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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9889827 No.9889827 [Reply] [Original]

If you were a girl you would be a fujoshi

>> No.9889843

Ew no. I know a few fujoshis and those types can be annoying as all hell.

>> No.9889850

If grandma had a dick, then she would have been a grandfather

>> No.9889853

But fujoshi aren't really the exact female equivalent of /jp/sies.

>> No.9889872


There are no fujoshi outside of Japan.

>> No.9889875

No, I'm pretty sure I'd be a lesbian and really into yuri.

Which I kinda already am.

Except I have a penis.

>> No.9889882

Exactly. And besides, /jp/sies vary from total NEET recluses, mildly awkward touhou fans, and total normies that just enjoy some aspects of otaku-culture.

>> No.9889885 [DELETED] 
File: 128 KB, 600x600, 1314200070099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a girl!

Ask me anything!

>> No.9889895

I've always wanted one of those. Trade?

>> No.9889897

How do I hack ATMs for free moneys?

>> No.9889904

This is funny because girls don't have to hack ATMs for free moneys.

>> No.9889906


Cute gender dude.

>> No.9889921

Are fujoshis shut ins who like gay shit or are they the ones who parade liking gay shit everywhere?

>> No.9889931

No, just fugly girls that like gayshit.

>> No.9889934

>are they the ones who parade liking gay shit everywhere?
That one

No I would still hate gay and lesbian anime. I'd be more of a Mahou Shoujo otaku though.

>> No.9889937

go to anime cons, meet plenty of cute fujoshi.

>> No.9889940

Bullcrap, the female equivalent of a board full of Mr Olympias would be like, a super hot runway supermodel.

And, definitely not some nerdy glasses chick that's not even halfway ugly to be into that sorta thing. I've seen real hideous women, like REALDEALZ forever-alone types.

The pictured one could get 3 dicks in a night easy.

>> No.9889974

Yuri porn, yuri manga, yuri anime?

>> No.9889996

I agree.
Yes, and yuri relationships.

>> No.9890005

>yuri relationships
Wait, you don't mean 3D do you?

>> No.9890025


>yuri anime

Like what?

Yuri is only manga, there is only shoujo-ai in anime.

>> No.9890029
File: 356 KB, 800x674, 1345055775575.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I were a girl I'd get a shy, gentle /jp/sie boyfriend to take it easy with (and have steamy NEET-sex with him). I'd get to wear cute dresses and thighs, too.

>> No.9890046

If "ifs" and "buts" were candy and nuts then we'd all have a bowl of granola.

>> No.9890073

Or, well, you know those self-proclaimed 'fujoshis' that love yaoi and that kind of stuff. There are a lot of nice ones as well, but a large part of them are just really autistic and annoying from my experience.

>> No.9890094

There's no such thing as shoujo-ai really, so I'm not sure what you mean (though I suppose you might be trolling).

>> No.9890365
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>> No.9890388

I love my grandma for the things like that she says. Just weird sayings you'd virtually never hear from anyone today.

>> No.9890407

If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.

>> No.9890417

I'm sure you'd just end up being a slut or something.

>> No.9890419

If I was a girl I wouldn't be in my basement ... I would be sexually promiscious, fucking rich guys, spitting out a baby, taking their house, divorcing them, and going on the dole.

Alas ... men cannot go on the dole without being completely fucking retarded.

>> No.9890440

No, I'd have been raised differently.

I'd probably be out being a slut somewhere instead of playing games all day.

>> No.9890462 [DELETED] 


And I would fug any other truNEET boys

>> No.9895364
File: 176 KB, 290x329, 1334206486940.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I was a man, I'd wish I was a girl.

>> No.9895365

btw I'm a girl.

>> No.9895381
File: 110 KB, 374x380, 1347459919101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try neckbeard.

>> No.9895380
File: 233 KB, 320x240, 1348806435510.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having a vagina is nice. I like being pure and saving my virginity for the man I love.

>> No.9895385

/jp/ even does impersonations, how cute.

>> No.9895386

Yaoi doujins are gross, I only enjoy superior gay kemonono art.

>> No.9895392 [DELETED] 
File: 128 KB, 600x600, 1314200070099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a girl!

Ask me anything!

>> No.9895398
File: 9 KB, 165x200, 1665-fap-to-it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's it like being an attention whore?

>> No.9895399
File: 91 KB, 800x820, satorifinger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you telling us this.
Why do I care.
Why cant I destroy the universe.
Or at least, be a good student.

>> No.9895404

are you hot

>> No.9895407

Because I fucked you in the ass as a child so much it busted your brain.

>> No.9895411

Thats really nice. Can you do it again? Maybe you can fix my brain this time.

>> No.9895418

Doesn't it work like that, sorry.

We can do it for fun though.

>> No.9895431

Ok, meet me in the back alley in 30 minutes.

>> No.9895447

This exactly.

Also try explaining that one to a parent. Well I like girls but I am not exactly straight.

>> No.9895450

This is why you should wear condoms, people

>> No.9895578

Well unless you are planning on living as a female, it's not like they'd be able to tell the difference... so it's not like you'd have to come out by necessity? I guess I'm not understanding why you need to tell your parents about your lesbian inclinations.

>> No.9895664


I'm happy enough with my body so there was not much of a point. It was kinda supposed to explain my collection of female clothing but your right it not like they can tell the difference.
All the nuances of human sexuality are lost to them, but in the end no fucks were given, it just confirmed there knowledge that I am a "weird bird" as they say.

>> No.9896009

Ahh, I thought this was a hypothetical future endeavor. I suppose not giving a fuck is a type of acceptance... I honestly prefer it to all that touchy-feely "safe space" business.

>> No.9901558

>There are no fujoshi outside of Japan.

>> No.9901742

there aren't

there aren't girl gamers or otaku culture outside of english speaking contexts; their.translates bluntly try to equate all culture and society without considering the degree context embeds social significance into everyday terms.

>> No.9901750

Yes there are.
In very tiny numbers. They just girlfap to yaoi and never leave their room. They don't shave or do anything hygenic so its kind of startling to see one for the first time.

>> No.9901753

Fujoshism is definitely a pandemic disease. It mostly affects young girls but carries over into adulthood sometimes, forming fujoshi.

>> No.9901849

>If you were a girl you would be a fujoshi

No, I'd be a slut sucking the cocks of every person who posted in this thread and not just pretend I do.

>> No.9901896

There are no crazy people outside of Indiana either, doesn't stop them from bein all over the world.

>> No.9901905

If I was a girl I'd make sure to "btw I'm a girl" all my posts.

>> No.9901919

>If you were a girl you would be a fujoshi
>read my mom's yearbook the other day
>she looked like a female version of myself


>> No.9901927

>be weeaboo fujoshi
>learn japanese
>this isn't so bad
>I'm learning quickly
>it's like I'm really going to be japanese
>kanji comes in
>well this can't be so bad I'll just use kanjidamage
>kanji isn't losing HP as fast as it should
>double-check its stats
>these stats sure are similar to a be-
>kanji is a bear
>mauls half my face off
>lose cognitive function
>reduced to /v/ level shitposter
>burst into treats
>run away crying with my face cycling from one unrealistic reaction image recreation to the next
>want to fuck
>stumble into my little brother's room for emotional support
>forget about the spaghetti reserve for demonstrating the evils of refined grains
>spaghetti falls out of pocket
>run frantically to kitchen to find something to scoop it up
>/v/ opens the door
>gets on the floor
>everyone walks the dinosaur all over my spaghetti
>brother seeing all of this
>he doesn't want to fuck
>fat cow of a /v/irgin crawling on floor sucking at the spaghetti
>badly wants to fuck
>mauled for the second time in only 5 minutes
>pass out

>> No.9901939

Who are you quoting?

>> No.9904532

But since I'm a boy I'm a fudanshi.

>> No.9905598

I'd be a slut. An ugly fashionless slut ;_;
