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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9924860 No.9924860[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Americans VS Japanese
I've noticed some things between US YouTube and Japanese YouTube.
In US videos, pretty much everyone talks in their videos, with much explanation and pin pointing every detail. Japanese are so much more quieter in their videos, with more of the explanation in their description boxes. Do the Japanese fear something or do they just like to be alot calmer? I have also noticed that Japanese are alot slower and gentle with handling things with patience other than Americans. Why is there so much of a difference? Thanks for reading.

>> No.9924868

east asians are genetically more shy, introverted, and meek. Westerners have better social skills and are more outgoing.

>> No.9924875

Because Americans are drug fed amphetamine freaks. With genetic code in being obnoxious?

>> No.9924876

They are afraid that they will get fired if anyone recognizes them in any way. Why do you think they always wear masks or have their head not in the shot when they do things like dancing or music?

>> No.9924892

Why do you hate americans so much loser YOUR AMERICAN.

>> No.9924898

It's because Japs don't need everything in their face and do apply their brains to what they see in different interpretations. American's just gobble down whatever the fuck they are given.

>> No.9924905

Behold the 12 year-old defending his American pride while deluding himself into thinking everyone on the internet is Amerifat and openly displaying his intelligence. You're kinda fulfilling the stereotype.

>> No.9924911


take this video as an example
This is one of the rare times someone talks
but as you see...
they are not eager to open the box so quickly
more or less, they speak alot and give description with patience...as to if you watch a US pokemon unboxing, they pretty much rip open the package as fast as possible.

>> No.9924915

>Americans VS Japanese
Please stop being that tsundere. You are perfectly aware that you lolis of both nationalities just want to go at it.

>> No.9924920

my point is you weaboos hate everything that isn't japanese just because it's not japanese.

>> No.9924924

I've noticed the Japanese wikipedia has far fewer pictures on their articles compared to the English counterparts.

>> No.9924925

You guys are just weeaboos, there a lot of retards in Japan too just like in any other country, you just don't notice it because you don't know the language and thus don't read their blogs, websites, TV shows and whatnot.

>> No.9924934
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Are those legos? Fuck man, I love legos.

>> No.9924940

americans are compensating for their shallowness

>> No.9924937

very true...

I wonder if the typical Japanese family are so calm and gentle as their youtube videos...heck, hardly there is even a peep of noise. Quite amazing.

>> No.9924941

Hong Kong and some European countries are alright. 'Merrika a shit mate.

>> No.9924942

grow up, nerd

>> No.9924945

I posted legos as a fine example of how Japanese have so much patience, and are quite silent in all of their videos. Please view the youtube link below, as it portrays amazing precision of a mini-lego factory.


>> No.9924947

Fuck America. It's a shithole full of ignorant retards who are only good for soaking up bullets.

>> No.9924952

>don't know the language
>don't read their TV shows
Where the fuck are you even I don't know what is this fuck?

>> No.9924969

You call him a nerd, but Japanese love legos. I guess you now love legos too huh?
Weeaboos...you know, I hate that word, but you really are one. You should apologize to >>9924934

>> No.9924978

I loved lolis long before I met Japan and Japan love lolis. What now turboner sperglord asshat dick cock loving bitch?

>> No.9924987

You do realize japan has its own societal problems involving conformism, competition workload, legal rights, sexism, and homophobia

>> No.9924993

What you want to do to lolies cannot be called love, sick fuck. Go back to searching r@ygold on you hapless, hopeless dork.

>> No.9924997

No, I'm not a fucking weeb.

>> No.9925001

You can love lolis as much as you want, but your mind will never be as professional as a Japanese's. Your mouth is full of taint and spewing poisoning nonsense.

>> No.9925005

Ive noticed that op is a faggoti

>> No.9925007


>> No.9925011

Correct. Each country has it's faults, but these "japan loving worshipers" do not realize that.
Japan may produce many nice things, but they still have problems like everyone else. Show me a country that is perfect and flawless.

>> No.9925023


Those last two are hardly "problems" you decadent fuck

>> No.9925018

Americans love sticking hot meaty cocks down their throats and choking on them. I guess you love cock too huh?

>> No.9925025
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>> No.9925026

I don't worship Americans. Sorry lol.

>> No.9925032
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>> No.9925033

japan is the send world leader in pornography. It's also one of the few countries in the world with a red light district. Japanese woman are whore's doesn't take a genius to know that.

>> No.9925038


>> No.9925039 [DELETED] 


>> No.9925042


>> No.9925043

So you're agreeing Japan is great?

>> No.9925048


>> No.9925051

Holy shit that's amazing.

>> No.9925056

No I'm saying japs enjoy hot meaty cocks down their throats just as much as Americans. Japs love cock

>> No.9925078
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>> No.9925205

America is shit but I like many other countries than Japan such as:

Hong Kong
South Korea

Just because you see America for what it is doesn't mean you are a "weeb loser" or "delusional"

>> No.9925260

Yeah, I don't go to youtube for tutorials anymore for that very reason. It's always some fag going "Haaay guys" then breathing heavily and fumbling over mistakes he has to correct.

>> No.9925284

Why doesnt 4chan discuss about countries other than America and Japan

are they really that irrelevant?

>> No.9925297

My favourite countries in terms of their culture for each continent/region:

East Asia: Japan
West Asia: Iran
Europe: Switzerand
Americas: Canada

Least favourite:
East Asia: The Philippines
West Asia: Saudi Arabia
Europe: United Kingdom
Americas: United States of America

I... I was very curious about the world before becoming a hikikomori.

>> No.9925317

Canada sucks

theres literally nothing there

>> No.9925318


Yes. Honestly, what's the point of the countries in Europe or Africa, other than the oil provided by the middle east? What use is Australia?

>> No.9925335

Yes indeed. Why are you here, again?

>> No.9925342

To call you a faggot, faggot.

>> No.9925351
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>> No.9925437

>nothing there in Canada
Of course. Even in Japan, a much denser country, people mostly live in cities which only fake a fraction of Japan's land and the rest of the country is for the most part empty. If you were to visit Canada's cities, suburbs or even country, you would see it's beauty.

>> No.9925451

I always wondered why the country sides (Of any place really) don't work on modernizing so they can keep their youth instead of them moving to big cities.

>> No.9925454


Australia is one of the largest exporters of uranium in the world, you wanker.

>> No.9925477

what? that's the best part.

ever been to BC?

>> No.9925499

But they have done it already. Many towns have their own college/university nowadays. They are pretty much small scale cities. Also, every person from the country I've met in Canada are very nice and polite.

The world is much bigger (and more beautiful) than what it seems. I just don't know why I instinctively close myself in though...

Come to think of it, I was just speaking from past experiences. Who knows how the world is now...

>> No.9925544

Did Americans rape your family to death? Why are you so angry about this?

>> No.9925568
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>I like many other countries than Japan
>Hong Kong
>South Korea

Oh look a bunch of gook countries. You self-hating white weebs make me SICK. Get the fuck out of this country if you hate it so much.

>> No.9925575

I'm not white and did you miss Sweden?

>> No.9925576

What's the point of other countries than Japan and Germany? We could do very well without those warmongering crazies in America.

>> No.9925578

>I'm not white

Get out of /jp/.

>> No.9925592

I have been here for years so i'm not going anywhere bully!

>> No.9925599

Australia is my favorite country. I hope to one day move to Australia myself, buy a Torana A9X coupe, take a drive around empty outback backroads not giving a fuck, and hang with sick cunts down by the beach and pick up some busty sheilas never under a B cup.
I'll arm wrestle kangaroos, hunt down some sick ass drop bears, wrestle gators, and genocide 3 foot spiders every night.

>> No.9925644

Why does it have a dick

>> No.9925654

Yeha mate you'll fit right in among us mad cunts. Join me for a barbie when you get here mate. You can check out me wall of mounted spider heads, worth a fucken fortune.

>> No.9925658

I'm black and thanks for the money.

>> No.9925663

Fucking sick. Can't wait, I already have friends in australia!

>> No.9925681

What? I'm not giving you money.

>> No.9925696

Liar! A real nigger would never say thank you, only demand more and blame others!
