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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9854376 No.9854376 [Reply] [Original]

Picture Unrelated, but is this the right board to talk about Japanese Urban Legends like the Slit Mouth Woman, TekeTeke, Hanako of the Toilet and the rest? I'm interested in these types of things.

If not, then I'll politely leave.

>> No.9854384
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You know what?

I'll take anything else over these NEET lifestyle, tea culture, or Japan politics threads. Anything. Please. For the love of Kami-sama.

>> No.9854385
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> Hanako of the Toilet

Reminds me of Alignment You You.

>> No.9854387
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I wanna kiss kuchisake inns and have human-yokai descendants

>> No.9854389

her folk dance was the best

>> No.9854392


>> No.9854394

No one else knows some good folklore/mythes/urban legends from Japan?

>> No.9854413


>> No.9854416

I think it'd make more sense to go to /x/, but something kind of makes me think they'll try to redirect you back here.

>> No.9854424

Sorry, we aren't good at this stuff.
We have great threads about onaholes though: >>>9820570

>> No.9854432
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/jp is mostly toubros but here is a のっぺら坊

>> No.9854429

It's not really information and it's not really mythological, but you might be interested in reading Seeds of Anxiety.

>> No.9854437
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''A man woke up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. He got up and groped his way to the door in the dark. He was about to open it when someone knocked it three times from the other side. This was strange, since he lived alone in the house. He thought he must have a friend staying over without remembering it, as such things often happened after a night of drunken revelry. He therefore opened it without much concern.

But instead of a familiar face of his friend, he saw a strange old woman dressed in kimono, with a bent back and downcast eyes, standing still in the doorway. Her face was unusually pale.

And the old woman, without words, took him away to some faraway place, and the man was never seen again.

If you have read this story, you may have a visit from the same old woman within three days. If you hear the knocks three times in the middle of the night before you open a door, do not open it immediately, but chant the word “Uba-Yo-Sare” three times. This will make the malicious old woman go away. If you don’t follow the instruction, well….. you know what happens.''

>> No.9854461

it's a niche japanese interest. it's fine.

>> No.9854465
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Rawrrr!! She's mai waifu!! HUAHUEHUAHUE!!

>> No.9854512

I know an old folktale from memory. I'll try to recite it as best as I am able.

There was an old woodcutter who had a massive wart on his face, and hated it. He'd try everything to remove it, and nothing worked. One day. when he was out cutting wood and didn't hurry home fast enough, he heard a great procession of youkai and oni approaching, and so hid himself in the hollow of a tree. He looked out, and saw a massive party; there was music and dancing and the sake flowed freely. The music was so entrancing that he found himself getting out of his hiding place and joining the throng. The youkai were going to devour him, but they were so impressed with his dancing and so fond of his company that they let him live, and they partied all night long.

When morning came, they begged him to come and join them for their revel sometime again because they had become fast friends during the night. To coerce him, they took from him his wart, which the youkai thought was quite shapely, and said that they would give him his handsome feature back when he came again to party, and sent him on his way.

The woodcutter, ecstatic, ran home. His neighbor, who also had a wart (though a lesser one) that vexed him, immediately noticed that the woodcutter's face was unmarred, and asked him what had happened. The woodcutter explained all that he had seen and did, and the neighbor decided to go the next night to get his own wart removed.

The youkai, who have difficulty tellin humans apart in the same way that we have difficulty with cows, were delighted that their friend returned as he promised and immediately gave the neighbor the wart back, so he now had to massive warts on his face.

The End.

People who use "toubro" unironically should be shot.

>> No.9854516
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>> No.9856875

I liked that one. A lot.

>> No.9856923

kuchisake onna is terrifying.

>> No.9856927

>Picture Unrelated, but is this the right board to talk about Japanese
I love how everyone new to here always starts the same way.
>If not, then I'll politely leave.
But at least you're nice

>> No.9856943
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Tell that to the '/d/eviants.

That story is funny for some reason.

>> No.9856972
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The most interesting Japanese urban legend I've encountered is "Cow's Head" (called 牛の首 in Japanese, and sometimes 牛頭).
It's kinda meta, as the urban legend is the urban legend itself. Japanese Wikipedia has some stuff about it, but it generally goes that there exists an old ghost story called "Cow's Head" which is so fucking scary that people who hear it go batshit crazy or depressed.

Allegedly the story itself is very old, although information on how old it really is varies from source to source, and has been passed down as folklore only.

If you try to find information on it online, you can stumble upon some Japanese web sites who retell different versions of the story, all of which are creepy as fuck.

Pic somewhat related.

>> No.9856979

Aoi Shiro is pretty good for traditional style Japanese mythology.

>> No.9857003


>> No.9857054

I do know some, but I am doing something pretty important while browsing /jp/ at the same time, so I can't really take the time to post some of their myths, urban legends, and folklore. I read a lot about them and have most of their great A - quality ghost movies too.

Another reason why I cannot post some is because my USB is acting strange, so my USB port won't recognize it......I can't post my Yokai pictures.....
Anyone know what might be the problem with my USB?

>> No.9862575


>> No.9862646

somewhat in the same vein as Hanako, there is Aka Manto, who is a creepy guy hanging out in public toilets who asks you from the next stall if you would like red paper or blue paper.
If you answer red, he will slice you apart until your clothes are stained red with your blood. If you answer blue, he will strangle you until your face turns blue. If you answer "neither" or some other color, he drags you to the underworld (from what I understand, there's no "hell" from a Western perspective in Japanese culture, instead just an "earth prison" - jigoku - commonly translated as hell, but more accurately the underworld).

Sorry, I'm really fascinated by Japanese underworld mythology ever since watching a lot of Jigoku Shoujo and getting into Touhou. Wikipedia has articles on a lot of Japanese urban legends if you're interested.

>> No.9862669

>jigoku shoujo
Did you actually like that? It was too scooby doo for me.

Also people translating jigoku to hell really sets off my autism. Same as translating tengoku to heaven.

>> No.9862676

That's what I liked about it.

>> No.9862680

Me too. All of the threads on /jp/ are pure shit.

>> No.9862686

It sets off my autism too.

Honestly, I was really interested in finding out more about Ai herself. The "person of the day" part was boring and kind of set off my anger a lot too (like the one with the lady who killed the girl's dogs...just made me so mad) but yes, the background story was really interesting to me.

Some of the stories of people that were cursed were interesting though, like the old man who had the painting of Ai in his house that wrote the short story for that ero magazine. That one was really good. All in all, it was kind of hit-or-miss for me.

>> No.9862730

Why are these youkai word puzzle stories so popular?

>> No.9862751

I don't know. Word puzzles go way back though in a lot of cultures. Riddle of the sphinx, the two guys who one always lies and the other always tells the truth as to how to escape the dungeon or whatever...things like this are popular in general, I think.

>> No.9862821

Apologies for straying the topic here, but I watched the whole series just to hear Mamiko's sweet voice say 「いっぺん、死んで見る?」 once per episode. Oh the ear-pleasure that brings.

There really wasn't a lot of substance to the show, but I found the characters interesting. I hated some of the redesigns in the second season, but the overall plot of that one was my favorite.

>> No.9862843

I feel similarly. That line is so wonderful spoken by her.

>> No.9862888

My dreams are scary enough. I think reading scary stories will just make it worse.

>> No.9862917

it definitely makes mine worse, but they're so much fun at the same time. I can't get enough of scary stories...
