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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 115 KB, 300x333, cirno2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9932834 No.9932834[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>It can’t be helped. Women are filthy inside out.

>Can’t be bothered. Masturbating is a lot easier.

>We should have more men like that. Thanks to them, I’m 37 but still getting action from young chicks w.

>It’s easier to do it alone.

>Too many high quality Eroge [games containing erotic content.]

>Nothing to worry about. It is more unnatural for this small island country to be populated with people,
>Our population should decline.

Why can't Japan into nationalism?

>> No.9932838

I wonder if it easier to get a hot Japanese boyfriend now.

>> No.9932849

Women are the problem. When they stop being the problem, then sex will increase.

>> No.9932850

So true.

>> No.9932854

You only need to have enough sex to procreate. It's good they don't have unnecessary sex. Keeps the AIDS away.

>> No.9932857

I was on that thread in another place.

Please don't come to /jp/, we are all potential communist revolutionaries here.

>> No.9932859
File: 67 KB, 259x377, haruhi question.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even though my liberal upbringing tells me overpopulation is bad for the environment, the words "declining birth rate" make me shudder. Why is it we condemn the deaths of creatures like trees and whales, but applaud the demise of human culture?

>> No.9932864

Declining population is not human extinction.

Typically, mass commodity production and large populations signal the death knell of substantive culture. Smaller populations yield a more creative population.

>> No.9932866

So true.

>> No.9932867

It's only natural for developed countries to have a very low birth rate or even a declining one. But it's not forever, eventually it will increase again.

>> No.9932868

Trees and whales don't fuck up everything they touch.

>> No.9932869

>>9932864 mass commodity production and large populations signal the death knell of substantive culture
I'm not a sociologist and I have no idea what half those words mean, I'll take your word for it.

When I said "human culture" I didn't mean the entire human race, I just meant like... Japan is a pretty unique culture, it would suck to lose them.

>> No.9932870

disgusting treehugger.

>> No.9932871

Your house is made of trees.

>> No.9932874

Japan isn't procreating either though

>> No.9932881

That's why we all need to go there and inject them with our superior gaijin genes

>> No.9932882

Who cares it's not like that overpopulated island will be any worse off. The worst thing they can do right now is start to ship in a bunch of niggers and Arabs like Europe.

>> No.9932883

Why do you guys trust articles like that? They are all sankakucomplex type shit who exaggerate the fuck out of everything in order to get hits on their websites.

>> No.9932884

That doesn't invalidate anything. It is simple fact, and of course luxury means much more to me than the lives of such lower specimens.

>> No.9932890

Japan's base culture is Chinese, modern culture is America, anime is largely made by Korea and can be replaced by them, and their artistic weirdness can be taken up by France. France is probably even weirder.

>> No.9932897

French are faggots. Stop trying to pretend you'll ever be relevant, France.

>> No.9932896
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>> No.9932899

France is a worthless mutt country. Don't ever bring it up in a relevant discussion again.

>> No.9932904

I always thought it was kinda funny how French is like, the stock "beautiful" language, like if a character is supposed to be really beautiful and classy, they'll be French (like Perrine from Strike Witches)

I've heard French people talk and it's the ugliest sound in the world, it's like all the worst elements of German and Spanish combined.

>> No.9932909

Personally I find Japanese actually has the potential to be the most phonetically beautiful language, though that may be because there's so much voice manipulation in japanese voice acting it's practically singing.

>> No.9932908

Send me over coach, I'm ready to help out Japan in this crisis.

>> No.9932913

>luxury means much more to me than the lives of such lower specimens

Dark and edgy.

>> No.9932915

But Perrine was the worst Strike Witch after Eyepatch.

>> No.9932917

More like average westerner.

Seriously if you're western you have no right to preach about morals, your countries are built on rivers of blood.

>> No.9932918

Acknowledging reality is edgy? Do you cry about the cow that died every time you have beef in a meal or do you just pretend the meat came from nowhere like most Americans?

>> No.9932923

I kill the cow myself.

>> No.9932925
File: 22 KB, 370x369, yoshika mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>insulting ANY witch

>> No.9932926

>Acknowledging reality is edgy?

Man, you're on a roll tonight. Something being reality doesn't mean it's either desirable or sustainable.

True, but that doesn't mean we should just turn a blind eye to it.

>> No.9932928

>questioning Japanese aged 18-34
>ages of 16-19

I wonder what it's like between the ages of 11-15. If there's a slight increase, we can definitely blame anime.

>> No.9932930

Literally every faggot who has ever used the line, "So dark and edgy XD" is either some pollyanna mouthbreather or has never met a genuinely cynical person.

If other people's lives mean more to you than luxury, entertainment, or hell, even jerking off, then take all your time to help others. No? Then shut the fuck up when adults are talking.

>> No.9932940

Does this mean that someday I can just go to Japan, easily get a wife, and take her home? Or will they never be THAT desperate?

>> No.9932943


Don't call me edgy for not getting the joke, crossboarder. I was exaggerating, though if people really do give a shit about everything they stepped over I would be impressed.

>> No.9932946

No, it means there will be no more lolis and only aging women.

It also means they won't be interested in having sex with you or anyone else.

>> No.9932949

You can already do that. Japanese chicks love gaijins.

>> No.9932954

Not beta gaijins which I guess that guy is

>> No.9932958

Don't matter, I just need to impregnate someone.

I can be dominant if I really try.

>> No.9932962


The whales and trees problem is there because neither the trees nor the whales can defend effectively from the human being. It's up to us to decide how we want the world to be shaped and obviously, trees and whales are an important part of the ecosystem.


>Smaller populations yield a more creative population.

I think you are confusing how well governed and administered are the states of countries like Sweeden or Finland with their capacity to develop and research.

For an empiric fact, just see how many "great persons" have existed in very populated countries like France, England, Germany, Russia... not to mention all those forgotten thinkers of Indian and Chinese culture.

finally for a racional fact. The bigger the population is (specially if they all share the same language and, to a lesser extent, culture) the more voices can be heared by a bigger population and the bigger the intelectual trade.

There have been 3 major languages for culture: Latin, Arab and Chinese. Wthout this tools, a lot of today's civilizaion wouldn't have been developed.

>> No.9932965

>There have been 3 major languages for culture: Latin, Arab and Chinese
Make this five then with French for a brief time after Latin and English now.

>> No.9932968

French is just vulgar Latin.

>> No.9932971

With a Celtic substrate and a Germanic superstrate, but yeah well.
English is definitely #1 now, though.

>> No.9932972

Will their government encourage them to meet women and have sex? That' would be so cool.

I wish my country's government matched me up with a cute NEET girlfriend.

>> No.9932974

I don't know about current state in Japan, but females in Asia (especially China) rapidly lose interest in marriage as well.
Freedom, career, feminism etc.

>> No.9932975


On Topic. It's obvious that, when there are a lot of problems with the opposite sex and the marriage relationship is based on so much restrictions and falacies you simply do not want to get in that boat.

If you can have a happy live outside of those hardships then you will take the sexless route.

Of course, there is a lot to blame to the anime and manga industry as well as how easy is to get "erotic" satisfaction through all the brothels, hostess services, maid cafés, etc.

>> No.9932978

If they did that they certainly wouldn't be hooking them up with foreigners.

If anything they'd probably just use it as an excuse to provide harems for their politicians and other elite.

>> No.9932982

Japanese women want white dick

>> No.9932987

Wrong. They want black dicks. White men can't pleasure any woman.

>> No.9932989

> Why can't Japan into nationalism?

You're kidding, right?

>> No.9932994

Doesn't matter what they want, I'm coming over on my boat right now.

>> No.9932993

Arabic was derived from an Indian language, and don't forget the Germanic Languages.

There's also celtic languages.

>> No.9932997

So wear a cocksleeve if you have to.

>> No.9933002
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>> No.9933005

Good for them. Earth's population is on an exponential, we need to do something to keep the numbers in check.

>> No.9933048

You have to love how the media frames it as a 'problem', or to use that problem descriptor du jour: 'issue'.
It makes me wonder what their ultimate goal for humanity is if they desire population growth so much: to produce as many humans as possible? To make some peak human population in the future as high as they can?
If their goal were to maintain one or more living human as far into the future as possible, then this is not an 'issue' - it won't lead to extinction.
But if they were asked they could not state a goal. This 'issue' framing stems from people's disbelief that others do not follow their basal reproductive drive so slavishly.
Humanity doesn't have a goal or purpose, let these people do what makes them happy.

>> No.9933063

Or maybe they figure if they frame everything they report as "issue" and "problem" they get more viewers?

We should make our own news channel/blog that only reports news optimistically.

>> No.9933074


Not even necessarily optimistic framing, just neutral - a news source that reports news impartially and doesn't pander to ratings.

>> No.9933077

It interests me that this article doesn't mention the statistics showing that it's less common to have sex at a young age. Only like 23% of high school girls have had sex, versus 28% less than 10 years ago. 35% uni girls versus 42% or something 10~ years ago. I can't remember if those are the exact numbers, but I find that more interesting, if you're going to write about kids "losing interest in sex", than the low birth rate.
Numbers above aren't accurate, it's been like two-three weeks since I read about it. Was something along the lines anyway.

Or perhaps it was written, and I didn't notice it because I just hurriedly scrolled over the article. In that case, I'm sorry for writing a meaningless post.

>> No.9933085


as simple as this:

- lower birthrate
- less young population on the future
- less workers than pensionists
- the welfare states have to shrink due to reduced income
- lots of social problems like lack of universal health and subsidies for people.

>> No.9933099

It's funny to say that despite the younger generation rapidly decreases, the number of older people increases. No wonder Japan is full of old people who can't fucking die due to their strict habit.

>> No.9933161
File: 45 KB, 417x829, popgrowthrate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Japan making such a big deal out of this shit? Looks like their elderly need to get off their lazy asses and stop expecting the youth to babysit them.

>> No.9933177

My country has the same pop growth rate as Japan, you jelly weaboos?

>> No.9933182

I'm sorry, anon.

>> No.9933184

No, I'm not jelly at all

>> No.9933185

No because you're probably going to kill yourself

>> No.9933186

Yeah, you jelly alright.

>> No.9933198

Blame feminism and fucked up gender roles. The standard liberal solution to low birth rates is to flood the place with thousands of arabs and jigaboos.

>> No.9933201
File: 771 KB, 977x1191, 1349830932746.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And of course there won't be a single beautiful woman among them, all just ugly men and uglier men.

>> No.9933224

Cute image dude.

>> No.9933240



>> No.9933247

im sure if the girls all looked like hibiki there wouldn't be a problem

>> No.9933248

What if instead of saying "declining", we call it "stabilizing birthrates"?

If they're going down now, obviously they were too high in the past. Did people complain when the chance of living past adolescence meant that you didn't need to have 10 children to make sure that one or two survived and thus resulted in people having less children than before?

>> No.9933254
File: 1.42 MB, 1600x1600, 1347581637837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a shame Hibiki is such a rare beauty so the chance of even one similar in appearance to her is absolutely ZERO if they're coming from africa and arabia.

>> No.9933257
File: 163 KB, 604x805, 1346060599409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9933259

>Women are the problem.

We must remove all women and replace them with sexbots.

>> No.9933264
File: 103 KB, 746x757, 1341891499537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's that image supposed to prove?

>> No.9933273

Real life hibiki wow.

>> No.9933278

why is there so much misinformation about population going around? people act like declining birthrates isn't a problem because of "overcrowding" but forget about the problems of having far more old people than young people. is it the jews?

>> No.9933280

owned gg no re

>> No.9933282

>That view

Pic was probably taken by some old rich guy who rails her every night

>> No.9933287

What problems are there with having more old people than young people other than the batshit retarded social security system that has the younger generation pay for the older generation?

>> No.9933290

The faith of Japan has already been decided.


>> No.9933296
File: 102 KB, 800x800, 1349236061707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tanned white girls don't count as african or arab, nerd. gg no fucking re

>> No.9933297
File: 27 KB, 256x257, misteryious force.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder who could be behind this

>> No.9933300

Sad. So, so, sad.

Time for WW3? Civilisation against jews and muslims.

>> No.9933301

she's israeli, close enough

>> No.9933305

Nah dude, Nah. I've taken forensic anthropology courses, I can say thats a pretty Arab looking facial structure. pwnt

>> No.9933306 [SPOILER] 
File: 917 KB, 1215x1621, 26649873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice image. Hibiki is such a dirty girl.

>> No.9933308


Dirty semites.

>> No.9933312

Th-that's just facepaint right?

>> No.9933314

>original population is declining
>replace them with nigger and arabs

What could go wrong, right?

>> No.9933331

Its not like any of the NEET's no /jp/ could do better. At least they're working.

>> No.9933356

what about people who haven't retired yet but will soon? who's going to replace them? what about when those people are the farmers that supply your country's food?

>> No.9933370


That second point is an interesting one, not only regarding the age of farmers but simply the general urbanisation of areas and movement away from primary industry.
In my state of Australia 4.2 million people in a state of only 5.6 million live in the capital city. I imagine Japan's percentage urbanisation is even greater.
I suppose when there are a lack of farmers that job will be incentivised by government and market forces, but it's interesting that populations gravitate away from rural areas with time.

>> No.9933374 [DELETED] 


I lived my childhood in a place that received a huge wave of islamic inmigration 100 years ago. They were probably more than a million people that came from Turkey, LIbanon and Siria... people that scaped of the WWI's miseries.

Every one of then is completely integrated now. It's true that for some time fathers and mothers insisted on marriages with only muslims but time did the job and the local and arab culture has fusioned in some aspects with the local's, like the gastronomy.

>> No.9933381
File: 684 KB, 597x529, asdasdasasd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lived my childhood in a place that received a huge wave of islamic inmigration 100 years ago. They were probably more than a million people that came from Turkey, LIbanon and Siria... people that scaped of the WWI's miseries.

Every one of then is completely integrated now. It's true that for some time fathers and mothers insisted on marriages with only muslims but time did the job and the local and arab culture has fusioned in some aspects with the local's, like the gastronomy.

>> No.9933386
File: 28 KB, 450x356, Detroit[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I guess exceptions do prove the rule then.

>> No.9933395 [DELETED] 

You're seriously not trying to argue that Japan could be suffering from a SURPLUS of job openings are you?

>> No.9933404

You're not seriously trying to argue that Japan could be suffering from a SURPLUS of job openings are you?

>> No.9933422


There is a recession that's been stagnating the countries economy since the begining of the 90's.

but it's a crisis that affects mainly the big companies and not the normal worker.

At least not to the same extent as in western countries.

Or is it really that difficult for a japanese young man or woman to find a job?

>> No.9933432

Feminism actually liberated men, too.

It inadvertently caused men to assess their traditional role, and reject it.

>> No.9933436


>> No.9933439


That`s all good, but we are still the ones that get fucked over legally.

>> No.9933442
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I hate articles which say things like "the 1%".

>> No.9933443


Only if you're stupid enough to chase sex.

These kinks should eventually be ironed out.

>> No.9933445
File: 162 KB, 610x854, crossover_saten ruiko_1girl_bikini_breasts_flower_grin_hair flower_hair ornament_halftone_halftone background_large breasts_monochrome_sketch_smile_solo_strap pull_swimsuit_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do Japanese woman prefer having sex with foreigners?

>> No.9933448


only niggers

>> No.9933469

If Japan/the world wasn't a shithole then we'd all be fucking like mad. Why bother expending the energy towards sex/starting a family when the world itself repulses you? First comment made me laugh my ass off though.

>> No.9933471


>> No.9933472

What is a jigaboo?

>> No.9933479


Really now Anon, really?

>> No.9933478

Male hooker.

>> No.9933485

>Do Japanese woman prefer having sex with foreigners?

Not in general, but a foreigner visiting Japan is more likely to meet the ones who do.

>> No.9933488

Stop saying this. It makes me want to go.

I wonder if any fellow black neets would be up for a japan meetup. We could find some cute, pure girls and make them get covered in tattoos and wear thongs & hotpants, just like in manga.

>> No.9933499

I can't even imagine black parents willing to support a NEET it's mind boggling.

>> No.9933505

i had a black friend in HS

>> No.9933502

what do you even know about black families?

>> No.9933506


Welfare, my negroe.

>> No.9933508

It's 2012, even black families are different now.
We have blacks that act like white people now.

>> No.9933513


And whites act like blacks, your point?

>> No.9933516


I hope they still go to the witch doctor when they get sick, at least.
What is the world coming to?

>> No.9933518

He was saying he can't imagine black parents willing to support a NEET so I just said that there are blacks who act white so its not that far fetched.

>> No.9933523

When did blacks become not NEETs whose only income was selling weed and robbing gas stations?

>> No.9933527

Once women have cocks then we can talk about it.

>> No.9933534

Is it true that in the US if you are of one of those 'oppressed' races it is virtually impossible to be turned down for autismbux and such?
Or perhaps American political correctness is overstated on 4chan?

>> No.9933540

But blacks have never had shut in's and basement dwelling NEET's before, so it is surprising that they don't tell him to be a real nigga and stop doing dumb shit.

>> No.9933544


It will probably go like this

>Get yer own crack money, Tyrone.

>> No.9933546


>We have blacks that act like white people now.

That's how blacks in England have been acting for a long time.

Ironically, it's going the other way now and nigger culture is spreading.

>> No.9933547

>shut in's and basement dwelling
There have been house negros since slavery days

>> No.9933550


You probably have 'Murrika to thank for that.

>> No.9933557


Its called affirmative action.

>> No.9933562

>>We should have more men like that. Thanks to them, I’m 37 but still getting action from young chicks w.

>> No.9933574


Where I went to university in Australia an Aboriginal needed to test 90th percentile in their final high school result to get a scholarship, while Asians and Caucasians needed 99.9th percentile.
Even then I never saw one in my entire time there, it's like there is no helping those people no matter how much you hand them on a silver platter.

>> No.9933579


Is it true that they get given free houses, then they take all the wooden stuff and furniture outside (including doors) and make a bonfire to keep warm, instead of just using the house?

>> No.9933590


I have heard that also, but the source from which I heard it may be no more credible than yours.
In fact, perhaps it was on /jp/ that I learned that?

Having visited that area of the country (Northern Territory) I would think that anecdote is plausible. It is truly Third World in some areas up there, and the inhabitants are about as intelligent as their living conditions would suggest.

>> No.9933618

Criminals complaining about giving help to the natives they shat all over and were living fine for 100s of years before they were imprisoned there for being the scum of whites.

>> No.9933637

Its articles and videos like these that make me realize what a massive fucking weeaboo I must be. It angers the shit out of me that the japanese culture is being invaded, like this. I'm fucking white, why do I care? It may also be because I hate most races, especially those mostly invading japan. It also threatens the production of my eroge and anime, I guess.

>> No.9933647


Just think of the bright side.

Once Japan goes belly up theres a lot of time to actually get going on the backlog.

>> No.9933667

Japanese culture appeals to the introverted nature. There's no hiding it.

>> No.9933681


you are confusing the massive inmigration that Europe and America has to this controlled and specialized work-force that is coming to japan with a job contract already done.

And even if you don't like inmigration, don't panic.. they won't take your rights or anything right now. But in 50 years your grandchild may be marying the descendant of a latino, an arab or a negro.

Oh yeah, you'll see. And the people from the future will probably mock you.

>> No.9933697

That's a little far fetched, don't you think?

>> No.9933703


Yes it is, I`m infertile anyway.

>> No.9933709


The people of the future will always mock those of the past, because they think they have become the pinnacle of humanity; the final resting point of objectively correct moral standards that will never again change.

>> No.9933715


It has been said that it is easier for western men to woo Japanese women due to how masculine we seem in comparison to Japanese men.

I haven't been there to check though, so don't quote me on it.

>> No.9933714

I'll probably off myself when people of the future mock the past for hating gays.

>> No.9933717

Goddamn colonials.

>> No.9933718

That's right now so get busy.

>> No.9933721


Isn't that the present? In fact, I feel like mocking you for giving a fuck about whether a guy wants to suck dick or not.

>> No.9933726

But I have black hair and glasses, and beta as fuck.

I will never woo a moon woman.

>> No.9933732


Why is forbidden love a problem?

>> No.9933730


hah, that`s typical modern day liberal thinking.

makes me puke really.

>> No.9933735

>forbidden love

Because hedoinst scum.

>> No.9933736


Naturally, being able to approach them is a prerequisite, and that is something I wouldn't expect from most people on this board. But getting past that, at the very least they'll be used to betas.

>> No.9933740


Typical modern day conservative thinking.

Makes me puke really.

(two can play that game)

>It's liberal
>Liberal = bad
>No reason why it's liberal
>No reason why liberal = bad
>Doesn't actually challenge the statement itself

Step it up, senpai.

>> No.9933748


Neo-conservatives are pretty retarded too, at least the Murrikan versions. Still everything from affirmative action to feminism can be blamed on the liberals.

>> No.9933754

Nah that's only in fag places like California.

>> No.9933751


"Liberal" and "Conservative" are narrow minded divisions in themself.

>> No.9933772


I think that's a narrow-minded view. There are too many variations of liberalism.

Or should that be libertarian, or is that a sub-division of liberalism? I dunno, I haven't got the terminology figured out in English. Either way, being liberal, at its core, implies the belief in a certain set of core concepts, like the free market for instance. But most of the core liberal beliefs are ones most of the political spectrum have embraced, so that everything from so-called socialist parties to conservatives all have elements of liberalism in them.

>> No.9933792

Why are the American political cliques divided the way they are? To an outsider like me it looks like a huge, undemocratic mess. Wouldn't it be more purposeful to have parties that represent classes or is money really such a huge educational polarizer over there?

>> No.9933790


>I haven't got the terminology figured out in English

Neither has the Anglosphere. They are just buzzwords to throw around in political situations when people don't agree with you.

>> No.9933800

All forms of political views on the left side are completely retarded, communism, marxism, liberalism, neo-conservatism. These are the kinds of people that would willingly allow black people to rape and kill white people because they thought black people were being oppressed. Also they are willing to pay a cleaner the same wage as a doctor.

>> No.9933802


during the last 2 centuries liberalism has drifted more and more to the left. What nowadays we call liberals or leftists are mostly socialists.

in contrast, what we call today conservatives were called liberals at the beginning of the XIX century.

Being a liberal is just about being in the left side of the political spectrum

>> No.9933817

US does not have a democracy it has a republic.

>> No.9933819


you have really been brainwashed. Or is it simply ignorance?

>> No.9933824

You're joking, right? The US is laughably far to the right compared to just about every first-world country in the world.

>> No.9933829

I am a Libertarian.

It is the "taking it easy" of political views.

>> No.9933834


I was talking from a general point of view. In the USA both democrats and republicans are just different degrees of rightism.

>> No.9933836


Seriously, the shit the Republican party representatives come out with in their speeches are more bigoted than the "far right" parties here.

>> No.9933833

>calling ME brainwashed

Have you even read some of the articles these leftist journalists write? Like the one where a woman got gangraped in Haiti and said after that she felt more in tune with the oppressed black people, especially the women.

>> No.9933840


keep getting feed by the hands of the rightist media.

even if it was true... that's not being a leftist... that's just being crazy.

>> No.9933852

>keep getting feed by the hands of the rightist media.
>he thinks there is such a thing as right wing media

Sorry buddy but you are the brainwashed one, you instantly defend leftist ideals without even thinking about it. All media is left wing. There is no such thing as right wing media, it doesn't exist anymore.

>> No.9933880


>Fox Channel

All of my sides.

>> No.9933878

And the joke of it all is that despite how extreme they are the still aren't even true conservatives.

>> No.9933884

But why would the media be left-wing? It makes a million times more sense to me, that it'd be right wing. Simply because rightists are the ones with the money (logically, because right wing politics mean the rich make more money due to lower taxes etc.), and therefore would be able to buy into the media. Also, the owners of the media would logically be right wing because they're wealthy.

What does the idea that the media would be leftist come from? I'm not denying the possibility, but I'd honestly like an explanation.

>> No.9933901


>> No.9933907

Because the media isn't allowed to be so blatantly discriminatory, anymore, it is left wing?

>> No.9933910

Who are you quoting?

>> No.9933921

>right wing
>controlled opposition
>right wing

>Simply because rightists are the ones with the money
This is another misconception due to your brainwashing. The media is left wing because being left is being individual and anti-collectivist. The individual mindlessly consumes more crap and makes more money. Media and industry and closely linked, because for each it is good to be buddies as they make more money.

>isn't allowed to be blatantly discriminatory
I guess you must miss the daily articles where people are slandered. A great current case is the UK's Jimmy Saville case, he has been named a pedophile before the case has even gone to court. And he's dead so he can't defend himself or his reputation.

>> No.9933931

I always get confused when I mix writings like this with reality:
>A distinct set of definitions for the word republic evolved in the United States. In common parlance a republic is a state that does not practice direct democracy but rather has a government indirectly controlled by the people. This understanding of the term was originally developed by James Madison, and notably employed in Federalist Paper No. 10. This meaning was widely adopted early in the history of the United States, including in Noah Webster's dictionary of 1828.

>> No.9933936

Who are you quoting?

>> No.9933951

But leftists don't wish to make more money. They want it to be split more equally among the people, and one of the main points of actual leftist ideology is unity. What you're saying makes next to no sense.
Unless, of course, you mean liberalists when you write left wing, but that's a misconception. Liberalist parties are typically considered right wing, ranging from far right (neo-liberalism) to center-right (social liberalism). They're into individualism. Leftists (socialists, ranging from social-democrats to communists) are not.

>> No.9933959


since when being from the right wing is being collectivist and comunist? actually... is the opposite.

I think you are getting confused or something... your second paragraph just doesn't adjust to reality in politics.

and as the guy above said

>right wing
>controlled opposition
>right wing

who are you quoting?

>> No.9933971

>But leftists don't wish to make more money.
Leftism is the height of hypocrisy. Your general education of leftism = poor heroes and conservatives = rich evil men is completely wrong.

>> No.9933970


That's why I said "blatantly".

One is still allowed to call people pedophiles (teh ultimate crime against the werlds!!11), and be ageist, etc. but it is markedly less foreforward than the past, racist; sexism; what-have-you.

>> No.9933983

>since when being from the right wing is being collectivist and comunist? actually... is the opposite.

You are thinking of neo-conservatives. I know its confusing but just think of anyone that calls themselves conservatives in the media as neo-cons aka liberals. Everyone named as 'far right' in the media is more like center right aka actual conservatives.

>> No.9933988

I don't care if your attracted to kids but molesting children is wrong.

>> No.9933995

>dat unashamed third comment
That man must be enjoying this shit.

>> No.9933996


Pedohysteria is out of control though.

>> No.9934008


Ok... from what this guy is saying I think I got the confusion this guy is having:

during the begining of the XIX century, people that upholded the individualism, free trade and free market doctrines were called Liberal. That was because they fought the old aristocratic political system and the corporativist (meaning, the guilds) economy.

That obviously was considered leftist at the time.


After the WWII and with most of Europe in ruins the USA had to fight the comunism (as it was understood in USSR) to spread to the rest of Europe and their land so they took a lot of social measures to ensure what we call nowadays the welfare state.

BUT, when the USSR was starting to recede and decay, the president Ronald Reagan and the prime minister Margaret Thatcher took the opportunity to start dismaling the welfare state now that the USSR wasn't a menace.

That doctrine, founded by that pair was what we call NEO-LIBERALISM.

Other "elites" in other countries started to mimic their actions. The dismantling of the welfare state increased after the fall of the USSR. That, jointly with company recolocations have brought us the state of affairs we have today.

Neo-Liberalism is on the extreme right wing.

>> No.9934000

If they DO want to make money, they don't follow left-wing ideology. If they call themselves leftists, then they are, indeed, hypocrites. Which is why I'm saying they're on the right wing.

Apart from that, I never said they were poor heroes, nor that conservatives were "rich evil men". Far from. However, the people who would benefit from a left-wing government (which is left-wing in action, not in name) are the poor people, because there would be high taxation which would be spent on things such as universal healthcare, autismbux, retirement money and so forth, whereas company-owners would benefit from liberalism (and to some degree conservatism, depending on the form) due to lower taxes. That's simple logic.

I'm not saying the politicians follow the ideologies, but that's how things would be if they actually did.

>> No.9934015


>> No.9934019


Fighting communism with communism, how strange.

>> No.9934021

It's hard to explain the contradictions and hypocrisy without writing a long essay which nobody is probably going to read.

In short, the political structure is grossly warped as each side is manipulated by the rich power structure who switch sides as it benefits them. What also compounds the confusion is the direct hypocrisy of many Liberals. They would go and help starving children in Africa but show no compassion towards the poor in their own countries. But there is much more to it than that.

Just go read the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, it gets it pretty much spot on what happened to our political system.

>> No.9934022

Neo-liberalism is considered far right in Scandinavia, where I live, yes.

Other than that, I'm honestly having a hard time figuring out exactly what message you're attempting to convey. I might just be bad at English. My apologies.

>> No.9934028


they did that to prevent the social status quo and to prevent a violent revolution that would have wiped out the traditional elites.

>> No.9934036


There is an anon that keeps saying that the media is leftist.

I think he is identifying neo-liberals as leftists because there was a time in which they were considered leftists.

>> No.9934045

Aha. Think the first line confused me with the "this guy" and "this guy"-stuff, rather than "this guy" and "he" or "this guy" and "the other guy".
Thanks for clearing that one up for me.

>> No.9934051

Dont you mean girl friend?

>> No.9934049
File: 25 KB, 500x667, 1351013921520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All forms of government is bad and should never be supported. Society in general shouldn't be supported. It will always become corrupt and you will be forced to become a slave.

I'm living in a fucking van right now, sitting in a parking lot and jacking wifi from a Denny's restaurant across the street. I don't have a job, my car is fueled by the gas that I steal and drive off with, I don't pay for shit since I stole some tomatoes and other vegetables and I grow that shit out in a little clearing of land that I found outside of town in a secluded area.

This how we should all live. Free and independent from any form of government.

>> No.9934054
File: 4 KB, 126x126, 1324832759983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jews have destroyed the world. The corpse of humanity just hasn't hit the ground yet.

Who cares, let them steal gold from each other when we're gone. It would be hilarious to watch, but I can't speak for the afterlife.

>> No.9934060

now THAT is dark and edgy.

>> No.9934056


Gonna require some proof of this lifestyle.

>> No.9934062

But their ranked 98th...not 101st..

>> No.9934068

try that with white girls then. they can smell the beta, and no amount of pretending will hide it.

>> No.9934070

All society is evil.
Humans aren't bad per se, but once some humans get together they start thinking about the gains of themselves and those who they are etremely close to, that's when it becomes a machine of evil.
Doesn't matter what you try, communism, monarchy, anarchy, capitalism, it will all fail and be painful, hurtful violent to some people in a way or antoher.
The only thing we can do is give up and take it easy, knowing that being NEETs isn't as bad as others make it out to be, since we are parasites on society's back.

>> No.9934066


Everybody is doing it now.


You can find a hundred different channels of people on youtube blogging about their van life. It's like the American hobo movement during the depression, but instead of trains we're living in cars.

>> No.9934074

The media is leftist, not neo-liberal. The media does not represent the views of its populace at all. I understand what neo-liberals are, and the media is not right aligned at all, not even a few publications.

>> No.9934075

And people vote like never before. Why do they give up? Are they so afraid? If ``commitment'' causes that, I'll stay an insolent child forever.

>> No.9934079
File: 46 KB, 547x479, 1319307422482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girls don't look like this ;_;

>> No.9934087

>anime is largely made by Korea
What? Last I heard anime is made by japanese.

>> No.9934089

Many anime artists are Korean, though. The studios are of course Japanese.

>> No.9934092


>Many anime artists are Korean, though

This varies widely between studios, and most Koreans aren't in charge of key animation, just inbetween work.

>> No.9934091


>The only thing we can do is give up and take it easy

You might like this: http://youtu.be/AcuOgo7Cr-Y

>> No.9934095

This post and those like it are fucking stupid.

Japans population would dilute and lose its pure Japanese blood even more.

The population needs to increase and it needs to increase with their own kind. And it needs to be filmed. Two hot blooded japanese of opposite sex performing intercourse with the purpose of making a pure blood japanese.

>> No.9934101

Kill yourself.

>> No.9934111

Wrong they want japanese dicks no matter what they fucking say.

Their populat9on needs to increase by their own breed. Having sex with other races will only dilute and tarnish their already tarnished pure breeds.

There needs to be some kind of program that will insert pure japanese semen into a pur japanese female womb so that it will make a pure japanese baby.

>> No.9934112
File: 25 KB, 400x300, Galley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>The only thing we can do is give up and take it easy, knowing that being NEETs isn't as bad as others make it out to be, since we are parasites on society's back.

The best NEETs are on SSI and selling drugs. Honestly, those dudes in the ghettos that are faking disability, leeching off welfare, and selling crack in the streets are the most valuable members of society because they are helping to collapse it from the inside.

Society is like those boats that they used to force hundreds of people to row. If you play the game, get a job, and do all that then you're just helping the people that have trapped you. The best thing you can do is stop rowing and ideally start trying to poke some holes in the hull and make the whole fucking ship sink.

>> No.9934117
File: 234 KB, 585x944, 1349545372817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno, I don't think they'll be able to resist the mexican cock.

>> No.9934119

The numbers can be in check without the potensial extintion of japan.

Other populati8ons like places in the middle east and china and the likes are so fucking full of their kind that it would do the world a huge fucking favor if they offed a couple hundred million.

>> No.9934122

>...and ideally start trying to poke some holes in the hull and make the whole fucking ship sink
This is where I don't get it anymore. What are the alternatives? What is the goal? It _is_ much easier to destroy than build. You could actually start building the alternative before collapsing the old one.

>> No.9934123

I'm Aboriginal. Although what you you say isn't true. The intelligence and lack of will from my fellow Native is appalling. There are a handful of Natives (like me) who use the benefits given to us to the fullest extent. Such as starting businesses, becoming lawyers/Doctors, Entering into politics. so on, so forth. But the Vast majority of the aboriginal communities are really no better than niggers.

>> No.9934127

No, not in the slightest. Not with some nigger spic kike slav country like that.

>> No.9934124

Kill yourself you fucking japan worshiping faggot. Nips are the same race as Koreans. korea has an average iq of 106 japan is 105 so their iq is even higher. Also any spic, nigger, Arab, white with an iq higher than 105 is superior to the average nip.

>> No.9934131

That will only make it worse. The only real course of action is to have japane have sex with their own kind so it can rebuild with pure japanese suculent pureness.

>> No.9934134
File: 259 KB, 963x640, mudhuts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Totally we should all stop working. What could possibly go wrong.

>> No.9934138

No I wont.

>> No.9934153

No I wont kill myself because I believe that a population like japan should flourish with only their pure japanese dna and no one else.

When their population stabilizes with their own japanese dna only then can other lesser races from the outside should perform intercourse.

>> No.9934157


>You could actually start building the alternative before collapsing the old one.

You can't though. People have tried and every single time they are stomped out of existence. The problem is that the current system and any form of government will always try to expand and grow, but this is exactly what causes the problems in the first place. Societies only work when they are so small that they never have over 100 citizens.

The hippies tried it, people are still trying it today in communes, but they still have to deal with the taxes, the oppression, and all of the bullshit that society hurls at them for attempting to separate themselves and live independently. You don't even have the freedom to sleep if you don't pay the government, cops will smash on your windows and wake you up in the middle of the night if they see you sleeping outside or in your vehicle.

The wild west is a good example of this. Very few people settled out there initially and they formed small, close-knit communities. Things worked pretty well, you didn't have any government interference, the small communities governed themselves, and it was kept on a small enough scale that people weren't so eager to dehumanize and exploit each other. Then all of that Manifest Destiny bullshit comes along, the trains come out, the federal government drags their wealthy claws out west, and before you know it the whole place goes to hell and it's the same disgusting piece of shit that the rest of the country was.

The only way that humans can exist happily and peacefully is in very small and isolated communities, but having any form of government makes that impossible.

>> No.9934161

What a silly country. Apparently sex in Japan is the worst in the whole world. Women are never satisfied and rarely have orgasm, men are too tired to have sex. What a lovely country.
Frankly, I blame porn industry.

>> No.9934168

I like having roads and transportation to see other areas. I like having hospitals available to help me not die. I like having restaurants, malls, places where I can purchase things. The societies you are describing lack the support network necessary to allow for industry and technology growth. If you're comfortable living in the stone age, that's great, but I'm sure not.

>> No.9934170

Like i said korea has an iq of 106 and japan has an iq of 105 they are not some genetic super race. They are just North east Asians just because they make some cartoons for autistic basement dwellers doesn't mean they are superior.

>> No.9934173
File: 34 KB, 400x300, salarymen_inokashiraline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Frankly, I blame porn industry.

I blame work. Japanese men are so lifeless and depressed because of how hard they have to work in their soulless salaryman careers.

How could any man have the energy to give a shit about his wife when he has to devote his whole life to an existence that feels so pointless and depressing?

>> No.9934187

>People have tried
I doubt it. Do genuinely capable people have any real reasons to try? They could always ``downshift'' and become librarians, teachers or something like that.

>> No.9934188

It's a serious problem. In my country decline in birth rate is almost as big as in Japan, but people still fuck like rabbits. They just don't want kids.

>> No.9934191


as a friend of mine who lives in japan said

>The only thing men want to do after their 10-12 hours of work is to get in a bed and kiss their fuckpillow instead of having to deal witha cunty wive.

The way the japanese society treats the individual is too harsh for a lot of people. It took only a despicable movement like NEETs or Hikkikomori to make a lot of japanese follow that lead because the mainstream alternative is very harsh.

>> No.9934196


why don't you ask /jp/?

>> No.9934197


>I like having roads and transportation to see other areas.

These forms of fast transportation that we have developed do nothing but make you see less of the world though. They make the world feel like nothing but a series of tourist destinations marked on a globe, but there's beauty in every part of the world if you slow down and look around you. It's hard to do that when you're flying across the planet in less than a few hours or speeding down a highway so fast that the only thing you see outside your window is motion blur.

>I like having hospitals available to help me not die. I like having restaurants, malls, places where I can purchase things.

As for these things, small communities are perfectly capable of helping sick members. Living in these massive societies that pollute the world makes you more susceptible to illness and then when you do get sick you have to go to an overcrowded hospital to get treated by a doctor who doesn't give a shit about you and only treats you because he's getting paid.

Restaurants, malls, and all that is just capitalist greed though. Make you addicted to these shallow and expensive shiny baubles so you will be too distracted to give a shit about how your life is rotting away as you sit in some cubicle or a factory.

>> No.9934205

Now I want to see porn of two pure breed japanese of oposite sex have intercourse with one another and you see a close up of the pure japanese semen contacting the pure japanese egg.

>> No.9934207

>make you see less of the world
No, sorry, there really isn't much difference between north and south Florida, and that's about as far as I could get on foot (no way we'd have paved roads in your world). There's a reason why people rarely traveled more than 30 miles away from where they were born before the industrial revolution. I'm talking about getting far enough to where people don't speak the same language as you.

>As for these things, small communities are perfectly capable of helping sick members

Oh, so you're one of those holistic idiots. Right, get back to me when you cure your cancer with chicken soup and medicinal plants.

>> No.9934210

>living in florida at all

You poor thing

>> No.9934217

It's true but it's beside the point.

>> No.9934221

>As for these things, small communities are perfectly capable of helping sick members.
Yes, if it is parasitic enough to rely on modern science and medicine. This is where the traditional big societies get annoyed.

>> No.9934226

As much as I dislike society, I would have died near 20 times in my childhood without contemporary medicine.

>> No.9934235


Actually, thinking about it, not one member of my family would have not died at least once.

>> No.9934238


>No, sorry, there really isn't much difference between north and south Florida

You're not looking closely enough. If you slow down and absorb the beauty that is around you in any of the natural areas of the world that haven't been destroyed then you will see huge amounts of differences when just comparing two different areas of the same forest.

>when you cure your cancer

Many of the causes of cancer can be attributed to things that modern society has developed though. Just driving a car fills the air with filth and that's one of the lesser evils in comparison to the far worse things that we have developed.

Some of the worst diseases that ail modern society are the direct result of this same society's existence.

>> No.9934242

Tough luck, survival of the fittest.

>> No.9934246


Survival of those most likely to reproduce, is more accurate.

>> No.9934250

>survival of the fittest
do you live in the jungle and gather fruit, while fending off lions and gorillas?

>> No.9934263

Please do not take "fit" so literally. Or actually, please do.

>> No.9934265

People that live in mudhuts work the most. They spend like 10 hours a day working, just to find food and water

>> No.9934277


>I would have died near 20 times in my childhood without contemporary medicine.

This is unfortunately one of the bad things about modern medicine. It feels harsh to say it, but almost every problem that humanity and the other living creatures of earth suffer from is because of modern medicine.

Many of us are supposed to die. This is the way that the natural world works. When the population of an animal grows too large then it must expand to support its population, but when it expands then it destroys the balance of the environment and causes far more harm than it would have if a few members of its species just died off.

In nature these problems fix themselves. For example, in the remote areas where we haven't displaced animals or meddled then the deer don't overpopulate because predators exist to eliminate the deer. We used to be like that too, but we developed too much and now we live in this state of artificially created near invincibility where we have elevated ourselves above the natural processes of nature and we can make even our most sick members of the species survive and go on to consume more resources, pollute more of the planet, and then expand even further and encroach upon what remains of the natural world.

>> No.9934285

Nice try, but the essence of nature denies anyone to take it easy.
Take it easy and you die. That's how nature works.
You are advocating a life where no-one will ever be able to take it easy without dying.

>> No.9934291

>Many of us are supposed to die.

>> No.9934292

A far more likely explanation is he's a blatant troll, but hey, what do I know.

>> No.9934305


Don't worry. This branch of my family has pretty much reached a dead end. Neither me, nor my sister (truNEET) will ever reproduce, and it's likely my autistic cousins won't either.

Genetically, all worked out in the end.

>> No.9934315

before I pass on I want to at least donate my sperm to a sperm bank or something so at least there would be a chance of myself transcending on to the next life

>> No.9934317


When did I say that I was advocating taking it easy?

I advocate simplification on a massive scale. All of humanity collectively giving up the luxuries of the modern world and going back to our roots. It's not easy at all, it's hard living, but the work feels meaningful.

You're not working in a big gray building anymore, tapping away at some computer in exchange for paper money to buy luxuries that just numb your mind and distract you. Now you're working in the fields, hunting, or working with your hands and crafting simple items that are needed for your community. The work you do now feels meaningful because not only are you working for your own survival, but everything you do directly benefits you and the people that you care about.

Happiness doesn't come from taking it easy, that's a lethargic existence and promotes apathy and depression. Happiness comes from doing hard but meaningful work with your hands. Work that has meaning to you because you know you need to do this if you want to survive and work that exercises your body rather than the largely sedentary work of the modern world.

Humans are animals and just like animals our happiness comes from very simple things. If you overfeed a dog and just let him sit around all day then he's not going to be happy, he will become depressed and lethargic. He is happiest when he's moving his body and exercising. Humans are as well and this is why forms of work like primitive hunting is very fulfilling and fun for us, but desk work isn't.

>> No.9934318

>These forms of fast transportation that we have developed do nothing but make you see less of the world though. They make the world feel like nothing but a series of tourist destinations marked on a globe

Wow, this. The whole fucking planet feels like this.

>> No.9934321

I and many others find desk work filling. Do you really think all the programmers and all the businessmen of the world hate their jobs? Fuck no. Sure, some of them do it purely for money, but a great number actually enjoy coding and producing something. The effort-reward circuit works just fine whether something is physical work or not, just look at achievements in video games. I'm sorry that you hate working in society and want to go hunt animals, but don't make it sound like everyone who works inside a building is miserable.

>> No.9934326


I am tempted to just walk out of the city one Friday evening, and spend 2 days just exploring what is between them.

I imagine it would be a good experience.

>> No.9934337


Why do you want to be reincarnated on man made Hell when you might have a chance to be placed elsewhere?

>> No.9934348


>Do you really think all the programmers and all the businessmen of the world hate their jobs?

I would say that the vast majority do hate their jobs. There are exceptions, but most don't like their work at all and it's miserable existence for them.

Depression is most prevalent in first world countries and people in first world countries are consistently less happy than people who live far simpler lives in countries that have no where near the amount of luxuries that they do.

>Costa Rica (64.0)
>Vietnam (60.4)
>Colombia (59.8)
>Belize (59.3)
>El Salvador (58.9)
>Jamaica (58.5)
>Panama (57.8)
>Nicaragua (57.1)
>Venezuela (56.9)
>Guatemala (56.9)
>Bangladesh (56.3)
>Cuba (56.2)
>Honduras (56.0)
>Indonesia (55.5)
>Israel (55.2)
>Pakistan (54.1)
>Argentina (54.1)
>Albania (54.1)
>Chile (53.9)
>Thailand (53.5)

These are rated as the top 20 happiest countries on the planet and not a single one of them is a developed first world western nation. The happiest people in these countries also live in the most rural areas.

There are anomalies, people who do enjoy this robotic and sedentary labor that we have to do, but they are a tiny minority.

>> No.9934371


People are unhappy due to consumerism. If they learnt to not accept being told what they want, they'd be happier.

Perhaps it's because I watched so little TV, but my material desires are much lower than average. It seems absurd the shit people will buy; a lot of it, they never even use.

>> No.9934411

>These are rated as the top 20 happiest countries on the planet
Then go and live there, and get happily killed by some mob because you're accused of a crime you didn't commit or some shit. Many people there also die from hunger or sickness.

Do you know they are saying why they are happy? Because they are still alive. They don't even have the fucking time to enjoy anything. That is not true happiness either.

>> No.9934425

>You're not working in a big gray building anymore, tapping away at some computer in exchange for paper money to buy luxuries that just numb your mind and distract you. Now you're working in the fields, hunting, or working with your hands and crafting simple items that are needed for your community. The work you do now feels meaningful because not only are you working for your own survival, but everything you do directly benefits you and the people that you care about.

You've just described the antithesis of cultural and technological progress.

People having time to whine about their lives is just a side effect of the population being so streamlined. People don't whine about their lives in 3rd world countries because their situation isn't conducive to the effect. Beyond that, many people in weaker countries simply don't have the means to seek medical attention or broadcast their own "suffering".

I'm sure you've seen the phrase "first world problems".

>> No.9934442

>They don't even have the fucking time to enjoy anything. That is not true happiness either.

Well, that's not quite true either. Humans are masterfully adaptable, and happiness is always relative.

People can get utter satisfaction out of farming their own crops for a living, while other people would look at that and think "what tripe, why don't they get a real job like I have?", while this very same person idealizes a job superior to their own, and the person who holds that superior job often thinks "I wonder if I'd be happier if I was doing manual labor".

It's all just variations of "the grass is greener on the other side."

>> No.9934448


Looks like Japan is doing well at rejecting the evil claws of feminism enroaching them from the west.

>> No.9934454


They're happy because they were born in that context you idiot. It only marginally depends on the circumstances, the rest is pretty much pre-determined for each individual. Optimism and whatnot.

>> No.9934472

The western world is designed in a lot of ways to stop the individual being happy.

An individual who is happy with what they have will not improve their situation - they will not buy a more expensive car, a bigger house, more fashionable clothes; they do not contribute as strongly to the economy as a consumerist who constantly "needs" something better than they already have.

It is not in the interest of the western world to be "happy".
