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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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>> No.11165294

What a coincidence, I just finished masturbating to child porn.

>> No.11165307

What is japanese prison like?

>> No.11165309

What did he expect going public with it

>> No.11165311

isn't child pornography defined as being actual children? how does this apply?

>> No.11165327

>isn't child pornography defined as being actual children?
Not any more.

>> No.11165353
File: 94 KB, 400x263, cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A society that is incapable of differentiating between reality and fantasy is truly on the path to destruction.

>> No.11165371

>computer graphics made using photographs of girls less than 18 years old

>> No.11165396

>allegedly sold computer graphics made using photographs of girls less than 18 years old as reference.

I don't see a problem with this.

>> No.11165421

*tips fedora*

>> No.11165433

He had nude models of children he was using a reference.

>> No.11165439

Even if the photographs were of fully clothed youths and no part of the photograph is actually part of the final image?

>> No.11165446

How's Thad doing?

>> No.11165448

No I mean it was right for him to be arrested.

>> No.11165453

What would be the point of using it as reference then?

>> No.11165454

Don't man, don't ;_;

>> No.11165457

Reference means you look at it for inspiration and then draw. It does not mean apply a cartoon filter on the photograph and publish it.

>> No.11165458
File: 16 KB, 587x129, Happy birthday to Mai Waifu Kotonoha Katsura - YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He made a comment on his Kotonoha vid, about how the feds didn't find his other HD.
It was like 1 month ago.

>> No.11165463

In this case, it does, as his CGs are more or less reproductions of the references he was using.

Note that simple possession of CP is not even illegal in Japan.

>> No.11165466

I bet you thumbed that up too /a/ kiddie

>> No.11165469

I bet you thumb up liek dis if you cry errytime comments, turbonerd.

>> No.11165472

I haven't visited /a/ in like a year.

>> No.11165473

evry time ;_;

>> No.11165474

suck my cock dude

>> No.11165478


>> No.11165480

If he really did that, I rest my case. The direction Japan is going is still pretty scary though. It always starts with: you wouldn't agree that this arrest was right, would you? Next you look, everything is illegal.

>> No.11165481

It was in May.


>> No.11165487

Do you think he's back in jail because of it?

>> No.11165491
File: 339 KB, 457x457, 1350519360013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does this mean rustle's gonna get rustled?

>> No.11165492

Can people still draw little girls?

>> No.11165493

Why did Rustle have to waste his time with vanilla shit?

>> No.11165495

Drawing little girls means you're a rapist. Please don't rape girls.

>> No.11165496

Because he was running out of "references".

>> No.11165498
File: 55 KB, 684x529, test.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I like rape. I'm glad reimu is legal

>> No.11165500

Nah, he uses midgets as reference.

>> No.11165501

Did the new CP bill get approved?

>> No.11165513

Probably. There was a hearing scheduled for June 7 but that's all we know.



>> No.11165529

The otaku purge has begun.

>> No.11165545

get a load of this /jp/ oldfag, he hasnt been on /a/ in a whole year!

>> No.11165665

Is it legal to masturbate to pictures or videos of little kids getting tortured, killed or getting their lives ruined in other ways as long as there's no sexual content in it?

>> No.11165692


>> No.11165722

>The pedophile purge has begun.


>> No.11165756

Pedophilia isn't illegal. Child molestation is.

I assume you consider pedophilia as a mental sickness. In that case, you wish for all people with sociopath tendencies to be incarcerated - even if they haven't done anything. Even if they only kill in videogames.

That is thoughtcrime. And you should go read 1984.

But if you don't wanna read a book because you're american, here, something that similarly makes the point:

First they came for the communists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist.

Then they came for the socialists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Jew.

Then they came for the Catholics,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Catholic.

Then they came for me,
and there was no one left to speak for me.

>> No.11165753

according to all the articles i've looked at, the guy had drawn images that were too realistic so the police deemed them to be the same as an actual photo which is why he was arrested.

>> No.11165766

We didn't speak out for the commies because we weren't commies
We didn't speak out for the pedos because they're sick fucks and we're the ones persecuting them

Oh and
>He thinks 1984 is some enlightening book

>> No.11165776

Enjoy it while you can. When the commies come from china asking for their money back, and start persecuting you, I hope you remember this thread.

>> No.11165783

Who are you quoting?

>> No.11165785

I wonder, if ``they'' went after all these groups, who exactly would ``they'' be to be left standing at the end?

>> No.11165794

It originally referred to the nazis, but in a modern context, it refers to the ultra-right groups.

Picketing protestant texans and its equivalents worldwide, if you want.

>> No.11165795


Why is Japan moralfagging now?

>> No.11165797

Oh well originally it was about the nazis but now people use it at the drop of a hat

>> No.11165798

Proud Aryans.

>> No.11165799

Wow... There are a lot of pedophiles on this board.

I'm getting the fuck out.

>> No.11165801

Because Agnes-chan, Ishihara and whatnot.

>> No.11165802

It's too late for you, I already have your IP address. I'm calling the feds on you now, but not before I deposit a few pictures of underage models on your PC.

>> No.11165805


I hope it's just a fad that goes away.

>> No.11165807

Does having common sense make someone a fedora-tipper now?

>> No.11165808

Censorship of the visual form seems entirely arbitrary; how are textual or auditory depictions any less symbolic or metaphorical in communicative essence? Further, how do constituent pixels of a computationally generated image hold any interpretive connection with one another when aligned physically through an electronic display medium?

>> No.11165811

Not in your lifetime.

>> No.11165809


It will.

>> No.11165813

Morals or some shit. They care little for logic.

>> No.11165814

It won't.

When you give up your liberties to your government, you give them up forever. There was nobody but the otaku to fight against retarded cp laws back when they were drafting them in '07 or '08, and the general public was happy to support the government, because they weren't otaku.

Now it can just spiral down. I think the only place with real freedom of expression left is, like, Spain or something. Even the biggest defenders of freedom of expression, like Sweden and Iceland, have some shit against "virtual cp" now.

>> No.11165816

I don't even approve of CP possession being illegal, so I obviously think this is pretty stupid. I don't get how so many harmless things end up illegal. Who forms these laws and on what basis? Do they really believe they're doing the right thing or is it simply to appeal to the hatred and fear of normals for more support?

>> No.11165817

I really dont care. All this means is the shitty tracers will die off. Good. If you cant draw then dont.

Make a thread when someone gets arrested just for drawing loli then ill care.

>> No.11165818


Wasn't actual CP only banned in 1999 and even then possession of it was not illegal? This just seems out of sych with Japan who's not normally sexual puritanical.

>> No.11165819

Some people believe drawings actually make others commit crimes. Others want it illegal because it makes them feel uncomfortable.

>> No.11165820

It's not difficult to understand. It's hard to convict someone of being a child molester, but it's really easy to convict someone of looking at child porn. CP laws help cops catch criminals.

>> No.11165822

Possession of CP is illegal because children were raped (statutorily or not, it's still legally considered rape, though the age varies) to make the material. Just like possession of snuff is illegal because people were mutilated and/or killed to make such material.

And that's why possession and fabrication of virtual child pornography (manga, anime, even if it's 3D) is completely retarded. If nobody was harmed when the material was made, there's no reason why the material should be made illegal.

>> No.11165823

The USA are exporting their ``freedom'' to the rest of the world.

>> No.11165825

Dude. They're talking about 3D models.

Haven't you played Mago Zenpen? I don't wanna live in a world where Mago Zenpen is illegal.

>> No.11165827

Blame catholics, and up to some point, the UNICEF.

>> No.11165828

It wasn't the model that got him, it was the photos. The CG was incidental.

>> No.11165831


God, I hate the west and their moralfaggotry.

>> No.11165830


Yeah, I heard it's because of pressure from western countries. That their doing this.

>> No.11165832

any pics of alleged drawn CP?

>> No.11165838

>He's only going to get a couple years

How much is a couple of years?

>> No.11165836

He's only going to get a couple years. Japan's CP laws are ridiculously lax and it's only been considered illegal relatively recently.

>> No.11165842

A couple of years still is a couple of years longer than no sentence.

>> No.11165843

You can't just go around calling anybody a criminal. Possession of CP doesn't make you a child molester. It doesn't even necessarily make you tend to child molestation, otherwise, possession of The Silence of the Lambs would make you tend to mass murder.

But it's been made criminal by law. The worst part is that there are shades of gray, so whether you're a criminal or not because you possess a picture of a naked child depends on the point of view of your judge.

And, in several countries now including japan, those shades of grey have extended to virtual media. And if they can censor art, they will be able to censor anything.

>> No.11165841 [SPOILER] 
File: 18 KB, 642x588, cp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11165844

Their just making an example out of the guy. Japan isn't serious about CP in anyway, otherwise Jr Idols and lolicon art would have been banned. It's about face.

>> No.11165848

See >>11165753

There were no photos. There was just the likelyhood of photos.

In other words, they're arresting him for being a pretty damn good, accurate artist.

>> No.11165852

> Just like possession of snuff is illegal because people were mutilated and/or killed to make such material.
It isn't...

>> No.11165853

"He's only going to get a couple years. Japan's anime/manga/movies/tv piracy laws are ridiculously lax and it's only been considered illegal relatively recently."

>> No.11165860

"He's only going to get a couple days. /jp/'s shitposting laws are ridiculously lax and it's only been considered against the rules relatively recently"

>> No.11165861


>> No.11165858

It is.

Rape videos too.

>> No.11165859


What does piracy have to do with CP?

>> No.11165865

No more than 3 years judging by his situation. And this is only because he used it as a basis for drawings that were then published? If it was just possession he would get NO time because possession is not illegal in Japan.

True, but it's better than getting raped and killed in prison by the association to child molestation alone.

>> No.11165866


Stop shitposting please.

>> No.11165872


That's assuming he even gets convicted.

>> No.11165873

soon we'll all be tie wearing office rats who play sports with their society of 30-somethings as a hobby and jack off to Jenna Jameson DVDs rented from a video store.

love it.

>> No.11165874

A little bit of one, a little bit of the other.

I don't remember who said it exactly, but
> The worst kind of oppressor is the one who believes what they do is for your own good, because their conscience never bothers them.

>> No.11165877
File: 171 KB, 637x431, 1338272219501.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11165880

>possession of The Silence of the Lambs would make you tend to mass murder.

It's more like getting snuff videos and then making CG art based on them.

>> No.11165887

>rms these laws and on what basis? Do they really believe they're doing the right thing or is it simply to appeal to the hatred and fear of normals for more support?
Blame the west. Seriously, Japan only pretends to care about CP because the rest of the world is having a moral circlejerk. Even distribution was okay until 2003.

>> No.11165883


You're too late.

>> No.11165884

It's always funny that the only reasons of pedophile haters are that it's "creepy and sick". What the hell do they even mean by that, I wonder.

>> No.11165891

Again, shades of grey.

>> No.11165888

I guess you could say this of all political systems.

>> No.11165889

The worst kind of oppressor is the one who believes what they do is for your own good, because their conscience never bothers them
Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. – C. S. Lewis

>> No.11165894

Thank you

So we need to just fix the USA?

>> No.11165899


This is why I look forward to the rise of China and Korea. It will allow Japan to fall below the radar.

>> No.11165904

>fix the USA

You say that as if it was in any way possible.

But yeah, if the USA was fixed, Japan would follow suit. I don't think Canada, Britain, Australia, Sweden, Iceland, Germany and all of the other countries that are oppressing freedom of speech when it comes to lolicon would follow suit though. But Japan would.

>> No.11165907

There's nothing wrong with that, or even tracing CP, in my opinion. The problem is that the deed is already done. Pretending it hasn't happened and punishing people for recognizing fact and reality is fucking backwards.

>> No.11165908

we just need to control tumblr

If we can make the social justice warriors brigade fight for freedom, we may get the small leverage necessary to form an actual movement.

>> No.11165914


Nobody cares about "fixing" the US. It could could got to shit for all I care.

>> No.11165916

If by ``fixing'', you are talking about nuking, I'm all ears. Really now.

>> No.11165918

Both interferes with the police. One would have people trying to break into forensic areas to get footage and the other would cause the police to spend months trying to find evidence for cases when they can just claim the suspect's hard drive and be done with it.

>> No.11165935

More than a century ago, some wanted alcohol banned.

Now this.

There's thousands of Carrie Nations than ever before, in this world of FUD.

>> No.11165932

The government is there to work for the people, not the other way around.

Of course, that's sadly only true in theory.

>> No.11165943

Getting serial rapists and other criminals behind bars is working for the people. Would you rather live in a high-crime area where the police are crippled to near uselessness?

>> No.11165940

That's like saying "I don't care for my left leg, it can rot away for all I care."
You may not be a marathon runner and may really not need your left leg, but if it rots, you'll get very sick, maybe even start disliking cp and putting productive workers in jail.

>> No.11165946

>So we need to just fix the USA?
We need to fix the entire world it seems, but yes, the US is one of the biggest offenders. Many of the problems Japan is facing (e.g. health, economic, law, corporatism) is the result of westernization, particularly Americanization.

The problem is we can't fix the US, we can only wait for the inevitable collapse once the intrinsic contradictions become too great and unresolvable. It's why I bury my existence in comfortable Japanese escapism; the world outside makes me feel sick and confused. I know I'm not alone in feeling this massive existential anxiety.

>One would have people trying to break into forensic areas to get footage and the other would cause the police to spend months trying to find evidence for cases when they can just claim the suspect's hard drive and be done with it.
In the digital age I don't think anyone is going to break into anything. I personally believe that information should be archived and available to the public anyway.

As for police being forced to find evidence to convict people: this is the way law is supposed to work. Besides, most CP on anyone's HD is not made by the person, but downloaded from various sources, so using that to convict them doesn't make sense.

>> No.11165949

fuck magnetic fields and their algorithmic interpretation

>> No.11165951


Except, that I don't live in us anymore.

>> No.11165960

>As for police being forced to find evidence to convict people: this is the way law is supposed to work.

Most crimes don't have the sole witness be a minor. The police are already limited in what they can do before they start and the statement they get isn't exactly all that reliable either. Most of them are intimidated into silence and, you know, they are kids so you can't push them that hard.

>> No.11165961

Getting innocent artists treated like serial rapists isn't working for the people, however.

Here, read this:

I hope you've read it, but let me summarize it for you: mathematically, punishing non-rapists as rapists works against law enforcement (though not agains law enforcers, as it gives them extra work). It's a waste of time and resources.

>> No.11165963

>We need to fix the entire world it seems

"We" don't need to fix anything. Japan just needs to go into isolation again to protect itself.

>> No.11165967

Except that the US has a political gravitational pull.

In other words, most retarded policies enforced on the US are bound to be enforced, eventually, in the rest of the UN.

>> No.11165970

The time saved from reduced investigation would counteract that, though, wouldn't it? Besides, it's not like they are innocent, they still possessed illegal material.

>> No.11165971

>Except that the US has a political gravitational pull.

Which is in decline because the whole country is in decline. Empires come and go. It will probably get a little bumpy global, but the U.S. is on it's way out.

>> No.11165980

>The time saved from reduced investigation would counteract that, though, wouldn't it?
Not at all. Read the link.

>Besides, it's not like they are innocent, they still possessed illegal material
And we go back to the argument: if nobody is hurt when the material is made, the material shouldn't be illegal. Read >>11165822

You stated that the material is illegal because making it illegal makes it easier to put rapists behind bars here: >>11165918

But if you read the link I gave you here >>11165961, you'd understand why that's not only false, but counterproductive.

>> No.11165989

The link assumes that the CP was the instigator of the investigation instead of, as it usually is, a part of an ongoing investigation. You don't think they actually arrest everyone they suspect of looking at CP do you?

>> No.11166001

Well if the guy has videos of himself raping his daughter, then yes, I think the videos should be used as evidence. If the guy just has random CP, that's not enough to convict. They might use that as basis to remove the daughter from his custody, but the guy is innocent until proven guilty.

What if he was using the CP to relieve his desires? What if he had no attraction to his daughter? What if the CP was inadvertently downloaded into temporary files from him browsing 4chan and he didn't realize? Most importantly, what if he didn't harm his daughter in any way?

CP should not be illegal. I wouldn't be arrested for having a picture of some random guy selling drugs. It makes no sense to punish people for committed crimes that were completely removed from them.

Well "fixing" is impossible. And Japan is now a global force. They cannot isolate at this point. All we can do is wait. There's no way this brand of westernization will survive in the future because it only survives on deceit and delusion.

>> No.11166006

Hey let's completely ignore the systemic issue of even categorizing this conglomerate of organisms as a uniform species and attempt to concert their actions through metaphorical fictions which can not adequately model or describe any observable phenomena at quantum scales.

lol @ notion of platonic objects

>> No.11166007

> it only survives on deceit and delusion
You mean like Christianity?

>> No.11166005

>Someone making the 'base rate fallacy' would infer that there is a 99% chance that the detected person is a terrorist. Although the inference seems to make sense, it is actually bad reasoning, and a calculation below will show that the chances they are a terrorist are actually near 1%, not near 99%.
Do you expect politicians or their retarded voters to understand this?

>> No.11166009

Now we're getting somewhere.

You're saying the CP (and I use this term loosely, as fictional children aren't children) shouldn't instigate an investigation.

But that means said (virtual) CP shouldn't be illegal in the first place. Its possession and creation shouldn't be a crime. It shouldn't even be used as evidence for child molestation. Because the creation and possession of said material didn't hurt anybody.

If the CP was of real children, it could help put the rapist (again, even if it's statutory it is illegal) behind bars. But making pictures of non-existing children fucking illegal is nothing more than obscenity laws. Thoughtcrime.

>> No.11166012

>It's hard to convict someone of being a child molester, but it's really easy to convict someone of looking at child porn. CP laws help cops catch criminals.
In the same way as redefining the term 'militant' to mean 'any male of an age where he could be a soldier' avoids civilian deaths. (This actually happened.) You hide the problem, you don't solve it.

>> No.11166014

Stringing along big words for the effect alone doesn't exactly make you look smart and educated, you know.

>> No.11166019

Do you expect politicians or their retarded voters to be in /jp/?

I'm not trying to change the world. I'm trying to explain to some random anon why persecuting lolicon artists is counterproductive when it comes to finding real child molesters.

>> No.11166021

>They cannot isolate at this point.

Not really, japan is already losing interest in the current trends in the west and has pretty much resisted them all to the chargin of western pundits. They've said no to: Mass immigration, Political Correctness, Web 2.0, and so on. Japan isn't really moving towards being a global force, this isn't the 80's. They've completed their original goal of modernizing their country to resist western occupation. The west doesn't really have much to offer anymore. The student has surpassed the teacher.

>> No.11166023

What do fictional children have to do with anything? The guy was arrested for tracing a known nude child model. CP laws involve actual children, for the most part.

>> No.11166024

I'm not sure what point you're trying to make. That is, I don't see what connection you're making between alleged a-priori axiomatic mis-apprehension of humanity and some vain attempt to command the masses with metaphorical literature.

>> No.11166029

Again, the guy was arrested for ALLEGEDLY tracing child porn.

See >>11165753 and >>11165848

>> No.11166031

>But that means said (virtual) CP shouldn't be illegal in the first place. Its possession and creation shouldn't be a crime. It shouldn't even be used as evidence for child molestation. Because the creation and possession of said material didn't hurt anybody.
At least 90% of people have done murder or jaywalking before in their life. True story.

Don't put 'creation' and 'possession' together. Possession is harmless. Creation should be harshly punished.

>> No.11166037

I'm pretty sure >>11165753 is full of shit.

>> No.11166038

Well, of course it's allegedly at this point, he hasn't been convicted yet. That's what a trail will determine.

>> No.11166039

So, do we have any idea which artist this is about?

>> No.11166044

>Creation should be harshly punished
Creation of real CP, where real children are raped (even if it was consensual, it was still illegal due to statutory rape laws)? Yes, definitely.

Creation of VIRTUAL child porn, COMIC LO stuff, you know, 3DGC? Where no child was even touched? Making such a thing illegal is though crime, and thought crime is the indication of a flawed legal system.

>> No.11166053

All a trial ever determines when it comes to anything involving pedophilia is how much everyone loves to make pedophiles suffer. There is no such thing as a chance in these cases.

>> No.11166055

Akira Takahashi

>> No.11166059

Any sort of shifting, exploitative ideals that have controlled masses. Shit like religion, capitalism, "individualism", "freedom", "progress", etc. Things that make no sense when you step back for a second. The whole of the US is founded upon these formless ambiguities and empty hopes. People waste entire lives chasing shadows on a wall.

Last I saw, Japan was still promoting soft power. Only a year or two ago, they were trying to boost tourism. And recently they've devalued their own currency to promote foreign trade.

They're unique in their own right, but they're still connected to a global market and thus victim to the whims of foreign nations. Let's also not forget that Japan is and has been the US's bitch since WWII.

>> No.11166060

At least 100% of people have shitposted or been warm.

>> No.11166093


When I say isolation, I don't mean absolute isolation. Just some measure of protection from foreign propagandist.

Japans soft power is dead [Thank God]. Their electronics and automobile industries are being eaten up by koreans and their is just more interest in China right now. Japan is fading into obscurity, which is good because now westerners will have something else to focus on.

Also, there is mounting pressure for U.S troops to leave. So, it might just happen.

>> No.11166102

Don't worry, during night we can wear dress and have a tea party at abandoned house like the wild rebels we are.

>> No.11166113

And we will get arrested and put in jail without process for it.

>> No.11166125

>Just some measure of protection from foreign propagandist.
They're doing pretty well in that regard, but some politicians are still buckling under foreign pressure (e.g. Ishihara). They've always gone their own way, but their culture is now inextricably linked with western cultures. I don't know if they'll be able to sever the ties that matter. Whatever happens, I'll be fine as long as otaku are still around to make the stuff I enjoy.

>> No.11166142


Their culture has been linked to the west since the Meiji restoration. That wasn't a bad thing, but the West back then isn't the same west now. Another thing I like about Japan is you see alot of older western idiosyncrasies that don't exist anymore. Japan has been going it's on way now and should continue to do so. Seriously, fuck the West.

>> No.11166147

wow so edgy.

>> No.11166161

So, looks like the guy was tracing pictures of a model named "Hanasaki ○yu". Most likely Hanasaki Mayu, 花咲まゆ, a teenage idol who published a nude book when she was 13 (most likely back when CP wasn't illegal in japan, looking at her pictures in google seems like it was in the '90s).

I found a lot of (heavily censored) pictures of the book, and it looks pretty harmless. She's naked (under the heavy pixelation), yeah, but she's just posing in a beach, smiling.

So even if it's true that he traced CP from that book, it was CP that was originally released commercially, in a completely legal way. So I don't know.

This was the link of the thing he was selling, but melonbooks deleted it:

>> No.11166171

Do you hate freedom or something? The only freedom that matters is freedom of expression, and Japan does a much better job at allowing people to have that than most other countries. The main thing that threatens their freedom is smelly dumb western scum.

>> No.11166169


>> No.11166178


I dunno whether to be flattered or offended.

>> No.11166181


This is not me btw.

>> No.11166183


>> No.11166189

Anti-pedo is codeword for anti-otaku.

>> No.11166194

The worst part is history books 20 years from now will paint this law as "the end of the dark era of CP in japan". The ride never ends.

>> No.11166197

Most of Japan is both anti-pedo and anti-otaku. Nobody just gives enough of a shit to do anything about it.

>> No.11166198

Do you find something I said to be funny? I completely mean everything I said, and I've yet to see any evidence that any of it is untrue. Japan is the only nation on the planet that both understands freedom and properly utilizes it.

>> No.11166201


Way too obvious.

>> No.11166203

Yes I found your delusions funny

>> No.11166204

>Most of Japan is both anti-pedo

I actually grinned in real life.

>> No.11166209

Some people genuinely think that your average Japanese person lives a life of unlimited personal social freedom. They're out there.

>> No.11166213

I'm not joking at all. Please tell me what's wrong about what I've said, you freedom-hating americas. All you do is refuse to allow things you don't like to exist all while pretending you support freedom.

Social freedom doesn't matter in the slightest, only freedom of expression matters.

>> No.11166215

>I actually grinned in real life.
Grinning at random statements is a hallmark of retardation.

>> No.11166216

>deluded pedo who thinks japan is pedo paradise

>> No.11166221

>Social freedom doesn't matter in the slightest, only freedom of expression matters.
It does happen to be the only one you give a shit about, but you will have a hard time convincing everyone who doesn't agree with you, which is most people.

>> No.11166225

I want to fuck a slim, feminine Japanese 15-year old boy.

>> No.11166227

Well they can fuck off and just enjoy partying at the club instead of joining in on trying to force one of the final countries that respect freedom of expression into the giant politically-correct bubble.

>> No.11166233

me too

>> No.11166235

If you find one I get first dibs.

>> No.11166237

>Well they can fuck off and just enjoy partying at the club instead of joining in on trying to force one of the final countries that respect freedom of expression into the giant politically-correct bubble.
Many people who do not spend all their evenings "partying at the club" care about social freedom, including Japanese people.

>> No.11166242

>The worst part is history books 20 years from now will paint this law as "the end of the dark era of CP in japan".
M-maybe there'll be another enlightenment period and people will see the futility of banning CP! And then Japan will finally perfect their robotics to bring us loli androids and peace will rule the earth.

>> No.11166243

Social freedom will inevitably lead to them all trying to impress one another by showing how much of a "good person" they're capable of being, which really just amounts to them copying what the people on the news say. That behavior will inevitably lead to the destruction of freedom of expression. That's what went wrong with most developed countries.

>> No.11166246


There's no such thing as paradise. But, if I were a pedo, I'd rather be one in japan. Sure beats the alternative.

>> No.11166247

Hate speech is not free speech. Other than that you can say whatever you want to stop whining.

>> No.11166248

This thread is getting dangerously retarded so I'm just going to leave now.

Expression comes in more forms than just speech.

>> No.11166255

>Hate speech is not free speech
Free speech isn't free if it isn't free. You feel me?

>> No.11166256

>Expression comes in more forms than just speech.
True. Here's how I express myself. *whips out dick*

>> No.11166259

What I have in mind when I talk about freedom of expression is freedom of fiction. That doesn't mean hate speech, it just means that they're actually allowed to do what they want. Incest romance is an example of something that I love that is never allowed outside of Japan because it's supposedly "wrong". And of course, on topic with this thread, any thing that sexualizes fictional children is also wrong and should supposedly not be allowed.

>> No.11166264

What this thread is actually about is some guy who sold traced CP in Japan got arrested and now we're all bitching about how the West is shit.

>> No.11166269


Their free on somethings, but absolutely despotic on others. But, I do value freedom of expression in media more than other freedoms. I also like how sacrosanct privacy is over there.

>> No.11166270

There's nothing wrong with selling traced CP either.

>> No.11166272

You should email the Diet, maybe they'll care.

>> No.11166275


Pressure from the west is allegedly the cause of the CP crackdown in japan.

>> No.11166278
File: 89 KB, 348x339, pdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11166281

No, you will get sloppy seconds.

>> No.11166290

No it's that they blame their declining birth rates on otaku media.

>> No.11166295


I've seen both issue brung up. But, it's probably the birthrate issue like you said.

>> No.11166296

Whereas it's actually the PUA attitude and feminism that has been introduced from the west. Of course easier to blame otaku than themselves.

>> No.11166301

Not a single person in Japan gives a shit about feminism or PUA.

>> No.11166302

Why doesn't Japan train women to be sluts from little girl age on to solve their borth rate problem?

>> No.11166308

It's easier to blame men.

>> No.11166303

>PUA attitude and feminism that has been introduced from the west.

None of those things have penetrated Japan. Rather Japanese men have just realized something western men are too stupid to realize. Women suck.

>> No.11166304

you don't even know anything about japan

>> No.11166306

Because mothers and teachers don't feel like raising their daughters and students that way.

>> No.11166312

It's the Jews that keep telling them to lust after women.

>> No.11166313

The women figured out that the men suck, too. Japan is ahead of the curve on all fronts.

>> No.11166314

Yeah, only the young japanese woman no longer having to become house wives and getting to work, and the young japanese men getting to stick their dick in all the women who aren't tied down.

>> No.11166315


They don't.

>> No.11166316

And guess what is the result, a declining birthrate.

>> No.11166322


Japan will probably be the first society with artificial wombs and Sex dolls.

>> No.11166318

Then why is everything in the media highly sexualized?

>> No.11166323

That's because many Japanese women spontaneously decided that they didn't want to conform to Japanese cultural expectations, because they decided those expectations fucking sucked.

"Imported feminism" has fuck-all to do with it.

>> No.11166324


Because people aren't having sex.

>> No.11166325

I'll agree on feminism but nanpa is pretty big in Japan.

>> No.11166326

I'm talking about the West, not Japan.

>> No.11166328

In Japanese media they're often girls and not women. Also the girls being sexualized are usually not real.

>> No.11166329

Thanks to the west.

>> No.11166330


He's talking about the west apparently.

>> No.11166333

Only, that is feminism. Which, as you said wasn't present in their culture, so where could it have come from? Maybe, I dunnoe, the west.

>> No.11166334


No, it's got nothing to do with the west. Japanese women didn't have to become as bad as western women for men to walk out on them. Because Japanese guys actually have standards.

>> No.11166336


It's not a movement you idiot. It's basically people dropping out of the system. It has shit to do with rights or oppression and whatever meme western feminist are constantly spewing.

>> No.11166338

where the FUCK are you getting this from

there's no feminism at all in japan

and yes, >>11166323, what you described is feminism

>> No.11166339

>Only, that is feminism.
Males did the same thing. I guess that's androgysm now.

>Which, as you said wasn't present in their culture, so where could it have come from?
Maybe Japanese people are capable of thinking about things and coming to decisions.

It came from the fact that the culture was oppressive and sucked, and after Japan stopped being an impoverished nation the children did not identify with the hardworking, self-sacrificing ethics that their parents had.

>Maybe, I dunnoe, the west.
Obviously you don't. You don't know shit.

>> No.11166344

That's what a movement is turbonerd. It doesn't have to be conscious. Also if you weren't so ingrained in /v/ culture you would know that feminism is term for the the gaining of rights by women, feminism != neo-feminizm. There is none of that tumblr neo-feminizm in Japan, true, but there is plenty of unconscious feminism.

>> No.11166345

Since when did males not have a higher place in society than women?

>> No.11166347


SRS, get out of /jp/.

>> No.11166348

"I don't feel like getting married, so I don't" is not a gain of a right. It means that somebody felt like having fun in their thirties instead of being tied down. A somebody who, by the way, could be either male or female.

>> No.11166349

>unconscious feminism.

No, there is not. No even close, take your bullshit somewhere else like /v/. Nobody here is stupid enough to take you seriously.

>> No.11166350

mai glorious nippon can't possibly be becoming westernized oh noez danny choo helppp

You're homeboard is this way ->


>> No.11166352

>Since when did males not have a higher place in society than women?
I have zero fucking idea what your post has to do with mine.

>> No.11166353

Try reading your own post dolt.

>> No.11166354

ISBN4-8289-0292-9 C0372

Apparently, 1991.

>> No.11166355

Nowhere in my post did I make any statement about the relative status of men and women in Japan.

>> No.11166356

>You're homeboard is this way ->

Sounds like you're projecting. Like I said, nobody is gonna fall for this garbage on /jp/. Stick to your propaganda on /v/.

>> No.11166359

This is a perfect time to panic

>> No.11166357

>mai glorious nippon can't possibly be becoming westernized oh noez danny choo helppp
Japan has been becoming more and more Westernized since the Meiji Restoration and nobody besides the most hopeless weebs actually give a shit about it.

>> No.11166358

I'm fine with feminists who want to make themselves less restricted, but I hate feminists who try to restrict males in the process, which not only neo-feminists are guilty of, it's actually become the "meat" of feminism in general. Since it's just starting in Japan, it's not quite as bad, but it probably will eventually reach the point where things that Japanese men enjoy are outlawed because they're "sexist". The future is bleak for men who want to take it easy, and feminism is partly to blame.

>> No.11166364

>Since it's just starting in Japan, it's not quite as bad, but it probably will eventually reach the point where things that Japanese men enjoy are outlawed because they're "sexist".
Are we making random predictions now? I predict that by the year 2030, genetic engineering will have progressed to the point where a freak accident causes Godzilla to rise out of an underwater research laboratory and destroy Tokyo.

>> No.11166362

Nobody uses terms like propaganda, garbage or projecting here, I would know.

>> No.11166365

Why do you bother, you are only making it more obvious where you come from.

>> No.11166366

muh glorious aryan influence

>> No.11166368

The shitty sociology thread became a shitty metathread.

Can we just bring in the ironic shitposters and call lit a day?

>> No.11166372


So, these tactics actually work on your home board?

>> No.11166373

>It's happening in the west, why wouldn't it happen in Japan.
Fucking flawless logic.

>> No.11166369

It's happening in the west, why wouldn't it happen in Japan. The results of movements always repeat in each country their introduced to. Not that you mind, since you're a girl and you love to make men miserable just because they're capable of enjoying being alone unlike you.

>> No.11166370


>> No.11166371

Why are all of you sage-ing?

>> No.11166375

Except you.

>> No.11166377

>It's happening in the west, why wouldn't it happen in Japan.

Because Japan =/= West.

>> No.11166379

Thank you, I think so as well. It will repeat.

>> No.11166381

get the FUCK out of /jp/ what the fuck are you doing you cocksucking mongloid you don't understand my glorious /jp/ culture fuck i'm so mad fuck FUCK get OUT holy FUCK GET OUT

>> No.11166385 [DELETED] 

That's how the average yankee doodle keeps himself going - usa strong imperialism nr.1 immortality fight every day kikkoman!

>> No.11166382

Nice try, but everyone can see you are being too literal to try and avoid what you actually said in your post.

>> No.11166383


I'm actually enjoying this since there is no difference between these types f post and shitposting.

>> No.11166384

I'm not leaving until I get an answer.

>> No.11166386

muh groriosu nihon can't be yadda yadda

gtfo weeabs

>> No.11166388

>Nice try, but everyone can see you are being too literal to try and avoid what you actually said in your post.
Apparently the only thing that your post had to do was mine was some random inference that you pulled out of your ass, with no relation to what I actually said. Gotcha.

>> No.11166389


Nobody cares about Feminism. Go back from whence you came.

>> No.11166393

it's CULTURE you fucking retard do you need fucking explanations for every ritual and tradition that societies come up with holy shit god why can't you people respect the natural development of societies you're one of those fucking autistic fuck i cn'at evne finsih this pot Im; sis mad fuck FUCK FUCK YOU FJFJUREAJGRVIOHERWGO*$#YG$#*OGU

>> No.11166394

Example of his work?

>> No.11166395

and now the shitposters have joined in

I challenge you to tell the difference between trolls, ironic shitposters and real posters

>> No.11166400

Calm down i was just asking a question. Stop being such a crybabby victim.

>> No.11166397


Is this the part where I get angry?

>> No.11166399

Which are you?

>> No.11166401

Nice try, but all anyone has to do is read your previous post to figure you out.

>> No.11166403


You're supposed to figure it out on your own. /jp/ isn't like other boards where a consensus is needed to out shitposters. If you can't tell then you don't belong here.

>> No.11166404

The feminists and this guy >>11166386
are shitposting. There is no trolling on /jp/. Everyone else is serious.

>> No.11166406

>Nice try, but all anyone has to do is read your previous post to figure you out.
I really don't give a shit what you've figured out. Your post had nothing to do with mine. If you have a relevant response to make or a relevant question to ask, go ahead. I'll be waiting. Until then you can call me a feminist shill to your heart's content.

>> No.11166407

Wow so ironic, good job, your the bestest.

>> No.11166411

It had everything to do with yours, you just tried to frame it so that it didn't, presumably because you couldn't refute my reasoning.

>> No.11166412


Why do feminist think they can gain traction or cause any real disruption on /jp/ of all places? It's mind boggling.

>> No.11166409

Trick question! They were all the same people.

Please provide a definition of "shitposting".

>> No.11166410

You're blind if you think feminism isn't anti-otaku by nature. Ignoring the threat will only lead to ruin.

>> No.11166414

Yeah, once /jp/ is aware of the terrible feminist thread, we'll do voodoo magic with our newly acquired wizardry and stop the beast in its tracks. But only if we remain vigilant!

>> No.11166417


Don't kid yourself please. Feminism isn't a threat to Otaku or Japan. You guys aren't even on the radar.

>> No.11166418

If you don't make it known that feminists are not welcome, they will infest everything.

>> No.11166419


>> No.11166422

>It had everything to do with yours, you just tried to frame it so that it didn't, presumably because you couldn't refute my reasoning.
You have issued no reasoning so far. You, in order:

1. Asked a question. "Since when did males not have a higher place in society than women?"
2. Issued an insult. "Try reading your own post dolt."
3. Claimed I was backpedaling. "Nice try, but everyone can see you are being too literal to try and avoid what you actually said in your post."
4. Accused me of being something. "Nice try, but all anyone has to do is read your previous post to figure you out."

There is no reasoning here to refute.

>> No.11166426

except in Japan*

>> No.11166427

>If you don't make it known that feminists are not welcome, they will infest everything.
Yes, truly a feminist-free /jp/ will be the shining beacon that protects Japan from the ravening grasp of the female horde.

>> No.11166423


What board are you from man?

>> No.11166425

Starting in 2008 they became one and the same.

>> No.11166430

yeah maybe if you post enough angry rants on the internet about it that will solve the problem

>> No.11166428

/jp/. I'm sorry if I'm not okay with the destruction of the things I love like you.

>> No.11166429

How does /v/ fall for this shit?

>> No.11166435


You couldn't be anymore obvious. I'm almost tempted to troll with you just to show you the ropes.

>> No.11166433

No, but it will make /jp/ a whole lot better.

Shut up already, feminist. I only do this to keep scum like you out.

>> No.11166434

Still ignoring the actual posts in question. Good job.

>> No.11166437

>Shut up already, feminist. I only do this to keep scum like you out.
You've done a pretty fucking bad job, seeing as how I've been here for years and will be here for more.

>Still ignoring the actual posts in question. Good job.
Can you identify the posts I've missed through link? I will do my best to respond.

>> No.11166441

Why would a feminist even be on the otaku culture board for any reason other than trying to piss people off?

>> No.11166442

I am skeptical of the claim that voluntarily pedophilia harms children. The arguments that it causes harm seem to be based on cases which aren't voluntary, which are then stretched by parents who are horrified by the idea that their little baby is maturing.

The nominee is quoted as saying that if the choice of a sexual partner were protected by the Constitution, "prostitution, adultery, necrophilia, bestiality, possession of child pornography, and even incest and pedophilia" also would be. He is probably mistaken, legally--but that is unfortunate. All of these acts should be legal as long as no one is coerced. They are illegal only because of prejudice and narrowmindedness.

Some rules might be called for when these acts directly affect other people's interests. For incest, contraception could be mandatory to avoid risk of inbreeding. For prostitution, a license should be required to ensure prostitutes get regular medical check-ups, and they should have training and support in insisting on use of condoms. This will be an advance in public health, compared with the situation today.

For necrophilia, it might be necessary to ask the next of kin for permission if the decedent's will did not authorize it. Necrophilia would be my second choice for what should be done with my corpse, the first being scientific or medical use. Once my dead body is no longer of any use to me, it may as well be of some use to someone. Besides, I often enjoy rhinophytonecrophilia (nasal sex with dead plants).

There is little evidence to justify the widespread assumption that willing participation in pedophilia hurts children .

Granted, children may not dare say no to an older relative, or may not realize they could say no; in that case, even if they do not overtly object, the relationship may still feel imposed to them. That's not willing participation, it's imposed participation, a different issue.

>> No.11166439

I knew this thread would hit 300+ posts the moment I saw it but wow I did not see this coming what the fuck guys really?

>> No.11166440

Because feminism is already starting to ruin video games. And people get upset when their hobby gets ruined.

>> No.11166445

It was on track to die peacefully for a while.

>> No.11166446

Oh boy. This thread really went to shit now.

Japanese girls are already sluts. Middle school girls are whoring themselves out through the internet to buy the newest fashion stuff. It's not helping birth rates.

>> No.11166448

We are asked to believe that the distribution of child pornography — and I mean real child pornography — leads people to commit sexual abuse of children. But evidence suggests it's not so.

There are two arguments for prohibition of "child pornography". One is that "it was made in a real act of sexual abuse". In some cases, that is true. However, in many countries, the "child" may be an adult, or even nonexistent, since the censorship extends even to drawings. Meanwhile, in the US, the "child" may be 17 years old and taking the photos. This argument does not apply to those cases.

The other argument is based on the supposition that looking at these images leads people to commit sexual abuse. The article casts doubt on that supposition.

Making child pornography through real sexual abuse of real children can be prosecuted without censorship. Likewise selling it in a commercial arrangement with those who made it. There is no reason for the censorship which has generated a witch hunt that has ruined the lives of people not even alleged to have harmed anyone.

>> No.11166449


Men have never gone through a traditional feminism period, you said they did. Japan at the moment is going through one, it's not a movement, but there doesn't have to be one for underlying feminism to exist.

>> No.11166450

too bad you spent 2 hours making this post

we're ``discussing'' ``feminism'' now

>> No.11166452


*Western Video Games.

>> No.11166453

>Why would a feminist even be on the otaku culture board for any reason other than trying to piss people off?
To correct posts. If you're >>11166437 and you really want me to leave, you should make a lot more "would you suck it" threads. I hate those. Everybody knows feminists are afraid of dicks. If you manage to reduce /jp/ into an eternal shitposting wasteland I'll probably leave. If you keep making shitty sociology threads I'll certainly stick around.

If you're >>11166434, please answer my question.

>> No.11166455

You are witnessing years worth of perfected trolling, I don't know how they do it on other boards, but this is how it is done here.

>> No.11166457


>> No.11166459

So imagine a scenario ten years down the road, as you’re taking a stroll in the park. Your glasses (“mobile phone”) are on, as are mostly everybody else’s. You’re broadcasting and recording what you see in public, as is mostly everybody else, in case a friend drops in on your feed and starts chatting about it, or in case you observe something where you need to back up your story later, if you’re so inclined – kind of why people use dashcams in cars and constantly record everything that happens.
So, on your lovely stroll in the park, you turn a corner, and to your shock, see a 12-year-old being brutally raped right in front of you.
WHAM. You are now a criminal, guilty of recording, distributing, and possessing child pornography. You are now guilty of a crime that carries higher penalties than the rape and molestation of a child right taking place right in front of you.
The rapist notices you and laughs, knowing that you can’t do anything. If you were to call the police and offer to be a witness to the rape taking place before you, you would lose your job, children, and house over the worse crime you have just committed. As you struggle in panic to delete any and all imagery that could be used to convict the child rapist, hoping that nobody was able to make a copy, you see another person coming into view of the rapist and reacting just like you did.
And on the ground, a 12-year old who is being raped watches helplessly as witnesses turn away and delete all evidence of the crime being committed against her.

>> No.11166460

>Men have never gone through a traditional feminism period, you said they did.
What I was intending to convey was that "many Japanese males [also] spontaneously decided that they didn't want to conform to Japanese cultural expectations, because they decided those expectations fucking sucked." Someone else referred to that as a "feminist period," which was a load of shit.

>> No.11166456

Nobody wants you to leave because nobody really cares. Don't flatter yourself into thinking you matter outside of entertainment.

>> No.11166461

“Nobody would get prosecuted for handing in evidence”: There was a famous case in Sweden where a mother recorded evidence of her children having been abused, by filming them playing, documenting what would have been much too advanced sexual play for that age, handed it to the police, and promptly was arrested for possession of CAI. In the meantime, Social Services gave the father single custody of their children, and banned her from seeing them. She was ultimately acquitted from the criminal charges, but Social Services didn’t change their verdict; she’s still banned from seeing her children ever again. I think that only the most heartless of bureaucrats would call such a fate an “acquittal”.
“Nobody would get prosecuted for handing in evidence”, again: In Spain, prosecution of child molesters grinded to a halt as the local police said outright that people couldn’t legally submit evidence of the crime.
Seeing these cases, would you dare interfere? Would you really risk that your children were separated from their parent over your trying to good? I’d argue that most people wouldn’t, and that the current laws therefore protect child molesters.

>> No.11166462

You don't correct anyone, you just spout anti-otaku propoganda, so otaku spout anti-feminist facts back at you. In other words, all you do is trigger shitstorm after shitstorm while you take pleasure from all the attention, just like all girls do on the internet.

>> No.11166464

>Nobody wants you to leave because nobody really cares.
You literally just said that "I only do this to keep scum like you out." Which is it?

>> No.11166468

>You don't correct anyone, you just spout anti-otaku propoganda, so otaku spout anti-feminist facts back at you.
Please identify a statement that I have made that could be considered "anti-otaku propaganda," and a response made to it that was an "anti-feminist fact," because as far as I can recall no such thing has happened this thread.

>> No.11166471

>You don't correct anyone, you just spout anti-otaku propoganda, so otaku spout anti-feminist facts back at you.

This is either a samefag arguing with himself or a dumb crossie trying to fit in.

>> No.11166472

I know you're that same feminist who thought girls being treated as sex objects in otaku media was a bad thing. You're the whole reason that one retard started spamming "women are sub-human" threads.

>> No.11166474

I'll even put on a trip for future threads so you all know when it's me.

>> No.11166477

I agree that that has occurred in Japan, but that is not equivalent to feminism in anyway. That also occurred in the West, which is why the west is in the state it is in now (flower power, rock and roll, metal all were conduits to this, whereas in Japan as others have said, perhaps the West is their conduit).

>> No.11166478


>> No.11166480


Quotations are for quoting people. So, who are you quoting?

>> No.11166482

>I know you're that same feminist who thought girls being treated as sex objects in otaku media was a bad thing.
That was someone else. In the aftermath I did ask someone to link it to me because I was curious about it, though.

>You're the whole reason that one retard started spamming "women are sub-human" threads.
Yeah, and I suppose I made Sion spam anime screencaps because I told him to fuck off once upon a time.

>> No.11166483


Will u suck my cock?

>> No.11166488

I was quoting >>11166456 and >>11166433.

>I agree that that has occurred in Japan, but that is not equivalent to feminism in anyway.
I never said it was feminism. I said that at some point in time Japanese women became to abandon traditional Japanese cultural expectations. Somebody ELSE called that feminism. I said, "no, that's not a sign of imported Western feminism, because males did the same thing."

>> No.11166491

>I was quoting >>11166456

Which was me. That's why I'm asking who're you quoting? Because I never said anything like what you typed in those quotations.

>> No.11166495

">Only, that is feminism.
Males did the same thing. I guess that's androgysm now."

To quote you. You might not have meant it that way, but that is the way it came out. Also, it's no small wonder you used those earlier tactics, natural bastion of tripfags.

>> No.11166494

Women are gross dude.

>> No.11166497 [DELETED] 

Then I confused you for the same person. Still, it's clear that at least one person cares.

>To quote you. You might not have meant it that way, but that is the way it came out.
Here the "same thing" is "the decision not to conform to Japanese social expectations." I was challenging his assertion that such things were inherently feminist through a sarcastic analogy.

>Also, it's no small wonder you used those earlier tactics, natural bastion of tripfags.
Please refer to the "tactics" that I have been using.

>> No.11166506

Then I confused you for the same person. Still, it's clear that at least one person cares.

>To quote you. You might not have meant it that way, but that is the way it came out.
Here the "same thing" is "the decision not to conform to Japanese social expectations." I was challenging >>11166333's assertion that such things were inherently feminist through a sarcastic analogy.

>Also, it's no small wonder you used those earlier tactics, natural bastion of tripfags.
And what "tactics" were these?

>> No.11166502


>> No.11166507


It is my only hope that such a society is unsustainable.

>> No.11166509


Wow, you really suck at this. At least quote correctly.

>> No.11166516

And yet you still argued with me, you took yourself way off topic.

>And what "tactics" were these?
Things like that.

>> No.11166517
File: 9 KB, 221x255, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11166521


>> No.11166524

>And yet you still argued with me, you took yourself way off topic.
We never actually had a real argument. I asked you "what does your response have to do with my post", because as far as I could tell, it was nothing.

Instead of explaining yourself you rattled off all the dumb shit in >>11166422, which hardly constitutes an argument..

>> No.11166528

Typical feminist. Taking pride in being an annoying bitch. The worst kind of normie.

>> No.11166531

>We never actually had a real argument.
At least it's convenient for you to believe otherwise.

>> No.11166533

Stop making snippy comments from the sidelines and get down into the shitpile with us.

>> No.11166535


She wasn't even good enough to qualify as that.

>> No.11166541

>At least it's convenient for you to believe otherwise.
Please link me to an argument that you believe I have not addressed.

>> No.11166543


It's fun to see them try at least.

>> No.11166544

According to you, we didn't have any.

>> No.11166549

>According to you, we didn't have any.
There were arguments made in this thread. At some point the thread stopped actually being about Japan and started being about mindless shitflinging over semantics.

Perhaps I had an argument with you earlier in this thread, but I can't see any points put out after >>11166339, which is about when everything went to shit.

>> No.11166552

Although if you'd like to continue your claim that the rise of parasite single (females) in Japan is due to the importation of feminism from the West, you can address my response to the second point and we can pick up from there.

>> No.11166553

More tripfag tactics. If you look down the line a bit, it is you that derailed the entire argument. In fact I can see many responses from the post you linked that are actually continuing the argument, but none of yours in response to those that seem to.

>> No.11166554

When are you going to stop breathing?

>> No.11166555

What's the status of that new bill they're trying to push through?

>> No.11166557

Only when /jp/ is given autonomous reign over itself.

>> No.11166559

Why are you guys putting sage in the image field when the thread is way paste 300 posts?

>> No.11166560

it doesn't exist everything is happy and wonderful
there is no threat everything is perfect no need to worry ;)

>> No.11166561

I don't think you know what that word means, loser.

>> No.11166562

My post: >>11166339. At the time I write this there were four responses to it.

Response 1, >>11166345: I continued this argument all the way down. It became the semantic shitfest and resulted from a miscommunication.
Response 2, >>11166350: "mai glorious nippon can't possibly be becoming westernized oh noez danny choo helppp". Not worth responding to.
Response 3, >>11166449: A continuation of the argument from response 1.
Response 4, >>11166549: My own reference.

Which of these responses "continued the argument" and was ignored by me?

>> No.11166566

Keep up the good work NSJ.

>> No.11166568


I can't infer much from your irony. Can you elaborate more explicitly?

>> No.11166569

Which one?

>> No.11166571

You're so eager.

>> No.11166572


More alarmist bullshit. Take 2!

>> No.11166576

I don't think you could come up with a decent response turbonerd.

>> No.11166577

It's harder to check for misformatting inside the text box.

>> No.11166578


The one involving harsher laws against loli.


I'm just looking around.

>> No.11166580

yeah everything's fine ;)
no worries :-)

>> No.11166582

More tripfag tactics. You definitely didn't "ignore" any posts, oh no.

>> No.11166586


You said it.

>> No.11166587

Would you suck it? Yes or no.

>> No.11166588

Oh, I thought you might have been referring to the TPP provisions that everyone was getting mad about. Do you have a link to a draft of the one you're referring to.

>You definitely didn't "ignore" any posts, oh no.
Could you preemptively tell me which posts you've think I've ignored so I don't have to keep asking you for clarification all the time?

>> No.11166589


>> No.11166591

Are you the guy who keeps posting pictures of his dick?

>> No.11166593

>everyone was getting mad about

Where on sankaku? Because you have to be stupid to think there's gonna be a ban.

>> No.11166598

>Where on sankaku? Because you have to be stupid to think there's gonna be a ban.
No, that one had nothing to do with loli. Just copyright provisions. I only mentioned it because I can't remember very many other "otaku-media-related" bills that /jp/ had discussed recently.

>> No.11166610

The reply you are responding to is the only one that comes to mind.

>> No.11166614

>The reply you are responding to is the only one that comes to mind.
Could you please link the post you're referring to? I have responded to a lot of posts and I'm not completely sure which one.

Or just repost the point you were trying to make and I'll write out a full response. I'd be perfectly happy to jettison this shitty meta-argument and discuss Japanese society again.

>> No.11166614,1 [INTERNAL] 

Why don't feminists just die?

>> No.11166614,2 [INTERNAL] 

I'd be happy to continue the discussion here if anyone wants to, although most of you have probably lost interest by now.

>> No.11166614,3 [INTERNAL] 

Tonight, I will dream of dead feminists.

>> No.11166614,4 [INTERNAL] 

No, but I've learned to reply with direct aggression to people who resemble SA regulars.

>> No.11166614,5 [INTERNAL] 

What a terrible terrible thread. This folks, is what will happen to your civilizations if you give womyn a voice.

>> No.11166614,6 [INTERNAL] 

How's that been working out for you?

>> No.11166614,7 [INTERNAL] 

SA makes fun of militant feminists just as much as anyone else.

What they don't do is actually act sexist/misogynist. If you're against feminists, crying like a whiny manchild ("waahhh women are whores!") is the worst thing you can do to support your case.

>> No.11166614,8 [INTERNAL] 

>whiny manchild

Filthy subhuman whore detected, kill yourself out of warosu.

>> No.11166614,9 [INTERNAL] 

Go back to SA, mangina.

>> No.11166614,10 [INTERNAL] 

Very well. My days on the internet have become much more relaxing and I've spent much less time replying to people who produce text only for the sole purpose of gathering replies to nourish their abnormal needs.

>> No.11166614,11 [INTERNAL] 

Hey are there any nerdy manchildren in here? Because I am all about nerdy manchildren. I will pretend to like the things they like in order to get attention from these grade-A, neckbearded, emotionally stunted, creepy shut-ins that by and large seem to really hate women. Totally hawt.

>> No.11166614,12 [INTERNAL] 

Not replying would achieve the same thing without giving me an excuse to bump the thread.

>> No.11166614,13 [INTERNAL] 

>SA makes fun of militant feminists just as much as anyone else.
When's the last time you checked what SA's been doing, 2007?

>> No.11166614,14 [INTERNAL] 

>Not replying would achieve the same thing
This is entirely false. You see, a direct, outrageous insult may provoke newbies and outsiders into thinking: "wait a moment, why is this guy suddenly so aggressive?"

People might realize the name of the game faster. The less collective time these gaping black voids waste, the better. Good rhetorical abilities decorate upstanding citizens. Parasites who are guaranteed to devour, on the other hand...

>> No.11166614,15 [INTERNAL] 

>his is entirely false. You see, a direct, outrageous insult may provoke newbies and outsiders into thinking: "wait a moment, why is this guy suddenly so aggressive?"
Makes sense.

>People might realize the name of the game faster. The less collective time these gaping black voids waste, the better.
This thread was a moderate-speed argument about feminism in Japan until somebody flipped out at me and it became a three-posts-a-minute shitfest about me that went on for three hundred and fifty posts.

>> No.11166614,16 [INTERNAL] 

>until somebody flipped out at me
Yes, and my spider sense tells me that he was a semi-professional internet combatant who gets kicks from tricking people into doing what they want, which, in this case, meant giving out relatively sane replies that the receiver was already acquainted with. By the way, would you suck it? Yes or no.

>> No.11166614,17 [INTERNAL] 

If that's really the case, then we both worked together to demolish a shit thread and that's fine too.

>By the way, would you suck it? Yes or no.

>> No.11166614,18 [INTERNAL] 

>and that's fine too.
Well yes, but it's not. I cringe every time I see a relatively sensible person wasting his or her time on /jp/. It's a bottomless tarpit full of full-time dickheads who do their thing on purpose.

>> No.11166614,19 [INTERNAL] 

No one wants normies like you around anyways, subhuman.

>> No.11166614,20 [INTERNAL] 

I reply to anything that looks like it might have been unironically written by an honest-to-goodness retard. One of the most insensible and easily trolled people around, really.

I only wonder if the thread would have died quietly if I hadn't shown up or whether it'd just be people agreeing with each other for another fifty posts.

>> No.11166614,21 [INTERNAL] 

go be trevor somewhere else, fatass

>> No.11166614,22 [INTERNAL] 

Is this trevors new persona? The name instantly made me think of him.

>> No.11166614,23 [INTERNAL] 

Can you quote the non-trip posts you made in this thread?

>> No.11166614,24 [INTERNAL] 

Looks autistic enough to be Trevor.
