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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9881744 No.9881744[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: We dowload "buy" game maker and we make a /jp/ game with touhous, type moons, shitposters and meidos.

How would /jp/'s game be?

>> No.9881765

Advanced /jp/-Type : The loli's awakening.

>> No.9881776

And Lolis.

>> No.9881791

I want to make a yuru yuri fighting game with mirakurun in it.

and chinatsu is the villian, and does akuma's shungokusatsu thing.

also kyouko flashes her panties to stun people.

and yui doesn't have any special attacks but hits retardedly hard. or maybe that blank look can also stun.

akari disappears, teleports and all her specials are themed around avoiding danger and probably hitting people with barrels.

himawari attacks by belly flopping and suffocating people in her chest. sakurako would be really fast.

yep that might actually be fun.

>> No.9881794

You can do it, get mugen and start drawing the characters frame by frame.

>> No.9881798
File: 206 KB, 240x506, 1349601967005.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that sounds like a good game if kyouko gets this

>> No.9881807

that sounds difficult. does anyone know if sprite artistry is hard to learn?

>> No.9881815
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>> No.9881817

You know, I was thinking the same but with K-ON.

Azunyan is the mobile character, doesn't pack a punch but uses speed to her advantage.

Mugi is the hard hitting motherfucker.

Ritsu is a bit of both.

Yui is the broken character and you get frowned upon for playing her.

Mio is the bottom tier character that no one plays except for a few hipster.

>> No.9881829
File: 213 KB, 1110x1080, 1340348113564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor Mio.

>> No.9881850

Mio is a goddess you slut

>> No.9881865

why should she be good at fighting if her boobs are so large?
if we make her flatchested we can give her better moves

>> No.9881873

>Mio is a goddess slut.
Fix'd. Please do not add random words such as "your" in sentences, it is a bit misleading.

>> No.9881878
File: 211 KB, 1920x1080, [CoalGuys] K-ON! Movie (1080p) [6839C336].mkv_snapshot_00.06.41_[2012.07.24_03.12.52].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It'd be hard to balance MIo and still make it faithful to k-on. Mugi is canon the strongest character, Yui has that retard strength and Mio doesn't look very athletic to be able to match Ritsu or Azunyan in speed.

>> No.9881887

when she hits ritsu on the head a 5-inch tumor sprouts from the area of incident.

>> No.9881889
File: 31 KB, 548x552, 1295658160550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please, don't talk shit about my waifu

>> No.9881899

She's a slut. THE goddess slut. Deal with it.

>> No.9881908
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I don't remember Azusa running, but Mio's okay. She can't handle Yui's running technique though.

>> No.9881947
File: 836 KB, 816x638, Cirno Racing 01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unrelated, but... what happened with this?.

>> No.9882355

They have a band member who only makes cat noises?

>> No.9882458
File: 85 KB, 532x403, 1347617222554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Touhou kart"? Is that supposed to be what remains of that "Cirno racing" project? I think it was dropped.

>> No.9882463
File: 921 KB, 816x638, 1299992422395.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't remember the project's name.

Why that doesn't surprise me.

>> No.9882503
File: 60 KB, 424x358, 1294869993266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About this, I remember that 2chan has it's own MUGEN game. It's called "Nijikaku MUGEN". We could make something like that one, you know, with all 4chan's memes.

>> No.9882519

So you to want an incredibly annoying game?

>> No.9882526

And the characters can be...(in)famous tripfags!
Come on, you know you want to beat up </get_hated_tripfag_name>

>> No.9882530

GML is terrible.

>> No.9882534
File: 109 KB, 379x286, 1309985291649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes I do. I'm that bored.

>> No.9882535

/jp/ The Game would incorporate every single piece of notable /jp/ content in a wide variety of genres, it would also be kusoge, the OST could be really bad arranges of existing themes to games/VNs.

>> No.9882546
File: 106 KB, 640x640, Ryuko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was just thinking of making an original mugen character like Ryuko the other day.

>> No.9882547

Reskin Trio The Punch with /jp/ memes

>> No.9882551

I suspect there would be a lot of copyright infringement.

>> No.9882568

Why use Gayme Maker? XNA is far better.

>> No.9882592

/jp/ 52

>> No.9882586
File: 22 KB, 256x219, 1327051922946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you are going to work in 2D, Gme Maker is probably the most easy and fast way of making games. If you are aiming for 3D, I would suggest you to use Unity, for the same reason. Also, Unity allows C# coding too.

I would reserve XNA for an easy way to make XBox games only. And of course, you can use C++ with DX and all the stuff you know but... if we start making it in C++, the project will be droped in the next hours.

>> No.9882628

Gamemaker is only good at extremely simple games. Even a small amount of complexity brings gamemaker to its knees.

>> No.9882660
File: 93 KB, 933x505, 1293696440441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The simpler, the better. The result will be simple, and lightweght.

>> No.9882674


>> No.9882679

3D brawler where you can pick any /jp/ related character to play as and the move set focus is on ridiculously impossible wrestling moves and all the bad guys are the antagonists of /jp/ like feel guys and meido.

>> No.9882694


>> No.9882713

Javascript is Pure Evil. You know this. You agree with me 100%.

>> No.9882714

gamemaker does html5?

>> No.9882719


>> No.9882730

Why would you pay for gamemaker when there are superior alternatives?

>> No.9882740


Because you can EZ make game, hype it up in the indie community then make loads emone.

>> No.9882832

Oh, interesting.
I haven't touched gamemaker in years

>> No.9882861

Unless you're just planning to make an easy game the easy way, forget about it.

>> No.9882928
File: 15 KB, 320x240, oot2d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn, Game Maker has changed. I haven't toyed with it since it was freeware by Mark Overmars.

GMC is how I discovered 4chan, actually. Anyone remember OoT2D?

>> No.9882964

Not much, but I remember about it.
