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9996001 No.9996001 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread: >>9955647

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.9996141
File: 200 KB, 1600x900, rebroadcast4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll definitely be picking up Relay Broadcast this month. I'm kinda interested in what tragedies will unfurl because of his powers. That and Kiritani Hana and Yukito Saori playing the hardcore brocon again.

>> No.9996158
File: 116 KB, 800x600, 510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried a bit of everything released this month after finishing Tsuriotsu but nothing caught my interest.
The new Studio Ryokucha was especially disappointing since I liked Koisora their previous title

Gear of Dragoon was pushed back too, look like the only thing left for this year is Ourai no Gahkthun.

>> No.9996191

November seems to be even worse than October.
At least I can look forward to Ourai and Perseus in December.

>> No.9996198

Yeah rest of the year looks kinda stale now, really hope Gahktun will deliver as it sure looks pretty good so far.
Although of the other stuff personally I'm still kinda looking forward to Soushinjutsu mobius this month due having enjoyed 3/0 quite a bit, but it still wont be big release for most.

>> No.9996408

>Soushinjutsu mobius this month due having enjoyed 3/0 quite a bit
Same, I hope it has someone as crazy as the female main in 3.

>> No.9996409

What a godawful month, the only VN I found barely worth reading was 祝福の鐘の音は、桜色の風と共に, and only because I love to see tsunderes getting buttpained over not choosing them and I enjoy some decently written drama.
月に寄りそう乙女の作法 was so bad I can't believe one of the writers of 俺たちに翼はない is in there, I literally fell asleep while reading it and that's a fucking first.
花色ヘプタグラム lacked interesting heroines, and the plot felt so stock and generic I didn't feel like going throught it.
The rest are all nukiges and generic high school crap I've already read a thousand times, I might give 恋色マリアージュ a try only because I'm bored and I might dig into the scenario if well written... although considering the writer's past work... I have almost zero hope...
Time to look at those nukiges, it wouldn't be the first time I'd find a pearl hidden among them.

>> No.9996422

>the only VN I found barely worth reading was 祝福の鐘の音は、桜色の風と共に
>月に寄りそう乙女の作法 was so bad
I think it's time for you to realize that you are one special dude.

>> No.9996433
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It's during these time periods you should go back to your backlog.

>> No.9996506

As far as November is concerned I'm waiting warmly for the new 女系家族 and Witch's Garden. Maybe この世界の向こうで too. That one could very easily turn into a cheap drama fest though.

>> No.9996515

Isn't the new x-change delayed to november?

>> No.9996522

Yes, the 22nd.

>> No.9996552

I didn't know they had a new XCA due to release, too bad it's not the same writer from XCA2, that game made me laugh so hard.

>> No.9996916

>Kiritani Hana and Yukito Saori playing the hardcore brocon again.


Looking at the Nov release, will Kiss Bell be a giga landmine? From what I take the last one Hotchkiss didn't fare so well...

>> No.9996994

The girls look very healthy. Is this their new thing or something

>> No.9997039
File: 1.65 MB, 1920x1080, scarecrow monkeys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last played: Some MOONSTONE Cherry nukiges. I think Ito Life put more effort in his doujin then in his day job.

Currently playing Eiyuu Senki. Curbstomping China is too easy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t_i80tAbOY8

Looking forward to: Sangoku hime 2 crack, Gensou Douwa alicetale and Gears of dragoons

>> No.9997172

>Some MOONSTONE Cherry nukiges
Do I still have to burn the iso on a DVD or did they ever release a working crack for Eroge-bu?

>> No.9997222

[インストーラ 尻チェック回避 Patch][120330] 放課後☆エロゲー部!~エロゲー制作のため女の子たちとえっちしまくりな

Looks like it, yes.

>> No.9997270

>liked 祝福の鐘の音
>disliked 月に寄りそう乙女の作法

Tell me, dear Anon, what does it feel like having shit taste?

>> No.9997275

Stop bullying the mentally handicapped.

>> No.9997422

The only thing I'm anticipating this month is the Cross Channel Reprint. I can't remember the last time I was so excited to replay a game.

But it really is the perfect time to catch up on my back log, so I'm going to get started on the new content in DI:AA and finish playing Shumon's titles with Meguri and perhaps Mikan.

>> No.9997550

>Cross Channel Reprint.

What's the difference between reprint and the normal version?

>> No.9997571


>> No.9997603

The only known thing is that it's 720p. Whether the 360 contents are going to be included or not is unknown, but there's zero indication that they will be and the ero content is confirmed to be in game.

If you've played the original, and more importantly already own it, then getting the reprint is worthless unless you're a stickler for hi-res. However, if you don't own it, a new version of the reprint is cheaper than a used version of the original. Myself, not owning the original and feeling inclined to replay it since it's been several years, look forward to it for those reasons. If you have the option, you should play the 360 version instead.

>> No.9997630


Thanks for the detailed explenation. I guess I'll refrain from it if it hasn't any new content.

>> No.9997743

Is that from 果てしなく青い、この空の下で? I have it around for quite a while but didn't have the chance to start playing it yet. It does seem to have a pretty high score on EGS though.
November is a slow month so this will do.

>> No.9998028

I'm a bit slow but I just realized that the opening for the PS3 version of White Album 3 was out

Focused on the introductory chapter, I wonder if there will be a closing an coda version.

>> No.9998070

It's going to be interesting to see how the Kazusa normal route is going to work without ero.

>> No.9998082

I haven't had much time for eroge lately, but the last one I started was Draculius. I should probably go finish it, but Tsuriotsu looks tempting, and I also want to catch up on the steampunk series before Gahkthun comes out... this is why I never finish anything

>> No.9998151

新作エロゲを買いませんか? (2012年11月版)

>> No.9998163

Just finished Sumika's route in Muv-Luv and Chie's route in KiraKira. I don't think I'm going to go through another route in KiraKira but I'm definitely going to do Meiya's route in Muv-Luv. I'm trying to figure out what I should play after I finish up Muv-Luv.

>> No.9998178

How about the rest of MuvLuv?

>> No.9998200

Well I'm going to finish it if I like Meiya's route. If I don't like it I just want to have something else lined up.

>> No.9998242

Either eroge companies are getting scared to try new ideas, or perhaps I've read so many of them everything seems the same.
I can't decide.

>> No.9998248

I meant Unlimited and Alternative, which if you didn't know already, is the real meat of the story.

>> No.9998260

What does it matter? Shut up and consume.

>> No.9998275

Every media becomes generic in the end.

>> No.9998306

What do you mean by "getting"? It's been like this forever. And you could say the same thing for almost all genres/mediums. It's just Strugeon's Law at work.

>> No.9998842

What a banal comment. Enjoying your idiotic cynicism much?

>> No.9999311

What's Sturgeon's Law?

>> No.9999710

Well, it does seem like it's been a while since there have been any claims of real "hidden gems". Since JQV I guess.

>> No.10001160

90% of everything is crap.

>> No.10001167

I think getting scared is atleast bit true, in this current economic situation no one tries to try anything new in fear of going under due to fear it might not sell thus resulting makers using tried and true methods of staying in business.

>> No.10001172
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I'm balancing between playing Tsujidou-san and Flyable Heart. I really like the atmosphere of both of them.

>> No.10001227

Good thing I like reading crap

>> No.10001276

>Since JQV I guess.
Wow, a whole almost 6 months.

>> No.10001472

It's funny since JQV is never mentioned in Japan, it's probably a lot more popular around here than over there.
Seeing the various threads in 2ch the proposed best title of the year so far is Hatsuyuki Sakura, show how bad this year was I guess

>> No.10001533

Felt like every other year that's not 2009 to me. And Hatsuyuki Sakura was great. Dat Sakura.

>> No.10001561

2011 had WA2, Grisaia, Eustia
2010 had Subahibi.
2012 is a weaker year than most.
And Hatsuyuki Sakura is certainly no best of the year contender, the best thing about it was how moe Sakura was but other than that it was mediocre at best.

>> No.10001585

Grisaia and Eustia aren't really considered better titles than Hatsuyuki Sakura. You're just talking personal preference at that point as to which is better.

>> No.10001589

I thought you had your JQV? And singling out specific games to determine how "great" a year was seems kind of silly anyway when there is no guarantee that you're going to like what these couple of games offer anyway. Didn't enjoy Subahibi, whoops, shit year confirmed.

>> No.10001617

Everyone has different tastes in eroge so "shit" year is subjective.

>> No.10001633

>Grisaia and Eustia aren't really considered better titles than Hatsuyuki Sakura
They are, by far.
You would have to have some pretty weird taste to think otherwise

>> No.10001638

>show how bad this year was I guess
I think 2012 is better than 2010, and just as good as 2011. It's kind of silly to say a year is great just because of one or two titles.

>> No.10001765

Go to hell. But you're right 2012 is as good as 2010, though I loved the hell out of Subahibi.. 2011 was definitely better than both years, except in all ways inferior to 2009. And then 2009 was about equal to 2006.

This year was inexcusably bad. I really hope next year is better.

Didn't Sinsemilla come out 2010 too? Because I liked this game.

>> No.10001771

What was so super awesome in 2206?

>> No.10001775


>> No.10001785

FS/N, Parfait, Haruka ni Aogi, Muv Luv, iirc off the top of my head among others, but I actually meant 2005.

>> No.10001829

This whole year-ranking bullshit you've got going there seems pretty damn retarded to me.

>> No.10002231 [DELETED] 
File: 143 KB, 800x600, snap871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You need pick the option of Kuu feeling jealous and you get a plugin afterward and activate that. Listen to Sora about Neunzehn and his twisty idea about a woman. You will know you have activated the True End when Kuu is in the ero scene on beach
I think it really need Dive1 installed.
It didn't work I ended up using SpoilerAl to unlock the plugin instead.

Anyway, finally finished Baldr Sky. 10/10.
It's not as emotional as say MLA but the pacing especially the gradual reveal part was masterfully done. I especially like how it made full use of the cyberunk/sci-fi setting, the world feels alive.

But I didn't like how they forced reminiscence to you after finishing Aki's route.
Also the good endings are too much wishful thinking, it didn't mesh well with the game. IMHO they should've been unlockable only after finishing Sora's route.

Speaking of which, Sora's route surprised me. The atmosphere was completely different from the rest of the game.
The first half I didn't think it was real and that the whole thing was just Kou's wishful thinking delusion.

It sucks that Kuu didn't get a route. To be honest I prefer Kuu x Kou over Sora x Kou. Kuu just feels more natural. They're both simulcra and she is present throughout the route whereas Sora barely appeared.
Not to mention the Kou in that route isn't even that world's Kou.
At the very least they could've let Sora retain Kuu's personality ala Grisaia's Michiru during her during the true ending.
Kuu deserves better than being used as spare parts. ;_;

>> No.10002400

Fuck dammit.

Guys, there's a Grisaia no Kajitsu spoiler in those black bars, for those of you who don't care about Baldr Sky but do about the Grisaia games like me.

>> No.10002417

>It's not as emotional as say MLA but the pacing especially the gradual reveal part was masterfully done.
MLA was a rollercoaster, peaking between really good and really shitty but Baldr managed to stay consistently good (though I personally disliked the last route). And yes, Kuu x Kou > Sora x Kou.

Also, there are some Grisaia spoilers in your post anon. You'd better warn people about spoilers for other games beforehand. I'd be pretty fucking mad if I hadn't read those games already.

>> No.10002435

You do realize that the personality Kuu has in Soras route is Soras normal personality and "grown up" Kuu and normal Sora are basically the same person? Just like Kou and his simulacra are basically the same person.

>> No.10002459
File: 143 KB, 800x600, snap871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You need pick the option of Kuu feeling jealous and you get a plugin afterward and activate that. Listen to Sora about Neunzehn and his twisty idea about a woman. You will know you have activated the True End when Kuu is in the ero scene on beach
I think it really need Dive1 installed.
It didn't work I ended up using SpoilerAl to unlock the plugin instead.

Anyway, finally finished Baldr Sky. 10/10.
It's not as emotional as say MLA but the pacing especially the gradual reveal part was masterfully done. I especially like how it made full use of the cyberunk/sci-fi setting, the world feels alive.

But I didn't like how they forced reminiscence to you after finishing Aki's route.
Also the good endings are too much wishful thinking, it didn't mesh well with the game. IMHO they should've been unlockable only after finishing Sora's route.

Speaking of which, Sora's route surprised me. The atmosphere was completely different from the rest of the game.
The first half I didn't think it was real and that the whole thing was just Kou's wishful thinking delusion.

It sucks that Kuu didn't get a route. To be honest I prefer Kuu x Kou over Sora x Kou. Kuu just feels more natural. They're both simulcra and she is present throughout the route whereas Sora barely appeared.
Not to mention the Kou in that route isn't even that world's Kou.
At the very least they could've let Sora retain Kuu's personality ala Grisaia's Michiru during her true ending.
Kuu deserves better than being used as spare parts. ;_;

>> No.10002489

Sorry about the spoilers, I forgot that it wasn't outright stated.

Except Kuu has gained an individuality. Even if she has Sora's memory she's conscious that she's Kuu. Not to mention she has her own distinct memories as Kuu. She said it herself during the game.
Simulcra-Kou on the other hand has no such thing, all his memories are of Kou.

>> No.10002780

>Didn't Sinsemilla come out 2010 too? Because I liked this game.
It was a good game as well.

>> No.10002874

Any english translation for thi yet? It's still on my hd

>> No.10002880
File: 46 KB, 640x360, c725100sample1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any english translation for this yet? It's still on my hd..

>> No.10002902

If you have to ask if there's a translation, the answer is always no.

>> No.10003524

Tsuki ni Yarisou

>> No.10003553

you shouldn't need a translation for "aaa kimochiiiiiiii" anyway

>> No.10005058


Sora and Kuu have both the same "personality" and are essentially the same person. The difference is that Sora has memories that Kuu doesn't have, and vice versa. When they fused together in the end, their memories merged, and depending on your philosophical point of view, you could say you either got a two in one package deal or you got a third totally different Sora. I feel like the game's theme stress's the former much more than the latter. In thinking of it this way, Sora's route is as much her route as it is Kuu's.

Sora and Kuu are non-comparable with Michiru as Michiru's case has markedly different personalities.

>> No.10005064


Continuing >>10005058

Your complaint about Kou is unfounded. When he was having his little existential crisis, the game pretty clearly stresses he is Kou and not some fake. Think about it. His simulacra has pretty much the same exact memories as the World 0 Kou who died, plus some more from the other worlds. The situation is essentially the same as if he enlisted overseas and then returned. He's changed, but he's still the same person. Also, the fact that he's a simulacra is pretty much moot when everyone else is a wired ghost and everything is digital anyway.

Additionally, the "good" ends in the other routes weren't all good. For example, you inadvertently kill Nanoha in Rain's good end. You only fix this at the end of the game.

>> No.10005708 [SPOILER] 
File: 932 KB, 1280x720, Unknown 2012-11-06 19-50-59-42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is so painful. Do you have to go through the same rejection process in two other routes?

>> No.10005749

You should say what it is that you're spoiling, when you're spoiling something.

>> No.10005783


Oops, I forgot. Tsuki ni Yarisou, partway through Luna's route.

>> No.10005890

I know that. What I'm saying is that Kuu got the short end of the stick.
Usually in a merger like this, the resulting char has aspects of both personalities combined.
The true ending Sora doesn't seem like it was influenced at all by Kuu. There's no hint of Kuu in the new Sora.
It didn't have to be as distinct as Michiru. They could've made the new Sora act more lively (like Kuu and gakuen era Sora) for example.

Wait. I never said he wasn't Kou. I just said he isn't THAT WORLD's Kou. He's an amalgation of parallel world Kous.
He doesn't have memories of events unique to World 0 (He didn't have memories of going to the lab and getting nano'd for example).

Kuu was the better choice because she shares the same memories/experience with Kou.
The Kou in Sora's memories is not the player character Kou.

In any case the point is moot cause Sora isn't Sora either.

Here's what I'd like the true ending to be, in order of preference:
1. Kuu and Sora gains different bodies.
2. The new Sora has two distinct personality bantering with each other, ala Grisaia.
3. The new Sora shows aspects of Kuu (i.e, more lively, tsundere, etc.)

>> No.10006025

You got Grisaia spoilers in there again. Just warning other folks.

>> No.10006060

It's vague, I even left out the heroine's name.

>> No.10006090


>The true ending Sora doesn't seem like it was influenced at all by Kuu.

If you're talking about Eien no Owari that was literally like 10 lines of dialogue. The reader has no idea what new/combined Sora is like. Since they share the same base personality and have each others memories, I would think that she has a little bit of both soldier Sora and tsundere student Sora (Kuu) in her, but that's just my interpretation.

>He doesn't have memories of events unique to World 0

I said "pretty much the same memories" which excludes pretty much only his memories of going to the lab. Do you really consider dead Kou and his simulacrum do be different people because of that one trivial memory, while everything else is the same?

>Kuu was the better choice because she shares the same memories/experience with Kou.

So does W-0 Sora since she was the one who activated her simulacra in all the worlds in the first place.

>In any case the point is moot cause Sora isn't Sora either.

I'm not sure what you're getting at but what I'm trying to say is that in W-0 ultimately flesh Sora and Kou have all their own memories plus their simulacra one's combined together in a nice package. Are they the "same people" (whatever that means) as before? I'm not a philosophy major but if you answer no, then you are literally arguing you, yourself, are not the "same person" as you five minutes before because you've now read this post.

>> No.10006138
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Now is probably the best time for this one...

>> No.10006295
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I wonder if he'll STILL blame Bush for the shitstain economy HE's responsible for.

Continued from >>9997039
China is definitely the lowest point of Eiyuu Senki. Its final battle was even easier then the first city of India: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uR5wuHtOvu4

>> No.10006377

>I would think that she has a little bit of both soldier Sora and tsundere student Sora (Kuu) in her, but that's just my interpretation.
Well it sure didn't showed it. Did DiveX expound upon this? I haven't played that yet.

>Do you really consider dead Kou and his simulacrum do be different people because of that one trivial memory, while everything else is the same?
Yes. It's not because he's a simulcra. His memories and in effect experiences are that of a parallel world, ergo he isn't from this world.
It's like Muv Luv, do you consider the Takeru that got eaten by BETA is the same Takeru that you're playing as in the game?

>So does W-0 Sora since she was the one who activated her simulacra in all the worlds in the first place.
Sora doesn't assume ownership of those memories, Kuu does.

>I'm not sure what you're getting at
My point is arguing whether they're not the "same person" or the "original" one is moot. None of the chars are.
Not only are the "original" all dead, they've been merged and unmerged multiple times, missing chunks of their memories and also have memories of their parallel world that they can no longer be called the "same person".

>> No.10006923

This year has Da Capo 3. That's good enough for me. Too bad it's not ero.

>> No.10007125
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whelp, I'm in love

>> No.10007137
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>> No.10008204

Ore wa Tsuma Killer.

>> No.10010351

Question about Chaos; Head: where do I see which chapter I'm currently at?

Also, why isn't the glossary completely translated?

>> No.10010938

Half way through San's route in Itsusora.

Really not sure how I feel about this game. There's some points, some info dumps where I'm like this is awesome, and then others where I get kind of bored with redundancy. I liked Futami but I'm not really being pulled in by the characters. On the other hand the setting is incredible, the wordplay is fantastic, the writing is great, and the details are interesting. Just seems like a very mixed bag of doing it right sometimes, and stagnantly bad others. Another minor complaint, not enough of the battle scenes are shown despite how awesome Kumoinui's main gaurds are.

I realize San's route is the worst, so I hope Konome makes up for it. Think I might take a break, from both that and Tsuki ni Yorisou (I like the game, but I like Luna the best, and the non Luna character routes are enjoyable no less, but not really top notch. Maybe I'm just really spoiled by Oretsuba and Maruto though.) and get started on White Album in anticipation for the PS3 release.

>> No.10010991
File: 72 KB, 806x628, だめでやんす.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell am I reading and how do I get past this

>> No.10011603

Searched around a little, seems like the infinite error loop is some sort of a DRM. I found a link to a save file that supposedly gets past this and into the next part of the game but the link was already dead. I also tried reinstalling the game and skipping all text from beginning all the way to this part but it ended up being nearly an hour of wasted time.

Unless someone has a fix for this or a save file to get me past this it looks like I'm not finishing this game. Not really motivated in trying another version of the game and skipping through everything again just to see if it might work. I guess it's time to look for something else to read.

>> No.10011649
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>> No.10012196
File: 800 KB, 1280x720, Unknown 2012-11-08 00-57-38-85.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished Luna's route in Tsuki ni Yarisou. While it was pretty good, it wasn't the oh my god this is so awesome it changed my entire perception of VNs type of good that some people, for some reason, were making it out to be. I can't say that I'm that interested in the other heroines, so I think I'll check out Oretsuba next.

>> No.10012311 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10012419 [SPOILER] 
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I myself decided to drop the game during the beginning of San's route (didn't do Konome's yet). The protagonist just decides he likes the new heroine more than Futami without any kind of buildup whatsoever. As you say the writing itself is great but the story feels a bit wonky here and there.
The lack of CG and character sprites is also really jarring in some scenes and most of the BGMs aren't that great either. Feels kind of a letdown after experiencing Asairo's great production values.
Though I admit some parts were really awesome, f.ex. pic related and the realization that they were always wearing funeral garments.

Perhaps picking it up again after finishing OP's Chuunifest 101, though that might take a while since I haven't had time to read anything lately.

I played the game with this
It's an additional launcher that makes text hooks work properly with the game but it also doubled as a NO-CD crack (don't overwrite anything, just put it in the same folder as the original Farthest_vo.exe). Didn't have any problems like in your screenshot.

>> No.10012425

That's pretty much how it always goes. Better off just going in with normal expectations.

>> No.10012645

San's route has many problems, the relationship being one of them.
At least Konome's has teh decency of having Saku just say he doesn't love Futami and then gets involved with Konome's family which is more normal. Also her route is more... wholesome compared to how disjointed San's is.

>> No.10012918 [DELETED] 
File: 275 KB, 1280x720, Luna1316527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought Luna's route was great but the whole VN was kind of mediocre.

Oretachi is definitely better. Miyako was the best thing ever.

>> No.10012926
File: 275 KB, 1280x720, Luna1316527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought Luna's route was great but the whole VN was kind of mediocre.

Oretachi is definitely better. Miyako was the best thing ever.

>> No.10013424
File: 130 KB, 1280x720, 139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think anyone claimed that TsuriOtsu is godlike or something.
It's definitely a pretty good charage though but of course it's far from the level of Oretsuba (I liked Sekajyo better personally too)
And Luna is really cute

>> No.10013831

Being praised by Luna feels so fucking good.

But yeah, having finished Mizuho's route, I think I'm just going to go straight for Luna and put the game down after that.

>> No.10013842

Ursule's route is pretty good too.

>> No.10013861

Loved Curio, Parfait, and Damekoi, so now I'm playing White Album 2. What should I be expecting?

>> No.10013891
File: 336 KB, 806x628, 999_illegal_use.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I played the game with this
Yeah I was using that all along. I decided to try once again with a completely clean reinstall and different install method and I still run into it. It's after Youko's route (真実) ends for the second time and credits roll. I read you're supposed to go into the War arc after that but I get thrown into 過酷な時-0 instead which leads into nameless chapter with infinitely looping various error messages. You wouldn't still have the game installed, would you? Or at least your save files remaining?

>> No.10013903

Something completely different

>> No.10014063

I have both. I made a few saves for that scene (47, 48 49) and one at the start of the next one (50). I also included the system save file 000 just in case, but you might want to try those out without it first.

>> No.10014085

How does one prevent translation aggregator from switching you out of the game every line?

>> No.10014144

The ones at 過酷な時-0(47, 48 49) lead me into the error loop. But (50) (草原に立つ) starts at a point where I couldn't get to before and it looks like I can progress into the next scenes just fine. Thanks a lot, you've just made my day.

>> No.10014239 [SPOILER] 
File: 344 KB, 800x600, capture_001_08112012_151025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad to help. 過酷な時-0 is a really short scene but I pasted the hooked text here in case you want to read it. Pic also related.

>> No.10014711


Seems like Rakuen is going to release in March.

>> No.10015303
File: 358 KB, 1920x1200, 1352388319776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10015328

Damn, Akio.

>> No.10015842 [SPOILER] 
File: 803 KB, 816x638, Elaborate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can tell that Itsusora is the kind of game that received negative comments for excessive depictions of gore stuff.

>> No.10015861

San was so hot during that part.

>> No.10015872

Yeah she was. I felt bad for staring at her boobs with all the drama going on at the time, but that picture of her being constricted was far too erotic for a battle scene to not take notice.

>> No.10020535
File: 96 KB, 800x600, g090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10020676

I don't get why people here hate Mihono so much. After you actually pick her she goes dere max mode to the point that real bitch (and many modern tsunderes) characters should be writing notes. The only times she falls out of it is when she catches you trying to peek up skirts or staring at other girls' tits.
The only time she is even close to bitchy is for the first couple days.

>> No.10020697
File: 304 KB, 1280x720, I suck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck, this thread still around?

Continued from >>10006295

Last played: some animated nukiges from D Drive. I think they just morphed the girls from Love+ a bit and called it theirs. Their animation is shoddy but looked like they are trying.

Currently playing: Eiyuu Senki. Marching down South Eastern Asia colonies of EU. The difficulty is going up, which's great.
My attention whoring playthrough video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xyw8X4zxdSA

>> No.10021634

Decided to play Baldr Force EXE after Baldr Sky.
Already finished Minori and Ayane's route. I'm pretty disappointed to be honest.

Does this get better?
Minori's route can be barely called a route, it's just an hscene +an ending.
Ayane's route at least feels like a proper route but it still sucked. It failed to make me feel sympathetic for Ayane.

Genha is awesome though. Haha, Gilbert has nothing on this guy.

>> No.10021659

IT does get better. Minori route is just quite bad, Ayane, I atcually liked her, even if her route wasn't too developed. Ryang/Bachelor/Ren are better, Tsukina is neat too, hard last boss fight included.

>> No.10021671

First time I played Baldr Force I dropped it after Minori's route.
I picked up again later and I never regreted it, the game gets much better after Ayane/Minori

>> No.10021699

you NEET?

>> No.10022105
File: 135 KB, 850x1228, sample-9f9de6b41b8345c69abfbc95ed6fea2a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished Chapter 2 of Muramasa.

There better be a great fucking reason why he has to go around killing innocent people.

>> No.10022108

Yes, there is. Chapter 5 will give you all the info you need.

>> No.10022164



I mean, I really liked Ayane the best. Her route's inherently tragic, and she's smokin'. Minori is kind of bland, and Tsukina's route is quite sick.

...So yeah, I thought Ayane's the best girl. And dat body!

>> No.10022182

Ryang was better. She was hot, chinese and she was in a severe need of hot dickings even in the all ages version.

>> No.10022198
File: 470 KB, 800x600, crap;heap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10022215


The anime adaptation really botched everything, though. I mean, by eroge standards, Toru is a fucking badass. He has a smart mouth, is a good pilot, and a great hacker.

In the anime, he does jack shit, and gets slapped around a lot.

I liked Ayane's route, mostly for the twist you could see coming - The OH SHIT factor when she popped the White Shimcram. I felt that her route was the one that resolved the peripheral issue of the story; Finding Yuuya's killer.

I'm a sucker for tragic stories.

Yeah, Ryang had the best body - Hampered by the fact she wasn't a pilot - but I still like Ayane better.

>> No.10022221

If Ryang was a pilot, she would be so best girl no other girl could ever compare to her. It was a shame they couldn't have given her some proto-Chinatsu shumicram with crazy kicks.

>> No.10022227


In the Baldr Force fandisk, she has a red shimcram that's fast and deadly. It's a very weird Roguelike game, where you - Toru - must roam around a virtual dungeon and collect weapons and stuff.

It was the disk with the Duel Savior extra route, though the name escape me: You also fought Selgey from Baldr Bullet as a bonus boss.

>> No.10022245
File: 55 KB, 460x345, ryang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But she did!

>> No.10022300


>> No.10022610

Hey /jp/. I just finished Nine Hours Nine Persons Nine Doors and Virtue's Last Reward and loved the fuck out of both. Do you know of any good VN's that are similar? For the record to get it out of the way, I have already read Ever17.

>> No.10022620

Never7, remember11.

>> No.10023082

Is it possible to play Baldr Force EXE in windowed mode in Windows 7?

>> No.10023101
File: 73 KB, 491x640, Maki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm playing Kanon right now, I did Mai and Shiori's routes already and starting Makoto.

Really wanna play Natsuyume Nagisa.... TL please be quick!!!!!!!!!

>> No.10023109

16 bit.

>> No.10023818

Do Meme and Non's route make Itsusora PS2 worth playing? As in, do they expand on the scenario and setting in a meaningful way?

>> No.10024744

so what's the deal with phonomeno is it free? are more cases coming out? am I stupid as shit?

>> No.10024975

It's marketing for the light novel series. If I remember correct the game is a straight adaption (exactly the same text as in the original) for the first chapter of the first volume.

>> No.10025585


Yeah, this. Also, I was emabrrassingly slow to realize this, but it was written by Hajime Ninomae, who is a Nitroplus guy, which is why it got a VN adaptation.

>> No.10025606

I'm looking forward to this.

>> No.10026673

I have technical question. I plan to move for linux once and for all, but only problem is, how well I will be able to read Japanese visual novels on Linux?

>> No.10026697


Use Wine and pray, or use a Windows VM.

>> No.10026801

Playing the trial made me feel like a genuine child molester.

>> No.10027567
File: 180 KB, 1280x718, death of a marvelous thing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asahi just killed her desuwa, it's not fair at all.

>> No.10027601

What? Asahi fixes Ursule's mangled Japanese in her route?

>> No.10027616

The first thing he tells her is that desuwa and desuno aren't common.
Afterwards her VA does a good job stressing normal desu to show Ursule is containing herself.

>> No.10027711
File: 112 KB, 794x600, 1352568758453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So moe

>> No.10028411
File: 111 KB, 1278x722, cute as fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And finished tsuriotsu with Ursule.
Such a sweet, sweet route, was rooting for her the whole way through, truly the underdog effect inn all its glory. She turned out to be my favorite heroine of the bunch.

>> No.10028542

sorry, short question: how's the music in higurashi? how does it compare to umineko as a whole?

>> No.10028552

First half is free tracks, some are really neat.
Second half you get poeple like dai composing, but overall it's worse, even if it gets tacks like thanks http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IlG4QFwMv6k which I like a lot.

>> No.10028585

and how does it compare to umineko as a whole? for example character, story, atmosphere and such.

i really liked umineko. should i've started with higurashi first? unfortunately i've watched a part of the anime already, though i don't remember much.

>> No.10028598

Better characters/development and doesn't like to spit in your face for liking to think like umineko.
Nails its atmosphere when the mood shifts once watanagashi is near too.

>> No.10028682

i.. i suppose the drawings are just as shitty if not worse? i also heard the translations are bad.
i don't know why i'm nitpicking

>> No.10028698

Translation gets better once you reach kai I heard. For the art (and music) there's the higurashifix patches.
I went with original and ps2 version a few years later.

>> No.10028773

that's good to know. thanks

>> No.10029648
File: 154 KB, 308x442, 683201431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 month, 1 week, 4 days to Golden Dawn, /jp/. Promo movie is out to celebrate.


>> No.10030060
File: 227 KB, 800x600, 200c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo, I'm playing Kokorono, since it was by the same people who made Cross Channel and it looked interesting. I made it to the good end of Miki's route... and what the hell happened? She was afraid of him? That doesn't explain anything at all. I mean sure, that explains her acting the way she does towards him, but you'd think that'd clear up over time. And why the hell is everyone suddenly best friends with her after she fucking STABBED him? That sounds like the exact opposite of what should have happened.

According to the CGs I was supposed to rape her or something? What the hell kinda crack is this game on?

Does this game get any better on anyone else's route?

>> No.10030296
File: 290 KB, 820x662, Elaborate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10033375

Finished Chapter 3 of Muramasa. Hmm. Am I supposed to kill off Kanae, Ichijou, or none of the above?

>> No.10033391

Depends on the route you want.

>> No.10033436


And so the countdown to the end of February begins. Lots of good games coming out Q1 next year, this is just frosting on the cake. Have to save up.

>> No.10033455


PC version when? ;_;

>> No.10033851

Thinking of playing this. How is it?

>> No.10034074
File: 177 KB, 800x600, 585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't either but it's rather highly regarded. The girls are also adorable.

>> No.10034090

Everything from AXL should be fun.

>> No.10034113

>good game


>> No.10034178 [DELETED] 

I liked MLA a lot at least. Chronicles 01-03 weren't great, but they weren't terrible either. The books themselves have a lot of details and narrative about the mecha themselves, so I'm not really objected to, depending on what they do with it, reread it myself in game form.

More importantly though, TE's timeline extends beyond Alternative. It isn't like the infinite amount of branch titles that have come out of it, it happens in the same [/spoiler]dimension[/spoiler], same time, even if the two stories don't really mingle. To that extent, it's an extension of the base material instead of a spinoff, which is enough to warrant some excitement, and even if they just put the books into game form, it would still be not bad at all, not necessarily excellent, but worth playing if you like the series and the mechs.

My biggest concern is if the game will parallel the anime instead, which is a feasible, undesirable outcome since the anime is kind of incompetent.

>> No.10034179

I liked MLA a lot at least. Chronicles 01-03 weren't great, but they weren't terrible either. The books themselves have a lot of details and narrative about the mecha themselves, so I'm not really objected to, depending on what they do with it, reread it myself in game form.

More importantly though, TE's timeline extends beyond Alternative. It isn't like the infinite amount of branch titles that have come out of it, it happens in the same dimension, same time, even if the two stories don't really mingle. To that extent, it's an extension of the base material instead of a spinoff, which is enough to warrant some excitement, and even if they just put the books into game form, it would still be not bad at all, not necessarily excellent, but worth playing if you like the series and the mechs.

My biggest concern is if the game will parallel the anime instead, which is a feasible, undesirable outcome since the anime is kind of incompetent.

>> No.10034547

How closely does the anime follow the story from the books? Because the anime story is shit.

>> No.10034979

It's loose. There's 99.9% less fan service, some of the critical dialogue was carried into it, but it's overshadowed by additional scenes that show more skin than metal. Also, the books have a lot of dialogue and narrative on the Mechas, rather that is the focus entirely. Not being able to have as much descriptive narrative dialogue in the anime makes it a really poor platform for a port.

>> No.10037717

Started Koiiro Marriage earlier.
The art feels incredibly lewd.

>> No.10038512

Anyone got a suggestion for something similar to WA2, Damekoi and Parfait?

>> No.10038518


>> No.10038534

Is it better than Akatsuki no Goei?

>> No.10038832

Of course not.
Oh and if you want to try KoiTate do the psp version.
The protag is voiced by Kugimiya in it

>> No.10038922

Seconded. Midori is one of my favorite characters to date. Curio was really good.

>> No.10039261
File: 782 KB, 1296x755, 11-12-2012 11-03-28 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Game is http://vndb.org/v9093
Somebody must've bumped into the same problem. Patched the game, tried system locale, AppLocale, no avail.
Any idea?

>> No.10039285

Tried setting your formats, both date and location to japan?

>> No.10039353

Fixed the text after format change, but now it freezes when displaying a sprite.

>> No.10039437


This game works perfectly on both my computers so the problem is probably on your end. Try updating your video drivers. Also, run the dx9 install that came with the game (assuming it came with one).

>> No.10039812

I never managed to get this game running. If they continue to use this engine for all of their games I'm probably screwed.

>> No.10039858

Oh yeah, I should add that the game sometimes crashed when I used the skip function, though.

>> No.10040128


I had to use NTLEA for me to get it working (the pic is oozora intro, iirc), so try that.

>> No.10042288


>> No.10043643

seems like there will be some new information from Eushully next week, can't wait

>> No.10043651

IM1&2 remake?

>> No.10043666

I'd hope so and most likely will be, has been while since last IM game. Got this info from their twitter and they didn't really specify what it will be just said there will be something in next weeks magazine

>> No.10044550
File: 15 KB, 256x179, 9856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just wanted to read this vn, and saw rape tag on vndb...so can someone who fimished this vn spoil what's going on, can that rape scene(s) be avoidable, etc.

>> No.10044814

She gets raped.
I didn't actually played the game.

>> No.10044834

Actually, _____________________________________SURPRISE!___________________________

>> No.10044848

why the fuck would you want to avoid rape scenes?

>> No.10046219 [DELETED] 
File: 77 KB, 640x480, baldr_force_741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>10002459 and >>10021634 here
Finished Baldr Force EXE.
You guys were right it did get much better.
Didn't expect it to have the same overarching unravel-the-mystery plot like Sky. After Tsukina's route I was hooked.

I like the brisk pace it has but the pacing was too fast to be honest. The game would've been better if it slowed down a bit and expounded more on the past or added some more character developments for the heroines.

But it really is Baldr Sky's predecessor. You can see how Baldr Sky improved upon it except that Leviathan >> Tranquilizer and Genha >>> Gilbert.
Leviathan actually feels intimidating. I had an Oh Shit! moment whenever it appeared.
Tranquilizer does try to be intimidating on Sora's route but the impact is lost since you were kicking its ass on all the previous routes.
Meanwhile Genha is not only crazier, he has a better reason for being crazy. Gilbert has nothing on this guy.

The soundtrack was also pretty good though I didn't like it at first. It really meshes well with the game.
[記憶のかけら] for example, makes you feel nostalgic. ....Onii-chan.

I just wish Ren got her body back on one of the ending. Also they didn't elaborate on the accident. And why did Reika not recognize Tooru as one of the test subjects? She should've realized it based on his brain chip's serial number.

Now I'm sad I have nothing else to play. ;_;
Is Baldr Bullet Revellion any good? Storywise I mean, I don't really care about the gameplay.

>> No.10046230
File: 1.26 MB, 640x480, baldr_force.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>10002459 and >>10021634 here
Finished Baldr Force EXE.
You guys were right it did get much better.
Didn't expect it to have the same overarching unravel-the-mystery plot like Sky. After Tsukina's route I was hooked.

I like the brisk pace it has but the pacing was too fast to be honest. The game would've been better if it slowed down a bit and expounded more on the past or added some more character developments for the heroines.

But it really is Baldr Sky's predecessor. You can see how Baldr Sky improved upon it except that Leviathan >> Tranquilizer and Genha >>> Gilbert.
Leviathan actually feels intimidating. I had an Oh Shit! moment whenever it appeared.
Tranquilizer does try to be intimidating on Sora's route but the impact is lost since you were kicking its ass on all the previous routes.
Meanwhile Genha is not only crazier, he has a better reason for being crazy. Gilbert has nothing on this guy.

The soundtrack was also pretty good though I didn't like it at first. It really meshes well with the game.
[記憶のかけら] for example, makes you feel nostalgic. ....Onii-chan.

I just wish Ren got her body back on one of the ending. Also they didn't elaborate on the accident. And why did Reika not recognize Tooru as one of the test subjects? She should've realized it based on his brain chip's serial number.

Now I have no drive to play something else. ;_;
Is Baldr Bullet Revellion any good? Storywise I mean, I don't really care about the gameplay.

>> No.10046321

>Is Baldr Bullet Revellion any good?
No, it's shit.
Sky and Force are the only Baldr games worth playing, the other Baldr don't have the same setting anyways, they are about real robots not steampunk stuff

>> No.10046327

Meant Cyberpunk of course.

>> No.10046377
File: 307 KB, 800x600, capture_002_11112012_073147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apart from this general thread, what are some worthwhile sites where you're able to check out / discuss new releases and such? Or find general VN news?
Currently on my list:

Mostly looking for Japanese sites or blogs which list "big VNs of the month" like omochikaeri does. I only know about the above three since they get linked here a lot.

>> No.10046392

Then what's meaning of your answer? C.O.?
I don't like any violence, any problem?

>> No.10046485

The robots there are actually real and not cyberspace stuff?

>> No.10046707

The only site I use is Getchu, especially they're pre-order rankings (to see what people are excited about) and sales rankings (to see what people like that's on sale now). The problem with this is that they obviously won't list things that they don't sell so they'll just fall under the radar (in other words, mostly doujin stuff).

As for places for discussion, in English that is, all the big forums are pretty much filled with English only speakers that rely on terrible translations for discussing things, and with their meager choices, inevitably fall into a circlejerk around the translator and his translation. You can't really develop taste from current (lack of quality and quantity of) translated VNs and you can't really discuss things with people with no taste.

As for the few that can read Japanese, they turn into annoying internet personalities with too many uninformed opinions. (See Moogy). Discussing things in this thread mitigates this somewhat since 1. Everyone here can read Japanese to a certain extent and 2. Anonymity is encouraged.

Also, I'm not sure what it is with VNs (both English and Japanese) that attract the what seems to be the lowest of the lowest common denominator of readers. There are some VNs that have good writing.... and some are just terrible. But they can't seem to tell the difference. It's like they've never read a real literature before.

>> No.10047091

Will Baldr Sky Zero have gameplay?
TEAM BALDRHEAD isn't credited in the product spec page for BSZ.

They were credited for Dive1/2/X:

They're also being credited for the upcoming Material Brave Ignition:

Does this mean Baldr Sky Zero wouldn't have gameplay?

>> No.10047166

>Also, I'm not sure what it is with VNs (both English and Japanese) that attract the what seems to be the lowest of the lowest common denominator of readers.
Let me tell you a story:
About a week after it's release, I wanted to discuss Dive 2, but I couldn't find any threads on /jp/. So I decided I might as well try my luck over at Hongfire.
I found the thread quickly enough, but after scrolling through dozens of "How do I install this?" and "Is this translated?", the first real post I saw was some guy legitimately upset because someone had spoiled the identity of the Dominion Miko.

Thank god for /jp/. I mean who the fuck did he think it was?

>> No.10047245

> But they can't seem to tell the difference. It's like they've never read a real literature before.

So feel free telling me. Maybe I can agree on ones like Romeo, but tell me motives of why, for example, Oujackson writes and characterizes better than any moege writer. Besides verbose.
Or if you don't like or know him, anyone of preference.

>> No.10047491

For doujin games I use this
This guy tries pretty much every doujin games released, great if you want to look at stuff no one talk about

>> No.10047500


I'm not exactly sure what you're asking me to do but to clarify what I was talking about, I was referring to the likes of Katawa Shoujo and its fanbase that thinks its the best thing since Hemingway. I mean, really?

>> No.10047501

Just read Sorechiru or Oretsuba and you'll see why.

>> No.10047683

Big thanks to both of you.

>I mean who the fuck did he think it was?
Poor guy. I was actually expecting some crazy reverse twist considering how damn obvious the whole thing was.

>> No.10047709

『BALDR SKY “ZERO”』 は2013年春予定。


>> No.10047716

Oh, then sorry. I thought it was about the japanese fanbase.

Exemplified because already read, and even liked it.

>> No.10048970
File: 117 KB, 801x599, OT fd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm having way too much fun with this fandisk.

>> No.10050453
File: 734 KB, 958x598, friendzoned.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Flyable CandyHeart.
I hated the time travelling shit they did in Yui's and Suzuno's route.
They should have made if with just porn, like all the other routes.

I was planing to start playing kiminago, but I won't because I didn't liked Mayuri.

>> No.10050470

Unlike the rest of the related games, kiminago is fairly good.

>> No.10050785

That reminds me, I never got around to finishing Flyable Heart. I reached Suzuno's route and just let it sit there. I'll probably play Kiminago at some point, though.

>> No.10050870
File: 382 KB, 1024x626, 2012-01-12-466715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you fapped to Nishimata ero.

>> No.10050893

>blue uniforms
They are so much better than the pink ones.
Also I haven't had the time for the ero yet, considering I'm doing about one segment/day as a break from other VN.

>> No.10050945

That's like... 3 copypasted faces, with the exact same expression and one moved slightly to our left.

>> No.10051405

While it's an overall endemic in the otaku industry, that Shuffle artist has an admittedly extra bad case of same-face.

>> No.10051450
File: 332 KB, 1024x634, 2012-01-04-464683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They aren't exactly the same.

>> No.10051477
File: 366 KB, 1024x683, 2012-01-12-466717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's more like people see her art more often than Carnelian and Nanao Naru.

>> No.10051589
File: 374 KB, 409x435, e96b2a933051a8a59d64b0cb14b56709.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10051688
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sameface animated gif time?

>> No.10051707
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>> No.10051798 [DELETED] 
File: 35 KB, 490x586, 134406901522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

le fellrio when no vn to play

>> No.10051809 [DELETED] 
File: 147 KB, 481x334, battlefeel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that feel.....

>> No.10051821
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>> No.10051848 [DELETED] 
File: 292 KB, 800x1222, Lindsay-Lohan-Dick-Cheney-36069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lel what's going on in here?

>> No.10051857


>> No.10051890

you mean nishimata isn't the only person who has done this? omg

>> No.10052410
File: 55 KB, 800x600, wewew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to give a try on Yozusoft projects...
Which one I should start with?
ExE looks good, but Bra-ban looks also fun.

>> No.10052669

Why not try some of their recent ones like Noble Works, Tenshi Ranman and Dracu-riot

>> No.10052760

Oh, Lucky or Unlucky! I'm also interesed on that one...
On dracu riot... Not much, because it's already being translated.
Guess gonna give a try on Tenshi Ranman.

>> No.10052840

In case you care, Tenshin Ranman is also being translated.

>> No.10052862

Fine then...
Gonna read ExE or/and Bra-Ban while waiting for Dracu-riot and Tenshi Ranman translations.

>> No.10053340


Trial is out.

>> No.10053913

To sum up their early games:
Bra-ban: shit sucks. Repetitive, annoying loli and her voice, fucked up the osananajimi route out of all things.
ExE: keep the mystery up for way too long, but shit pays off good. Action is okay. Pity for no imouto route.
Natsuzora Kanata: bittersweet, maybe for you, maybe not. Good atmosphere on slice of life parts, bullshit too much on the supernatual parts. Futaba is fucking great (no route for her, shame).

Their later games are being translated so I'll play them then.

>> No.10053968
File: 195 KB, 495x700, I+find+the+lack+of+touhou+cosplays+disturbing+_4f85ba01659b61883c6f9d5df07d761b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Game is http://vndb.org/v5734
>Gone to agthdb
>Didn't find shit

>> No.10054109
File: 11 KB, 256x103, 14174798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone ever managed to get any of the Konbuni games, such as Tetteiteki Futanari Sengen,working?

I've changed my locale, location, language and tried NTLEA and I keep getting this error message.

>> No.10054192


Just finished downloading the trial, but I'm having trouble installing it. Specifically, it isn't able to be extracted to the temp folder regardless of which mirror I downloaded from, whether I changed the folder or turned off user control account. Does anyone else have a similar problem as well?

>> No.10054193

It's the same problem recent LS trials have had, I think.

>> No.10054446

Oh damn, that's unfortunate. I guess I will see if there's any extracted version folder floating around. Thanks for the answer though.

>> No.10054450

I'm going to give it a go at extracting... when it finished in two more hours.

>> No.10054514

It could be hot if you have an identical-siblings fetish - you can pretend that all the girls are twins, or triplets or quadruplets!

>> No.10054576
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>> No.10054592

Have the countdown pics started already?

>> No.10054675 [DELETED] 
File: 395 KB, 850x850, 31034479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If not they're nowhere that I can see.

By the way, deadline for participation in their Twitter campaign has passed but you might be able to politely beg your way into being let in anyhow if you do it within the next too days. (Praying my luck holds out ;_;)

>> No.10054704
File: 134 KB, 450x340, 30568296_p12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, not yet it seems.

By the way, deadline for participation in their Twitter campaign has passed but you might be able to politely beg your way into being let in anyhow if you do it before the 16th. (Praying my luck holds out ;_;)

>> No.10054869
File: 231 KB, 800x600, 7250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hating Ebi

Kill yourself.

>> No.10054994
File: 127 KB, 1041x767, ourai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems you just need to set your location/times to japan for it to work. It may freeze and do it slow as sin, but it ends up working.
Also seems liar soft has finally upped up its resolution a bit.

>> No.10055445

how is it?

>> No.10055446

I am about to start shukufuku no kagami no oto, but its less than 1.5gb
is the quality good or is it just short?

>> No.10055512

Dies Irae will never be translated.

>> No.10055886

The trial is chpater 3, so I'm kind of hesitant, considering how much they tend to spoil.
It finally got full-body sprites that don't stop when the background disappears at least.

>> No.10056060

Playing Dream Club Portable at the moment. Somehow, I got Nao's normal end which was kind of disappointing. Do you have to play through twice to unlock the good ending or something?

>> No.10056145

/jp/ what are some good VNs story wise?

i've read these and enjoyed them very much for the story:
1. muv luv alternative
2. g senjou no maou
3. sharin no kuni
4. ever17
5. kara no shoujo

>> No.10056168


umineko and higurashi
but NOW! because you're going to get spoiled hard, unless you haven't been already

>> No.10056182

English only?

>> No.10056199

yeah i can only read english

>> No.10056208

no I also read a jewish novel once

"The Book".was pretty fucked up

>> No.10056245

Give Little Busters and Hoshizora no Memoria a try

>> No.10056254

You'll probably be better off asking /vg/, then, since they'd be more up to date on what has and hasn't been translated.

Off the top of my head: Saya no Uta, Steins;Gate, Cross Channel, Fate/stay night, Swan Song, and Symphonic Rain have been translated, plus Higurashi/Umineko as already mentioned. Subahibi and Grisaia no Kajitsu are currently being translated, and you should definitely play those when they're done.

If you like nakige, try Key's stuff, especially Planetarian, Clannad, and Little Busters. Kirakira is good, too.

>> No.10057136 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.14 MB, 1286x768, WHITE ALBUM2_2012-11-14_15-54-09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I banged my knee against my desk and cursed so loud when this shit happened in WA2:IC that my roommate asked if I was alright.

God fucking damn it, too early, I don't want this to be happening.

>> No.10057239

What does your roommate think of you playing hentai games?

>> No.10057274
File: 259 KB, 1280x720, koiimar3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it because of the mindbreak/swirl eyes?

>> No.10057403

Combined with 2 or 3 of the H scene CGs, you could probably trick someone into believing that there really is mindbreak in it, empty eyes and all. Or rape. Or worse, mindbreak rape NTR.

>> No.10057414
File: 363 KB, 929x745, 0021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has to be the most stupid and spineless MC in the history of eroge. Reading the narration is like a constant struggle with my embarrassment.

>> No.10057468

Alas. If only the game had those things it might have been better.

>> No.10057631

so what was that one VN that bad a big deal about the difference between pros and amateurs?

>> No.10057687

I skipped around with that one many times when the protag goes in monologue mode. At least the tsundere sister and the slutty girl make it up.

>> No.10057697
File: 174 KB, 800x600, Rakuen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean this one?

>> No.10057824

no it's all shonen with tons of speeches on the difference between pros and amatures.

>> No.10058090
File: 683 KB, 929x745, 0022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>slutty girl

Don't remind me. I first thought she's the best girl, but then she casually started, and never stopped talking about how she's the cheapest whore on the planet.

Are there even other girls except those two?

>> No.10058478

It's more the color palette and shading that makes it feel so lewd to me I think.

>> No.10058556
File: 50 KB, 533x400, sample01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone tried Mind Hacker yet?
I have always been a fan of roguelikes so I was pretty certain I was going to find at least some enjoyment out of this.

>> No.10058977

Being Risona is suffering. Minato is probably next in line.
I thought it was pretty good, but I went into it with zero expectations.

>> No.10059416
File: 393 KB, 1281x698, Luna-sama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck I wonder why it feels so good to be praised by Luna-sama.

>> No.10059482

Just got done reading Ichijou's h-scene.
At the beginning of the scene scene, you see Kageaki doing it with a long haired blue chick.
In chapter 5, you see a flash back where Subaru tells her husband that Hikaru isn't his child.
Also in chapter 5, Hikaru claims that her goal is to have both herself and her father become gods.
From his encounter with Ginseigou on the island, it seems that she wants to have Kageaki grow as a fighter.
Please don't tell me that Kageaki fucked his mom. Because for such a big spoiler, they kind of ruined it with that flashback image at the beginning of the h-scene.

>> No.10059500

>Subaru tells her husband that Hikaru isn't his child.
She wasn't particularly speaking to her husband, the game was telling you something you were too dense to figure out.

>> No.10060969
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>> No.10060987

what game is this and has it been translated yet?

>> No.10061002

>has it been translated yet?
The answer to that question is always NO.

>> No.10061006

http://vndb.org/v10680 and it only came out recently, so no.

>> No.10061009

always saddens me


thank you kind sir - then i need to continue learning japanese! GO!

>> No.10061014


FUCK, I guess there is no reason to wait for this anymore.

>> No.10061043

>trap protagonist
>all-girls school
Damn. I've been busy with reading old stuff and haven't followed any new releases lately. Is this actually as interesting as the premise makes it sound like?

>> No.10061174

99% of the time, no it isn't. In this case, no, it isn't, but at least they show SOME reaction to it.. That doesn't stop the game itself from being fairly good though.
It also isn't uncommon with trap protagonists, since there are few other reasons they'd need to do it in the first place

>> No.10061288

Fuck my life, damn it I'm pissed. I preordered it and everything already too. There goes this month.

>> No.10061350

I'm happy as long as I'm wrong since this "twist" that I thought of is retarded.

>> No.10061363

Muramasa isn't about any twist of sort.
If you see something that seem obvious then it's supposed to be obvious

>> No.10061378

Kongiku is best Muramasa

>> No.10061413

It's... still better than the older resolution I suppose.

>> No.10061682
File: 296 KB, 1296x973, nanatsufushigi03-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For some reason I haven't been reading a whole the last few weeks, slowly getting back to it, though.
Somewhere in this one right now.
Once again I notice I seem to enjoy pretty much everything as long as the art is beautiful. The setting / story is still pretty interesting, though.
And well, basically, this girl is pretty awesome. And the mc gets on pretty good with her.
The only negative point is how their school uniforms look like they're doing part time in some circus show after school or something. I can get over that, though.

>> No.10061991

Seems konozora crashes every time I try to start a video. At least I really wasn't dying to play it or anything.

>> No.10062012

nothing i pay her silence for a blowjob

>> No.10065415
File: 136 KB, 650x488, guac_event10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still reading the trial, god this guy is entertaining. Eccentric, suiperiority complex, pretty much a dick mixed with troll and badass when he needs to. Good interactions with Neon too, who is basically the second coming of Mary, assistant version.

>> No.10065495

So in return for not saying anything, you generously allow her to suck your cock, dude?

>> No.10065622


>> No.10065659

Someone know a VN like this?
not Majikoi

>> No.10065728

Does LB have an uplifting ending? I'm scared of starting Refrain.

>> No.10065757
File: 71 KB, 476x666, 30614620_p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> basically the second coming of Mary, assistant version.

brb preordering three copies

>> No.10065759

Nishimata really has improved. She can now draw two whole distinct faces.

>> No.10065771

No, Minato and Mizuho still look the same, Luna and Ursule are by other artist.

>> No.10065794

Was there really another artist on this game?

Well now I feel a bit silly. That does explain several things though. And the multiple-artist art is quite well integrated, unlike other games that do that (Grisaia).

>> No.10065805

I'm not sure what you meant by well integrated.

Half of the casts is designed by Suzuhira while the other half is by Nishimata, which I believe was the same for Grisaia with Watanabe and Fumio.

>> No.10065810

Come on /jp/ help me.

>> No.10065910

If you want more delinquent girls you're probably out of luck. Part of why I enjoyed the game so much is because it filled a gaping void.

>> No.10065929
File: 1.13 MB, 1920x1200, 7kiri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best Yuri Ghosts.

>> No.10065932

Seriously. I can't even think of one other game that has even one as a heroine and isn't tagged. Hell, all that comes to mind is Erika from BBA.

>> No.10065937

Wouldn't WA2 count? Kazusa is a delinquent.

>> No.10065941
File: 637 KB, 760x804, 4758-930728799.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could try Gokudou no Hanayome. It's more Yakuza than Yankee, but there was a twin-tailed gang leader who looked kind of like Rena.

>> No.10065976
File: 381 KB, 1280x720, playthrough 16.mp4_snapshot_00.43_[2012.11.16_08.25.26].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Continued from >>10006295

Last played: None. Planetside 2 doesnt count. It was shit.

Currently playing: Well I'm still playing Eiyuu Senki. Figured out a way to get into New Zealand without any losses, felt pretty good. Video cast of my successful attempt: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Div7t5ssvPQ&t=11m26s

Going to play: Waiting for sangoku hime 2's patch. Gonna check out that new softhouse seal title that I downloaded but forgot to play.

>> No.10066536
File: 154 KB, 554x284, topimagegrisaia2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I meant that the two art styles complement each other enough that the cast looks like an integrated whole, and that you could mistake one for the other if you didn't know any better.

I like Grisaia, but the difference between the designs by Fumio and Poyoyon Rock (screw the name change) is much more pronounced, to the point where Yumiko and Michiru look out of place.

>> No.10066541

I don't know if I'm more looking forward to the sequel (mostly for bishoujo Masamune) or towards the console releases, just because I'm dying to know what they're going to do about some of the more risque characters designs (Ashoka, Caesar, etc.)

>> No.10066552

It's an old game; the graphics would probably start to show jags and stuff if they upscaled it any more.

>> No.10066654

It had a Xbox 360 release, I'm sure they got around this problem before

>> No.10066785

They had a brown teddy bear censoring ashoka in one of their youtube promo videos. I dont think they'll thinly veil their censorship attempt for the console release. Maybe a Gold-plated bra for ashoka and white paper parchments for the other girl whose name I forgot. She got white hair as weapons.

You should look forward to the sequel. They are definitely adding h-scenes for fan favorite characters like Percival.

>> No.10067087

>I meant that the two art styles complement each other enough that the cast looks like an integrated whole, and that you could mistake one for the other if you didn't know any better.

This is very funny because it had the opposite effect for me. Shuffle's two artists look extremely distinct to me while I didn't even know Grisaia had two different character designers until it was mentioned in this thread.

>> No.10067179


The most obvious is where they do the CG - Yuuji in Fumio is reasonably buff, while the other person draw him as a thin pretty boy. For me Yumiko stood out the most, Michiru is all right.

>> No.10067238

You'll be fine, don't worry about it. Prepare to shed some bitch tears along the way, though.

>> No.10067429

bump limit
new thread >>10067427
