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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 1.12 MB, 1161x936, fairybloom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9898373 No.9898373 [Reply] [Original]

And so another game from Comiket and doujin markets makes its way to Steam.

How do you feel about this, /jp/?

>> No.9898380

I feel like this isn't the first, or the last time this thread will be made today.

>> No.9898385 [DELETED] 

share: facebook, twitter, reddit
where the FUCK is 4chan you fucking viral marketer

>> No.9898388

/jp/ - Viral advertisement culture.

>> No.9898392

Should I buy it /jp/? Maybe I'll buy someone a copy too.

>> No.9898449

I love buying /jp/ friends games on steam, since most of them don't have jobs and stuff.

>> No.9898458
File: 231 KB, 531x465, 1336487354184.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I for one welcome our new overlords.
Looks like it could be fun, I'd join you but my steam wallet is empty

>> No.9898468

This looks like an rpg platformer, like an offline elsword?

If the movements are floaty, I probably won't like it. Most "2.5d" stuff in 3d engines don't have nice controls.

>> No.9898474

I already have it so I don't really care.

The controls were fine to me. It felt kind of like Tales of VS.

>> No.9898481

Very often very pretty, though

>> No.9898488


>> No.9898500

Nah, it's actually a legitimate question.

>> No.9898532

I didn't find it very fun, but I'm glad more games from Comiket are getting to steam. Now we need HELLSINKER and Radio Zonde on Steam.

>> No.9898538

So is it worth the buy? It looks cute, anyway.

>> No.9898547

What is it

>> No.9898557 [DELETED] 

Too bad ZUN won't let touhou indie games go for sale

fucking retards making touhou ``spinoffs'' when they can make an ``original'' game and sell it on steam to fucking retard weeaboos for easy money instead of being locked by zun samas chastity belt

>> No.9898564

they should stop putting kusoge on there and get Crimzon Clover already

>> No.9898615

OP here.

This game was already known by /jp/ and I'm sure most of you know what Steam is, there is no need to advertize anything. My question is simple really, if you like or dislike the trend of Japanese doujin games appearing on a major distributor platform like this one, and I'd like to hear why.
That is all.

>> No.9898625

I'll get steam if more jap indie games go on steam.

>> No.9898634

Of course it's a good thing. Jap developers get more money and exposure, and it's also convenient.

>> No.9898678

I like the idea of more exposure and money for the developers, I don't like the idea of it being on Steam. Just release it as an ordinary program over the Web. Don't tie yourself into one service.

>> No.9898775


Steam is just mega-exposure for a ridiculously low fee compared to other mediums (allegedly around 30%) and takes no more effort than emailing Steam, passing their entry bar, and making a store page.

>> No.9898845

>emailing steam

>> No.9898847
File: 383 KB, 1286x748, lewd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this game is pretty lewd for steam.

it has pantsu shots even from that one character.

>> No.9898853

I heard from my Dad's grandchild's friend's aunt that gaben lives inside Steam and you have to email his secret box to get on his Steam.

>> No.9898858

It skipped the greenlight process despite being an indie game, which makes me wonder what the point of greenlight is really.

>> No.9898867

It's only too lewd for steam if it's focused on ero

>> No.9898870

You pay some good amount of up-front monies - you skip the hassles. Come to think of it, that's just like in real life!

>> No.9898870,1 [INTERNAL] 

why the FUCK did my post get deleted?
fucking communist janitor cant i be entitled to an opinion

u r worst than hitler u mfucker

>> No.9898875


The CEO of the company that localized it used to have an executive position at Capcom.

>> No.9898878

yeah alot of these new doujin games are coming under the publication of capcom.

There's more to come eventually.

>> No.9898902

It's possible they applied before Greenlight, too.

What are the requirements to be forced to greenlight anyways? A game that is tagged with "Indie"? A company without multiple releases on Steam (it's publisher is tagged as Capcom).

>> No.9898903

Oh god no, not crapcom. They kill everything.

>> No.9898909

Buying a gift for a friend and enjoying it together is a great feeling. I don't have any friends though, so I'm just guessing here.

>> No.9898921

capcom isnt doing any translation, they're only the publisher.

These are the guys doing the actual work, although the translation for cherry tree high club was fucking terrible and localized completely down to the names.


>> No.9899160

Fairy Bloom freesia is a doujin game made by a doujin circle?

Everything is a "doujin" game in fact...

>> No.9899190

Do you need a controller to play this?`

>> No.9899195

Not required but it helps alot. Ive been playing it with the keyboard mainly and it seems to work fine.

>> No.9899199

Hm, really? I only figured out that arrow keys and z works to do anything...

>> No.9899245

Torrent where

>> No.9899270

I don't like when games I played years and years ago suddenly became popular. Imagine everyone suddenly got pac man fever and started talking about how awesome pac man is and why there weren't more games like it. It's just like that.

>> No.9899276

I'll be impressed when an actual Japanese visual novel is released on Steam.

Steins;Gate is the perfect game for this. Why has it not happened?

>> No.9899278

Why would that bother you at all?

>> No.9899292

Because I'm a hipster.

>> No.9899307

Because I have to watch fags shove it in my face everywhere I go when I really don't give a fuck, but they're trying to make it seem like I'm missing out.

You'll understand one day.

>> No.9899315

We know that Steins;Gate is perfect for this, but 5pb doesn't. There are shadowy rumors of negotiation over S;G, but I don't think 5pb is very enthusiastic about spreading.

>> No.9899328


>> No.9899367

Epic /v/ thread.

>> No.9899376

They allowed Corpse Party to be released over here. From what I've heard recently it's Nitro+ that's holding everything back.

>> No.9899386
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>tfw no singoku lance

>> No.9899389

The moment the aast opens the market for their games to the west in such a manner, is the day eastern developers will water down and lower the tone of their games.

>> No.9899396

The moment the east*

>> No.9899399

They'd still have a pretty heavy market in japan and I don't see VNs, even the clean ones, taking off very much at all in the west.

>> No.9899408

Mangagamer is trying to get a couple of their titles on there via Greenlight.

>> No.9899411

They will start outsourcing their work. It will be like DMC all over again.

>> No.9899413

If your "/jp/ friends" aren't self-reliant to the point of pirating their games then they aren't from /jp/.

>> No.9899421

If your "/jp/ friends" are self-reliant to the point of buying their games then they aren't from /jp/.
Fixed it for you

>> No.9899433

Is there a recommendation list for stuff like this? I downloaded reccetear today and liked it so far.

You know, just niche jap games like that.

>> No.9899438

>eastern developers will water down and lower the tone of their games
Except that's been happening for years already thanks to the ever more stringent game ratings system and censorship laws in Japan.
18+ games won't be affected because western distributors won't touch them.

>> No.9899440

It's been open for years and there's still only a few dozen doujin works on Steam (mostly shmups), and about zero VNs. Many groups don't even want to involve English audiences, let alone modify their niche games to serve the audience.

Probably the only ones who would be interested are the ones who already take steps to appeal to wider audiences (i.e. groups that release on PS2/PS3/handhelds etc with All Ages releases).

is this the birth of an epic new All images and discussion should pertain to doujins works

>> No.9899457

Everytime valve pulls off shit like this I can't help but think of hot topic and their t-shirts.

>> No.9899479

For me, I can't help but smile at how terribly upset all the cool kids on Steam must be to see something like "Fairy Bloom Freesia" pop up in the middle of Call of Duty 3 and Borderlands 2.

>> No.9899489

I upvoted Higurashi a while ago. But we both know it's never going to make it.

>> No.9899519

As far as I'm aware the bigger chunk of Steam's userbase is furries and weeaboos. You're thinking about xbox live.

>> No.9899545

Don't forget the scene kids!

>> No.9899574

Oh, never knew 5pb was a part of that.

>> No.9899603

I'm really curious how well something like Steins;Gate would do on it.

I am very curious if it end up selling a huge number of copies or would it just "flop" like most English VNs?

>> No.9899627

No English VN has ever gotten a release on a big platform like Steam so it's hard to tell.

But Steins;Gate has a popular anime and a big fan following so I have to believe it would do fairly well.

>> No.9899638
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>> No.9899651

No, not really. Steam has millions and millions of users, most of them being normalfags and kids.

>> No.9899776

Are you implying that kids don't watch anime?

>> No.9899784

Are you implying that TylerCoD2006 would be caught dead watching weeaboo shit? All the kids at the playground would call him a newfag and kick him out for being epic fail.

>> No.9899835

Have all /jp/ users with Steam accounts up-voted Higurashi yet? You really should.

>> No.9899854
File: 37 KB, 175x184, 1343905219769.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I upvoted gogo nippon.

>> No.9899866

but it's shit

>> No.9899872
File: 111 KB, 600x600, 1324129357992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good god no.

I want to get a VN on Steam, but not that.

Literally ANYTHING but that.

>> No.9899874

I don't mind. It's good that Steam has games like this, aside from bald, buff manly men shooting guns at each other.

>> No.9899903

Is it really that bad? I just wanted to see a VN on steam.

>> No.9899910

It's a genuine bona fide Japanese visual novel. On Steam. Vote for it motherfucker.

>> No.9899957

Yes it is that bad. If you want a visual novel on Steam vote for Higurashi.

>> No.9899955

GoGo Nippon is great, especially if you like Japan patronising baka gaijins who don’t even know who’ve never experienced something as advanced as glorious Nippon.

It’s funny in a kind of embarrassing way.

>> No.9899966

I don’t quite like steam or similar. You’re not buying, they lease it to you and can delete it when they want.

>> No.9900006

Steam? Buying?? Social Network???

>> No.9900022

Now that's a
topic if ever I saw one.

>> No.9900023

Are you implying TylerCoD2006 would rather play on a PC than on a "superior" console?

>> No.9900045

if they do, you then download it off a torrent.

better part about it is that new agreement americans get. to use this program you have to agree to give up your freedom to sue steam. if you don't accept, steam is uninstalled and all games deleted.

>> No.9900049

I don’t play games apart from the occasional dōjin game and VN. My computer can’t run anything else anyway.
I’d just not be eager to use a DRM service like Steam if I did.

>> No.9900060

Sorry I already do all my shopping on the pirate bay.

>> No.9900093

Even better, that agreement is illegal under EU law so I'll never have to agree to it.

>> No.9900097

speaking of which does anyone else think Lily from Dishonoured is really cute?

>> No.9900126

yeah. dumb, jew-made laws like that which make you give up your freedoms voluntarily are illegal in here, which is nice.

i never saw that agreement, but i remember one guy from usa disagreed and lost his library because of it.

>> No.9900229

I'm affraid to hover my mouse over that, it might be a plot relevant spoiler.

>> No.9900236

EU sounds pretty nice if not for the fact the government just takes away your freedoms to make up for it.

Also pretty bad support for online gaming.

>> No.9900251

Fuck off with your forced summer-meme.

>> No.9900253 [DELETED] 


Fuck off with your hidden surprise bars.

>> No.9900257

usa one's doing the same thing to you though.

they cover it up with an illusion of freedom, but so many things that should be legal were made illegal/a crime/TERRORIST, it's pretty much the same.

>> No.9900260

Surprises are fun, nerd. Deal w/ it.

>> No.9900276

>surprise bar
i like that name. it compliments meme arrows well.

that's what they're called from now on.

>> No.9900279 [DELETED] 

Surprise bar is now a meme.

>> No.9900280

I know, but at least you can have guns and loli without getting arrested, in some states anyway.

Ideally I'd like to go to Sweden, but it's way too much effort to immigrate there just so I can try to collect autismbux and NEET it up.

>> No.9900285 [DELETED] 

Surprise box was already a miimu d00d

>> No.9900290

You should not support Steam and there invasive freedom denying practices.

>> No.9900324

I agree with this. Surprise bars is a very fitting name. I will use it from now on when politely informing people to not misuse surprise bars.

>> No.9900331

Why not just cut out the middle man and download it from torrent right away?

>> No.9900347

"Because then you're not supporting the developers!"

--Valve fanboy

>> No.9900372

>at least you can have guns
yeah, for now at least. they're doing everything they can to take that away from you, to make it impossible for you to rebel once your nation wakes up and sees what shit the government became.

they need to keep their totalitarian control over the country to milk it for all it's worth, then once they amass enough wealth select someone who'll continue their abuse and buy a private island or 2 to retire on.

>> No.9900401

"I pirate games because paying for things has no purpose when you can get it for free!"

--Pirate apologist

>> No.9900502

Actually I just pirate because DRM makes it easier to play pirated games than it is to play purchased games.

It's capitalism, yo.

>> No.9900507

>"I pirate games because paying for things has no purpose when you can get it for free!"
That's actually a sound argument.

>> No.9900511

That's what I don't get. The people in question amassed "enough wealth" decades ago. What the fuck is a person supposed to buy with several billion dollars?

>> No.9900522
File: 17 KB, 251x252, 1320553496432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make a list, then you'll have plenty of examples to convince everyone.

>> No.9900541

Spend it on golden hookers and platinum blow.

>> No.9900551

So is buying a drink for the developers of a game you like.

>> No.9900593

Buy an island with a tribal civilization, and have them send you sacrifices on every full moon.

>> No.9900597

you don't do that though. you're giving your money to the corporate overlords, the devs don't get almost anything out of that anymore. they got their money when they sold the rights to the game.

>> No.9900601

I bet you think buying localized anime makes the creators money too

>> No.9900607

I bet you also have a crunchyroll account for the same flawed reason.

>> No.9900612

Guess why the corporate overlords give money to the devs? Because people continue to buy the devs' games. Once that stops, so does the devs' income.

>> No.9900622

yeah, too bad. but it still makes comments like >>9900551 invalid.

>> No.9900654

The corporate overlords only give money to the devs when THEY make money. Meaning they're getting a cut the devs are not, meaning buying directly from the devs is always better.

And either way, foreign licensing is peanuts compared to actual sales in Japan. Gaijin popularity is not relevant 99% of the time

>> No.9900655

I have a very hard time believing Capcom paid them upfront to sell their niche indie game. Is there any support for that at all? Not saying you're absolutely wrong, but it seems extremely backwards for a title like this.

Even were that true, the fact that this isn't their first game through them means the dev was happy enough with the results to pursue the same method again--hence, paying for it pleased him.

Also it's half the price of the original release, whatever that might imply.

>> No.9900668

Stop trying to shoehorn other things in.

Licensed anime is quite a step removed from downloadable doujin games. That's comparing major licensing corporations, multiple companies and agencies, and a huge number of individuals to one indie dev and the sales chain of his game.

>> No.9900705

Are you going to explain how they're different or are you just going to say "NO IT'S NOT THE SAME THING"?

I don't at all see what the number of individuals and/or scale has to do with the process taking place.

>> No.9900734

That's just my opinion based on how ridiculous comparing niche doujin games to any major anime sounds to me, I can't support it.

Feel free to show me the process is the same. I'm neither arrogant nor stubborn and will gladly take whatever you can show me.

>> No.9900743

What's ridiculous about it? With a doujin game 1 person churns out a product, with a "major anime" many people churn out a product. The only thing that differs is how the profit is distributed.

>> No.9900771

>niche doujin games
>major anime

I'm sorry, but are you implying anime is anything but niche?

>> No.9900792

Like I said, opinions.

Feel free to show me, I love learning things.

>> No.9900808 [DELETED] 

What the fuck does that have to do with calling anime niche?

>> No.9900814

What the fuck does that have to do with thinking anime isn't niche? That's not an opinion, that's just retarded.

>> No.9900879

fuck that cherry tree high club shit translation

>> No.9901080

>It's capitalism, yo.
why can't more big developers notice this

>> No.9901080,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.9903658

I'm bringing this to page zero so I can use it shortly.

>> No.9903700 [DELETED] 
File: 40 KB, 181x236, yet another.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And so another /jp/-unrelated thread from /v/ gets over a hundred replies.

How do you feel about this, /jp/?

>> No.9903724 [DELETED] 

You're a fucking retards.

>> No.9903729

You're a fucking retard.

>> No.9903735 [DELETED] 


>> No.9903742

Only a retard couldn't figure out why this thread was /jp/-related.

>> No.9903750 [DELETED] 

You found some way to fit your shitty thread into a board whose theme is so loose it's pretty much about anything. Congratulations.

>> No.9903760

It's explicitly in the rules right up there with visual novels and Touhou Project. How you can claim that it only fits into the board "because the board is about anything" is beyond me.

>> No.9903762 [DELETED] 

Only a retard wouldn't be able to type properly, >>9903724.

>> No.9903765 [DELETED] 

I like how you make an effort in the OP of writing about "Comiket and doujin markets" in order to disguise your thread. It's a really nice touch.

>> No.9903773

Yes, the game that this thread is about is from Comiket and doujin markets, making it /jp/-related. You figured it out. Congratulations.

>> No.9903777

Board-related in at least 3 essential ways:
- Discussion of doujin markets and their international viability
- Discussion of doujin work presence on a widely-popular platform
- Discussion of the specific doujin game

Rules broken in 1 way (global rule 6):
- People posting board redirects

>> No.9903785 [DELETED] 

I'm glad to know you're doing your homework to become a janitor despite the fact you'll never get the position.

>> No.9903790

You are phenomenally retarded.

Own up to the fact that you were wrong and end this farce.

>> No.9903796 [DELETED] 

I'm not wrong. I see I hit a nerve, though.

>> No.9903799

Then maybe you can explain how this thread is not /jp/-related, despite what >>9903777 and >>9903773 pointed out.

>> No.9903806 [DELETED] 

Because arguing about what is and isn't /jp/-related by making use of the rules section is pretty idiotic in it's own right, considering the rules are loose enough to fit anything, including blogposting about buying your favourite panty anime game for your friends on steam, along with pirate vs buying discussions.

I'm sure you'd make a great janitor, though. You should start your own chan.

>> No.9903819

The game this thread is about is explicitly on-topic in /jp/. Calling this explanation "pretty idiotic" is pretty idiotic.

>I'm sure you'd make a great janitor, though. You should start your own chan.
You're the one insisting that this thread isn't /jp/-related. Take your own advice and play janitor somewhere else.

>> No.9903826


I really love when people cop-out on their posts and just substitute some new and exciting person insult for an argument.

>> No.9903829

>person insult

>> No.9903830 [DELETED] 

A tangential relation to something solidly stated to be part of the board subject should never be enough a reason to start a thread.

I like how you try so hard to show your feelings aren't hurt.

>> No.9903839

I don't understand why you continue to insist that the relation is tangential when OP is directly and straightforwardly related to the topic: the entrance of doujin games to Western distribution channels.

>> No.9903842

I like that you finally did something that isn't just throwing insults.

>> No.9903848

I get called retarded by crossboarding shitposters straight away, but I'm the one throwing insults around. Cool.

>> No.9903850

Please respond.

>> No.9903860

>I like how you try so hard to show your feelings aren't hurt.

You mad, bro? You mad?

>> No.9903863

Makes me feel sorry and powerless.

>> No.9903864

He's trolling, but at this point you're just embarrassing yourself.

>> No.9903875

And so another passive aggressive faggot shitposts and derails a thread for a little bit.

>> No.9903878

Why not come to terms with the fact your thread sucks?

And avoid samefaggotry as it only makes you look pathetic.

>> No.9903882

Only newfags and crossboarders would have been caught by so transparent shitty an attempt.

[x] Fucking told.

>> No.9903885

Nice fucking /v/ meme faggot

>> No.9903887


>> No.9904003

I'll be your friend.

>> No.9904065

You won't bully me?

>> No.9904127

Is there a torrent for this yet?

>> No.9906224

It's on Nyaa.

>> No.9908323
File: 55 KB, 610x396, 042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm all for the localization of doujin games. What pisses me off is OVER-LOCALIZATION like that Cherry Tree high comedy club shit.


It's 2012. Why are we still so fucking afraid of Japan? I want companies to stop localizing games and changing shit to the point where it doesn't even resemble the original. There's already a solid fanbase for these products. Stop changing them to appeal to normalfags afraid of being called weeaboo or whatever term the idiots are using nowadays.

>> No.9908399
File: 92 KB, 433x551, 1344894409438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do all of these japanese games reuse assets from other games?

That font and numeric font are both ripped straight from recettear

>> No.9908418

It's Japan's wildwords.

>> No.9908436

I doubt they created that font.

>> No.9908456

Nobody even knows how to use weeaboo anymore.

Blame /abv/.

>> No.9908457

not OP but I would of thought /jp/ would be heavily against localisation and games coming on steam.

I'm happily surprised from the outcome of this thread

>> No.9908490

Well, you are still ultimately right. But a blonde exchange student from Sweden was actually better than a blonde exchange student from the states.

>> No.9908497

I've never been a hipster or whatever they call it who hates their special snowflake interests becoming more public.

For me, the appearance of things like this on steam and the increased attention on them also means I get more of them, and that's fantastic.

>> No.9908660
File: 195 KB, 754x588, 2012-10-20_13-04-46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone know where i could get it? usually bitgamer has every game

>> No.9908676 [DELETED] 


>> No.9908678

see >>9906224

Also it's $7.

>> No.9908820

It's also 7€. Fuck you, Steam.

>> No.9908845

Blame Ace Attorney

>> No.9908850
File: 164 KB, 575x570, Satori Reaction Color.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9908878

I've given games to zunbar, sion and "iluvOP.

Maybe even wtH.

I just wanted to share a game, that maybe when they're bored, they'd play.

It's a nice way to repay them for making /jp/ fun and stuff anyways.

>> No.9908880

I'm not even sure who is getting trolled here anymore.

>> No.9908889

I'm just being honest.

Maybe with sion, it's not so much him making /jp/ fun. But I feel like he needed some kindness.

>> No.9908890

What's wrong with what he said? He sounds like a nice guy.

>> No.9908896

You're probably trolled by your own shadow.

>> No.9908904

>Once upon a time, in a forest called Lita, there lived a fairy whose role it was to protect the trees of the forest from the monsters and humans who would try to steal the spirit stones that provide the forest’s life energy. Her name was Freesia and her kung fu was very, very strong…


>> No.9908962

I hate how all the weebs in my friends list gobble up these mediocre doujin games.
Have some respect, guys.

>> No.9909060

I liked it before it was cool.

>> No.9909378

fuck steam I hope this asshole gaben dies in a fire.

>> No.9909380
File: 157 KB, 1024x768, 1346267799480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same here

>> No.9909387

Please don't misuse surprise bars.

>> No.9909400

I gobble them all up.

Then I buy the next ones that get translated after the developers were pleased with the sales results. Although I bought it off the website not off Steam, then they sent me a steam code anyways so I guess it doesn't matter which you use.

There is a skeleton living inside you RIGHT NOW.

>> No.9909403

6,62 € on the website instead of 7,99USD

>> No.9909790


They're both in japanese. Anyone know where to get the english version?

>> No.9909822


>> No.9913427

Me too. Fuck DRM

>> No.9913440

Would you rather have a platform that doesn't allow DRM?

>> No.9913455
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