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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9957073 No.9957073[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: The things you would do if you were moot

- Split /a/ into /ani/ - Anime and /mg/ - Manga
- Delete /jp/ after 10M
- Create /th/ - Touhou/Shitposting/Autism and /dg/ - doujin/VN
- Split /b/ into 4 different boards futaba style
- Create /kr/ - Corean Culture
- Split /co/ into a comic and a western animation board respectively
- Split /sci/ into /sci/ and /math/
- Enable sage by default in all boards
- Ban people misusing spoilers, sage and quotes
- Delete /r9k/ /soc/ and /mlp/
- Imagedumps without any discussion and survey threads about "which touhou you would fuck" would be directed to their proper places (danbooru and pooshlmer, respectively). Repeat offenses would be met with bans/rangebans.
- Remove dubs from all boards
- /q/ now redirects you to facebook and gives you a permanent rangeban
- Unban ZUN!bar
- Wordfilter "Akiha" to "not homu"
- Create a Transgender Discussion board

>> No.9957085

>- Create /kr/ - Corean Culture
good joke, reported

>> No.9957084

>- Split /a/ into /ani/ - Anime and /mg/ - Manga
>- Create /kr/ - Corean Culture
>- Ban people misusing spoilers, sage and quotes

I would also add an /svg/ board for vectors and remove most of the non-wapanese boards. Not /soc/, /r9k/, etc. though. Those are good containment boards. Posting on them should ban you from all others.

>> No.9957092

/a/ needs to be splitted in more than two boards boards

>- Split /b/ into 4 different boards futaba style

I would love this

>> No.9957091

1.) Fuck OP's mom

oh wait already did that

>> No.9957098

It's pointless. /b/ already has:
* Hookup /b/ (/soc/)
* Original content /b/ (/r9k/)
* Weeaboo /b/ (/jp/)

No need for more.

>> No.9957097

Delete every board but /jp/ and lock /jp/ so only the truNEETs can post

>> No.9957106

fucking piece of shit noob cunt scum idiot

>> No.9957108

delete tripfags (except Magical Girl Gamer)

>> No.9957111

>- Delete /jp/ after 10M

That would be the killing blow.

>> No.9957116

- Permanently ban OP

that's it

>> No.9957127


You missed the futaba style

Who the fuck cares a shit about /soc/ and /r9k/.

>> No.9957128

I take it that you go to /int/?

>> No.9957122

/b/ also has everything else

>> No.9957129

"READ THE RULES", "READ THE FAQ" and "LURK MORE" in giant flashing text inside a <marquee> tag on every page until you've been on 4chan for a week.

A News 4 VIP-style /z/ board without all that SoRu crap.

>> No.9957136
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Things I would do if I was moot

- Ban everyone.

That'll show em

>> No.9957140


>> No.9957143

What do you mean, then? /b/ oct, /b/ nov, /b/ dec, etc.?

What would be covered that doesn't already have a board?

>> No.9957148

>make every single board forced-anon
>only give OP an optional ID so he can be identified in Q&A threads
>delete /r9k/ and /soc/
>ban every mod on /sci/, get new ones who will not hesitate to ban all the shitposters there
>re-enable dubs on /b/

>> No.9957155

Magical Girl Gamer posts on /int/ all the time. MGG shows up in every single Asia thread, chatting up Japanese posters in nihongo. The flag that shows up is Australia too.

>> No.9957158

Delete /jp/
Seriously what's the point of this board anymore?

>> No.9957159
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>- Delete /jp/ after 10M

Moot should make every board redirect to /jp/ right before 10M and put up a global message saying "Enjoy your last day, /jp/".

>> No.9957167

it's a place to discuss things that /a/ and /v/ no longer wish to discuss.

>> No.9957169

I would delete all the imageboards and only leave the textboards. In the name of world2ch.

>> No.9957176


>> No.9957179

> /kr/ - Korean Culture

There's just so much to talk about. like kpop and... uh...

>> No.9957185

Make public bans a common thing, perhaps excessive even.

Add flying dicks and annoying scipts

>> No.9957186

1.Delete /soc/ /mlp/ and remove porn spam from /b/.
2. Hire a full house of mods to permaban the crybabies who WILL spam ponies and real porn anyway after the changes.
3. Watch the bloodshed. Hear the bodies hit the floor.
4. Unban ZUN!bar

>> No.9957191


>delete /r9k/

That worked so well last time.

They're catchment areas.

>> No.9957196

thx for the info I'll be looking for him

>> No.9957197

Gangnam style

>> No.9957205

Catchment? Interesting word. Added to my vocabulary. Yes, containment is best. Although, I really don't think normals would bother if only the textboards were left.

>> No.9957208
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He already did an epic raid on us once, I'm sure he's learned his lesson.

>> No.9957218

How long until 10M? Can a math-inclined /jp/sie give an estimate, thank you.

>> No.9957220
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>delete /mlp/
But you know they'd just post their shit everywhere else, don't you?

>> No.9957221

>I'm sure he's learned his lesson.
uhh... I don't think there were ANY repercussions for moot.

>> No.9957224

K-pop alone is fucking huge, yet it's stigmatized on /mu/ because of their weird culture. You could fill a whole board with nothing but SNSD, Super Junior and PSY.

After that there's manhwa, kimchi, StarCraft and desk fan-induced asphyxiation.

>> No.9957233
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>> No.9957231
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>> No.9957232

Sure, I'll get started tomorrow.

>> No.9957239
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Quints have been happening every 2 days since 9900000...
It won't take long...

>> No.9957238

No, you fucking gay bitch, do it now, thank you.

P.S. Sorry for being rude, I don't want to sleep through it, thank you.

>> No.9957246
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I remember the days when gold accounts were a joke..

>> No.9957247

OP sounds like a faggot.

Also, I feel like punching my screen whenever I see a picture of Moot. He has the most punchable face of any human being I have ever seen. I just want to hurt him.

>> No.9957249

About a week.

>> No.9957240

>Create /kr/ - Corean Culture
Why not /cn/ - Chinese Culture instead? or /amer/ - Amerifat Culture? Fuck off, we have /int/ for a reason.

>Remove dubs from all boards
I don't fucking think so. What about all the epic Omega Sudo threads? They're best threads.

If you were a moot, you'd suck dick.

>> No.9957241

Quality /jp/ related thread we got here.

>> No.9957250


That is exactly what I want to happen. It will be dubbed The Ponycaust and shall be the greatest slaughter to ever happen on 4chan ever.

>> No.9957252

Back to /bun/, jewlord kike faggot.

>> No.9957253
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>Music & Production



>Japanese Music

>Japanese Television & Film

>Japanese Video Games



>Celebrities & Internet Personalities

+ ban people i dont like and unban people i do like

>> No.9957255

I would shut down 4chan

>> No.9957257


>> No.9957261
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this is fine too

>> No.9957263
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>> No.9957268

>/amer/ - Amerifat Culture

We already have that, it is called the internet.

>> No.9957270


I would ban ISPs at the drop of the hat and force people to appeal onto a whitelist.

>> No.9957271

Sell the servers and use the money from the 4chan Passes to live as a truNEET for the rest of my life.

>> No.9957271,1 [INTERNAL] 

Why did this get deleted?

>> No.9957271,2 [INTERNAL] 

- Unban ZUN!bar and create a "/zb/ - Shitposting/h0mu/Autism" board for him and his shills.

>> No.9957271,3 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.9957271,4 [INTERNAL] 

Behold. I am the the moot.

>> No.9957271,5 [INTERNAL] 

Back in the day, back in the days of /b/, when moot did his threads there, I made a board request for /cp/, /drugs/, and /i/ (this was at the height of the raid bullshit, see) and got personally /z/ banned by him for it.

True story.

>> No.9957271,6 [INTERNAL] 

Your mom must be very proud of you.

>> No.9957271,7 [INTERNAL] 


I had not seen someone mention it in years.

>> No.9957271,8 [INTERNAL] 

Serves you right pedo fuck. My website isn't a dumping ground for your filth, you have the rest of the internet for that.

>> No.9957271,9 [INTERNAL] 

I went there once and almost half of the threads mentioned /jp/ in a negative manner. They said something about /jp/ always raiding them (lol)

>> No.9957271,10 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.9957271,11 [INTERNAL] 

I like all of these ideas, OP.
