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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9987306 No.9987306[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Shitposting on /jp/ with no janitor

>> No.9987314

That feel when autistic /r9k/ bloggers bump their threads so that they're still here when meido wakes up

>> No.9987315
File: 49 KB, 308x246, retardation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The real best time of the day has flanally come

>> No.9987325
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>Going to Mexico with no janitor

>> No.9987333

Fuck, I can't handle all this shitposting. I have about 40 threads open right now.

>> No.9987343
File: 28 KB, 500x500, le despair face o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i agree. time to post cool nemes xd

>> No.9987348

Every time I've gone to Mexico, I've noticed some odd stuff. At first, it was kind of cool, but the more I saw it, the more weirded out I got. Most recently, when I went to some kind of market, I noticed a little girl sitting behind a table, not selling or interacting with anyone. I have a feeling that somehow she was a child prostitute.

>> No.9987338
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I can finally be who I was meant to be.

>> No.9987350
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>/jp/ with no janitor

>> No.9987355

What brings you to mexico so often?

>> No.9987359
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I fucking hate that trip to mexico shit

I mean i'm here in mexico and cute japanese girls don't come near me to get pregnant

what i'm doing wrong /jp/?

>> No.9987371

Before you needed a passport for entry, it was just a day trip kind of thing.

>> No.9987373
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>> No.9987412


more meat

>> No.9987421

damn my crotch is smelly..

hows your crotch doing today, /jp/

>> No.9987429
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>> No.9987438

The stench of my dick fills my room as soon as it comes out of my pants

>> No.9987447

for real, what's with the shitposts? there's so many that I was wondering if some stupid raid shit was going on

>> No.9987459

Do you usually go to bed before now or something?

>> No.9987465
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lel newfag, get out

>> No.9987470
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When /jp/ gets this shitty it just means that I'm online and the janitor isn't.

>> No.9987481

thats the face i make when shit posting

its so exhilarating

>> No.9987483


*cums while reading this post* whoa

>> No.9987486

You win, I give up I'm just going to go lay down now

>> No.9987492
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>> No.9987491
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get wrekt nerd

>> No.9987507

this guy is telling me to get out?

I've been back on /jp/ for about 2 weeks now, after a long hiatus from the internet. Mostly pretty late, usually starting around this time. I haven't been around as much this week as the last, but I have been noticing increasing amounts of blatantly, sometimes maliciously off-topic posts.

... so it's a regular thing, then?

>> No.9987509
File: 26 KB, 704x396, [Mazui]_Boku_Ha_Tomodachi_Ga_Sukunai_-_00_[858EBA34].mkv_snapshot_06.48_[2011.09.20_22.24.46].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9987511


>> No.9987498
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this is mine

>> No.9987577

/jp/ sans janitor is usually more entertaining than the usual 2hu/ln/vn threads that happen during the day.

>> No.9987591

lel what a fag

btw i'm a girl

>> No.9987588


fuck day crew

>> No.9987597
File: 527 KB, 600x800, 1351865685553.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check out these buzzooookuz

>> No.9987619

nice ですね

>> No.9987778
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>> No.9987797

fuk u I wanted to post that pic just now

>> No.9987803
File: 296 KB, 800x1282, 1345260923071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How bout these ones?

>> No.9987810
File: 123 KB, 777x777, 13520186768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one?

>> No.9987821
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>> No.9987828
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No, this one.

>> No.9987906 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9987946
File: 162 KB, 260x250, 002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your existence has no more worth than spending hours and hours on an internet forum making intentionally low quality “shit” posts interacting with similarly valueless people whom you might feel some camaraderie towards but realistically you probably wouldnt even be able to hold a conversation with them one on one because you are shallow uninteresting people

feeling validated just because someone replied and acknowledged your pathetic attempt at humor as being possibly better than the trash spewing out of the retards you surround yourself with while conveniently maintaining some illusion that youre different

this is the most meaningful thing you can conceive of engaging yourself with which says in so many words that you are utterly and entirely worthless

>> No.9987957
File: 25 KB, 100x100, 48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


*yawns and motions towards my penis, suggesting that you should suck it*

>> No.9987983
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please dont reply to me i dont talk with queers

>> No.9987993
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>> No.9988010
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>> No.9988035

The quality of shit posting has gone downhill since the great days of shit posting past.

>> No.9988052
File: 15 KB, 150x150, ricky_150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


we're all queer (weird) around here mister

if you aint down with that sort of thing then i suggest you throw on some shoes and start walkin on out

>> No.9988063
File: 163 KB, 1440x810, 1340495098180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off queer, only truhet allowed in /jp/
