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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 328 KB, 933x1400, 1350474844380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9892947 No.9892947 [Reply] [Original]

Doll thread. Geeks and dolls: Dollfie Dream, Obitsu, Azone, 1/3 and 1/6 dolls of the otaku variety.

Futaba: http://may.nijiura-doll.info/fullmirror/latest/

(outdated) pastebin. Starters on where to buy and social. http://pastebin.com/E8qRDhST

>> No.9892974
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>> No.9892981
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>> No.9892988
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>> No.9892985
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>> No.9893053
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>> No.9893215
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>> No.9894827


>> No.9894850

Is there any doll materials that do not degrade over time like resin does? I've liked the way some dolls look but the idea of something I spend $500+ on degrading and being ruined after 10 years is kinda bleh.

Also is it ok to leave them dressed permanently? Stories of people storing the dolls naked and hairless inside dark cases when they're not playing with them also kinda turned me off from them. If I own one I'd like for it to be dressed all the time and being displayed somewhere close to me, like on my desk or something.

>> No.9894874

What you want is a figurine

>> No.9894875
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My oldest doll is 10 years old. I don't think she's 'ruined'.

That said, /jp/ mostly has DDs, and DDs are made of vinyl which takes about 30+ years to start to break down.

>> No.9895547 [DELETED] 


>> No.9895883
File: 476 KB, 1280x912, 100_0690_edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

showing off a pic of my first doll. i've only just started collecting.

i'm sure you wouldn't have to store them naked and in the dark if you didn't want to. i don't plan to. true, i don't have a DD, but i do plan on getting one of those seamless loli dolls eventually, and they're even more pricey. but even so, i plan on displaying her. to me, it just wouldn't be as much fun having dolls if i couldn't see them regularly.

>> No.9895960

Looks cute, anon. Seems like you could carry her around.

>> No.9895992

The only issue I know about with Resins is just the yellowing of the skin.

Vinyl dolls (DDs for example) don't have that issue. DDs can be stained from clothing, but Resins would not.

There is no problem with displaying DDs fully clothed. If you've chosen clothing that can stain (mainly the dark types), then it can stain in as little as a minute. Leaving the dark clothing on would just be welcoming more stains. Stains can be removed but it does take some time. Alternatively you can just buy another body.

>> No.9900464
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>> No.9900538


>> No.9900944
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>> No.9901419

Does anyone know where I can sell doll stuff? I've got a DD, and an SQ Labs head that I've done up. Along with some clothes and a butchered wig.

My doll has been boxed up since moving over four months ago, and given my current room I have no place to display her, though I guess that's fine since this room is dirty and I'd hate to get her all messy. I'm in need of money, and I don't really want to sell her since I had to bust my ass just to afford her, but I have no job and I will never be able to afford clothes that actually fit her, nor will I be able to replace her wig. There are other things that my money will go towards.

It feels really shitty honestly. I really love dolls, but I get really fucking jealous when I see nice pretty ones that it kinda kills me inside. If I sell my DD I'd have a decent amount of money for other things, and I wouldn't have to live with the terrible guilt whenever I see a pretty doll.

>> No.9902363

Since I can't really think of any alternatives to ebay, I might as well post it here. Someone might be interested.

Willing to sell my DD ($250, more when I bought it but I'm not going to count that extra stuff) Head and eyes ($115), wig ($40) and this one outfit and extra clothing I bought (about $80) for $360 shipped. If anyone is interested or has any questions, just email me.

>> No.9902739

Unfortunately ebay is the only option. There are two forums listed in the pastebin but you need a committed level of activity to access their classified sections. (20 posts for dollfiedreams.com and 40 posts for DoA)

dollfiedreams.com has an "ebay" thread. you can list on ebay then try promoting it there. If you're lucky, someone may solicit you directly and you can avoid paying fees on the auction.

You can also try Flickr:
Selling is frowned upon by the moderator, and prohibited by Flickr. But as you can see form the link above, calling it "rehoming" and "adoption" while discussing prices privately seems to make it "alright."

>> No.9903006
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>> No.9903013
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>> No.9905318

Bampu pantsu

>> No.9905341
File: 488 KB, 1059x1600, 1350523837938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this picture so fucking amazing/pretty/adorable/beautiful/elegant/awesome/hot/well_made?

>> No.9905428

why dont you photo what you are selling and post it here?

>> No.9907967

Very pretty misty forest.

>> No.9908018

Her butt looks weird, dress is off-center somehow, and dolljoints look awfully strange in white stockings.

Aside from that, I agree that it's quite pretty.

>> No.9908203

Wow. I would love to have this one. She is gorgeous.

>> No.9908261

To the doll collectors/owners here, I have a question.

As a figure collector, I get pleasure from seeing my figures displayed all the time and enjoy looking at them. What do you enjoy in particular about dolls? I find some of them attractive, but don't know if doll ownership would be for me.

>> No.9910402

The photographer could have benefit from some better preparation. Even though it looks like he metered the shot with great care it seems he just plopped the doll down and didn't straighten the skirt or pull up the stockings so they weren't baggy. She's playing the violin, not running a marathon

>> No.9912434

It's similar for doll owners. Dolls on the other hand are more dynamic since you can get different outfits and accessories, and they are pose-able.

Most of the dolls shown here, Dollfie Dreams, have quite a bit of limited models that are modeled after Anime characters. I've heard people say that they just simply prefer the doll version to PVCs.

Dolls easily cost much more than PVCs. Realistically I would say the cost of starting dolls is around $1.5k - 3k depending on the rarity of the doll you're after (since limited models are actually quite limited and remain only in aftermarket). The true minimum is lower but I am assuming that:
1. You won't be getting the most standard models (Which cost around 600 but are barebones)
2. Clothing, accessories, etc. actually adds up to a lot.

typical limited DD costs around $1100 if you were to get her from the aftermarket. The advantage of limited DDs however is they will come with their own outfit.

The most expensive DDs are : Sasara, Tamaki, Yuki Morikawa
Also fairly expensive are the 4 Sabers and Rin.

>> No.9914139
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Do you guys like Bluefairy dolls?

>> No.9914142
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>> No.9914149
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>> No.9914157


>> No.9914158
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>> No.9918019
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>> No.9918017
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>> No.9918022
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>> No.9918024
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>> No.9918035

Cute Corinthian capital dude.

>> No.9918925
File: 113 KB, 728x250, SAO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like we're getting an SAO dollfie dream. Finally, one I have no interest in. My wallet breathes a sigh of relief.

>> No.9920503
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>> No.9920515
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>> No.9921424

Stupidly overpriced and deliberately made out of inferior materials in order to part suckers and their cash as efficiently as possible.

Years ago, I calculated the production cost one of these dolls - that is, all the chemicals used to make the resins, which, of course, they simply pour into molds.

It came out at something like $7 per doll.

I have 20 and 30 year old GI-Joes that were around $40, and they still look almost as good as they did when new.

>> No.9923350

Then you probably haven't seen how much clothing and accessories go for. Turn back now, while you still have your sanity intact.

>> No.9923572
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You are also paying for the time it takes for the dolls to be sanded and polished to removed seam lines and excess resin from the molds. Then the holes for the inner skeleton to connect to the limbs must be hand-drilled.

The faces are all hand-painted. There is no automatic process for this.

>> No.9923866
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>> No.9923869
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>> No.9923870
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>> No.9924059
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>> No.9924113

This is probably one of the cutest ones I've ever seen. Granted I don't see many, but this one really caught my attention.

>> No.9924117

I wish my hard drive were bigger so I could save every picture posted in these threads.

>> No.9924452
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got anymore of her? preferably lewd.

>> No.9925448
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>> No.9925489

well I just ordered a 23cm and 27m soft bust obitsu body with two heads and a wig, I plan to make use of sewing machine for once and make some cute doll clothes.
wish me luck /jp/

>> No.9925709
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Good luck, Anon! Be sure to let us know what you're working on and give us lots of pics of your dolls!

>> No.9925931
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>> No.9925988

Is there like a FAQ or infodump or whatever for these?

>> No.9926079

That post gave me DESIRE

>> No.9926607

I agree. I like the figures I have. They're pretty, and nice to look at. My dolls are the same way; I become happier when I look at them. The difference is that you get to change pose, outfit, wig, eyes, etc. whenever you feel like it. I tweak the pose of at least one of my girls almost every day.

They have much more presence in a room than a figure does. My office would feel very empty if my girls were suddenly missing from their side of my desk. I can't avoid giving one (or all) of them a pat on the head when I come home every day. If you're used to 1/8th or 1/6th scale figures, a DD is enormous, in a good way.

Clothes can be an expense that is easy to underestimate. I've probably spent $2-3k on clothes/wigs/props/stands in the past two years-ish. I've run out of space in my storage containers.

I'm glad I got into the hobby.

>> No.9926634
File: 510 KB, 2016x1512, P7224900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've taken my Azone Chisa (21cm) out hiking with me. I left her poking out of a carrying case on my front (from her chest up). Pic related.

Most people ignored her, a few got quiet and hurried past me. I'm still too shy to take a doll out to the city park, but I took two of my DD's out for a photoshoot in the mountains.

>> No.9928424
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This dollfie is gonna be so bawss.

>> No.9928504

Settle down. They tease a lot of things on their custom blog. "release" is inaccurate btw.

>> No.9928510
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Sorry. *released a picture of


>> No.9928950
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Bumping for more hnnnng

>> No.9930072
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i'll see what i can do.

>> No.9930074
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>> No.9930077
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>> No.9930082
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>> No.9930092
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>> No.9930110
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>> No.9933657
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>> No.9934506
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Does anyone know if the Dollmore Model F clothes fit a DD with M bust nicely? I want to order some winter clothing for my girls, but I'm worried they might be loose in the waste. I have a Dollmore model F dress that is perfect, except the waste makes my Feena look like she ate too much.

>> No.9934512
File: 168 KB, 344x500, 5793139365_cc59d2de1e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woops. Meant to say the dress I own is Glamour Model size, not Model F. I'm wondering if the Model F fits better than Glamour Model. nb for double post.

>> No.9938553
File: 480 KB, 853x1280, 1350300578611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm considering getting a doll.
Can anyone give me any info on this doll?
Make of doll, make of clothes ect?

>> No.9938602
File: 139 KB, 640x425, 5236529232_8ef072c0d3_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is Dollfie Dream Fate Testarossa from Nanoha. She'll run you at least $2000 on the second-hand market (ebay, amazon, etc.).

That's not her default wig, but wigs are pretty cheap at around $30-40 each.

The outfit is a custom, probably bought from Yahoo!Japan auctions. Most custom outfits will be around $300-$400.

Here is a current auction for her:


>> No.9938626

Wow thats slightly more expensive than i imagined.
Is this one so expensive just because its limited?
Are significantly cheaper ones of a lower quality?
Its a shame the outfit is custom because it really like it :_:

>> No.9938633
File: 221 KB, 1333x2000, IMG_9922_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a friend who had some custom dollfie WWII uniforms (pic for one example) done by:

Cost him around $400.

>> No.9938649

Why does dollfies (at least what are shown in this thread) cost that much?

I can understand 500-1000$ (only if they have been handcrafted) but as much as 2000$...

or... is it simply that all the dollfie market has its price hyperinflated...

>> No.9938672
File: 1.10 MB, 2048x1365, 7432564784_1699b60222_k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simply really, that is what people are willing to pay for certain DD models. Maybe exorbitant to you but to others, not so at all.

>> No.9938681

I'm just going to give up and run now before i end up spending many years and thousands of dollars on dolls, they're just so damn desirable.

>> No.9938688


No, I mean... how does something that is mostly done with a mold and some hand-made arrangements have scalated to those prices?

I highly doubt the DD started with those exhorbitant prices...

>> No.9938699
File: 31 KB, 400x533, yhst-70052297082953_2230_212189444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Limited edition characters (licensed characters) are usually that expensive on the second-hand market. Dollfies purchased from Volks through pre-order or lotter are much cheaper, around $600-$1100 (depending on the accessories and cost of production).

The standard Volks character models (Aoi, Yukino, and the three additional ones that are going to be released soon) are much cheaper, less than $500. They come with a body, pre-painted face, underwear, wig, and eyes.

You can find used dollfies quite cheap on Mandarake. They may have some staining on the body and head, but stains can easily be removed.

Each Dollfie Dream is hand-made, and the limited-run dollfies are made in small quantity, which drives the price up.

Here is a link to Yukino, one of the standard models that is much cheaper than the limited dolls.


>> No.9938704
File: 493 KB, 1008x756, 1ec9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Greater demand than supply available. Pushes the price up after the doll have been released.

LE DDs depending on the model started around 60K to 105K yen.

>> No.9938709

Some people with a lot of money must be making a killing buying these on release then selling for a huge markup.

>> No.9938710


When shoould be the perfect moment to buy then as cheap as possible? (without having to wait years)

About the pic: is that LE DD? If it really started with a price of 60k-105k yen how would you justify the price. I'm not trolling, it's just that I'd like to buy one knowing that what I bought wasn't simply a baseless consumist whim.

>> No.9938716

I'm also looking a the mini range as they're still 17" and quite a lot cheaper.
But i'm guessing accessories ect will amount too.
Do you need to get the heads painted?

>> No.9938719
File: 542 KB, 500x751, o0500075111642338085.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy or enter the lottery as the case maybe for the dolls when Volks release them. That way you don't pay the potentially huge markup aftermarket price. I got all of my Dollfie Dreams that way.

That doll in the pic is not a Volks LE DD. It was a custom job that someone sold on Yahoo Japan Auctions a while back.

>> No.9938725

On second thought, decals look easier.

>> No.9938735

Decals look fugly. You can buy unpainted heads on the Volks website. They always offer pre-painted heads as part of their lotteries, but those are also limited-run.

A lot of sellers on ebay offer just the heads of LE dolls. You may be able to assemble the doll of your dreams for a lot cheaper by buying the head and body separetely.

>> No.9938740

Please excuse my ignorance.
What exactly are the lotteries?
And what are the LE dolls?

Thinking i might go for eyes open, but cant imagine doing a great make up job myself

>> No.9938752

4 times a year, Volks' website (both the USA and Japanese/International) will hold a lottery for LE (limited edition) dolls and clothing. When the lottery open, you essentially "purchase" the doll with your credit card. In a few weeks, you will get a letter from Volks stating if you won or lost the lottery. If you win, your CC is charged and the doll is delivered to you. If you lose, no money is charged to your card.

Preorders are a free-for-all click war. Once a pre-order open, you just have to be lucky enough to get the item you want into your cart before it's sold out.

You can find out when the lotteries and pre-orders are going to happen by checking the VolksUSA blog, plastikitty.com, and dollfiedreams.com.

Dollfie Dream M.O.M.O. will be the next pre-order for the USA. KOS-MOS will only be available via Volks Japan's website lottery, and the international lottery (where you'll be entered into the lottery with people all over the world, not just the US or Japan).

>> No.9938759

Oh i see, so they become even more sought after and valuable. lol
Thank for the info guys.

This board is so much better than /a/

>> No.9938769


Nice bit of information there. I suppose that I'll have to save some money from now but At least I know now the precedures.

Plus buying Dollfies can be a good investment if they get that expensive after the lottery

>> No.9938963
File: 112 KB, 333x500, 6802492029_dfa6c95c6d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yamato's VMF50 Sonico doll has decale eyes, but looks really really nice. She isn't much cheaper than dollfies, unfortunately.

>> No.9939381
File: 10 KB, 200x250, ce81e8ba24ce76246f3b5e9b32872d99_image_200x250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did some hunting, and it looks like Alice's Collection (a doll clothing company) makes military-style uniforms that fit Dollfie Dream very well. They very, very reasonably priced as well. The quality isn't as good as what you would receive from a custom tailor, but it's not like your dolls are running around in their clothes.

>> No.9940127
File: 110 KB, 600x901, yamato2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Compared to Dollfie Dream owners, Yamato doll owners tend to be a little...different...

>> No.9940135
File: 112 KB, 600x800, yamato3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some more Yamato VMF50 pics, since this thread doesn't have too many

>> No.9940143
File: 103 KB, 600x800, yamato4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yamato doll owners are a strange breed.

>> No.9940154
File: 585 KB, 800x1067, yamato5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think of Dollfie Dreams as classy ladies. These dolls faces look like they're asking for a dickin'

>> No.9940805

Awesome thanks a lot, i'll look into that.

>> No.9940836
File: 52 KB, 400x500, window.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could spend so much on this site.
This maid outfit is, dare i say...beautiful

>> No.9940923
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>> No.9941016
File: 126 KB, 500x755, dollmore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spend hours surfing through that website, but I can never pick what I want. It's almost like it's too overwhelming because of all of the amazing choices.

Most of my Dollfie clothes have come from Dollmore. Pick related. These fucking shoes are fabulous.

>> No.9941143

Life isn't fair, I wish i was a girl so i could dress in fabulous clothes.
Dolls are the next best thing

>> No.9942097
File: 535 KB, 930x1398, 140A5B64-5C15-4A4D-A9EA-1A5DDD08265A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you got that right :|

>> No.9945516
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>> No.9949574
File: 564 KB, 800x1204, halloweed'.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this cutie all dressed up for halloween!

>> No.9953319
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>> No.9955696
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>> No.9955963
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well my obitsu head and bodies finally arrived, only 1 wig and no decals so I can learn how to make my own wigs and print out some decals. I plan to make some cute clothes such as pic related

>> No.9957582

What does /jp/ think about recasts?

>> No.9960065
File: 93 KB, 950x619, dd1-562bf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you mean like re-releasing a popular character with the same head mold (like Natsuki 2.0, Saber v2, Moe, etc.)?

I'm all for it, as it allows collectors to obtain a character they wanted that was previously much more limited.

>> No.9960071
File: 58 KB, 450x600, kyodaifinish_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Decals on anime dolls scares me. Azones look alright but when people try to customize...*shudder*

>> No.9960089
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Some of these are too funny not to post.

Also, Azone is releasing a 1/3 Madoka doll. This might be the first 1/3 Azone I'm intersted in. Does anyone know if Azone does pre-orders or lotteries like Volks? Or if AmiAmi does pre-orders for Azone dolls? These things are expensive as HELL on the second hand market ($1100+) which is ridiculous, because that's almost as much as some Volks DD limited releases.

>> No.9960110
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I'll give credit where credit is due, these actually look quite nice!

If I weren't so afraid of effing up the decales, I'd be tempted to look at this as an option for cheap dolly adoption.

>> No.9960888

Recasts and re-releases are two entirely different things. Re-releases are coordinated between the manufacturer and the license holders (the legally entitled) while re-casting is an activity synonymous to bootlegging and excludes the property owner(s) entirely.

>> No.9960986

Looks so upsetting.

>> No.9960997

Browsing Alice's Collection, doesn't 1/3 SD practically mean it fits my Saber Extra DD?

>> No.9961848
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Generally. DD is also 1/3 but don't expect a perfect fit.

>> No.9962043
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Never thought about owning a dollfie in my life till they announced Cirno.

I've never regretted the purchase once.

>> No.9962596

SD13G matches DD size more closely. The hips will be a tight fit, but all the SD13G stuff (from TTYA) fits my DD's perfectly, even over pantsu.

Here is a very useful post which has the various measurements of many, many dolls. It is in French, but Google Translate does just fine.

>> No.9963091
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>> No.9963133
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>> No.9963273
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>> No.9964740

There're measurements for only Base Body II, while Saber has III.

>> No.9964889

G meaning girl here?

>> No.9965068
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Fuckin' lol.

>> No.9965347
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http://www.dollfiedreams.com/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=2333 (page 7 has some useful pictures)

The attached picture is DDS -> DD2 -> DD3. I haven't had any problems fitting the same clothes on either DD2 or DD3 yet.

>> No.9966373
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Will anybody's dolls be dressing up for halloween?

>> No.9966491

Hate the holiday, so no.

>> No.9967073
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>> No.9968955
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If you want to count wearing a school uniform and holding a scythe. Otherwise, no.

>> No.9970055
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Where can I find a stand for my DD? Been searching one forever but it's sold out everywhere.

>> No.9970259

this house looks awesome as shit. i want to see more o fit

>> No.9970352
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>> No.9970356
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>> No.9970354
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>> No.9970360
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>> No.9970358
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>> No.9970361
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>> No.9970995
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Oh yeah meant to ask, which one is better, the U or the C type stand? And does those stands support also DDIII?

>> No.9971260
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I think the U stands are much better looking than the C stands. I never liked the idea of the stand messing up clothing, which the C stand will do.

all stands should work with DDII and DDIII

>> No.9971272
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U Stands (saddle type) are more popular. They're usually more discreet too unless your doll is wearing pants, that's the only situation where the C (waist or thigh) type might look better.

>> No.9971288
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Thanks, I think I might go with the U stand!

>> No.9972792
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How are you transporting your dolls?

I'm considering buying a violin case and modifying it for a dollfie.

>> No.9973051

I have a black Volks SD carrying case. It can comfortably hold two dolls. I think three would fit, but it would be pretty tight.

I have three saddle-type stands, and no thigh-type stands. I mostly dress my girls in dresses, but I think the saddle-type stands look good with pants also.

>> No.9974460
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>> No.9978275
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>> No.9981761

Daaaanger zoooone

>> No.9981764

Extremely cute doll dude. Does this one belong to someone that posts on /jp/?

>> No.9982618
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>> No.9983896
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Ouch! Dollfieworld is a known scalper. The owner goes to all kinds of Volks events nd buys everything to sell at huge markups online.

If stand-looker is in the US, a great place to buy is Mint on Card. This looks to be about the same as the CoolCat one:


I used some MOC stands for a failed series of beach shots I did. Here's one where you can see the stand. It's pretty nice!

>> No.9984053

Neat perspective trick, or are these just really huge dolls?

>> No.9985030
File: 886 KB, 960x1280, photo(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Estel's newest outfit arrived today from Dollmore. I fell in love with these boots a few months ago, but it took me forever to find an outfit to go with them.

>> No.9985091

