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9865689 No.9865689[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

NEET life is hard....

I don't want to be one anymore but social constructs and institutions scare me. Then I make myself sad.

>> No.9865698

why Hetalia

its a shitty series full of shitty characters for shitty people

>> No.9865703

you're a failed normalfag
/r9k/ is more fitting for you

>> No.9865704

What's so hard about about doing nothing all day and living the dream thousands would kill for?

>> No.9865708

Why are you always so negative about everything?

>> No.9865716

I did not know it was hetailia...

I never watched or read it. it just seemed dumb to me.

>> No.9865721

What's so hard about having loads of free time to post on 4chan, eat snacks, and drink tea?

>> No.9865736


That too.

>> No.9865730

My parents coming into my room at random times and yelling at me and telling me that they will kick me out soon

>> No.9865732


I haven't been on medication for awhile and depression is just making things seem hard.

>> No.9865735

Not enough money to do these i guess.

>> No.9865739

Im not negative , i do like some Male character centered series like TIGER and BUNNY and Ika Musume

>> No.9865758

Tea is incredibly cheap, and snacks can be almost as cheap if you choose to make them.

>> No.9865774

Some NEETs have zero money. Nothing. Even if something is really cheap, you aren't going to be able to afford it. Stop acting like all people living like this have money to spend.

>> No.9865780

They cannot save up $2-3 for tea? How do they afford a computer and internet?

>> No.9865783

The computer is there from before. Internet is paid by for parents since they use it too.

>> No.9865798

Alright. Now pleast explain again why they can't save up the $2.

>> No.9865805

How do I ``save up''? Where does the money come from? My parents won't give me any, and there is no change lying around anywhere.

>> No.9865820

You can literally find that amount on the streets of any city or town regardless of size. Four quaters, twenty dimes, fourty nickels. Two hundred pennies. People are dropping coins all the time and some are willing to part with their pocket change if you ask them. The amount is not large at all.

>> No.9865833

I don't leave the house, ever. Maybe once or twice a month late at night. And I think talking to a stranger would give me a heart attack.

>> No.9865844

Sounds more a problem of your own psyche rather than an actual lack of funds.

>> No.9865849

Can you please go somewhere else? This is /jp/, in case you haven't noticed. Thanks.

>> No.9865870

There have always been two types of NEET. One seems genuinely happy and content living a life with a dim future and minimal social interactions.

The other is pretty much the opposite in that they long first and foremost for social interaction. Most everything in their life is governed by their desire for interaction. Following that they would like a promising future, which usually means worrying about entering schooling or training of some sort eventually in the future. Finally, they're discontent with the labels society has put on them and would like to change their lives for the "better".

Disgusting people, that second group. They really are the lowest of the low. Especially all the people here wanting to get a job, longing for friends outside and being depressed about their NEET lifestyle. Just die already if you are so sad about your NEET life.

>> No.9865878

How does me not having money equate to me not enjoying my time as a NEET?

>> No.9865890

Nobody said anything about you not enjoying your time as NEET. You might be projecting. By letting your "fear" of people inhibit your ability to collect pocket change from the streets, you are not able to enjoy tea. That's what this conversation has always been about.

>> No.9865897

So why was that posted? It has nothing to do with what we are talking about.

>> No.9865912

How does that have to do with that pasta?

>> No.9865907

Because you seem to assume everyone on /jp/ is like you when they're not.

>> No.9865927

It explains there might be different types of people browsing /jp/ other than the ones who live their lives like you.

>> No.9865932

I agree, but that particular pasta is absolutely out of context. There was no need to post it. You could have just said what you wanted to say from the start instead of trying to throw an irrelevant punch.

>> No.9865942

FalseNEETs sure do get defensive about their status.

>> No.9865946

Seems you still got the point, which is that not everyone on /jp/ is like you.

Also, I've been saying from the start what I wanted, which is that you can quite literally get money for tea off the streets.

>> No.9865953

Not everyone is a social butterfly, anon-sama. I can't even get medication for my anxiety.

>> No.9865973

Social butterfly? Do you think I have friends or something? I have not had any in over five years but that doesn't mean I don't leave my room. Do you purposely inhibit your life because you feel any medication would make you suddenly gain the things you think lack? It won't.

>> No.9865985

I don't inhibit my life, I try my hardest. I am scared though, and that's why medication/drugs is the only way for me to be able to talk to strangers.

>> No.9866070

Care to explain why you think the majority of /jp/ would be like you? I'm leaving for a walk so I won't respond, I just want to know.

>> No.9866081


"Having unlimited time to do whatever you want is hard. :("

"I mean I don't have to work nor study, it's killing me guys."
