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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9927733 No.9927733[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why don't you purchase an RV and set it up as your own personal NEETmobile?

You could ride the roads and browse /jp/.

>> No.9927738

I don't have money and I'm to scared to go outside, let alone go to gas stations to fuel it up. I can't drive either and that sounds terrible.

>> No.9927740
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Only if it looked like this.

>> No.9927747

would road bullies hurt me?
i dont want no trouble

pls no bully
i want to be in peace

>> No.9927751

Who is going to teach me how to drive?

>> No.9927789

Because I don't trust myself behind the wheel of a car. An absent minded person like me behind the wheel of a car is an accident waiting to happen.

>> No.9927844

Why? That looks nowhere near as comfortable as an RV.

>> No.9927887


People rob RVs. They're just houses on wheels, filled with all the fancy stuff of a house.

>> No.9927893

How awkward would it be if it turned out you were always home?

>> No.9927901

because I can't drive. Also I don't feel the need to travel around.

>> No.9927918

Why don't you live in a trailer park with /jp/ and smoke dope on the porch while watching stray dogs have sex?

>> No.9927939
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Best way to NEET.

Get paid to drive around. Comfy rent-free living space. Can have most of your amenities. I had a TV, internet, and laptop setup in mine.

Going to sleep in a rainstorm was awesome. Hearing the rain on the roof. Also had a Tripac, so you could set the internal temp to whatever you wanted.

And during hours resets, you could just hide away in your truck all day. And, you have an excuse for not showering.

>> No.9927942


Is being a truck driver stressful? Do you have to race to meet deadlines or drive with someone else?

>> No.9927958

It can be stressful. Driving through a blizzard or Chicago/Atlanta traffic can raise your blood pressure. And yes, you do have deadlines. But, they are usually set up so have a large window to make delivery.

And you'd only have to drive with someone during your training phase for companies. After that, it's just miles of roads by yourself. I'd usually go out for like 1 1/2 to 2 months at a time. Just by myself.

>> No.9927963
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I wonder about a job driving road trains in outback Australia.
You would only have to interact with people at pickup and delivery, and you could get satellite internet and drive peacefully all day on empty highways.
They probably require some category of license above a heavy vehicle license though, and it would be difficult to manoeuvre through city streets at either end of a journey.

>> No.9927969

In my country, truckies are known for being rough and tough blokes. I'm laughing my head off at the though of a truckie sitting in a servo with a laptop looking at touhous.

>> No.9927974


>And you'd only have to drive with someone during your training phase for companies

How long does the training phase last?

>> No.9927975

Nah, road trains don't bother with city streets, they unload their shit onto smaller trucks. Even then, semis only stick to big roads, you ever seen a semi in the suburbs?

>> No.9927983

I remember talking to a truck driver who'd periodically pop in to /a/ back in 04 through 05. I always thought it was so funny that a trucker was posting on /a/ watching anime in his truck and such.

>> No.9927984


That's a good point. I wasn't sure of the logistics of it, but that is reassuring.
I assume they rarely/never reverse them either? I imagine if you tried to they'd fold like a concertina.

>> No.9927988

Yes, you would require a commercial license. With doubles or triples certification. And maybe Hazmat depending on what you were doing.

Maneuvering around gets easier with time. You would really be surprised. The only things you really need to drive a truck are a good set of eyes and a good attention span. The rest just falls into place with experience.

I remember when I was scared shitless to sit behind the wheel of a rig. Now, driving it is as easy as driving a car. Just taller, and longer to turn.

And you will see so many beautiful things. I really come to enjoy sunrises. Over the mountains. Seeing the sun break on the Pacific ocean. Or watching a thunderstorm roll across a prairie.

>> No.9927989
File: 276 KB, 1134x1600, Scania Truck Driving Simulator 1_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best truck driving simulator? I need experience

>> No.9927991

Big Rigs

>> No.9927998

Probably not. I'm not too sure about the idea of a shut-in type NEET doing well in truckie culture though.
I'd like to ask a couple of questions of:
Do you know much about Aussie truckies? Are truckies in the US (you are US, aren't you?) the same bulky, tattooed, moustache blokes they are over here? If so, how do you get along with them?

Are you able to watch things while driving on long roads?

>> No.9928002


Mine was 2 months. Yours could be 3 depending on where you went to school to get your license, and the company you sign on with. Better schools mean less training time, and more starting pay.

And right now, we are coming into another big need of drivers. With a good school certificate, you could easily break 40k starting with Blue Cross/Shield, dental, and vision. And be able to get a job just about anywhere.

>> No.9928011

I am the starter of this discussion, and am a trucker from the US.

>bulky, tattooed, moustache blokes
LOL. Bulky, yes. But, I've seen all types on the road. Quite a few women. Short women, I mean like 5 foot tall. Decent people. Some grifters, people just looking to rip you off. Just about ever type of person.

And, I've seen drivers have laptops in the passenger seat with movies running. I would not recommend that. I am guilty of listening to OSTs and things like r/a/dio and touhou music, but you need to pay attention while driving.

>> No.9928026

How about being a pilot? You just need to be there at takeoff and landing.

>> No.9928062

very awkward, especially if you have a firearm. even more awkward if you have a sign on the outside that says "i am armed." robbers like it more when their targets aren't armed so if a robber goes for a place with that on it they are pretty gutsy.

>> No.9928065

airplanes don't work that way

>> No.9928070

In what way?

>> No.9928075

For one, you need to radio in every time you change airspace. You need to supervise the autopilot as well. Not sure if electrical devices are allowed in the cockpit either.

>> No.9928078

Why don't you purchase an RV and set it up as your own personal mobile meth lab? You could make millions within months and then convert your RV into a NEETmobile.

>> No.9930719

How does that compare to the people who drive local delivery vans for USPS, FedEx and UPS?

>> No.9930780

What if you wait at home all day with a shotgun just so you could say "I've been expecting you" and shoot them but nobody ever comes along?

>> No.9930830


Or you can go to the oilfield and make more than that with less training.

>> No.9930838

Why the hell would a degree prove you can drive a truck better?

>> No.9930940

yeah,55grand for the truck and $5 a gla to fill the 30gal tanks and get 12mpg.

>> No.9930943

>Or you can go to the oilfield and make more than that with less training.

But you would have to work hard.

>> No.9930969

/jp/ working at all, hahahahaha
get out of /jp/

>> No.9930987

well, you're a neet, you'll find something to do. just carry the shotgun with you all the time. taking a shit? shotgun leaning against the wall. shower? shotgun right outside the door. fapping? make sure to give that pump action a few strokes too. he's your best friend.
