quite useless.

>> No.11742277

Did not mean to quote.

>> No.11742285

I shed a tear reading that, and I'm not even American.

God bless.

>> No.11742286


I mean Shigure and Yuudachi performs pretty good, Verniy should be around that right?R-right?

>> No.11742279

She is only good for 5-3 but since you can do it with a subs fleet now.....

>> No.11742295


Verniy specializes in ASW, which Yuubari and Isuzu can already do very well so it's a bit redundant.

Poi Poi hits like a heavy cruiser and Shigure has great anti-AA so they are better.

>> No.11742299

You mentioned the two destroyers that are better than her (also Beaver depending on the situation). It's hard to justify an anti-sub gimmick when equips play a much bigger role than stats, and CLs do a way better job.

>> No.11742305

And Shimakaze/Yukikaze are good for their high evasion and speed so they are both actually better for being filler DD for compass rigging.

>> No.11742306

Poi is a based goddess.
Shigure is not really good other than AA.
Bep is not really good.

>> No.11742322

I know all of those you said but its a DD class ASW, cheaper and when there is a map restriction she should shine brightest right?

>> No.11742324

When will Verniy gets a buff?

It's quite unfair to be honest...

At least she's the cutest.

>> No.11742325

At least she's the cutest right?

>> No.11742329
File: 364 KB, 840x900, 1388027277372.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer Yukikaze
She just need a cheongsam now instead of being pantless.

>> No.11742330

Is it 4 kongou kills or 5 for E-3 completion? killed her three times and had her on 2hp once, and my bar is half-way.

>> No.11742333

I don't like her beaver shape.

>> No.11742334
File: 539 KB, 1376x1704, 1387556260951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do know that her cheongsam is going to barely cover her ass right?

>> No.11742337
File: 40 KB, 497x407, maruyu kai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you a badass enough dude to level Maruyu to 99?

>> No.11742344

Working on it.

>> No.11742346

Oh god...

>> No.11742353

Will she be the new Isuzu?
Does the luck modifier increases when you remodel her?
Is her equipment selection is limited to that of SS/SSV?

>> No.11742360

Level 99 in two days, how?

>> No.11742363

5-3 = 840xp at the fist node
With additional subs for support, you can easily get 2k xp per run.

>> No.11742368

I don't believe in evasion. Also Shimakaze consumes more resource than regular DDs for some reason.

>> No.11742380 [DELETED]
Do me a favor and wreck my account for me. I've had enough of coming back to this game just to be reminded of how shitty my luck is. My depression/anxiety doesn't help having to suffer for everyone else's sake while I always get the short end of the stick.

>> No.11742381

With all the new ships dropping, I'm seriously contemplating buying additional ship girl space.

Of course, given the difficulty that people had in the past buying shit in-game, it may not end well.

>> No.11742385

Blown 100k on LCS for Tone?

>> No.11742386

I'm going to clear the event for you.

>> No.11742390

I see. Time to unlock world 5, then.

>> No.11742413

Please refresh your API. Your shipdaughters deserve better.

>> No.11742414

I still cant unlock world 5, I cant believe 3-4 is harder than E3.

Already cleared the event so im going to do my best to unlock world 5 before the fog ships go away.

>> No.11742416

I'm the guy who was flabbergasted at his shit luck on E-2 yesterday. Tried it again, and I've failed at least 5 more runs. I'm fucking annoyed as hell and trying to not get mad, but I'd still never destroy all my hard work by doing this. That said, seems like even with all your whining, you've gotten further in the event than I have, and also you have Yahagi now. So...piss off.

I bought 2 ship space expansions the night the event started. I'm beginning to wonder if that killed my luck for some reason, since I'm still only getting fucking destroyers.

>> No.11742421

I just cleared 3-4 today with Iona+4 subs.

It would have been Iona+5 but I-401 was in repair.

>> No.11742423

>muh depression

get the fuck outta here. I'd gladly wreck your shit but I'm not gonna risk my acc getting b& as well and I'm not gonna bother changing IPs just for this

>> No.11742426

I actually cleared 3-4 yesterday with the help of Iona. She's a great boost for the fleet. I'm trying to get 4-4 done now, but so far I didn't manage to kill the boss yet.

>> No.11742428


Which service did you use to buy ship space? I'm trying to find a reputable one that won't fuck me over too bad.

>> No.11742432

Reminder to take it easy this event, you have til jan 8th to clear it.

Its a mini event easier than all past events with OP ships to help you and no boss bar regen so there's no need to rush or ragequit by posting your API link.

>> No.11742434

How? LSC? I really dont see how anyone that went through E5 will actually be troubled by this noob event?
The devs have make getting subs, Nagatos and 5th cardiv a joke

>> No.11742437

Its a xmas gift from them, whats the problem? Where's your xmas spirit?

>> No.11742442

Oh I contacted DMM asking about their English credit card page not working a few weeks ago.

They didn't respond for a few days then randomly the page went up again.

You should be able to use foreign credit cards now. Use the delicious 104:1 exchange rate to the fullest. I figured someone would have noticed by now and mentioned it here on /jp/, but I guess not.

I was looking through his ships page and I guess he just got her? Maybe someone else LSC'd her, but yeah. I have no clue why he would fuck his account up if he'd already gotten the rarest ship in the game.

>> No.11742443

I'm an atheist.
Stop being so offensive.

>> No.11742447

Well I am actually quite happy.
I still have 20k resources and I am only missing hatsukaze, agano, yamato and maruyu.
Those fucking devs forgot to put Hatsukaze into the droplist.

>> No.11742453

What's the best place to grind (multiple) CAs?

>> No.11742456

Whining and attention whoring the the fullest.

>> No.11742459


Thanks for the heads up. Gonna give it a try tonight I guess.

>> No.11742462
File: 627 KB, 709x981, 1388031694931.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Screw that, you're going to accept your xmas presents and you will like then.

>> No.11742466

>guy accidentaly posts his link in a screenshot
>someone actually goes throguh the effort of typing it in just so he could wreck his shit immediately
>faglord drama queen posts his on purpose
>still untouched

fuck you /jp/

>> No.11742469

Who you quoting?
Go post his API link on /a/ if you want to see it get rekt.

>> No.11742470

Go yell at /a/.
/jp/ is civilized. It's /a/ who ruins everything, including our comiket threads.

>> No.11742472

I've been farming E-2 all day and I still haven't found a sub. Jesus Christ I thought you guys said they were common.

>> No.11742477

Try E-3.

>> No.11742478

Who are you quoting?

You said it yourself, why would we assist the drama queen in doing what he wants?

>> No.11742482

The RNG knows that you want one and refuses to give you one.
Desire sensors and all that stuff

>> No.11742483

Isn't it funny how /a/ thinks the exact same about themselves with /v/ as a boogeyman?

>> No.11742486

You and me both, fellow anon. I have two I-19s, I have something like 6 Imuyas now, I have I-401, and I still cannot find one fucking Goya in 50 fucking E-2 runs.

Still mad that I-8 doesn't seem to be obtainable this event, I-19 was from same event and is an ezmode E-3 drop.

>> No.11742489

My problem is that the dick flagship BBs in this map keep fucking up my runs and always send someone to red.

Might have to do that all subs run and hope no one falls to orange or red.

Should I use turbines/sparkles or just send them several times til they get a B rank at the boss node?

>> No.11742493

I-8 was the E-4 reward. It's a little too soon for that to be a freebie. Same reason Musashi isn't craftable yet.

>> No.11742495

When she becomes Dekabrist/Декабрист.

This may also be why her second remodel is relatively weak. It's to make way for a third.

>> No.11742501

Be glad they made Yahagi a common LSC craft with the default resources.

>> No.11742506

Iku was ezmode E-1 reward as well. They probably did it just so the retards who sank her can get her back without waiting too long.

>> No.11742510

You don't deserve Hachi from an event this fucking casual.

No sparkling necessary. All subs were remodeled with dual torpedos on everyone. I S ranked the boss.

>> No.11742516

Should I take the time to level and remodel I-401 or just charge with Iona + 3subs?

And thank you, thats going to help a lot.

>> No.11742518

I'll be a dirty nigger and check out what ya got.

>> No.11742520

I wish they'd let you keep at least one of the arpeggio ships. I don't even care if their stats get nerfed and their resource costs are still the same. I just want my Takao secretary.

>> No.11742524

Hows the compass?
Do you hit the boss node regularly?
I need to farm that shitty map for Hatsukaze.

>> No.11742527

Casual means not having to dedicate an entire day to pressing buttons and praying to make it to the boss node safe and killing the boss now?

>> No.11742529

That would contradict her sinking line, though.

>> No.11742534

I just want to hear Iona's "Kyusoku senko~" all the time, I dont care if her stats get nerfed to worse than maruyu tier.

>> No.11742538

For a game that solely revolves on RNG, kinda?

>> No.11742543

I just want the regenerating bar to be gone. I don't care if I have to kill the same boss 12 times to deplete the bar, just get rid of the regen. Would that make it casual?

>> No.11742544

Okay friend, apparently we are one of kind.
This was my post >>11738516

Tell me /jp/ should I give my AA's to Zuikaku kai or hold them for my new Nagato?

>> No.11742546

Try to get the voice files before they patch it again then enjoy your "kyusoku senkou~" ad nauseam.

>> No.11742547

>You don't deserve Hachi from an event this fucking casual.
This kind of "hardcore gamer" attitude is disgusting and highly unfitting for a game like this.

>> No.11742555
File: 60 KB, 338x309, ss (2013-12-26 at 12.41.01).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I uh...

>> No.11742557

Guaranteed replies.

>> No.11742561

Regenerating boss bars is a bad mechanic, it just makes you piss away buckets and resources in one sitting hoping the RNG smiles on you instead of taking your time and effort clearing the event, would be a lot more fun and rewarding if you had to do a lot of conditions like with this event instead of rushing for that "One last kill" before the boss bar regenerates

>> No.11742562

If someone does this, I would be very grateful if they uploaded it.

>> No.11742563

"It's okay to proceed into night battle when red!" they said.

>> No.11742564

Anyone know the answer to this?

>> No.11742569

>all subs were remodeled
>remodeling I-19 and I-8
And you call others casual?

>> No.11742571

It is.

>> No.11742572

It's 5. I just got my 4th kill.

>> No.11742573

What if the arpeggio memorial furniture is a figure of each ship and they say a line if you click them?

>> No.11742575


Read the wiki, it fucking tells you.

>> No.11742580

No, I want Iona as a ship.Or as a midget sub.
OH GOD, imagine she comes as a midget sub.

If she is equipped to your flagship, %50 chance you hear her lines instead of the flagship.

Also you hear her lines at the preemptive torp. strike.

Make it happen, KanColleDevs.

>> No.11742581

Yeah, she sank because she did not survive to be remodelled. Her sinking line for a third remodel would be different.

Her current sinking line is already erroneous to begin with.

>> No.11742584

You need as many subs as possible to raise your chances of removing the DD/CL.

No, the compass is a bitch. I never made it to the boss with six subs but when I went in with five it took me down the southern path with the fuel whirlpool and then north up towards the boss. I haven't gone back to test for consistent results. However, it's fairly cheap to run.

I have enough spare Imuya and Goya to do whatever I need dipshit. I'm sorry that you only have one of each sub.

>> No.11742586

Iona isn't a midget.

>> No.11742590


>> No.11742591

She can be one.

>> No.11742593

I was able to make it to the boss with Iona solo but she was hit to orange and I failed with a C rank

>> No.11742601

No tsundere wall scroll for you.

>> No.11742609

Made it to the boss with all my subs at full HP, Iku was hit to orange at the boss node and Goya to red.

I am currently staring at the screen and thinking about going into night battle but im scared, I dont want to sink my subs.

>> No.11742613

You can't sink in red if you started battle in green.

>> No.11742617

Part of me regrets it while another part tells me it's okay, she's not permanent anyway.

>> No.11742623

There will be a small reward for the people who have her at the end of the event though.
Probably just a piece of exclusive equipment or something.

>> No.11742625

Don't. It's not worth the risk.

>> No.11742628

Oh well I do regret it after all
She took two 15.5cms plus a type 14 radar down with her

>> No.11742634

I failed with a C rank but at least I confirmed that for myself.

Imuya was the only one that dealt damage with a cut in, the others did scratch damage (Iku) or missed (Iona), the remaining CL targeted my red goya but it missed and I felt so fucking relieved after seeing that miss, holy shit that was fucking scary.

>> No.11742635


>> No.11742636


Credit card worked perfectly, thanks for the tip.

>> No.11742638

She is now your AI.
You will suffer her tsun for eternally, you will think your compass is rigged but she will simply not comply with your desire.

You will get only shit from crafting, if you don't use KanColle Takao.

>> No.11742641

Didn't they say furniture

>> No.11742643

RNG was never at my side anyway.
Not since I crafted a Nagato during my beginning days. And after crafting another one a week ago.

>> No.11742651

Nagato is a basic bitch now. Dropped after grinding E2 for like half a day. I never even tried to craft her.

>> No.11742657

She didn't even drop for me even after countless tries trying to get the HP down on E-2. And then TAKAO sunk, I have one less type 14 and 2 less 15.5cms which was just borrowed from 2 of my BBs, KIRISHIMA kept spamming lasers, I got Akagi from LSC using Taihou recipe, I nearly got steamrolled by only 2 crane sisters on PVP, goddamn today is a very good day.

>> No.11742661

Oh, I was buttrumbled by the E2 boss too, many times. After you clear it it becomes easy to grind.

>> No.11742674

Today started out with three easy clears of E-3.
Then everything fell to shit in the real world, and when I came back to Kancolle to try to clear E-3, I fucked up two runs.
Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

>> No.11742676

I regret that more than whatever piece of crappy furniture they are going to give

>> No.11742672

Anyone have the damaged sprite of Iona?

I am curious whether it is fappable or not. Takao and Haruna clearly isn't.

>> No.11742679

I don't think I have the heart to clear it now, maybe because I'm too dependent on TAKAO but only fired her laser twice. I can put in a level 40 CA as replacement for her but it's those damn lasers that kept me from going. It's actually those damn lasers that sunk TAKAO, plus a normal crit from KIRISHIMA, talk about luck.
Oh and I need to recover resources from LSC, I only tried once though but I'm worried about the resource if every run is going to be a disaster like this.

>> No.11742680

>You should be able to use foreign credit cards now
It's too late now, I already scrapped some destroyers I don't use to make room.

I tried to use a foreign card. Didn't work. Then I tried web money. Needed a verified paypal account. Wasn't worth the effort beyond that just to spend money on a flash game.

I know foreign IPs aren't allowed in the first place, but DMM is missing out on easy money by making things so restricted.

>> No.11742685

Im down to like 3k fuel and 768 steel from 24k everything after LCS, E3 and some 3-4 runs but I dont regret a thing, I had a lot of fun this event and I'll definitely bounce back get enough resouces to farm the event and clear 3-4 and 4-4 before it ends.

Just take it easy and you'll be able to clear it too.

>> No.11742687

Can someone with Taihou/Maruyu/I-401 Kai share their resource consumption?

>> No.11742688

I'm not even doing much LCS and my fuel and steel are at 8k.

Fuck this event and fuck Maya with her carnival. Or Kirishima.

>> No.11742690

I think Maru-yu is typical submarine consumption. I'd check, but she's on a 57 minute expedition right now.

>> No.11742691

I really don't quite regret losing TAKAO since she's only temporary. I really don't mind not getting a unique furniture. What I regret are losing those equipments. Sure, 15.5cms is also a waste product from 46cms craft, it's that type 14 that is hard to get.
I don't know if I might be able to clear E-2. I hope my fleet is enough even without TAKAO. Then again she doesn't use her laser and is a resource hog.

>> No.11742695

I've actually found myself on a shortage of 15.5cms recently and noticed I need to craft more

Type 14 is pretty difficult and I only have 1

>> No.11742699
File: 76 KB, 796x480, BcYyZgACQAAWMBK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11742704
File: 300 KB, 800x990, 37924698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's not even 99 furniture items worth getting.

>> No.11742705

My other type 14 is on Kirishima.
Kongou's gonna be mad as hell, that type 14 on TAKAO is actually hers. Guess I'll just give her that type 33 instead.
But yeah it's a waste. That type 14 works wonders with 46cms as AA.

>> No.11742706

>217 buckets
Didn't even realise I surpassed 100, let alone 200.

>> No.11742707

Takao rarely used her laser on E2 but it was pretty nice when she used it, took me a lot of time and resources to clear it but I did.

Takao and Haruna decided to go in overdrive mode when I went in E3 because they used their lasers every run I did and did it every boss run, it was pretty fun and tense stuff. I even ended using a damage control there because I got carried away but I finished it and had fun doing it.

Just don't rush it and do it at your own pace, Its a easy event so there's no need to rush.
Here's my E2 clear if it helps.

Can post my E3 one if you want too.

>> No.11742708


>> No.11742711

I want Kaga to be my mom.

>> No.11742715

I still don't have my poi at Kai 2 though. And it's one TAKAO less for me. Basically I was planning on going with the 2 torp goddesses with 2 15.5cms and minisub, Iona with double torps, Kaga with balanced plane loadout, a CA with either 2 red or yellow guns plus radar and a damecon just in case, and probably a sub or a BB.

>> No.11742718
File: 179 KB, 884x750, 40421890_p4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nonsense, she probably wouldn't even kiss you on your forehead after tucking you in at night.

>> No.11742719
File: 695 KB, 801x474, Capture45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beep beep, real Kongou coming through.

>> No.11742729


Jesus the RNG in this game is super infuriating

>> No.11742735

Just finished E-3, was a fun little event after the hell that was last event. I started mid fall event and hit a brick wall at E-4.

3CLT, Imuya, Iku and Iona for E-2 clear
3 CLT Iona, Takao, and Kaga for E-3 clear

Spent somewhere between 4-5k resource wise, mainly because of fog girls. I blew more on LSC, got an Akagi for my troubles.

Time to farm E-2 for a Goya.

>> No.11742739

Iona is always fappable, anon.

Don't have it here though, sorry.

>> No.11742743
File: 428 KB, 841x1516, Plain sub GET.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fog ships have massive AA so taking kaga would be a bad idea.
Try using another sub you have remodeled and at a high level if you have one, adding Goya to my E3 fleet gave me great results and in both damage and survivability so there's a idea.

I also used damecons on everyone except the subs because I cant bring myself to advance in orange or night battle in red without them, I don't want to risk my girls.

>> No.11742745

Is it me or do Mist ships have a much higher chance of targeting the flagship during night battle.

>> No.11742749


You should've taken notes while using damecons on the orange girls. It would have provided a lot of information to whether pushing on orange is advisable, mainly for yourself.

>> No.11742750


How do you do double attack on CLTs with DameCons?

>> No.11742758

Have never lost a ship in orange but I just feel better and a lot safer with them equipped, I don't want to risk my girls even if the chance is 1%.

You dont, I went with cut-ins

>> No.11742762


And that's the main reason why I started going without Damecons when using girls at orange

>> No.11742764

Just use damkon with 2x 20.3mm or 2x 15.5mm yellow?

>> No.11742765

Then you're using a CL, not a CLT.

>> No.11742778

What fleet comps do you use for E-2/E-3 grinding?

>> No.11742782

there is no such thing as a "hardcore kancolle player" it's literally a game that takes no intelligence or skill

>> No.11742784

6 subs

>> No.11742785

If there can be casual kancolle players doesn't that mean there can be hardcore players too?

>> No.11742791

only in the sense that hardcore cookie clickers have clicked one million times and casual cookie clickers have only clicked a thousand times

>> No.11742792


Dude, you can fit 3 equipment in your CLT if they are Kai2

>> No.11742794

I've beaten cookie clicker with only 1000 clicks.

>> No.11742795

Why the fuck would you not use a midget sub on a CLT?

>> No.11742796

2 Primary guns + a damecon give you a CL.
2 primary guns + a midget sub give you a CLT.
It's not that hard.

>> No.11742797

Spoken like a true casual.

>> No.11742798

Jesus christ, and all your post.

>> No.11742799

I play for fun.

>> No.11742803

Spoken like a true casual.

>> No.11742805

you're essentially an inferior bot at this point

>> No.11742807

... Because I'm dumb that's why. I completely forgot that midget sub is crucial.

But hey, technically, IT IS still CLT with double attack using damkon

Thanks, now I facepalmed at myself

>> No.11742819

So has anyone managed to S rank against Iona + 5 subs?

>> No.11742830

Does anyone know the reason behind how night battle works? Like the historical significance or is it just that way because the developers willed it to be?

>> No.11742839



>> No.11742842

For all I know, the IJN were highly trained in optically-sighted night-fighting, that is, relying on their ships powerful searchlights and observation devices, unlike their USN counterparts which relies on radar. While radar is superior, the USN wasn't trained that well in night-fighting unlike the IJN, which led to poorly executed tactics during the fighting. But radar superiority is well evidenced when the battleship Washington shot Kirishima full of holes using radar during the night fighting in Guadalcanal.

>> No.11742843

All these spoonfeeding and pseudo hug boxing...my god how /jp/ fell lower than the sea floor.

>> No.11742844

To get back to you on Maru-yu, I just took her for a 1-1 sortie and she used 2 fuel and 1 ammo for a single node with no night battle.

>> No.11742852

At night, ships were able to get extremely close to each other before fighting broke out. In daytime, scout planes and the like meant fleets would sight each other from miles and miles away.

>> No.11742853


They weren't remodelled, though.

>> No.11742858

Line abreast, bring 1 BB for two shelling phases and you should be fine.

>> No.11742859

Oh wow, she has much lower resource consumption than a sub.

10 fuel/5 ammo per full resupply in comparison to
40/15 Akitsumaru
10/20 SS
10/25 SSV
15/15 Mutsuki-class

I would say everyone needs 3

>> No.11742865


Is it possible to sparkle her?

>> No.11742868

I don't even have to read moon to figure out this has something to do with "Screw the rules, I have money" and "Capitalism".

>> No.11742869

Probably but she can't attack at all until level 10 and I doubt she'll manage to sink the destroyer at 1-1-1. That said, I haven't tried it yet since mine is only Lv 6 right now (I've been too busy with the event to 3-2 grind her)

>> No.11742902

The boss node of E-2 got significantly easier after I depleted the boss health gauge. Does it stay this easy when I unlock E-3, or should I farm it now? I thought I saw people saying it got HARDER after you cleared it.

>> No.11742905

Do you ever get T-crossed?
What are the levels?

>> No.11742907

Stays this easy.

>> No.11742912

Subs farm will get fucked.
You are supposed to go up against 5nagara fog cruisers that are using ring formation.
Good luck.

>> No.11742914

It's possible to sub-run E-2 without Hachi; this is my second kill with it. It takes luck for a cut-in from Iona or, in my case, Imuya, but there's no reason for the other Hachi-less teitoku to despair.

>> No.11742919

Don't know what you're talking about, just did 10 5sub runs in a row, all S, only had to use a few buckets so far.

>> No.11742920

Is there any reason we aren't making Wiki pages for the event Fog ships? I think they kind of deserve them.

>> No.11742929

They exist but they're buried in an obscure page.


>> No.11742937

I was talking about E3 nagara fog cruisers
They put 3 of them at the maya node after you beat it. Each of them are capable of 1shotting your sub to red.

>> No.11742941

I think I'm actually going to miss TAKAO when she leaves.

I hope they give Takao a 2nd Kai, or something.

>> No.11742987

So I've seen people beat 5-3 with the help of Fog ships, what fleet comp is recommended?

>> No.11742988

I'll miss Kyusoku Senkou~ lots

>> No.11742992

Enjoy your repair cost

They aren't even needed to beat 5-3

>> No.11742996

All subs. Every other comp is just reliving your E4 hell.
See >>11740050

>> No.11743005

I'll try that, thanks.

>> No.11743008

Not being around for autumn event and getting Hachi, is suffering.

>> No.11743011

Being around for the event and not getting Hachi is even worse.

>> No.11743016

Hachi is given to admirals that suffered through E4.
This event is like a gift to cure the previous event PSTD. The devs are already handholding you through the maps with 3 super OP ships, no compass faggotry and fuck tons of rare ships that were freaking hard to get usually.

>> No.11743018

I wish I had a screenshot of a flagship CA cut in.

>> No.11743022

I don't know what's worse, Kiri/HaruHaru spamming lasers or a cut-in from a flagship CA.

>> No.11743023

Holy crap, I knew getting some subs would make dailies easy.

But having 2 subs is like 90% faster. Can't wait to get Iku.

>> No.11743024

What's a good comp for E-2 that doesn't rape my fuel and involves only using 2 subs and 2 CLTs?

>> No.11743027

Guys, what do I do with the ZUN ship?
Worth it to remodel to get the helicopters?
I want more resource boats not heli.

>> No.11743031

2 sub 2 CLT

>> No.11743032

Level your kiso and come back in a week time to farm it.

>> No.11743036


Of course it's worth it.

>> No.11743037

If 2 subs excludes Iona, use Iona and either Nagara/Kuma or a destroyer. If a DD, the DD must either have the highest evasion stat out of all your DDs, or be called Yuudachi Kai 2.

If 2 subs includes Iona, any 2 of the above will do.


>> No.11743038

I've had really good success, with.

Agaki (Reppu/Reppu/12A/Seiren)

With this fleet I finished the event in 6 tries.

Before that I did about 10 with other stuff and just failing.

>> No.11743043

Post the helicopters stats and who can actually equip them? I dont trust you guys. Must be a ruse to increase my ZUN ship resource consumption.

>> No.11743045

I'm more interested in level 99 fog ships.

>> No.11743048



Please use the wiki instead of asking stupid questions.

These are both what you get for remodeling her.

>> No.11743049

Took me less than 3 minutes to find those pages in wikiwiki. Please don't be lazy.

>> No.11743050


It would be better if you actually didn't link him what he needed while telling him to go do it himself.

It's probably better to tell him to fuck off and read the main sources.

>> No.11743051

Did they buff ASW in 2-3? My subs are really taking a lot of hits.

>> No.11743054

Actually, any heavy cruiser will also do. But if you use a heavy cruiser, Maya is the best of the lot.

>> No.11743055

No, you're just unlucky.

>> No.11743057

What is Taihou holding?

>> No.11743058

A repeating crossbow.

>> No.11743059

My heart.

>> No.11743061

My dick.

>> No.11743063

>Kiri/HaruHaru spamming lasers or a cut-in from a flagship CA.
Both are equally painful, albeit the former is arguably more because of multiple targets.

>> No.11743065

Then I must be really unlucky, three out of five runs have me retreating.

>> No.11743066

The other hand

>> No.11743069


>> No.11743070

The CA is worse because you've spent 10 hours, 100 buckets, and 15k resources due to it preventing you from reaching the boss over and over.

E-2 is annoying without a full sub fleet but E-4 is on another level.

>> No.11743073

An Assault Clipizine full of deadly planes.

>> No.11743074

It comes off? I pity you.

>> No.11743079

>He doesn't have a removable dick
Wow it's like you still live in 2013. Get with the times, grandpa.

>> No.11743080

If eromanga has taught me anything, a detachable flesh-and-blood dick is the best thing ever.

>> No.11743083

Anybody notice that Akitsumaru keeps fighting even at 1 HP in pvp matches? I've had her get blasted down to 1 HP during the preemptive phase and she continues to fight. I've paired her with all subs so most of the enemy ships are forced to attack her but always miss due to her being at 1 HP, but she doesn't stop attacking like other ships do.

>> No.11743111

Girls don't have dicks, anon

>> No.11743114

So it seems like the Christmas voices/Naka Christmas sprite are being removed tomorrow. And the New Years furniture will come from logging in from the 30th-31st.

>> No.11743115

Girls don't play games about half naked ships either

>> No.11743119

>Naka Christmas sprite
Damn shame.

>> No.11743117

Do guys have more success at E-2 NE, 2nd node with diagonal or vertical formation? It seems like the one node that will crit at least 1 sub to red.

>> No.11743128

Guys my fleet gets raped at the B node of E3.
Any tips?


>> No.11743136

Seems like you'll still be able to see if it you go into her library entry, so there's that much at least.

>> No.11743140

Image limit, page 9. New thread.


>> No.11743145

Shouldn't we wait til we drop to page 10? /jp/ moves pretty slow, ya.

>> No.11743151

People with toasters might have a problem loading a 1700 post thread.

>> No.11743153

>People with toasters
We were already 1500+ posts when we are in page 9, I think.

>> No.11743156

Whoops, wanted to say page 8 or earlier.

>> No.11743157

no, not really

>> No.11743165

Now with subject


>> No.11743371

Kuugen would like to have a word with you about that

>> No.11744200

Is there a hotkey to refresh the flash projector?

>> No.11745234


Just did double attacks with both Ooi and Mutsu on E-2 boss and both times only did scratch damage.

Hopefully this never happens again.
