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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 1.01 MB, 982x627, 1350852614903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9914477 No.9914477 [Reply] [Original]

Anonymous is a Amazing idealism.. who gives a flyin fuck where it started, Imagine where its going and look at what it has Done. We've exposed more pedophiles and websites then most of you argueing children can count. Why sit here and argue over something so irrelivant. Your all anonymous. We dont all know eachother. that makes you anonymous in the eyes of others.. plain and simple... Anonymous is fucking awesome. Expect us.

>> No.9914489
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>> No.9914501

Pedophilia is to them like a banana in the hollow of their own!

Bearded doctor with a crash climbs to his wife!

They are worth nothing to do it wherever and however you want!

A satanic roots potato root bulb, pierced

ass overgrown with moss whaler from Europe!

But there are things much cooler this garbage!

>> No.9914515
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>> No.9914511

> We've exposed more pedophiles and websites then most of you argueing children can count.
Look /b/, at what have you done...

>> No.9914522



>> No.9914536

why is such an epic troll on my japanese culture

>> No.9914531

They meant real pedophiles, you know, the ones who watch real cp, dumbass.

>> No.9914546


>> No.9914556

I remember seeing about 20 minutes of the film, some parts just made me rage.

>> No.9914557

Epic win

>> No.9914561

Most of /jp/ do.

>> No.9914563

Talk for yourself, asshat.

>> No.9914568

Holy shit you can speak

>> No.9914573

At least post the /r/otaku subreddit.

>> No.9914574

it's not really her

>> No.9914575

Why are you being so mean
Aren't you a girl?

>> No.9914576


you tell them oniichan!

>> No.9914569


I think this website would suit you more.


>> No.9914578

I think you answered your own question.

>> No.9914579

Fuck you tripfagget shitposter, i'm calling the TEN JANITORS.

>> No.9914585
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That's what I meant to do.


Check the archives, I am the original Otaku.Chique.

>> No.9914593

Why are girls way more mean than boys?

http://rghost.. net/41010979

>> No.9914594

You tell em!

>> No.9914602

Smoking my cap!
My prick like a hot metal!
On my woman, smoke it!
And then swallow share nicotine!
I am pleased to inject it in you!
That's it!
I flew!
And I fly and see - Uncle Satan smiles at me!
His demon Asmodeus Prizhivalsky and fuck oil rig!
Well, I curled up in the oak and dead!
Mr. Che can you do?

>> No.9914610

Now that it's not cool to be anonymous anymore, how about we all become tripfags?

Here, I'll start

>> No.9914615

It's a sign, you are meant to be anon.

>> No.9914611

Well, fuck.

>> No.9914612

Leik these?

>> No.9914613
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Why are they doing that?

>> No.9914616

Jew suck.

>> No.9914618

Rot in hell, tripfag scum.

>> No.9914623

Because. The second one is worse.

>> No.9914627
File: 2.92 MB, 433x615, 1350471420677.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget your avatar

>> No.9914633

Welcome to the forum :)

>> No.9914635


What second one?

>> No.9914641
File: 103 KB, 372x372, laughing2hu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Screencapped like HELL for eternity...!!!

You failed epically at your debut now you have no more chances to be famous as HELL...

>> No.9914642

The second one.

>> No.9914650
File: 320 KB, 601x706, 1348609128541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've noticed that there isn't a "introduce yourself" section to this website. I've asked for them to make one in /q/ before, but no one wants one.

I don't get it.

>> No.9914655

You should make a thread here for it.

>> No.9914667

Hi, I'm a 14-year-old American otaku NEET who enjoys video games, anime (Naruto ftw :D) and memes.
Don't forget to add me as a friend XD

>> No.9914660

More like Otaku Shité, amirite guise or wut?

>> No.9914671


>> No.9914674

Oh shit, it happened.

>> No.9914678
File: 192 KB, 316x394, 2hueh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My debut was epic as HELL...

I got trips during it... And decimal doubles...

>> No.9914691


le legion face

>> No.9914684
File: 50 KB, 698x698, [gg]_Chuunibyou_Demo_Koi_ga_Shitai!_-_02_[D9C76A37].mkv_snapshot_11.31_[2012.10.11_02.04.28].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this? WOOP WOOP girl seems to be popular with you shitposters, but no one has claimed her yet, so I could take her.

>> No.9914693


That feel when you have a friend with a 33k post count and he's too upset to leave because then his epic win will be for naught :(

>> No.9914695
File: 76 KB, 803x505, 1350474823574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL she's really popular on /A/ and /JP/
I really like wide girl

>> No.9914702
File: 57 KB, 451x379, smugkira.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've got some guts tr0lling like this in our turf...

>> No.9914711

My introduction was me polling everyone's opinon...

>> No.9914710

Haha, tripf-f-fags! You're all FAGS! Hahahahaha. Fucking FAGS! I hope you LITERALLY DIE, fags! LOL

>> No.9914718

Please don't bully, this is meant to be a friendly forum :(

>> No.9914713

Be nice to each other

>> No.9914721


Is that the official /jp/ popularity leaderboard?

One day I hope I can be at the top.

>> No.9914723

You are SOOOO fucking kewl bro!!! How bout we share names and meet up 2 smke sum weed?!?!?! :3

>> No.9914726

You just gave your ENTIRE password out!?!?!?! FAGGOT!?!?!?

>> No.9914734

You're really bad at ironic shitposting. You need to be more subtle. Please stop before you embarrass yourself any more than you already have.

>> No.9914738

Gayest thread on /jp/. Gayer than the ``eat your own cum'' thread.

>> No.9914741
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hi Taki-chan

How are you doing today

>> No.9914743
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Get out while you can, crossboarder!

>> No.9914742
File: 11 KB, 250x250, Costanza.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 2012
> Rejecting the premise that 4chan is a forum because free phpBB and Invision message boards are the only other types of forum in existence.

>> No.9914745

wat id ironic meen? Im just postng on /jp/ about stffs and shie4! wuts up u're butt homo spreglord? xDDD

>> No.9914747

Sure do you have fb? email me if you want :)

>> No.9914752


>> No.9914757



>> No.9914755

wat kind of fagget no lif louser don't have fb? u hav 2 b rly autist to no't use it!

>> No.9914758

Anonymous are the biggest pussies on the net.
Fuck them and their shit agenda.
They took down many non-illegal websites just because they don't like them.

>> No.9914761

but I have fb. email me if you wan't to add me I don't want to share it here

>> No.9914768


So many memories.

>> No.9914769

Hi guys <3
i'm new to this board. is there a steam or a mal /jp/ group where i can introduce myself ?
I like anime (deadman wonderland is my favorite ),video games and touhou(cirno is a baka ^^). i hope we can all be friends :)

>> No.9914778
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This bitch thread is now a homu thread.

>> No.9914773

I'm the dark and evil drug addict in the world!
I zhalyus a dick!
I zhalyus by a dick!
And zhalyus so lousy that comes complete dick!

Monument to Peter the Great is not a monster from the depths of his bladder better
European diabolical wine!
Bearish scrotum stitched to the plug of the bubble!
Drink it and you'll die like all the others, no matter what garbage you did not!

>> No.9914777
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>> No.9914780
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>> No.9914784

Now let's be serious for a second guys. Which one of you are going to become real tripfags? I don't want to waste any spots on my filter with trips that will disappear in a week.

>> No.9914786
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>> No.9914791
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>> No.9914792 [DELETED] 
File: 165 KB, 356x1478, 1350331408042.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I swear to god if one person posts a reaction pic or acts like this is anything special.

>> No.9914794


>> No.9914795
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