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File: 1.24 MB, 2048x1536, 13140296325017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9847228 No.9847228 [Reply] [Original]

Being a NEET doesn't have to mean you stay indoors all day.

Do you take the time to go out and enjoy the beauty of nature, /jp/? I find that getting some sun and admiring the wonders of the natural world lifts my spirits up and chase away all my NEET worries.

>> No.9847230

Add some filters on that pic and it can look scary as HECK

>> No.9847239

I used to go outside every day when I still lived 5 minutes from the ocean. I'd go for walks at least an hour a day; I pretty much never go out since we've moved, though.

>> No.9847236
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I don't know what nature is.

>> No.9847249

>Being a NEET doesn't have to mean you stay indoors all day.
being a hikki does

>> No.9847253
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>> No.9847257

I like going out when it's winter and autumn, otherwise I stay inside.

>> No.9847263

I live near a nature reserve with a castle in it. Apparently it's really famous for walks and stuff, but I didn't even know it existed until about a month ago. I've lived here all my life and apparently the entrance is less than half a mile away.

>> No.9847283

Make it your NEET fortress.

>> No.9847311
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Why yes, sometimes I NEET it up outdoors.

>> No.9847322
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I'm scared of my neighbors seeing me.

>> No.9847328

But I've been to the nice areas around here so many times that I don't really want to go to them anymore. There's a national parkish place I could go that's like an hour or so walk to get to I guess....maybe when it's colder out I'll go again.

>> No.9847335

Aren't you afraid of a male deer attacking you for being on it's turf?
Are you armed?

>> No.9847341

It's okay, he has Sakuya.

>> No.9847344

This is a great idea. Any /jp/sies want to storm a castle with me? It would actually be a step up from a manor. Maybe.

>> No.9847350
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I know what you're saying. I simply can't sit in front of a computer for hours in a dusty room unless I get some fresh air once in a while.

Hell, sometimes I even go out for a coffee or lunch in the town centre. It doesn't bother me since the masses have no way of knowing me or my situation and even if I did make some kind of a "social blunder" there is no one who is going to remember it after a few minutes.

>> No.9847351

You europeans have it good with the random ruins all over the place.

>> No.9847356

I like it at a different time of year.

Where I live right now it's constantly cold or raining at this time of year so it's not very fun.
There's some nice places where I live when it's warmer though.

>> No.9847365

I would, if where I lived wasn't so bland and polluted by cars.

>> No.9847370
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Male deer are more wary of humans than female deer are, it's moose you have to watch out for. Moose hate people. Except when they get drunk on old berries and get stuck in a tree in front of somebody's house.

>> No.9847373

We really do. But I don't think you can just go in. It's a hotel or something now.

For that matter, do you have to pay to get into nature reserves? It's big so I imagine there are multiple ways to get in, but do you need a ticket or something? Will I get stopped by a patrol and asked for one? This is in England.

>> No.9847379

The .jpg pun is too much, I love you Sakuyalaska, You are a great person.

>> No.9847380

Only if you drive there I think. I just walked right onto the one around here. I'm in America but I imagine it's the same everywhere.

>> No.9847382

I wouldn't have thought you will have to pay.

I wish I had something like that near where I live now. Although there are some cool things where I live.

>> No.9847397

Everyone is probably looking at you.

I always wear mismatched clothes (because they are comfortable) and rarely shave or cut my hair (because I am lazy), but I always forget what a mess I look like. I get a few stray stares, and it makes me really self-conscious.
The worst is when I try to buy things that require talking, like alcohol. Even with my beard and being out and about during the early afternoon, sometimes people ask for my ID. I always carry one, but then I feel the need to qualify myself as an adult, so I act all casual and say something like, "Yes, you have got to keep the kids off the booze, well done keeping a leg out!" (I never pronounce contractions and I screw up idioms).

One day, I will learn.

>> No.9847400
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I saw a turkey looking thing up in the nature reserve near here. I would have gotten closer but I don't know if they will attack me or not? Anyone know for next time?

>> No.9847405

They'll gouge out your eyeballs and lacerate your limbs to shreds. Danger level: extremely high

>> No.9847421

Actually most people don't pay attention to others unless they're directly involved with them. Everyone is in their own little world. They may see someone scratch their crotch and think "ew gross" but they'll forget it within a minute. They may see some guy wearing a pink cowboy hat and say to themselves that they'll tell their friend about it, but they'll forget shortly.

You can always rely on the self-centered nature of humans to hide yourself in public.

>> No.9847426

Wild Turkey will most likely take flight from you, however, there's a chance that they will come after you instead of fleeing. Mostly if they do not see you coming. The can kick, bite, and even their wings can beat you to the bone. Best not to get too close.

>> No.9847428

been 3 years since I've last went outside, I haven't even looked outside

next year ill have to for 1 day to renew some stuff, assholes always want to see me in person -- they sometime think my parents are running some scam with stuff under a name of someone that doesn't exist

>> No.9847438

If I leave the house I can't avoid encounters. Children who are playing scream at me. People who drive by in cars scream at me. I don't understand why, but it happens at least once every time I go out.

If I ever go to, say, a store, it feels like everyone is looking down on me. For example, the cashier will greet the person in front of me but say nothing to me. Hell, I've never been greeted by door greeters. It's their job to say hello, but they ignore me. Other shoppers go out of their way to avoid me. No, I don't stink. I don't look great but I'm not hideous.

I also like to read nutrition information on food I buy, and shoppers always give me stupid looks as they go down the aisle. As if they're thinking "how dare he inform himself on what he's eating, who does he think he is?"

>> No.9847452

Maybe it's some odd power you were born with. If used properly you can become a hero, being neglected by the bad guys and thought of as unimportant, only to sneak past their defenses and destroy their foul plan.

>> No.9847449

They do where I live. And that's just me being paranoid (though there's that too). Everyone's all working class and cynical and judgemental. It's awful.

>> No.9847459

I think they'd go out of their way to kill me faster...

>> No.9847465

I hate the county I live in, I want to get out from here but I can't.

>> No.9847468

Hmm... Maybe. I guess you're more hated than you are neglected, though I'm not sure why.

You might just have bad luck. I wouldn't think much of it.

>> No.9847471
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­>>9847438-san in his everyday clothing.

>> No.9847479

Everyone else here dresses like that, too, I don't see a problem... maybe I have dandruff?

>> No.9847691

I love the outdoors but only if I can get to an area where I am unlikely to encounter people.

>> No.9847714

The woods are like that.

>> No.9847749

"neet" makes it jippee related xD

>> No.9847750

I always feel kind of weird when I see other people while I'm hiking around since they always look like they came prepared to make an event out of it wearing things like hats, sunglasses, shorts, hiking shoes, and backpacks with water bottles while I'm just dressed like I'm going to the store or something.

Though a water bottle might have been a smart idea since walking around for a couple of hours does make you pretty thirsty.

>> No.9847771
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You didn't know?

>> No.9847782

I leave the house 3 times a week to go to the gym. I also take walks on the beach.

I wish I could go out more but people just love talking to me. Random people will want to give my high fives and others always ask me for directions or just try to start up conversations.

>> No.9847795

That's bullshit and you know it. My buddies and I always share laughs about the turbonerds we see.

>> No.9847815

This guy is right. If a person is alone they probably won't say anything but if they are with 1 or more friends they will laugh.

>> No.9847855

Okay, last night I made a post about how I got really horny and used my urine as lubricant while masturbating. Today I got even more horny, and not only did I pee into my hand, I also peed all over my pubic region. Absolutely disgusting, I know. I don't know why I do the things I do when I get horny, but I've decided I'm going to stop masturbating so frequently, and when I do masturbate, I'm going to piss in the toilet first.

Now here's the problem. I peed way more than I thought I did, and the stench of the pee sank deep into the cushioning of my computer chair. I've been spending the past 90 or so minutes trying to get rid of the smell, but nothing's working. It just won't go away? Does anyone have any idea how to get rid of the smell?

>> No.9847861

>Being a NEET doesn't have to mean you stay indoors all day.

of course it doesn't you stutid fuck.
NEETs aren't necessarily hikikomori. hikikomori aren't necessarily NEET. but because there's an overlap, 90% of the vocal /jp/ ignorantly blends the two together.

>> No.9847906

Please respond

>> No.9847910

ur a fgt

That'll be 10 dollars.

>> No.9847920
File: 173 KB, 674x882, responded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should try Febreze® Air Freshener, It eliminates odors at the source.

>> No.9847923

I don't have that kind of money

>> No.9847924

Try soaking it with soapy water.

>> No.9847933


I want to say "kill yourself" But then I thought it was a little extreme.

Just hurt yourself

>> No.9847937

cant speak for other NEETs but theres nothing like a middle of the night drive through a city or an early morning drive through the countryside

>> No.9847940

I think my dad has some of those. Thanks, I'll try it
I've tried some soapy water, but it didn't work. I'm not willing to soak the seating completely because I'm afraid that it'll damage the leather.

>> No.9847973

I hurt myself today, to see if I still feel.
I focus on the pain: the only thing that's real

>> No.9848238

I like going out when the weather allows. That's usually between the months of November and May. The months right before summer and right after summer are nice during the night, but there are only so many moonlit nights.

>> No.9848281

Nice try faggot

>> No.9848321

My parents live in a country town, so I get to enjoy the beauty of nature when I visit them.

>> No.9849882

I used to climb mountains until I was diagnosed with a heart defect that could kill me any time I overdo it. Just going for walks doesn't appeal to me, so I haven't haven't been in out much in the last years.

>> No.9850317

The guy always taking pictures of his fumo in the rugged north makes me a bit jealous.

>> No.9850351

Neet =/= Shut-in

You're using that word in correctly.

>> No.9850358



>> No.9850394

Fuck it, do it anyways. You'll always live in the most favorable continuity and not die.
