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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 100 KB, 496x600, blade_and_soul_conceptart_Zbdfc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9846864 No.9846864 [Reply] [Original]

What are we playing and what are we looking forward?

WARNING: >>>/q/220976

ALL MMO threads are allowed until further notice, demand is satisfied as long as we have only one up and we don't spread out. No need to argue about that here, go to /q/, all offtopic posts will be reported.

>> No.9846886
File: 784 KB, 1920x1080, wo_20121007_225415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think I will be able to play Wizardy. The character creation options are super limited, and the graphics are quite poor, so it's impossible to make a cute girl.

>> No.9846887

I recently tried out Guild Wars 2 after my cousin quit and let me play his account.
I think I'll stick to cute korean grinding games.

>> No.9846890
File: 255 KB, 798x408, china.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Anyone wants to play some Kogama?

>> No.9846891

Fucking unbelievable. Are you people that petty that you have to run off to /q/ and suck mod cock so your nigh-/jp/ related topic can have permanent home in the board?

Seriously, I hate /q/.

And to answer your question, Ultima Online. Now head back to /vg/ and post more chen pictures in gw2 generals so you can build a good enough hugbox itt.

>> No.9846892

Why would you start the thread with such negativity.

I'm not playing anything at the moment, to many single player games I need to beat before I get back into MMOs.

>> No.9846897

Humans are bad.

Try Elves and Nomes.

>> No.9846910

It's not "negativity", recent threads have been shit thanks to people like you arguing about everything.

As for the /q/ thread, it isn't even mine, it's just a suggestion. If you hate these threads you can go complain in there instead of throwing a tantrum in here.

>> No.9846917

Chinese minecraft?

Come back to mabi everyone. You can be a fist fighter and chain sweet combos, also we're getting Rozen Maiden skills soon.

>> No.9846921

I'm waiting for my rebirth and saving AP for that update.

>> No.9846926

>ALL MMO threads are allowed until further notice, demand is satisfied as long as we have only one up and we don't spread out. No need to argue about that here, go to /q/, all offtopic posts will be reported.

It's funny because I don't see any mods agreeing with that in your linked thread.

>> No.9846927

It seems like you should take your own advice friend.

I recently bought MoP but it hasn't grabbed my interest like it use to; I only made it to level 82 and quit immediately after.

>> No.9846933

I'm sorry i meant 87, not sure how I managed that, I guess I"m just use to expansion being 10 levels rather than 5. Didn't really play much of cataclysm after leveling so that would do it.

>> No.9846935

What mods?

They were literally ignored. These threads are approved until they show up and say the contrary, it's that simple.

If Train and anime Doujin threads are allowed, so are MMOs.

>> No.9846938

I only play Humans. And regardless, it would still be like 5 faces and hairtypes right? I wish more MMOs had customisation like that in PSO2.

>> No.9846961

I am just warning them. That's a lot of negativity to an advice.

>> No.9846962

>These threads are approved until they show up and say the contrary, it's that simple.

What a wonderful view on the legality of threads. I also like how we're all assuming that mod presence must be known and that all little loopholes we managed to somehow find in our own personal interpretation of the rules are a-ok and not just yet another form of shitposting.

>> No.9846974

If they were lurking around and didn't approve of these threads they should post in /q/ thread because moot probably won't know how to answer.

>> No.9846980
File: 101 KB, 1280x720, 1342371665044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was gonna play Guild Wars 2 but uhm.. I hear it is not good so now I'm mega bored to the tenth power.

>> No.9846983

She almost looks like a touhou.

>> No.9846987

I've stopped all thoughts of MMOs for now since I'm gonna be playing the new x-com for a while ( release in 4 hours or so )

I just hope some good MMO pops up while I'm playing this
Something cute with lots of classes

>> No.9846988

I made due with the females in Dark Souls so I think I can handle this.

>> No.9847002

Will /jp/ be playing BnS when it goes open in the western world?

>> No.9847005

>bored to the tenth power

Are you obnoxious intentionally or is it an accident?

>> No.9847006

It's the hat.

>> No.9847011
File: 573 KB, 849x601, sample_11a4a7d939cf51c48a0d69f4cce093a3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My sister walked in on my playing my bathing suit elin, I wonder what she thought.

>> No.9847009

I totally will play it. Think it's going to start around the same time as fully english PSO2 though.

>> No.9847026

I thought he sounded kind of cute.

>> No.9847034

Likely disappointed if you're her older brother.

>> No.9847037

Yeah, extremely disappointed that you're playing gayass videogames when you have such a cute imouto to bone.

>> No.9847059


Remember to stop by our recently created Steam group! We offer free games and party gathering services!

Also avoids the need of posting these threads constantly.

>> No.9847083

Let's play /jp/


>> No.9847098

>fist fighter
I'll consider it. I haven't played in years anyway.

>> No.9847101

Is it up?

>> No.9847111

What's your IGN?

>> No.9847113

Anyone else on /jp/ ever wanted to make or run a custom MMO and play with the rest of /jp/ on said MMO?

No cash shop, no hideous furry suits, and just a small community effort.

>> No.9847119

We used to have /jp/ Ragnarok Online server. It died very quickly.

Waiting until Mabinogi emulator gets better...

>> No.9847138
File: 77 KB, 658x632, 1336378829443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mmos are dead

>> No.9847144


No, they're still testing for bugs. But the forums are up. Let's all play in the same clan and one up /v/

>> No.9847183

These threads are still off topic and should shouldn't spam while claiming otherwise.

>> No.9847210

I think I'm done with MMOs until FFXIV 2.0. I've gotten tired of pretty much every MMO I've tried after WoW within a month or so.

>> No.9847321

I thought there would be MMOs to play since there are now MMO generals with rules and a new Steam Group and Facebook to make MMOs better for /jp/.

But there are no MMOs ;_; I thought it was just the Hotglues that were not giving us MMOs anymore but it's everyone ;_;

>> No.9847463

>Also avoids the need of posting these threads constantly.

Please don't talk shit about the Threads. I warned you about this. Take all arguing immediately to /q/ or I'll report you and I will also find out who you are in the group and deal with you if needed. Watch how it's done when non-crossboard scum does it:

There is now a Steam group to help organize /jp/ MMO discussion and to provide a chat room. This group is intended to be the backbone of the Threads on here, so we encourage you to join and participate on the wall and in the chat. However, there are a few rules:

- No obnoxious cross-boarders.
- No /vg/ MMOs or off-topic items.
- Follow proper behavior protocols and contribute on the Wall and in the chat.

As you probably guessed, it's called /jp/ MMOs. You can join here: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/jpMMOs

Now, continue with the thread properly.

>> No.9847469


I'm OP. Reported for faggotry.

>> No.9847470

Sounds like planned abuse of the report system as well violation of the rule against vocalizing reports!

>> No.9847475

Sounds like some bored faget to me.

>> No.9847487

Don't use uncalled for catchphrases, "faggot".

>> No.9847490

Don't get angry. It was a good try.

>> No.9847495

You want to start shit?
I'll call my friend who was in the marines.

>> No.9847501

The joke doesn't work if you don't drag it out a little.

>> No.9847502

Whoa there, don't call Taiko, he'll fuck my shit up with his samba moves.

>> No.9847528

>>9847469 >>9847470 >>9847475 >>9847487 >>9847490 >>9847495 >>9847501 >>9847502

Get back to /v/ where you belong. You people are all the same.

>> No.9847584

Guys can we get back to MMOs please?

Just started playing Mabinogi, what skills should I learn?

>> No.9847586

I would suggest learning to find your way to /vg/ where this belongs.

>> No.9847589


>> No.9847608

Luckily this on topic thread is on the front page.

>> No.9847620

Thanks, man. Don't know what I would've without your bump. XD

>> No.9847627

Frustrated saten guy pls go.

>> No.9847634

Aww, I was hoping this would be the one I played as a teenager. Those 3D models look terrible compared to the old pre-rendered sprites or whatever they were.

>> No.9847650

Good job.

>> No.9847717

I wish I could play Terra and make a delicious Elin, but I don't want to pay for it.

>> No.9847736

It's not worth it anyway.

>> No.9847779


>> No.9847796

not him, but i won't be paying those fags for censoring the elin 2 HELL and back

>> No.9847802

not /jp/ related

>> No.9847804

>not managing your own content
uncensor patch is not rocket science

>> No.9847808

Not your personal /q/ playground.

>> No.9847811



>> No.9847814
File: 962 KB, 1920x1080, teramomiji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm always looking for more people to play with if anyone playing TERA is interested. My main character's name is Seiga.Kaku

We might be having the MMO threads too often though, even though I know everyone here only wants to play with /jp/

>> No.9847820
File: 64 KB, 400x340, opinion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What graphic cards do you guys recommend...

>> No.9847818

It isn't a good game.

Combat is alright but people aren't lying when they say vindictus is better and end-game, hell leveling up too, is purely a dry korean grind that even the combat can't save.

>> No.9847826

Two fermis.

>> No.9847828



>> No.9847829

No, only one of something...fucking jew.

>> No.9847831
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>> No.9847832

you aren't even contributing n00b

>> No.9847833


>> No.9847834

make sure your home is all up to fire code if you follow this advice.
fireproof your hard drives and anything of value

>> No.9847836


Go back to generic MMO kid.

>> No.9847837
File: 47 KB, 324x259, Monk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fist fighter
Temptng, but if I wanted to be a real pugalist I'd play Dungeon Fighter Online as a Monk.

Which I am.

Fuck hotkeys, I manually input my shit like a real man.

>> No.9847845

I think I saw you in game after nexus, seiga. Im youmu. Id join cute little elins, but I play tera semi hardcore and like to pvp, and Shatter has some friendly people.

Ill put an alt in elins sometime to hang out.

>> No.9847847

I am playing Cosmic Break and Borderlands 2

I am looking forward to more Cosmic Break and Borderlands 2

>> No.9847852

One is a decaying MMO and the other isn't even a MMO.

>> No.9847856

Is anyone else have or dealing with carpal tunnel?

I am pretty sure I am developing one now and it is interfering with my fapping and game time.

Does anyone know how to actually treat it?

I looked up several videos of self massage techniques, certain foods that you should eat or drink or avoid.

I am using a simple ace wrap right now and it seems it helps temporarily and I know it wont be enough.

>> No.9847860

Cosmic Break is a fun and rejuvenating MMO and it wont decay and Borderlands is a fun game and thats all I have been playing and it has some rpg elements in it.

>> No.9847867

I was running in circles around you after Nexus, I completely understand the guild by game interest though. Nice to notice more /jp/ potential friends in game.

>> No.9847875

Yeah, stop jerking off with the wrist.
Also applies to mouse movement. I use my whole forearm for mouse movement. I have never had issues with carpal tunnel or even wrist pain at all.
If you have trouble using your arm instead of your wrist with the mouse, turn up mouse sensitivity so you don't have to move it around as much.

>> No.9847877


Play the nip version then.

>> No.9847880

welcome to tripfaggots

seriously what is even your excuse for not filtering them all yet, they are damaged worthless non-humans

>> No.9847913

What is your excuse for not using capitalization?

>> No.9847962


>> No.9847975

Oh, so you're mexican?

>> No.9847994


HNNNNNG I wanna play so badly.

The combat in the game looks pretty fun too, and as I understand it it has PvP.

>> No.9847999

PVP is kinda fun, though at high levels I remember lancers supposedly being the most important class.

In fact just a roll a lancer, they're always needed.

>> No.9848001


>> No.9848005


>> No.9848024


























>> No.9848052















>> No.9848064


















>> No.9848138



This is why Janitors and Mods exist in /jp/.

Stop that shit.

>> No.9848153

I can't believe that's a real post.

>> No.9848165

Which one?

>> No.9848250

This whole thread. It's just a whine thread right from the OP on down, interspersed with a bit of "on-topic" blogging. It's pretty cool how the janitors are deleting comments on moderation but leave the OP post which is rule-breaking.

Threats of reporting (global rule 7):
>all offtopic posts will be reported

Backseat moderation (global rule 6, 8, 12, 16):
>WARNING: >>>/q/220976
>ALL MMO threads are allowed until further notice

>> No.9848271

Cry more spurdo. They aren't even awake to delete your shitty, incoherent posts.

>> No.9848571

Oh, I guess they are now.

/q/ discussion isn't going anywhere soon, so stop that shitty "MMOs belong to /vg/!!!" argument.

>> No.9848609

i just started Mabinogi.
I'm a cute 10 year old loli who wants to cook and weild a fuck-huge axe eventually.

the people are so nice, 3 people have stopped me within an hour and asked if i needed any help, and they gave me free dresses, potions and hats.

the npcs all interact with eachother, i was collecting some eggs and a fox started attacking the chicken, i quickly dealt with him, don't fuck with my chickens.

So far, so good.

>> No.9848630
File: 428 KB, 500x375, 1323229066180.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started on dungeon fighter but my avatars suck and I either need to drop either 20 bux on a full set or blow 25+ mil for a set which I don't even have or see any possibility of making.

>> No.9848800

you need only like 10mil to look decent

>> No.9848810
File: 349 KB, 633x760, Yuomu prepares her Master Spark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You shouldn't need Avatars if you're just starting out. Mostly you should be fine until the late/end game where an advanced set will see you through. Gear can make up the ava bonus differences mid-game, and you should seek out a party if you hit a wall on difficulty.
But generally speaking, if you REALLY feel like you need Avas, then focus on getting 3 advanced for the set bonus. Usually all you'll need are either Face/Torso (for melee fighters, +Attack speed on each) or Hair/Hat (for magic users, +Cast Speed or Intelligence on each) and any third will do, I recommend shoes with Move Speed.
So, what class are you playing?

>> No.9848813

>I'm a cute 10 year old loli who wants to cook and weild a fuck-huge axe eventually.

Wield this *grabs http://wiki.mabinogiworld.com/view/Bipennis*

>> No.9848822
File: 395 KB, 1904x1004, mabinogi_2012_10_06_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9848828

>ALL MMO threads are allowed until further notice
Yeah, no, that's not how /q/ works.

>> No.9848833

does anyone know of a working tera private server?
i really dont want to pay for the official one because of financial issues

>> No.9848836

Sup guise, /vg/ here. Really getting tired of the anime hate on /vg/ so thought I would feel more at home in here. Please don't troll me.

>> No.9848835
File: 137 KB, 1920x1080, 1296146872082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My nutbladder

Nexon won't trick me into spending more money that easily however.

>> No.9848839

>Please don't troll me.
Aren't you doing that to us right now?

>> No.9848842

I could never get into Mabinogi. It's the only game that lags for me every time I try to play. I can't tell if there's a delay on everything or it's just me.

>> No.9848844

welcome, have a free bump

>> No.9848851
File: 181 KB, 600x720, 1342491472886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm not trolling though Maybe you should go back to /b/.
Nice sage btw.

>> No.9848854

Highly unlikely.

>> No.9848855

Skills previously had a load time rather than a cool down. Nowadays they have a cool down instead of a load time, completely destroying archery, but it might improve your lag situation.

Mabi can be laggy sometimes though. Expecialyl if you don't have a good card or a lot of ram. It has some high requirements to be so old.

>> No.9848858

If you see her waving her arms around like shes trying to fly while you're doing commerce in a wagon, you'll die.

>> No.9848860
File: 16 KB, 300x455, 1344095342993.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9848861

Well, my computer should be okay. I might give it another shot when I get a new router though in all three times I did try it was so laggy I couldn't get into it.

I don't know if it's any indication but Vindictus worked perfectly on my computer and I didn't have a lot of lags.

>> No.9848862

I'm glad (disappointed) I don't do commerce then.

>> No.9848868

Depends on how long ago it was. Mabi used to have a really bad problem with lag whenever any window was open due to something with the fonts. Naturally if you're on Mari channel 1, you'll be lagging a lot. Other than that, some days the lag just sets in. Just try a few times at various times of day and see if it's something abnormally constant.

Mabi could use some better servers though.

>> No.9848872

Well, Nexon's servers and internet are worse than the average Korean MMO and if you don't mod the client itself you'll always have lag when opening windows and viewing certain effects due to the shitty ass font Nexon NA thought was a good idea to use. Some areas in the game are just downright awful to enter if your computer isn't recent, Tara being an example.

>> No.9848877

I'll keep that in mind and give it another shot. I think the last time was actually a few months ago and while the lag was way better than the first time I tried playing it was still pretty hard to deal with.

Nexon is such a terrible company.

>> No.9848884

cool image macro bro

>> No.9849454
File: 223 KB, 245x137, 1323174755097.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, I lied. I didn't just start. I just wanted to see how many people would respond and I'm quite certain I know the character you play too. DFO has a really tiny community after all.

>> No.9849867






















>> No.9850382

Uncensoring is easy. Giving money to retards who insult you by stating you are unsavory foreigners is on the other hand harder.

I'd play it F2P, but never that I'd pay for Minea's salary when she banned me for stating they were rude to their customers.

Best part is that they are all EX-Aion publishers, and they failed at Aion and are now failed at Tera. Soon to jump on next MMO to destroy until it goes F2P.

>> No.9850409

So do do think we will ever get another mmorpg with cute naked monster girls like RO?

>> No.9850417

















>> No.9850431

Calm down turbonerd.
If you've got a complaint take it to /q/.

>> No.9850433

Do not respond to spam. Just report it.

>> No.9850440




















>> No.9850442

Holy shit, fuck off.

You too, OP, you aren't my boss.

>> No.9850458

>What are we playing and what are we looking forward?
Nothing and nothing because MMOs are garbage and easily the worst genre.

>> No.9850455

Every time this gets bumped by someone (9 hours later?), the thread blows up with trolling.

This needs to end. It's an eyesore.

>> No.9850486

Some /jp/ friends and I are playing Maplestory on Windia, started fresh. If anyone wants to join us and take it easy, whisper Haouden for an invite.

>> No.9850498


That shite has ip blocks, right?

>> No.9850499

/a/ MMOs
/wg/ MMOs
/b/ MMOs
/s/ MMOs
/t/ MMOs

>> No.9850510














>> No.9850520

It's open to NA and yuropoors. No BRs allowed.

>> No.9850534 [DELETED] 

I like those browser-based /t/ MMOs. It sucks when you first join though, because all the people there have much higher ratios than you.

>> No.9850569


What about Ausies?

>> No.9850617

I wish there was a game with Elin that wasn't Tera. Just sitting around town, pimping your daughter and rp-whoring out her body. That would be great.

>> No.9850624
File: 521 KB, 1024x768, 1347238542668.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last time I did this everybody was typing like 15 year olds with poor grammar talking about their favorite metal bands and what kind of car they drive. Then one of them admitted they were 16 and I left out of shame (for myself).

Being 25 and playing maple story with young teen boys just doesn't feel right.

>> No.9850641

I think that's exactly what happened on the RP servers.

>> No.9850775

I think they were allowed to play before Europe was.

>> No.9850810

I'm playing world of warcraft

>> No.9851325
File: 779 KB, 1366x768, sun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I... I can't believe someone posted my kogama meiling. Shall we make a /jp/ themed world?

>> No.9851583

Did they claim to be from /jp/?

>> No.9852110

real men don't play video games

>> No.9852285

Will Tera go F2P any time soon?

>> No.9852869

Will UO go F2P any time soon?

>> No.9852875

So, how about that Wizardry beta?

>> No.9852899

I vote that we consider League of Legends a MMO. It's massive, it's multiplayer, and it's online.

>> No.9852936

you can even dress up your avator in cute clothes

>> No.9852944

LoL isn't in any way related to MMOs, and not very related to /jp/ or the userbase's overall interests.

It can only be posted in /v/ and /vg/ at the moment. It also spawns shittier threads than MMO threads.

>> No.9852951

It's an online multiplayer game with a persistent summoner and RPG gameplay elements. And I know that there are a fair number of people here who play either LoL or DotA.

>> No.9852965

It's a MMO. Too bad you won't be able to do your gay /jp/ meetups in it.

>> No.9852970

Well, it so happens LoL isn't in any way a pure MMO, just a lobby with several characters that come as quick as they disappear.

Most of /jp/ can't really take it easy in MOBA.

>> No.9852971

If league of legends was allowed here it would cause people to assume that posting random league of legends image dumps is acceptable, when it most definitely is not. We already get those every so often and they're promptly deleted. It really is for the good of the board.

>> No.9852979

I'm sure you could do something similar.

As far as I know nobody actually does that except the poster who sometimes posts five or ten Ahri pictures before the thread 404s.

>> No.9852982

>Most of /jp/ can't really take it easy in MOBA.

I think just about anyone has a hard time, unless you're intentionally playing to lose.

>> No.9852989

Playing fives will greatly decrease the number of fuckwits you're teamed with. I don't play to lose, but I don't play to win either. I do whatever and laugh when people lose their shit.

>> No.9853007

LoL isn't really bad, but the community is one of the worst out there. I don't want that coming to /jp/.

>> No.9853020

Aren't a lot of MMO communities awful as well? I thought the point of a guild as so you could surround yourself with a bubble like-minded players that you never have to leave.

>> No.9853028

Yeah, but LoL is on another level. Just check the /vg/ threads.

>> No.9853043

I don't want to go there. I'm too young to die.

The only players I have had experience with are people I've been randomly queued with, and there have been a lot of morons, but there are just a lot of morons everywhere on the internet.

>> No.9853086

It's not as tiny as one might think, but the community has shrunk a bunch since school started again.
And although I'm sure you don't know who I really am I hope to god you're wrong, I'd hate for my guild to think I'm some kinda otaku NEET. I just come here for the 2hus...
oh wait...

>> No.9853125

Does anyone know of a way to invert my mouse's y-axis input when the right mouse button is held? I've tried autoit and glovepie scripts but neither works in games where directinput is used. I found http://oblita.com/Interception but I don't have the skills required to do anything with it, despite the fact that there's an easily modifiable source for a y-axis inversion thing there.

>> No.9853135

Not sure what level you are or what you play, but 9/10 losing games (and maybe 30% of winning games) means someone on our team will be blaming someone else. It's fucking sad. No one can take responsibility for their own mistakes. It's always someone else's fault. And rather than talk about it constructively, it's always "top feed gg" or "jungle never ganks". That's what makes the community horrible. Blame.

>> No.9853139
File: 52 KB, 600x450, cityscape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was fun while it lasted.

>> No.9853140

Why would you need to do this?

That's pretty accurate.

>> No.9853142

To be fair, when you're playing a game that you have no choice but to rely on your teammates 80% of the time to help you win the game it's very easy to toss blame around.

I don't condone it, but I can recognize why it happens. It's also why I too, stay far away from games like LoL or DotA. I do play DotA2 sometimes against bots just for fun because some of the heroes are pretty cool.

>> No.9853145

I've played with inverted mouselook for my entire gaming career and I've found less Asian MMOs that have the option to invert the y-axis than I can count on one hand.

>> No.9853147

>it's very easy to toss blame around.
You're exactly right, but that doesn't excuse someone for bitching at bot lane all game when they themselves are 1/5, or complaining that the team didn't follow them into what would have been a fight in a disadvantageous position. They're (mostly) just shitty people.

>> No.9853152

No you're right, I used to wonder at these kinds of people myself but after being away from those games for a long time I don't really see it anymore. Nowadays I'm playing much larger-scale games like Planetside 2 or something just by my lonesome like Touhou.

>> No.9853153

What game is this? Looks VERY familiar.

>> No.9853154
File: 368 KB, 1281x802, what thefuck league.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People like this are why I hate league.

>> No.9853162

whoa dude you STOMPED those scrubs

>> No.9853179

Just out of curiosity, and because I searched for a relevant thread in the catalog and this seemed like a good place.

Did any of you ever try making your own MMO with that PlayerWorlds program? I can't be the only one.

>> No.9853189
File: 953 KB, 450x253, 1348383531033.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need an mmo to play NOW. Fuck. Invite me to your game please!

>> No.9853191

What the hell is that, looks crap.

Reminds me of Byond.

>> No.9853199

Anything but mabinogi please.

>> No.9853195


Don't forget to join the /jp/ group for tips.

>> No.9853206

Why are you scared of it?

>> No.9853209

I just don't want to play it.

>> No.9853214

the things I could do to that squid...

>> No.9853216

Why don't you play ranked, nerd?

>> No.9853220

I do. It's even worse.

>> No.9853226
File: 405 KB, 1280x720, FFXIV_1342594234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As much of a pile of dogshit FFXIV has been, I've stuck with it for the most part, aside from my temporary forays into TOR, which was somehow worse, PSO2, which I cannot wait for an English release, and GW2, which left me thoroughly unimpressed.

Waiting warmly for 2.0, perhaps it will be something I can actually suggest people to try, rather than avoid like a dangerous minority in the middle of the night.

>> No.9853231
File: 1.71 MB, 1414x1000, 25932078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dragon Nest?

>> No.9853244

Old and busted Nest.

>> No.9853329

/jp/ mmo criteria:
- must be open world with big guilds to satisfy circlejerks
- must have pvp to pwn n00bs
- must be cute so it won't be deleted by mods

>> No.9853331

Sounds about right.

>> No.9853337

It sucks that I've used mouselook forever and no Asian MMO has inverted y-axis as an option. I want to play MMOs with /jp/ so bad.

>> No.9853338

Of all people I thought /jp/ers would hate people the most.

>> No.9853345

Just play without the inverted mouse. It's not nearly as bad as you make it sound. Certainly not enough to completely stop you from playing the game.

>> No.9853366

What happened to the days where it was just
A: Must be cute
B: must enable you to play as/with a loli

>> No.9853372

No idea. Anon is pretty strange.

I suspect he's one of those #/jp/ fags who play shit like GW2.

>> No.9853375

those are my criteria + it also has to have action combat so that leaves very few games atm

>> No.9853378

In GW2's defense, you can make the human females look pretty good. Can't really call them loli, though.

>> No.9853862

>ALL MMO threads are allowed until further notice
Says who?

What next? JRPG Generals? "Cute" FPS generals? "/jp/" RTS Generals?

>> No.9853876
File: 2.90 MB, 512x513, 1349501106171.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No you can't. They all look like shitty normal bitches. They are nowhere on the level of actual cute type girls like Elin.

jrpg, fps and rts aren't otaku culture as they're focused on having fun or challenging yourself instead of escapism or autistic memorization.

>> No.9853877

DotA-like general

>> No.9853886

>jrpg, fps and rts aren't otaku culture as they're focused on having fun or challenging yourself instead of escapism or autistic memorization.
Yep, you are full of shit.

>> No.9853892

Your face is full of shit.

>> No.9854993

How about Dragonica?

>> No.9855148

Half of the hotglue FOTMs fit 1/3 to 2/3 of those at best.

Much closer.

>> No.9855321

What happened to all the FOTMs and other stuff anyways, did Kritzinger die? What about other people who post them endlessly? There hasn't been any MMO spam around here for a while (not counting the new generals).

Did korea and japan actually run out of supercute MMOs to give us? (things like ECO, RO, etc, even shittier cute games like lucent hearts or iris and stuff). With people talking aout MMOs now I thought we'd be playing something but all I see are Wizardry posts on both groups, do I need to join some super secret IRC or something to play cute games these days?

>> No.9855374

Last FOTM was PSO2.
MH4 will be the next huge FOTM.

>> No.9855433

Monster Hunter 4? Ehh, I don't have a 3DS and I'm still mad that it's on 3DS, choose something else please.

>> No.9855479

>Did korea and japan actually run out of supercute MMOs to give us?

This. Not that Japan gives us anything but FF11/14/Cosmic Break anyway

Even Mabinogi 2 is more realistic style. Basically every Western game is realistic, and every eastern game is Lineage 2 type of realistic. With the exception of those SD style Eden Eternal and Luna Online looking games. Probably because the market was saturated with shitty cute mmos, they think imitating the west is the way to the future.

>> No.9855857
File: 528 KB, 1606x928, Eden Eternal _2012-07-23_22-12-17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone want to play Eden Eternal again? I'll have to start over to play on the server /jp/ is on but I don't mind.

Also, how is Grand Fantasia?

>> No.9855871

What's the best F2P MMO right now?

>> No.9855876

There's no best, just different flavors of shit.


>> No.9855946

Don't really get how rusty hearts could be up there if DFO isn't. Is the game that dead?
I guess DnF is so much better that no one really plays DFO anymore. I go back to it for a couple of weeks a year.

>> No.9855956

Nobody likes dfo.

>> No.9855964 [DELETED] 

I do.

>> No.9855967

I'm playing it again after some time with my old character on the 2nd server, but I only play like half an hour every evening.

>> No.9855968

You're the only one, nerd.

>> No.9856023

Rusty Hearts is a terrible DFO with less animu, so I'm not seeing why it is up there if that's the case.

>> No.9856031 [DELETED] 

It's a reasonable game, fuck off nerd.

>> No.9856045

I didn't say it was bad, nerd. I said you're the only one left who still likes it.

>> No.9856078

Is there an F2P MMO with a persistent world that will let me be a young girl? That battle system doesn't need to be good.

>> No.9856084


>> No.9856085

What do you mean by persistent world?

>> No.9856146

Not instanced.
I wish Mabinogi wasn't ugly. Maybe I'll try it though. Thanks.

>> No.9856209
File: 29 KB, 312x515, character-tinkerer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This class in Dragon Nest looks kind of cute. Is there anything bad about Dragon Nest that I should know before trying it?

>> No.9856261

Ctrl+F Nexon in this and the previous threads. Otherwise you're fine because that's the strongest character.

>> No.9856274

Cosmic Break and Borderlands 2

>> No.9856513

Mabi isn't ugly if you turn on your forced AA. It could stand for them to go redo a few older textures and models though.

>> No.9856641


I played Dragon Nest as an Archer/Acrobat and fucking loved it. The combat is absolutely outstanding.

On the other hand, it's Nexon, so the game is obviously done cheaply, the netcode is exactly the same as the netcode in Korea (which makes the game laggy as all fuck in PvP situations since the NA region is larger than California, unlike Korea, in addition to just have much worse internet overall), the loot system and upgrade system and premium items and everything else is just gambling, you can grind for days and go back to an old instance only to discover that your character actually hasn't grown stronger at all, and so on.

But the combat, oh God, that motherfucking JUICY combat. Weaving between opponents, knocking them into the air, comboing them in the air, and slamming them back into the ground as you lead into another combo? I played the fuck out of that game because it was just so fun, even though you'd be running the same instance fifty-million times. Hell, the one-on-one PvP was actually enjoyable despite the often crippling lag, and I'm a person who can't stand PvP in MMOs. The group PvP is a horrible clusterfuck as Mystics and Paladins drop fucking massive AoE spells that can lock down half the map indefinitely, but oh well.

The countless faults in EVERYTHING outside the combat will eventually make playing the game an outright chore, but there's enough fun in the game before that point to warrant downloading it and extracting all the fun you can get out of it. But please, for the love of God, don't spend any money on it.

>> No.9856974

Any MMOs for GNU/Linux?

Yeah I don't know why I'm asking either I know they don't exist.

>> No.9857044


Enjoy your Run escape and Tibia

>> No.9857067

Why can't /jp/ come together for a great time on a cute MMO anymore?

>> No.9857076


Are you retarded or just pretending?


Oh wait, you are.

You're that guy who's obsessed with MH and has nothing to play. That's not even a MMO and you won't ever see MHF.

>> No.9857078

Were your posts deleted manually? I don't see why would you delete them.

>> No.9857087

This might be the worst game I've played all year.

>> No.9857159 [DELETED] 

Maybe he got banned

>> No.9857162

My favorite part of your post is how you think doing nothing but tossing a bland insult is worth a post.

The quality of posts is extremely important to this community. Contributors are encouraged to provide high-quality images and informative comments.

>> No.9857243

Is there an MMO with an open world environment for ganking? I like being a dick sometimes.

>> No.9857263

Haven and Hearth?

>> No.9857319

My favorite part is how you like to assume I didn't provide enough information to your samefagging and retarded endeavors.

>> No.9857320

Eve online.

Aika online if you want little girls.

>> No.9857378

You can play the SEA version, that's what I do.

>> No.9857393

Namae, TC where are you~ PSO2's been updated.

>> No.9857439

This, you won't find people happier to gank and be ganked than EVE, the only other game where the devs encourage it more is >>9857263 which is currently utterly neglected and no longer functional. There are vague promises that things will change (in regards to it being a lagging broken hell of abandoned property) once they're done with Salem, in about a year or two.

>> No.9857516
File: 66 KB, 382x300, 1310516731198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cosmic Break

>> No.9857536

I agree, that game is something terrible.
It has a nice concept, but is absolutely ruined by its cash shop.

This is pay to win at its worst.
Lagtinos fucking everywhere.

>> No.9857539

>i don't have anymore free players to stomp on with my max tuner gacha-bots, please join cosmic break so i can stomp you and get my laughs.

>> No.9857570

I just hope the "MH-obsessed guy" is enjoying your stupidity as much as I am.

You are truly a marvel in your ability to pick up something out of nothing. Stay classy, Testa.

>> No.9857574


Wait a minute, do we have our own IRC channel now?

>> No.9857601

Can I use my Human for this or is this just another thing that Giants/Elves do better?

>> No.9857639

You can, everyone is good at knuckles. Specially Giants and Elves in that order though.

Everyone can benefit from the Counterattack reduction and it overall lets you initiate first against enemies, also grants you a decent resting skill.

Giants get damage and effect boosts thanks to race effects, Elves have more speed and reaction time thanks to racials, plus they don't really lose any benefit from it.

>> No.9857651

What's the real difference between Steam and IRC.

>> No.9857664

From their website.
>Thirty years in the making, Wizardry Online is a Free to Play, hardcore fantasy MMORPG.
Its retarded to believe they have been in development of this game for 30 fucking years, and using "Well the first game came out on the Commodore 64!" as an excuse to pad their experience is also retarded. I'm pretty sure none of the maybe five people from the original are working on this.

>> No.9857681

Did you forget MMOs that existed way before real graphics existed, like, I don't know, those numerous Dungeons & Dragons MUD-like games.

Some of them date way back to early 80s.

>> No.9857720

So this game's development phase is so slow it started as a MUD that never saw the light of day, and 30 years later after heavy revisions every 5 years or so due to new technology, they finally have it in a playable state?

Oh boy this game is sounding even better.

>> No.9857721

Man, this is why I can never get back into Mabi. It's like they released the other races and all of a sudden my character I spent months grinding on is irreparably obsolete at every goddamn thing in the game. I just don't have it in me to start back at square 1.

>> No.9857735

Yeah I know. And we're supposed to believe Japanese have been in charge for a Wizardry Online for ages or something.

I always reserve that version of the story because I can't believe it myself. Nevertheless, that seems to be what they're implying.

>> No.9857768

It's akin to a figure of speech. They just mean Wizardry has existed for 30 years and now there is an MMO.

Just like if they said FF11 was 15 years in the making.

>> No.9857782

Do Japanese say that kind of thing?

I figured it was just the way SOE advertised, they have some japs working on it from Gamepot branch after Gamepot USA flopped.

>> No.9857836

Yeah, them releasing other races set your character back to total level 1, removed all your skills, broke your fingers, and took your job.

>> No.9857981

Love the new combat system. It stopped me from abusing my range as an elf and basically reduced my range to rank 3. It's not like every fucking shot is slower except support shot which is shit and all enemies can kill me in a couple of hits since I can't zero shot anymore. My char had r1 for all the range skills and a few of prod skills. I deal shit damage and the combat system has changed way too much for my liking. What happened to the days where I could solo hard level sms without wearing any clothes and using a non upgraded bow?

>> No.9858008
File: 11 KB, 480x360, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Elves complaining about rebalance

This will never get old. I still remember when Giants were almost pointless to play thanks to retarded Human and Elf exclusive skills.

>> No.9858072

Mabi has always been a game about butthurt. One thing is always called overpowered or shit. I wonder if marionette skills will be the new "waah its too powerful"

>> No.9858144

Giants can deal more dps than elves now and they have more hp. They have a larger aoe for their skills as well. They were also the best class for alchemy. Elves are decent at magic, but that's expensive as fuck for beginners so the majority of elves are range. Combat elves are retarded and range is shit now except fo 1% pvp and abusing r1 mirage. Crash shot is shit as well on single enemies and magnum can't do as much as a smash. The only thing that boosted range was the ability to zero shot because elves can't learn arrow revolver, which is also retarded.

>> No.9858155

Oh shut up. I loved using crossbows because you could run around while loading instead of being slowed to a crawl. You don't even understand what it is like to be fucked.

>> No.9858174

I'm just waiting for all the "PURE MAGE4LYFE" people to start ego and power tripping like hell then not taking anyone but mages into their parties when devcat forgets that they're keeping mages down.

G23 - Devcat: oh hey, we rebalanced int and gave all mage skills 80% reduced cast time, while buffing damage to all magic skills (except icebolt) by 300%

>> No.9858192

But that's retarded because humans were always best at chaining skills from magic and melee. Elves could ride on freaking horses and shoot arrows. Humans smashmilled with the occasional lightning and tanked because they could wear heavy armour and actually ranked their defense skills.

>> No.9858246

What, elves can Arrow Revolver now.

Why do you need that shitty skill, that only works when you get boosted by transformations and personas.

>actually believes Mages got debuffed in any way


The only thing more bullshit than Magic is Alchemy.

>> No.9858258


We almost druids now. Just need some plant manipulation skills.

>> No.9858275

Don't forget about the "top players" doing their best to keep the rarest transformations from everyone except their friend circle so they can show off in ch1.

>> No.9858406

You sound frustrated. Why don't you actually try to find good people to play with?

>> No.9858448

Do you even Mabinogi?

>> No.9858459

Do you even G1.

>> No.9858599

How is G1 relevant to this?

Are you trying to call me out on being new to the game or are you suggesting i make friends during storyline quests.

>> No.9858823

Gee I dunno, maybe both.

>> No.9858824
File: 9 KB, 360x47, world of tanks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still play world of russian tanks.

Planetside 2 beta still worrys me

MWO is still fucking terrible

I also got accepted into that MMORTS end of nations beta. Haven't played it yet.

>> No.9858831
File: 24 KB, 505x135, png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I wish there was an MMO board to post retarded shit on

>> No.9858845

I know right, some sort of board where you could just have general discussions about specific video games.

>> No.9858852

I don't think /vg/ is much into asian MMOs like that. /jp/ was though.

>> No.9858862
File: 474 KB, 1152x814, mabinogi_2008_03_05_008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, yes i do G1 actually and the majority of Mabinogi's community is terrible. It's extremely hard to find people who don't spam "o3o" and drool or people who aren't dicks.

>> No.9858893

You basically described DFO.
And pretty much any Nexon game. But mostly DFO.

>> No.9858898

Can you make a cute female character and dress her up in cute clothes in DFO?

>> No.9858902
File: 335 KB, 1280x720, ss20100701_195011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There will never be another good cute MMO.

>> No.9858911
File: 367 KB, 1280x720, ss20100708_232759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even the monsters were too cute.

>> No.9858912
File: 741 KB, 850x443, sample_4a646b5a7a660c0eb75c04d1ec1fed35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9858917

Lemme save you the trouble of playing dressup in game though...


>> No.9858925

Why is your character so lewd?

>> No.9858936 [SPOILER] 
File: 10 KB, 137x155, PTHC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoops, I think this site requires DFO's avatar files, IE it needs to be installed on your computer.
Oh well, here, some lewdness as an apology.

>> No.9858939
File: 638 KB, 1280x720, ss20100703_164611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I was on ECO Island which was a beach-resort & casino area so it seemed only appropriate to wear the bikini (which was also bought at the casino).

>> No.9859028

Is the userbase in Mabinogi still big and active?
I've been thinking about trying this game for a while now, but I always tried something else first.

Would I need to worry about getting cash shop items?

I usually tend to spend about $20-$50 on f2p games that I like though.

>> No.9859037

I miss this game so much

>> No.9859057

>MWO is still fucking terrible
I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels that way.
Guess I'll stick to Mechwarrior 4.

>> No.9859097 [SPOILER] 
File: 120 KB, 850x850, f37c5495d53f25f4ebf30c33d96cef23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the guy you were conversing with but I really tried my hardest to like even one of the mage subclasses and I really hate them all. Summoner doesn't belong in dfo, bmage is such a gimmicky tryhard class, elementalists are the most boring class imo and witch feels stupid. And no contrary to the conclusion you jumped to I don't main a slayer, priest or gunner.

I really wanted to be a cute little girl.

>> No.9859101

Why don't you try Creators when they're up?

They're casual class, but get the job done.

>> No.9859103

So same time next year then? I suspect 85 patch will come out summer 2013 followed by creator and the cancel slayer class whatever it's called.

>> No.9859112

>Is the userbase in Mabinogi still big and active?
Yeah, sort of. There was an issue with crashing and hackers a while ago (I don't know why NA players are such assholes, doing things that weren't even exploited on Asian servers) that had people stop playing or leaving, but it was fixed and with the shutting down of Euro Mabi and the opening of NA to them + the resulting migration of players, it's about as active as ever.

However most people just do merchant runs or shadow missions so you'd want to stay in popular areas to see lots of people. You shouldn't have a problem finding others to do things with however.

>I've been thinking about trying this game for a while now, but I always tried something else first.
Well it's more casual than ever now. Now's the best time to start.

>Would I need to worry about getting cash shop items?
No. Note that you CAN use premium options when you first create your character, so don't waste your chance. You get two other free characters too.(a giant and an elf)

The biggest jewing in this game is with item space/storage, so you might want a pet to easily transfer items between characters and hold shit, but other than that, item shop stuff is cosmetic or laziness aids. You also get free mounts, so you don't need to buy a mount type pet. just be aware of free service expiring and don't put stuff in the right half of the bank or anywhere else that will be locked out once you don't have free premium.

>> No.9859120

No way, but witch is so awesome in pve even without good gear.

I would play that game again if the userbase was bigger, I can never find the avatars I wanted when I played it a few months ago.

If only Arad Senki didn't block foreign IPs..

>> No.9859125

I said witch felt stupid, as in I can't get myself to enjoy the play style. It's not about whether or not they're good or bad.

>> No.9859126
File: 236 KB, 636x900, nevergoingtogetthisinNA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't played DFO since JP blocked to EU, I'd like to try those new Classes even though one of them looks casual as fuck and the other one looks mediocre to the max.

All I can tell you is that Nexon works really fast for all games lately but DFO branch is pretty shit in NA. I asked them if they had plans to open DFO to EU and they said no.

>> No.9859131

Is there a server that /jp/ plays on?
I'm feeling ambitious tonight.

>> No.9859139

/jp/ still plays in different servers all the time, but some of us made a comeback to Mari.

I can teach everyone to play, I've done this many times.

>> No.9859147

DFO in NA is dead anyway. Despite being a moderately new release in NA it's been reduced to ragnarok online levels of community and botting, and RO is more than 10 years old.

I wonder why it was so successful in korea and rotted to shit in no time in NA despite the initial interest boom.

>> No.9859151

I have no idea. Originally everyone played in Mari, but this was during original hotglue days. Everyone probably left and came back and went to Alexina then left again. I play in Ruairi, which seems to have gone back to least popular server. Tarlach seems to be the new hotness for people in general, but /jp/ itself it probably all spread around like the guy above says.

>> No.9859184

I'll probably go to mari then.

>> No.9859220
File: 314 KB, 849x962, 1342330246484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody want to play maplestory with me? There's a bit of a requirement though.

- Must be 22 or older. I don't want to play with fresh, barely legal teens or edgy, witty 20 year olds. Nothing against you guys, I just can't keep up with your youngster #yolo shit.

- Must be a jobless, collegeless, universityless hikki NEET

- Must browse /jp/ for equal to or more than 15 hours per day every day of the week.

- Must have been a full time /jp/sie for a minimum of 2 years.

Any takers?

>> No.9859224

So much standards... You just sound like a normal.
But I'll forgive you since I'm definitely in love with Yukari.

>> No.9859226

Is this a job interview?

>> No.9859229

The standards are good, the game choice isn't. I had my fill of maplestory back in the beta, as did anyone who wanted to play a 2D MMO.

>> No.9859230 [DELETED] 
File: 486 KB, 640x360, 1348073779919.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been doing this with my /jp/sie mage buddy for the last 2 hours.


>> No.9859231

3/4 of those requirements should apply to true blue /jp/sies.

>> No.9859233

Maplestory is a trap, you eventually come back to it.
I've came back so many times since the Beta.

>> No.9859246

Are you by yourself?

>> No.9859251

I actually fit all your requirements.

But I have not played a game with another person in so many years. It would be too awkward for me and would feel like I would be holding you back and being completely useless.

>> No.9859260

>I just can't keep up with your youngster #yolo shit.
I don't even understand this shit when it's spammed on /jp/.

>> No.9859271

If you want to play something better I might consider it.

>> No.9859269

I fit your requirements but I won't play Maplestory. Most of the people playing Maplestory are underage so why would you be playing it?

>> No.9859272

Yes I am by myself.

Well as long as you don't suddenly afk and log off when I ask you something it'll be okay. I'm not one to make small talk so don't worry.

>> No.9859276

What's better? I just want to waste time, not put forth any real effort.

>> No.9859281

I don't actually know, I don't keep up with releases, but I'm all maplestoried out from years ago, still.

>> No.9859295

I don't understand. They're obviously gimmick based (physical BMs rely less on the chaser gimmick), but tryhard? Please explain.

>> No.9859306

They have a gay combo system and a high learning curve only because their combo system is so tryhard and gay.

>> No.9859309

I want to play a Mecha MMO that isn't Cosmic Break...

>> No.9859318

I know this seems like a good way to weed out the hotglue /v/ kids, but in my experience two kinds of people are attracted by these kinds of ads.

On one hard you have your kinds who follow the tokiko school of thought who have read the entire the archive and pretend to be here much longer than they actually have, and on the other you have people who take themselves very seriously. I'm not talking about people who discourage emoticon and needless slang use, that's desirable, I mean the kind of people who are very upset about everything and have spent the last two decades brooding about it, they usually end up telling you about how bad their parents were after about a week and it just spirals from there.

Playing games with /jp/ is not a simple matter, but good luck with it.

>> No.9859328

They are also one of the worst pve classes, unless you have a +12-+13.

They are almost worthless in other dimension dungeons as well.

>> No.9859336


>> No.9859338

But SDGO isn't that fun either.
Maybe I'll give it another shot anyway.

>> No.9859341

They're VERY try hard anon, specially in PvP.

Exactly, they're really bad at PvE however they shine outside hardcore dungeons as the try hard class.

>> No.9859343

MWO is bad and Hawken is cawwadooty Mechwarrior.

Your only other option is SDGO.

>> No.9859347
File: 53 KB, 500x400, Cosmic Break.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MWO was disappointing too so maybe you're right.
I remember there were plenty of somewhat good Mecha mmos but they are all dead now.

>> No.9859344

A few of the hotglue crew in mari did come back recently for a short while, though interest seems to have faded again as their stone either disappeared or was moved.

>> No.9859345

So who's playing Mabinogi in Mari?

I can give and teach you stuff. Give me your IDs.

>> No.9859346

> unless you have a +12-+13.
That's every percent class that's not a M.Striker.

>> No.9859350

I found hawken pretty fun, but that might just be because 99% of people playing were CoD kiddies that didn't understand the concept of focusing fire or aiming. Great game if you want to feel like a master, the userbase is terrible.

>> No.9859351

You mean Derp?

They've been playing like enclosed monks for years in Mari, stone doesn't matter since clan is pretty private as of now(they don't really like /jp/ due to shitty new Janitor back in time and something about "pubs").

>> No.9859352

Is Latale any good?

>> No.9859353

That didn't answer the question as to what you mean by "tryhard." It doesn't make sense in this context. The only tryhard class in the game that I can think of is a Zerker. I think you mean "overly complex" or something.

>> No.9859355

Are you Wulfgar?

>> No.9859358

I don't even know who his is.

>> No.9859365

I wouldn't call zerkers tryhard at all. Are you sure you have the definition of tryhard correct or are you mistaking it for blind hatred?

>> No.9859366

I played it when it wasn't available in English. I tried playing it again but Nexon region blocked my ass.

>> No.9859361

It's quite better than MapleStory in some ways, but I'm personally of the opinion that it's still a childish game with a lot of generic stuff going on.

If you want something less casual and more interesting you should give DFO a try.

>> No.9859364

Some guy from /m/ who kept speaking about SDGO and MWO everywhere.

>> No.9859368

I think the IGN will be Harugon.

Not sure what race I should start with.
Are humans still capable?
They look the cutest along with elfs.

>> No.9859374

Then no, I'm not.
I just got a sudden urge for a Mecha MMO.

Is RF online still grindy as hell?

>> No.9859378

Berserkers are freaking weak.

WM is more of a try hard class than that is.

>> No.9859379

All of them are good, my 2012 recommendation if you're starting is to either pick a Human or a Giant. It's not a requirement to be a Human to play all Gens now.

Don't underestimate the power and learning curve of a Giant, they're a really good race with decent boosts over other races.

>> No.9859393

Tryhard as in "Trying hard to be cool/edgy/unique/better"

Zerks are tryhards in this aspect by being useless aside from bleeding and cutting themselves.

BMs are just melee Mages who can throw homing balls around. That's not much "tryhard" so much as "token melee/magic mix class"

>> No.9859398
File: 2.52 MB, 400x225, 1344433528688.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any north americans want to start a little dfo /jp/ fight club where all we do is fight each other in fair arena and hone our skills?

Could be lots of fun!

>> No.9859399

Guess I'll be human, as giants are not cute.

>> No.9859425

Actually DFO in NA is very much alive, the game has more than 1000 players online at any moment, just because you cannot see all of them does not mean they are not there.

It also booms to clusterfuck levels with each new content introduction as people play it to go through new content and quit each time, as it feels like its ment to be enjoyed in segments not as a eternal grinder.

>> No.9859431

Also yes, I pvp in fair arena a large amount of time, its quite fun.
Im in the rizon dfo channel too.

>> No.9859447
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>DFO in NA is very much alive
>more than 1000 players online

Damn you're serious aren't you?

>> No.9859459

Its not like you can prove me wrong, the game turns into a crash worthy clusterfuck of players if someone echos something interesting enough like a +14 elenore breaking at a specific area

>> No.9859460

For a game that spans the north american continent including australia 1000 players online at any moment is fucking pathetic.

>> No.9859467

If that's true then ragnarok online private servers have more population than dfo.

>> No.9859478

Who are you?

>> No.9859475
File: 491 KB, 1132x600, ScreenShot_2012_0925_210201854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually heres someone doing something mildly interesting like reinforcing a +14 elenore on kiri.

As you can see theres usually no reason for people to mob together in one spot, whereas they usually just hide.

>> No.9859481

And no thats just a average i pulled out of my ass of the amount on at a single time, the number of actual active players is far higher than all of your ragnarok online servers combined

>> No.9859485


>> No.9859496

you should know who I am based on that screenshot NOW WHO ARE YOU?

>> No.9859509

No idea who you are, sorry. I don't keep up with #dfo's rizon community any more.

>> No.9859518


/jp/ is not your personal circlejerk blog. You will meet more people than in your enclosed IRC channel.

>> No.9859519

Well what community are you part of?
Because im just JTG, currently playing as pussytron the male launcher ingame

>> No.9859534
File: 118 KB, 582x475, 1345760820814.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No community, became a shitty casual solo player ever since I left #dfo 2 or so years ago. I'm also afraid to pvp with you since you're just going to kick my ass and laugh at me.

I want to play with people from /jp/ instead of the same old cancerous recycled community of #dfo and dfosource.

>> No.9859544

you have to realize #DFO is just a combination of random people who cannot find a community, 4chan as a whole, and random people from everywhere, new people join it all the time, imagine it as a clusterfuck of DFO players.

As for /jp/ I do not think there is any active contingent of players, and its called practice for a reason, I am not particularly good so you will have a fairly even match, although in the past people have been afraid to pvp me, but who knows.

>> No.9859549

Also I would be happy to do dungeons with you ingame if you gave me a name of some sort too

>> No.9859553

Okay. If you log on pussytron I'll whisper you on one of my characters.

>> No.9859597

Tip for anyone who just started playing Mabinogi. If you think default game is too hard you can get this mod to fix many things and get an actual advantage ingame, just install the file.


>> No.9859659

Haha, instead you'll play with someone from /v/. How fitting.

>> No.9859736
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That's okay. Schooled his retarded ass for the most part.

>> No.9859855

Well lets see how you like playing a mlauncher with heavy armor on versus a mbrawler and beserker

>> No.9859884
File: 61 KB, 720x720, 1347692225864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't reply to me.

>> No.9859926

nigga please you are going to get a rematch in the next two weeks and then im going to call you names instead of be polite

>> No.9860001

C21 doesn't have a lot of Mecha Musume, is it any better than Cosmic Break?

>> No.9860252

Where can I get a cute Kogama avatar?

>> No.9860254

>Cheating in an mmorpg
Why even bother playing?

>> No.9860417

They might as well have unless they released an item that allows you to rebirth into a new race. It kinda takes away your incentive to invest time into a character when you always have that nagging reminder that you'll always be subpar due to being a jack of all mediocrity human.

>> No.9860491

Almost all of the mods contained in that pack are far from game breaking. Its worst is the dungeon minimap fog removal if anything, but who the hell wants to backtrack rooms cause the branch you took didn't have the key you needed?

>> No.9860513

You can make a decent mage in comparison to an elf. Sure, elves use less MP, but humans have a far better int growth rate than they do. Potions might not come easy at first, but life skills are a pain in the ass like that anyway.
Hell, you use less AP to train shit too.

>> No.9860581

Haven't played Mabi much but how viable is hybridizing? Generally when you introduce specialized races to an RPG you're supposed to make hybrid playstyles strong so that the more balanced ones (almost always humans) don't get completely overshadowed.

>> No.9861321

Everyone is somewhat hybrid in Mabi, or gimped. Also they have a (race independent)system that gives bonuses to a certain set of skills.

>> No.9861490
File: 251 KB, 1016x694, mabinogi_2009_05_31_010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I start playing again /jp/?

>> No.9861495

Depends on what song it is.

>> No.9861501

No, Mabinogi sucks.
Play Vindictus.

>> No.9861557

Don't remember, probably some Touhou song.
I did, but I stopped playing because I couldn't be a little girl and wear cute clothes.

>> No.9861574

Mabinogi 2 when?

>> No.9861643

Dunno, I was really looking forward to the Xbox version with updated graphics.

>> No.9861777

Do we even know that much for Mabinogi 2? As much as I really want an updated Mabinogi there's a possibility that it could end up being a completely different game. If they intend to try to run it alongside Mabi 1 there's a good chance it will be.

>> No.9861805

The characters are Vindictus looking-ish. That's about all that's known, other than beta is starting soon.

>> No.9861859
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>> No.9862063 [DELETED] 



>> No.9862254
File: 277 KB, 1145x773, slashcheer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Ctrl+f
> 3 results, all for FFXIV

Dammit, /jp/, just when I thought I had a place to go.
Picture is fucking oooooold, have hit THF99 since and have better gear.

>> No.9862288

I've been playing Mabinogi. I'm always short on ap for my skills recently. Doing the fishing event going on right now for some easy gold by NPCing the potions. I can help out some new players if needed or we can go do some shadow missions/dungeons or something, I play on Mari.

>> No.9862291

Tell them to go f2p.

>> No.9862293

What ID?

>> No.9862301

Hichao, I'm in the /jp/ MMO group on steam too.

>> No.9862480

Anyone wants to do Provocation in Mabinogi? Need to rank up crit hit.

>> No.9862497
File: 479 KB, 700x1181, sakuya2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So people have been talking about playing Mabinogi in this thread... But does anyone here actively play Vindictus?

I'm playing it every so often, but the enhance system... It makes me cry. I have such terrible luck with it.

Used to play dfo when that first came out so I'm going to try Rusty Hearts out in a bit... Anyone have any opinions on it or have played/play it?

>> No.9862668

I'm going to try out rusty hearts myself. Want to play together?

>> No.9862816
File: 349 KB, 600x600, 1347764351582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

p-please respond >>9862668

>> No.9862955

I played the shit out of Vindictus back in the beta, when I ran out of things to do I unlocked every single armor set so i could play dress-up with my Fiona.

When they wiped the characters for release I was just too burnt out to start over again.

>> No.9863785


I log in every now and again. I haven't seen anyone else from the /jp/ guild on East since the first dragon raid came out. There's not really anything to do until season 2 comes out. There's some event going on now where you can start with a level 50 character, so if anyone's interested in playing now's a good time to start.

>> No.9863924

I used to play it for a few days and had two level 30-ish characters but then I got bored with it.

>> No.9864386

Is Oceania still region blocked?
