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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 57 KB, 1053x1068, e-mail correspondence.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9858800 No.9858800 [Reply] [Original]

> Underage 'girl' looking to make acquaintances
> "Oh no, it's the feds"; "e-mailing her is illegal"
> "Role-playing", "go away to /b/, /soc/", etc.
THIS IS WHY WE NEVER HAVE ANY NICE THINGS... how desperate do you have to be? Why can't we just be friends??

>> No.9858807

underage is shit and should be b&. Especially that lolichan bitch from back when. Ugly boyish cunt.

>> No.9858806

Don't trust Sakura

>> No.9858811

Friends are for faggots

>> No.9858812

Don't blame me, I was only using her thread as a discussion ground. Though you really must admit, the likelihood of her being a bonafide little girl is rather low.

>> No.9858809

give her the dick

>> No.9858816

I block anyone that uses emoticons pretty much immediately

>> No.9858814

>>"how desperate do you have to be?...
...to roleplay being an underage girl?

>> No.9858821

Not to mention underage should be banned, and "she" should be thankful she wasn't. Also, few people were actively accusing her of such. She simply overreacted. But that's good, because overreacting is what females and children do. It actually makes me feel like she might be telling the truth.

>> No.9858826

Could this be the same anon into erotic RP?

>> No.9858828

I just read that picture.
You both sound condescending, while also sounding shallow.
Get ouf of /jp/ and never come back.

>> No.9858829

She was going to befriend everyone that messaged her, talk with them for a month or two, then disappear completely.

>> No.9858833
File: 89 KB, 465x650, TRUSTWORTHY SAKURA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My waifu is very trustworthy!

Also, since when is having an individual from Europe to trade e-mails with about NEET- and otaku- related things bad? 'She' said 'she' wasn't going to post on /jp/ anymore!

>> No.9858834

I don't think you could have sent a faggier reply.

>> No.9858836

I don't make friends on 4chan. Unless it is a /v/ Steam group, and that is just so I'm not alone when I play co-op games.

>> No.9858843

No, the ones who will disappear are her new "friends." You see, a criminal needs no mercy, and even prison is a privilege. The unassuming /jp/er will have fallen into a trap, seemingly spirited away, used as guinea pigs for volatile drugs and human experiments.

>> No.9858842

Go to fucking gaia if you want to talk to teenage girls, faggot.

>> No.9858839

How is it possible to not sound condescending when having a discussion through emails. I always end up sounding like a pretentious jerk when I'm trying to be nice.

>> No.9858848

This feels awfully like that time when some femanon was claiming she needed to move out and wanted to live with a /jp/er in exchange for being their maid. Still never got an update on what happened.

>> No.9858856

Emotes :-)

>> No.9858854
File: 221 KB, 800x770, Kagami Miko Pocky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ha ha, you're probably right. Maybe I should just go ahead and come out of the closet!

Seriously, though, I probably agree with you--and I DETEST 'making friends on 4chan'... it's just I felt a bit sorry for someone who seemed willing to post here and trade e-mails with people who might not have many people to trade them with.

That being said, I fully understand that most here (myself included) aren't at all interested in that sort of thing.

This automatic, knee-jerk reaction of a nearly unanimous, caustic response is the thing that probably drives people like 'her' away, and the type of thing that keeps me coming back for more, ha ha!

tl/dr; You're right, I am a bit of a faggot (even though I'm into little girls, NOT little boys!)

>> No.9858857

You know, I think it's nice that there are things we as a board can agree on since most of our time is spent talking shit about each others tastes.

>> No.9858860

Anonymity leads to unanimity.
Okay, not really, I just wanted to say that.

>> No.9858865

That was the Milk tripfag. She still posts here.

>> No.9858877


Foetal alcohol syndrome is no laughing matter, my friend.

>> No.9858875

She's the sad looking one with the droopy eyes right?

>> No.9858878

Condescending toward user in the thread mentioned;
In your case, you might just be bad at expressing youself, and with figures of speech it seems. I have no problem not sounding condescending when I don't want to.

>> No.9858881
File: 196 KB, 506x708, cute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9858884
File: 69 KB, 750x600, PACE YOURSELF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As /jp/sies, we all OUGHT to agree on the supporting the following:

>'B'-type Anime
>Delicious Flat Chest/Loli

But, most importantly, we should agree that none of that really matters, so just 'take it easy'...


>> No.9858894

Bit tits!

>> No.9858900

Pacifism? I always assumed most of us were angry, hateful people on the verge of snapping.

>> No.9858904

We sit around doing nothing but enjoyeeing our lifetime, why would you think that?

>> No.9858905
File: 478 KB, 2215x1749, 29373057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm actually really interested to see what makes /jp/ers tick

I've befriended plenty of you and put up with your flaws just to try to understand what types of people really are here and how they interact with the board. Some are flaky, some are clingy, some are obnoxious, some are insecure, some literally want to suck my cock, some are narcissistic and reserved, some are everything you fear a person might be which would taint our precious board and not a single one of you is a good poster. The "true" /jp/ers - I've tracked down those of you that supposedly don't seek interaction - are usually some of the worst second only to anyone that will admit to having attended a con.

What this all means is, please die OP

>> No.9858907

After a while, you learn to transcend rage and become... something more. By that I mean you become apathetic to the point where you just can't be fucked to get angry anymore.

>> No.9858914

Please don't project your impotency and uselessness on others

>> No.9858915

commie pinko scum, but finnish too!

>> No.9858918

What is 'B'-type Anime? I am fine with everything else.

>> No.9858924

It's a "meme" from /a/.

>> No.9858928

Can you explain what the meme is about? I can't find anything on Know Your Meme or ED.

>> No.9858929

Pity. I'd like to become your friend and converse, but it is for the best things stay the way they are. The unplucked flower grows fullest...

... Or some shit like that. At any rate, "pleasant" or "interesting" people are few and far between in nearly any community, any environment -- you know that, right? This is not /jp/ exclusive.

>> No.9858930

No it isn't.

>> No.9858933


He's saying to stop getting mad at petty shit, I think. And he's right. Just because you don't get mad doesn't mean you're useless. That makes no sense at all.

>> No.9858934

NVM. I remembered. And I don't agree. Lain is an 'A'-type Anime, and I would not want to abandon Lain.

>> No.9858938

It has something to do with the moe boom, as far as I can tell it has something to do with chuuni.

2deep4u is my guess.

>> No.9858937

I'm far from useless. To be truthful, I'd wager I'm a far superior specimen of a human being than you. Who do you think you are, speaking to me in that fashion?

More importantly, "impotency"? Look here, I have no problems getting erect, and I don't know why you'd even say that.

>> No.9858942

How did you end up befriending anonymous people?

>> No.9858946

By recognizing that you are another me. It is easy to understand anybody after that.

>> No.9858949

Why would anyone care about this person pretending to be a girl who is too old to be attractive but too young to be an acceptable conversational partner?

Sounds pretty /a/b/v/hm/ to me.

>> No.9858950

Yes, I suppose I do mean that, in a way. You undergo a sort of desensitization over time, and what once enraged you becomes no more than a minor nuisance. I think he has a point, though -- a large reason for my becoming this way was the realization of powerlessness. At first I'd get mad and try to fix the ever-present problems, but ultimately nothing would ever happen. So now, I sit back with a resigned, bittersweet smile on my face. That is all I can do.

>> No.9858952
File: 34 KB, 421x472, 1348387471653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you are who I think you are, then I feel betrayed.

You have no right to judge others, you are a sociopath.

>> No.9858953

You don't know me. I don't even know myself.

>> No.9858954

Welcome to modern /jp/, we're just like the rest of 4chan now!

>> No.9858959

dats deep

>> No.9858961

>too old to be attractive

Fuck off, pedo scum.

>> No.9858966

Welcome to 2008

>> No.9858967

I know you.

>> No.9858972

I'll have you know this board didn't get bad until 1870.

>> No.9858974


>> No.9858978


>> No.9859019

> :3
Deserved to be bullied.

>> No.9859025

>I've befriended and put up with their shit
Somehow your premise made me think that you're no better than the /jp/ users you're currently bashing.
