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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 74 KB, 800x639, 5439056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10211303 No.10211303 [Reply] [Original]

Alright, which one of you faggots did this. And why not Udonge?

>> No.10211305
File: 127 KB, 588x845, 5908493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll let this one slide though since it was definitely /a/.

>> No.10211306 [DELETED] 

nice one guys?
don't mind if i submit them to ninegag?

>> No.10211309

Why are you even browsing that site, are you 12?

>> No.10211310

omfg this shit is positively EPIC WIN! post this to facebookfails.com

>> No.10211318

why are there at least 3 different types of handwriting on this.

>> No.10211315

I'd normally sage and call you a faggot, but I actually enjoy abusing 2hus. 2hu ryona thread anyone?

>> No.10211331 [DELETED] 

That one Y is getting pretty close to a felon's claw

>> No.10211338
File: 50 KB, 500x373, #Chiba Yusuke #Abe Futoshi #Kuhara Kazuyuki #THEE MICHELLE GUN ELEPHANT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I congratulate the original artist. It is good, very funny he put that on his test/essay, and it reinforces /jp/'s stereo type of being dysfunctional members of society or just being darn autistic.

>> No.10211361

Cute tewi pic ;3

>> No.10211372
File: 141 KB, 500x500, 1338629389389.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We take things very seriously here.

>> No.10211375
File: 56 KB, 640x480, Hayashida 44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We only take it easy with fellow /jp/ers.

>> No.10211378

stop posting sean

>> No.10211380

Newfag /a/non here. Do you call yourselves /jp/ers or is there another term you use? I've heard people use /jp/sies before (or something like that).

>> No.10211381


>> No.10211384


>> No.10211383


>> No.10211385

/jp/edos is another forgotten term.

>> No.10211391

It's my favorite.

>> No.10211392

I'll go back to lurking when you answer my question.

>> No.10211394

If you just 'lurked' for more than an hour you would know.

>> No.10211402

You're talking to someone who probably calls posts he doesnt agree with 'ironic shitposting'.

>> No.10211404

But I'm a lazy faggot who doesn't care.

>> No.10211411


>> No.10211415

I hate it so much that /jp/ populated that term and now it's everywhere.

>> No.10211432

Like a lot of other stuff too. I hate it as well, but I only ever see it when outsiders post here. It is obvious who is an outsider too.

>> No.10211791

'Please" don't say you are lazy!!

>> No.10212108


I don't think it means what you think it means.

>> No.10215505
File: 48 KB, 500x311, 5908589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/a/... oh /a/, you've already more than enough.

>> No.10215572

We're 4chan's trendsetters. Feels, ironic shitposting, buttranging: all invented or first imported here.

>> No.10215590

/jp/ used to do this with style, I hate it when a certain crossboarding /a/b/v/ scum spams it on the board thinking they're funny.

>> No.10215636

Not that guy, but I just got here.
Looking at the threads, this looks like it might actually be a decent board with decent posters.
<s>I want to believe.</s>

>> No.10215637 [DELETED] 

You best head on back to /a/, we don't more of your kind, especially if you can't use the spoiler feature properly.

>> No.10215641
File: 614 KB, 940x709, 926943a591a2be5244af7d7ef8d04325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's much easier to do it to Tewi instead.

You'd feel much worse for Udonge in that case, wouldn't you?

>> No.10215653

Sorry, I don't browse /a/.
I'll avoid abusing spoilers too.
Bad habit.

Also, no need to be so hostile.

>> No.10215660 [DELETED] 

That was being nice, head on back to whatever forum you came from then if you think that was hostile.

>> No.10215681

I came from nowhere.

>> No.10215686 [DELETED] 
File: 64 KB, 209x276, 1350722514120.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I invented two of those.

Feels indifferent, man.

>> No.10215691

Just ignore him. You're fine.

>> No.10215691,1 [INTERNAL] 

Get a load of this homohumper janitor.

He deletes individual shitposts but not the actual shit thread that he himself likely made.

Not even the US government is this blatantly corrupt and incompetent.

>> No.10215691,2 [INTERNAL] 

He submitted a ban, too.

Looks like I'm sending moot another e-mail tonight.

>> No.10215691,3 [INTERNAL] 

Welcome to /jp/ - Janitor's Place

>> No.10215691,4 [INTERNAL] 

Why doesn't he ban obnoxious autists like this instead? Now that would definitely improve the board.

>> No.10215691,5 [INTERNAL] 

Because that's him, and he can't request a ban for himself.

>> No.10215691,6 [INTERNAL] 

Are you insulting the janitor?

Reported to Woxxy.

>> No.10215691,7 [INTERNAL] 

Apparently I did get banned for those posts.

>> No.10215691,8 [INTERNAL] 

Perhaps my words carry a strange power. I'll have to be careful.

>> No.10215844 [DELETED] 

This post will not be deleted.

>> No.10215848 [DELETED] 

And neither will this post.

>> No.10215854 [DELETED] 
File: 12 KB, 271x245, jewzip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one will.

>> No.10215854,1 [INTERNAL] 

How does this even work anymore, does the janitor get to see your ip or do all of your posts ended up deleted if you're banned.

>> No.10215854,2 [INTERNAL] 

The latter.

>> No.10215854,3 [INTERNAL] 

Was banned for these two posts.

Fuck da nsj

>> No.10215854,4 [INTERNAL] 

I'm not sure they're worth banning over, I can understand deletion though.

>> No.10215854,5 [INTERNAL] 

Which makes me think the janitor doesn't bother with only deleting posts, he just ban requests everything.

>> No.10216003 [DELETED] 

Don't abuse the spoiler function.

>> No.10216003,1 [INTERNAL] 

I think I'm done with /jp/, this janitor makes it impossible to discuss anything remotely interesting. I'm tired of kowtowing to his autism.

Hopefully that accel slut finally gets /jp/ deleted so I don't get tempted to come back.

>> No.10216003,2 [INTERNAL] 

The board has definitely slowed down in the past week or so. I feel kind of scared to post now to be honest, I don't normally act like a jackass like above, but doing so caused my posts throughout every thread to be deleted.

>> No.10216003,3 [INTERNAL] 

Stop complaining. Cherrypicking shitposts was always part of the janitorial culture on /jp/.
See, official Fridey Night shitposting threads, or the Japanese X doing Y reposts, which are part of /jp/ rules now.

>> No.10216003,4 [INTERNAL] 

neo-NSJ killed the board. GJ!

>> No.10216003,5 [INTERNAL] 

I did this all the time with my test papers in high school. No fucks given.

>> No.10216003,6 [INTERNAL] 


Oh but It was kind of mocking the teacher like I would put a speech bubble for the character saying I got all of the questions right.

>> No.10217128 [DELETED] 


>> No.10217219

The navy seals kopipe and ``btw im a girl'', which was even used by moot, are also from here.

>> No.10217219,1 [INTERNAL] 

Feels are from either /r9k/ or krautchan /int/, unless I'm terribly misinformed.

>> No.10217219,2 [INTERNAL] 

>or first imported

Search the archive. It was posted here first, and spammed by Mr Rape, a /g/ tripfag.
