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File: 52 KB, 480x320, 1348960698159.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9830126 No.9830126 [Reply] [Original]

previous thread: >>9813516

>1.8 Patch Links
Pokemon FireRed based: http://animackid.wordpress.com/category/touhou-puppet-play-enhanced/
Pokemon Emerald based: http://lkaexe.supersanctuary.net/thmnemer18/

The former has custom music/cries, a slightly modified script, and Johto postgame. The latter allows you to make use of branching evolutions at any point, is more difficult (in a good way), and has a fully functional Battle Frontier. Both have the Attack/Special split despite being Gen 3. Pick your poison.

>Fuck it give me hacks upon hacks

Includes patches and ROMs for quite a few Touhoumon hacks. Note that FireRed 1.8 MUST be patched using winips32a.exe. Agastya's 1.8 Emerald patch is not included because it's still being worked on. Go to the provided site to download it. See the FAQ section for more info.

>Resource Links
Type Chart:

(has more in-game info) http://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Touhoudex_2
(move and ability descriptions) http://thpp.supersanctuary.net/wiki/Touhoudex

Touhou Type Analysis:

FireRed 1.8 locations:

Emerald 1.8 info:
Check the damn folder

Shoddy Touhoumon:

Emerald randomizer:

>> No.9830135
File: 27 KB, 399x472, Type_Chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basic 1.8 info: http://pastebin.com/1DU2FLdD

Extensive description of all notable Touhoumon hacks: http://pastebin.com/iFfKieYi

As always additions/corrections are very welcome

>> No.9830144

>Puppet Play Ehanced
>Get all 3 rods
>OH SHIT IS THAT A nevermind high leveled hina
Jesus fuck I just want an Iku.

>> No.9830148 [DELETED] 

What a dork

>> No.9830151
File: 14 KB, 239x159, FireRed EVs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is useful

>> No.9830211

Just an addition, the starter offsets for FireRed, left to right:

And starter's held item:

Either you're unlucky or looking in the wrong place. You may need to surf, or fish with a specific rod, or be somewhere specific. Check.

>> No.9830240

Good call, forgot to starter changing info

In addition, R/S/E based guide:

Touhoumon numbers:

>> No.9830244

*forgot to include

>> No.9830324

Why does Erika's gym only make use of four Native-types?
Medicine, Yuuka, Minoriko, and Shizuka are the only ones who show up at all. I can name at least four others just off the top of my head that any of the seven or so trainers could have used.
At least include Wriggle so that there's some physical attackers in there. I don't want to be able to clean out the whole gym with a single special tank...

>> No.9830325

That guide applies as well to FireRed except that they're not grouped together. Also that list of IDs is for the Emerald hack, I'm not sure if PPE has the same mons.

>> No.9830330


Explain? I don't get it.

>> No.9830339

In Puppet Play Enhanced they have a bunch of evolved L1 mons for EV training. I was very confused when meeting them for the first time.

>> No.9830375


Oh, that makes sense. Glad I asked since my last save it right in the middle of them.

>> No.9830378

The Kusanagi Item for Rinnosuke increases only Physical Attack, right? I don't always trust the descriptions in those hacks...

>> No.9830577
File: 421 KB, 531x531, d3fqef2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It does. The mirror does physical defense. The thpp wiki has good information on all the items if you need to verify more.

>> No.9830673
File: 434 KB, 600x800, Rinnohug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That means he now has almost 500 Attack. I think can live with the fact that his Special Attack remains so low.

>> No.9831354
File: 9 KB, 480x320, Touhou Puppet Play Enhanced v1.11_01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...figuring out what moves for patchy to keep is going to be a pain in the ass

>> No.9831384

Water and Earth are super effective against the same things pretty much, swap out Muddy Water for Earth Power since EP is like 90/100 base and MW is somewhere around 100/80(?)

>> No.9831398

It's shows right there in the picture he posted that MW is 80/90, not 100/80.

But yeah, get rid of MW

>> No.9831447

I actually kept MW because I'm going to be aiming for APatchouli who'll get stab on it. Maybe I'd prefer Hydro Pump then though? ...it's a 5% difference in accuracy so probably actually. Might go to the move relearner. Regardless what to do about aeroblast is going to be more difficult. I could really use some water coverage on my team, all I have is wriggle who gets blasted to hell by ice

>> No.9831464

In that case you could just get Surf if she can learn it

>> No.9831486

APatch can't use Surf.


>> No.9831496

What's the rest of your team like? I pity the fool that can't fit Shikieiki with Thunderbolt on their team. Righteous Judgement always comes in the form of a Thunderbolt from the heavens.

>> No.9831504

Anyone playing Another World? It's rather difficult for an edit of a pokemon game. Might just be me though, I'm kind of picky on which I like to use

>> No.9831531

I'm trying to work VBAlink so I can get Aki Sisters, but right when they started to evolve I got a connection error that forced me to reset...
Is it just because my computer sucks, or is there some setting I messed up?
I've got priority set at above normal, turned off pause when inactive, have different controls for each window...

>> No.9831552
File: 46 KB, 1025x379, Error.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9831591
File: 10 KB, 480x320, Touhou Puppet Play Enhanced v1.11_01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Replace CRemilia with Wriggle.

Really I should probably use
but I'm too lazy to get on shoddy touhoumon

>> No.9831601
File: 13 KB, 117x107, 1298595088228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also I could never find shiki in the safari zone

>> No.9831651

I got mine at the game corner. Purchasing the ultimate justice from what essentially equates to the mob just seemed too ironic for me to pass up.
Unless you're playing on Emerald? In which case, is your level fifty Patchy still a chibi?

>> No.9831687

is there a way to access a teambuilder without logging on to the shoddy server?

>> No.9831702

Ah, hell. I didn't know the trade evolutions were E4 locked, too. Took me about eight tries, and when I finally get there, the evolution fails.

>> No.9831776

Count: 9 CYoumu tomboys and 3 CLayla tomboys
Still haven't found a single feminine one of either yet.
I'm considering using a code to make all encounters feminine just so I can finally get these two... I need Youmu to complete my All Physical party, and my rules state that I can't move beyond an area until I've caught everything feminine that there is to catch.

>> No.9831785

Wow, and I just now found my first Yuyuko.
Feminine, luckily. Still need Layla and Youmu, though.

>> No.9831937

I swear to god. Any time I freeze something it only stays frozen for a single turn. Two if I'm extremely lucky. Wild Kogasa freezes one of mine with Powder Snow, though? Six, seven, eight turns of frozen solid.

>> No.9831977

Nah, playing on firered I'll slide her over to APatchouli after I beat the E4. Apparently Shiki she can be found in the safari zone but is stupid rare. Really the only realistic way to go about it would be to use nature power (sweet scent) I think. Actually considering if I found one she'd run I'd probably be better off getting her via the game corner.

It's a 20% chance of dethaw each turn. That's shit luck bro. How does this compare to sleep statistics-wise come to think of it? Granted it depends on which gen mechanics they're using. 3 is 1-6 turns, 4 is 1-4 turns, and 5 is 1-3 turns.

>> No.9831988

I've given up on using Hypnosis and Luna Dial for that very reason.

>> No.9832007

I miss when hypnosis had 70% accuracy

>> No.9832016

Maybe you can modify the effects to have more consistent lengths. Ha.

>> No.9832040

How difficult would it be to make it so that you are guaranteed one turn of sleep/frozen, and each turn after that, the chances of waking/thawing go up. Something like:
1. 0%
2. 20%
3. 35%
4. 50%
5. 75%
6. 100%

>> No.9832054

Just use Sleep Powder.

Even if I could, I wouldn't. Just use Thunder Wave or Toxic.

>> No.9832064

I think it should be more like this:
0: 90% roll to stay effected this turn
1: 72% (80% previous)
2: 51ish%
where the number is how many turns it's been since the effect was added, not how many turns the affected pokemon has tried to break out of it. Granted, this would probably not be balanced.

>> No.9832114

What do I do after beating Marisa in Another World? It told me to go to Muenduka but the only thing here is this Monolith that does nothing when I talk to it.

>> No.9832158

How's this moveset for Mokou?
Blaze Kick
Brick Break
Attract+Focus Punch
or Sunny Day+Solar Beam
or Earthquake+Will o wisp
Depending on the enemy trainer's gender and theme.
Attract+Focus Punch for male trainers
Sunny Day+Solar Beam for Water and Earth users
Earthquake+Will o Wisp for just general rapeyness. Earthquake will take out any other fire users and Will o Wisp will severely limit the usefulness of non-fire type physical attackers.
I chose Blaze Kick over Flare Blitz and Eruption because I don't like recoil and Eruption doesn't make use of Mokou's good attack stat. I wish there were a useable fire attack that had 100 accuracy, too. I might even replace Blaze Kick with Fire Punch, just because I really dislike missing.

>> No.9832163

it would be neat if we had a hamachi or tunnelge for VBAlink so we can have trades and what nots

>> No.9832174

sometimes i critical with a recoil type attack on my 600+ attack youmu and it just 1 hit kos her is that normal?

>> No.9832187

Things like this are why I dislike recoil.
Just had a thought: Can a substitute take your recoil for you?

>> No.9832224
File: 6 KB, 240x160, Touhou Puppet Play Enhanced v1.11_01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...I'm not too sure about this one. Encore or yawn /jp/?

>> No.9832235

I thought recoil was based on damage actually dealt? A crit shouldn't matter if you would have killed the opponent anyways, that sounds off.

>> No.9832260


yawn for stacking calm mind

>> No.9832352

..yeah that was a pretty obvious choice come to think about it. Thanks

>> No.9832531
File: 16 KB, 480x320, TouhoumonChampion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...and then my save file corrupted for some reason.

Anyone know of why this is? I'm playing the Emerald version, and I have a savestate before entering the E4 just in case.

>> No.9832580

First of all, check your save type.
Flash 128k?
If so, then I don't know. If it isn't...
Make it so.

>> No.9832633

Ah, that fixed it. I completely forgot about that.

It works fine now, thanks a bunch.

>> No.9832634
File: 40 KB, 487x316, Less than useful.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh... what? Too bad this isn't still being worked on, because there's no way that's intentional.

>> No.9832709

>Boneka skills
Oh yeah, stopped reading. This is the most annoying thing about FireRed PP.

>> No.9832722

Inner Power is in Swarm's slot, and Dream is in Bug's slot, so it should still boost Dream moves.

That's quite an impressive fuck-up, though.

>> No.9833842
File: 115 KB, 480x320, rinno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He now has almost as much Attack as EV-trained Deoxis-A.

>> No.9834144
File: 17 KB, 530x288, ShoddyTeamBuilder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Team builder as well (as the sprite downloader) are both available without having to log in to the server.

>> No.9834150

Thank God, that thing's really great for making an in-game team. Wish the move list had an additional column indicating whether a move is learned by machine, level-up or as egg move.

Still no clue why I would have to sign up somewhere to play 2hmon online, though. I don't want yet another account somewhere.

>> No.9834182
File: 16 KB, 480x320, E4 defeated.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally beat the E4. Team's kinda dull but you're somewhat limited in PPE

>> No.9834196

Isn't PPE's selling point that you can use all side evolutions even before the elite 4? I believe that it is quite possible to acquire most exotic Touhous by either fishing, surfing or walking around in the Safari Zone. That should suffice for a cool team. I would start again right now if I wasn't sick of grinding.

>> No.9834210
File: 9 KB, 480x320, E4 thnks for the rain dance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MVP was without question Toyohime. See pic. Good defense + yawn and calm mind was pretty broke. Next up would be Wriggle, if only because I was getting my ass handed to me by renko before I looked at the typings and realized power whip solve a few problems.

Nah, you have to wait till the national dex to access stone evolutions (exception: AKeine). You've kinda merged agastya's Emerald and PPE together. The former allows stone(shard) evolutions at any time but no sliding evolutions. Vise Versa for PPE

>> No.9834213

So, by PPE, you're not referring to ``Puppet Play Emerald''? Guess that's my fault, then.

>> No.9834227
File: 27 KB, 471x1911, credits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and then as a reward I was greeted with a bunch of credit glitches. And some quote I forgot to screencap. Something like "Blah blah great adventures, but it was all dream in the end". 2mariana4me

er, whoops yeah that's an easy mistake to make. I meant for it to mean "puppet play enhanced". I'll just call it FireRed 1.8; much more clear.

>> No.9834599

About to finish off Erika in FR and boy do I hate wasting a slot in my roster just so I can cut down those damn respawning trees.

>> No.9834833
File: 76 KB, 480x320, Salon beaten.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That Salon Maiden is pretty weak. She couldn't even deal any real damage and had such brilliant strategies like Ice Punch Patchouli or Tenma with Return, even though it doesn't have any happiness at all.

Guess the A.I. isn't always a cheating bitch...

>> No.9834844

Medicine is Officially my favorite puppet for catching.
Stun Spore
Leech Seed/Poison Powder
I have both a tomboy and feminine one, just in case. I switch to Poison Powder if I'm going after a Native, which are immune to Leech Seed. Ingrain keeps those pesky Whirlwind/Roar users from ending the battle, and things that run away start off with a Block+Baton Pass user that I haven't put together yet. Leech Seed, Ingrain, and Stun Spore keep my little Buttercup/Suzuran from dying while I throw my balls at puppets. I just have to be careful to get them before Leech Seed kills them.

>> No.9834879

I'd rather go for something with False Swipe. Incidentally, only two Touhou natively learn False Swipe, and they both suck, so they're perfect for getting pounded on when Touhou resists being caught.

>> No.9834935

Block/Shadow Tag+Baton Pass
Ingrain+Stun Spore+Baton Pass
Appropriate gender Attack Keine with False Swipe egg move and Attract
Wait, does Baton Pass also pass on Lovesickness?

>> No.9834978

Checked, and no. It doesn't pass on lovesickness. So, yeah. Keine gets Attract.
That means, at the end, when I'm throwing balls at the thing, it will have one hit point, be paralyzed, lovestruck, and unable to run, and AKeine will be unable to be kicked out of battle and regaining Ingrain and (maybe) leftovers health each turn.

>> No.9834983
File: 158 KB, 480x640, ayayayayayayayayayaya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9835008

Ah, more efficient method.
Shizuha with
Stun Spore
Baton Pass to

AKeine with
False Swipe

>> No.9835019

does anyone know where to get whatever it is that evolves puppets into their advent forms? I really want an advent reisen, that typing is pretty cool.

>> No.9835042

Emerald or Fire red? In Emerald, you want the Solar Shard. In Fire Red you want... Rainbow... something.

>> No.9835043

Why is Taya upside down?

>> No.9835051

She's doing a flip so she can get a good pantyshot.

>> No.9835087

I wonder why the AI is notoriously too stupid to properly use Explosion, and why hackers still write teams that use that move.

>> No.9835102

Is it really so difficult to have the AI know the typing of you puppet and automatically disregard moves that they are immune to, and only use moves that they are resistant to if they have no others?

>> No.9835189
File: 86 KB, 480x320, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems that sometimes the A.I. just picks moves at random, unless of course Aki Sisters don't know any grass attacks for some reason. Sendai is part Ground type and a grass attack should take it out quite easily.

>> No.9835285

But I know that the AI is at least a little smart. They were spamming Magical Leaf when I was abusing minimize in Erika's gym, and Yuuka, who didn't have Magical Leaf, was using Coerce to get me to stop using it.
There's at least a little bit of good programming in there...

>> No.9835294

....Whens the last time you updated because i'm pretty sure your outdated.

>> No.9835314
File: 105 KB, 507x600, confused.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unless the Emerald hack was updated without anyone saying anything about it, i'm pretty sure that i'm playing the most recent version.

>> No.9835330

What's the date on your zip? Should be... October 2, 2012. If not, then http://lkaexe.supersanctuary.net/thmnemer18/

>> No.9835345

well considering the salon maiden had an ice punch patchouli and TAya had explosion. I'm pretty sure you are outdate since the salon maiden's silver team is like this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aga5xrTp6HY&list=UUudOyEzCQpAWWdruwhq2J5g&index=2&feature
and if that was a gold team well why would the creator, who likes balance, put illegals sets.

>> No.9835359

Is there any way to Fly in Johto at all? It's such a pain having to run around...

>> No.9835364
File: 313 KB, 926x1000, kyousuke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like i really have an old version, since my zip says 26.09.12. Well, time to update and get rid off Easy Modo Battle Frontier

>> No.9835513

Well, I'm pretty sure this is where my "Cannot advance past a place if there are feminine puppets you haven't caught" rule is going to screw me.
Safari Zone. *shiver*
Time for hours and hours of searching for those super-rare spawns to come up, only for it to be a tomboy five times in a row.

>> No.9835533

Can't you just breed for female?

>> No.9835534

In the FireRed one you can exchange 3000 game corner coins for a Rainbow Shard in the Goldenrod Game Corner. Not sure how to get that on Emerald.

>> No.9835621
File: 30 KB, 480x319, Dohohoho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't get a female from a male, when breeding. If they're two different species, then the result will be the same as the female's species. If you're using a "ditto" and a male, the result will always be male.
That's part of the reason I always go for a female. A female and a "ditto" can produce a male or a female, so you only have to catch the one and a single "ditto".
Speaking of ditto.
Do you even know how hard it was to get here without cheating? I thought for sure there would be something awesome here, but nooooo. Had to stick a rock in the way.

>> No.9835628

In Emerald there's a group of people who will give you shards in exchange for Red UFO's.

>> No.9835661 [SPOILER] 
File: 35 KB, 479x319, Oh thats why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh. Okay, I get it.

>> No.9835684
File: 85 KB, 480x320, Nerd Pike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

#1 Badass

>> No.9835724
File: 4 KB, 240x160, asdflkasjdflkh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Goldenrod Game Corner

Shit. Thanks for the answer anyways. Buying coins should be kinda tolerable with speed up. Might get a Shiki while I'm there

>> No.9835731
File: 20 KB, 719x478, 1349401536621.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait nevermind shiki is in celadon. Not sure what's in Goldenrod. By the way how is the postgame in FireRed?

>> No.9835782

No it's still kind of easy since the EVs and Natures are fucked up due to how bad I am at making Nightmare modules.

On the bright side, I learned how scary the vanilla Frontier actually is so I'm going to be able to add hellmurderdeath to this one as needed.

This is hilarious, though.

>> No.9835783

Oh, wow. I just realized that a Steel-type using Fury Cutter can get it up to 960 BP on the final hit.
With Sakuya's Focus giving it 100+ accuracy so that it doesn't miss on the way there, that seems WAY OP.

>> No.9835864

Nothing exceptional. Just reached Ecruteak and beat Morty, and until now most maps were really resemblant to the original johto ones, even if they are full of cutoffs and bad mapping stuff.
Wild encounters seem to be randomly levelled, I even I found a wild lv98 AKaguya...
Just don't expect anything pretty and it can be quite enjoyable.

>> No.9836402
File: 115 KB, 480x320, Battle Frontier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man, why is the Battle Pyramid so annoying? It already takes forever to get through it 3 times, but in order to get gold you have to do it 10 times. It doesn't help that trainers can apparently have Brightpowder as an item, making you miss half of the time...

>> No.9836535

I'm returning to Blue version for a bit, 1.8 Emerald is just making me miserable. Not because it's bad but because it's unfamiliar and harder. It's at least been a nice change of scenery.

Exaggeration much, it only increases it 10%. And I'll take that over enemy trainers using items any day of the week.

>> No.9836630

Have you gotten to Battle Tower in Blue? If you have a fast and powerful enough user of Fly, its fun to go up against the first person in the Battle Tower by using Fly three times. It's also a great way to powerlevel something else with an Exp. Share. That first guy is the reason my D EX Remilia is higher than anyone else on my team by about six or seven levels.
I was going to load a picture of my Blue Version team, but apparantly my saves have all been corrupted, including my save states. I have no idea how... Y.Y

>> No.9836728

Check >>9832531 about your saves. And I tried that tower once, it is brutal, and I never beat it. And you're talking about the juggler guy with 6 exploding Kedamas right? I thought those had focus bands, or whatever it was to stop OHKOs. Regardless, I just used a Ghost type, they're totally helpless against that.

>> No.9836795
File: 357 KB, 1471x653, E4 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After searching and fiddling around with things, I found an old save from immediately before I started running battle tower... Apparently, I forgot to import into VBALink from regular VBA. Silly me.
Here's the team I used, only they were on a lower level. If I remember correctly, China was a few levels below Bruno's and she solo'd her, mostly with Counter and Slack Off.
Indolence is the one.The Mimis don't have Focus Bands. Indolence trains my newly hatched eggs like that, so I know. They've never survived a hit from her.
I got to the top of Battle Tower once, and that shit was hard. The rest of the game may be pretty easy, but he didn't hold back when setting up Battle Tower.

>> No.9836807
File: 6 KB, 240x160, Touhou Puppet Play Enhanced v1.11_01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hrm, I kinda figure it'd be underwhelming. Kinda disappointing considering I can finally make use of shard evolutions and the outlet to use them on kinda suck. Ah well. First order of business: get RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIPED

>> No.9836808

I want to make a run through E4 using only the Darks, now that I've caught them all. I just have to train up Dark Wriggle and Momiji without letting them "reform".

>> No.9837035

Oh but there is still one quality sidequest in the post-game: The ruby and sapphire crystals that grant you access to Cerulean Cave and Navel Rock, that together house 3 legendary touhous. Also there're some PC-98 touhous in Cerulean Cave, so you should do such quest.
Oh and gym leaders still pose a threat in Johto for unprepared teams, so you should have a good use for your shard evos. Also you can re-challenge every gym leader in a 6v6 lv100 battle, so there's a lot to it in the post-game, more so than bad points.

>> No.9837160

A or S Flan?
please respond

>> No.9837207

>please respond
Really? Seriously? Wow...

>> No.9837217
File: 181 KB, 750x750, 1349311033722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9837237

Thanks, yes it isn't a hard game besides that tower. Which, I kind of appreciate being able to play with cute Touhous without needing to be a great battler.

Just keep them miserable, you monster.

>> No.9837268

My strategy? Torture.
Literally. Have them repeatedly faint and bring them back with Revival Herbs. Guaranteed results.

It's what I had to do to get Thirst into DE.

>> No.9837447

Oh alright. Thanks for the rundown, that sounds good enough. I'm oddly looking forward to seeing what's been done to the map after reading this: http://lkaexe.supersanctuary.net/nitpickzone/

Now I've just got to figure out a new team. I swear all my favorites are either reason or shinto. TByakuren is a given... D or AdYukari would be nice. Toyohime is still awesome; her T form looks interesting but I think I prefer the defense of the normal form...

>> No.9837454 [SPOILER] 
File: 310 KB, 960x640, ppe01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm... I'm at Burned Tower in Ecruteak, and I gotta ask, do those shiny starters start roaming johto or are they gone forever, and I could only pick one of the three?

>> No.9837477

It's just ports of the stuff in the Japanese patches, I doubt Ai changed anything there.

Still, that doesn't mean Japan didn't fuck something up themselves.

>> No.9837765
File: 6 KB, 240x160, Satsuki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I see puppets that can prevent escape...And, I see your puppets unable to flee from their terrifying grasp..."

>> No.9837800

anyone know what the touhou equivalent of dragonite is in FR?

>> No.9837910

By equivalent, do you mean using the same ID number, Dex number, or being a total boss at winning shit?

>> No.9837945
File: 72 KB, 640x480, SeriousDragoniteBuisness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The latter.

>> No.9837981

Uuuaaaaaaahhh... Really a matter of opinion, there. Any Steel-type user of Fury Cutter has great potential, especially Sakuya with Focus. Obviously the Legendaries are pretty badass. Shizuha is a more subtle badass in that she is great for baton passing. Patchy has a really good spread of elemental damage, and proper use of her different forms can get you some nice STAB.
Rinnosuke, apparently, can get ungodly amounts of Attack, especially if you give him Kusanagi.
I don't know if there's anyone as universally powerful like Dragonite is. It's pretty balanced as far as I've seen.

>> No.9838056


Hmm, well thanks for your thoughts. Even though it sounds like there might not be one, the balance that just reinforces is a nice positive.

>> No.9838143

My one question in this thread iiiiss.
How do I get this hack version?
I already have a firered rom hack with the patch that achiya had but it never works for me.
It still the same firered game with no maribel/renko in it.

>> No.9838179

Did you read the patch instructions that came with Aichiya's game?
Did you patch with winips32a?
Which ips file did you patch with?

>> No.9838214
File: 29 KB, 477x319, The Captain Solos Blaine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop being so awesome, Murasa, you're making the rest of my team look bad.

>> No.9838321
File: 15 KB, 480x95, Funny Joke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Things that would never actually happen.
I'll go first.

>> No.9838369

Reisen was like that for me
Now which one of these has Sakuya as a starter?

>> No.9838385

Yes and the touhou puppet play enhanced

>> No.9838388

Blue Version does. You can also hack the game to let you start with whoever you want. >>9830240 has details on that.

>> No.9838393


I believe some of the older 1.5 ones did, and from what I remember Blue did as well but I'm not certain.

>> No.9838401

>Blue version
Lucky me
blue is my favorite
thank you

>> No.9838419

I don't know what the problem might be, then. Are you... opening the rom called Fire Red (U)? Because it doesn't change the original rom, it creates a new one when you patch...

>> No.9838450

I originally hated Fury Cutter, and never learned it with anyone. Then I passed my PSP to my sister for a change, who promptly got hooked on Touhoumon, and ended up learning Fury Cutter with one of her Touhou (Yumeko, I think?). I secretly laughed at her, but only a few minutes later, she completely devastated a gym only with Fury Cutter. That's a pretty damn nasty move.

Oh, and that's a true story, by the way.

>> No.9838478

Yes I am using that :o
If it creates a new one then what am I suppose to use?

>> No.9838480

my lvl 24 Genji just single-handedly took out some trainer's lvl 40 spider bitch...so good

>> No.9838485
File: 47 KB, 602x258, Right There.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The other one, It'll have the same name as the patch.

>> No.9838492

Thanks for helping me out all this time but sadly I do not have the GBA file of it for some reason D:

>> No.9838499
File: 37 KB, 495x330, Touhou Puppet Play Enhanced v1.11 FireRed_GeriatricNinjaTurtle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Geriatric NINJA tortoise

>> No.9838579

Looks like natural selection is preventing you from playing.

>> No.9838692

updated em again. it's primarily frontier stuff so you can hold off on updating if you're not that interested in it.

>> No.9838703

bwahahaha, holy shit ;_;

>> No.9839169
File: 469 KB, 480x2584, respect the Genji.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so fycjking lucky
cleared Gym 5 using the most underleveled team (Genji lvl 30, Kedama lvl 25, Kedema 30, CKomachi lvl 25, Shanghai lvl 27, CYuugi lvl 34)

one of the most epic battles i've ever played..Genji literally dealt a magnitude 10 death blow to the to last Hina on 1hp which saved the day. no joke. my Komachi dealt the final strokes to the last Hina (paralyzed) with pain spilt and her whirlpool...fuck

>> No.9839184

wop, wop, wop..

Genji Style.

>> No.9839186
File: 78 KB, 780x420, Genji Style.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.9839897

Two Kedemas?
u wot m8

>> No.9840187

Is that gym seriously running Hina x 3?

>> No.9840195

It seriously is.

>> No.9840275

Holy shit, they're even all the same typing.

>> No.9840829
File: 7 KB, 240x160, shiny letty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do I do /jp/?

>> No.9840835

Master ball

>> No.9840846

Save scum, attack her with not effective attacks or just simply use ultra balls

>> No.9840848

For guarantees use a Master Ball. Otherwise be very conservative with your attacks. If you don't mind being a bit of a cheat save state right now.

>> No.9840856

Save scum and catch it and give it to me.

>> No.9840861

Do you have any lower level Touhou on your team? If so, use them to catch her.

>> No.9840872

Seriously just use ultra balls until you catch her, she have a high catch rate.

>> No.9840933

savestate like a mother until you catch it

>> No.9841007
File: 20 KB, 479x478, lettys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Caught her in a nest ball for the hearts animation, then duped her till I had all the evolutions

>> No.9841022

You're not even going to use her? And I thought my nicknames sucked, at least try.

>> No.9841028

He could throw Sanae in and fight with team slut, glistening from fresh semen.

>> No.9841056


I brought two along because I knew the trainer would have at least two Hinas use explosion, so I wanted to use self-destruct before that. Didn't actually go that well really since I lol-forgot that their being underleveld by comparison wouldn't result in a KO. I did get one of their body slams to inflict a crucial paralyze on one Hina which I then whittled away before self-destructing >>9839897

I brought two along because I knew the trainer would have at least two Hinas use explosion, so I wanted to use self-destruct before that. Didn't actually go that well really since I lol-forgot that their being underleveld by comparison wouldn't result in a KO. I did get one of their body slams to inflict a crucial paralyze on one Hina which I then whittled away before self-destructing

>> No.9841091
File: 25 KB, 478x317, boohoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugh, I'm never gonna get past Brawly at this rate. Damn.

>> No.9841095

yo. whats with the fake HLetty you got there?

>> No.9841207

Should have just brought a Youmu.
My Youmu cleared out the entire gym on her own, starting around the mid-thirties.
Because she was holding a lucky egg the whole time, when she finished, she was level fourty-five.
Let me list off the benefits of using Youmu in Koga's gym.
Steel makes her mmune to Poison. Ghost makes her immune to Explosion.
Need I say more?
It's like she was made specifically with Koga in mind.

>> No.9841211

Is Dark Alice supposed to be from some doujin, like the Advent Forms?

>> No.9841256


That would have been a good idea..too bad the only Youmu I have is quite underleveled at lvl17. Where did you pick up a lucky egg at before the gym?

>> No.9841271
File: 94 KB, 480x320, Renko disappointed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried using the Focus Sakuya + Fury Cutter strategy in Battle Tower, but it doesn't really work that well there. Too many enemies there can kill her with one hit and the A.I. likes using Quick Claws. When it does work by chance though, you sweep an entire team like it's nothing.

>> No.9841306
File: 22 KB, 481x321, letty did all the work.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Couldn't have done it without letty

>> No.9841329

This is the only lead I have on her.

>> No.9841398
File: 1.13 MB, 800x2216, IN THE GRIM DARKNESS OF THE FOREST OF MAGIC THERE IS ONLY GRIMDARK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like that's her. Seems like a pretty random character choice, but i won't complain since her stats are quite awesome.

>> No.9841450

CTewi carry them. They show up rarely before Mt. Moon, and I got lucky hehe with the first one I caught.

>> No.9841465


No kidding...guess i'll be on the lookout when I see them

>> No.9841616

this team is adorable

>> No.9841668
File: 292 KB, 960x640, ppe02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy look what I found instead of a Red Gyarados...

>> No.9841702
File: 68 KB, 480x320, Salon Rematch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dark Alice just solo'd the Salon Maiden rematch. One must not underestimate the power of SO DEEP AND DARK JUST LIKE MYSELF ;_;

>> No.9841757

It would be cool if shiny Suwako had Kanako's colours.

>> No.9841765
File: 956 KB, 960x1920, ppe03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well this is what I get for trying a blind nuzlocke run ;_;

>> No.9841799

Where do you find Nue at in the fire red hacks, specifically Aqua+Yui version?

>> No.9841807
File: 74 KB, 480x320, sailor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pokemon Emerald predicting Jojolion?

>> No.9841832

Well, ASuwako's shiny colors match Sanae's.

>> No.9841840
File: 233 KB, 960x640, ppe04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.9842203

Please respond

>> No.9842245

No idea, check your dex, or if it came with a readme or something. Or maybe ask on Pooshlmer.

>> No.9842264

I don't have her in my dex, unfortunately. The Touhoudex doesn't even HAVE an entry on her either. Who is Pooshlmer?

>> No.9842278

Well if the dex doesn't have an entry it's because she's under the nationaldex numbers. Maybe she's only available in the postgame?
And it's not WHO's pooshlmer, more like WHAT's pooshlmer.

>> No.9842277




>> No.9842281

Irrelevant to A+Y. She's an unofficial puppet, but I thought A+Y came with locations?

>> No.9842285

>Aqua+Yui Version
That hack is 1.5 stuff, not 1.8.

>> No.9842293


Wait, really? I have been using them both as reference for my FR playthrough

>> No.9842296

I'm playing a 1.5 version, sorry.
I don't have my dex filled out, I'm only at Saffron trying to train my Yumemi. I'll look around there though, thanks.
I didn't get anything besides the .gba

>> No.9842304

Byakuren: "Just as planned"

>> No.9842315

Safari Zone entrance has her at a 10% spawn rate.

>> No.9842333
File: 23 KB, 761x539, Moe~.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, friend!

>> No.9842354
File: 21 KB, 745x228, Screen shot 2012-10-07 at 9.43.32 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got it. I was looking forward to ledges: the region too ;_; . Of course I'm assuming their fuckups aren't as bad as world link's.

uh-oh. Looks like her emo is contagious.

also that team analysis thing is pretty nifty

>> No.9842357
File: 38 KB, 479x320, Rate My Team.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, so I'm training up my team to go up against Giovanni, and I thought I'd throw some statistics out there, just for trivia's sake.
If you catch one of every puppet available, excluding evolutions (CTewi and Tewi only count as one), then you will have caught exactly seventy-two puppets before starting on Victory Road.
My dex reads at Eighty-seven right now, so that means that I have evolved fifteen puppets.
I plan on my final team for E4 being as shown, only some will be on a higher level. Going for pure physical punishment.

>> No.9842363

It's shit
I say it just to say it

>> No.9842370

Their fuckups are both more and less subtle at the same time. The Sanzaka(sp) patch that most of the extra content is based off of was double battle spam, and most teams were just Attack Yuugi/Attack Flandre/Speed Utsuho/three whatever elses.

I haven't played Enhanced so I don't know how bad it is, and I don't care enough to since only the Red gauntlet interests me, so I have no idea how bad Johto will be.

>> No.9842439

Its shit because physical attackers get the fuzzy end of the lollipop in Touhou. Most of them can't learn their most useful stab physical attacks, and even when they do, the attacks just aren't as good as a special attack of the same accuracy. I don't believe there is a single physical attack with a 90 BP and 100 accuracy, yet there are at least three special attacks with that and also a chance to set off a secondary effect.

>> No.9842455

The only actually -good- physical attack is Earthquake, and three of my puppets know it.
Aside from that one attack, though, you have to deal with some combination of low accuracy, recoil, and low power.

>> No.9842466


There are loads of great physical moves. It's just that for every good physical attacker, there's at least two special attackers that function equally well.

A lot of physical attackers also get Tailwind (Dragon Dance) so if you let them they'll happily sweep you, or they can just Band themselves to hit you hard out of the gate. Here, have a list.

Body Slam - 85BP - Heart - Paralyze
Crunch - 80BP - Beast - Def drop
Drawn Line - 80BP - Steel - +2 crit
Earthquake - 100BP - Earth - 2x damage on Dig
Force Palm - 80BP - Faith - Paralyze
Heart Break - 80BP - Dark - Nothing
Ice Ball - 90BP - Ice - Def drop
Leaf Blade - 90BP - Nature - +2 crit
Poison Jab - 80BP - Miasma - Poison target
Return - 102BP - Illusion - Nothing (Only use if you have nothing else to use)
Sculpture - 95BP - Steel - Never misses, Bypasses Detect
Slash - 90BP - Beast - +2 crit
Soar - 90BP - Flying - Can hit through Fly/Bounce
Strength - 80BP - Dream - Raise Attack
Waterfall - 80BP - Water - Flinch

>> No.9842513

Maybe I just make bad choices on which puppet to use. Wriggle can't learn the most useful physical Native move (leaf blade) and Yorihime can't learn the most useful physical Faith move (force palm).
The only good physical fire move for Mokou is Flare Blitz, which pretty much requires you to keep Recover on her moveset as well.
Murasa can't learn the most useful physical Ghost attack (Shadow Hit)...

>> No.9842518


>> No.9842562
File: 36 KB, 480x318, Native.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just calling it what the game calls it.

>> No.9842581

Wriggle gets Soar and Tailwind. Camo Needle Arm is passable for a 90 BP Nature move, and it has a handy flinch rate.

Yorihime learns Drawn Line which is far more useful than Force Palm, and has crazy mixed elemental coverage. Unfortunately, she's in an environment that doesn't have Life Orb.

Mokou can use Blaze Kick and Strength, but she doesn't get 100% accurate 90+ BP Fire Stab sadly. Still cool though.

As for Murasa.. Shadow Hit is a lame move anyway. She's really hurt by the stupidly late Waterfall TM, but her defenses are passable. Not my first choice for a water ingame, though.

I have no idea why Aichiya localized it to "Native" honestly.. the characters for it can only be translated to "Nature." He might have been going for a "Native Faith" joke but there's not even a Nature/Faith Suwako form.

>> No.9842620

Is there Japanese version of patch?

>> No.9842623

I'm working on one, right after I finish my Japanese patch for the English patch of Saya no Uta.

>> No.9842641

To be honest, I'm not that disappointed with Yorihime not learning Force Palm, since her equal arrangement makes her my team's token special/physical mixup and she learns Extrasensory.
Plus, there's some equally annoying omissions from the Special attackers' side, like Tenma not learning Earth Power.

>> No.9842663
File: 31 KB, 448x357, 1337042479286.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll fugging kill you bitch

>> No.9842668
File: 4 KB, 240x160, thmnemer18_32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

curse you noland

curse you and your defense murasas and reflects

>> No.9842670

No, I mean is there japanese version of this mod for japanese game?

>> No.9842676

What are special attacks?
or did he have light screen also?

>> No.9842685

I'm pretty sure that the Fire Red mod was originally Japanese, and Aichiya localized and translated it. You'll be wanting the original, right?

>> No.9842686

i want to make a complaint about wattson being strangely hard in your hack compared to any of the other gym leaders, and I couldn't find any fitting pokemon to grind against because I beat all the trainers and the only wilds I could find were 10-15 levels under him.

his highest level puppet seems "too good" because of mirror shot, don't remember what puppet it was and I'm not 100% positive about how I'm remembering this, but I felt somewhat cheated and had to savescum the battle despite being slightly overleveled than him

>> No.9842701

The entire team he rolled was specially bulky (HLily White w/Mana Charge, Advent Alice, Defense Murasa), so Tojiko was dead weight. Lily set up Reflect shortly before it died and Alice finished Tojiko off.

Reflect let Alice survive a Momiji EQ in the red to burn her, so Momi was helpless against DMurasa.

All I had left for DMurasa was ALily Black with Outrage/Extremespeed/Selfdestruct/Steel Wing, so.. yeah.

Yamame walls Iku, Shizuha and Minoriko can Leech Seed it, and Medicine walls 3/4ths of Wattson's team.

>> No.9842713

This. Leech Seed is probably my single favorite move. Full Stop.
Combine it with Stun Spore, Attract, and Ingrain/Double Team/any move that raises defense or special defense for extra Jew.

>> No.9842714

>all that shit
Brick Break sounds helpful

>> No.9842730

well, at that level I don't have the utility moves with most of the puppets that I had to beat his iku without countering her directly, I just think that MAYBE being able to grind without it being a slow sludge (not as bad a world link, though) or even waiting until the next gym leader before taking off the gloves would be better, JUST because of the levels of the wilds in the accessible area. and the fact that frankly half the puppets suck in terms of diversity until right before level 30. I really don't want to be forced to counter something so early in the game, being slightly overleveled with type-evenness should be fine; in Yellow, brock only worked with your starter choice because Mankey was easily accessible and 50% of the pokemon you could catch before that point either had high speed or countered rock, and because it was so early there was no shame in throwing away a pokemon that you got a gym leader's worth of levels on.

>> No.9842752

> (not as bad as world link, though)
Didn't World Link unlock the Match Call Rematches at the start of the game instead of after you beat Norman?

I remember grinding off the breeders and aroma lady rematches for watson there

>> No.9842783
File: 9 KB, 720x160, oh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>at that level I don't have the utility moves

>> No.9842811

Sorry, not into the nature type touhous. At all.

>> No.9842818

oh no poke encyclopedia doesn't work with this

how will I check IVs now? fffffff

>> No.9842821

then boy are you not gonna like Kasen.

Also prepare for grinding to death or get yourself a miko and work with that mon.

>> No.9842822

Just get rid of it after you beat Watson next time and stop making excuses.

>> No.9842845


Who do you have on your team then? I've been struggling so far, I'm almost at Wattson and wanna see if it'll be tough or not.

>> No.9842844
File: 95 KB, 250x250, Kazami Yuuka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry, could you repeat that, young man?

>> No.9842882
File: 27 KB, 761x539, ~.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any suggestions as to who my final friend will be? All I need is a water type.

>> No.9842884

what version are you playing?

>> No.9842888

Aqua+Yui, it's a 1.5 version. Is Murasa any good? I like her anchor.

>> No.9842894

>water type
Captain Motherfucking Murasa!
Ghost-typing nullifies her normal weakness to miasma makes her immune to dark. Her water-typing and attacks let her take out beast-types before they can make use of her beast weakness.

>> No.9842897

"You don't have the right puppets" is a bad excuse for a gym leader that I either need to counter, or grind hard and savescum against if I pick the starter that /they/ counter.
I can't even get her by that point.
If you have Alice as your starter, make sure to pick up a puppet that's not countered by Wind or Heart before you do all the trainer battles. That's my only advice, you should be fine otherwise. You shouldn't have any trouble except with TIku's Mirror Shot and only if you put a lot of effort into an Alice. Man, the game isn't open enough at that point to make something totally counter the starter. One gym leader later or earlier and I would've been fine with it, but that was obnoxiously placed.

>> No.9842899

1.5, bro.

Murasa wasn't that bad if I recall, she had a pretty monstrous HP stat. It's just most 1.5 waters not named Nitori were pretty terrible.

>> No.9842900

Been awhile since i played that version but Murasa, YHSanae (http://amarilloviridian.co.cc/wiki/index.php5?title=Ayanote/YHSanae)), Cirno and Komachi are pretty good mons. Swimsuit forms can be a thing also.
YHSanae is a bit of thing though since she can either get drizzle or intimadate.
Nitori is a thing because of rain abuse

Nothing else comes to mind since I never really use water types.

>> No.9842904

appearently i like to say "a thing" alot. I need to learn to stop saying that as much.

>> No.9842911


So it's just Mirror Shot then? I picked Sanae, so that part shouldn't be much problem since she resists it, and Decision always hits. Everything before it was a nightmare though. Beast type first gym combined with enemies that knew Rock Tomb made them counter my entire team. Unkillable CSara and TIchirin ran a truck over everyone. It was horrible.

>> No.9842914

Heh, yeah Mirror Shot is the only major problem with Wattson. It just stood out way too much. First or second gym I was okay with the possiblity of countering a starter because the wilds were well tuned.

>> No.9842915
File: 81 KB, 531x750, 25210247.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This version doesn't have any of the Beast/Nature/etc typings, but if I'll try to look for her.
I wasn't aware Swimsuit forms were a thing. If I would have known about all of Wriggle's alt. forms I would have just made a team almost entirely out of Wriggle. That makes me kind of sad, now that I think about what could have been.

>> No.9842916

Is it possible to play and enjoy this game without knowing the ins-and-outs of Pokemon?

>> No.9842920

It's possible, but you'll need a lot of grinding. You should at least learn about the Type system (which is different from Pokemon)

>> No.9842937

Its a very simple game to learn, 1.5 and 1.8 are both pretty nice versions but they are different from each other. I recommand 1.8 because everything is pretty much usuable besides for a few mons.

>> No.9842945


I was about to disagree, but then I remembered all the fliers in the start that'd make the gym a breeze, but I didn't want to use them because they weren't Reimu or Aya.

>> No.9842959
File: 39 KB, 480x318, My Head Hurts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can't even get her by that point
I try to make a funny about one of the scariest touhous getting offended at your statement, and this is the kind of response I get...

Also... what is this? I... don't quite get the logic of having this move in her learnset? Is it some sort of joke about her being a "firebug"?
Because it's not funny and less than useful to say the least when her Sp. Attack is less than half her Attack.

>> No.9842976

>Also... what is this? I... don't quite get the logic of having this move in her learnset? Is it some sort of joke about her being a "firebug"?
Because it's not funny and less than useful to say the least when her Sp. Attack is less than half her Attack.

Heatwave is just a move that flying types ussually get.

blowing hot air, or something.

Cannot find a save game editor that works the romhack ahhhhh how will be perfectionist with my breeding now ; ;

>> No.9842984

Does this have a save editor? Most of its tools worked with the emerald hack, so if it does it probably should work.

>> No.9843003
File: 194 KB, 960x640, ppe06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just beat Red in FireRed. Is that the last piece of story present in it, or is there nothing else but fill the Dex?

>> No.9843050
File: 31 KB, 480x321, Sonuva-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You see how close that was? That one hitpoint was the difference between Wriggle sweeping what was left of Giovanni's team with Needle Arm and me having to struggle through with Yuugi, Yorihime, and Mokou...
Fire Punch didn't even beat Wriggle, but the permanent Sandstorm that Giovanni's Suika kicked up at the beginning of the fight did. Fucking hell.

>> No.9843058
File: 183 KB, 1527x1629, WRIGGU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9843081

What did you do to her!?!
The Ara-ara is strong with this one...
Look out Fire and Ice users, Wriggle is no longer weak to your powers, and she's out for revenge in a cute bathing suit!

>> No.9843093

What overwhelmingly great taste. Only drawback being the glaring weakness to flying. But hey, it's not like every other mon can learn a flying move.

What's wrong with Princess Wriggle?

>> No.9843107

Nobody is a match for me now!
It's cool, I have Nue for that.

>> No.9843181


I think this only rom data and not saves, but thanks for trying anon!

>> No.9843186

I'm lillywhatever cove in emerald, and I haven't found a Speed Shard yet. I desperately need to use one now. What item does it replace? I want to see if there are any hidden ones I might have missed.

>> No.9843195

There's one in New Mauville next to the generator. Additionally, Chibi Rins hold them at 5%.

>> No.9843200

Thank you.

>> No.9843671
File: 542 KB, 800x700, Yuuka Mokou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The enemy surviving with one HP left happens way too often in Battle Frontier. Some versions of Yuuka and Goliath Doll even tend to survive a Fire Blast coming of 140 base special attack. That's of cource without Focus Ribbon, which actually almost never seems to work for the A.I. or is never used.

>> No.9843673

>It's just that for every good physical attacker, there's at least two special attackers that function equally well.
This is one of my biggest problems with Touhoumon 1.8. All the pure, cute and stylish Touhou use special attacks, while all the lame, ugly and slutty Touhou use physical attacks. I wish the score was a bit more balanced.

>> No.9843687

I believe some Touhou have abilities that prevent one-hit KOs.

>> No.9843694

Sturdy doesn't work like that in this generation.

sturdy would only block.. what.. sheer cold and judgement in this game?

>> No.9843692


>> No.9843697


My favorite character favors special attacks in 1.8. She has one form that can go mixed but I want to punch faces in with her more.

>> No.9843726


Holy shit is that a big movepool
Is she the Ditto of 1.8?

>> No.9843727

>slutty Touhou use physical attacks
Look Yuugi may be promiscuous, but she's promiscuous like a guy is. When she has sex, she doesn't let the other person have something, she scores. Yuugi is a hardcore Viking warrior-king in a rocking hot woman's body. It is not possible for her to be a slut, even if she sleeps around more than Marisa, Nue, or even Sanae.

>> No.9843734
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Does this answer your question?

>> No.9843735

Akyuu can learn anything because she knows Sketch

>> No.9843736

No, she is that Sketch Pokemon whose name I forgot. Ditto is Kedama.

>> No.9843738


>> No.9843781
File: 692 KB, 900x900, yuugen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just fought a random trainer in the Battle Arena who had Shingyoku-o, Shingyoku-f and Yuugenmagan. I thought those were special Touhous that only the best trainers can use...

>> No.9843782


Ah okay that makes sense now...didn't know Kedema was the Ditto.

>> No.9843809
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This is how I Genji.
Chen had brought her down to a tiny sliver of red with Soar right before Ran used Roar and pulled out Genji. Ran insisted on using Tailwind six turns in a row while Genji used Fly three times and actually beat her. The split experience (half to Chen and half to him) leveled him four times.

>> No.9843845


Mah Tortoise

>> No.9843886
File: 35 KB, 478x320, Preparing for E4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this man gets paid by commission, he must love me so much right now.

>> No.9843899

bad idea

>> No.9844125
File: 84 KB, 480x637, Irony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's too bad the game can't understand why I'm laughing, because I'm pretty sure it would have a very cute blush on its face if it could.

>> No.9844194
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That last battle got a bit cheapened by the fact that Kuro-chan had a streak of good luck with Kogasa's Blizzard missing, and was able to get a bunch of Tailwinds in, pretty much ending the fight with Slash/Soar spam after that.
The fight that gave me the most difficulty was Lorelei. I barely scraped past her with a single puppet.

>> No.9844443

Owned like hell right there.

>> No.9844791
File: 96 KB, 480x320, Magic Stones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would anyone even make sprites for the 5 Magic Stones...

>> No.9844874

Does 100% accuracy in heavy rain apply to gen3? Bulbapedia says that was introduced in gen4.

Yes Smeargle.

>> No.9845164
File: 115 KB, 480x320, Mini Kasen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does Kasen have Inner Power? It really doesn't seem that usefull if you're not Dream type...

>> No.9845226

This trainer sent out GMystia out against my Princess Wriggle, that's a bit humorous.
Might be an accident with the abilities, I think someone else was pointing it out earlier.

>> No.9845247

I'm pretty sure that was started in gen 2, but I could be remembering wrong.

>> No.9845264

>Does 100% accuracy in heavy rain apply to gen3?

Thunder could hit 100% accuracy on rain in gen 2

>> No.9845287
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To be fair, it has a second ability which is much more usefull. The other thing was about Inner Power's description saying that it raises Reason instead of Dream. That one was in Aichiya's hack. This Kasen is from the Emerald hack.

>> No.9845307

So my Wriggle team got swept because somebody thought it was a good idea to make bug weak against ice


>> No.9845320

Bugs can't handle the cold. Unfortunate, but true.

>> No.9845323
File: 91 KB, 480x320, roaming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It took way too long to find this...

>> No.9845331
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That doesn't mean you should make them weak against a fourth type, three was enough

>> No.9845344

Bugs are not very resiliant. They will die to absolutely anything.

>> No.9845347

Besides Mothra
bugs are crap

>> No.9845364
File: 97 KB, 1820x1320, 27534478_big_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bugs are strong!

>> No.9845366

Let me put it this way; be very impressed they only have four weaknesses, because if not for balance reasons, they should have a weakness to fucking everything.

>> No.9845370

You should have a weakness to my dick

>> No.9845376
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>> No.9845378

You will never have me, fag.

>> No.9845387

At least they're not still weak to poison.

>> No.9845393

I dunno, I use it at my house and it is super effective.

>> No.9845778

does that aya/team benefit from rain dance in the first place? It sure did help my toyohime sweep

>> No.9845787

Well, that Aya is the Wind/Flying type, so it might know Thunder, as does Sariel. Since I started with a Steel type, she might have been planning on taking Yorihime out the next turn with it. Only reason I didn't have to deal with that is because my Thunder got a critical. It wasn't super-effective.

>> No.9845832
File: 71 KB, 480x320, kasen moves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like it's supposed to run an Endure + Inner Power + Reversal set, but Meiling and Speed Meiling can do the same thing and get STAB for their Dream type.

>> No.9846032
File: 37 KB, 477x314, idontknow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hardest part of this game is choosing who to bench and who to keep on your team.

>> No.9846039

More like, the hardest part is deciding whether to go for battle strategy or use your favourites and have to go through tedious grinding.

>> No.9846056


Who says I can't have both? The problem is that there are too many characters I want to use but only 6 team slots.

>> No.9846061
File: 88 KB, 480x320, Pyramid clear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man, this took way too long. Also, his Sendai is apparently so bulky that it can somehow survive STAB Luster Purge from modest, EV-trained Dark Alice, even though it's super effective.

>> No.9846169

Sendai is probably one of the hugest threats ever. Super Bulky, Awesome Physical attacks, really good movepool variety to add to that.

>> No.9846344
File: 352 KB, 1000x707, futos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find it impossible to use a team made with just my favourite characters in Battle Frontier, especially since you can only use 3 characters in most matches and can't just switch out after beating an enemy.

Unless Lily Black is your favourite, stuff like Baton Passing Speed Boost will also be impossible, making sweeping even harder. Most of my favourites are also Faith or Reason types, making diverse teams that much harder to create...

>> No.9847211


Well, I really like Aya so that part shouldn't be a challenge. I really like a lot of characters so I have a large pool to choose from, but the difficulty comes from picking who to keep on a team.

>> No.9847277

what are "MagiStones"

>> No.9847312

huh, the goliath doll is pretty awesome

>> No.9847416

The Five Magic Stones from... I believe it's Story of Eastern Wonderland. The only Touhou boss that isn't actually a person, if I remember right.
Unless you count Yugenmagan, but at least it has eyes...

>> No.9847599

10:45 PM - Reisen Udongein Inaba: INCOMING IKU LOL
10:47 PM - Reisen Udongein Inaba: okay so I stand no chance because he has pokemon considerably higher leveled then his gym
10:47 PM - Reisen Udongein Inaba: hate it when they do that

>> No.9847605

Oops, I didn't mean to quote you. Sorry.

>> No.9847626

pretty much. During a normal pokemon game I'll have a "bench" of 2 somewhat viable contenders/pokemon that have had a place on the main team at max. In this game I have nearly half a box full.

>> No.9847646

that persons like a retard

>> No.9847685

youre like autistic

>> No.9847708

of course the gym leader is gonna have higher level mons
and he hates when they do that? come on

>> No.9847726

ran is interesting too. Nasty plot, binding voice, mana burst, thunderbolt/flamethrower/fireblast off of 100SpAtt and 110Att ain't shabby

>> No.9847733

*110 speed

>> No.9847746


>> No.9847800

The Battle Frontier things could have perfect IVs or something

I wonder if RNGing works for this game the same it does for vanilla emerald..

>> No.9848440
File: 5 KB, 477x292, 5HRoG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck canon, I need an HM slave.

>> No.9848472

Remi has Fly, Cut, Strength and Rock Smash. REMI STRONG!

>> No.9848483

You missed the part where Namazu doesn't have Shadow Dive.

>> No.9848657

Has anyone caught a Namazu in the Safari Zone? All i'm finding are Nitoris, Hinas, and vare rarely a Suwako. Haven't even seen the big guy once..

>> No.9848829

Try Kogasa. It has both Surf and Shadow Dive.

>> No.9848983

I also need rock smash, strength, etc...

>> No.9849094

You'll never fit 8 HM moves on one Touhou, you know.

>> No.9849141


If only people were able to somehow hack the game and fix these ancient HM gameplay antics..

>> No.9849165

Does anyone know what pokemon cKasen replaces so I can make her my starter?

>> No.9849185
File: 237 KB, 480x1276, Call me fishmael.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well finally...only savescrumed about 100 times or so in the smae location, but ro, thar she brows!

>> No.9849286

The games should just give you key items which allow you to use the HM without having to learn it. Like a Power Glove which lets you use strength or a surf board.

>> No.9849434

>100 times or so
Lucky bastard. I spent about two hours real time at 600% speedup fishing before I found him. To maximize my efficiency, I had autofire B going so all I had to do was hit shift, then down left A. Rinse and repeat until you go into a sort of foggy state where you aren't awake but you aren't asleep.

>> No.9849436

>down left A
*Down Right A

>> No.9850255

Which starter should I chose?

>> No.9850535

Somehow my savefile vanished. Are there any cheats that let you set the nature of encountered Touhou in Puppet Play 1.8? If there's one thing I really don't want to go through again, it's that,

>> No.9850539


Yeah not fun. I don't have speedup on the emulator i'm using, so what I did was just to make a save state right as it said I caught something and then reload that until I had him. I didn't know if all the ponds in the zone would have him or not, so I was just crossing my fingers.

>> No.9850584

There are some ActionReplay codes on Gamefags for Emerald, but only the alternative ones worked for me without instantly crashing (I didn't actually try the nature cheat though). If you're desperate, you could go to Safari Zone, catch as many of Kedama as you can, and breed the one with the right nature with the Touhou you want, while having Kedama hold an Everstone. 50% of the resulting eggs will have Kedama's nature.

Personally, I think Alice is best, since Reason is way overpowered in my humble opinion. If you want fast instead, you could go with Reisen. Heart is a solid defensive typing, but she will still go down fast if something actually hits her. Sanae sucks. You wouldn't want a slut on your team, right?

>> No.9850591

>You wouldn't want a slut on your team, right?
Of course not. TO what do Reason and Heart roughly translate to in the original Pokemon?

>> No.9850597

What's the easiest way to trade in this game if you're playing with yourself?

>> No.9850605

Are there any PSP emulators that allow speedup?

>> No.9850621


Look at what they do and decide from that? Otherwise go with whatever is cute to you and hope for the best.

>> No.9850640


bsnes/hikan might be able to, but its not been ported to the platform yet, but the source code is libre so that might be possibilty at some point.

>> No.9850643

Bsnes never will. I mean you need an i5 to play with it properly.

>> No.9850653

Sanae has the most difficult early game with stuff hitting her SE right out the game. Can't say much else. Reisen is what you'd expect from a fast sweeper.

Reason is most like psychic. Heart is pretty unique. Check out the typing chart.

I've not done it but I keep hearing about vbaLink

very much so

>> No.9850668

Sanae has Water Pulse and Serene Grace, she's very annoying. One particular trainer in the fifth gym shows this.

Emulators with link capability are unfortunately quite rare, but there's VBALink, hopefully VBA-M some day. Basically don't expect trading to work.

I think he's trolling. I hope he's trolling.

>> No.9850683

So no chance of getting DAlice for example if you play alone?

>> No.9850686

>Basically don't expect trading to work.
It works fine as long as your computer can handle two instances of the emulator.

>> No.9850704

I meant to say "don't expect it to work if you're on a handheld, or don't like using Wine, or what >>9850686 says" my bad.

>> No.9850713

Oh I see. No problem then.

>> No.9850737

Can someone tell me how do you get a Dark Alice/Advent Alice?
The official wiki lacks lot of informations and the shitty wikia isn't more helpful.

>> No.9850765

Unless it was changed, this should be correct. For Emerald, all that information is in Stone Evolutions.txt

Update your bookmarks already.

>> No.9850821

Thanks a lot. Totally forgot about that file.

I don't use the wikia eh, that's the first result on a fast google search. Didn't think the good wiki would have informations about Touhoumon.

>> No.9851165

Alright, so Block is on Minoriko's egg move list and I bred a male Meiling who knows block with a female Minoriko.
The resultant Minoriko did not know block.
Is there a step that I'm forgetting?

>> No.9851203

So, if I picked the fossil on the right side at the begining of FR, does that mean i'll get Hijiri at some later point?

>> No.9851223

Hijiri is from the Amber in the museum. Orb and Hakkero are Reimu and Marisa.
So, in short, yes. But you will also get Hijiri if you choose the other one.

>> No.9851300

What hack? It doesn't apply to Emerald, but does to Blue version.

>> No.9851388

Fire Red 1.8.

>> No.9851623


Thanks for the clarification.

>> No.9851771
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Holy shit, that was a close victory. Good thing that Technical Toyohime is so slow...

>> No.9851981
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>> No.9852037

Whoa, page 9 no thank you~!

>> No.9852040

This is long past bump limit.

>> No.9852042

Then how did you see this~?

>> No.9852052


>> No.9852060

just because it reached the bump limit doesn't mean the thread is gone. It still has one page left to go.

>> No.9852194

The Aichiya one listed at the top? Her egg moves appear to be the same as Emerald, and Block isn't among them.

>> No.9852319

Well shit. How am I going to get my perfect catching setup now? It was supposed to be Shizuha with Baton Pass, Block, Stun Spore, and Ingrain passing it off to Attack Keine with False Swipe, Attract, Sharpen, and whatever.
Now I'm going to need a third puppet to set up the perfect catching scenario. One that can learn Block and Baton Pass.

>> No.9852491

she's plumbing the depths. New >>9852477
