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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9989309 No.9989309 [Reply] [Original]

Do they actually sit like this is Japan?

It looks uncomfortable as fuck.

>> No.9989322

More importantly,why is Saber sitting like that?

She's not even japanese.

>> No.9989325

Meh. More or less, just depends on the person

>> No.9989329
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Still better than this

>> No.9989330

Go back to your own country with that fucking Arcueid stupid Saber.

>> No.9989343

arthur was a weeaboo

>> No.9989353

Much, much better. I've always sat like the OP; I thought it was a common thing even outside of Japan.

>> No.9989362

It is, everyone in my country sit like this.
I'm also sitting like this right now.

>> No.9989364

I've always sat like that. Are you sure that's only restricted to Japan, OP?

>> No.9989365

Jeez, I sat like this for about an hour straight once. It was fine at the time, but my foot underneath my leg hurt like HELL when I stood up.

>> No.9989367

I don't know what's so special about this either.

>> No.9989371

I think people sit cross legged pretty much everywhere? It's even called agura, or "barbarian/foreign sitting" in Japan. It's very comfortable, that's how I always sit on the floor.

Now seiza, that just feels bad and destroys one's knees.

>> No.9989378

Yeah, people do it here in the States, too. I remember when I was a kid in school they told us to sit "Indian style."

They probably don't call it that anymore.

>> No.9989381

There's a reason it's customary to only sit like that for as long as the host makes you.

>> No.9989386

All the 3rd and 2nd worlders sit like that. Only us Europeans use chairs.

Are you talking about the exact same pose as in the OP, OP? There is the one where you have to stretch your legs a bit less but the legs are then below you, it is easier but starts to hurt as hell after a while. I sit 80% of the time like in the OP. It is the only way I can stretch a lot, I can almost tilt 90° frontward. Otherwise I cannot even touch my feet while standing.

>> No.9989403

It's a common sitting style in Asia, not just 3rd or 2nd worlders.

>> No.9989399

I've always heard it referred to as "criss cross (apple sauce)".

>> No.9989409

It's pretty much the best way to sit on the floor if you're ever in a situation where you have to.

>> No.9989418

It's actually very comfortable. I sometimes sit in chairs like that, too.

>> No.9989419
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What about this kind of sitting?
I've never saw someone from my country sitting like that.
The few times I tried to sit like this I had the impression of breaking my legs.

>> No.9989424

That's how I always sit anyway - honestly I sit in my chair like that most of the time as well.

>> No.9989426

I think only girls can do it.

>> No.9989428

Only cute, little girls can sit like that.

>> No.9989430

I don't understand. She is just sitting cross legged? I always sit like this, except my legs are so bendy I sit with both legs flat on the ground, its the most comfortable way.

>> No.9989431

Are you implying i'm not a cute little girl?

>> No.9989432

That's a feminine sitting style, commonly called yokozuwari in Japan. Southeast Asian has that style too.

>> No.9989434


>> No.9989437

I'm sitting in my chair with all of my limbs packed into the seat. It's comfortable.

>> No.9989445

I-is this what they call ``seating position otaku''?

>> No.9989448

But Asia is 2nd and 3rd world.

>> No.9989446

Not every house in Japan is Japanese styled

>> No.9989456


>All the 3rd world and 2nd worlders sitlike that.

Fun fact, Ireland, Finland, Sweden, Mexico, and EVERYTHING in South America except that one french territory, is third world countries.

Iran, the Philippines, Thailand, Angola, and mizambique, are all first world countries.

>> No.9989459

Wtf man? I always sat like that when I was small.

>> No.9989461

Japan was a capitalist power. It is first world. Other than that though, you're mostly right.

>> No.9989462

Fun fact, there are no more 3rd, 2nd or 1st world countries, we aren't in Cold War anymore

>> No.9989465


>> No.9989469


Sweden isn't a third-world country. I don't really care what your dumb NATO-fueled definitions of 'first world', 'second-world' and 'third-world' are. Colloquially, a highly developed country is first-world and a lowly developed country is third-world. We're using the colloquial definition.

>> No.9989480

Who the fuck sits on the floor? Stop it guys.

>> No.9989483

Put some cream on those hemorrhoids, Sven-Erik.

>> No.9989488

You mean Karl Ulfsson, lgbt activist.

>> No.9989498

As a Finnish person I am very happy Swedens reputation has been reduced to gays, homosexuals and privileges.

>> No.9989507


When people refer to it though, it (should) be them referring to a country's alignment in the cold war.

By the way, Sweden IS a third world country it's not like it's a insult Henrik. If anything it's a sign that your country isn't stupid by not getting involved with the US or Soviet Union's bullshit.

>> No.9989502

you can't do it if you are a fat, chubby, obese little girl either.

>> No.9989503


>> No.9989512

Calm down, Åke Mohammed. It is cold war terminology, not some classification system of a developed country.

>> No.9989513

meh, that's better than being a gay.

>> No.9989530

Fuck off, mongol untermensch.

>> No.9989535

Stay angry gaybag. You have never even won a war.

>> No.9989538

Why is /jp/ changing the topic of the threads so easily recently?
Fuck off, it's being worse than /a/

>> No.9989549

How would you know? Do you go there a lot?

>> No.9989551

As a Swedish person i cri

>> No.9989552

The topics of shit threads change easily.

>> No.9989553

I used to

>> No.9989554

/a/ has been mixing with /pc/ and /pol/ recently.

>> No.9989779

It's going to happen to every board eventually. We'll have nowhere to hide when that time comes.

>> No.9989820

That's a pretty damn good fapping position, at least if you're not fat.

>> No.9989894

I've never seen anyone besides my sister sit like that, but she's knock-kneed so her knees/hips are kind of messed up.

>> No.9993110

so random XDDDD

>> No.9993149

That's how we had to sit during Primary school, in Canada.

We also did this.

>> No.9993164

I used to sit like that as a kid. My parents told me to stop it and yelled at me whenever I did it again.

>> No.9993171
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>first world

>> No.9993189

1st world = America and its allies
2nd world = COMMUNISTS
3rd world = shitholes

>> No.9993195


1st world: JAPAN
2nd world: Communists
3rd word: Americans, it's allies and everything else

>> No.9993197

you're being a hypocrite.


>> No.9993204

>3rd world

Fuckin' filtered

>> No.9993214

I hated sitting like OP's image, but whenever we had assemblies I would sit like >>9989329 and then after I wouldn't be able to stand up. It was fun.

>> No.9993274

Enjoying the south of U S of A mate?

>> No.9993286

You blimey 'merrifat?

>> No.9993303

How's that healthcare working out, anon?

>> No.9993306

ur fukin lame for being racist

no bullying on /jp/


>> No.9993314

Available for purchase like always. If it were 3rd world, you would have to fly to another country for healthcare.

>> No.9993315

I always sit like that. Always. It's comfortable as fuck, but then again, I have really flexible legs.

>> No.9993316

I don't know what you're saying because I filtered you a long time ago but it's probably shitposting as usual. Please leave.

>> No.9993319

Do 'merrifats seriously believe this? If healthcare must be purchased you're living in 3rd world.

>> No.9993320

When I was in kindergarten my teacher made us sit like that all the time and called it "criss cross applesauce". I just think it's comfortable. I even use that position in my chair if I'm alone, which is always.

When I was in high school I discovered some people are so weak and/or fat they can't stand up from this position without the aid of their hands. It gave me a sense of superiority, for some reason.

>> No.9993325

This might come as a shock to you, but we're not in the 1900s anymore.

>> No.9993330

If you live in a 3rd world nation, yet still have access to healthcare, it's probably from an international volunteer organization like that's giving it for free.

The fact you have to pay for it proves that we are a 1st world nation.

>> No.9993331

why the fuck should healthcare be free

should food and clothing be free too

>> No.9993349

They really do. It's insanity. Speaking as an American, I have to deal with being surrounded by people who are proud of having the second-worst healthcare after Mexico.

>> No.9993356

Why do you hate freedom so much, traitor?

>> No.9993358

Because patriot act.

Americans don't deserve to use the word freedom.

>> No.9993365

Healthcare isnt free for a reason

>> No.9993372
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>> No.9993369

It is for me. Thank god for disability benefits.

>> No.9993370

I'm actually sitting like that right now.

then again, my back's against a wall.

>> No.9993373
File: 197 KB, 575x658, wrong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no free healthcare
You pay for it with taxes

>> No.9993399

Why would anyone pay taxes when you can easily avoid them with loopholes?

>> No.9993392


>> No.9993394

In Israel we use the money the goyim sends us.

>> No.9993404

I'm so fat that I can't sit comfortably in the floor other than lying with my legs extended.

>> No.9993414
File: 19 KB, 250x250, Averagebankowner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9993415

Fun fact: Health Care costs aren't the same worldwide.

>> No.9993420

Where the HELL do you think you are? Everyone here thinks EVERYTHING should be free.

>> No.9993452

They're still not free, it just always boggles me that people say their health-care is free

Not everyone is clever enough to do that,
I don't even know how you would avoid taxes on things such as income, unless you have an own business. And you still can't claim 100% of all taxes there

There's also sales tax, how would you avoid that?

Maybe you're informed enough to do so but most people aren't and they all pay their taxes.

My point is health-care is not free

>> No.9993468

It's better to pay 30% taxes and have the majority of things done by a capable government than to pay less and have an incapable government. 'murrika isn't good place rebulitard.

>> No.9993474
File: 89 KB, 404x350, 1231535456644444222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm neither American nor did I say that their health-care system is good
And I agree with your point
It seems you have trouble comprehending what you read

>> No.9993479

I got in a fight and my jaw got messed up so I went tot he ER. All they did was have me sit on a bed for 30 minutes then a guy came in and looked at me, then another guy took me away to get a scan in a machine that looked to be 20 years old.

Fast forward a few months and I get a bill in the mail for $5000. I just can't see how what little care I got translates to a bill that makes up more money than I've ever held in my hand. America really is a shithole when it comes to stuff like this.

Of course I have no intentions of ever paying them although I might have if they sent a reasonable invoice.

>> No.9993493

If you don't have insurance, tell them. Tell them you can't pay that much out of pocket, you'll probably get it reduced. They try to rip off insurance companies because they're obligated to pay.
Of course you'll still be paying too much but it shouldn't be so ridiculous.
Can't hurt to try

>> No.9993506

Except for vaccinations when I was a kid, I've never even been to a doctor in my life. I've had this lump near my navel since I was in high school, but I don't have any money, so I just ignore it. That and I don't even know the process. There's no doctor in my town. Would I go to a hospital in the city and... ask for someone to look at it? Fuck if I know. Have no way to get there, anyway.

Never been to a dentist, either, but I brush every day so hopefully that helps me. One of my teeth in the back is broken, though. I just ignore it. It's so far back no one can see it, at least.

>> No.9993510

How much? They asked if I had insurance when I was there and I told them no.

To be frank I wouldn't be willing to pay anything over a few hundred bucks, I don't have the cash to be buying some overpaid nurse's kid a car

>> No.9993514

>I got in a fight
Jew don't belong here.

>> No.9993517

Thread derailed by Obamacare
