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9895491 No.9895491 [Reply] [Original]

Your parents have something very important to say. They sit down with you and tell you that they have adopted a little girl.

How do you feel about this?

>> No.9895494

i hope she's not that ugly

>> No.9895502
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"This is a two bedroom house with 4 people living in it, where is she even going to sleep"?


>> No.9895507

What the fuck are my parents doing in my house? I wrote them a letter. Unless one of them dies, it's not important.

>> No.9895520

Pack this.

*grabs dick*

>> No.9895515


"We're kicking you out to make room for our new super cute daughter of course!"-Dad
"Don't worry,anon, I already packed all your belongings"-Mom

>> No.9895522

N-No! It should be...

"Hmmm... Well, I guess she can sleep with anon! Your bed is big enough to fit her."

>> No.9895527
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Nope, I'm staying here, but she can still sleep in my room.

>> No.9895538

My mother once actually asked me what would I think if she adopted a child.

I said: you're free to do whatever you want, but it's your choice, I'm not going to babysit him\her while you are at work.

>> No.9895539

I'd be pretty fucking pissed. I'd have to take care of our dog and a little girl. That means twice the cleaning and less time to play vidya. I'd probably rage to the heavens.

>> No.9895549


>I said: you're free to do whatever you want, but it's your choice, I'm not going to babysit him\her while you are at work.

So you live in their house, don't have a job, and wouldn't even watch a kid. (Which is literally fucking nothing if they're older than like 7, they do what they want around the house, and you feed them. Most can even feed themselves at that age)



Both you guys are faggots. Hanging out with a kid is fun.

>> No.9895553
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Having a girl walk around my room barefoot...
"Accidentally" walking in on her changing/bathing...

>> No.9895565

I don't live with my parents

>> No.9895573
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>How do you feel about this?

I feel like jumping off a bridge.

>> No.9895574 [DELETED] 

u mite b a ped0

>> No.9895576


You don't understand anon. I do all the cleaning in the house. It's not like my mom will do it. Plus, I have shit to do during the day. When will I have time to take care of a little girl?

>> No.9895579

You don't want to bond with your cute new little sister?

>> No.9895584

I went to babysit the daughters of neighbours a while ago. They were energetic as hell, but they listened well enough.
The second in age was jumping on and off my legs and fell though which caused some tears but some glasses of water and it was over.

Kids can be cute but I wouldn’t want to be a parent though, full time would drive me crazy. I wonder how my parents dealt with raising four kids.

>> No.9895586

>Hanging out with a kid is fun.

Depends on the kid.

>> No.9895589


I do clean the house all day and do all the dishes/clothes too.

Having a kid of that age around wouldn't be even a bother to me, or any extra effort. Unless they were devil spawns or something.

Seriously, what extra "work" would you be doing, what would it prevent you from doing? They go around there house doing their own thing, maybe make them some food, big deal.

>> No.9895594


Yeah anon, doing their own thing. have you ever taken care of a child? It's pretty tough work. OP didn't specify the exact age so we could be dealing with a range of ages.

>> No.9895603

I guess she can have my room. I don't use it much since I got a job and moved into my own place.

>> No.9895611

One time I helped my sister babysit some twin little boys, one of whom is autistic. They were pretty cool even though the autistic twin didn't make a sound the entire time. It was actually really cute how the non-autistic one looked out for his brother and stuff.

>> No.9895614


Never been a parent, but in a similar manner to the relationship the OP is describing? Yes.

She watches TV, plays video games, uses the internet, and you do whatever you want to do. Maybe she'll ask you to cook her some food or help her with a video game or something.

Wow, how horrible right?

>> No.9895619

You can't just assume the child won't be a little shit.

>> No.9895622

>It was actually really cute how the non-autistic one looked out for his brother and stuff.
That is nice. I hope he continues doing that when he grows up. Beating up bullies who try to mess with his brother.

>> No.9895633

I can't even imagine having a twin who wasn't similar in intelligence to me. Especially if we were identical. It would freak me out every time I saw him.

>Plus, I have shit to do during the day.
So does she. Anyone 6 and older has to go to school all day.

>> No.9895637

Parents invite me over to their house to tell me they adopted a little girl.

"Uh, cool, but no offense, aren't you guys a bit old to start raising a kid...again?"

>> No.9895645

One of my relatives does foster care and has adopted a few of the children. She has five or six adopted children with five or six biological children. Eleven children altogether, ages ranging from about twenty-five years old down to less than a year old.

The girls are mostly cute. I almost feel guilty being around them.

>> No.9895657


Atleast in the US, the parents can get serious fines or charges for the kid not going to school, because it's illegal, but anyone can literally just "homeschool" a kid, and never teach them anything, which is the equivalent of not going to school at all.

>> No.9895659

I'd congratulate them and tell them that I hope they learned from their mistakes and raise her to be less of a piece of shit than I am.

Also this is a two bedroom house, she better be staying in their room because I don't want some shitty kid in my room nor do I want to move to the garage.

>> No.9895658

The money is stretched thin enough with just me here. If they brought in another person we'd be on the street in a month or two.

>> No.9895665

You don't want to share a bed with your cute little sister?

>> No.9895667

At least in my state, you have to pass tests state tests from time to time if you're home schooled. It's not a way for parents to just not teach them anything, it's a way for parents to control what they learn in addition to state requirements.

Also, I wasn't home schooled, but one of the kids I lived near in middle school was, and holy shit was he sheltered.

>> No.9895675

No, she might piss or shit herself and I want want to be near that.

>> No.9895686
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How old do you assume she/he would be?


>Not wanting to wake up covered in piss with her crying telling you she made an accident.

>> No.9895700

I imagined 2 to 4 years old. We need OP to specify the age.

>> No.9895765

>my le dick is ready

>> No.9895778

I don't see how it would affect me since they are thousands of miles away but congratulations, I guess.

>> No.9895819

I can just imagine having to change my little sister's pee-soaked pajamas! I'd pull them down to her knees, and she'd cover her privates with her hands and be embarrassed!

>> No.9895846

Time to acquire some arsenic. No way I'm letting someone unrelated to me by blood to get her hands on my inheritance.
