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993949 No.993949 [Reply] [Original]

To /jp/:

So I got Fate/stay night recently and I finally finished up the prologue and got HOLY SHIT MAIN MENU. Awesome stuff so far, wish all of my manually-read books were accompanied by ambient music and cool pictures at appropriate moments. Haven't read a game with a prologue this long since Paper Mario.

But I was wondering if I could get an estimate of playtime here, both in prologue and main game per each path or whatever way you want to divide it. I've taken a lot of breaks during which time I just left the game sitting around, so mine is probably inaccurate.

So, you can base it on your reading speed, how long is this game?

>> No.993952

Took me about 8 hours playing time for each route.

>> No.993960

>Haven't read a game with a prologue this long since Paper Mario.

>> No.993964
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We screencap our play time

And I only played Fate and UBW

>> No.993965

Yeah, this has confused me.

>> No.993976

Nasu is fucking awesome, hes writing is perfect. i haven't been so thrilled with a game before since Final Fantasy VII.

>> No.993979

Paper Mario has a lot of text.

>> No.993980
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no, I haven't played HF.

>> No.993982
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I have OCD, so I always end up reading the same page over and over

>> No.993995

Oh shit I lost by 2 hours.

>> No.994011

>>993964 here

WHAT THE- and I was surprised at _my_ playtime

>> No.994013

I think with a visual novel, the person with the MOST playtime is the winner.

>> No.994018


>> No.994025

The voice acting alone is 60+ hours

>> No.994040
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you lost me

>> No.994050

I think it took me about 24 hours for Fate and about 16 hours for UBW. Iam average reader.

>> No.994060

Took me 21 hours for Fate, a bit longer for UBW.
I also went and got all the bad ends so far.
At the moment I'm at 2 days, 16 hours.

>> No.994065

I put a couple days into it, but then again I played with the voice-overs and let them finish speaking before moving on to the next page.

>> No.994078

32 hours for UBW alone, but I listened to every voice.

>> No.994080


Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

>> No.994083

Didn't get all the bad ends, but I'm a relatively quick reader and skipped alot of the voice acting because they were pretty slow. I clock in at around 12-15 hours per route. I'd cap my time, but it's incorrect because I left FSN on when I went to sleep a few times.

>> No.994102
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Thanks /jp/, but I don't have the voiceovers. Think I've still got a good long time?

>> No.994135

1 day, 20 hours, 31 minutes for me.

>> No.994142

26 hours for Fate route only, without voice acting.

>> No.994156

I did ~12-16 hours for one playthrough of Fate with no voice acting (before MM did the UBW patch).

>> No.994574

Have a question that's related to this, so I'd like to ask it here instead of making another thread.

I had FSN on my old computer and just got a new one. How do I transfer over my saves and other progress? I don't want to have to go through all of Fate/UBW again for when HF comes out.

>> No.994589

I'd try copying the folder named "savedata".

>> No.994599


That'd bring over the saves for sure, but would it also retain the fact that I've "beaten" Fate/UBW?

>> No.994603


>> No.994604

>game with a prologue this long
This is good, why?

>> No.994605

More time when Rin is the protagonist and not Shirou is always good.

>> No.994626

I'm assuming you just copy over the folder named "savedata" in C:\Program Files\Fate

>> No.994632


>> No.994903

Damn it, FSN would have been a whole lot cooler with Rin as the lead and a route with Archer, one with Lancer and one with Ayako.

>> No.995111


>> No.995120


FSN would be alot cooler if your choices in the beginning changed what servant Shirou summoned. I love Saber and all but just think of the fun you could have if you got Archer or somehow Gilgamesh instead.

>> No.995122

And a bonus route with Sakura for some lesbian wincest.

>> No.995128

Yeah and whatever servant you get would influence what ideals Shirou would have.

I like it.

>> No.995159

That's the problem with F/SN. The premise is really good, and you can do a lot with it, but Nasu really didn't use it right.

>> No.995320

In reality I must have played for 2 and 1/2 days, due to the fact I fell asleep reading it a few times.
Don't get me wrong, it was great.

>> No.995325
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In reality I must have played for 2 and 1/2 days, due to the fact I fell asleep reading it a few times.
Don't get me wrong, it was great.

>> No.995456

it can be interesting, like Tsukihime have, the routes branches out early.

>> No.995461

Yeah, like you have the Good route where you're with Saber, all the way to the Evil route with like Caster/Gilgamesh.

>> No.995464

Caster Route = Rule Breaker everyone onto your team. Fuck yeah.

>> No.995487

Does anon endorse a download for the Realta Nua disc somewhere?

>> No.995527

Me too. I wish I could stop doing this, but when I try to I lose my train of thought.

>> No.995575

you know I'm a picky as fuck reader and it physically causes me pain to type this, but I have to say that the writing in those games is alright.

Man I said it I can't look myself in a mirror ever again

>> No.996105


>> No.996111


>> No.996117

Just wait till you get to a sex scene.

>> No.996171

12 days, Including all three routes several times and then another play through each one with voices.

>> No.996212

3 days, 8 hours, 6 minutes

UBW felt shorter to me.

>> No.996229


>> No.996252


>> No.996611
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With Archer being the Grey Route, doing things that aren't the best, but the end results are worth it.

>> No.996619

Damn that would be wierd, I mean the servant you summon is.... yourself?

Holy mindfuck...

>> No.996633

That's actually a pretty badass concept.

>> No.996637


>> No.996638

Would the man you will be be proud of the boy you are?

>> No.996666
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That could be bad ass, because as soon as Archer's summoned, he goes wtf, not Rin . . . And realizes there's no way in hell that killing Shirou will change his Fate, so he proceeds to make Shirou all bad assed.

Then Rin summons Saber and foursome antics happen.

>> No.996672

Oh how I wish this would have happened ;_;

>> No.996728
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I mean, UBW with BOTH Shirou and Archer? That would be just . . . awesome. Gil would shit himself. And they'd take out that Irish bastard who stabbed him, then realize Lancer's not a bad guy and Lancer takes them drinking.

>> No.996741
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>> No.996768

I'm sure getting gangbanged by Archer, Shirou, and Lancer would force even Dark Sakura into submission.

>> No.996775
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And then Lancer proceeds to drink them all under the table because he's Irish.

But when the King of Heroes rears his head and beats Saber like the whiny bitch she is, Shirou and Archer tag team him like WOAH. And two no-named heroes and mongrel maguses take down the King of Heroes.

>> No.996781
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>> No.996793
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Nah, Dark Sakura would be happy to finally get some good sex and would repent her sins. Then Archer holds down Kotomine so Lancer can stab him in revenge for Bazette. Then . . . Bazette's alive and everyone has orgies every night.


>> No.996800

It's funny how every single idea in this thread would probably make FSN infinitely better. Oh well.

>> No.996807

The biggest flaw with this is that it'll make the protagonist's side much too overpowered.

Where's the fun in that?

>> No.996820

This thread...it's beautiful.

>> No.996828

Just pop ORT in there and even it out or something.

>> No.996840

Crossovers are always an option.

>> No.996851
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I love how everybody chooses ORT to be the last boss. It's not like there are several other TYPES out there that can kick anybody's ass.

>> No.996860
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Okay . . . We can have Sakura going dark and corrupting Saber. Dark Saber and Sakura go on a rampage . . . Kotomine opens the Grail using Ilya and the TEAM OF GAR ride to try to save the day.

>> No.996865
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>> No.996869
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>> No.996876
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ORT's the only one on earth though.

>> No.996897
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I want a casual route instead.

>> No.996899

Seriously what the fuck is that? How do you describe that without showing someone a picture.

>> No.996913

This is a visual novel; pictures are an option.

>> No.996915

"Eh well you see, it's got these tentacles. Well, they're not exactly tentacles, they're really uh... well they got some blue stuff and uh... he doesn't really have any legs, and his body is kind of spiky...."

>> No.996943
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Annndddd a Rin/Archer ero scene. Because.

Someone needs to write this in a fanfic.

Anyone know a good author?

>> No.996949
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While were on the topic of awesome, Night or Zero lancer?

>> No.996971
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Oh hai, I upgraded your VN.

>> No.996972
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Fate Lancer of course.

Ooohhh, and in one route ARCHER himself gets turned dark and Shirou has to kill his Servant/Mentor/Father Figure/Future Self and Rin mourns the loss of her lover.

Or Lancer going dark would be awesome as well.

>> No.996990

War's over, go home everyone.

>> No.996996
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>> No.997017
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If it was Shirou, Archer and Rin taking Shiki and Saber on, I'd put my money on the GAR Twosome and their Mistress. Archer and Rin would work on Saber and Shirou would trap Shiki in UBW and sword spam him.

>> No.997026

Well that's 3 vs 2. Let's put Kouma on the Shiki team and see how that goes.

>> No.997029


>> No.997037
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>> No.997054

Or Shiki could pull a Nanaya, throw his knife, while Shirou is blocks it then Shiki is vertical right in his face and ready to twist his head off. Just like how Nanaya does it in Kagetsu Tohya.

Shiki doesn't win by fighting fair. He wins by being clever. Against Nero the only reason he won was because Nero had no clue what the fuck Shiki was.

What makes you think that Shirou would? Here's a feeble human zero magical abilities and some scary looking eyes. No one would take him seriously. Shiki wins by virtue of surprise, feints, and cleverness.

This is all of course assuming they throw away their "goody goody" nature. And assuming that if they were acting against their character that Shiki wouldn't just stalk and assassinate him.

>> No.997067
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Good end (?).

>> No.997068


>> No.997099
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Well, Shirou's the fodder to keep Shiki busy, and trapped within a Reality Marble, while Rin and Archer finish off Saber.

Remember, Archer CHEATS like a mother fucker when he needs too.

Shirou gets killed by Shiki, but he's up against GAR and his Mistress Master.

>> No.997105


Ciel takes the blow, then die. Shiki lives.

Good End.

>> No.997108


>> No.997113

Why Ciel? Why not go all out and get Arcueid? Shiki wins.

>> No.997114


>> No.997119

>Ciel takes the blow, then die

I don't think so Tim.

>> No.997129

Just making a F/SN thread and mentioning any Tsukihime character or vice versa asks for a shit storm.

Opinions are way too polarized for any civil discussion to exist. I mean, take a look at Beast's Lair. That place is a steaming pile of shit if I ever saw one. Only thing it's good for is translations.

>> No.997133

Time paradox - if Shirou dies before he becomes something HAX and GAR, Archer doesn't exist.

>> No.997138
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Damn it, why can't we have a VN where Shiki, Shirou and the other Servants and Shiki's harem have to team up to fight something like ORT or Altrouge and Pals.

>> No.997148

Not true. Archer exists in the Throne of Heroes, and the throne is outside time. Whether Shirou turns into Archer or not is not relevant.

>> No.997149
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Uhh, no. The chance of Archer managing a Time Paradox is like less than one percent. Ultimate Blade Works explains this. Archer's reality already existed. All he's doing is creating more realities.

That and fanfiction. "Black Princesses, Crow's Wings and Hero's Broken Dreams" anyone?

>> No.997151

That'd be awesome, but apparently NASU is a bitch when it comes to crossovers.

>> No.997176
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>> No.997247

Can someone create a BMW tier list?
