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9964270 No.9964270 [Reply] [Original]

have you ever set rules for your neet life?

>> No.9964275

1. Enjoyee my lifetime no matter what
2. Take it easy
3. Stay dry

>> No.9964285

I feel empty.

>> No.9964298

1.Drink to forget
2.Wait till payday

>> No.9964310

Exercise once a week.

Fap daily.

If I have a choice between spending money and not spending money, choose the latter.

>> No.9964319
File: 60 KB, 520x322, vbattleswitha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. I must lift 3 times a week
2. I must be nice to my friends even if they are being dicks
3. I must try to leave my regrets behind

>> No.9964329 [DELETED] 

I can't find that shirt on Hobby Search. Could you link me to it?

>> No.9964332

1. Don't worry about things you can't change.

2. No time is wasted if it is enjoyed.

3. Just go with the flow.

>> No.9964342
File: 429 KB, 550x852, 1350261618397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go with the current.
Be like a fly or swallow.
Life needs no effort.

also fap a lot

>> No.9964345

You are not a NEET

>> No.9964346

"If things get bad never forget you're just a few breaths of helium away from opting out"

>> No.9964349

Well he could be a NEET, just hes a complete normal that ended up this way.

>> No.9964351


I am not in Education, Employment or training. Technically I am NEET (TruNEET is a different story)

>> No.9964353

Please try to avoid using that other term, its completely meaningless nonsense.

>> No.9964355

I actually live by this every day.

It makes living life somewhat bearable, and I don't stress out about anything.

My only fear is that if I somehow get the freedom to end my life taken away. Now that's a real nightmare. I should carry cyanide pills with me for such occasions.

>> No.9964358

Work, Touhou, Sleep

>> No.9964362

I always make sure to at least play one game in my backlog, watch one movie in my backlog, watch an episode of a show in my backlog, or read a chapter in my manga/book for my backlog.

Not doing so just defeats the point of my NEET lifestyle.

Then there's of course taking it easy, but considering it's hard to do so around social slaves, I'm flexible about it.

>> No.9964366


How you could get that freedom taken away? The only way I could see it is if you get put in a mental hospital.

>> No.9964369

I agree to an extent. There are many ways to kill yourself, some are just more painful or riskier than others. I'd rather have a nice peaceful death alone than trying to strangle myself with a bedsheet but I guess you just have to make due.

Do you know if you can buy cyanide pills on tor or something? From what I've seen cyanide is a messy but quick and easy way to go.

>> No.9964386

Prison, detained by police, hospital, stuck in a cave, getting severely crippled, becoming a vegetable.

The list goes on, but you get my point. I guess I'm really scared of living, huh.

>> No.9964393

>Do you know if you can buy cyanide pills on tor or something?

From what I know, tor is not a website, but rather a service that enables you to access sites on the tor network. I don't know about the rest, though.

I'd be worried about it expiring and not working when I need it the most.

>> No.9964395


They can't detain you in a hospital if you want to leave. Hell, if you're on a ventilator you can request to be taken off and it's legal.

>> No.9964398

What if they think you're a risk to yourself as well as others, either that or not mentally sound to be released. I'm not even sure if theres laws that concern that kind of case but it seems like there would be.

>> No.9964401
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How much does rural land cost and which state is the best? I'm ideally looking for that pretty farmland that's in the middle of no where.

I love being a NEET, but I hate living in these populated areas and being around so many other people. Just looking outside of my window and seeing this sea of gray buildings drains away my soul and makes me feel sad.

I can afford to pay at least 1,000 a month with my autismbux and I don't care if the internet is bad. I just want to get out of this hellhole and finally be able to live far away from humans while being surrounded by all of that beautiful nature.

>> No.9964406

What if you're seriously injured? How am I going to get the helium and tubes in a reasonable amount of time?

Also, I forgot to mention locked-in syndrome in my >>9964386 post.

That's got to be the worst thing that can happen.

>> No.9964405


I'm pretty sure if you want to leave and have no mental issues they have to let you leave. if you have some mental issues they'll probably transfer you somewhere else.

>> No.9964411


Damnit anon, I'd love to live somewhere rural and maybe cold. The City lights dim out the stars and i never get to see them. I'd love to star gaze once in my life.

>> No.9964433


Everything near the west coast is either overpriced (Oregon, Washington, California) or it's desert like Nevada. The states in the middle, especially on the northern end like Montana can be very cheap and very pretty. Land in the northern part of the east coast is overpriced and usually densely populated, but not as bad as the west coast. Land is cheaper if you go south to the states like Georgia, but then it gets expensive again when you hit Florida.

Something like Montana is probably the best option.

>> No.9964507

I live out in the boonies... SUPER full moon tonight. Over time I've come to regret my area of choice, because now I'm never going to get to practice my social skills... Except when I make the 20 minute drive to the grocery store but then I get too nervous and don't even say thank you to the old lady

>> No.9964514

Do you live in germany?

>> No.9964513

>christmas cake register girl
Worst grocery store ever.

>> No.9964527
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One time I went to the store and an Asian girl was running the cash register, she was so pretty that she looked like a gravure idol. This was also the first and only time I have encountered a human Asian female in the real world.

I was so nervous that I nearly cried when I tried to pay. Things like this make me wish that all cashiers were just those robot scanning machines and it was all automated.

>> No.9964532

It wouldn't have happened if I accompanied you to the store.

I wouldn't, though, of course, since I don't like being near faggots such as yourself.

>> No.9964561


I blush when I see asian women. I have a lot of trouble with recognizing asian faces since they all look the same to me, so every time I see an asian girl I blush because my eyes think that I'm looking at the same girls that I masturbate to every day.

>> No.9964572

I live in the South so I rarely see Asians around this part. In fact, outside of Chinese restaurants I can safely say I haven't seen an Asian girl face to face since High School.

That was until a few weeks ago when I was shopping at my local grocery store and noticed some Asian school girl passed by (I'm assuming High School though she could have been an 8th grader) and it felt really weird. I kept taking glances at her in the check-out line across from me because I was so fascinated by how legitimately foreign it felt to me at that point in my life, obviously being affected from my secluded NEET lifestyle.

>> No.9964592


I feel this way about black people. I've seen asian people before in Chinese restaurants, but in my entire life I have never once seen a black person. I have seen them on the internet and on the television, but never in person.

It would be a very surreal experience if I ever saw a real live black person. I don't think I would be scared, but it would be a moment that I would never forget.

>> No.9964618

No but I have my own saying I live by: "Things have a tendency to settle".

I thought of it myself. Sounds way more dramatic in my own language.

>> No.9964621

If you do see one you should be careful unless they look very well kept.

>> No.9964657

Do you people live in small hick towns or something? Here in Texas I see blacks and qt asian girls almost every day.

>> No.9964658

I know how you feel. I also grew up in the south and outside of chinese buffets I never saw many asians or even went to school with any.

Then I moved to a neighboring city and noticed there were more than there used to be. I saw a mother and 2 daughters in walmart and was really surprised, I couldn't stop looking out of the corner of my eye. Honestly it was kind of scary, I mean I had only been around whites, mexicans, and blacks for as long as I can remember.

I bet you're one of those people that get mad when people are racist towards blacks.

>> No.9964664

I specifically said I live in the South.

>> No.9964684

Yeah, but the South has large cities, too. Texas alone we has 3 of the 10 largest cities in the US (Houston, Dallas, San Antonio).

I live in Austin, by the way, this place is fucking huge and has over 820,000 people.

>> No.9964702

Is Texas even considered "the South" nowadays? People seem to treat it as more of a MidWest kinda state given its populace and economic stature. I never hear people refer to Texas as an outright Southern state.

>> No.9964704

Texas is Texas

>> No.9964720

I have a ton of guidelines I try to follow. They deal with food, drink, sleep, and what activities I can do at any given time. No caffeine after 7PM, no food past 9PM. Only water past midnight. If I'm drinking beer, I'll drink no more than two, and always after midnight but before 2AM. No driving after 1AM, and if I decide to go for a walk, I do so after 1AM, but before 3AM. I consider 2AM the time to get ready for sleep, and 3AM the time I get in to bed. If something needs to be done during the day, do it between 10AM and 3PM.

There are a few rules towards people. Mostly, treat people how you'd like to be treated. If someone looks like they needs help with something, ask if they need help. If you say something, mean it. Say what should be said and nothing more, within reason. If you feel you'll regret not doing something, do it before you can regret not doing it.

>> No.9964746

>Mostly, treat people how you'd like to be treated.

Idealistic bullshit. It would only work in a perfect world where everyone is the same.

1. Different people want to be treated differently.

2. Not everyone treats people like they want to be treated.

>> No.9964750

Not him, but
>Mostly, treat people how you'd like to be treated.
usually means

>Mostly, treat people how you'd like to be treated. were you in their shoes.
The difference being that you consider that different people want to be treated differently.

>> No.9964781

How the fuck would I know what people want? It would take much more time and effort than just ignoring all the non-essential people you encounter in your life.

But that's not even important when you consider the fact that the majority of people just do whatever benefits them the most, without regard to others. Treating those people the same way you would want to be treated is stupid.

>> No.9964844

Not that guy, but I don't think anyone wants to be discriminated against or otherwise treated unfairly. I'm also sure nobody wants to feel threatened.

I don't think very many people, if any, want to be put down by complete strangers all the time.

>> No.9964856


Let me guess. You like metal garbage and browse /b/ too? Quit posting until your childish angst dies.

>> No.9964882

I would make a guess as to your home board as well, but I'm not as a big of an expert in shit as you are, so I'll pass.

And I only listen to Touhou arrangements and godly denpa. Thank you for asking.
