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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 52 KB, 382x329, dancing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9966116 No.9966116 [Reply] [Original]

lewd japanese girls dancing


>> No.9966140

Cute, not lewd.

>> No.9966141

that was very hot thanks

>> No.9966145

But anon, they're cute...

>> No.9966149

I’ve seen the one on the right before I think. But I remember her a bit darker.

>> No.9966150

Bitches suck.

>> No.9966155
File: 82 KB, 902x713, 1341542905118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never be a young cute girl carelessly dancing in pretty clothes with your friends

>> No.9966162

>Cute, not lewd.

The skirts are far too short, and shaking and thrusting the pelvis certainly is lewd.

(Good girls should not wear skirts cut above the knee, except when working in rice field or when wearing opaque stockings underneath. It's okay if you're a very little girl, but those girls are old enough to have breasts and probably have periods, so it isn't for them.)

>> No.9966165

How are they lewd?

>> No.9966166

feels fuggin bad man :(

>> No.9966170

As shit as girls dancing anywhere else.

>> No.9966181

kozue is not lewd, you should be ashmed for thinking that way anon

>> No.9966177

I'm surprised they're not wearing those surgical masks or something.

>> No.9966178

i found it to be very arousing.. i think its their legs, and the music

>> No.9966190

She used to for awhile. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9h7DmJeOS3s Here's my favorite

>> No.9966208

they've gone full attention whore

>> No.9966223

Why do they do that anyway?

>> No.9966233

I heard it is because they are worried they will get fired or have social repercussions if someone recognizes them.

>> No.9966245

Ugly chinks.

>> No.9966286

The racial epithet for people from Japan is japs (or nips, but that's less likely to be recognized by people under the age of 70), not chinks.

>> No.9966335

post the white girls one

>> No.9966351


Please no and kill yourself

>> No.9966366 [DELETED] 



>> No.9966409


>> No.9966423 [DELETED] 


>> No.9966427
File: 31 KB, 540x383, 1241321217287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lewd japanese girl being cute in webcan


>> No.9966435

You know, I never put much credence into the whole wanting to be a girl thing, but after watching that video and reading your post it really hit me that my life would be better and happier if I was a cute girl.

>> No.9966440


>> No.9966451

life is much easier being a cute girl. but i don't know about being a lesbian. do cute girls normally have a little lesbian side to them?

>> No.9966459

If I was a girl I'd want to be a lesbian, but only with other cute girls, not with butch whores.

>> No.9966467

Easily a 10 of 10.

>> No.9966469

Fucking gross.

>> No.9966470

2 lewd

>> No.9966479


Disgusting, kill yourself and that ugly shit.

>> No.9966506


>> No.9966508

Sounds like nigger music to me. Do not want.

>> No.9966530

Get a load of this virgin nerd.

>> No.9966570

I was watching OP's video and thinking about how cute the girl on the left was, and I started to think about what it would be like to have a relationship with a cute Japanese girl. I'd want to get to know her as a person, but I can't even fathom what it would be like to get to know a girl. They seem like alien creatures to me. It's to think of them as a person like I think of men. They are too foreign to me.

>> No.9966565
File: 303 KB, 1600x1066, 1344796650387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>virgin nerd
is this u?

>> No.9966573


pls dont cry.

>> No.9966614

Nope. Looks like you.
You are the one crying.
Seriously, go fap to your lolicon dancers.

>> No.9966628



>> No.9966636

Wow u are so meen. Why don't you shove it up you rASS idiot!1 Dx

>> No.9966676

If I was in a relationship with a girl I would never be able to trust her and I would worry that she would cheat on me. It would bother me constantly.

>> No.9966697

How can one dance and jump around using high heels?
Your feet must hurt a lot...

>> No.9966707

This guy sounds like that gook pretending to be russian. I bet he got all defensive when he heard that gook music playing.

>> No.9966722

that le feel when no japense le girlfriend...

>> No.9966740

Cruise control.

Even calling me a gook?

>> No.9966756
File: 41 KB, 420x360, 1344715893608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry if I hurt your feelings, I didn't want to be mean :D

>> No.9966758


Why are you on this board?

>> No.9966762

I never was in a relationship with a girl at all and I'm on my way to wizardry, but I think it's true and that's the main reason why I never even tried to engage in any relationships with 3D. They will cheat on you the next possible occasion, be it a more handsome or rich man than you and she'll leave you, whores without any honour and loyalty, they're also a big burden.

You normalfags can say what you want but I will never change this opinion. I have had enough experience with that, both with my parents and past friends.

>> No.9966772

The projecting virgin.

Also, I like some japanese games.
Why do you ask though?

>> No.9966783

Why did you respond twice to my initial post? Your analpain is getting out of control.

>> No.9966784


Go to /v/, you're on the wrong board.

>> No.9966791

I would wreck the shit out of deir pussies, fuck

>> No.9966793

>Why did you respond twice to my initial post?
Because your samefagging is getting out of control.

>> No.9966798

>responding with a post that makes no sense whatsoever while embarassing yourself
It's this guy's forte, and I keep getting a laugh everytime he does this shit.

>> No.9966800

Flash is a non-free software that lacks any official support on the GNU/Linux platform and has been abandoned by Adobe. I will never use this piece of broken shit. I hate Adobe and fuck them in the ass.

Why YT hasn't switched fully to the HTML5 yet, though?

>> No.9966806

>>responding with a post that makes no sense whatsoever while embarassing yourself
Pretty ironic, look at what you've said here:

>> No.9966810

Touhou is a non-free software that lacks any official support on the GNU/Linux platform and has been abandoned by ZUN. I will never use this piece of broken shit. I hate Team Shanghai Alice and fuck them in the ass.

>> No.9966836 [DELETED] 
File: 54 KB, 575x687, 1343234051354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That post made sense because I was actually right all along while your attempt at making a witty comeback failed miserably. Go on, try and deny that you're not that fat slob (that everyone hates) who keeps posting those jap propaganda pictures. I think it's kind of alarming when random people are starting to notice your shitty posting quality.

Also no one uses the term virgin unironically, the same goes for your shitty jap propaganda pictures. Plenty of people here have gotten laid and aren't as pathetic as they pretend to be. You're making yourself look like a fool when you're using that term in that manner as it reminds me of people that resort to shit like "at least I have a life" or "at least I'm not a virgin" when they're losing. Reminds me of a certain someone.. oh wait.

>> No.9966841 [DELETED] 
File: 54 KB, 575x687, 1343234051354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That post made sense because I was actually right all along while your attempt at making a witty comeback failed miserably. Go on, try and deny that you're not that fat slob (that everyone hates) who keeps posting those jap propaganda pictures. I think it's kind of alarming when random people are starting to notice your shitty posting quality.

Also no one here uses the term virgin unironically, the same goes for your shitty jap propaganda pictures. Plenty of people here have gotten laid and aren't as pathetic as they pretend to be. You're making yourself look like a fool when you're using that term in that manner as it reminds me of people that resort to shit like "at least I have a life" or "at least I'm not a virgin" when they're losing. Reminds me of a certain someone.. oh wait.

Lurk forever faggot.

>> No.9966846 [DELETED] 

That post made sense because I was actually right all along while your attempt at making a witty comeback failed miserably. Go on, try and deny that you're not that fat slob (that everyone hates) who keeps posting those jap propaganda pictures. I think it's kind of alarming when random people are starting to notice your shitty posting quality.

Also no one here uses the term virgin unironically, the same goes for your shitty jap propaganda pictures. Plenty of people here have gotten laid and aren't as pathetic as they pretend to be. You're making yourself look like a fool when you're using that term in that manner as it reminds me of people that resort to shit like "at least I have a life" or "at least I'm not a virgin" when they're losing in computer games. Reminds me of a certain someone.. oh wait.

Lurk forever faggot.

>> No.9966848
File: 54 KB, 575x687, 1343234051354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That post made sense because I was actually right all along while your attempt at making a witty comeback failed miserably. Go on, try and deny that you're not that fat slob (that everyone hates) who keeps posting those jap propaganda pictures. I think it's kind of alarming when random people are starting to notice your shitty posting quality.

Also no one here uses the term virgin unironically, the same goes for your shitty jap propaganda pictures. Plenty of people here have gotten laid and aren't as pathetic as they pretend to be. You're making yourself look like a fool when you're using that term in that manner as it reminds me of people that resort to shit like "at least I have a life" or "at least I'm not a virgin" when they're losing in computer games. Reminds me of a certain someone.. oh wait.

Lurk forever faggot.

>> No.9966866

God damn this thread is shit

>> No.9966879
File: 2.87 MB, 421x336, 1351373689140.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Psychological projection or projection bias is a psychological defense mechanism where a person subconsciously denies his or her own attributes, thoughts, and emotions, which are then ascribed to the outside world, usually to other people. Thus, projection involves imagining or projecting the belief that others originate those feelings.[1]

There I resumed your post for you.

>> No.9966881

tl;dr im mad as hell

>> No.9966897

>linking wikipedia articles
this is like those idiotic ad hominem faggots all over again thinking they're smart when they link all those cool wikipedia articles even though they don't know what they mean. i sincerely hope you're just some crossboard poster and not an actual /jp/sie

>> No.9966909

same faglet got owned so hard that he's left speechless

>> No.9966903

>Plenty of people here have gotten laid and aren't as pathetic as they pretend to be.
get a load of this newfriend.

>> No.9966906

OOOH WOOOOOOOW A WIKIPEDIA ENTRY! I SO GOT TOLD! And here we thought that we'd see your mighty rebuttal but you did what a 12-year-old would do when cornered. You linked us a wikipedia/dictionary entry. Could you get more retarded?

Speaking of projecting, wasn't it you calling other people virgins? I'm done with you, enjoy getting told into oblivion.

>> No.9966910

Needs some actual white girls dancing in Japan.

>> No.9966911
File: 34 KB, 490x333, Lant_biu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oops I did it again!

>> No.9966918

>i don't know what projecting means
>i keep saying it to make myself look smarter
sorry dude linking wikipedia articles isn't really smart

>> No.9966921


Jesus christ. Are you all just pretending to be upset? What the fuck are you even arguing about that is of any significance? Fucking first worlders and their imagined problems.

>> No.9966925

Laughing my fucking ass off right now at this nerd.

>> No.9966930


Stop abusing the reply function.

>> No.9966931

Needs some actual white girls dancing in Japan.


Fuck you and your fuck horrible post, retard. You made me forgot the link.

>> No.9966942

I'm another guy, just adding fuel to the fire is all. It's like the jews and the 9/11 attacks, I am the jew and you're all my little goyims fighting each other for no reason, to my benefit of course.

>> No.9966938

Stop the denial man.

>> No.9966939

Hey duuude stop projecting amagaaad XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

>> No.9966940

do you even /jp/?

>> No.9966954

> don't know what to say
>keep regurgitating the same shit
how old are you? 15?

>> No.9966949

Hey man no need to get over defensive.

>> No.9966955


thats cute. i love the girl with the brown hair. her eyes are so pretty

>> No.9966963

>>keep regurgitating the same shit
>how old are you? 15?

>> No.9966970

So you're 12

>> No.9966968

that post says you're 12? thanks for the verification mate

>> No.9966974

>I was just pretending to be retarded, totally ironic guise!

>> No.9966980

greentext oh man I want to be epic TOO
ftw man

>> No.9966981 [DELETED] 
File: 105 KB, 676x596, 1343235552331.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah mate it's more along the lines of everyone not knowing what the actual fuck you're about

>> No.9966985

I think that's a place more suited for 12-yearolds.

>> No.9966991
File: 105 KB, 676x596, 1343235552331.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah mate it's more along the lines of everyone not knowing what the actual fuck you're about so we point out the most obvious thing that you could have meant because you're actually that stupid

>> No.9966996

Epic fail, d00d.

>> No.9966998

I love her too. Laura is very pretty.

>> No.9966993
File: 46 KB, 112x184, 1349775590249.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enough of this

>> No.9967000

Wtf, you just....... I Literally................. MY CHAIR.............HAHAHAHH. XD

>> No.9967004

The 12 year old thing is getting old dude, don't you have any new retorts?
>Captcha: orsving tedious

>> No.9967008

man don't laugh to yourself, it tells a lot about your low self-esteem. i'd get pretty upset if people called me stupid

>> No.9967017
File: 22 KB, 218x213, 1325814258327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9967012


Just choke on your dad's dick and die, dude.

>> No.9967016

>[Touhou] has been abandoned by ZUN[on the GNU/Linux platform]
Touhou was never developed outside the Windows enviroment. Adobe just said ``FUCK YOU LINUX USERS'' at some point, and that's all. Fuck Adobe and fuck everyone who uses their software.

>> No.9967026

I can't hide my Finnish pride.

>> No.9967023

Nice captcah bro
>mine: licannew away

>> No.9967025


>> No.9967033

Ur reaction pics are sooooooo epic dude.

>> No.9967031
File: 5 KB, 256x273, descartes711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Descartes is proud of this thread.

>> No.9967036

That's dumb. Girls are dumb.

>> No.9967037
File: 620 KB, 999x1000, 1335096025436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9967035



>> No.9967049

learn your alphabet, retard

>> No.9967050

But he's finnish too.

>> No.9967054

damnit everytime i make a good thread some retards come and shit it up. can we just talk about girls dancing?

>> No.9967060
File: 239 KB, 1024x768, Set 19 (27).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why everyone so angry? Please quiet down!

>> No.9967062

i love the high heels they're wearing.

>> No.9967063

finland plz go

>> No.9967068

girl on the left?

you mean the girl with the twintails? shes the cuter one

>> No.9967081
File: 7 KB, 104x148, Asberger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9967091

Please don't use Finland in such a context. Finland has the greatest education system in the world and is also the number one country. There are no negros or muslims, it is pure white. Finnish names are among the best in the world, with some excellent examples being Mika, Kimi, Heikki. Finland is the perfect country in the world, and all especially Scandinavia aspire to become Finland. People like Breivik fight against the pro-Multiculturalist socio-democrats so that their country may become more like Finland.

>> No.9967092

You are a disgrace to Finland.

>> No.9967107
File: 70 KB, 453x342, 1281443176004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9967115

Know your place pekka.

Finland is and always will be a Swedish colony.

>> No.9967125
File: 25 KB, 294x194, snowniggers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9967137
File: 25 KB, 498x368, 1345212611027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck did you know I was from Finland. Goddamnit.

>> No.9967136
File: 941 KB, 1153x1357, 1351024876459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hate harder, marxist scum.

>> No.9967144

Hate? it's more like no one gives a flying fuck.

>> No.9967159

I'm nominating this thread for the shit thread award.

I hope someone with the authority to bestow it will come along soon.

>> No.9967170
File: 39 KB, 250x250, kusothread3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9967173


>> No.9967182


>> No.9967192

Is that supposed to be ironic? Everything's true aside from the Breivik part.

>> No.9967197

>Everything's true aside from the Breivik part.
Ok, kukko.

>> No.9967198

I'm not Finnish. I'm Norwegian. There are literally muslims everywhere in Southern Norway. They wreck the country, kill people and rape women. The children pray in schools and demand praying rooms, they also wear their silly muslim clothes that cover their whole body except eyes. They are slowly turning this country into a middle eastern shithole. But it's not their fault. The politicians running Norway in a long time (namely the Labour Party, Socialist Left and Center Party) are a bunch of corrupt lazy monkeys, and when one of them get their bullshit revealed and publicly ashamed they suddenly reappear in a different position completely unrelated to their previous, like Minister of Defence. Suddenly they're talking in the news like they're THE minister of defence. They are like unkillable zombies. There is even a whole community of negros who spend their life maximizing their autism bucks from the Norwegian government. Finland also has a beautiful unique language, as opposed to Norwegian which is simply Swedish-Danish, only the west and north are still intact but they are slowly getting contaminated.

>> No.9967210

>I'm not Finnish. I'm Norwegian.
Tells a lot, then. Everything you said was pretty much wrong. The only thing that was partly right was the education system, it's pretty good but not really the greatest unless you only count elementary and high school..

>> No.9967212

I'm from Spain.

>> No.9967223

>Finland also has a beautiful unique language, as opposed to Norwegian which is simply Swedish-Danish
A norwegian finnboo... This truly is the end of times.

>> No.9967218

If you're really norwegian, what's the consensus on breivik there? Have people read what he wrote?

>> No.9967449

>If you're really norwegian, what's the consensus on breivik there? Have people read what he wrote?

Breivik is hated by the general populace, which is of course natural as he massacred a bunch of young adults. Experts have analyzed and examined what he wrote, but on the basis of Breivik being accountable vs. inaccountable for his crimes. (which roots in his mental condition) There was a very long court case earlier this year for deciding this matter. It aired everyday for the whole period on the national TV channel and gave Breivik a shitload of publicity. (although with no video and sound, only transcripts and interviews/comments from journalists and the type) I didn't follow the court case all the way through, but when I did it was lots of fun as Breivik's behaviour and views were basically unrestricted and so different from everybody else's. He reminds me of Richard Stallman.

The court ruled him accountable, (which was what Breivik wanted, as if he was ruled unaccountable his writings and actions would simply be brushed off as one of a madman) and he now lives in his personal prison facility, further advocating his ideology through the use of standard mail. Although his mail gets reviewed, he does get free translation.

>> No.9967455


I seem to understand that the consensus is that he acted on the belief of a fictional (or rather exaggerated) ideology. But many probably believe that he is shit mad insane as "omg he killed innocent children!!!"

While his writings haven't received much attention other than the court case of accountability vs. inaccountability, the concept of Islamization has received a good deal. Breivik didn't introduce the concept, but he definitely raised awareness.

However, this might all change in the future as the socio-democratic parties are becoming unpopular and losing ground as case after case of corruption, cronyism, blatant lies and broken promises are revealed. The government will most likely take a major change in the election next year.
