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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 249 KB, 1000x750, 1414a40574d031ea0646bc520833ada9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9875158 No.9875158 [Reply] [Original]

Post your IP if you are hosting followed by world location (with continent and area is ok, I.E Western europe) and your own tier if you feel like to.

About the game:

(shamelessly copied from the wiki)

Touhou Hisoutensoku is the third fighting game in the Touhou Project and like its predecessors, Immaterial and Missing Power and Scarlet Weather Rhapsody, Touhou Hisoutensoku is a collaboration between ZUN and Twilight Frontier. Due to that collaboration, its art was drawn by Alphes and the music was composed by U2 Akiyama, both from Twilight Frontier.

Download link:

Hisoutensoku + 1.10 patch + english patch:


For playing online it's recommended to have the latest version, 1.10a which you can find the patches for here:


SWR + English patch:


Optionally there is also a Voice mod found here:


Before playing online please close any process that uses bandwith to avoid lag, also try to play with people close to your area if possible.

Also vote on this if you want.


>> No.9877828

Bump for NA bros.

>> No.9877831


thanks :3

>> No.9877845

Last couple of times I tried hosting it didn't work for some reason, but here we go.
East Coast
Bad tier

>> No.9877951

Nobody out there?

>> No.9881222

Someone host.

>> No.9881299

Mayb soon bb.

>> No.9882538
File: 666 KB, 645x900, 34654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9882538 West Coast US
Phantasm Tier

>> No.9882728
North EU host
Waking up at 21:00 tier

>> No.9882848

Thanks for the games, though that delay was pretty significant. EU?

>> No.9882850

Strange delay. Nice games.

>> No.9882853

Yes, the delay isn't that bad usually though.

>> No.9882872

Not working, and it's 21:01 !

>> No.9882960


ggs, there's no need to be so aggressive, just occasionally chill, apm is not important

>> No.9882967
File: 260 KB, 610x825, 30810703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGs mate. Sorry for not being much of an opponent, I'm rusty as hell. Haven't played in a very long while and it shows. I used to be an average player, but now it seems I can only whiff everything I used to input correctly and do an aweful misplay every 5 seconds or so. Wonder where that annoying lag came from, hopefully it disappeared after a while.Thanks for playing.

>> No.9882970


It most certainly did work since someone joined and I played with them, and it had been 21:00 for 20 minutes when I put the host up :x

>> No.9882994

Oh well, was unable to join because of this maybe. I wish I could play against someone in EU too for a change.

>> No.9883037

Join the irc maybe? Lots of EU players there.
Well, lots is an overstatement, but they're definitely there.

>> No.9883048

Tried several times but it's dead quite in here. Maybe I just joined the wrong irc.. I'll try again later.

>> No.9883052


>> No.9883069

it's #hisouten at rizon.
And it's quite lively.

>> No.9885933
West coast US, mid tier

>> No.9888606
North EU host
Block of Ages tier

>> No.9888893 EC US
rabbits everywhere tier

>> No.9889329

GGs, have to run sorry. You should definitely try BE more often, was painful to watch you take all those 236 in the corner

>> No.9889332

Good games. Those were my first matches against a good Reisen. I've never feared a rabbit so much in my life.

>> No.9890122

bad but trying to get better tier

>> No.9890189


GGs whoever you are

>> No.9890194


>> No.9890337


I still stand by what I said about grazing being the fucking stupidest idea to ever be in a fighting game, whoever thought that up should be castrated

>> No.9890354

Better than being forced to block the whole time. It's a projectile focused game.

>> No.9890355


GGs. If you ask me, graze isn't so bad, if anything, it's the weather that's bothersome.

>> No.9890359

Which is also bad game design IMO, but that's neither here nor there

>> No.9890366 [DELETED] 
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Well assuming they consented of course, I think it would be the cutest thing in the world to pick up and cradle Aya or Hatate around with you.

>> No.9890395

I wouldn't say it's bad, but it's definitely different.

Soku tried really hard to throw as many "different" things into the game as possible. Deck building, weather, projectile-centric, graze. Which, standalone as features, are really cool features, but when mashed all together becomes a mess.

>> No.9890423

still hosting at EC

>> No.9890842

Out of time for tonight, GGs.

>> No.9890862

Lol it was you again. Good games, your Alice was scary too.

>> No.9890871

are all the touhous firends with eachother after?

>> No.9892219

Are you by any chance an idiot?

>not being the best idea ever in a fighting game

>touhou, a game series focusing on shooting bullets
>complains about too much bullets

>> No.9892350

Are you by any chance an idiot?

>Thinking that being able to just run through projectiles is a good mechanic for a fighter

>> No.9892380

Tried to connect but can't. Wat to do.

>> No.9892439

Are you by any chance an idiot?

>Thinking that being able to just run through projectiles is not a good mechanic for a fighter

And not just any fighter, it's a Touhou game.
You need to go back to playing your little Street Fighter or whatever else /v/ kids play these days and just leave here.

>> No.9892786

Are you by any chance an idiot?

>Thinking I post on /v/
>Thinking that SF is my main game
>Still thinking grazing is a good mechanic for a fighter

It isn't, you are just wrong and bad at fighting games in general. I'd beat you in a FT10 in any other game, and not only that, I'd sweep you during it. And yes, i know it's a Touhou game, but it's a fighting game first and foremost. There's got to be some other way of implanting the 'bullet hell' of the series in a different, BETTER way.

>> No.9892804

If you don't like the mechanic unique to this particular fighting game, don't play it.

>There's got to be some other way of implanting the 'bullet hell' of the series in a different, BETTER way.
You've yet to explain what's actually wrong with it besides "it's not like other fighters" and "I don't like it."

>> No.9892817

>If you don't like the mechanic unique to this particular fighting game, don't play it.
It's just one gripe I have with the game, but that doesn't mean I completely hate it. For example, X-Factor in Marvel 3 is stupid, but I still like the game and play it.

>You've yet to explain what's actually wrong with it besides "it's not like other fighters" and "I don't like it."
How about it trivializes projectiles even more than Third Strike did? All projectiles are now is a way to get in, they aren't viable for damage, and they make the limit meter go up stupidly high. Not to mention it completely removes a gameplay tactic, zoning is useless when someone can just graze through your wall of projectiles.

>> No.9892822

>All projectiles are now is a way to get in, they aren't viable for damage.
You can use bullets in combos, or blockstrings and pressure strings, or to drain spirit, or to punish jump-ins / whiffs / moves with slow startup, or lay down okizeme, or control your opponent's movement.

>Not to mention it completely removes a gameplay tactic, zoning is useless when someone can just graze through your wall of projectiles.
If someone is grazing towards you, use fist.

>> No.9892833

>You can use bullets in combos
See what I said about limit, using bullets decreases your damage output.

>or blockstrings and pressure strings, or to drain spirit
And if it isn't airtight, they either BE out or can just graze out with ease.

>or to punish jump-ins
What is airdash/flight?

>whiffs / moves with slow startup or lay down okizeme
Granted, I'll give you these.

>or control your opponent's movement.
What is airdash/flight?

>If someone is grazing towards you, use fist.
And then they use block, and you're back to square one, and it's not like there are extremely limited amounts of throws in the game or anything.

>> No.9892842

>See what I said about limit, using bullets decreases your damage output.
There isn't a character's whose bread and butter combos don't use bullets.

>And if it isn't airtight, they either BE out or can just graze out with ease.
No, airtight strings can be BE'd out of. Non-airtight strings can be grazed out of. Which is why there's prediction involved; if you think he's going to BE or graze, skip the bullet and follow immediately with aerial melee.

>What is airdash/flight?
What is aerial melee startup?

>And then they use block, and you're back to square one
If they block, then it's time for you to get in their face, shove them into the corner, and beat the shit out of them. A situation in which you block something of mine is not neutral unless it's unsafe on block, and a lot of attacks aren't. I have momentum.

>> No.9892858

Sorry, unsafe on block is attacker's disadvantage, obviously. What I meant to say is if I catch you blocking, I can follow up with many things.

>> No.9892894
East Yurep

Just finished the campaign and never really played fightan games tier
Come at me

>> No.9892900


>> No.9892902

Well uhh... Can you host, then?

>> No.9892909


>> No.9892914

Also fails. Darn.

>> No.9893010

If you just finished story mode, you really shouldn't be going online yet anyway. Train for awhile and watch some replays to see how you're supposed to be playing.

>> No.9893042

Meanie. I bet I'd whoop your ass with ease.

>> No.9893935 [SPOILER] 
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9893935 (US CDT)

>> No.9894103

My connection went to shit at the end there so I'd figured I'd call it a day. I think we know who was going to win that one anyway.

GGs, thanks for the games.

>> No.9894120

And it looks like he's still taking games, if anyone wants to take over.

>> No.9894147

S-sorry for wasting y-your time ;_;

>> No.9894161
File: 1.54 MB, 1811x2205, 2c1591874ffc1789c4d3e439699835f7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sage gg still hosting

>> No.9894238 US East

>> No.9894450
File: 43 KB, 130x180, 1349089477942.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
North south america, feel free to drop if it lags too much.

>> No.9894641

Good games, I have to go and eat

>> No.9894645


>> No.9894809

>There isn't a character's whose bread and butter combos don't use bullets.
ITT: We forget about Youmu. And also I meant more bullets you use in a combo, generally the less damage you do

>What is aerial melee startup?
What kind of idiot is going to attempt aerial melee with out bullet cover to prevent him from getting tagged?

>If they block, then it's time for you to get in their face, shove them into the corner
It's very easy to escape the corner in this game.

But anyway, lets just agree to disagree, I think grazing is a bad mechanic to put in a fighter, you obviously think it's fine, so whatever.

>> No.9894822

>What kind of idiot is going to attempt aerial melee with out bullet cover to prevent him from getting tagged?
People go in without bullets all the time, if they see their opponent doing something unsafe.

>It's very easy to escape the corner in this game.
If it's very easy for you to reliably escape the corner you should never lose a game.

>But anyway, lets just agree to disagree, I think grazing is a bad mechanic to put in a fighter, you obviously think it's fine, so whatever.
I just think it's silly when people complain about a core mechanic of a game and continue to play it when there are a million other games without that mechanic out there.

>> No.9894839

>I just think it's silly when people complain about a core mechanic of a game and continue to play it when there are a million other games without that mechanic out there.

...Is it such a foreign concept to you that some aspects of the game are good, and that the positive outweighs the negative? I don't completely like everything in any fighting game (I just gave you the example of Marvel 3), but that doesn't mean that i think the game is shitty or dislike it, it just means I have a problem with a part of the game and think it would be be better if it was reworked or removed.

>> No.9894863

>attempting aerial melee without bullet cover
You can go in without bullets as long as you graze. There's a lot of bullets that are unsafe to do and big risks in doing them. They're just punished less in low level play.

>BnB that does or does not use bullets
There's a few combos that doesn't need bullets, such as Alice's dial-a 66a 66a and Suika's dial-a.

Youmu's 5AAAA 214 doesn't use a bullet but still uses orbs. An alternative BnB is 5AAA 6A 22B j.5A j.6A.


>> No.9894867 [DELETED]
WC US, maso tier

>> No.9894887

My favorite Yoomoo bnb that I've seen 10,000 times is probably 2Axn 623c.

I think she had a variation of this same bnb in IaMP too.

>> No.9894892
WC US, maso tier

>> No.9894930

>I'd beat you in a FT10 in any other game, and not only that, I'd sweep you during it.
Why do people do this? Is losing such a big deal to you that you have to preserve your precious pride by bringing up other things you'd (possibly) win at? It's pathetic.

>> No.9894937

>Why do people do this? Is losing such a big deal to you that you have to preserve your precious pride by bringing up other things you'd (possibly) win at?

Yes. Sounds like you scared son

>> No.9894951

>There's got to be some other way of implanting the 'bullet hell' of the series in a different, BETTER way.

Then do it yourself, good luck trying to make a game that isn't as shit as this one anon.

>> No.9894961

Of? If you're that guy that won't shut up about grazing, third strike, and marvel 3, I've never even seen you play before. But if you feel like playing sometime later tonight, I'll join if you host.

>> No.9894969

>Of? If you're that guy that won't shut up about grazing, third strike, and marvel 3,

That's not me, you have me confused with someone else.

>> No.9894968

Yo fuck you son, I'd body your bitch ass at Guilty Gear or MvC1.

Winning and losing is very serious, and it can mean money is on the line when you're playing in real life. Yes, I've played Hisoutensoku money matches before at Friday night meetups. Yes, I've earned about $10 playing this game before. Fighting games are very, VERY serious. Don't think otherwise.

>> No.9894977

>winning $10 at soku
weak ass nigga

>> No.9894978

Sorry, I assumed you were him, as that was who I was talking to in the first place.

>> No.9894988

Well, I do dislike grazing like he does, but I'm not a fanboy of third strike like he is. I play it occasionally, but my game is Alpha 3. Yes I know that game has a lot of bullshit like this one, it's still a lot of fun to me though

>> No.9895238

GGs sorry about the lag

When you foiled my counter on the last match was hilarious.

>> No.9895294
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One of you fucking host and fight eachother already instead of this retarded meta-fight.

>> No.9895305

Yeah, all those really close matches made me crack up.

The lag wasn't that bad, could have been worse. I wonder if it would have been better if I had a more decent connection.

>> No.9895610

Don't want to start shit up again, but...
>How about it trivializes projectiles even more than Third Strike did? All projectiles are now is a way to get in, they aren't viable for damage, and they make the limit meter go up stupidly high. Not to mention it completely removes a gameplay tactic, zoning is useless when someone can just graze through your wall of projectiles.
Iamp has the same bullets and grazing core mechanic that Soku does, yet none of these apply. This is not a problem with grazing. It's a problem with Soku.

>ITT: We forget about Youmu. And also I meant more bullets you use in a combo, generally the less damage you do
Youmu is only one character, and only some of her bnbs don't use bullets.
Some bullets hurt like crazy (Yuyuko sphere bloom, Suika C, Reisen 236, etc).

>> No.9895674
File: 33 KB, 518x564, 1349160171057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
US west/central, continental divide.

>> No.9895808

Sorry have to leave for a bit, I'll be up for more though if you rehost.
I was proud of myself as hell for stealing that match against Utsuho though.

>> No.9895822
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Rehosting: >>9895674

>> No.9895965

I think my roommates came home and started using Netflix.

Thanks for the games.

>> No.9895966

Bah started lagging pretty bad, pretty sure that was on my end. Good games though, was happy to just get a few hits on you...I think I'm starting to get a hang of this.

>> No.9896361
File: 1.42 MB, 1800x1933, lewdmilia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

US East

Lewd tier

>> No.9896553

ggs I messed up really badly on most of those matches its been a long time since I last played sorry for the disappointment.

>> No.9896554
File: 15 KB, 258x320, SuwakoP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, to whomever I was playing, it was fun but that lag was getting a bit annoying.

>> No.9896712 WC US

x factor


other dumb shit

>> No.9897600
North EU host
European netplay heroes tier

>> No.9899316
File: 842 KB, 937x1309, 532279c14e5a33efc0263443567814a6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
US East - Phantasm

>> No.9901213


>> No.9901540

GG's oiu, shame about the lag.

>> No.9901571

Yeah, my bad. Didn't realize my sister was streaming...
Probably won't be hosting again for tonight.

>> No.9903437

hosting at EC US
rabbits everywhere tier

>> No.9903597
File: 718 KB, 560x2000, Suwackomoriya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGs, they were fun

>> No.9903605

ahaha at least I got one win in through the sandbagging. GGs.

rehosting for a bit then

>> No.9903662

Any Australians? Preferably Perth.

>> No.9903666

2am edition

>> No.9903671

3am I mean

>> No.9903859

GGs Dire. A weakness I noticed on your side was choosing when to shoot bullets. Your 236 is too slow to be used as a poke and it has a long start up time. You also like to hjc b bullets to hj.b bullets. The opening is too wide there. You also like to fly during my air blockstrings which usually gets you caught.

Work on your mixups more in the corner and know your blockstring weaknesses. Your combos are fine, but they can always be improved. Movement is really important, but usually comes naturally or by watching others play.

>> No.9903883

N-nameless? That you? Good games.

I noticed the 236C failing to do anything... Usually works for lazy jumpins but guess it's not solid. Guess it's time I make an undersense deck, 236+alt22 work fine against mid-low people but yeah those were not useful. Thanks for the advice.

>> No.9904156


>> No.9907965

Patchouli a shit

>> No.9910440

shittiest fighhter

>> No.9910469
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US west/central

>> No.9911050

GGs, fingers are killing me. Wish I could play that many characters~

>> No.9911078

Thanks for the games, Dire Dire Rabbit. I wish I could play one~

>> No.9912022


>> No.9912343

GGs. That one round I stole with typhoon was hilarious.

>> No.9912356

Thanks for the games.

>> No.9915266

Any US hosts?

>> No.9915437


>> No.9918073
North EU host
Kabouterdans tier

>> No.9921290

Hosting again. Feel free to quit if it lags.

>> No.9921453

Thanks for the games. Dinner is ready.

>> No.9921494

Yea thanks, was nice getting owned by you again.


>> No.9921627

GGs. stomp stomp stomp

Rehosting again.

>> No.9921949

Thanks for the games.

>> No.9921950

Great games. The lag was because my sis started streaming.
I laugh every time my MPP gets foiled, I fucking love that card.

>> No.9925997


>> No.9926209
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US west/central, continental divide.

>> No.9926542 [DELETED] 

There are like 3 people total in these threads.

>> No.9926990 [DELETED] 


>> No.9927160
File: 231 KB, 716x803, 23496666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9927160 WC US


>> No.9927205

Thanks for the games, buttmunch.

>> No.9927570

Bed time. Thanks for the games.

>> No.9927576

GGs, that was a pretty long set...

>> No.9930674

low but trying to improve tier

>> No.9930711

ugh, someone's on my connection. I'll host again in about 15 minutes.

>> No.9930717

あら。。 What happened?

>> No.9930723

Unfortunately I live with 5 other people who are fucking up my ping. I'll try to kick them off, just hold on a bit.

>> No.9930774

Sure, no pb. Don't expect a perfect ping though, I'm in Europe and the delay was actually good when we started.

>> No.9930827

Alright, hosting again.

>> No.9930836

Not working. If you're under a livebox your Ip might have changed.

>> No.9930839

ah, that's it.

>> No.9931034

Good games. I have to go now.

>> No.9931037

Tired? Nice games.

>> No.9931039

I'd play more but sadly real life is getting in the way now.

>> No.9932079 EC US

>> No.9934619

bump for hosts

>> No.9934650
ready to get my ass kicked

>> No.9934672

Is that a hamachi ip? I can't join.

>> No.9934679

yes. is there any other way i can connect?

>> No.9934714

Forward port 10800 on your router and you don't even need Hamachi or any external programs.

>> No.9934711
Need to be depress tier

>> No.9934749

One moment. I do believe I am using the wrong control scheme on xpadder.

>> No.9934798

And that's enough rape for now I suppose. Doesn't help that I only play IaMP. Those were some pretty sick combos by the way.

>> No.9934860

sry anon it's my first time playing online and I can't into combos ;_;

>> No.9934871

I should try that game out

I just copy what I see from videos

>> No.9934947

There's no stupid weather bullshit and the combos are usually pretty situational.

>> No.9934984

Hosting EU only
Rusty tier

>> No.9935231

Yeah, might as well not bother.
Sorry for being only slightly more challenging than a practice dummy.
Time to put in the effort to get good at this.

>> No.9935237

Ah well, ggs, hope that wasn't too discouraging.

>> No.9935251

My own fault for playing without learning it properly. Well, at least I know it works fine now, just gotta get my skills up to par.

>> No.9935281

Apart from combos and corner pressure (which are of course necessary), the practice mode in this game doesn't bring all that much imo, when compared to other fighting games.
The biggest disparity was in general movement/grazing, and that is pretty much only gained through experience.

>> No.9935284 EC US

>> No.9935360

>laggy crossup-only reisen
No thanks.

>> No.9935421


>> No.9936013

GGs, have work to do, sorry to end good set

>> No.9936014 [DELETED] 


>> No.9936020


Those were very fun.

>> No.9936119

* :10800
Low but trying to improve please give me some advice after our set tier

>> No.9936217


>> No.9936424
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What the fuck am I watching

>> No.9936546

A mirror match. Also GGs Dumbass.

>> No.9936555

Damn you had to quit before I could get to my main character

Me fucking around with a character I don't know how to use
why don't you host anymore?

>> No.9936574

Sorry, I have other shit to do now. We could run it back sometime tonight, keep an eye on the thread for when i host, it'll probably be around midnight board time.

>> No.9936581
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9936581 Easy Coast

>> No.9936585

I'll be asleep by then

>> No.9936658

ugh, someone's on my connection. Can't play now.

>> No.9936666

Alright, np. GG.

Still hosting on >>9936581 only for a bit.

>> No.9936680

Clearing up my backlog of other things I haven't finished, and generally being lazy.

>> No.9936748
North EU host
Overflowing with Romance tier

>> No.9937247


No late night EUs, is sad times, maybe some other night

>> No.9937658

Hosting for a few matches and for a short window of time.

>> No.9937761

GGs Marina, wish I could stay for more. Gotta eat. Really wish we could keep playing, those were some really fun matches.

>> No.9937770

You're scarier than I remember. Thanks for the games.

>> No.9941201 [DELETED] 

Hosting for a bit~

>> No.9941257

Hosting for a few matches and for a short window of time again.

>> No.9941505

GGs Lucied. Hella fun matches. I think you mash/tech mash too much for your skill level though. Much like me. You gave me exactly the kind of engaging matches I was looking for, thanks.

>> No.9941504

Thanks for playing.

>> No.9941511
File: 1.42 MB, 1263x1594, 80e2949d4cdb6abaa7ecc827291ece9a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mad that I had to spend all afternoon reinstalling drivers.
Will be hosting till 23:00 board time (US Central) Mid tier.

>> No.9941535

>I think you mash/tech mash too much for your skill level though.

When a player does something he should clearly know will not work, it means either he doesn't give a fuck, or is mad as hell.

I really didn't give a fuck. Yeah, I can play way better than that and be more patient. Honestly, I just couldn't care less. Pretty much all your pressure could just be border escaped for free, so fuck it, LOLMASH.

Spikes were partly (mostly) to blame for that. After losing 60% of my life in one round with Suika from inputs being eaten by spikes, I just stopped and dicked around. Best way to have fun when :netplay: intervenes.

>> No.9941567

Geez man

>> No.9941576
File: 156 KB, 600x800, 23128040_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9941576 WC US
turnifag tier

>> No.9941584

getting 6k damage out of subsun in 8 delay is delicious

>> No.9941587

You know, rereading what I wrote, that sounded a lot more negative than I meant it. Sorry about that.

Next time, I'll give it my all, no more being a faggot.

>> No.9941589

Thanks for the games.

>> No.9941595

You too, had a lot of silly things happen to me, although its probably just due to me being a retarded masher right now.

Sorry I switched to Reisen. I hate mirror matches and didn't know if you wanted to keep playing Reimu.

>> No.9941606

Depending on how I feel, I will switch character every 2 or 4 matches. Reimu just happened to be where I was in the cycle at the time.

>> No.9941611


>> No.9941614

Still up for another 30 minutes, if you're US or somewhat close.

>> No.9941618

can someone host so I can watch a match?
I wanted to play for a while couldn't get my router set up until now, so I'm kinda excited.

>> No.9941802

Page 2 already? Man, /jp/ is fast tonight.
Thanks for playing Saegrimr.
You didn't fall for my Laser. I am sad. I wanted you to go on the offense air to air. Too clever for my silly tricks.

>> No.9941813

I was wondering what you were trying to bait.

Unfortunately I kept falling for the 2a on your Suika.
Every time it just feels like it shouldn't be that fast, oh well. Don't see many Suika players anyway.

>> No.9941855


>> No.9941872

2a or 2b?
2a is just a low poke. Good for starting strings. Most suikas go all high, or high + bullet. I hang out on the lows. 2a, 3a, 2b.

Delaying the 2B gourd just a bit to create a frametrap. 2B conterhits are devastating. 3k dmg everytime. You do not want to poke out of 3a, it's not worth the risk.
I really like playing Suika. Although I think my Yuyuko is still better somewhat, Suika's more fun to play. That j.6a feels so satisfying.

>> No.9941915

Right, 2b, the gourd smash. Every time.

I'm trying to learn at least one other character that isn't Reisen and its not going so well. So many bad habits I can't stop doing.

>> No.9941936

That's kind of surprising, Reimu plays somewhat similarly to Reisen. B amulets and bullets serve the same purpose, come out almost the same. You can chain grounded 5b to j.2b, j.a j.2b 66 j.a j.2b 66 j.a etc the same way with both chars.

They're not identical, but as far as their basics go, they're kind of alike.

Although the Reisen main does explain the weird as fuck random 3a's. That'll get you killed with Reimu.

>> No.9941958

Yeah it always felt kinda weird being thrown into the air instead of sliding on the ground.

To me Marisa plays a lot more like Reisen. I'm a bit more comfortable with her but they're a little too similar so I get caught up in a lot of the same mistakes. I'd REALLY love to play Aya properly but thats never going to happen. Patchouli is fun but I always feel like an asshole for playing her so I kind of dont.

>> No.9941966

You shouldn't give up on aya so quickly anon!

its a lot easier to play her "properly" lazy than you think.

>> No.9941975

>Patchouli is fun but I always feel like an asshole for playing her so I kind of dont.
Honestly man, just play her if you like her. Unless people are outright ragequitting on you, it doesn't matter what they think.

Whenever I use 6B a whole a lot as Suika and get hits from across the screen, I feel like an asshole. But then I remember two things.
One, if it's annoying as fuck, it's probably because it's GOOD. If it's good, use it. Don't limit yourself because the other play might get upset that your character has good moves.
Second, I've seen top level Suika players in japan. There is a whole fucking lot of 6B going around. Seriously, you wouldn't believe how much they use it.

As they should. It's a good move, and with how Soku is built (slow as fuck cancels), it catches people a hell of a lot. If you use it plenty, they will get scared to use any bullet at long range, and you'll have locked them out of many options.

Patchouli has many moves like that, especially 5C and 6C. Don't limit yourself because you feel bad using her. Play who you want.

>> No.9941976

I like Reisen because of really long blockstrings. I can't even do that silly little j5a 66 j5a dance with Aya.

I just feel wrong if i'm not being overly flashy. I'd rather have a weak and impressive looking combo than just dial A someone for a quarter of their life bar.

>> No.9941983

Oh no, I have a friend who plays suika on a lower tier and its just 6B and run away all day. I know exactly how it feels, and how good of a move it is. Patchy's 5C is primarily how I feel bad and I avoid using it unless its to link hits in melee range. Since its really good up close.. and well, anywhere.

>> No.9941993

I remember when Shy played, and he basically won matches just waiting for the other to approach in the air, and used 5C to smack them out of their j.a

It's a good move, but it's not unbeatable. If you're using it tons and they're dying to it, they're doing it wrong, not you. They need to find a way around it, it's not up to you to change your game so the playing field is more even.

Patch is not even that good overall.

>> No.9942003

Her melee is slower than i'd like to be since most of my cards are close range like wipe moisture and emerald city, but if it were any faster she'd be terribly overpowered. I just like her versatility.

And like I said before, I like trying to be showy over effective. I love watching FireballFlame play Alice because even if he loses because lolalice he still puts on an amazing show with it.

>> No.9941999

>playing field is more even
That's the wrong expression, fuck. It implies it isn't even to begin with. I meant handicapping yourself.

>> No.9942006

GGs, long set again, haha.

>> No.9942011

Only leaving because pizza is ready. I wonder why you bother to stick around with someone like me.

Thanks for the games.

>> No.9942021

I don't know if you're who I think you are, but you're pretty good. You like to forward dash too much/too quick to graze/not afraid of bullets, but other than that, you're pretty solid.

>> No.9942027

When I first started playing, people got annoyed at me because I had 4 bombs, 4 hangeki, 4 soul torches, 4 elemental harvesters, and 4 silent selen, and all of my games involved spamming bullets like an idiot until it was time to spam reversals.

I never won any of the games but people got mad about it.

>> No.9942030

>I don't know if you're who I think you are
Who is that?

>> No.9942042

I guessed Guy, but you don't play China, so I'm probably wrong...

>> No.9942061

You make me panic. If I start waiting, you capitalize and the crushing begins. In whichever case, I'll always make the wrong decision. People are too complicated for me to understand, and I don't retain any experience. The same blockstring will baffle me every time.

On the offense side, your movements are too smart, and I can't even come in. I just eat your neutral bullets because I'm an idiot. Even if I do get you blocking something, there is nothing worth respecting in my pressure, so you'll happily hop out or use amusing counters/escapes that I had never even considered. I don't think while playing, so I'll ultimately never be any better than this.

There's always someone making fun of me in the STG threads about how bad I am at fighting games. I admit, it gets to me.

That's practically an insult to Guy.

>> No.9942109

What I started to think at some point was "I wish this guy would take it easy and play the neutral game with me." What I felt at times was that you eager to attack if you grazed through something, but you don't always have to advance just because you're grazing. I'm not a replay-watching kind of guy, but a lot of high-level Japanese matches have both players just tossing bullets at each other for over a minute.

That aside, I think your movement is actually pretty good--it's your situational ability that's lacking. When you get a random hit, a lot of the time I get off with just a love tap. I can only do it with Komachi and Yukari(since I know them best), but if I get a hit, I'm probably going to limit you from it, or at least knock you down.

I saw there was someone using my name in the STG threads and generally being a troll, but I do know that it certainly isn't me. I don't even play the shooters anymore.

I also think you're considerably better than I remember Guy to be.

>> No.9942154

>not that good
>a tier

>> No.9942174

I could actually feel you wanting me to join in the neutral game, but I would end up rushing in and oops now I need to block a j.5a or whatever else. Idiotic. Spacing and zoning or whatever it's called is all very mysterious to me.

The way you string hits on me into combos is very satisfying, not to sound too masochistic. I don't know what to say. I'd need to watch a lot of other players to stand a chance picking any of that up. Yukari is one of the characters I play, but I feel like I've learned nothing from playing with yours.
>Take note of something that's airtight. Ok. What did he do next. Shit. How many airdashes did he just do. I shouldn't have blocked that, but even if I didn't, he would have hit me with some kind of j.5a on the way out. A flurry of frame traps. Did he really just react differently on a wrongblock. My mind can't be that quick. Ok, that works as a blockstring, but if he hits me with that, he's always at the right distance from the ground to turn it into etc. etc.

I know it's not you in the horrible STG threads. You were my first online match, and you've been nothing short of swell to me ever since.

The last couple of weeks have been hard on me. I'm being overly sensitive tonight. Thanks for the encouragement.

>> No.9942436

I had no idea that you took those posts so seriously. I feel bad now, I just thought you had an unbreakable ego because of your previous Touhou/video game experience.

I'm sorry.

>> No.9942716

Where do you guys watch high-level Soku matches anyway? I've managed to find a few good videos on Nico but I don't know any pro players or good uploaders to follow.

>> No.9942838

There's a huge replay pack of JP players compiled by the English community here

He uploads high level Japanese play.

Mostly Reisen/Youmu/Yukari.

One of the top Iku players, he shows some interesting techs.

>> No.9943301

Holy shit that's a shitton of replays. So beautifully organized, and seems that most of them are 1.10 too, judging by the dates.
Sorry to get all excited, but that replay pack ought to be linked at the start of each thread along with the other resources. You get me OP?

The Youtube channels are pretty decent too, I don't know why I didn't think of searching that site. All in all, thanks for the spoonfeed.

>> No.9943325

Any Eurobros interested in playing some matches?
I'm not very good at this though

>> No.9943446

Not many EUs in those threads tbh. I know i'm repeating this like a broken record, but you should hop in the irc, especially ifd you want to fight EE players.

>> No.9943449

How did i even mistype that. I meant EU* of course.

>> No.9943510

#hisouten at rizon, right?
Thanks, might give that a try...gotta get an irc client though. (Probably should read the whole thread next time, silly me)

>> No.9943538

That's correct
Here, cracked mirc.

>> No.9943691 EU only
Rusty veteran tier

>> No.9943725

Thanks for the games.
Hope you find another EU to fight with some more experience.

>> No.9943730

I think you should use more C bullets during zoning, and tech out of the corner more often on wake up, since alice can setup some fairly strong corner oki. Also dial A more instead of always going for 4A, you lost quite a few big damage opportunities because of that.

>> No.9943728 [DELETED] 

Guess I'll try this while I have an hour or two... EU
How do I win tier

>> No.9943745 [DELETED] 

my gut tells me i messed up with network somewhere...

>> No.9943760

Thanks for the input.
I often panicked and started to mash, that was probably where all those 4A came from.
That corner pressure really got to me.

>> No.9943761

One more time EU
Barely competent tier
(even if you don't want to play, can you try to connect please? I want to see if I'm doing this right)

>> No.9943789 [DELETED] 

It won't let me connect to you.
Did you open your ports and/or checked your firewall settings?

>> No.9943944

Woah, think I landed some hits over there...
Haven't had a loss streak that bad to date.
Oh well, I deserve it with my shoddy Aya playing (hurr hurr random spellcards).
Hope it wasn't too boring for you
Well, I know I can host now.

>> No.9943949

>loss streak that bad
to clarify, losses in fighting games...not that I played a whole lot of them

>> No.9943982

A couple of notes:
Bullets should generally be used as cover to approach with some melee attack, since bullets by themselves are easily grazed. Beginners often run away and hope for random bullet hits, but that is a terrible strategy: it only serves to drain your orbs (you're never in a position to correctly follow up your bullets with the threat of melee), and I can just wait on the ground for you to come down with no meter.
Also always teching out of the corner is as dangerous as staying in there the entire time, it is very easy for the attacker to position himself so that you'll wake up into an ambiguous crossup dial A.

>> No.9944014

Gotta work on my melee timing, barring a few lucky hits you always bashed me down before I could strike. And yeah, too much teching...apparently block doesn't work on wakeup, or is it just me?

>> No.9944071

Blocking definitely works, and is the safest thing to do. Graze if you think the opponent can't melee in time. As a rule don't backdash, they're terrible, unless you're okuu midscreen.

>> No.9944493

Don't apologize. I deserve everything coming to me in those threads.

>> No.9944637

anybody wanna play

>> No.9945007
File: 489 KB, 600x743, f22c662c15d564c8d28951097d993885.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9945007 US East
Good tier

>> No.9945087
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>> No.9945141
File: 23 KB, 112x244, the pleasure of being stepped inside.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god, their faces.

>> No.9945147
File: 19 KB, 150x150, aya snap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9945191

how do i post my IP address

this post shames me.

>> No.9945214


>> No.9945221 [DELETED]
US west/central, continental divide.

Eating a sandwich between rounds tier.

>> No.9945330

Going to rehost for a while in case someone's interested

>> No.9945506

Rehosting, NA only.

>> No.9947146 EC US

>> No.9947258

didn't work

>> No.9947359

Seems to be working, just played a few rounds.

GGs whoever connected. You're going to need to be blocking a /lot/ more, particularly on wakeup.
Also trying practicing some basic combos/blockstrings against AI or in practice.

Rehosting at EC

>> No.9947454

GGs, thanks for short session. My soku randomly crashed so ima just go play with my company.

>> No.9947458

GGs, sorry for poor showing

Rehosting at EC

>> No.9947816

play with me don't play with davidbaka

>> No.9947845

fine, rehosting. I'll ditch if you're that guy before that was running in slideshow mode...

GGs davidbaka

>> No.9947854
File: 349 KB, 646x489, Momiji Soku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn nevermind then
it's not THAT bad though

>> No.9947885

Yeahhh it's pretty bad, sorry.

>> No.9949222
North EU host
#1 Marisa EU tier

>> No.9953852

Hosting for a while.
West coast US, always your turn tier

Feel free to exit if it lags.

>> No.9953904


>> No.9953945

Whoa, pretty useful site. The lag was due to my sister streaming though, my bad for not checking in the first place. I'll rehost in a hour or two when she's done.

>> No.9954037

Rehosting. Didn't even take a hour.

>> No.9954499

Great games, we were pretty even. Can't tell if that was a disconnect on my side or yours, that fight was getting intense. In fact a lot of the fights were really close and exciting. Was glad to see someone close to my level of play.

>> No.9954517

I think your side dc'd.
'twas rather laggy though, though tolerable.
I perform better (i.e. defensively) with lower ping since the pace of attacks matches my inputs, allowing me to combo more smoothly.

High latency makes my movements really sloppy.
It also prevents me from keeping up the defensive momentum which was often premature or overdue due to the input not matching the action.

ggs though

>> No.9954834

Hmm, everybody tells me to use training mode, but how am I supposed to use it? Practice movement, combos, and blockstrings? I could see how it would be very useful if it had dummy recording so I could practice escaping certain setups, but it doesn't.

>> No.9955119\
East Coast
Don't care for weather tier

>> No.9955621



>> No.9958854


>> No.9958862

US West, Pleasure of being stepped on, tier

>> No.9958955 US East
More rabbits

>> No.9959020

GGs T. That's some solid play, hard to break.

>> No.9959021

Thanks for the games, beats.

>> No.9959138
East Coast.
Trying out something new tier.

>> No.9959254

How do you guys play? Keyboard, controller, joystick? And which brand?

>> No.9959314

I find it impossible to do any execution in the controller, so I stick with the keyboard. That's probably because I've only gotten into fighters long after I stopped playing anything in consoles.

>> No.9961022

Cpu because no hosts.

>> No.9961137
NA West
shit tier

>> No.9961235

Training mode, locals, some netplay.

Stick, I built it myself! Sanwa parts. I decided it was time to switch to stick with the release of GGAC on PS2, never looked back since.

>> No.9961609 EC US

>> No.9961779

GGs, sorry have to run

>> No.9962206
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>> No.9962252

Do you still think Hisoutensoku is a harder game than Guilty Gear?

Just curious.

>> No.9962314

rehosting ( EC US )

>> No.9962325

GGs. You improved a lot again...rehosting.

Did I say that? I don't remember it. I don't think I would have said it seriously either, because I don't think that. I just play tohos cause tits.

>> No.9962329

GGs mag.

-almost- lost myself in time playing little girl games on company internet.

I wish I could confirm as well you could off random hits zzz

>> No.9962347

I remember you saying it on #hisouten. You said that the mindgames of GG was much faster, but everything else was much easier.

I had assumed you were just messing with the EU crowd who was obsessed with it at the time.

>> No.9962507

GGs. I'd stay longer but guests.

Hm...I can say that I think soku and amp have a different learning curve that is arguably more difficult than GG's. At the end of the day GG is the more complicated game, though.

>> No.9962510

GGs, remember when I stood I chance, haha

>> No.9963006

I think GG is a lot harder than Hisouten and IaMP in terms of execution. Well, maybe not IaMP, but hisouten for sure. FRCs can be pretty difficult to pick up on if you're just starting. Also, I think the learning curve of GG really just depends on who you're playing. Eddie of Venom, you're going to need tons of time with them to get good. But Sol, Ky, Slayer, Potemkin, and Jam (in America), are all very simple to learn..

Oki game in GG is also very scary for a new player.

>> No.9963218

Soku exec is harder than IaMP.
Seriously. It's a much more technical game than IaMP. There is a metric fuckton of stuff you need to know about Soku before you can start applying thought into your play. IaMP has some much faster cancels (thank god), but overall it's not that hard to play, button-pushing wise. What differentiates them in terms of "hard to play" is that a good IaMP player will beat your fucking face in by picking you apart and proper reads/footsies, you will be outplayed in strategy, whereas in Soku, when you get demolished, it's mostly tech, you're being out-buttonpush'd or "I know all these strings and you don't/You don't know how to get out of this and I do". If you have your tech down perfectly, it matters very little what the other guy is actually doing, you can just run your shit on auto-pilot and it'll work.

>> No.9963246

EC only, no filthy WC peasants allowed.

>> No.9963487

Still hosting.
Did everyone die in the hurricane?

>> No.9963493 :10800
low tier

>> No.9963643


dunno what was with the kag

>> No.9963644


also rehosting

>> No.9963650

Kudo here, ggs. Sorry about the terrible games, I left the wrong profile on.

>> No.9963661

wanna go again? not like i have shit else to do right now

>> No.9963739

Nah, although I have the controls fixed, the lag would probably still be terrible. Probably due to location.
Hosting anyway: WC, too-used-to-the-bad-AI tier.

>> No.9963780

GGs. I am just way too bad at this game right now.

>> No.9963784

I'm pretty shit. People on /jp/ bully me regularly

>> No.9967962

Anyone hosting?

>> No.9968299
File: 226 KB, 660x900, 5e69813a6b88a7a822d82b4fb1f6b37b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9968299, East Coast
Tsurupettan tier.

>> No.9968421

New Thread.
