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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 1.96 MB, 4905x2000, 1348379773549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9996227 No.9996227 [Reply] [Original]

why are flat chests so attractive?

>> No.9996233

The stacked girls are much more attractive in that image.

>> No.9996237
File: 76 KB, 500x339, 3417659976_f94a297474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont know why dont you come with us and tell us :)

>> No.9996247

They aren't, you fucking pedophile.

>> No.9996252
File: 8 KB, 139x160, VanDarkholme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9996253


Because you're a pedo

>> No.9996281
File: 871 KB, 1105x1430, 20756706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because op no one wants to fuck a cancer patient

>> No.9996289


funny how the flat chested girl is the one getting fucked

dfc master race

>> No.9996291

Aki has the best cup size. Also, this manga was bad and you should feel bad.

>> No.9996296

How is it bad? You're supposed to masturbate to it and Gunma's art is perfect for that.

>> No.9996306
File: 505 KB, 818x1000, 14633657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont tell me what to do you mouth breathing third world shitsmear

>> No.9996310


What kind of sick fuck can masturbate to NTR with old fat men?

>> No.9996311
File: 594 KB, 836x1200, 011how-to-create-an-idol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gunma draws the best tits

>> No.9996323

This sick fuck right here.

It's not really NTR though since it's her job and all.

>> No.9996335


make me you fat, smelly, disgusting neck-beard. you probably like this shit because you can project yourself into those hideous lumps of flesh they call men, don't you?

>> No.9996341


>since it's her job and all

That doesn't make it not NTR you sick fuck

>> No.9996343
File: 758 KB, 1125x1600, 070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't particularly like the artist, but oh boy do I love me some good NTR.

I'm going to have to check it out. What's the name?

>> No.9996345

I was going to tier my liking for breast size based on these girls. But, as I looked at them, I realized I love them all.

I think the problem is overly disproportionate breasts. These don't really feel disproportionate. Maybe Anna and Ayaka.

>> No.9996373
File: 8 KB, 298x169, tsundere best dere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flat chests = best for ecchi tsundere
Big boobs = best for clumsy moe nice polite girls

They both have their place, and are both the miracle of the Universe. Please don't fight about it.

>> No.9996402

'Dem big hooters' aren't as cat-like and sexy. When I see a person with silicones I can't help but wonder if she's a human at all. A woman, obviously, but a human?

>> No.9996465

HOLY FUCK that last girl in the line is being fucked and nobody is stopping them!

>> No.9996475

No, flat chests are best for clumsy little girls who are polite. After all, messing up is a part of being a kid.

>> No.9996481
File: 274 KB, 700x700, 288844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woah man stop right there you need to be psych 101 certified to be using those kinds of words on the internet. project what, you mean insertion? the only insertion happening here is my cock into your moaning mom you esl dumbshit. you think i actually read manga or whatever the fuck this shit is kid your out of your league. i fucking swear to whatever voodoo deity you give thanks to that if you reply to me again i will unleash a fucking biblical vengeance to rival the judgement of sodom on your unprepared body. ill fucking nail your retarded ass to a cross and open your side with my longinus if you catch my drift you fucking queer. go on say something clever again

>> No.9996490

Mai favorite by kisaragi gunma

>> No.9996508

I wish I was a cute slut.

>> No.9996517

I like them all.

>> No.9996557


Its not tagged as NTR. I don't mean to be a cunt, but are you sure it contains it?

>> No.9996561


All those run on sentences ... it's like you type how you talk, with a large cock shoved down your throat; just rumbling out random statements. Or maybe your old, morbidly obese ass just finds it hard to catch a breath with all that fat compressing your lungs.

>> No.9996571

Because I've read it? Most likely it's not tagged NTR because

>> No.9996581

It's amazing how an author manages to produce so much porn with nice drawings while still managing to leave me completely flacid.

Why are you doing this Gunma?

>> No.9996595


I get 0 reaction from this artist as well.

>> No.9996597

Maybe he wants you to read maken-ki?

>> No.9996611 [DELETED] 
File: 54 KB, 420x630, modelplus_KatiaJan2012_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real waifu

>> No.9996623



Does not compute. Disgusting 3D

>> No.9996636 [DELETED] 

who are you quoting?

>> No.9996643
File: 203 KB, 871x637, 2012-11-05_175135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


At least he's not as bad as some other ones

>> No.9996649


The image of course, can't you read?

>> No.9996653

It doesn't say fat

>> No.9996669
File: 286 KB, 700x1166, 15593415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow dude could you at least try to make sense yeah sure this nigga be talkin for hella long because like...things are preventing him from talking and shit way to go slugger. as much as id love to crucify a dumb for real thirdworlder im just going to ignore you out of fear that i might catch your stupid by osmosis with your blood on my hands dont bother replying to me even to say thanks for sparing your miserable life or to beg me to end it once you realize how hopelessly fucking retarded you are

>> No.9996696

A picture says a thousand words. Quit with your monkey see, monkey do bullshit, immigrant.

>> No.9996700

That was my first post in this thread you bully ;_;

>> No.9996712
File: 114 KB, 800x600, 1338264912268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're really cranky kiddo, are you overdue for your afternoon nap? Classes must have been really tough for you today, did you finally learn what 2+2 equals?

>> No.9996727

AW SHIT I've played this VN too!

>> No.9996723

I'm obsessed with breasts, like a true, sad virgin. I open up Big_tits images and lick the screen, It's pathetic and embarrassing.

>> No.9996732

I'm sorry anon but you stepped into the line of fire.

>> No.9996741
File: 29 KB, 396x385, 237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And it shot me straight through the heart

>> No.9996745


It's okay you were correct to point that out, I liked it /jp/ needs to stand up for itself more often you did good

>> No.9996757


Go back to your corner, nerd

>> No.9996764

Thank you but I don't think I will do it again...

This experience may have traumatized me

>> No.9996891

You know what? I often read hentai for the plot. Sometimes I even reread them. I only like the vanilla lovey dovey happy stuff though.

>> No.9996917
File: 2.55 MB, 4905x2000, 1352147943251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are the ones I am currently attracted to sexually at this moment in time.

>> No.9996956


So, the only ones you're not attracted to are the ones that aren't whores?

>> No.9997001
File: 94 KB, 614x448, 2012-11-05_184051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Boooorring. Why are you so boring anon? Tragedy is where it's at

>> No.9997059

How is the fifth one from the left a whore? She seems like an upstanding milf to me.

>> No.9997069

At least some sane person.
Thanks for defending my picture

>> No.9997089


>How is the fifth one from the left a whore?

Because fucks men for a living?

>> No.9997168

Tragedy can be okay too if it makes the story good. Just no NTR/mindbreak kind of stuff. Never appealed to me.

>> No.9997411
File: 282 KB, 844x462, 1351914028466.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because they have less self-stem than large boob girls, and need to act extra-kawaii to mess with your head.

>> No.9997432

Is that the one that told the MC she loved him while fucking 3 other guys at once?
I got so angry.
If I were him I would have imagined myself murdering her in my head and then just not talk to her and walk away.

>> No.9997451

Oh god, why are you in /jp/? Get the fuck out.

>> No.9997469

She has an ugly face.
A rene zellweger or whatever the fuck her name is kind of face.
Where you want to stare because its so strange and grotesque yet tell her she's pretty because the parts of her face independently would be pretty, but someone just mismatched the parts together like frankestein and made an ugly as shit face.

>> No.9997524

That was just her duty as a maid. It's not like she was in love with those guys.

>> No.9997543

Prostitutes are not capable of love, she just wants the MC for his status.
How did she even fall in love with him anyways? What could she have possibly seen with only 2 or 3 word exchanges with him?
She just wanted his money.

>> No.9997560


Well, there was also the fact that every other girl wanted him too, so there's the jealousy factor involved

>> No.9997618
File: 398 KB, 480x238, 1349106371316.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate whores. I need to be careful too, since I don't trust myself to not be hypnotized by the first human being to come across and pay me the least bit of attention.

>> No.9997709

The last one in line is obviously trying to get pregnant so her tits will grow

>> No.9997755

Not him, but I see no point in masturbating to girls who aren't sluts. I can't even get an erection to pure girls, they're just so boring.

>> No.9997795

I love netorare. Only nerds who fantasize about having relationships are offended by it.

>> No.9997834

It ruins the entire story since I like to insert myself as the guy doing the fucking. If the MC has had over two chapters already and then someone else fucks the girl after some plot already happened, its just dumb. Why would I even stroke my penis then, if the guy I'm supposed to self insert into doesn't have his penis inside a vagina or an anus?
If its NTR where something like the guy is only there for two pages or the kind of NTR that Alice no takanohabaramapabaro does, then I like it because I can insert as the guy doing the NTR'ing.

>> No.9997871

So wait, a guy who inherited the biggest brothel in the town where he trained every one of his employees every day count as NTR?

Fucking magnets.

>> No.9997867

I can understand where you're coming from, and usually something like that would bother me, but now that I think about, I may have been inserting myself into the girl whenever I masturbate to NTR without even realizing it. That's the only explanation I can come up with for why I like it so much and am not angered by it.

>> No.9997879
File: 409 KB, 971x1376, 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Only nerds who fantasize about having relationships are offended by it.

Y-You don't?


Well, sometimes it works out if the guy doing the NTRing is better than the faggot, beta boyfriend.

>> No.9997937

What's your favourite netorare?

>> No.9998742

the thing about NTR I don't like is that oftentimes it doesn't really provide anything in terms of a story. It's just BAM YOU'RE GETTING NTR'D LOL THAT'S IT. Occasionally it does have a point and adds to an underlying plot but those are few and far between.

>> No.9998980

I agree. Do you know of any with a good story?

>> No.9999011

The same reason a Jap girl maid with big tits gives me a stiffy.

>> No.10006016

Don't mind me.

>> No.10006186


>> No.10006248

NTR is a buzzword

>> No.10006263

Goddammit. I fapped a couple hours ago. I would've thought this thread got purged by now. Seeing this pic and the fact that out of all of them its the flat chested one riding it hard makes me want to masturbate again.

Fuck you /jp/

>> No.10006260

ur mom is a buzzword


>> No.10006273

Pictures like this, where there are a lot of people with only one doing something lewd, are always really erotic. Even more so when the lewd person is a loli or has a flat chest, ect.

>> No.10006286

/jp/ is your oniichan.
Be nice to your oniichan.

>> No.10006302


>> No.10006312

There's that one picture of the girls sitting in the bus too, and the one with a dick masturbating. I wish there were more.

>> No.10006318

What do you guys think of exhibitionism?

>> No.10006330

One of my fetish, specially with futa on female.

>> No.10006339

not enough futa on female with impregnation

also cum_while_penetrated is by far my favorite futa on futa tag.

>> No.10006366

Because they're a precious rarity. People always were admiring rare flowers.
