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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 347 KB, 850x792, 4f22f50ba9f63f500c8d9e0013ac5f6a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9847902 No.9847902 [Reply] [Original]

Are you a feminist /jp/?

Does this image offend you?

>> No.9847909

No, kinda turns me on.

>> No.9847917

Yes, it turns me on.

>> No.9847931
File: 258 KB, 620x760, 1344347384292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never be enslaved by Cirno

>> No.9847946

I'm sure she deserves it.

>> No.9847958

It doesn't offend me and I am a feminist.

>> No.9847960

Bondage and feminism aren't mutually exclusive though...

>> No.9847968

She can stand to be a little more naked but I'm not complaining.

>> No.9847970

Why would that pic offend me, assuming her bondage is consentual. If not, then yes, its offensive because its a depiction of rape. However, no human being was harmed in the creation of that picture, so its not offensive. People consuming nonconsentual pornography should be a little introspective as to why they enjoy consuming that pornography and if the source is unhealthy (most sources are probably healthy) they should consider counseling

>> No.9847978

Life truly is suffering.

>> No.9847983

can't be rape if there's no penetration.
at most it would be sexual assault
but even then there's nothing immediately sexual about this situation.

>> No.9847993


Are you seriously saying a woman cant rape another woman without penetration.

>> No.9847997

Legally speaking, he would be correct.

>> No.9848012
File: 67 KB, 640x480, 129498270044.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey you fucking nerd, you completely abandoned me in skype. I show you a link to a cleverbot type program, and then you disappear.

>> No.9848038

No, I am not a feminist. But I don't want to return to "traditional values" either. I don't fancy the idea of working my ass off so my wife can leech off of me for the rest of my life. Modern relationships are just as bad, if not worse. You're fucked either way.

>> No.9848039

I am a feminist because I hold the audacious belief that I should be judged (within physical reason) by the same standards as men. It's such an affront to society, I know.

Your silly fetish art doesn't offend me, no.

>> No.9848044

Go fuck yourself.

>> No.9848048

She's not suffering enough.

>> No.9848046

batten down the hatches

>> No.9848056

You can just pretend I'm a troll.
I'm not sticking around in this thread anyway. This will be my last post.

>> No.9848058

Yes I am offended because I am a pretty princess okay now get down and lick my feet

>> No.9848061


>> No.9848071

I remember one time when I knocked some girl the fuck out when we were playing dodgeball, in fact I would argue that my life could only have gone downhill from there.

I am a firm believer in equal rights is all.

>> No.9848074

I like seeing women in submissive positions, but I also like seeing women in dominating positions. I think I just like the idea of someone suffering.

>> No.9848083

I wish to be the submissive girl.

>> No.9848094

I just want to be a cute white girl so I can live off of other people instead of having to do stuff

>> No.9848097

No you don't. You just want to have someone else do all the work for you. There's no way you actually want to be tied down to a bed and spanked like the little slut you are.

>> No.9848107

The idea of a woman being raped helplessly makes me angry

and yet I like fapping to rape doujins where mindbreak and sadness are involved

I am not a good person I guess?

>> No.9848111
File: 12 KB, 335x241, 1325448033703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then why did reading that give me an erection?

>> No.9848112

Maybe it is because you want to rape her?

>> No.9848115

I want a girl who has a foot fetish for male feet (I don't think this exists, unfortunately), since I have a foot fetish, and we can lick each others' feet. No submission or anything.

>> No.9848118

Because it's just a fantasy. If you were really asked to kneel and lick my feet, you'd probably just stare.

>> No.9848121

Same but only if they are virgins. Something about the idea of robbing someone of their purity makes me mad but at the same time I enjoy fapping to it.

It's a different story if they are already used though. Then I don't really give a fuck but I'll fap to it all the same.

>> No.9848122

You don't know a thing about the real world.

>> No.9848131
File: 176 KB, 950x1000, 1344302889326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I would wake up one day tied to a bed and gagged with this on top of me.

>> No.9848132

I'm sorry. I haven't forgotten about you.

I started college, you see? It's very anxiety inducing, and thusly stressful. Please don't hate me.

>> No.9848139

Ew, why her?

>> No.9848140

Please enlighten me.

>> No.9848141



>> No.9848142

She is so gross

>> No.9848146

What will?

>> No.9848151

You were responding to something in that post, what was it?

>> No.9848168

>No you don't. You just want to have someone else do all the work for you. There's no way you actually want to be tied down to a bed and spanked like the little slut you are.

>> No.9848175

Because I would put more effort into struggling, which would make it more realistic.

>> No.9848188
File: 720 KB, 720x960, image_1349759680479860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mickey Mouse meets Konata

>> No.9848192

Smart man.

>> No.9848202

y-you think she won't be too rough?

>> No.9848207
File: 175 KB, 760x596, submission.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ho ho ho

>> No.9848217

I'm fine with that image as long as it's being done by another girl.

>> No.9848223

Woman are merely meat-sacks to blow our glorious seed into. Their prime objective should be to perform fellatio on as many men as possible, and take as much seed inside their vaginas as they can.

>> No.9848231

That was a good video.

>> No.9848233

If anything not rough enough.

>> No.9848237

This is now mentors thread!


>> No.9848286

Difficult to be a feminist when I haven't actually, seen, or talked to a female in about 2 years now.

>> No.9848284

It's a song fagget.

>> No.9848287

It was not.

>> No.9848290

Your mum must be dead then, I guess.

>> No.9848294

I'm all for women's rights and all but for some reason projecting myself on to dominated women turns me on. I wish I could have been a woman with a strong man.

>> No.9848314


>> No.9848373

I wish that there was no feminism

>> No.9848378
File: 63 KB, 453x411, 1348373750930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the opposite of feminism? Manism?

>> No.9848381


>> No.9848382
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>> No.9848386
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>> No.9848387

Because it is unnatural for women to feel that they are empowered. The world has been pushed into an unnatural order and society is decaying.

>> No.9848389


>> No.9848390

Fucking armpit hair

>> No.9848388
File: 211 KB, 750x750, 23746447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9848400


It's only unnatural because you know no other way of life. Humans are humans, and every one deserves to be treated with equal respect.

Society isn't decaying - you're just getting old, and the world isn't the same sugarcoated wonderland you remember it was when you were a kid.

>> No.9848407

This is what a feminist who helped ruin society wants you to believe.

>> No.9848408

This. It's just like the people who talk about old /b/. Well to be fair there is a lot more repetitive shit, but a lot of it is nostalgia.

>> No.9848413
File: 719 KB, 2046x1447, 6cb81b923316b2bca15a27918e835e13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9848419

>It's only unnatural because you know no other way of life.

The way of life I currently know is one that exists with widespread feminism, so I don't think your argument holds.

>Humans are humans, and every one deserves to be treated with equal respect.

Sure, people should be treated with equal respect, but that does not mean that they are equal in everything. It does not mean that women should be able to do any job they want, or that they are equally as capable as a man. Men and women are not the same. The position of the man is as the head of the woman.

>Society isn't decaying - you're just getting old, and the world isn't the same sugarcoated wonderland you remember it was when you were a kid.

No, men are dropping out of the system. All of the benefits given to men for their slave labor have been removed, and the same things are demanded. Our birth rates are declining and we can no longer replace ourselves also.

>> No.9848420
File: 65 KB, 501x648, 1341216880932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lel "feminism" is just one of the many faces of cultural marxism to destroy our society. women like physical and psychological domination no matter how much they deny it.

>> No.9848430

>Society isn't decaying
stop being naive, our society is in decadence. fuck you ignorant.

>> No.9848437

Feminists don't care about decadence, because their whole worldview is based upon promoting and spreading perversion. Any damage to society is ignored for the cause of "progress"

>> No.9848445

This artist is amazing.

>> No.9848457

It's just that old problems get replace by new problems, that's all.

>> No.9848458

Yeah, society is decaying: no great wars, no big pandemics, no slavery. What a shitty world we live in.

>> No.9848470
File: 118 KB, 420x630, 1349695791995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9848474

Cute groinshot dude.

>> No.9848471

Yeah I agree. No zombie breakouts, no aliens attacking us, no meteors raining down and no global earthquakes and volcanos destroying civilization. What a fucking shitty world we live in.

>> No.9848479

By the actual historical definition, probably yes.

Does the image offend me? Gee, no. Neither does the mere existence of that stupid book that one "De Sade" guy wrote, the one with all the abuse in it. You know the one.

I live in a country where you're supposed to be able to say what you want to, even if you're just kidding. Even if it's completely totally fucking mad gay homo with blood and shit all over, and it's a picture rather than a written work. Just as long as you don't accost people's kids with it whilst wearing a "FUCK YOU" t-shirt, flipping the bird at the cops and shouting "fire" in a crowded theatre or something like that which is more just being disruptive IRL than it is actually expressing anything coherent.

>> No.9848489 [SPOILER] 
File: 134 KB, 655x1000, the rustler hehge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it turns me on and it would also turn me on if the implied genders were reversed.

what does that maek me?

>> No.9848494

I'm not the same guy, but I guarantee you thats not the case.

Also the point of domination is to dominate. You don't ask, you tell. If you asked me I'd go "lolno" If you told me, I'd do it reluctantly. You'd have to make it clear you weren't joking, of course.

Capcha "Playuri *Loch" Sorry, I had to, it was just too perfect.

>> No.9848496

Or perhaps the "solution" isn't working.

>> No.9848498
File: 561 KB, 494x515, 1348021526336.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a feminist and I support womens rights to be impaled by my cock and impregnated with my seed.

>> No.9848501

wahahahaa no wars, no disease, no slavery cool story bro











yeah we live in an utopic world, fuck you

>> No.9848508

Wow, even late night /jp/ is full of feminists. This board is dead.

>> No.9848510

All of those problems are caused by men.

>> No.9848514

women and their simplistic view of things

>> No.9848515

btw i'm a girl

>> No.9848520

I don't get what's up with all of them here. Do ugly women come here instead of /r9k/?

>> No.9848521
File: 128 KB, 600x600, 1314200070099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a girl!

Ask me anything!

>> No.9848525
File: 231 KB, 627x668, pregdurrs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9848527

Were you born in 1994?

>> No.9848522

wch 2hu u fug?

>> No.9848523

dem shorts. Could become a new fetish.

>> No.9848531
File: 25 KB, 544x459, pregnancy_howto_couple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9848532

will you be my gf

>> No.9848536

Having now wars or disease is a flat out negative. It's bad. There is no good side to having no war or disease. All it does is set humanity as a whole up for some serious shit later on and cause societal decay.
Utopia itself is a literal impossibility, no matter what the sample size. Wanna know what happens when everyone wants for nothing?
Look up what happened with NIMH.

>> No.9848537

There has to be large enough core userbase to repel such people, but it seems like it doesn't exist anymore. So the whores start to think it's okay to be here.

>> No.9848540
File: 2.67 MB, 2480x1753, miraclesXD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9848541


>> No.9848549

Sorry, got carried away. It goes with >>9848525 and >>9848531 Also do read the filenames.

>> No.9848551

>no great wars
Yes, the world still isn't an utopia, but it's better than ever.

>> No.9848555

He never got free, did he?

>> No.9848621

>hurr no great wars
more than 30000 dead in syria alone

get the fuck out

>> No.9848627

>30000 dead
>great war
Oh, god. You're serious, aren't you? You actually think that's a "great war". I'm not sure if I should laugh at you or feel sorry for your ignorance.

>> No.9848642

so 30000 is nothing to be worried about now with the involment of turkey and the potential nato intervention, somehow thousands of dead people is nothing to be concerned ergo not a big war and yet people on this thread says there is nothing wrong with our utopic society HAHAHA fuck you and your pretentious post

>> No.9848651

>World War I
37 million deaths
>World War II
60 million deaths
>Communist regimes
No one even knows. 80 million? 100 million deaths?

>> No.9848666

>battle of the Somme
>60,000 British dead on the first day

Twice as many casualties from one side, on one day in one battle.

>> No.9848676

yawn, nice way to avoid the question. modern society is in decadence. moral and cultural decadence.

30,000 or millions of dead, it's equally disgusting, a sign on how little human life means to indifferent people such as you.

perversion is not a sign of progress.

>> No.9848684

so the numbers dont matter at all
1 dead, 60 million dead, they're all great wars

>> No.9848681

avoiding the essence of my question with numbers and no context, see

>> No.9848697

It's like /pol/, except somehow the people are more retarded.

>> No.9848699
File: 6 KB, 264x400, edgy_youth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>modern society is in decadence. moral and cultural decadence.

>> No.9848716

it does matter, still you are avoiding the question, i'll quote myself:

"it's equally disgusting, a sign on how little human life means to indifferent people such as you."

another sign of moral decadence.

>> No.9848722


oh wait you can't

cute. i'm proud of you.

>> No.9848724

Probably because there are a lot more women here.

>> No.9848725

There's really no need to.

>> No.9848733

really? ran out of arguments?
no wonder you can't answer

>> No.9848735

You're arguing that the conflict in Syria is a 'great war' by citing the death toll.
So I'm taking that and comparing it with World War One, also known as 'The Great War' and showing you that Syria pails in comparison.

>30,000 or millions of dead, it's equally disgusting
Yes the loss of human life is appalling, but 970,000 extra deaths is far more disgusting.

In any case, you used death toll to argue your point here >>9848627

>> No.9848739

Democracy started more wars than comunism, or any other regime.

>> No.9848741


>In any case, you used death toll to argue your point here
Meant to quote here >>9848627

>> No.9848742

>it does matter, still you are avoiding the question
the point here is that 30000 dead is not a "great" war
>b-b-but muh syria

>> No.9848744

Periods really are a thing. They exist for a reason and get very sad when they are ignored. Try to make proper use of them.
Perspective is also a thing. It doesn't matter how "priceless" a single human life is, it is still worth exactly one six-millionth of six million lives, which is how many people died in the last "great war".
Thirty-thousand compared to six million barely registers as a blip.
And even so, wars are a necessary part of humanity. It serves to balance out our mindless compassion, and to fuel aggressive innovation.
Like your air conditioning? Guess where it came from. Like your microwave? Like your cell phone? Guess where those came from.

>> No.9848745

National institute of mental health or nickel metal hybrid batteries ?

>> No.9848750

National Institute of Mental Health. Specifically, their experiments with Rat Utopia.

>> No.9848751

oh i see, so it's not a great war since it doesn't involve more countries yet. 30000 it's a big number of dead people for our super advanced, utopic, marvelous, democratic world. let me be more clear: we are talking about social decadence and how little human life means. on how feminism isn't about progress.

>> No.9848755

elaborate on how thousands of dead people somehow is not a great war. i've used syria as an example.

>> No.9848757

>hurr durr i'm butthurt because it's "just" a war, instead of a "great war"

>> No.9848763

nope, most wars are waged for the need of resources. technological advancements are a byproduct.

>> No.9848765

lel i'm perplexed by your lack of empathy. oh wait

>> No.9848766

Thousands dead is, at best, a less than average war. A great war is a war that is of higher magnitude than most wars. By calling the war in Syria a "great war" you are diminishing the term.

>> No.9848771

The three R's (Religioin, Riches, Real Estate) are the short term motivations for war, but not why war itself is necessary for humanity as a whole.

>> No.9848773

lel explain to me the difference between a war and a great war. oh wait

>> No.9848776

>It was the unwanted unavoidable social interaction that drove even fairly social creatures mad.
That means /jp/ is probably filled with the most intelligent and apt to survival people.

Thanks for the interesting read btw.

>> No.9848781

Did you read the part about the rats the researchers dubbed the "Beautiful Ones"?
That's /jp/. Not that /jp/ is full of beautiful people, but those were the rats that eschewed all social interaction.

>> No.9848797
File: 291 KB, 950x1400, nanatokaoru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm diminishing nothing, you are not responding to the essence of my previous questions. you are just avoiding to give an answer. boring.

and you explained nothing, wow such an accomplishment turbonerd

>war itself is necessary for humanity as a whole.
perhaps on this age, who knows about the future.

let's summarize this:
modern society is in decadence. perversion is not a sign of progress. feminism serves other purpose than equality. people is indifferent to things. a few dead is nothing to be worried so take it easy. the frankfurt school is right blablaba.

>> No.9848814

>and you explained nothing, wow such an accomplishment turbonerd
that's your job, you fucking retard

>> No.9848821

He who kills a man, it is as if he has destroyed a whole world.

>> No.9848824
File: 52 KB, 331x331, 1339917469019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot my pic

>> No.9848841

So, just to be perfectly clear: I like all kind of butts, all types of breasts, and enjoy both dominating and being dominated.

>> No.9848874

>perhaps [war is necessary for humanity] in this age, but who knows about the future?
I do. At least the imprtant parts. Humanity will still be human. Which means there will be senseless compassion and senseless hate in equal amounts.
People will be saved for no reason other than to pollute the collective gene pool with low resistance and tolerance to disease.
People will go to war and die for no reason other than being the strongest in their tribe/city-state/nation.
There is not one point in time where either of these weren't true, and there never will be, unless a Utopia is created. The very worst thing that could happen to humanity is the founding of a Utopia. At that point, there will be no hope. People will stop dying off, then people will be overcrowded, then people will be emotionally and mentally exhausted and disillusioned with social interaction until everyone either kills each other or retreats into their hole to stop all interaction whatsoever.

>> No.9848889

In a utopia, humanity is at its apex, and thus no longer needs to procreate.

A utopia, however, will never exist unless the amount of humans left on this earth number in the mere thousands.

>> No.9848905

Sory for the unrelated (I was going to say off-topic, but we reached that on the very first post) question, but your post made me ponder about this:
Which one is better, someone who almost never gets ill, or someone who gets ill often but recovers more quickly and can take more shit than the average person ?

Keep it theorical and don't apply deep intrinsic and specific anti-bodies mechanism to give an answer please.

Of course if other people want to answer that I'm interested as well in their opinion.

>> No.9848913

Even then it wouldn't work. If you think people breed fast now (hint: you should because they do), how quickly do you think they would fill a given space without any sort of conflict? It is in all living things' nature to grow to fill the given resources and be held back by limits on resources and predators.
When there are no predators and the only limited resource is space, social decay is inevitable.

>> No.9848922

I'm a equalist

>> No.9848941

Well, it sort of depends on why they don't get sick. If it is because the have miraculous luck and hygene, then it could be bad for future generations, especially if the person is a woman, since women pass on their immunities and resistances to many diseases and virii through breast milk. A woman who hasn't built up good immunities won't pass on good immunities to her child. A man who survives long enough to procreate without having his immune system tested because he has exceptional hygene could be passing on genes for a defective immune system.

>> No.9848948

A person's taste in porn, except in some extreme cases, doesn't speak to whether their character is bad or good or anything else, really. As long as you can differentiate between fantasy (your porn, where brutal rape is hot) and reality (real life, where brutal rape is a horrible and also not very sexy thing), then what's the harm?

>> No.9848951

The point I'm making is that in a utopia, procreation is no longer neccessary, thus nobody breeds.

>> No.9848971

Humans breed slow as fuck. Mice breed at a hundred times the rate humans do. The difference is that the mortality rate in humans is phenomenally low.

>> No.9848965

Then you are a feminist.

Because pure feminism (when not being used as a soapbox for angry people with baggage) is the same thing.

>> No.9848985

No, it's called an egalitarian. People who actually want equality had to differentiate themselves from feminists, who want ever more privelidges for women and ever less responsibility for them. Thus, they began to describe themselves with a more accurate term.

>> No.9849011

I'm embarrassed because I don't remember the terms for it, even though it's like junior high level biology, but there are two basic types of animal species on Earth:

- the type that produces dozens or hundreds of offspring at go, mature quickly, and die quickly (sometimes almost immediately after breeding), and whose offspring die before reaching adulthood at a rate of 20 to 90 percent

- the type that produces only a few offspring (between ten and just one) at a go, gestate slowly, have a long "childhood" period, but generally survive at a higher rate (dying at a rate of only about 10 to 25 percent).

Generally the second type are higher order mammals and other large lifeforms, and the first type are amphibians, insects, birds, etc., and lay eggs or otherwise carry out the fertilization and birth process mostly externally, while the second type typically gives live birth and has a mostly internal gestation. Volume of offspring produced is inversely proportional to each individual offspring's chance of survival.

>> No.9849023

> more privelidges for women and ever less responsibility for them.

No. Feminism is about securing THE SAME rights and THE SAME responsibilities for both sexes.

Paula Treichler is the one who got it right. Feminism is the radical notion that women are people.

>> No.9849026

How does egalitarian principles applies when the human male boy and human female body are so different and are designed by evolution to have specific roles and thus are better than their other gender counterpart at said tasks by default ?

You can't treat two things the exact same way if they're different by nature. Well you can, but you can't do so and still make sense.
And does that mean you'd take my bending?

>> No.9849033

that's being pro-androgyny. feminism is the belief that men and women should get the same treatment and same expectations even though they aren't the same.

>> No.9849037

I don't judge people on what they say, but what they do. The same goes for a movement or ideology. Feminism has only ever tried to give women privelidges without responsibilities. That is what they do, so that is what they want. I have never heard of feminists lobbying to give men a privelidge that women have, or give women an onerous responsibility that men have. They are not about equality, they are about giving women more without them earning it.

>> No.9849039

I don't care if she is tied and gangraped by 30 niggers or she is kicking my face and break my balls.

I just want the angry face.

>> No.9849045

> human male boy and human female body are so different and are designed by evolution to have specific roles and thus are better than their other gender counterpart at said tasks by default ?

So you're saying we should let intellectual and social functions, rights, education, abilities and so on all be determined just by physical makeup? I don't see how that makes the remotest amount of sense.

>> No.9849050

Humanity isn't bound by it's physical nature like it was even two-hundred years ago. We don't need to go out and hunt to survive the winter. Protecting women at a cost in life to men was logical and necessary back then.
It isn't anymore.

>> No.9849051

> I have never heard of feminists lobbying to give men a privelidge that women have, or give women an onerous responsibility that men have.
That's mostly because historically, men have been sitting on privileges (such as the freedom to go to college, or the ability to own property while married, or the right to vote,) and haven't been saddled with that many legal responsibilities. As far as I know in the United States a citizens' duties are abiding by the law, paying taxes, serving on juries, and reporting for the draft, and women have three of four of those responsibilities.

>> No.9849052

>boy and human female body are so different and are designed by evolution to have specific roles
It doesn't matter anymore in modern world.

>> No.9849055

> As far as I know in the United States a citizens' duties are abiding by the law, paying taxes, serving on juries, and reporting for the draft, and women have three of four of those responsibilities.

Excellent point; and furthermore, the last of those is something that shouldn't exist at all.

>> No.9849059

This thread is hilarious. NEET and social failures talk about gender roles in society.

>> No.9849057



>> No.9849058

> I have never heard of feminists lobbying to give men a privelidge that women have, or give women an onerous responsibility that men have.

You seem to have missed the part where feminism is NOT ABOUT MEN.

>> No.9849061

Has it never occurred to you that maybe the shittiness of gender roles in society is what caused some of us to withdraw into NEETdom?

>> No.9849064

At the end of the day, talking about politics and talking about video games are equally worthless. It's not like anything is going to come of it. Just a way to share opinions and kill time.

>> No.9849067

>Feminism is about securing THE SAME rights and THE SAME responsibilities for both sexes.

>> No.9849068

Going to college was necessary for finacially taking care of the woman that you married.
The man in a marriage owned property because he was the one who earned money and bought things.
Men had the right to vote because they earned it by pledging themselves to fight for their country if it ever became necessary.

>> No.9849074

>physical makeup
Ok, I seriously hope this is just a bad troll, anyway, thanks for the laugh.

Protip; it's not only appearances that differ between male and female.
I think muscles and tallness are more suited for physical labor than breasts and pregnancy. But surely, I must be mistaken.

>> No.9849078


>> No.9849080

If there were no women over 5'2" (and no men under 5'6") and they were all pregnant 11 months out of each year, then maybe your argument might hold some water. As it is it's bullshit.

>> No.9849082

i wish we had true equality, it would be hilarious to see women trying to compete with men

>> No.9849088

>Going to college was necessary for finacially taking care of the woman that you married.
You don't need a college degree to raise a family today, and you definitely didn't need one a century ago.

>The man in a marriage owned property because he was the one who earned money and bought things.
There were married women in the workforce long before they were granted the right to own property.

>Men had the right to vote because they earned it by pledging themselves to fight for their country if it ever became necessary.
That one actually holds water.

>> No.9849089

There were cultures where women were warriors and fought alongside their husbands.

>> No.9849090

Name them.

>> No.9849095


>> No.9849092

It's not what either of you are thinking of, but Stalin's Soviet Union.

>> No.9849101

A degree may not be necessary for a job, but if you didn't need a job, a degree was about as useful as a finger on your knee.
It wasn't a woman's role to have a job. They could get one if they wanted, but could also opt out if they wanted to simply "keep house". Men have never had that option. Just like men have never had the option to not have political influence in exchange for not going to their country's wars.

>> No.9849104

Like this anon I find it hard to identify myself as a "feminist" because feminists tend to say a lot of bulls that I don't really agree with.

A different term therefore it's necessary to differentiate myself from that.

If feminism was just the idea that women and men need to be treated equally without any sort of bias related to their sex alone, yeah I'd be feminist.

But if feminism was JUST that, OP wouldn't even had made that question in the first place. It has absolutely nothing to do with actual sexual discrimination. It's just a picture, a product of fantasy, no person is being harmed or discriminated. So all those feminists who are against that and many other things can go fuck themselves with their censorships.

>> No.9849106

[citaytion needed]
Do you realise how irrelevant the post you linked is in an actual debate ? Anyway, you're either a troll or have no idea of how actual debate works.
>As it is it's bullshit.
Nice arguments to back that claim. Oh wait, you didn't include those, all you did was to spew over generalised bullshit without any relevance to the matter at hand.

By both being so oblivious as to how an intelligent discussion is to be had, it rightfully makes my point legitimate when confronted to yours. Don't bother replying, I won't bother reading, just wrote this on the off chance you weren't both trolls.

>> No.9849111

>It wasn't a woman's role to have a job.
And that's what feminists wanted to change. Today you can be a stay-at-home husband if your wife works. Society will ridicule you for it, but it's economically viable.

>> No.9849113

would you suck a dick but not a pussy? then you're discriminating based on sex. women will never be equal to men until they can overcome their desire to be impregnated, in which case we won't survive much longer as a species.

>> No.9849114
File: 458 KB, 1200x2001, nazi rumia1341537864165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am an equalist


>> No.9849120

>[citation needed]
When was the last time you took down a deer so that you could feed your family?
When was the last time anyone you know went hunting just to survive?
When was the last time you -heard- of someone outside of a third world country who had to hunt to feed his family?
Physical strength is not as important to survival as it was two-hundred years ago, and I don't need a citation to prove it.

>> No.9849130

when was the last time your mother didn't have to take a dick and go funhouse mirror for 9 months before squirting you out of her rotten hole?

>> No.9849147

As a man, I would use my "muscles and tallness" for a woman.

Maybe I'm just chivalrous.

>> No.9849154

no, you're a sexist pig

>> No.9849155

Well, isn't that pleasant. While I enjoy healthy discussion, petty insults aren't very conducive to logical debate. Why don't you go to /sp/ and post feels about how lonely your brain cell is?
Here, if you can't spell it, I'll post a link so you don't even have to burn him out trying to figure it out. Just click the little red letters and you'll go straight there.

>> No.9849157

Could be, I think women are vastly superior.

>> No.9849159
File: 128 KB, 600x600, 1314200070099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a girl!

Ask me anything!

>> No.9849162

How is this otaku culture?

>> No.9849163

I would seriously call myself an equalist and I do not find this image offensive. Femenism is fucking retarded, but it's not like I want people to be judged due to their gender, this goes both ways. Hence the "equal".

There is absolutely no context to it. For all we know, she might be into that sort of thing, or maybe she tried to attack someone and they have to tie her down or yada yada...

>> No.9849167

Feminism drives men to disillusionment about social interaction and become otakus.
Next question?

>> No.9849168


>> No.9849172

it's not an insult. women can get impregnated. men can't. unless that changes men and women will never be equal, and if it does we won't be human anymore.

this is the last place I expected to find feminist bullshit. why don't you take your stupid ideas back to /r9k/ or wherever you came from?

>> No.9849187

Does this mean women are superior?

>> No.9849193

That's not the point whether it's consensual or not.
Ask yourself this: do you find it offensive when you see the depiction of a man being murderer? Screw pictures, just think about how many videogames are there where you massacre hundreds of human beings.

That doesn't mean you endorse war, murder and so on.

But let's take a game where you rape women, hell no it must be banned! Because.. I dunno.. maybe in this culture rape is worse than murder? So simulating murder is fine, but rape is not?

This is why the feminist mentality is fucked up, the basic reasons behind it are right, but they brought it to a level that just doesn't make sense anymore. In other words they act in a paranoid way that see sexism everywhere even where it doesn't exist.

Oh, well the same could be said about racism.

>> No.9849195

is that what you want him to say?

All of this male domination is just posturing and strutting. Women drive men to act like that.

>> No.9849197

I'm a male feminist. The picture excites me.

>> No.9849205

Shit, I didn't explicitly say I didn't find it offensive. Sorry.

Yukurri shititte ne!

>> No.9849208

>male feminist
Truly the worst kind of human being. Do you apologize after consentual sex for raping her?

>> No.9849211

>maybe in this culture rape is worse than murder
>this culture
What culture? Because you know, rape was depicted as something worse than death long before feminism.

>> No.9849212

I wasn't really angry at you.
It's just that in my opinion there's no reason to think that one that is for equal rights for man and woman should feel offended by the depiction of women in submissive position.

Naturally the opposite is true as well, and the whole femdom fetish is full of that. But I've never heard anyone saying that those should be banned because they degrade men into slaves.

>> No.9849218

Citation needed.
I don't think there's any law system where rape is punished more harshly than rape.

PS: manslaughter doesn't count.

>> No.9849220

People see depictions of killing as more acceptable because in games, eliminating people who get in your way is generally just a means to an end. Rape is usually there just so people can get off to it. The "moral majority" tends to disapprove of school shooter simulators.

Well, I guess you could rape women who oppose you into submission. That's pretty common.

>> No.9849221

>Do you apologize after consentual sex for raping her?
No. Your notion about modern feminism is totally wrong.
