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File: 42 KB, 379x337, ramen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
994160 No.994160 [Reply] [Original]

Let's discuss ramen.

>> No.994168

Easy to make, good to eat.

>> No.994169

Believe it!

>> No.994170

I prefer spaghetti.

>> No.994172


>> No.994173

I live off of this shit when im away at college

>> No.994186

Japanese ramen is terrible. Go find some Shin Ramyun.

>> No.994188
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Let's discuss Ramon

>> No.994195


Oriental flavor is fucking delicious, my everyday survival kit is a couple of these, spicy meat, 6 tortillas and a coke.

>> No.994198
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Yakisoba was here, Ramen is a faggot

>> No.994217
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My ramen can beat up your ramen.

>> No.994218
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How can you not love this shit?

>> No.994224

Enjoy your cancer.

>> No.994231


this is essentially the worst product ever


this is delicious

>> No.994269
File: 49 KB, 500x375, 1215896880535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I WISH THEY SOLD THOSE HERE, FUUUUCK, I once tasted them on germany, shit was so fucking delicious.

pic related, its the only good ramen flavor they sell here and it isnt even that good.

>> No.994281

Anyone ever have the Maruchan chili flavor? It was a lot better than I thought it would be.

>> No.994309


moar like enjoy your MSG.

>> No.994346

lol amerikans

>> No.994459
File: 494 KB, 1362x480, 1215899343939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bought a case of these today.

lol, viral marketing.

>> No.994466

I'd buy a case of these but I don't live in japan

>> No.994502

Only good brand.

>> No.994504

maru-chan is my wife

>> No.994526

Mobile Suit Gundam?

>> No.994532

Monosodium glutamate

>> No.994533

Meh, it's just broth with noodles. Nothing special.
I prefer my noodles with tomato sauce or cheese or something. But it's probably the cheapest food you can get.
Then again, I do like Pocky.

>> No.994542
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You all fail.

>> No.994549

Who gives a fuck about what Roger Ebert says.

>> No.994553


I do.

>> No.994568

does anyone else think the noodles have almost no flavor? I might just be doing it wrong.

>> No.994573

Maybe you're not cooking it long enough.

>> No.994598

Best sex scene ever.

>> No.994601
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>You all fail.

>> No.994616

>enjoy your MSG

Man, what's the fuss? I buy MSG and put it in my homemade soups.
Everybody freaks out just because some people are allergic...

>> No.994637

I eat them dry because I'm awesome like that!

>> No.994645


1. Break them up in a plastic bag.
2. Pour in seasoning.
3. ???

I do that, too.

>> No.994648

>I buy MSG and put it in my homemade soups
enjoy your brain tumours

>> No.994651

Maruchan? Shit is horrible.

>> No.994654

I will.

* The 1987 Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization and the World Health Organization placed monosodium glutamate in the safest category of food ingredients.
* A 1991 report by the European Community's (EC) Scientific Committee for Foods reaffirmed monosodium glutamate's safety and classified its "acceptable daily intake" as "not specified", the most favourable designation for a food ingredient. In addition, the EC Committee said, "Infants, including prematures, have been shown to metabolize glutamate as efficiently as adults and therefore do not display any special susceptibility to elevated oral intakes of glutamate."
* A 1992 report from the Council on Scientific Affairs of the American Medical Association stated that glutamate in any form has not been shown to be a "significant health hazard".
* A 1995 FDA-commissioned report by the FASEB confirmed the safety assessments of the aforementioned Committees, but stated that an unknown percentage of the population may react to monosodium glutamate and develop a monosodium glutamate symptom complex when consuming more than 3 gram of monosodium glutamate alone. The report compiled several, mostly very non-specific and common, symptoms from anecdotal reports, including burning sensation in the back of the neck, forearms and chest, numbness in the back of the neck, radiating to the arms and back, tingling, warmth and weakness in the face, temples, upper back, neck and arms, facial pressure or tightness, chest pain, headache, nausea, rapid heartbeat, bronchospasm, drowsiness, weakness, and sweating.[6]
* A 2002 report found that rats fed on diets supplemented with 10% and 20% pure monosodium glutamate suffered retina degeneration, possibly through glutamate accumulation in the vitreous humour. However, such extreme amounts are more than one order of magnitude higher than those used for flavoring or found in foods.[7]

>> No.994656

chinese propaganda

illuminati faggot, open your fucking eyes!

>> No.994663

Riiiight. Except it was developed by the Japanese and was originally a seaweed extract.

>> No.994666

Maruchan! I've not had that in eight years since they don't sell it here.

>> No.994668

i always get the shitty ramen, one day i'll be richer and can afford the 50 cent ramen

>> No.994670

Enjoy your Doritos.

>> No.994672

all ramen is same

except chicken ramem (original instant noodles) which doesn't have a flavour packet, but still tastes good.

>> No.994674

I can't sstand the "good" ramen, because they add all those different freeze-dried vegetables and shrimp and shit, and freeze-dried shit is HORRID.

I like to buy the cheap ramen and add fresh ingredients.

>> No.994681

The chicken cups aren't that bad.

>> No.994682

>all ramen is same

I heartily disagree; some have very unpleasant noodles that get too soft too fast.

>> No.994689

I do like those, but I still don't usually eat the vegetables....

The beef ones are the worst though.

>> No.994691

motherfucking signed

though I still have my preferences amonth cheap noodles. I buy 'tomato' noodles from this west african place for 9p per pack (18 cents) because it stays fairly firm while cooking, rather than some ramen which goes soggy after you've been cooking it in a wok with vegetables/meat for a few minutes.

>> No.994695
File: 92 KB, 316x600, 1215902626773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're too soft, noodles.

>> No.994724

Do want Youmu noodles ಠ3ಠ

>> No.994732

How to make good ramen better-

-Before making ramen, make ahard-boiled egg.
-Put the hard-boiled egg in a small cup, pour soy-sauce over it until covered.
-Leave it sit for an hour or more.
-Make your ramen, shell the egg, cut in half, and throw it into the finished ramen.

>> No.994740
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>> No.994741

How to make ramen taste good:

-add soy, black pepper, meat and vegetables


>> No.994747

nothing is more pathetic than a 'ramen gourmet'

>> No.994756

Allergic to eggs or something? Soy-eggs are tasty!

>> No.994758

hmm, i should try that, i usually just drop the egg in the soup and microwave it

>> No.994766

I love eggs!

but I would never go about the bother of boiling an egg, which is more time consuming than frying some onion and peppers in olive oil, adding chopped up bacon straight from my freezer, cooking it with soy and shit...even adding a motherfucking egg to the pan as well...

and serving that shit with noodles

way tastier than a boiled egg, which would take longer.

>> No.994785
File: 23 KB, 935x725, 1215903713485.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you forget where you are?

>> No.994795
File: 16 KB, 634x571, 1215903782710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.994802

I make the eggs in bulk; I'll boil a full dozen and put them in a bag full of soy sauce in the fridge and take them out as needed. Much handier that way.

>> No.994834

That is the best stuff.
Which they decided to quit selling at the local safeway. Instead they have like 5 rows of similarly boxed chowmein(which isn't as good). I guess people up here don't know what yakisoba is.

>> No.994865

Tea eggs are superior

>> No.994929

The Chow Mein is fucking horrible, I tried it and I just ended up with a salty, sauce-drenched, half-cooked block of noodles. Yakisoba's still find-able over at Publix, but I'd look like a jackass bringing shitloads of that over to the cashiers. If there was a way to make yakisoba out of ramen packets, that'd be great...

>> No.994973

This is some good stuff, my only problem with it is the veggies are to stale so I have to replace them with fresh ones.

>> No.995048

Anyone else here drain all the water off of a ramen packet and sprinkle the seasoning straight on? Tastes so good.

>> No.995072

Hadn't heard of them before, but after a google check, they DO sound pretty good...

>> No.995077

I do that, but then I usually fry them in butter after that.

>> No.995082

>I usually fry them in butter
lol americans

>> No.995087

...but you CAN make Yakisoba from ramen noodles....


>> No.995097

Got me nailed, that's for sure.

That doesn't make them any less tasty; woe betide the man who denies the decadent goodness of real butter.

>> No.995102
File: 31 KB, 250x468, 1215908724430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.995101

So... just prepare them and put them in a pan? Doesn't sound that hard.

>> No.995105


>> No.995201

Yeah, boil noodles and drain, oil up a griddle and fry the noodles with chopped up meat and veggies plus a splash of Bulldog sauce. Simple.

>> No.995231

I eat it becoz of naruto XD
DATTEBAYOR! Right guys

>> No.995247

Just die. Slowly

>> No.995259

Way to be completely oblivious to an obvious troll.

>> No.995354

Oishi Ramen! ♥
How many flavors are there.
I can only find two vegetarian flavors.
Oriental [No beef]
And some [Caliente] flavor


I think that's the one I'm thinking of. X3


No. That sounds gross to me
And I'm American
You fry it in vegetable oil. Duh! LoL

>> No.995614

Although Top Ramen is the orginal and Maruchan is a copycat...

...I still prefer maruchan because of its weaker flavor lets it go down easier instead of being so strong that I need a glass of water while I'm eating like with the top ramen.

>> No.995627

Way too obvious.
