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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 218 KB, 1408x1056, room.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9984054 No.9984054 [Reply] [Original]

There are two kinds of hiki bedrooms, those really messy, nasty ones that haven't been cleaned or tidied in years, or those that are immaculate, decorated and maintained.

I have to say, I am always impressed by the latter. I would let one of you do my interior design, except I wouldn't want any otaku shit but I'm sure you can work with that.

Please post more of these rooms, I need ideas.

>> No.9984058

>except I wouldn't want any otaku shit
Why not?

>> No.9984064
File: 259 KB, 1128x752, room 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just wouldn't feel comfortable having it on display. Maybe some movie memorabilia would be fine, but no anime.

>> No.9984066

>immaculate, decorated and maintained.
>shit on a shelf
nigga what

>> No.9984072

>except I wouldn't want any otaku shit.
So why are you on /jp/ - Otaku Culture?

>> No.9984079

>but no anime.
What about VN or OC art? You need to stop hiding. There comes nothing good out of that. People need to accept the real you.

>> No.9984082


I also post on /hc/, should I hand hardcore pornography on wall too?

>> No.9984080


You can't see the subtle colour complementarity, composition, choice of furniture etc.

>> No.9984081

I love cleaning so much I make my room really dirty then clean it to prefection repeatedly
It's really fun

>> No.9984091
File: 654 KB, 3072x2304, IMG_044480808080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I play?

Haven't left my house in 13 years

>> No.9984093

You posted this thread on /jp/, so it's a different matter.

>> No.9984094

that's lewd so it's compeltely different

>> No.9984101


You should probably go outside and see how the wrold has changed. I imagine it'll feel like coming out of prison after a life sentence.

>> No.9984106

Do you like hardcore pornography? Then go ahead.
However, I don't like pornography so I'm unsure if that would be appropiate. I decorate my walls with panties and lewd clothing but I go no further than that.

Looks like time froze when you were 14 year olds.

>> No.9984107

Paint your room white
Go down to your nearest Ikea
Post your room on the internet because you now have officially good taste!

>> No.9984110


that sounds... fucking frightening.

There are people out there. NORMAL PEOPLE.

Yeah it did... I just took down my nintendo power posters. I am 26 now.

Still got the nirvana poster on my door (I never listened to them)

>> No.9984113


Most people don't care, they are just looking for a conversation topic. I have both in my room (movie posters and otaku merch) old people will just ignore the figs and talk about the movies.

>> No.9984122

>That penguin hanging from the ceiling

So adorable :'O

>> No.9984118

How to get hot sexy anime girls as PS3 wallpaper?

>> No.9984129

then get out of /jp/ and ask /v/ for advice

>> No.9984130

Don't forget to hang lots of black boxes with mirrors in the middle so you won't have to think about decorating the walls.

>> No.9984124

Why are they people in your room?

>> No.9984126

Save an image to a usb and put it on your PS3.

>> No.9984131

I don't have a USB aside from 3 1TB USB hard drives filled with VN, would those work?

>> No.9984134


>> No.9984136

I don't think Playstation 3 supports USB 3. Are they backwards compatible?

>> No.9984137

If you post on /hc/ you should get the HELL out of /jp/.

>> No.9984138


>> No.9984139

Please don't use those hard drives like that. The hard drive I'm using used to be usb and it moved slow as shit and failed in less than a year. Remove the usb adapter and connect it with SATA.

>> No.9984144

I doubt he's running them from it, rather storing them. I hope you didn't think external harddrives were for anything other than storage.

>> No.9984145

That is correct, I'm storing the ISOs and patches on them.

I also keep it unplugged when they're not in use.

>> No.9984146

That theme OP image has isn't just a wallpaper, it's an actual PS3 theme. US and especially EU psn store is kind of lacking, so it's most likely from the JP psn store. You can get free themes from JP psn and just use them on your EU/NA account.

>> No.9984148

test it dude, it should work

>> No.9984149

Really? I'll have to check it out then

>> No.9984153

There are custom themes as well.

I don't think Sony would have an official Littlewitch theme.

>> No.9984157

Relatives, visors, house guests. I live with a parent, step parent, two brothers, two grand parents and a tenet. We have the biggest house in the immediate family so every body congregates around hear during the holidays, birthdays as well. Just a minuet ago my uncle was hear asking about what the plains are for my grandfather birthday tonight. This is getting blogy but you asked. Also I'm am the only person in the house who can use computer properly so somebody is comeing to me tec help daily. On top of this because I have the nice room in the house despite my tastes, when people do visit my mom just *has* to show them my room.

>> No.9984159


>> No.9984163

>On top of this because I have the nice room in the house despite my tastes
It is getting a bit bloggy, but would you mind posting your room? You have intrugued my curiousity.

>> No.9984181

I hate those fake Otaku rooms that are obviously not from shut ins.
This is more what a room should look like.

>> No.9984185
File: 144 KB, 1280x960, lr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My bedroom is totally unremarkable. Glass top computer desk with my headphone amp and some modest B&W bookshelf speakers. Bookcase with art books, and a couple figures here and there. Absolutely zero art on the walls.

My main figure cabinet is in the unused spare bedroom on the ground floor. My plan was to turn that room into a creepy office for myself and get my computer out of my bedroom, but that plan will probably never happen.

I spend most of my time here in the living room, with the large selection of anime and game crap to the right behind the couch, in what normal people would use as a dining room. No one seems to like how the place is set up though. I've gotten comments in the past from people on /jp/ saying my previous place was better.

>> No.9984191
File: 139 KB, 1072x804, previous.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Previous setup.

Also, Japan General motherfuckers.

>> No.9984201

Not a shut in.
We don't need you or your pics here.

>> No.9984203

I'm not but I sure feel like it, my mom just lectured my on how inappropriate it was to get up a 3pm because "how many people depend on me."

Nicest room relative to the rest of my house, it still dose not hold a candle to some thing like op post or these two
Its messy and incomplete, please don't make me.

>> No.9984206

Stop room-policing.

>> No.9984211


suuuuuuugoi onichan

>> No.9984213

Why do you have TWO Xbox 360's, both with custom faceplates? Different regions?

I prefer your new setup, less cramped.

>> No.9984215

I'm just pointing out the losers with jobs, what's wrong with that? If you don't like our board go back to /v/ or /a/.

>> No.9984217

Shut-in doesn't automatically mean poor and sloppy. You can have a source of income.

>> No.9984219

What's so good about a room that's barely used by it's owner?

>> No.9984227

I dont get it

>> No.9984230

>On the desktop.

>> No.9984238

I'm saying he's slaving his time at his workplace away while he could spend it in his room with his hobbies. People like him buy tons of shit just for the sake of it but don't even use it.

If you take a look at those pics you can see that he's not always at home.

>> No.9984241

Once again we can see how horrible consoles, and their users are. It's not even like you own the things anymore, you've got the same freedom as if you're renting their hardware (consoles bans etc). 2 Consoles? Should have just build a desktop.

>> No.9984244


You're just a moron, and probably new as fuck too. How are you so confident in anyone's employment status? How do you know I don't obtain money through non-job related activity, or interest from pre-existing wealth? That's right... you don't.


Yeah, NTSC-J.

>> No.9984246

I don't see it. Everything there relates to his hobbies which keep him indoors. Stop reaching.

>> No.9984247
File: 29 KB, 500x500, 1344322358251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sono kimochi when you will never be middle class or up

>> No.9984254


Well not everyone can stay jobless forever. We have a term for that, the truNEETs.

I would buy tons of shit too if I had too much money at the end of the month.

>> No.9984257


How did you afford this shit?

>> No.9984260

>Should have just build a desktop.

Did that too, and for many games I prefer it immensely. For example, playing VNs on consoles, to me, is just stupid.

>> No.9984262

spoonfeed me this image please

>> No.9984263

Xbox 360 being region locked and requiring an additional console to play Japanese games is common knowledge. But I do agree with you. My xbox 360 got a random red ring death a few weeks ago too.

>> No.9984265
File: 37 KB, 127x183, 132461542164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9984269

Reverse Google search. It's the only result.

>> No.9984271


Stock market games... Which of course disproves the dork bitching about jobs and shut-ins. Seriously, that rack of entertainment equipment was about 20k total, and I didn't really pay for a dime of it with money I worked for myself. Thank you shareholders!

>> No.9984275
File: 172 KB, 500x711, 1202138070266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9984279


His assumption was reasonable. Most people don't have the brains or the start-up money to make this much through the stock market.

>> No.9984280


if you iqdb that one you can get slightly higher resolution images

>> No.9984283 [DELETED] 

My room is tidy but pretty desolate.

>> No.9984322


In some cases it doesn't take that much of an initial investment. Just think about the people that purchased Apple when it was below $10 per share before it marched up to $600.
I don't really think it takes brains either... Mostly you just need to pay attention to what's happening within certain companies. Sometimes you can make a boatload of money if you hop on a stock just as the company is being purchased. Take for example the Riverbed purchase of OPNET, whose stock surged from the mid teens to over $40 very quickly. Be quick, get in early, and you're golden.

>> No.9984327

Imagine if you had bought google stock when they were new.

>> No.9984333


Exactly. You wouldn't exactly be worrying about work. You'd be taking it easy.

>> No.9984396

imagine if you had gotten the right lottery numbers
you wouldnt be worrying about stock markets, you'd be taking it easy

>> No.9984443

More likely to be killed in a terroist attack in America.

You would be smarter to work for the lottery commission instead of buying tickets.

You odds are that fucking low

>> No.9984595
File: 78 KB, 817x595, ..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I once was upper middle class and now broke as fuck

>> No.9984604
File: 59 KB, 400x388, gopnik frog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9985332

get out of /jp/, arno

>> No.9985398
File: 1.32 MB, 800x848, 1292957592557.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels bad man.

>> No.9985457

I know that feel.

>> No.9986899

>Learning Python.

>> No.9986576

very frog there bro

>> No.9986903

Nice record player, Hipstar.

>> No.9986918

What's with that suspicious white cord next to your XBAWX controller? It looks like it belongs to a certain brand of computers..

>> No.9986597

You're not even middle class? That must suck.

>> No.9986945

Outside of /g/, nobody really gives a fuck it somebody bought a Macbook.

>> No.9986939

Actually, I think I recognize those couches. Are you the oldfag?

I like your setup.

>> No.9987039

Nice food there.

>> No.9987063

Actually, only Homos like you don't care, like they don't care whether they get HIV or not.

>> No.9988179

I was given a MacBook Pro as a present. It didn't have a receipt so I decided just to keep and use it as a replacement to my existing laptop. That is, use Bootcamp and Windows on it. U mad machipsters?

>> No.9988242

>Windows on it
It burns!

>> No.9988263

The hipster butthurt is delicious. Someone once asked me what MacOS version I was using in a class. I told them Windows 7. The look on his face was priceless.

>> No.9988291

Why would anyone get a macbook?
No eroge, no games? What do you use it for?
Facebooking and facetime? Hahahahaha.

>> No.9988358

If Mac OS is like gnulinux, you can simply install VirtualBox and Windows 7 with a boot time of 5 seconds and play all the eroge you want. If you play resource-demanding graphic-intensive games you can just fuck off to /v/. In gnulinux, you can also use Wine if you don't mind bugs and having to tinker. (but saves you from reserving RAM for windows) But anyone with as much free time as your typical /jp/'er should be better off using gnulinux instead of Mac OS.

>> No.9989520


Yeah, I was going to write my own stock app in python, but I'm too lazy.


Yeah, bro..Cost me 10 grand. You should also see my flannel collection. I also sport an epic beard and always have a can of PBR in my hand.


It's an early 2008 Macbook with an SSD crammed in it running windows 7. Big deal.
I use my PC upstairs just as much.


What do you mean 'the' oldfag? There are many.

>> No.9989578

You sound like a faggot.

>> No.9989583

How pitiful do you have to be to reply to every single comment directed at you? Oh and now with a trip, just when I thought it couldn't get any worse.

>> No.9989600

>Haven't left my house in 13 years.
>I am 26 now.

You haven't left your house since you were 13? I find that really fucking hard to believe...

>> No.9989618

Mine is as empty as my soul, even though I only ever go out for shopping or college classes.

>> No.9989648

Quit college and get disability money. Use the extra time to think about how to improve your room.

>> No.9989671


Nope... worse.


I figured they were worth replying to. Only autistic fucks such as yourself don't engage in conversation easily. Also, I don't see a trip. I see a name used as a joke in a different thread that I forgot to remove. What, don't tell me you don't recognize the Derek bot. Are you that new?

>> No.9989682

All I can say is that person must be loaded. A flat screen TV, two current gen consoles, all that other stuff.

>> No.9989695


And they like Oyari Ashito, so they are OK in my book. I see another picture here with the limited edition Chronicle book as well.

/jp/ is full of swell people.

>> No.9989708

Those aren't expensive...

>> No.9989723


They are when you live in an abandoned diner with no electricity.

>> No.9989732

Yes they are.

>> No.9989777

The problem is that TVs last so long, it's hard to justify replacing them. So this person must have a decent amount of disposable income.

>> No.9989786


Either that or they know how to budget until they have enough saved up.

>> No.9989801

Just because you have money saved up doesn't allow you to spend money for no reason. Buying a new computer when the old one breaks is a reasonable expense, buying a flatscreen because you are tired of CRTs isn't.

>> No.9989818

Aren't flat screen TVs really cheap now? Even the big ones.

>> No.9989835


I have a CRT and a flat screen. Fuck the police.

Besides, how do you know that person's prior TV didn't grenade, forcing them to buy a nice new flat screen? Yes, TVs usually last a while, but of course they can fail completely with no warning.

>> No.9989844

>Just because you have money saved up doesn't allow you to spend money for no reason.
Wanting a nicer TV is a perfectly good reason. If you only buy new things when you must have them for some non-personal reason or when your old things break, you're living extremely frugally indeed.
Yeah, it isn't hard to find a decent 27"+ TV for under $200.

>> No.9989862

>If you only buy new things when you must have them for some non-personal reason or when your old things break, you're living extremely frugally indeed.

Nothing wrong with that really. Instead of buying 12 different onaholes, he fucks the old one until it crumbles, then buys a new one.

>> No.9989868

It's even better to buy a new TV when the old one is still working. That means I can just throw out the old one on the street and someone else will take care of it and be happy.

>> No.9989865
File: 1010 KB, 715x957, atashi no otaku heya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9989866

>Wanting a nicer TV is a perfectly good reason. If you only buy new things when you must have them for some non-personal reason or when your old things break, you're living extremely frugally indeed.

They call that "disposable income," when you buy something you don't need. And you must have a decent amount to buy the $600 or however expensive flat screen TVs are.

>> No.9989874


btw I'm a girl.

>> No.9989876

there's a difference between "disposable income" and "loaded"

even though everyone in /jp/ is trying to live off two dollars a day, your average part-time mcdonalds worker is not "loaded"

>> No.9989880

Unless you're buying a very large TV they don't cost that much. If you can save money, you have disposable income. Also, you'd have to be pretty goddamn broke to think $500 of disposable income is a lot. Any job which requires a college education can expect to make that much right off the bat.

>> No.9989882 [DELETED] 


>> No.9989907

not everyone here was talented, smart or patient enough to get through college.

>> No.9989941

Do you not save up money for retirement?

>> No.9990004

>even though everyone in /jp/ is trying to live off two dollars a day

Yeah right. Speak for yourself friend.

>not everyone here was talented, smart or patient enough to get through college.

I'll go way out on a limb here and say that most /jp/ residents are absolutely brilliant. I'd say patience, social issues, and preexisting financial issues are the only things holding most people here back.

At the end of the day though, none of this matters. If a person is content with their income and lifestyle, great. More power to them. Looking down on someone for being a NEET or a wage slave is dumb.

>> No.9990013

>Yeah right. Speak for yourself friend.
not everyone but the people who live off three deliberately don't mention it so as not to make the people who are living off two feel bad

>> No.9990016

>/jp/ residents are absolutely brilliant
You are just saying that because you are a /jp/ poster.

>> No.9990047

If $500 once or twice a year for a trip or a new TV is going to fuck your retirement, you need to look for a new line of work.

Not intentionally putting down people who are working menial jobs, just felt it was silly to say that buying a new TV when your old one isn't broken isn't "reasonable". If I want a nicer TV (or graphics card, or monitor, or game console) I'll buy it if and when I have enough money saved up to be comfortable.

>> No.9990049


I know that comment was slightly contradictory to what I said immediately following that, but I just don't believe that anyone here lives on $2 per day.

Well, maybe the guy that lived in a van, and now lives in an abandoned diner, but he's an exception. He's also quite talented and could easily get back into software testing if he so desired.


No way man. I'm constantly surprised at how intelligent and articulate people on /jp/ can be. I remember a couple years back, someone in a thread commented, "fuck /sci/, the real intellectuals are on /jp/." I couldn't agree more.

>> No.9990061

Pretty sure almost any board that's not outright retarded looks intellectual next to /sci/.

>> No.9990068


You do have a point.

>> No.9990592

>My bedroom is totally unremarkable.
>Posts pictures and brags about everything he owns in detail

So epic I had to use meme arrows.

>> No.9991641


I didn't post a picture of my bedroom.

>> No.9993066
File: 236 KB, 715x957, fixed1352052148059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fixed those colors for you.
Really, why does all this indoor photography look so overly yellow anymore?

>> No.9993076
File: 37 KB, 512x512, jp room.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incandescent lightbulbs maybe?
Yes people still use them

>> No.9993103

Because auto white balance

>> No.9993147

Put white balance on halogen.

>> No.9993157
File: 1.50 MB, 2052x819, 13433950h83598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9993162
File: 562 KB, 2986x976, muh room2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to think that my room is nice when I know that It will never compare to the things in this thread

>> No.9993172

There's no ikea in my country ;_;

>> No.9993199


Milk's place makes me ill. I honestly feel like she's the type of person who can't sit still, and would be completely unable to have a serious conversation about the meaning of life without falling asleep.

Could be wrong though.

>> No.9993208

Complete opposite, actually.

>> No.9993234


Fair enough. I know you're not supposed to judge a book by its cover, and all that cliched bullshit, but good-god. I'm still pretty sure I wouldn't be able to stand her, and she'd find me far too serious, and boring.

Not that I'm looking for approval. Just trying to justify why her lifestyle and public persona turns my stomach.

>> No.9993235

>serious conversation about the meaning of life
get a load of this starbucks intellectual

>> No.9993259


What? You don't think it's sweet to cuddle up on the couch, or lay down under the starts and talk about life? You must be a very sad and angry person.

>> No.9993262

how many times can you even have that conversation before you figure out the answer

and if you're never going to figure out the answer what's the point

>> No.9993289

A lot.
In my personal opinion, if you ever think you've figured out the answer to that, you're a very foolish person.

>> No.9993312


Why do you always show up when someone posts your pictures you attention seeking fishmonger?

>> No.9993327

You answered your own question and as she has said before, she usually browses anonymously.

>> No.9993407

>Just trying to justify why her lifestyle and public persona turns my stomach.
"Otacool" bullshit tends to do that. I can't see most of these decked out rooms as anything but disingenuous.

>> No.9993455

>A lot.

I never thought I'd be saying this, but you might be more tolerable than I thought. I feel it's kind of romantic to occasionally talk about such things... Not that I'll ever be able to, mind you. My road will surely end without having the pleasure of such things.

>> No.9993518

if people made threads about me i'd post in them too

but nobody ever does

>> No.9995320

I would. What do you want me to address you as?

>> No.9995548


This is lovely, almost everything about this is great. It looks so comfortable. The only better room I've seen here was that german guy's big room with the mahjong table in it

>> No.9995563





>> No.9995570

You're being far to overly dramatic, maybe you should go blog about your life on sites that facilitate that. You can come back when you've made it past your teenage years.

>> No.9995575

fuck, trying to think of a handle is so hard

and what if people made creepy stalking threads about me every day for weeks

i'm not sure i'm reading for that level of committment

>> No.9995665

They are both shit and their owners aren't even Otaku.

Oh, and you must be shit too if you like those rooms.
