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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 313 KB, 1366x768, 2106456-1336070965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9918851 No.9918851 [Reply] [Original]

is there a good touhou mod for skyrim out yet? one that features either cirno or patchouli?

>> No.9918858

Sadly, not yet. And that mod for Sakuya in the picture was god-awful. Sakuya's face wasn't like that!

>> No.9918866

I have yet to find any. Hell, I was hoping for a Valkyrie Profile armor set, but none is out yet.

>> No.9918881
File: 355 KB, 1228x868, 1346984353023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any /jp/ers wanna make a 2hu skyrim mod? I can't code or do art so I'll just be the manager and idea guy.

>> No.9918886

That's my job, nerd, back off.

Check this shizzle:
We have to make facial structure mods first, among other things like eye mods and hair mods, then you can properly skin the face so she looks good. And by we I mean you.

>> No.9918904

Stand down, soldier. This is my field of work. Apparently, this is not. So i will be standing down.

>> No.9918923
File: 230 KB, 1920x1200, 1348022200026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try >>>/vg/

>> No.9918924
File: 270 KB, 630x650, e05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you believe in yourself, you will get there someday.

>> No.9918934

I am torn between thinking this looks like shit and thinking it looks like 3D ZUN art.

I guess the answer is: it's a bit of both.

>> No.9918939

I'm a faggot

>> No.9918949
File: 254 KB, 418x700, c02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's illegal to claim you're an expert without the proper endorsements.

>> No.9918953

why the does the game still suck ass after i got the skyre mod?
it's like no modding will help make the game more entertaining

>> No.9918956

I want to believe, son. I want to believe.

>> No.9918964 [DELETED] 
File: 151 KB, 1052x1068, 1339278485012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9918969


Because all Bethesda games suck ass.

>> No.9918978

If you need to mod a game extensively to make it not shit, you might as well go play a good game

>> No.9918982

Treat it like Minecraft and Minecraft mods. If you aren't autistic and don't enjoy the game moderately on its own, it's not too likely you're going to enjoy the game after mods are applied.

The main difference is you can install mods in Skyrim just to fap to your mansion of maids, and you can't do that in Autistcraft. Well, unless you get off on blocky pixel girls. I won't judge.

Fight the good fight.

>> No.9919081
File: 118 KB, 584x749, 1348653327935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to make a 2hu quest line! You can worry about the boring mundane stuff like costumes and eye and hair details.

We need somebody who can recreate the hakurei shrine at least. Basically you get to pick the 2hu story if you make a 2hu race character (with racial bonuses based on 2hu races)

Some 2hu races:
Gensokyo Human: Human from Gensokyo who is more attuned with spirituality, and has additional combat bonuses against supernatural creatures.
Passive: Adapt quickly to your surroundings, increasing your exp gained by 5%
Passive: Visiting shrines also gifts you with a new blessing that increases HP, Stamina and Magicka by 50.
Power: Deal 30% more damage and take 30% less damage from non-human and non-animal enemies for 15 minutes. Usable only once per day but refreshes instantly if you visit a shrine.

Oni: Super strong heavy drinkers from Gensokyo. Are capable of having both extreme physical strength and high magic ability to increase their physical abilities, though they tend to sacrifice one for the other.

Passive: Every increase in Magicka reduces HP by double and vice versa. Base HP and Magicka however can never go below 10.
Passive: Stamina regens twice as fast in combat.
Power: Deal damage based on your maximum HP+Magicka in a single blow. Also causes knock back/knock down. Usable only once every 24 hours.
Power Toggle: HP damage gets redirected to Magicka damage when toggled on, however Magicka damage is also redirected to HP damage so take care.

>> No.9919102

1D master race reporting in. 2DPD go home.

>> No.9919105

i don't think anyone is honestly retarded enough to still be playing skyrim

>> No.9919135

What are some other good recent WRPGs in fantasy setting? I don't want too actiony and can't stand settings like Fallout. I would try Witcher II but I feel obligated to play 1 first and then never get around to it.

>> No.9919312


Skyrim is the best open world RPG currently out though.

>> No.9919321


No, that's Steambot Chronicles.

>> No.9919356

It is ranked 9th on steam's player stats peaking at around 37,468

>> No.9919374


This is the only one I know of.

>> No.9919415

Why not play the first one?

>> No.9923436 [DELETED] 


>> No.9923468

Having played both, I say you are full of shit. I was initially skeptical of Skyrim as well (having played Morrowind and not enjoying it all that much), but I started playing it recently and it's amazing. It took almost all the elements that made the Gothic series awesome that The Elder Scrolls lacked and combined it with the things that made The Elder Scrolls interesting. It's by far the best open world game I've played.

>> No.9923472
File: 582 KB, 1369x1060, skyrim2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why aren't you playing as a loli, /jp/?

>> No.9923474


>> No.9923487

First one isn't very good

>> No.9923486

somehow even fake 3D manages to be disgusting.

>> No.9923507

That's not a loli. That's a disgusting 15 year old.

>> No.9923514
File: 104 KB, 1364x768, skyrim4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wud u fug chloe?

>> No.9923517

no. fucking ugly. Def a no-fug

>> No.9923519

I personally don't understand why Skyrim gets so much flak either. Yeah a lot of the combat systems got condensed quite a bit, but they're also FAR more polished than they were previously. (Especially the magic, jesus christ.)

The actual scenery was wonderful as well. Skyrim's probably the only Elder Scrolls game where I actually took my time to explore the map and enjoyed it because the environments were so nice, and blasting harmless fauna with lightning bolts was fun too. The only real downers were that you eventually run out of map to explore, and the scaling is kinda crazy. (The latter is almost inevitable with bethesda though)

At the very least Skyrim was a huge improvement from Oblivion.

>> No.9923521
File: 57 KB, 500x727, Chloe-Moretz-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please stop this bullying chloe is very sensitive

>> No.9923539

that picture has to be photoshopped. no actor can be that ugly.

>> No.9923543

y donut yu sucko mah deicko?

>> No.9923545
File: 2.11 MB, 319x180, chloes face when bullies call her names.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9923547

That's absolutely disgusting.

>> No.9923549

I thought it was the better of the two.

>> No.9923552

fuck off back to /tv/, pedoshit.

>> No.9923556

pedophilia is otaku culture you f*cking loser

>> No.9923563

Keep telling yourself that you fucking pathetic mong.

>> No.9923573

Why can't modders fix the face structures? A mod was never made for Oblivion or Skyrim, hell, there weren't even good faces for Morrowind.

Does Be The Star have a lock on it or something? I'd be happy with something like AA's character creation in Skyrim, even if it removes certain customization features.

>> No.9923585

Fallout 3 had face mesh replacements.

>> No.9923595

Good ones?

Or ones modeled after 3D?

>> No.9923602

Jesus christ how horrifying

>> No.9923606

holy shit she's fucking ugly
here she reminds me of that orc commander from the return of the king. the one which commanded troops of mordor during the battle of the pelennor fields

>> No.9923608

The game is fucking baby tier easy, the combat is a joke. The guild quests are condensed and short as hell. Archery is boring as fuck. Killcams is the stupidest fucking thing Bethesda ever introduced to anything. The characters are shitty and not memorable (aside from the vampire loli and the talking dog) They removed unarmed combat mostly. The scenery is NOT interesting, you run into the same fucking giant rock and half-log every 10 fucking feet. Your terrain cinsists of snowy with trees and snowy without trees, don't fucking kid yourself.

The primary enemy is BANDITS FUCKING EVERYWHERE. Dragons aren't threatening after a while, The game is buggy as all hell, None of the quests are particularly interesting or challenging. Unlike oblivion that had a robust guild storyline with really challenging missions. Especially thieves guild.


>> No.9923612

Better than default. But for my latest install I couldn't find the male one again... So they look like perfect circles (which is also one of the reasons I stopped playing).

>> No.9923620

So thats why that .gif looked so familiar. I know exactly what you're talking about.

That kid is fucking beyond ugly.

>> No.9923622

Skyrim really isn't the kind of game you play for a challenge. Dragons were easy as fuck from the very start. It's all about the experience, traveling from place to place and doing all kinds of things.

The characters and locations are all very memorable. I haven't played Oblivion, but what I most appreciated as improvement over Morrowind is that towns are actually interesting to visit in Skyrim. There's things to see and do everywhere.

I also have barely had any trouble with bugs at all. I hear the 'buggy' argument a lot, but what bugs do other players experience? The only major problem I've found was that it didn't count my escape from Markarth's prison after I killed the leader before stepping into Markarth.

>> No.9923698

In my case, I found the exploring in Skyrim to be far more boring than what most action RPGs by small developers deliver. There were a few really cool places, like the high mountains and those watery town areas, the museum town and crazy underground cavern were pretty cool too. Overall there were some areas that were perhaps on the upper end of what ARPGs offer, but the ones I thought were the best were usually devoid of NPCs and were good to look at for 5 minutes before moving on or autisming after minimap points of interest.

Meanwhile, the combat is so distractingly terrible that it makes me want to go back and play superior action-RPG / combat games, like the ones available from free MMO publishers. No need to even mention retail products in this case.

The reason is it so entirely devoid of enjoyment usually stems from the terrible design direction of the game: level scaling. Nothing is dangerous. It's like I'm playing a terrible version of Myst with free-roaming on an open map. It undermines the entire point of the game being wrapped in an RPG coating. It's like a slap in the face.

>> No.9923734 [DELETED] 
File: 591 KB, 1133x910, Clipboard02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skyrim is alright I guess, though the gameplay gets stale very fast.

If it had Dark Souls combat it could be really fun to play.

>> No.9923738
File: 14 KB, 220x309, Creation_of_the_Sun_and_Moon_face_detail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why god gave us mods.

>> No.9923762
File: 262 KB, 1920x1080, oblivion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9923795

I totally lost the image where they pee in mugs with bored expressions on their faces.

>> No.9923825

When are these going to be in skyrim? Shit, Japan, get your shit together.

Also I saw people were importing everything from like WoW armor sets and Vindictus armor sets to Tera character models into Skyrim.

Does this mean all of the 3DCG/MMD stuff could potentially be imported or am I missing something? I am not good with computer.

>> No.9923927

Is there a scat mod as well?

>> No.9923946

They are still messing with oblivion.

Most of it are posing mods, to make those pictures. Pretty sure there is something like that, but its mostly Lovers modifications, posing, clothes and cooking.

>> No.9923951
File: 803 KB, 1920x1200, ScreenShot7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skyrim is very pretty

>> No.9923955


>They are still messing with oblivion.

Why is Japan always so outdated? Most of them haven't even upgraded to fucking XP yet.

>> No.9923972
File: 395 KB, 1920x1200, up001671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe its just skyrim modding site is more obscure. Previous oblivion uploader went down last year, and I only found that one because someone on loverslab was mentioning it.

>> No.9923988


The Japanese people are very frugal and they get every penny out of anything they buy before they discard it.

You could learn something from that, white pig. Don't you ever dare question Japan in my presence again.

>> No.9923992
File: 469 KB, 1680x1050, ScreenShot322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please rate

>> No.9923998
File: 14 KB, 251x251, 1346732889858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



You play too much Skyrim

>> No.9924067
File: 584 KB, 740x740, madotsuki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any 2hu morrowind mods?

>> No.9924076

Get the fuck out.

>> No.9924084

I need this

>> No.9924098

Neither TES game supports such amount of projectiles.

>> No.9924129
File: 2.28 MB, 2025x709, 1347767360523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Morrowind is actually satisfying and hasn't needed kawaii mods or tentacle rape.

So no.

>> No.9924130

OpenMW probably will. They're trying to remove entity limits.

>> No.9924142
File: 446 KB, 1920x1080, 13098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been spending the past two days trying to find a cute follower that I can use as my maid.

I wish there was a place where Japanese players shared their followers. After looking at characters designed by Japanese players, I don't think I'd be satisfied with a character designed by a westerner. >>9923992 is pretty cute, though. I'd let her bake me a sweetroll.

>> No.9924148

Go make a fucking account on hongfire or something and ask them fuckers there. They know everything.

>> No.9924159

How many sex mods are in Morrowind? I heard that there's interactive sex with pregnancy and child birth.

>> No.9924162

Post the one with the cliff racers

>> No.9924167

Flying flying in the sky... Cliff racer fly, so high, fly....

>> No.9924168
File: 1.79 MB, 425x319, 1345084094390.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9924185
File: 315 KB, 1920x1029, 2012-10-23_21.07.51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Well, unless you get off on blocky pixel girls. I won't judge
hey fuck you, pixely girls are nice too.

>> No.9924235
File: 1.14 MB, 1920x1080, 1350094583404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do they still make a creepy cringe and look at you constantly, like in Oblivion?

Also, this is westerner companion. One in >>9923992 looks more like Chinese mmo style.

>> No.9924240

Back when I played Oblivion I could only enjoy it when I modded it to be my personal rape simulator, along with some ryona shit. Even has this need mod called Estrus which let me make other characters masturbate, and summon sex monsters.

I'm sure this is possible in Skyrim but I don't feel like looking for the mods or installing them.

>> No.9924261
File: 275 KB, 1450x1200, 1329313690136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's this called again? Cute Companions?

>> No.9924268

Is the Oblivion modding scene dead? My computer can't even handle Skyrim

>> No.9924270

cute mob models.

>> No.9924271

I kind of want to play minecraft but I just don't know what to do in it.

>> No.9924275

It's not a good enough rape simulator for me. I want to beat them and watch the character turn bruised and bloody until I put my sword through their beating heart and fuck their dead corspe.

>> No.9924285

Holy fucking shit how did I not know about that website? Those mods are fucking awesome as HELL dude.

>> No.9924292

While it wasn't as bloody as that, I had a female assassin who would go from town to town and rape, then murder dunmer women. Sometimes I would use modded magic to make them into undead servants after that, and would take them to my basement and lock them there.

I tried locking live hostages in there, locking the door with the console, but NPCs could still open the door...

>> No.9924293

Thank you.

Autistic things. That's not even too much of a joke. If you enjoy mundane, repetitive tasks and stacking/building things, then it's a fun game. Like Lego or basic engineering.

>> No.9924318

Am I the only one who just tried to figure out ways to get raped?

>> No.9924323

I did that as well as being the rapist. My Estrus mod allowed me to call sex monsters against myself, so I would lock my character in a cell and use it. The mod also made men come over and watch, so that was fun.

I'd usually end it by having my character be killed in some erotic way. Well, they were erotic to me.

>> No.9924326

What the fuck is going on in this thread and how can I join?

>> No.9924328

Thats a good question. I guess I just need the mod. Any links fine sir ?

>> No.9924337

That sounds amazing. Any links to the mod?

>> No.9924344

Pirate a Bethesda game and mod it.

>> No.9924345

I believe this is it http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/28979

Not sure if you need extra utilities, though. It's been a long time since I used it.

>> No.9924353

Thanks. Used to be on top of all the Oblivion shit, but then I got bored with it and arbitrarily deleted all of it at once point when I needed space. Like 40 gigs of mods gone.

>> No.9924358

is this only tentacle/monster rape though?

i'm more of looking for something to fuck/rape my player girls with multiple dicks.

>> No.9924365

It has a few different monsters, I remember one was a slime. You can also just masturbate. It might be as close as you can get, unfortunately. You can sort of control the monster if you read the instructions, and have it loop on certain animations and what not. Though it's a bit weird hearing them go from cute moaning back to their shitty voices when they're done.

If you look around, there's some mod called "Chain it" which lets you put your character in different bondage equipment, from chains to even a big glass tube. It's more for just poses, though. It let me have a lot of fun role playing as a bandit camp's enslaved whore, though.

>> No.9924400

I don't understand. If you want to get raped by multiple dicks, isn't tentacles perfect for you?

>> No.9924430

Tentacle monsters are gross. It's like bestiality or something.

>> No.9924435

I would so want to look like the girl in the picture
Any links ?
Been searching myself a bit, but to no prevail.

>> No.9924441

if they'd be regular dick shaped, then maybe. but for me it just doesn't work, i guess. it works much better if they're human dicks.

same reason tentacles don't do much for me anymore in porn.

>> No.9924467

Have you played Lego?

>> No.9924510


>> No.9924593

Okay I tried it. Why is it so fucking boring?

>> No.9924612

Survival is kind of fun for a week.

Not worth the current price of #30. Not nearly.

>> No.9924618

I played Minecraft a long time ago, and have been interesting in starting again, but so much has changed that I'm just too intimidated to go back in. And apparently now it has hunger and magic and shit? It was so simple a long time ago...

>> No.9924630

err. $30

How embarrassing.

>> No.9924639
File: 58 KB, 588x415, lel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take that back mother fucker! Notch is fucking god! Thank him for even letting you be pleasured by the beauty of his game!

>> No.9925210

I'd like to know this as well.

>> No.9925362

There's "MC Nostalgia" if you really want to go back to an older version.

Hunger is total shit. Combat's difficult on hard difficulties with no armor since you can't insta heal with food.

>> No.9925793

that's what you have the potions of healing for, both regular and splash ones.

as a bonus, the healing ones hurt undead enemies.

not that you can make them without some extensive farming and nether visits.

>> No.9925798
File: 134 KB, 1235x785, 1351022789641.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9925803
File: 21 KB, 533x379, this is a shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9925830

Is Children of Skyrim out yet?

If so, have the Japs remade the loli model from it to be anatomically correct yet?

>> No.9925828

I kind of want to mod Skyrim so that it's full of cute, sluttly lolis that I can fuck and make my slaves, but I'm not sure if the time it takes to do all of that would be worth it. I remember it took me over 60 hours to mod New Vegas just to get an extra 30 hours of enjoyment out of it.

>> No.9925838

Yeah. Really want to start this, but that time and effort commitment is killer.

>> No.9925839

Did you make that? It's pretty good.

>> No.9925871

oh god I'm going to think of spurdos every time I see those fairies' :D faces from now on

>> No.9925898

apparently >>9918949

>> No.9925899
File: 184 KB, 695x715, ebin fairies jintai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9926465

I'm downloading oblivion is there anything i'm missing that Skyrim has?

>> No.9926504


Skyrim is the better game all round, but Oblivion has the better mods. Especially porn mods.

>> No.9926507

Oblivion has many more sex mods if that's what you mean.

Better quests in the vanilla version too but let's not talk about that.

>> No.9926544

HOLE HELL look at those perky breasts

>> No.9926550 [DELETED] 

>/v/-tier vidya thread is allowed to prosper within /jp/ just because 2hu references are forced into the OP
>pic isn't even of Sakuya, just a random maid
Stay classy, /vg/

>> No.9926557 [DELETED] 


>> No.9926559 [DELETED] 

I used to be a whiny shitposter like you, but then I took one of your meme arrows to the knee!

>> No.9926567 [DELETED] 

Ebin meme variation, dude XD

>> No.9926563 [DELETED] 
File: 34 KB, 421x472, 1349941215163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9926566 [DELETED] 

>Surprise! ( ゚∀゚)

>> No.9926573 [DELETED] 

Please don't abuse spoilers.

>> No.9926570 [DELETED] 

Lol someone looks a little upset.

>> No.9926572 [DELETED] 

Spoilers are for niggers, that's why they are black. Please do not use them unless you are a nigger.

>> No.9926578 [DELETED] 

lick my vagina

>> No.9926583 [DELETED] 


>> No.9926584 [DELETED] 

That's gross, dude.

>> No.9926588 [DELETED] 

What are you talking about? That's a surprise box, not a spoiler.

>> No.9926594 [DELETED] 


>> No.9926595 [DELETED] 

I was under the impression it was for secrets

>> No.9926599 [DELETED] 

Please do not shitpost.

>> No.9926600 [DELETED] 

Reminds me of the time that the government tried to redact a word document, and just changed the font color to black-on-black. Needless to say, it was not functional.

>> No.9926604 [DELETED] 

Please go get banned for spamming.

>> No.9926608 [DELETED] 

You realize that your shitty spam only causes shitposting right?

>> No.9926610 [DELETED] 

I think what people are going for is self-moderation by flooding, I don't want to go to far out on a limb though.

>> No.9926611

I don't think you were exploring for the right reasons. You don't explore to find "super cool places", you explore for the sake of exploring, and find those places in the process. Do you go on hikes just to see the umpteenth waterfall at the end or for the sake of hiking itself?

The combat was pretty standard for a Bethesda game. (With the exception of the vastly improved magic.) Complaining about combat in a Bethesda game being shallow is like complaining about JRPGs being grindy. It just comes with the territory. If you're not playing for reasons other than combat and going into stealth or wizardry then you're just doing it wrong.

>Level scaling
Like I said, you're playing for the wrong reasons. But nonetheless there's mods for that.

>> No.9926613 [DELETED] 

I'm sorry. Please don't bully me. I was not trying to misuse the link function.

>> No.9926616 [DELETED] 

I'll kick your ass faggot. You think you're tough? lets see how tough you are with a couple rounds from my .45 lodged in your skull. Kinda hard to talk shit when I've blown half your face off. You better watch yourself faggots, I work for the fucking CIA, if I want you dead, you are dead. Its that fucking simple. Watch your god damned fucking mouth. I have over 30 years military training, I would rip your spine out while raping your fucking mother up her dried up old skanky cunt. I would then proceed to bundle up what remains of your body and shove my 12 inch cock down your throat and skull fuck you till my cum oozes from every hole in your body. Watch your fucking back. I'm coming for you.

>> No.9926621 [DELETED] 

Apology accepted. Now assume the position, spread your hole, and prepare to be ``atoned''.

>> No.9926638

Ah I'm not really interested sex mods so that's okay I just want to make cute loli bodied characters with nice faces.

>> No.9926641

>You don't explore to find "super cool places", you explore for the sake of exploring, and find those places in the process

I bet you're one of those autists who play Minecraft not to do awesome things, but to stack blocks for the sake of stacking blocks.

There's a reason why the devs spent so much time creating the atmosphere. It's to create something that's worth more than just exploring for the sake of exploring. Me? I got bored out of my mind walking around in Fallout. The fast travel really doesn't solve the problem, since it just gives you the option to skip what's problematic. It's literally the same places over and over again. Sometimes some object, bottle, or texture gives you a sense of deja vu, when you realize that that's because they've reused graphic elements.


>> No.9926646

What happened to that anyway? I heard Skyrim was supposed to have a much stronger modding scene than Oblivion but so far it's been pretty weak.

Is it because Steam got involved?

>> No.9926647

Why are you being mean?

>> No.9926649

I've been exploring for the sake of exploring in games since they barely had graphics, I'm rather well versed in such things. I do think they need to have SOMETHING beyond just nice things to look at, because really, at this point in time if I just want novel and interesting things to look at, I'm gonna open up street-view on google maps and go exploring or maybe the normal view on some crazy remote parts of the world where a high resolution satellite went over.

Well, I don't really care to have an opinion fight over Skyrim, but at least we can probably agree on one thing: Skyrim was leagues better for exploring than Oblivion was. Oblivion made me throw up. I can't even remember a single thing about that game except "this is the foresty area, oh and there's a wisp at some ruins" and "this is the swampy region". Maybe I didn't even finish playing it.

>> No.9926652

>What happened to that anyway? I heard Skyrim was supposed to have a much stronger modding scene than Oblivion but so far it's been pretty weak.
What? They have a distaste for modding now that they can charge 20$ for a DLC pack. Why else would they delay the editor for months.

>I bet you're one of those autists who play Minecraft not to do awesome things, but to stack blocks for the sake of stacking blocks.
What an asshole.

>> No.9926655

In terms of lewd things I think Skyrim mods are better. I don't remember there being such good nude children mods in Oblivion.

>> No.9926657

I liked some of the cool stuff I found in Skyrim but for the most part once you've seen say one nord catacomb, you've seen them all. Same goes for the dwemer ruins and those falmer caves. Regardless I spent just over 50 hours on the game so I got my money's worth for sure, just wish I had more incentive to run around.

>> No.9926660 [DELETED] 

fuck the NSJ

>> No.9926663

So a strawman and then you start talking about Minecraft and Fallout when the subject was Skyrim, all while conveniently avoiding addressing any part of my post in a direct fashion.

5-star shitpost.

>> No.9926664
File: 206 KB, 539x650, d02[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't imagine Steam would have been a detriment to it.

Rather, I would put the blame on Skyrim offering almost nothing that Oblivion doesn't to the modding scene. Especially when everyone is familiar with Oblivion and so much already exists. I get the impression that things aren't easily ported from Oblivion to Skyrim, which is likely an enormous mistake on their part.

Kind of like Fire and Sword for Mountain Blade. It's the next step of the game, yet people prefer to keep modding Warband instead because it offers the better experience.

>> No.9926667

quads don't lie

>> No.9926666

Please condense your threads about boring shitty games.

>> No.9926669

Someone probably went to /q/ to make it so we have one allowed skyrim thread up at any one time. I actually don't mind the thread and to be honest, if it bothers you just hide it.

>> No.9926671

Please enlight us with your superior taste.

>> No.9926675

>Better quests in the vanilla version too but let's not talk about that.
At least it's not fallout 3, which had
1) No quests
2) all the quests it had were shitty
3) half of the game content could actually be skipped by a speech check because Bethesda doesn't understand how speech checks supposed to wrok.

>> No.9926678

Yeah, the dungeons are arguably the weakest part of the game. There's a couple neat ones, but the overworld is really what the game's all about.

Also the magic's visual effects, especially healing. Oh god the healing. I remember the first time I cast the basic Heal I felt like I was Jesus himself.

>> No.9926682

My favorite part of these type of games is the feeling you get when you've spent like 4 hours underground exploring some vast catacomb. I've had that emotion a few times when in the dewemer ruins but not so much otherwise.

>> No.9926679

Video games suck and are for nerds.

>> No.9926687

I had high hopes that the reworked magic system and the finisher cutscene system would improve magic modding and custom animation mods significantly. Sadly it seems like the magic mods suck (pretty much just like Oblivion) and the latter just never happened.

>> No.9926704

Is there a mod to fuck the vampire loli right? Lolipires are neat.

>> No.9926712

Loli.... pire.
A loli is a loli, and a pire is a fire meant to ceremonially destroy a dead human body....

You want to burn lolies? Why?

>> No.9926715

You can probably figure out some way to swap in a model like >>9926664 to replace the vampire girl's one.

And there is already a mod to marry her, or so I heard.

>> No.9926719

You should be concerned if he starts talking about lolipyres, and not lolipires.

>> No.9926723

You're thinking pyre, not pire. Pire isn't a word.

>> No.9926722

Thank you kindly.

'Tis is a portmanteau.

>> No.9926730

Oh my, you are right! I mixed it up in my rushed attempt to be cleaver. How EMBARRASSING.

I apologize profusely.

>> No.9926740

Clever, not cleaver. I think you're doing it on purpose now.

>> No.9926741

/jp/ is for nerds too. what are you gonna do about it, nerd?

>> No.9926746

You forgot your orz.

>> No.9926749

I insure you, I am not.

Or am I?

>> No.9928049

So Oblivion is the go to game for modding? Where would I start to find the mods to make a cute girl?

>> No.9928520

what was that modded race that made the 2dish looking characters? moonshadow elves?

>> No.9928606

>2 people who volunteeringly put ugly moles on their girls
reported for spam
