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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 172 KB, 560x420, BUZPM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9905993 No.9905993 [Reply] [Original]

I bet you all had give up, hadn't you?

It's heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere.

>> No.9905999

I'll believe it when I see it.

>> No.9906001

Too bad the download link has problems. Need to wait for a reupload.

>> No.9906005


You can buy it on DLSite, if you want a download tough luck for the time being. http://www.dlsite.com/eng/work/=/product_id/RE102971.html

>> No.9906014

That link doesn't even work.

>> No.9906016


Huh. Works fine for me. Try from DLSite's main page then since it's in todays releases.

>> No.9906036

Try these on for size http://www.doujinstyle.com/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=70444#p70444

>> No.9906044

Split archive download limit reached.

>> No.9906050


You tried Guyde's direct links towards the bottom of the page? Worked fine for me extracting now.

>> No.9906148


How the fuck does that trick work? You bypass the website and the download link generator as well as captcha verification if you download too much. Either way it's awesome.

>> No.9906172

Is this like a sequel or something? I played that game way, way long ago, but never really looked to see if anything else was happening with the game

>> No.9906174
File: 440 KB, 640x480, rks0004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No idea but I've playing for awhile now.

Holy fuck Schwer's new stage is fucking insane. Guess it's asking for boss weakness here from Mega Man 3 or something...

>> No.9906179


The correct answer is Needle Cannon for those wondering.

>> No.9906217

God, I am so bad at old-fashioned mega man games. My kingdom for a dash...

>> No.9906229

i did beat the 1st one 10 years ago.
These are kinda hard but not impossible.

>> No.9906231

I thought Snake Man's weakness was Shadow Blade?

>> No.9906235


No it's Needle Cannon, Spark Man is Shadow Blade. Mega Man 3 is weird and has two separate weakness loops for some reason.

That's not even the nastiest trap in that stage.

>> No.9906238

Oh god Dolis's stage has the lifts from Guts Man's stage.

>> No.9906255

Okay. I am buying this game. No way can I let this man's efforts go unrewarded.

>> No.9906271


Yeah I feel I'm gonna have to do the same next paycheck. Especially since the guy learned how to code it since the coder left it's why the game took so long.

Want to say that I love the new enemy choices in this game it's like a convention of annoying game enemies.

>> No.9906276

Wait, how do I get out?

...clever girl.

>> No.9906293


Hmm? Are you talking about the start of Schwer's stage? Jump in the pit.

>> No.9906304
File: 364 KB, 641x482, coins.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Na, this.
I didn't realize the hidden entrance was a ladder.

>> No.9906317


Huh. I never even saw that part of the stage.

>> No.9906333 [DELETED] 

What was I supposed to do in Zorne's stage? Isn't it the first one you should do?

I reached the point after the walls of fire like in Megaman 1, after that comes block guessing, and when I reached the end of it, a block appears on top of the last one and pushes you away for no apparent reason, there is no other step to go to?

Was I supposed to go here first?

>> No.9906343

You mean the block that appears just above of the one you're standing on? Near the extra life?
Jump before it appears so you land on top of it. Classic megaman trick.

>> No.9906344


You can do Zorne's stage first maybe you're just not fast enough with the block? Sichte's also easy though and has an energy tank in the stage if you're having problems.

>> No.9906350

Wow Eifer's stage is made out of sheer spite.

>> No.9906393
File: 278 KB, 640x480, rks0015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


At least it has a good game over screen. I'll probably be seeing it. A lot.

>> No.9906402

Liebea's attack where she splits into three is such bullshit.

>> No.9906428

Well, I'm glad I didn't spend money on this.

>> No.9906486

2-3 hours and not one boss dead. I think I'm done here.

>> No.9906495

Code for the second character mode is Up Down Left Weapon Change Right Weapon Change

>> No.9906558

Well I have to call it a night here's some weaknesses I've noticed and some other musings,

Dolis is weak to Zorne's weapon.
Liebea is weak to Dolis's weapon.
Trauae is weak to Luste's weapon.
Grolla is weak to Sichte's weapon
Luste is weak to Grolla's weapon.
Pamela is weak to Sichte's weapon, Dolis's does ok damage though.

You don't get new passwords in the second part of the game even though you might think you should.

>> No.9906610
File: 100 KB, 1000x1154, goofy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why you will never amount to anything, son.

>> No.9906719

It is so incredibly frustrating to spend years watching videos of megaman games, then to play them and suck horribly at them.

>> No.9906724

You've never played a run and gun before?

>> No.9906749

I have. This isn't run and gun, though.

>> No.9906763

Classic Megaman and Megaman clones are the definition of run and gun, what do you mean?

>> No.9906765 [DELETED] 

Tip to everyone giving up, do Sichte first, get her power. It's not that hard once you get past the sliding shit, get the tank and suicide, save it for the best time and beat her.

You can do nearly every part of the game with her power up thanks to how useful it is.

>> No.9906774

Is that what run and gun is? I always thought of that as metal slug and stuff.
Regardless, the running and gunning isn't the problem here. Nothing in the game so far poses a threat combat-wise outside of the bosses.

>> No.9906821

More like play her stage to horde E tanks.

Story mode is the same as arcade, except with dialog, right?

>> No.9906822 [DELETED] 


>> No.9906859 [DELETED] 

God how do I kill Zorne, she's trying to fuck you so hard she drops bombs everywhere and goes superman on you, she almost has no weaknesses, all I can do is go jumping around and hope to survive.

I took >>9906765 's advice but even with slowmo I can't do jack to survive and finally beat her, Sische is gone and so is her stage, I can't find any other way to get e-tanks.

>> No.9906899

I remember in Mariari energy tanks and lives not being saved in passwords. Does this do that to?

>> No.9906904
File: 573 KB, 640x480, only liebea dead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start over and horde e-tanks, I guess.

I started with Liebea. She was harder in this one than the first game. Here's the password for just her stage beat, if you already beat it and don't feel like doing it again but have to start over to horde e-tanks.

>> No.9906912

Wait one second, you can't revisit stages? What bullshit is that!?

>> No.9906908



>> No.9906909

It would be pretty hard to be easier than Liebea in RKS

>> No.9906919

It has been done since Megaman 4 and in the previous game.

>> No.9906924

>What bullshit is that!?

>> No.9906944 [DELETED] 

What, you have no other solution?

Zorne confirmed for Mammoth and Armadillo Man's bastard child.

>> No.9906950 [DELETED] 

Password not working.

>> No.9906957

Sorry, A is correct, then it should be nothing on B, then C3, D1, E3

>> No.9906969 [DELETED] 

Can I really hoard e-tanks and keep them after I get a game over?

>> No.9906973

As long as you continue. They're not saved with passwords, though. You have to do it in one go or keep the game open if you want to keep all of your tanks

>> No.9906998 [DELETED] 

Wait, what other stages give you e-tanks?

>> No.9907002

>They're not saved with passwords, though
That's really, really bad design.
Oh, you quit before the fortress stages, but you need an energy tank somewhere in there? Well,passwords don't save anything and you can't go back to stages to get supplies, so I guess you're fucked! Time to restart~!

>> No.9907011

I've only played 3 so far, since I'm just staying on Sische for a bit to kill Zorne with e-tanks. Play Sische stage.

It's classic design. I like it. It makes it more difficult to actually beat the game and encourages you to actually get good at it

>> No.9907023

Being classic excuses nothing. It's not done like that anymore for good reason.

>> No.9907027 [DELETED] 

But no, think about it.

Considering that they probably abused this feature too, imagine endgame, you'll have to keep Sische around just to get her e-tanks and I don't know how are you going to get the rest done.

You mean if I hit stage select they're gone? That's a terrible game design...Megaman X is better than that and it wasn't easy either.

How are we supposed to farm e-tanks for later?

>> No.9907046

There are PROBABLY enough energy tanks in the fortress stages, if that's what you mean.

>> No.9907064 [DELETED] 

What about before then? Can I really not go to selection screen without losing tanks?

We would still need to clear Sische to bring them over if everything else resets the count and the other stages are full of tricky bosses, I imagine you'll eventually run out regardless.

>> No.9907070

Megaman X is my favorite game of all time and it's fucking easy compared to the NES games.

They will have more e-tanks in the fortress stages, I can almost guarantee it. The first Rosenkreuzstilette was the same way and it's nowhere near unbeatable. It's a hard game, but you can do it if you keep trying.

>> No.9907075

Nonono, you can take them from stage to stage, but if you close the game and put in your password later, they'll be gone. I think.

>> No.9907077

That's correct.

>> No.9907081 [DELETED] 

I had more problems with the entire Megaman X series than Megaman 3, 5, and 9, specially the first one.

My other questions haven't been answered yet.

>> No.9907092

Just tested. You don't lose the e-tanks if you hit stage select after a game over. I agree that it would be terrible if that's what happened. I misread your post the first time there. Sorry.

>> No.9907095

Farming is dumb. Stages should be revistable, but e-tanks and whatnot shouldn't respawn.

>> No.9907100

I agree entirely. I think they should just put enough e-tanks to make it a little bit more comfortable for novice players.

>> No.9907136

There's an e-tank at the very beginning of dolis's stage at the top left of the screen.

>> No.9907159 [DELETED] 

How do you get there?

>> No.9907180

You probably get a little rush jet thing or a platform tool when you beat Luste

>> No.9907191

Yeah, you get rush jet after Luste, and you get rush coil after Schwer

>> No.9907310 [SPOILER] 
File: 297 KB, 827x638, rks2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The game is really fun so far (just beat the first 8 bosses) and now it looks like shit is getting real.

Story mode is awesome too. Freudia why are there no doujins of you?

>> No.9907467
File: 634 KB, 1289x988, in a boot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in a boot, motherfucker

>> No.9907562

Heavy coat, hat, scarf, mittens, no pants.


>> No.9907566

i guess nobody tried to extract the game archives yet? the old tool either doesn't work, or the encryption key changed.

the tool: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/62600417/rksextract.7z

>> No.9907687

The new links hit the limit too,christ.

Anyone who has the game, please reupload it.

>> No.9907726


Yeah WOMI finally had the sense to change the encryption.

>> No.9907771


try these

>> No.9907780

unfortunately. so, the new key has to be cracked before any translation or sprite ripping can be done.

>> No.9907820 [DELETED] 

Who the hell cares about everything as long as someone works on a translation of this game?

>> No.9907847


Indeed and since it's followed right after by a pit it would make a great place for those who want to farm E-tanks since it's literally the first screen of the level get one, Game Over and then repeat as needed.


And yet she's still dressed more practically than Luste. Then again everyone is.

>> No.9907897

Archive's all blocked.

A reupload would be much appreciated, really.

>> No.9907916


I can try but my upload speed is slow so it'd be a couple hours out at best.

>> No.9907926

since they block split uploads, name the files in a way that won't trigger it.

rks-archive one.zip
rks-second archive.zip

and then have people rename them to rks.part#.zip

>> No.9907936


I haven't noticed a significant increase in E-tanks in the levels following the eight bosses which might as well be fortress stages since you no longer get new passwords. Maybe if there's even more after that there'll be some.


For the first stage of the fight just keep in mind Zorne's bombs she throws in the air always are aimed at you and explode on impact with the ground and will detonate any nearby ones as well. You kind of want her to do that so all you have to dodge is one explosion which will be easy to time.

For the second phase try to keep Zorne in the middle so she doesn't do that walking explosion of doom towards you with you backed into a wall.

>> No.9907941


Since Depositfiles allows uploads larger than 200 MB I'm gonna try just uploading the whole thing there. Not that ideal of a host but if it works when Mediafire is being dumb hey it's worth a shot.

>> No.9907944
File: 125 KB, 850x718, sample-c8aee5cc483b7f011457c48f7990a0b1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean.. What would I leave the computer for anyway.

Take your time!

>> No.9907945

Have you tried dropbox? Or just mediafire with random names.

>> No.9907953


Some guy tried Mediafire with random names in that Doujinstyle thread and it didn't work apparently.

>> No.9908102
File: 157 KB, 620x460, 1228727821233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heading through Pamela's stage at the moment. Completely fucking up the early platforming. (My Megaman skills can't be this rusty!)

The only stage I object to so far is the Refraktia stage. Lots of questionable difficulty choices there, methinks. I found the rest of them a good challenge without being total bullshit. Schwer's stage and fight is a laugh riot from beginning to end.

With the odd exception BS attack (Looking at you, Eifer Needle Cannon), all the bosses so far except for Schirach and her fucking earthquake gimmick have been super awesome, Zorne and Grolla in particular. I absolutely loved the Liebea gag; she's finally halfway challenging because it isn't actually her!

>> No.9908125

Schwer's stage was my favorite

>> No.9908222
File: 384 KB, 800x568, 1738990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, the first fortress stage FINALLY got the QuickMan lasers gimmick correct. Amazing that it took this many years for someone to implement it as creatively and fairly as this while still keeping it a challenge.

>> No.9908231

Game overed on the second fortress stage, hit Continue, game crashed. Be careful, everyone.

>> No.9908232


Oh boy I am looking forward to that. By the way do you get a password after the Black Cross stage? Later versions of the original did something like that for Iris's fortress.

By the way someone uploaded a Depositfiles mirror in that Doujinstyle thread. Better than nothing I suppose.

>> No.9908234


Ah nuts maybe you can send a bug report to WOMI he's already got a few things he's going to patch out next version apparently like Grolla passwords not working right.

>> No.9908236

Wasn't Freudia's stage the quickman laser stage in the last game? I think I remember it being pretty alright.

Oh, man. That's frustrating. The game crashes on me when I alt+tab in or out when it's in full screen

>> No.9908259
File: 198 KB, 873x556, 1347056800078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ha! I endured this humiliation for more than a year, take that you faggot!

>> No.9908285


I wasn't paying close attention to them since I had intended on just sitting down and going through the game from start to finish, so I couldn't tell you if the game over passwords changed at any point.


I'll poke Letty about it, and either he or TDOMMX will shoot WOMI a note.


It was, and it was better than what you see in official games, but there was still a degree of rote memorization to it.

>> No.9908289 [DELETED] 

Since I got so many nice things here, I'm trying to give you something back:

Rename them to .partX.rar etc. if needed.
When I first downloaded them and I had no problems even if the parts were called part1.rar and so on.

>> No.9908290


Well I know they don't change for the Black Cross stages. I'd love to take more of a crack at the game but I'm not gonna be able to until later.

>> No.9908296

So much German in this game.
It seems random, but it's kinda funny though, especially when the voices speak some words.

>> No.9908336

english patched, is it?

>> No.9908349

What do you think you imbecile?

>> No.9908368

It doesn't need an English patch.

>> No.9908407

Can someone please upload to mediafire? Fucking depositfiles is slow as fuck.

>have 50mbit
>still downloading at 150kb/s

>> No.9908414

Split archive blocked.

>> No.9908412

ehm... >>9908289

>> No.9908421

Oh, sorry.

>> No.9908422
File: 46 KB, 641x480, liebea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went after Liebea first. I like how she managed to surprise me the first two times. But she is like 2 or 3 bosses from megaman games mashed together and went down quickly without much trouble.

This game is fun. Nice touch with the storm to cloud my vision.

>> No.9908431


Yeah she has elements of Magnet Man and Spark Man from what I've noticed.

>> No.9908434


There's a Bayfile mirror too now http://www.doujinstyle.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=3818

>> No.9908445

That premium download confused me. Thought I needed to pay for an account or something.

I'll definitely try to upload to mediafire after I'm done.

>> No.9908450

i wonder if they check the archive itself (size, some flag inside, half stored files that end in another archive) to see if it's split or not.

maybe the archives need to be encrypted and passworded, so they can't even do a file listing inside without the pass.

>> No.9908461


I'm going to assume yes because someone tried renaming the files and uploading them and then ended up getting shitcanned too.

>> No.9908505

I personally think it's a chain-ip sort of thing.

I initially could access parts 2 and 3 of the newest mediafire trio, while part 1 was blocked right from the start.

After 2 refreshes, part 3 was blocked too. I'm assuming mediafire.com uses a range and timing check.

>> No.9908526
File: 52 KB, 641x480, luste.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next was Luste. She wasn't weak to Liebe's weapon, but managed to beat her on my second time.

Why are you guys saying this game is too hard?

>> No.9908545


Not everyone is that good at platformers.

Luste is actually fairly easy once you get her pattern down (which is very easy since she's just using a modified Mega Man 7 Proto Man pattern) and since you get the Jet from her it's probably a good starting point for future runs, just something to think about.

>> No.9908556

What the shit? I put in my password from last night with Schwer beaten, put it back in today...and now I don't have rush coil. What happened?

>> No.9908625


Huh that's weird I haven't observed any problem like that. Maybe try beating another boss and then using the password it gives you then?

I can tell you the password for defeating all eight bosses has the coil so you should get it back eventually.

>> No.9908627

Restart, beat her again, same problem.
I can understand e-tanks and lives not saving to passwords. It's stupid, but I can understand it. But THIS is just complete bullshit.

>> No.9908636
File: 74 KB, 500x693, 1349950363869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I stumbled upon this some time ago, and, well... Can someone say what is the appeal? The game itself seemed your standard Megaman clone, with girls. I know people like touhous because of music and characters and such, what is the attention grabber in these ones?

And no, not trying to piss anyone off, just honestly curious.

>> No.9908635

>I can tell you the password for defeating all eight bosses has the coil so you should get it back eventually.
Tell me why I should believe this.

>> No.9908649


>> No.9908656


Because I just used it and it worked fine? You might need to quit and use the password you end up with but if you really still don't have it then I'll just give you the password here: A1 A4 B5 D3 E2 E5.


The password system in general seems to be a bit fucked up between this and Grolla passwords bugging out.

>> No.9908657


It's not like there are any new actual Mega Man games to play these days.

>> No.9908669

I guess they just dont fit my tastes mostly... But not far fetched at all.
True though.

>> No.9908681

I've quit and rebeat her. Still nothing.
I'm stunned that a bug(?) like this got through whatever testing they did. Nobody beat one of the item-giving bosses first and noticed this?

>> No.9908695
File: 56 KB, 300x100, 77574599ur4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


As a MegaMan fan, I'd say the top appeal of the RKS games is the fact that WOMI did with one other guy helping what Capcom either quickly forgot how to do or never figured out how to do in the first place; create a legitimately challenging MegaMan game.

The overwhelming majority of Capcom's Classic and X releases swing back and forth between too easy and stupid hard for all the wrong reasons (obligatory HideofBeast MMX6 Minimalist Speed Run mention goes here) with zero in-between. WOMI has now nailed that in-between twice, which keeps me going back to the original RKS more than any of the run-and-guns Capcom has produced.

There's also the plethora of references to MegaMan and other video game franchises. And, of course, the girls. (Girls of varying body types, no less.)

>> No.9908704

story mode does need it.

i guess until there's a patch made, i'll just play arcade mode and keep story mode for when i can actually understand it.

>> No.9908713


Well it just came out, I'm sure the guys that translated the first one will do it in time.

>> No.9908715

Simple enough! Looked into the selection of girls, and the obligatory Dio Brando reference girl is absolutely smoking.

>> No.9908732


Good news Kilgamayan there is a password to take you back to the fortress so you don't have to redo the Black Cross at least, A1, A4, B5, D6, E2, F3

>> No.9908828

are you supposed to be able to avoid the green haired chick's time stop by sliding?

i went and slid while she did it and could run around while it was stopped, making the block drop move useless.

>> No.9908830

Well someone figured out how to extract file information http://pastebin.com/igus7fWb

>Password is isemiyamustdie

Wow that's a bit harsh!

>> No.9908835


Yeah it's just there to be another Dio reference. I guess she's stopping time to get the block set up instead of actually attacking you.

>> No.9908837
File: 66 KB, 641x480, schwerz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For some reason Schwerz' birthday always happens when people are too busy shooting each other.

And man, she was challenging. Mr. Zeppi is not to be trifled with.

>> No.9908840
File: 66 KB, 641x480, schwerz2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wait. It is Tia's birthday.

>> No.9908865

yeah, i know it's a drop a steamroller on enemy referrence, i meant i don't think i should be able to move around while the time's stopped if i avoid the initial time stop moment with a slide.

>> No.9908888
File: 59 KB, 641x480, sichte.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I won by pure dumb luck. 1 life left and already had her weakness, or she would have pulverized me.

Her stage requires lots of timing.

>> No.9908895
File: 64 KB, 641x480, sichte2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I was a fairy.

>> No.9908902
File: 303 KB, 548x761, 2268799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's more or less Sichte's shtick. Attached will forever be my favorite, though.


Awesome, thanks! (I knew I had missed the Strudel pickup somewhere. Now I have to go find it myself.)


If you're still in invincibility frames from being hit the time stop won't affect you. This was also the case in the first game when she stopped time.

>> No.9908906

>If you're still in invincibility frames from being hit the time stop won't affect you.
oh, that must have been it then, yeah.

>> No.9908910


pls try

>> No.9908908


I don't even know where that is I just managed to find a working password since the game uses the same passwords as the original. Go figure.

>> No.9909063

Who is Isemiya?

>> No.9909054

It works. Thanks.

>> No.9909075


The coder for the first game that seemingly abandoned Freudenstachel mid project which was why it was pushed back for years.

>> No.9909097

He abandoned the project in the middle of development? I would be mightily pissed too.

>> No.9909120

Does the group that translated the original even exist anymore? One of the two sites on the wiki is just a fansite and the other hasn't updated in over a year.

>> No.9909130

There are plenty of people in /jp/ who can translate, but not many who can edit the content. It is a matter of having some coders come up with a way to make their job easier.

>> No.9909134

>There are plenty of people in /jp/ who can translate

AGTH + Atlas is not translating.

>> No.9909150


Supposedly, he just stopped communicating with WOMI whatsoever, WOMI even flat out went to his apartment and after getting no answer even then decided he had to learn to code the rest of the game himself.

>> No.9909151

We are not CGRascal, you know.

>> No.9909158

Yeah. He can read without AGTH

>> No.9909162

I take it you have never compared his translations witht the actual text? The man does not know what he does.

>> No.9909167


And thank goodness for that.

>> No.9909176

Neither does the overwhelming majority of /jp/

>> No.9909179

sounds like he commited sudoku.

>> No.9909372


They do. Last I heard they're working on a fandub for the original.

>> No.9909577

Some experimentation has shown me that rush coil isn't included in passwords at all. Rush jet is, but not coil.
Why? Who knows.

>> No.9909582


Hmm. Are you playing Arcade because I've had no problems with the coil using Story passwords.

>> No.9909608

Yeah, story mode.

>> No.9909619


Weird I can get it to work just fine. I really don't know what the problem is.

Well it's big enough of a problem I'm sure it'll be taken out in the first patch.

>> No.9910031

Zorne's stage is apparently pretty easy for how much bullshit disappearing platforms have.

Anyway, somehow I defeated both the squid girls and Dio Brando (although she almost got me with her desperation attack, which I assume to be an instant kill) and almost got Liebea as well, but her tornado attack hit the corners instead of the center and I wasn't expecting that. Oh well!

>> No.9910053

Finally with the four "Robotdoc" girls. Just the stages alone wrecked me and the girls finished me off. I will continue tomorrow with a fresh head.

>> No.9910057


It isn't an instant kill you just take a sizable chunk of damage.

Anyways I've gone through the game and have some more weaknesses for those curious.

Scwher is weak to Trauae's weapon.
Zorne is weak to Schwer's weapon.
By process of elimination Sichte is weak to Liebea's weapon.
Eifer is weak to Dolis's weapon.
As far as I can tell Schirach and the twins have no weaknesses.
Graf Sepperin's weakness I'm unsure of but I'd recommend Dolis's weapon.
Purple Devil is weak to Luste's weapon.
The second phase of Iris Machine 2 is weak to Zorne's weapon.

The rest I am unsure of. Now just to wonder where Strudel's upgrade and why does Karl Palesh have sprites in the .dat files?

>> No.9910097

i dont get it. split archive = part1.rar?

can you just rename them before you upload them and tell us which is which?

>> No.9910109


No Mediafire knows somehow people have tried it.

>> No.9910134

So how about them weapons?
Trauare's seems terrible unless I'm missing something about it, and Schwer's is pretty crap too. Honestly, nothing really seems to warrant special weapon use given how strong Freudia's normal attack is.

>> No.9910135

what if you rename the .part1.rars to something random and then put them inside a rar archive and then remove the .rar extension and then put that inside another rar archive

i'm going to try it when im done downloading from depositfiles if no one else does
mediafire will not win

>> No.9910143
File: 401 KB, 1290x991, image1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uhh, is trauer's stage broken?

at one point i got to a place where underwater area suddenly ended, it was like i was swimming, then suddenly water vanished and i was walking. then i got up to a wall where only way is to swim up, except there's no water to swim, and then i got stuck in place and almost couldn't free myself.

picture related, any more to the right makes the water suddenly vanish and acts as normal ground.

>> No.9910148

and then i tried returning to the left, and the previous screen has the same problem. i think something got fucked up.

>> No.9910158

The special weapons are pretty much only useful for boss weaknesses, freudenstachel is just such a good weapon, you can use it while sliding and it kills all stage enemies pretty damn fast. Rush jet is also pretty damn broken too, you can get it right from the start since Luste's stage is really easy, then you can just fly over most shit in every stage afterwords.

>> No.9910160


Scwher's is good for defense and nothing else really. Good for things like the pendulum section in Pamela's stage so you can focus on platforming rather than trying to kill things.

As for Trauare's weapon I have no fucking idea it's worthless. Maybe it can kill Spines? Never checked myself...


That's strange what's supposed to happen is you get sucked along a current and thrashed about everywhere. You somehow caused the game not to do the script I guess...


It's worth a shot but if mediafire is using some sort of file reading software to just get a listing of files in .rar files it might not work.

>> No.9910166

i did get sucked through, but then i think i got hit immediately on changing screens by some fucking fish that was on the very edge of the next screen and everything broke.

>> No.9910178


Huh well in that case I guess getting hit so early caused the game to not process what it was supposed to do. Basically you hit invincibility worked against you.

>> No.9910192

>Scwher's is good for defense
No it's not. I constantly get hit through the shield.
It doesn't happen all the time, but considering what you use these kinds of weapons for in megaman, it NEEDS to work all the time to be useful at all.

>> No.9910193

yeah. i had to suicide and redo the level since there was nothing else i could do, next time it worked.

>> No.9910200

Geez Grola is brutal. So fast!

>> No.9910209


Maybe you can send a bug report to WOMI or something?


Yeah not looking forward to that in the other character's mode it's gonna suck.

>> No.9910286 [SPOILER] 
File: 486 KB, 640x480, rks0037.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well that's one mystery solved.

>> No.9910397

>Split Archive Blocked
Is Mediafire finally dead? Has the mightiest ddl service fallen?

>> No.9910460 [SPOILER] 
File: 503 KB, 640x480, rks0039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Found Strudel. I don't think it's functional at all because it doesn't seem to anything.

Anyways go to this spot in Liebea's stage and fall in the snow and then go left.

>> No.9910514

I knew there was something in that stuff. To bad I already cleared that stage.

From what I've found, there are e-tanks in Grolla's, Dolis, and Sichte's stages. Anywhere else? The first RKS was rife with little secret areas.
Is there anything hidden in that big open underwater area in Traure's stage?

>> No.9910626

i will not give up easily


>> No.9910653

So uh, what sequence are they again

>> No.9910705

will you try encrypting them to stop the archive scan which could be what's deleting them?

>> No.9910722
File: 168 KB, 480x480, rksw_top.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't read the readme my bad I'm an idiot.

Thanks for all the effort.

>> No.9910731

I've never done that before. not sure how.

yeah I should have said you just extract those first.

>> No.9910748

Forget what I said about Grolla being brutal. Jesus, Pamela, calm down!
Beat her with an e-tank, but I've got no idea how to avoid all those attacks at once. Pretty disappointed I didn't get a weapon from her.

Are all four/five of these girls as tough as that? Eifer seemed much easier.

>> No.9910759

fuck this shit.

i went through the whole gauntlet of bosses one after another, beat the blonde bitch's robots and then when the next stage's loading, game crashes.

now i have to restart from the last password, which was before "dracula".

>> No.9910800

nevermind, my last password was before the 4 additional boss stages selection, before the castle itself. guess this is the game over until he fixes it.

i'm not wasting several more hours just to get it crash again.

>> No.9910944

Try it again at least. There's people who've actually completed the game.

>> No.9910977

yeah, but they weren't getting random crashes every few stages, were they?

>> No.9911017

I fucking knew there was something in there, but completely forgot about it because I beat the stage on the first run through. Thanks!

>> No.9911044


There is a password you can use to get back to the castle I posted it earlier here >>9908732 A1, A4, B5, D6, E2, F3

>> No.9911064


Disregard the non functioning thing I got to work this time. Dunno what was wrong last time it was weird.

As a side note if you go to that spot in the other character's mode you get an E-tank instead, better than a poke in the eye I guess.

>> No.9911249

ok, that worked. thanks.

i had to redo the castle, but it wasn't as far as iremembered. wow, it crashed right before the final battle.

>> No.9911514

These four new bosses are way to fast.

>> No.9912708

I fucking hate yellow devil bosses, god damn it!

>> No.9913113

Pamela should stop being so cute.

I'm at the black cross selection screen and I don't ever want to move the cursor from Pamela's baka-face.

>> No.9913380


Honestly I found it to be one of the easier Devil bosses I've fought excepting Dark Moon. Incidentally according to the game files it's called Dark Devil which explains the bouncing projectiles.

>> No.9913573

I can't get past the opening stage ;_;

I am fucking terrible.

>> No.9913645

Hammer-sensei's weakness is Toadman
Twin's is Luste

I'm working on Eif at the moment.

I find it good to practice bustering every boss down, I guess. The practice is probably a necessity for doing the new-game plus.

>> No.9913947


So the characters that are a take on Gemini Man are weak to Gemini Man's weapon. Huh.

>> No.9914335
File: 73 KB, 300x460, GALACTIC PUNT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This bitch.

This FUCKING bitch right here.

If I had a dollar for how many times she's hit me with that choke and punt, I wouldn't need to work anymore. I don't care that she's badass. She's fucking irritating.

Does she have an actual weakness? Nothing I've used seems to work. I finally beat her with Freudenzwinger, but I have a feeling that's not actually her weakness.

>> No.9914356

Freudenzwinger is, in fact, her weakness.

>> No.9914362

Well shit...

And here I was hoping there'd be something easier.

>> No.9914399

I blame that god-awful earthquake mechanic. Ground pounds stunning the player isn't anything new, but how long it effects you is absurd, and you sliding backwards during it makes absolutely no sense at all.

>> No.9914493

How the fuck do you avoid Pamela's attacks while still managing to hit her? I see the pattern (dash jump, Zero combo, charge, repeat, with sword waves and jumps randomly thrown in) but she's SO FUCKING FAST that I can't find anywhere to hit her. I could during the sword waves, but that's a blink-and-you'll-miss it window.
I also can't avoid the combo at all. The first homing circle gets me when it comes back at me as I jump over the shot, every single time. The shot's to big to get fancy with.

>> No.9914564


Yeah she's one of those "the weakness weapon just isn't practical" bosses. In fact unless you use it just right you'll run out of energy for it first.

Having beaten the game I think she's pretty much the hardest boss in it the others may be annoying at times but she's just got so much in favor with the quakes and the ability to block.

>> No.9914823

For such an apperently plot-important boss, Eifer sure is easy. Strict, and if you fuck up her attacks HURT, but nothing like Pamella or hammer bitch. She's also fun as hell.

Also, what's with the twins? Every fight with them I have ends with them at near-full health, even though I hit them a bunch.

>> No.9914828


Only one takes damage. The other absorbs your shots and gains health.

>> No.9914837

Oh GOD, are you kidding me? What the hell is that? I didn't think Split Mushroom could be more of a jackass...

>> No.9914855


No he's serious, aim for the one with the eye patch it's also why I didn't bother trying to find weaknesses because just trying to figure it out was a pain.

>> No.9914982

Whoever thought this earthquake mechanic was a good idea needs to be shot, and whoever thought not giving you new passwords during the four new bosses was a good idea needs to be shot twice.

>> No.9915296

Just consider the Schwarzkreuz as one big fortress stage. And be thankful you get a password straight to Iris's stage. Most of the time you won't even get that.

And the earthquake mechanic is only bullshit in the stage itself. In the boss fight, if you get stunned by it, you'll snap back out very quickly, either via falling rock or Shirach choking and punting you.

>> No.9915314

In fact, her weakness is Kopiekreisel.

>> No.9915329


Derp, forgot the video

>> No.9915331

So what if it's only bullshit in the stage? You're going to be seeing that stage quite a lot with how incredibly hard Shirach is. I'm looking at you, pain in the ass giant met thing.
The worst part is the earthquakes are the only things that make the stage hard at all; it's otherwise very flat and dull. Nice music, though.

>> No.9915322

According to this video, Trauare's weapon seems to do decent damage to her as well, but the damage seems random. Sometimes it does a lot of damage, and sometimes it barely does any.

And even then, it seems about as akward as Freudenzwinger. Fuck.

>> No.9915334


Bleck Kopiekreisel is garbage she might as well not have a weakness for all the good it'll do you.

>> No.9915342

At least it's not Trauare's stage, with the swimming mechanics, which wouldn't be bad if not for the Cheep Cheeps all over the place.

And imagine my surprise when going through that stage with Pamela only to discover that SHE sinks like a rock in water, like Mega Man.

>> No.9915344


Giant Met is very weak to Zorne's weapon throw two of them each pass and he'll go down in two passes.

Still though the quakes are a bit much and make the stage rather slow.

>> No.9915352


Huh. I wonder how Iris Stage 2 is going to work then.

>> No.9915374

I'm sure they'll add in platforms and such. I haven't gotten that far yet. I'm on the original 8. Only three left, and I don't look forward to fighting any of them (Sichte, Trauare, and Grolla).

>> No.9915387

I didn't find Trauare's stage that bad. Swimming was fine once you figured out the physics behind it. Fuck the second part of Traure's battle, though.

Zorne's weapon seems really, really inconsistent. Sometimes it wrecks shit, sometimes it doesn't.

>> No.9915409

Never really gave Trauare a chance to do the Duff McWhalen thing. Then again, usually when I fight her Zorne's still alive and they do that combo attack (which is easy enough to avoid).

>> No.9915425

I was referring more to her zipping around and flinging shockwaves at you. Swimming is one thing, swimming quickly and somewhat precisely is another.

>> No.9915467

The twins stage freaks me out.

>> No.9915485


Luckily the Duff McWhalen thing can't crush kill you you will take a good deal of damage though.


Fuck those skull head things.

>> No.9915520

I'm playing the first one, anyone remembers the boss order?

>> No.9915555


Libea, Luste, Zorne, Schwer, Trauare, Grolla, Sichte, Freudia.

Fortress Boss weaknesses in order:
Sichte or Trauare
Grolla or Trauare
Luste followed by Zorne
Luste or Lilli

>> No.9915739
File: 764 KB, 752x1062, 9287291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just beat the final boss. Second half is very underwhelming and both easier and less interesting than the first half (plot aside, though for plot reasons alone the first fight was always going to be the cooler right). Glad to see Letty get his name in the credits (as Trick Master Mint).

Figured out why Pamela is far and away the best of the new characters; she was designed by Alphes. That probably got revealed somewhere on the erka:es website a long time ago and I'd since forgotten, but it was neat to see. Also her fight is obscenely stylish and was the most fun I had at any point in the game. I think she's now my second-favorite character overall.

As for Schirach's fight, as much as I railed against it earlier, it's at least rather telegraphed, and you can always stop the grab and punt by shooting her.

Need to go through the game with the alternate character now.

>> No.9915779

>and you can always stop the grab and punt by shooting her.
Elaborate. I hate this whore so much.

>> No.9915786


Yeah we knew her designer for years but unless you were looking for it you wouldn't have found it.

The alternate character is actually pretty good much better balanced than Grolla was but still hard.

Random musing about the final boss, I did like that the final boss opens with the pattern Wily did in 7 that was such a pain to dodge and in this game it's cake. Goes to show you how much screen proportions matter.


I believe he means if you shoot her while she's dashing she'll stop to block which is good unless she's right next to you which she likes to do in the second half of the fight.

>> No.9915802

Which will put her at about half-screen length, cutting your room to dodge the incoming boulders in half. Useless.

>> No.9915862


Well if you're down to getting a rock or getting grabbed the rocks do less damage.

>> No.9915904

They do more than enough.

Why is this cunt so fast? There's no god damn reason for it; she's supposed to be the big, tough one. Why is she as fast as Pamela? It's fucking absurd.

>> No.9915987

Try bustering her down for size. All your timings must be perfect.

During second phase the pattern's noticably harder when she goes all Billy Kane on you.

Aoko-with-hammer probably intends for you to use weakness weapons, since it's already acquired. But hell, Pam-mode will suck so much.

>> No.9915996

Not sure if this has been mentioned yet, but there seems to be a problem with the Replay. If you replay from one of the fortress stages (and possibly the Schwarzkreuz), it messes up. It seems fine if you replay from one of the original 8, though.

>> No.9916014

Also, I don't read moonspeak so I really don't know if this is common knowledge or not (been playing Arcade mode), but am I the only one getting the feeling that Rink doesn't exist?

>> No.9916030


In story mode it's revealed Rink is a ghost..

>> No.9916035

Ah, gotcha. Thanks

>> No.9916099
File: 300 KB, 640x480, gameover015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More games need stage specific game over screens.

>> No.9916130

Haven't tried these yet, but for the one that are still looking for the game, try the links in this forum:


>> No.9916167

That's what I've been trying to do. Her weakness is the worst fucking weapon in the game; I'd be better off trying to kill her with rush coil.
I've never even seen her second stage. She's just too fucking hard.

>> No.9916200


Just a heads up in the second phase she has a rapid fly off the screen stomp next to you and grab attack while you're stunned.

>> No.9916223

Actually, I might be wrong about that. Tried what I thought was her weakness on her and it did a whooping one bar of damage.
What is Schriach's weakness?

>> No.9916226


Trauare's weapon.

>> No.9916237

Bullshit. One bar of damage.

>> No.9916248
File: 40 KB, 310x400, tumblr_mbvkgjRS9S1qkuvglo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9916261


I think it might work on Top Spin like mechanics. Which is to say the damage that weapon does is a total crap shot.


Never what?

>> No.9916285

>I think it might work on Top Spin like mechanics.
You have no idea how much I want to put my fist through my screen right now.
I really wish I was joking.

>> No.9916288

I found Top Spin mechanics to be a little too shitty for my preference when attempting to rush down hammer-sensei.

Use Toad Man's weapon on her, or the Freudenzwinger.

She starts with a hop into the rocks, that's one easy blast, second hop is one that jumps, then attempts to grab. That's 2 zwingers and a phase 2.

Phase change is an easy zwinger since there's a pause when she talks. Last zwinger will kill her off easily, if you don't stink.

There, I just handheld you through the toughest boss in the game. Now go buster her down like a real megaman.

>> No.9916295


Uh sorry?

>> No.9916306

>Toad Man

>> No.9916329
File: 79 KB, 637x479, ToadMan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah son?

>> No.9916338


He mans Liebea who in the first game fought exactly like Toad Man.

For future reference Luste is Metal Man and Trauare is Air Man.

>> No.9916345

Oh. I was confused because "Toad Man's" weapon IS Freudenzwinger.

>> No.9916381


He probably used or in place of something like "in other words" simple mistake.

>> No.9916698

Thanks for the 'zwinger tip. Finally beat her...just as I finally got a feel for the fight, too. Eh.

>> No.9916720


Hey look on the bright side now that you have a feel for it you can look forward to doing it with Pamela.

>> No.9916732

I'd do it with Pamela, if you know what I mean.

>> No.9916779

Hahahaha. Ha.
No. If Pamela mode is anything like Grolla mode...no, we're not doing that. Playing as Zero is cool; playing as an unchanging character throughout an entire MEGAMAN game is not.

>> No.9916821


Pretty much the same thing with only a couple changes, her charge slash is strong to start with and she fires a projectile on the third hit of the combo that's as strong as the first slash.

Besides that it's Grolla mode. I'd still recommend playing through Pamela's stage with her though. Since it has an exclusive boss and no it's not Freudia.

>> No.9916842

Does story mode explain why Freudia's so much weaker in this game? Couldn't she fly and teleport and stuff?

>> No.9917230

Oh boy. I do not appreciate the cleaver use of lasers in the first fortress stage.
Is this part where you use the moving platforms as laser cover the last stretch before the boss?

>> No.9917249



As a heads up the BOSS can do it too at low health. Uses the platforms to dodge them.


I don't know about that it's probably just a case of video game characters being more awesome as bosses than playable characters.

Unless how Iris created Eifer using Freudia as a base had something to do with it.

>> No.9917278

Oh god. A boss with quick man lasers is one of the things I've always dreaded seeing in a megaman game, next to fighting a boss on disappearing blocks.

>> No.9917856
File: 27 KB, 357x121, cleartime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just beat the game!

Laughed at my clear time, since I left the game open overnight.

>> No.9920011

I am REALLY not liking this fortress. Why even give you a health bar if everything's instant death anyway?

>> No.9920205

only pitfalls and lasers and spikes in Iris stage 1hit you [i think that is all the 1hitters, might be a few more that i forgot]

>> No.9920264

And guess what? That's everything. There's, like, four enemies in the whole stage. They're not going to kill you.
Stage 2 adds fire that has no reason to instant kill you at all, crushing blocks, and INVISIBLE spikes. Underwater. And I think it has even less enemies than stage 1.

So much fucking fun.
This is my biggest problem with Megaman fan games. When they want a hard stage, they just use tons and tons of spikes and pits and lasers. Yes, that's a very clever trap. Yes, that's a pretty tricky clusterfuck of spikes. Now could I please have some gunning in this run and gun game?

>> No.9920464


The oil fires are a shout out to Mega Man 6 of all things. Not that I'm defending it but I understand why he put them in.

On a related note WOMI posted on his blog about many of the problems brought up in this thread and that he'll patch them out. http://kurotama.sakura.ne.jp/diary/index.html

Also he says if you're having crashing problems try updating Direct X.

>> No.9921113

Stop whining.

Be a man. A Megaman.

>> No.9924225

Just finished the first game i enjoyed it a lot.

>> No.9924392

I tried to be a Megaman, and was a Megaman for awhile. But then the game crashed when I finished the refights.
Unless the level after this one is really, really good, I'd have to say this is one of the worst fortresses I've ever seen. Short as hell, all traps and no danger from enemies, easy bosses, barely any need to use any special weapons...ugh. I sure hope the final bosses are good.

Why was Eifer a devil? I was all hyped to have a final duel with Freudia's foil/rival, but then she just turned into a big blob of goop. Graf was awesome at least. A pushover, but awesome.

>> No.9924453

i just realized that Luste stage has the same music that in crazy power disc

>> No.9924462


Eifer is a homunculus Iris created using bits of Freudia that however really doesn't answer your question. I think the real answer is WOMI wanted both Eifer and a Devil and had to have Eifer turn into one to make it work.

As for the final stage the boss fight is good if a tad easy but the stage is literally an elevator to the final boss. I'm inclined to agree with you it's a very bad fortress but I still like the game.

>> No.9924475


Well that does make sense both games use open source music.

>> No.9924523

Hey, how do you hang on to ladders from a jump? Stupid question, probably. I'm sorry.

>> No.9924527

Same way as from the ground. Press up.

>> No.9924828

Whining guy here. Just beat it.
The first stage of the Iris machine was easier than Luste. Meaning, the easiest boss in the game. Second stage took a minute to find a pattern, but was still pretty easy. I was terrified that that jumping attack was going to cause an earthquake.
Tia was pretty tough, mostly by virtue of how quick she was and those three homing shots coming out of nowhere at the worst of times. Iris herself was plenty tough, though I didn't fight her much, so I'm probably giving her more credit than she deserves. Didn't dodge the opening Wily attack even once ;_;

Good game overall, though there's a lot that could have been improved. I get the feeling that they just wanted to finally be DONE with this thing and kinda skimped out on the editing a bit.

>> No.9924883

Thank you.

>> No.9924936


Iris Machine 2 in general was kind of a let down compared to the last one. Also the most weird place to put a Mega Man 6 reference.

Yeah I do get the feel he did sort of just say "fuck it's good enough print this" which I can sort of sympathize with.

>> No.9924967

WOMI posted another bug report and links to some of the VA's and musicians he used http://kurotama.sakura.ne.jp/diary/index.html

He also acknowledges the Schwarzkreuz stages not giving passwords but I don't know if he intends to fix it.

>> No.9925761

who's the easiest one at the start?

>> No.9925763


>> No.9927773

Doesn't matter. He just needs to make more games.

>> No.9931516

Oh my God, the Pamela boss character for Pamela's stage fucking blew my mind.

>> No.9931531

So you have to beat ALL four of the new girls that appear before you get a new password, don't you?

>> No.9931593

Yup. It might be a bug, but...yup.
There's an easy e-tank and I think a life in every one of their stages. Get them! Use them!

>> No.9935992 [DELETED] 

In memory of Z*N!b*r I won't let this thread die

>> No.9938902

I have a pass for the black cross stage if you guys need it.

Just stick through a sitting of 1-2 hours and clear all 4 of them if push comes to shove.

A1 A4

F1 F3

Has strudel and all 8 bosses done. You can't save e-tanks in this game apparently.

>> No.9939156


Yes I love it when developers do things like that by making a one off joke into an actual thing.


There's also a password that goes past them as well I posted earlier in the thread.

>> No.9939179

Eifer stage is p cool just saying
