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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9934832 No.9934832[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Thinking of upgrading my Sennheiser headphones. They have served me well for almost 2 years now, but I'm certain there are better ones out there.

>> No.9934837

I-Is this what they call "Audiophile Otaku"??

>> No.9934835

Thx for posting the anime girl. I was worried for a second if this was board related or not.

>> No.9934841

Do you have an Amplifier or DAC?

I would recommend a Sennheiser HD 600. They're pretty cheap used and are amazing headphones that should satisfy.

>> No.9934844

Grorious nihonjin headphones only.

Sony, Panasonic the list could go on...

>> No.9934847
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Which ones ?
558 foam moded a great.

>> No.9934850

Stax. Audio-Technica.

>> No.9934855
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No amp at the moment, but was going to move into that along with the new headphones. Just make one big change. Thanks for the recommendation, will look for them

HD 428. Cheap(relatively) and functional. I do heartily recommend them as entry level cans if available.

Headphone musume has always been a thing in /jp/. Rare, but established.

>> No.9934874
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>> No.9934872
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>> No.9934882

Sure, dude.

>> No.9934901

>HD 428
If you have the opportunity, you should look for open headphones. I find it much more enjoyable and dare I say realistic to watch Anime and read Eroge with open headphones. Not to mention that it's barely fatiguing, so you can spend all day listening to denpa without getting a headache.

The only time I switch to my closed headphones is when I'm listening to specific music that are much more enjoyable on it. The only album that I've found where that is the case is Plastikman's Closer.

>> No.9934906
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Sennheiser master race everything else is peasants.

>> No.9934920

Poor mans Beyerdynamic

>> No.9934925
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Tell yourself that if it makes you feel better, peasant.

>> No.9934926
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>> No.9934928

Now that's interesting. Headaches with closed headphones? Never heard of it before and I've been using this as my main phones for a while now, never found any issue.

I know opens don't really leak out, but I prefer the isolation. Not only it keeps most ambient noise outside, but doesn't let other people hear my embarrassing japanese songs. Pretty good while commuting.

>> No.9934937

He's right though. Everything below HD600 suffers from horrible build quality and everything above HD650 costs too much. Even at those price points there are better alternatives. And the 650s have a really weird, warm soundstage to which you need to get used to. They also cost too much or rather there are better alternatives for the money like these here >>9934926.

>> No.9934944

Sennheiser 280 is all I've got ;_;

What's the next step up for closed headphones? It's been a while since I've read into headphones.

>> No.9934961
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Sounds like someone is upset they can't afford the 800s.
>Poor mans Beyerdynamic
>They also cost too much

>> No.9934967
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>> No.9934978

The T1s are better than the HD800. Aside from the fact that it's absolutely ridiculous to blow that kind of money on headphones and - even more so - advocating it on /jp/.

>> No.9934979

For the past two years I've been using a Cyber Acoustic headset for all my audio needs. The day I listen to middle class headphones is the day my head will burst.

>> No.9934994

>Aside from the fact that it's absolutely ridiculous to blow that kind of money on headphones
You could have said it in the beginning, you know. You don't have to watch out for neurotypicals around here.

>> No.9934997
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just buy ear buds and turn on the option, virtual surround sound you poorfaggers

>> No.9935010


>> No.9935016

Do that if you hate comfort, good sound and your ears and don't want to hear anything by the time you turn 35.

>> No.9935029
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>> No.9935031

>Now that's interesting. Headaches with closed headphones?
Odd. I regularly get headaches with open headphones, but nowhere near as much as with closed headphones. But I do listen to headphones around 12-14 hours everyday. But I'd expect everyone on /jp/ to be doing that. Is there something wrong with me?

If you're in the same room as other people, I can understand you. However, nobody uses open headphones when commuting. They usually have a closed headphone or IEM specifically for that purpose.

>> No.9935037

What. Do you mean...

>> No.9935042

If you want open headphones, Audio Technica AD700s are are pretty good.
If you really need isolation, personally I'd go with canalphones. Vsonic make some excellent ones that are not excessively expensive.

>> No.9935063

Those aren't the justin beiber Beats ones

more seriously best headphones for around £50

>> No.9935069

>more seriously best headphones for around £50
that was supposed to be a question
What are the best headphones (closed preferably) for under £50?

>> No.9935082
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>large headphones
>mustve been open ear w/e thing theyre called
>listening to my jap music on the subways
>wonder if any1 else can hear it
>take off headphones while the music still playing
>hear my weeabo music

>> No.9935090
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I just got some DT 770s because the shitty ear pads were ripping apart my ear. I noticed that everything sounds like it's 20 yards away compared to the Senns and though they're definitely more comfortable they do kind of clamp on my head even more than the Senns, which is the opposite of what I was told.

I'm starting to feel buyer's remorse though since that $200 really could've been used to upgrade my graphics card or get an SSD. I bought these (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0016MF7W2/ref=ox_ya_os_product)) for my 280's and am thinking of just returning the DT 770s if they work out.

I really should get an SSD since my HDs feel like they're dying. Or I could upgrade from my 260GTX.

Goddamn these first world problems.

>> No.9935092

use 300€

>> No.9935093
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>mfw i have no face

>> No.9935097

That's why you buy closed, over-ear headphones you retarded weeaboo fgt.

>> No.9935102

Maybe it's something with the cable? I'm not sure about the 770s and the 990s but the 880s are probably the best headphones in that pricerange. Then again, the 880s cost roughly twice as much as either of the other two.

>> No.9935104

I spent several weeks doing research on headphones, and I still don't know what to get. And all this damn terminology is so fatiguing... If I hear "sparkly" or "recessed" one more time, I swear I'll flip shit.

Ugh, maybe I'll just get an ATH-M50.

>> No.9935110

This is not a board for idiots who love to use green text for the entire fucking post or scum that works or goes to school.

>> No.9935111

The M50s aren't really worth it anymore since they caught up on the popularity and upped the price by 30% or so. What's your budget?

>> No.9935118
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I was once in my campus library and started listening to this,
I had my headphones on, but not connected. I thought it was a bit quiet so I turned it up a bit and tried to fall asleep. About a minute into the song, a librarian comes up to me with a condescending smile on her face and says "either turn the music off or leave the library".
My face must have turned red instantly. I walked as fast as I could out of the building while people started to look and try to hide their laughter. I waited outside the library for a good 2 hours until my parents could pick me up.

>> No.9935125

The 880s and 990s aren't closed IIRC.

I can't have other people hearing my kawaii anime nor do I want to hear what's going on around me.

>> No.9935129

Well, so much for that idea... I guess $200 or less, or maybe $300 if the quality is really worthwhile.

>> No.9935143

You deserved it for listening to weeaboo shit outside of your room, especially the moe shit variety.

Why the fuck would you even listen to shit that you know is embarrassing? Get better taste.

>> No.9935142

How would I even get that much money?

>> No.9935149
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This happened to me too except it was right in the middle of lecture and instead of weeaboo shit I was listening to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IZbA8PqRQ2M and had my headphones plugged into the mic hole. I fucking blasted it too till somebody in front of me told me to use my headphones.

I still feel shitty on that day. That was a truCHUUNI song.

>> No.9935154

>Then again, the 880s cost roughly twice as much as either of the other two.
The prices on all three fluctuate a lot, as far as I've seen. I don't think the 880's are always that much more.

I loved my 990's, though they were only the 250Ω ver. I have a miserable time describing it technically, but they were a little harsh on the highs (i.e. it was difficult for me to listen to stuff like Exit Tunes) -- luckily there are some really nice EQ plugins for foobar, and with a little tweaking everything is fine.

990s are "semi-open", but yeah... they leak a lot of noise.

These guys still have them for pretty cheap?
Especially with the instant rebate.
I really like my pair, no complaints whatsoever.

On an unrelated note, I think one of the drivers in my K701s has died ;_;

>> No.9935157

>I spent several weeks doing research on headphones, and I still don't know what to get. And all this damn terminology is so fatiguing... If I hear "sparkly" or "recessed" one more time, I swear I'll flip shit.

>Well, so much for that idea... I guess $200 or less, or maybe $300 if the quality is really worthwhile.


I can't do anything other than recommend the Sennheiser HD 600 yet again. All you need to know is that it's flat and perfect. You're going to need to get an Amplifier then. A cheap antique reciever would probably work.

>> No.9935161

That's pretty bad, but accidentally blasting Rammstein is nowhere near as embarrassing as blasting weeaboo shit.

>> No.9935165

I think 990 is open and 880 semi-open.

>> No.9935168


>> No.9935173

I have those sony in the middle.

>> No.9935177

They used to go for $120 on Amazon.

The 770s and 990s with their Pro and Premium variants go for around 150€, the only exception being the 990 Premium which cost as much as the 880 Premium while being objectively worse.


I think it's the other way around but I'm not sure anymore. In any case, semi-open is basically the same as open. You can hear the sound anyway and it doesn't have that "submarine" feel that closed has and not its shitty audio quality.

Flat isn't good for everyone. It depends on what kind of music you listen to.

Oh I didn't know you wanted closed ones.

>> No.9935178

were you not here like a month or two ago?
Headphones are /jp/ related

>> No.9935181

You deserve it for not being a shut-in.

>> No.9935186

Oh, weird. The last time I checked was years ago, and I swear it was the opposite then. The 990s have those slats as opposed to the mesh on the 880s... so the 990s being the semi-open ones always made sense to me. I guess there is more to it than that.

>> No.9935192

With the rebate they're $109 on the site I linked. Though you might have to pay for shipping.

>> No.9935193
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mod put "headphones" and "trains" under "/jp/ topics" in sticky

everyone laughed at him and how he had no idea how the fuck this board worked

so then he remade the sticky and removed all instances of /int/ and /g/ shit

then people made troll threads to make fun of him

unfortunately janitor didn't realize they were troll threads and the neo/jp/ userbase responded to them seriously because they're idiots

so yeah this thread is still here for no other reason other than incompetent moderating, not because it's /jp/

>> No.9935194

I have bad news for you guys. The more expensive shit isn't worth it's money. It all fucking sounds the same.

Well, who cares. Throw your money away.

>> No.9935197

Oh right, I didn't see that fat banner.

>> No.9935200

There's a sweetspot which is around $300+DAC.

>> No.9935203



>> No.9935209

what's the point? mods will just check if the image is a 2D girl and reset the queue if it is

they don't actually read the thread or check to see what board this is

reporting is now useless on /jp/

>> No.9935211

But Mahjong and Tea were always /jp/ related dude

>> No.9935218


OP is the /q/ueer fucktard that suggested this Headphone shit. His writing style is easy to identify.

>> No.9935219
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>almost 2013
>still using headphones

>> No.9935222


>> No.9935225

These threads are useful and I hate going to /g/ but they don't belong here. Reported.

>> No.9935232

Please review the global rules before posting.

>> No.9935234

Just like bridges. But there's nothing you can do about janitor's trolling.

Get used to thursday evenings. Or rather "enjoy" thursday evenings, the only moment where you can post whatever you want as long as you type a seemingly serious OP.

>> No.9935238

OP tried to prove a point and got the janitor's support.

>> No.9935242

Let's talk about first person shooters. Does anyone still play Counter Strike?

>> No.9935249

I've heard it got dropped form some major tournament in favor of CSS2.

>> No.9935260
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I got the FA-003s. They are really good.

>> No.9935261
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Fine, fine, I get it, I'll delete my thread.
I don't even know why I still care...

>> No.9935262

headphones are fucking op in first person shooters, i can never fucking backstab a sniper thats got a pair of headphones on

stupid surround sound

>> No.9935262,1 [INTERNAL] 

>Flat isn't good for everyone. It depends on what kind of music you listen to.
Don't feed me that bullshit. I listen to all kinds of music and as I said earlier the only album I found that made me switch to my closed non-flat AH-D2000 was Closer. Like some other anon mentioned, I've also had problems with Exit Tunes being too sibilant on my closed headphone, but it's all fixed on my HD 600.

Everything sounds fantastic. Alcachofa is an incredible experience, and so is pretty much everything House and Microhouse I've listened to. Bass-heavy songs like That Beats Everything! from Shedding The Past are still engaging, although less than with my Denon, but all the immense detail from the rest of the album makes the HD 600 really shine. Although, If you're looking for engaging bass you're probably better off getting a speaker system and actually feeling it with your whole body. I find especially Hip-Hop and Jazz engaging with this headphone.

I'm a fan of Deepchord's silly repetetive dub techno, especially his early stuff, and I don't find his music lacking at all. His album Sommer which he released this year was lots of fun.

I'd also like to mention that the HD 600 is perfect for classical music. The only reason I listen to classical is basically because of this headphone. It has also done some magic with some modern classical albums I love. Wolfgang Voigt's Gas' Pop is an entirely different, superior experience compared to my Denon. That album reminds me why so many people prefer headphones over a speaker system.

An album from this year that's been very enjoyable that I recommend everyone check out is "Remains of Shapes To Come" by Ruby My Dear. Breakcore has never sounded so good. It's also the first post-Skrillex dubstep I liked.

>> No.9935262,2 [INTERNAL] 

Why the FUCK did the janitor delete this?

>> No.9935262,3 [INTERNAL] 

> Fine, fine, I get it, I'll delete my thread.
Fucking egoistic OP.

>> No.9935262,4 [INTERNAL] 

OP got upset because there were too many touhou threads on /jp/. He made this Bridge-Otaku-tier inane thread. He felt bad about it afterwards and deleted it.

>> No.9935262,5 [INTERNAL] 

Either that or he thought about upgrading his Sennheiser headphones. Then once he got his question answered satisfyingly, he deleted his thread.

OP, if you're reading this know that I'm gonna fucking kill you, nerd.

>> No.9935262,6 [INTERNAL] 

OP wanted to talk about headphones

then people shat on his thread because it was off-topic and he called it a day
