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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 2.75 MB, 375x188, 1349632541912.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9841058 No.9841058 [Reply] [Original]

Why won't you party?

>> No.9841064

My ass is too fat.

>> No.9841069
File: 676 KB, 300x368, 1345821536171.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9841075

What is she doing?

>> No.9841080


>> No.9841081

She is masturbating

>> No.9841088

some kind of moe sexual ritual.

>> No.9841121

chuuni mating call that attracts dark flame masters

>> No.9841137
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>> No.9841157
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>> No.9841162


>> No.9841225

There was a point where this needed to stop, and we have clearly passed it far too long ago.

>> No.9841293

next episode airs weds?

>> No.9841704


Speedsub it weeaboos.

>> No.9841713

This is my favorite /a/ meme

>> No.9841721

This, but unironically

>> No.9841726

What epic anime is this from?

>> No.9841742

Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai!

>> No.9841762

officially declaring this thread epig as fUCK

>> No.9841776

So /jp/, did you ever catch eight grade sickness?

>> No.9841780


>> No.9841784

Does American culture facilitate something like this? Everyone I knew just acted normal, there were some goth kids but I don't think they tried casting spells and shit.

>> No.9841782


>> No.9841788

You know, I think it does. It really is not exactly uncommon here, even if the term is really unusual.

>> No.9841791

Is 'identity crisis' a good translation for chuunibyou?

>> No.9841802

From what I understand, it just refers to people who like the things eight grade boys would stereotypically enjoy, like a lot of explosions and giant robots and world conquest. Someone please correct me, because this is only seen as abnormal in Japan.

>> No.9841804

Very incorrect.

Get back to /a/.

>> No.9841816

From wiki, they have:

-start listening to western music
-start drinking coffee that isn't even good
-insist that "I knew this band before it got popular"
-think that if you go at it you will succeed
-start telling mom to 'respect my privacy'
-learn a bit about society and start to blurt out things like "The U.S. is dirty, isn't it" all of a sudden

This is chuunibyou from the otaku perspective and how they use it.

>> No.9841813

That had nothing to do with my post. However, keeping unrelated threads on page zero at all times and mindlessly redirecting people to /a/ makes it look like you are an outsider trying too hard to fit in.

>> No.9841819

I tried typing this message many times to express just how much of a /v/ or /a/ person you are for thinking I bumped this thread just because I don't have sage in my email field, but this is what I settled on.

>> No.9841828

I admit I did not actually bother to check, but it was a reasonable assumption because only hipsters and fags use nokosage.

>> No.9841834

Confirmed for outsider trying to fit in. Maybe you should look up what sage actually does, newfriend. Because that's pretty much EXACTLY what it means when you don't have it in your email field.

I bet you think sage is an insult too.

>> No.9841838

Wow that was funny. I hope you're not being serious here. That would be too hilarious.

>> No.9841842


>> No.9841848

I'm not even him, but is that all you can say in response? Looks like you've lost this argument. Do you think you're cool and special because you know about the secret hidden nokosage function that the guy who introduced you to 4chan last week told you? Stop spamming redirects everywhere. You realize that nobody is going to follow them, right? Fucking autist.

>> No.9841849

I promise you I could hop on deviant art, gaia, youtube, maybe even /b/, and I'd find someone with severe sickness within seconds.

>> No.9841854

You just need to look at all the /jp/ anons who think they're edgy, superior and intelligent because they redirect people to /a/, when /a/ is literally no fucking different except its for anime.

>> No.9841857

>when /a/ is literally no fucking different except its for anime.
Wow, that's going too far.

>> No.9841860

You're making that guy look worse by associating with him.

>> No.9841863

>still nothing to say back
>acts like he won and is somehow superior
Point in case.

>> No.9841867

e/b/in greentext /a/-kun

>> No.9841868

The term is case in point. Are you also >>9841854 ?

>> No.9841870

Man, I was actually rooting for you to win this argument and then you go and use meme arrows.

>> No.9841873

I'm willing to say all of the /r9k/ fags that are caught up in their alpha/beta game have eighth grade sickness.

>> No.9841883

Oh wow, I totally can't tell you samefagged because you didn't use caps in one post and put sage instead of nokosage this time!
>nitpicking terminology like a strawman instead of saying something actually instructive
Stay pleb.

>> No.9841881

You're doing it wrong. Greentext complaining is used for "implying" posts and /v/ type stories.

Please lurk a little and don't just mindlessly regurgitate memes.

>> No.9841891

It's the same thing.

Still going. Fucking EPIC, dude.

>> No.9841897

I'm not going to bother replying to you anymore.

>> No.9841905

You think that's going to make it look like you exited with the superior position? protip: it won't, you're basically ragequitting.

>> No.9841909

Epic spoilerabuse. You're the king of crossboarders.

>> No.9841910

Get a load of this wrong idiot.

>> No.9841912
File: 1.58 MB, 400x337, 1349585748761.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we go back to chuuni discussion please?
It'll be much more fun, I promise!

>> No.9841914

Oh god, "crossboarder" and complaining about spoilers in one post.

You have to be joking at this point.

>> No.9841915
File: 53 KB, 400x400, 1330308389371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9841918


>> No.9841921

Nice recent filename, newboarder.

>> No.9841923

Good job /jp/, you ruined a perfectly good discussion by posting redirects everywhere and debating the finer points of what does and does not constitute a "crossboarder."

This is why no other board takes your elitism seriously. Ironic that this would take place in a chu2 thread, because you are legit chunibyou.

>> No.9841926

That was the point anon. We were just putting on an act as an example.

>> No.9841927

I was talking about the phenomenon of chuuni's in Japan and in other parts of the world, not the anime necessarily, although we can talk about how the anime defines chuunibyou if that adds to the discussion.

Or we could always go back to why we don't party that much, but I think we already know why.

>> No.9841931
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>> No.9841937
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Gonna have to do better than that.

>> No.9841944

Are you a dinosaur?

>> No.9841946

(´・ ・`)

>> No.9841949
File: 124 KB, 670x504, get_out_of_jp02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, I renamed mine.

>> No.9841978
File: 1.07 MB, 495x446, spin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9841985

I don't think it was a good discussion to begin with, as this thread belonged in /a/ from post 1. Nor do I want to debates over what chuunibyou means because /a/ is circlejerking over all their dancing gifs of this show. Especially when the term has undergone changes in meaning.

>> No.9841990
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>> No.9841991
File: 1.17 MB, 360x256, 1327299707286.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think anyone on /jp/ parties as hard as me

>> No.9841992

You are a very bitter person. Do you think you're better than everyone posting on /a/ because you sit back and scorn them and everything they like?

>> No.9841997

Naturally you crossboarding underage scum, why don't you head on back to whatever board you originated from so you can discuss epic memes and spam image macros.

>> No.9842003

>discuss epic memes and spam image macros.

But you can already do those things in /jp/.

>> No.9842002

Please don't misuse the shitposting function.

>> No.9842018

I don't dislike everything that /a/ likes. There are very obnoxious people who like touhou and certain VNs, especially translated ones. I don't stop liking those things.

What I don't like is the way they discuss things. The same goes for /v/, because both boards act in a similar fashion.

>> No.9842035

Except /jp/ and everyone on 4chan acts in the same way. You're very foolish for thinking /jp/ is somehow an exception, and that nobody from /jp/ posts on other boards.

>> No.9842051




>> No.9842058

Go back to /a/.

>> No.9842086


>> No.9842097

How does this thread even have anything to do with /v/ or /soc/?

>> No.9842107

Ask your buddies at /o/


Here, I put a link so you can find it easier.

>> No.9842127

>I put a link so you can find it easier


>> No.9842133

