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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 31 KB, 637x480, Ikachan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9967161 No.9967161 [Reply] [Original]

Recently I have been playing a few doujin games that I have found on some 2ch threads on the Doujin game board. I've stumbled upon this game called Ikachan. Although quite simple, it reminds me of those old SNES games, since it's a platforming game about the adventures of a squid throughout the ocean. Even if it's elements are quite simple, I've found it good to play once in a while. I have many other RPG Doujin games, but unfortunately my japanese is not good enough to play them (a few of them are Nephestel, ラブレジェンド外伝, and some others). So, what kind of diamonds have you found throughout your quest to find good doujin games, /jp/?

>> No.9967166

Swim, Ikachan!

>> No.9967181

fuck off weeaboo

>> No.9967189

Don't bully him this is cute!!

>> No.9967214

OP have you heard of ``Cave Story''? It's by the person who made Ikachan. It's good.

>> No.9967222

Ah, I've played it some time ago. And I'm pretty sure it is, or at least it used to be, one of /jp/'s favorite doujin games. Never knew it had anything to do with this game, though. It makes a lot of sense, since the style is pretty similar. The gameplay is kinda similar too.

>> No.9967245
File: 87 KB, 640x480, notavn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure if my good doujin games are obscure enough for /jp/.

How about Too Heat 2, and Zen-Ichi?

>> No.9967243
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Ikachan makes a cameo during one of the boss battles.

All of pixel's games are good, though Ikachan and Cave Story are the most fleshed out. I really enjoy Guxt, it's a simple but fun STG.

>> No.9967278
File: 2 KB, 106x97, NSFW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dwarf fortress?

I think toadyone is japanese.

>> No.9967327

A shame Nicalis is going to shit all over Ikachan and sell it on Steam. Everything good comes to an end eventually, I suppose.

>> No.9967334

Still haven't beaten it. One day, though. It's one of my primary goals in life.

>> No.9967346

Oh, I just realized I was on /jp/. Never mind. I meant to sageru.

>> No.9967343

Not sure why sageru was deployed here. My mistake.

>> No.9967452
File: 18 KB, 320x240, amw_title.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, at least we still have a fuckton of RPG RT games to play around with, as long as you have the necessary japanese knowledge. I'm even planning on translating many of the RPG doujin games I have here when I learn my way around japanese better. (Pic related, one of the best doujin games that I know)

>> No.9967510
File: 26 KB, 300x300, fuckyounicalis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please, stop reminding me of Nicalis...

>> No.9967528
File: 172 KB, 800x711, cavestory3Djapan[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least the Japanese box art is nice. The game is inexcusable, however.

>> No.9967557
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I believe this was done before the artist (zanp/shinonoko) was contracted to do the Japanese box art. No idea why they didn't have her do the American box art.

Every time Nicalis remakes a game I love, I die a little inside. They really are the worst company.

>> No.9967579
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>> No.9967581

>Every time Nicalis remakes a game I love, I die a little inside.
I definitely resonate with this.

>> No.9968386
File: 522 KB, 800x800, 21854545_p2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9968456

Warning Forever
Blue Wish Resurrection
Electrical Bird
Eden's Edge
Last Dimension
Navy Mission
Shooter's Solitude
Torus Trooper
Vacant Ark
Warmachine Overload

>> No.9968467

Thank you for these games, /jp/! I have been playing western freeware for years, but I am not very well versed with its Japanese side outside of Pixel's stuff and a few others.

>> No.9969935
File: 20 KB, 640x480, wut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, when you finish translating this please tell us.

>> No.9969940

Woah some of those look really cool!

>> No.9969948
File: 62 KB, 644x483, boss1wb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Warning Forever
Holy shit this game. Old but fucking great boss-only shmup.

>> No.9973961
File: 1.01 MB, 1086x1871, 28216300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone's translating? Maybe I could help. I'm up to the second 5.

>> No.9974029

I love that game! So addictive.
ABA Games are great too, I think >>9968456 mentioned most of them.

>Every time Nicalis remakes a game I love, I die a little inside. They really are the worst company.
Fucking seconded. They're right up there with Nyu Media and Carpe Fulgur for butchering games I like, although here it was in a much more obvious and painful way.

Speaking of which, are there any _good_ localization companies? There are good individual translators, but I don't think I've ever seen a commercial/professional translator of doujinsoft that I haven't hated.

>> No.9974221

What's wrong with Carpe Fulgur?

>> No.9974237

Haven't played the remakes of Cave Story, why are they bad? And who are Nicalis?

>> No.9974571

>Navy Mission
Holy shit, this is awesome.

>> No.9975651

no loli-tits and grammatically correct English dialogue.

>> No.9976266

Do you have the scripts for part 3 ready? I wanna play it ;_;

>> No.9976336

Cave Story + is a remake of cave story by Nicalis and I think it's pretty cool. Just pirate it and patch in the original translation.

>> No.9976337

You can blame "professional" western society for the nololitits.

>> No.9976364

I have been looking for Too Heat 2 for over 5 years. I downloaded it a long time ago and forgot what it was called. I wish I could buy you a beer.

>> No.9976387

Ikachan was in my cavestory folder when I downloaded it, get the freeware version and you should get a translated version of ikachan.

>> No.9976796
File: 295 KB, 640x480, BUNNY MUST DIE_2012-09-23_15-19-37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bunny Must Die is pretty fun, though I haven't beaten it.

>> No.9976798
File: 426 KB, 1120x1000, af3fd81a5db571caa6da6e720a54c98d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently enjoying Gleam of Force 2 (from those guys who made Ragnarok Battle Offline)

info and latest version

>> No.9977055

What are some cool Adventure/Platform games?

>> No.9977101

Nezumiman is pretty entertaining. Now for adventure games, I don't really remember. I know a lot of RPGs, though. Most of them are in japanese.

>> No.9977511

Nezumiman is really interesting, thank you for sharing.

>> No.9978098

How does the scoring in Eden's Aegis and Blue Wish Resurrection Plus work?

>> No.9978310

Which one is the doujin board?
As in board number, url, etc. Google translate doesn't give and that other futaba navigation site is really outdated.

>> No.9978320

You haven't even unlocked Chelsea?
Sorry bro, you're not even haflway there.

>> No.9978324

How is Nicalis bad? As far as I know, there's been absolutely no negative changes to the games except arguably the art, and if the new art isn't to your taste it's not like you can't get the original freeware versions.

It seems to me you're just make because they're threatening to make your favorite art-games popular.

>> No.9978354


>> No.9978399

If you feel like searching throughout the archive. You may find some pretty cool ancient games there. I've had to go through chinese forums sometimes to find doujinsoft. Also, I consider this list pretty essential for someone that's into these games.
I've got many of my doujin games from here.

>> No.9978422

>Electrical Bird
The fuck is this shit.

>> No.9978533

Any GREAT translated doujin games? I don't feel confident with my level of Japanese yet. I already played ika-chan, cave story and a bunch more and loved every single one of them. I trust your judgement /jp/, so please, recommend me some games.

>> No.9978549
File: 68 KB, 302x468, dawn-of-the-dead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well yeah, the fact that they remade it into a possibly more popular version is what bugs me. You know how people say there are films that can't be remade, or even digitally coloured? It's like that. The original art, music, and even the translation I played because I can't read enough nihongo were all part of the charm.
I had no problem with the homebrew ports people were making. I have every problem with an enhanced version of a game when part of the original style was that it was based on games that were the complete opposite of all this 3D bullshite.

>> No.9978571

Wait for anon to translate towelket and you'll have a masterpiece in your hands.

>> No.9978637

Obligatory plug for RKS/Grollschwert/Freudenstachel/Weißsilber. The latter two are only for those that keep track of their passwords religiously, though.

Chelsea and the 7Devils is already really good. It's a shame you have to play through the shitpile that is Bunny Must Die to unlock it, but it's worth it.

>> No.9978656
File: 100 KB, 1024x768, 1245640761579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, and then there's this, if you have an hour or two to kill and don't mind your protag getting naked.


>> No.9979306
File: 28 KB, 450x337, Holdover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good taste.

>> No.9979322

So you're opposed to changing the look of the game?

I guess I can see where you're coming from. But again, it's not like they're forcing people to play the new version. As long as the old vesion exists (which will probably be always), all the remakes are are an opportunity to experience the game in a new way.

>> No.9979344

Kwarurariru (you will lose the surprise)

>> No.9979398

Oh, I know. I'm not saying it takes away from the original, I'm saying it's less than the original and superfluous. It's similar to a bad sequel or a poor cover of a song you like. Obviously you can just ignore it, but if it doesn't do justice to the original you have a right to be cross with it. Look at the Star Wars prequels, for example.

Of course, if Cave Story had never existed before Nicalis's updates then I would enjoy them. And they're certainly technically superior, but stylistically I just don't like them as much as the original. And to be honest, I did like it more as a humble, Japanese freeware game than a commercial, multi-developer indie game. Maybe that sounds bitter, but I think a lot of fans would be upset if ZUN and JAST USA released The Embodiment of Scarlet Devil+ 3D: HD Edition on Xbox Live and Steam.

>> No.9979543

Very good points, that I definitely identify with. I think that's pretty much all to say on the subject and we can agree it depends.

It's been a much better internet discussion than most.

>> No.9979567
File: 234 KB, 640x480, Gigantic Army.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gigantic Army is top tier. A little too short tho, could use an extra stage or two.

>> No.9979618

Does that play at all like the Assault Suits games?

I wanted to like those games, but separate movement and aiming controls were too awkward with just one dpad. I like the idea of Assault Suits with mouse aiming for the gun, though.

>> No.9979671

Just played mari-tan, too bad it doesn't have a translation.

>> No.9979676

I have never, ever managed to beat this damn game. At some point, I just don't know what to do. I get as far as some server room after some sort of corridor underwater. The room has a floating, rotating platform, but after I fall into the actual room, I can't actually jump high enough to reach it, and your protagonist can't swim so unless I missed some sort of double jump upgrade, I'm effectively stuck on this room fated to die.

Other than that, I can't really figure out a place to get more hearts, and my only other option is some sort of lab with a bunch of those laser things on the way, to the point where I can't even walk forward without being completely butteliminated.

The game is just frustrating. I know you're supposed to walk around, explore and shit, but it conveys some things to you terribly. Also maybe I'm just being picky, but a game where most rooms are filled with water, they should have given your protagonist the ability to swim or something, yet it's never really relayed to you that she can't do it.

Apologies if it looks like I'm trying to make the game look bad or something. It still seems like an interesting premise to me, and maybe someone else will like it better than I did. But damn. Goddammit. Every now and then, I pick it back up and I have never, ever managed to beat it.

>> No.9979677

Ikachan is fun, but really short and easy. I was expecting it to be more like Cave Story in scale.

And OP, play Ao Oni!

>> No.9979720

It's heavily inspired by Valken/Leynos. The controls can take some getting used to, since you feel pretty heavy and not very agile, but they're fine once you spend some time with it.

>> No.9980686

Well that was fucked up...

but I managed to masturbate to this and figure out you can get nude on every level with different game overs on every enemy.

wasn't a bad game either.

>> No.9982616

Spoiler:It's a breathholding/drowning fetish game, you're supposed to die horribly every few minutes or so. You need to be playing with one hand, if you get what I mean.

>> No.9984780

You can blame ADTRW for Carpe Fulgur.

>> No.9984823
File: 872 KB, 1500x1446, 5511880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted about it years ago when I still came to this board. I suck at using RPG maker and manually pasting every line of mojibake into a converter to see what it is was too much of a chore.

>> No.9984842

Well, do you still have it? I'm willing to go through the deep corners of the internet if it means to get this game translated. This shit has more potencial than almost every doujin gam ever translated.

>> No.9984864

You said there was someone else translating, right? I'd be willing to help if someone could pull the scripts and start a TL wiki or something.

>> No.9984884

I don't even remember it clearly. It might even be you, if you were the one that asked for help with translations. The one that searched on some french forums and found a way to translate RPG Maker XP games. As for a TL wiki, that's not really hard to do. In general all this game needs to be translated is a little push.

>> No.9984906

All I'd really need is a good way to access the scripts and I could get started.

>> No.9984940

If I transcribe the scripts in japanese, will you be willing to translate it? I'm autistic enough to look up each kanji on jisho.

>> No.9984945

Sounds like a waste of time to me. If you care that much, you could learn enough Japanese to play it yourself with hardly any more effort.

>> No.9984957

I'm doing that. But it will be good to practice my reading skills, so I have nothing to lose by doing this. It depends if you're willing to go and translate the scripts, though.

>> No.9985028

I found a text extractor. I'll see what I can do now but if you could come up with a good way to organize it, that would help. The numbering is weird so I think 3-2-1 is the best order.

>> No.9985036
File: 11 KB, 320x240, tket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck, anon. Be sure to tell us about your progress.

>> No.9985049

Also, it's very very good to remember that there are 9 games in the series. They take quite a while to download. Do you want me to zip all of them in a single file and upload to mediafire or something? They are all freeware anyway.

>> No.9985093

Could you get a wiki started for 3 and split it up into reasonable pieces?

>> No.9985177

You mean, a wiki for the translation project, or the game itself? In either way, wouldn't it be easier to make a wiki for the whole series?

>> No.9985207

Do it all if you want but it's not like most of them will be touched any time soon.

>> No.9985346

Okay, give me some minutes.

>> No.9985791
File: 3 KB, 320x240, OPのキセチュー.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, sorry, give me half an hour and I'll have a nice .jp wiki up. Meanwhile have this as a token of my gratitude.

>> No.9985906

Okay, this is looking awfully shitty, but at least I managed to set it up. My plan is to turn this page into something like this, over the time : http://www39.atwiki.jp/ta0rukettow0mouitid0/

>> No.9986828
File: 359 KB, 600x600, 16880999_m.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, I've made a few improvements, gonna adjust it tomorrow because I'm too tired now.

>> No.9986846 [DELETED] 


>> No.9988519
File: 91 KB, 850x637, default.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Hellsinker.

>> No.9989261
File: 102 KB, 645x488, Edoma_Engine_102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like it too. But I failed to find a good download link for it. Hell, in general, doujin STGs are interesting ( not even thinking about touhou, but about pic related)

>> No.9989577

Wait, you guys are still going on about this? I'm the one who was doing it before. I got lost in anime and video games again, as well as losing motivation after seeing how shit I had done before (I had finished like most of one chapter before I stopped originally so I have to go over that and correct it, now that I know like 10x as much as before. (which isn't saying much considering I can instantly tell how bad I was))

I was/am sorta translating #1, that is, the one in >>9985036
Here's a link of the like 95~98% finished database translation. All characters, moves, items, enemies, and whatnot should be in either english or have at least an english description for the few I haven't given English titles yet. You basically can just drop and replace your old tarou1 ldb file with this one.

(Is there a particularly good/liked open filehost left to use? I don't want to make an account anywhere. )

I'll probably get back to work since I have to wait almost another week for more Busou Shinki ultra-lewdness.

re: the wiki
You should probably put an explanation/picture of what a towelket is on it, for the benefit of people who might wonder what a towel-blanket is.

As a note, only like ~50 characters can fit on a text box line and boxes have 4 lines. You should be prepared to make more text boxes if you need to or get a tool that does. (I'm still using the old version of dreamaker from when I started years ago. There's a newer version (like 4.0 or 5.0) but I don't think it's complete or translated or something.)

>> No.9990218
File: 246 KB, 600x800, 1336129879436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, so you're the anon who has been doing the whole translation thing. You know, since you are currently translating whenever you can, wouldn't it be easier for you two to help each other by just reuniting on an IRC channel? And in relation to the wiki, are you okay with me reuploading your translation to mediafire, and then putting up a link there?

>> No.9991471

>And in relation to the wiki, are you okay with me reuploading your translation to mediafire, and then putting up a link there?

Yeah, that's fine.

I don't really use IRC, and I gathered he was translating Tarou3, however I'm not against working together if he wants to

>> No.9991521

What the fuck is wrong with this game? It refuses to detect half of the buttons in my joystick, the important half. I can't fucking play shooting with START and SELECT, fuck!

>> No.9991533

Ah, okay then. And, if possible, could you make some short descriptions of each Towelket game you've played, so I can put it on the series section?

>> No.9991617

Is Eden's Aegis suppose to be harder than Blue Wish Resurrection Plus, or am I playing it wrong?

I can't handle the weird viewpoint of that game

>> No.9991626
File: 127 KB, 640x480, puckeredblondechink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I downloaded it

didn't know what the fuck ryona was.

now I know.

>> No.9993039


>> No.9994458
File: 448 KB, 570x800, 31170212_p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3: PPU is an ant.
2: PPU is raped for most of her life and then dies.
1: PPU is murdered and cloned endlessly. All of the clones suffer until the end of the universe.
6: PPU watches her baby die and goes insane. Then she's murdered. Then her other daughter is murdered.
4: PPU hides in the background so nothing bad happens to her.
Fury: Humanity is exterminated.
5: PPU is a netoraresaurus.

>> No.9994497
File: 262 KB, 512x512, 15123632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Collaboration would probably be better. I can understand most of it fine but get lost on some of the compromises involved in translating. It could help to have someone to hash a few things out with. Also, it would be better to have an actual game ready sooner.

>> No.9994690

Oh, so are you two okay with an IRC channel then? It wouldn't take me more than 1 minute to create one.

>> No.9994892

If anyone is interested... #towelket @ Rizon

>> No.9997934
File: 1 KB, 96x48, ongaku3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wiki has been upgraded. Short descriptions of the series have been added, and link for the database translation is up.

>> No.9997934,1 [INTERNAL] 

Hey anon, please show up on irc
