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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9961100 No.9961100 [Reply] [Original]

Rude meido deleted our academic discussion of global censorship of so-called 'indecent images' of children. Let us continue it here.

>> No.9961124

So? Not there was anything Otaku culture or Japan related in that topic

or you meant TEH RUSTLE xd pic

>> No.9961126

Pedophilia is part of my otaku lifestyle.

>> No.9961132

But all they were discussing was some issue in some european country

>> No.9961136

Thoughtcrime is a global problem

>> No.9961139

Hurr only ameria is important.

>> No.9961149
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Can't face the truth, yuropoor?

>> No.9961143

I guess ill just post another Sandy thread later

>> No.9961152
File: 93 KB, 662x623, 4168662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the whole murder:cp argument is retarded because people dont seek out murder to stimualte themselves

you are the demand creators for child abusers

you are creating child abuse

please get your head out of your ass and stop denying it

>> No.9961153

/jp/ - Janitor's Personal shithole

Seriously, this fucking retard just deletes shit he doesn't like

>> No.9961154
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>> No.9961157

>people dont seek out murder to stimualte themselves

You're joking, right?

>> No.9961161

>people dont seek out murder to stimualte themselves

Pretty much every serial killer would like a word with you.

>> No.9961159

Hey, dickwad i politely said "European" not the usual "yuropoor"

>> No.9961165

People only murder to gratify or benefit themselves.

Your argument is on par with British policy makers.

>> No.9961190
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im sorry we were talking about raping children and not just viewing porn? oh that changes things you guys should really just kill yourself

>> No.9961249

The age of consent in Japan is 12 and it's 13 in Spain; surely that's young enough anyway.

>> No.9961254

12 looks pretty much the same as 16 now. Kids are pressured to grow up way too fast.

>> No.9961262


>12 looks pretty much the same as 16 now.
>Kids are pressured to grow up way too fast.

I don't think growth works that way

>> No.9961264

It's 9 in yemen but you have to be married.

>> No.9961265

It depends what you mean by "grow up". In the past kids worked on their families farm or something like that. But in the sense of being little materialistic whores who love cock at age 12, that's true.

>> No.9961277
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Don't listen to him, Satan approves.

>> No.9961284

What I was getting at was the make up and dress sense they have makes them indistinguishable from 16 year olds.

>> No.9961291
File: 1.13 MB, 1272x2516, 1342010936833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only Hitler had won..

>> No.9961292

Actually for some reason even the on topic Rola and Newhalf threads were deleted yesterday.

>> No.9961294

I'd say this is topical because it's the kind of thing that would appear on a website like Sankaku Complex, home of otaku culture.

Of course, now we're at 2.5 Wesandersons on the meta scale, so it'll get deleted regardless.

>> No.9961295


So you have trouble distinguishing a 12 year old in a dress and makeup from a 16 year old?

>> No.9961305

Not him, but yes.

Someone posted shots from Toddlers & Tiaras the other day. Without being able to see how tall they were, they seriously could have been teenagers or even middle-aged women.

>> No.9961306
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>> No.9961308

Justin Bieber is german?

>> No.9961310


>> No.9961337


>> No.9961347

If Hitler won, people wouldn't be able to sit at home all day, mooching off their parents while doing nothing but lazily browsing the internet and jacking off to cartoons.

>> No.9961356

I like the top comment. Greentext for the win.

>> No.9961364

>Sankaku Complex, home of otaku culture
Are you just joking?
That site is full of normal scum and other horrible kinds of weeaboos.

>> No.9961368

how do we keep up with such epicness?

>> No.9961372

NEETs are a symptom of a purposeless society.

>> No.9961385

My only purpose is hedonism.
Without the search of pleasure, i am not.
Would i have been different in an extremely moral-focused, racially-patriotic society? I don't know, but something tells me that the answer is negative to the utmost.

>> No.9961402
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Mindless hedonism is another symptom of a purposeless society.

>> No.9961427

I can accomplish my purposes better in a purposeless society, than one focused so heavily on morals and duty towards the fatherland, vold and race.

>> No.9961440

