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File: 59 KB, 600x450, hurricane-ivan_200_600x450[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9942348 No.9942348[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any /jp/ers in the way of Hurricane Sandy?

I live in Maryland. Should I be worried?

>> No.9942361


Let's try to take it easy.

>> No.9942369

same here, marybro
were gonna get fucked up

how will you be taking it easy without electricity for 2-3 days? i think i'll sleep and fap extra hard.

>> No.9942370

Yeah, It's going to hit around me. I'm a little worried.

>> No.9942384

When is it supposed to hit MD?

>> No.9942386

I'm not sure. I haven't given it much thought, but I'm going to have to ration my food stocks, and probably do a puzzle or something.

>> No.9942395
File: 199 KB, 508x590, 1339651708014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I could, I would invite you all to my awesome apartment in the bay area.

But I know how you all would rather drown than live with a black guy so yeah.

Whatever happens, remember to take it easy no matter what.

>> No.9942392

Sunday through tuesday, last I heard. Better get some canned stuff before everything's gone, anon-kun

>> No.9942398

Cute image dude.

>> No.9942400

The only place I can go to get food is the campus store. Such are the perils of being a shutin college student.

I have some emergency food and books though. I just don't know how I'll take it easy without internet.

>> No.9942403
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Thanks, I tired my hardest!

>> No.9942408
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>Hurricane Sandy: Hit on New York could have major impact

>> No.9942409

dude black people are great
i love fried chicken

i mean except the fat black women that dont have inside voices and smell like indian elephants.

>> No.9942415
File: 216 KB, 942x532, dont rape me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my home and room is going to flood like it did with Irene. i have to bring my doujinshi, dakimakura, figures, computer, tv and records away. i don't know where i would go though.

i'm scared.

>> No.9942416

>But I know how you all would rather drown than live with a black guy so yeah.
Damn straight. Death before dishonor.

I'm shocked an person like you can appreciate that. You must be quite intelligent for one of your kind.

>> No.9942420

Nice house. Looks like I'll be getting to rape somebody tonight!

>> No.9942421

A-anon-kun, I'm so sorry. That is literally the worst place to live imaginable... You can come over to my house, if you want.

>> No.9942432
File: 1.31 MB, 1500x1125, china will grow larger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t-try it i-i know black belt d-dummy.

>> No.9942429


I'm black and live near the bay area too so no thanks.

>> No.9942431

come on guys you know it makes my autism go wild when you use that word

>> No.9942437

Isn't it only supposed to be a low-lvl hurricane SAT1 or something

Best of luck to
though, I hope none of your stuff gets damaged

>> No.9942441

Your resistance only makes my penis harder.

But I tell you what, if you don't hurt me too much, after we do the force-y fun time, I'll take you and your stuff to a hotel a few hundred miles away, and I'll take you back afterwards. Sound good?

>> No.9942452


>> No.9942446


>> No.9942447
File: 167 KB, 800x500, 1339125353867.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My invitation was only meant for the /jp/ers about to live in Atlantis II.

>> No.9942453

f**k u

>> No.9942454

Haha, faggots, I'm in New Orleans. Who's getting fucked now?

>> No.9942455

> But I know how you all would rather drown than live with a black guy so yeah.
Whoa no man, I'd totally be all over that shit. Provided I had my own living space there, and transportation was arranged, of course.

>> No.9942462
File: 48 KB, 500x403, dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a fag.

>> No.9942465

I thought I was the only NOLA /jp/sie on this board.

>> No.9942467

Oh, just so you know, I'm HIV positive. I hope you don't mind.

>> No.9942466

At least you don't have sales tax.

>> No.9942470

How does it feel to live in the Africa of the New world?

>> No.9942476
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>> No.9942485

Hopefully many Jews will die.

>> No.9942495

Dude I live near the gulf coast and I don't watch/read the news, so when I saw this posted, I was like "goddamn it another one?!" and then I realized it was headed to the northeast and I was like oh man sucks to be those guys.

Down here, we're used to this sort of thing...most of the people up there aren't going to know what to do to prepare, and the news isn't going to help because I'm sure they'll be all "WEATHERFUCKINGPOCALYPSE" about it like they do with any out-of-the-ordinary weather.

>> No.9942508

How do you want me to respond to that?

>> No.9942509

You can go to a hurricane shelter. They usually set these up in community centers/high school gyms in areas with higher ground...as for your things, I would get a storage shed or leave them with a friend if you have one you can trust with your things.

You're going to be okay, anon. These things happen all the time, so don't panic.

>> No.9942518

You feel comfy now, but at least we KNOW when our disasters are coming.

Enjoy your 10.0 earthquake, fucker

>> No.9942521
File: 98 KB, 806x537, 1346054089811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in New Jersey.

I'm not afraid because Storm Vanguard Chris Christie will protect us.

>> No.9942527

that is a very fucking large man, sir.

>> No.9942532

do hurricane shelters have other people? i'm bad with other people, like to the point where i have breakdowns. last hurricane i stayed in my car for three days i have too much stuff now. how much are storage sheds?

shame the storm is gong to be directly over brick and my town is going to get hit since im close to it. also christie is a bigger idiot than i am.

>> No.9942546

I live in Ocean County as well and it looks like it's going to directly hit us again...just like Irene did.

I'm not looking forward to not having power for 2-3 weeks again.

>> No.9942563

>biggier idiot than iam

I see what you did there.

>> No.9942564

A tip for those about to get raped by hurricane sandy. Don't let this money making opportunity slip by, with a chainsaw, axe, spade, 'contractor' garbage bags and fuel you can make some quick cash in the first few days after the storm passes.

>> No.9942567

"It sucks :<"

>> No.9942579

last time i lost power for about a week, but i had to get about four inches of water out of my house. you should get your hands on a generator and a few gallons of gas while you can.

>> No.9942590

Well yeah, that works, but I feel like there's a more articulated way to respond to something that's obviously exaggerated, yet at the same time not too far off from the truth.

>> No.9942605

Sadly, yeah, they usually do. IDK what else man short of renting a hotel a few cities away in higher ground.

>> No.9942609
File: 38 KB, 600x400, Fat fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You know how you look at other people and don't give a shit or even think twice about them unless there is something overtly wrong with them?

Well that's how everyone looks at you, no one cares, no one thinks twice.


Oh you.

>> No.9942615


>> No.9942616

RIP in piece Northeast

>> No.9942622

How did you manage to go a week without internet, I would have had a mental break down.

>> No.9942623

Lousianna is like the last place I'd want to live. Dirty, religious poor people everywhere, shitty jobs, below sea level, swamps, gators, crawfish, hill-billies. Ew.

>> No.9942628

north connecticutfag here, i have my PSP with corpse party installed ready for when we lose power!

>> No.9942629


You should have more than enough stuff backed up on your hard drive that you haven't went through.


Not trying to be mean, just trying to help with the social anxiety.

>> No.9942638

i have a psp with a car charger and a portable dvd player.

oh okay. thanks i thought you were just being mean.
