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982340 No.982340 [Reply] [Original]

ITT We connect the dots between various relative and unrelative series.

(Pic unrelated)

In Fate/stay Night's ending(s), Rin departs for the Magic Association in London, which is..

>> No.982375

where harry potter learns his magic...

>> No.982379


>> No.982381

... still denying to re-emergence of Voldemort. Can we end this thread before it goes sour?

>> No.982386
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..nowhere near Italy or Belmonte where a certain illegal taxi driver makes his living and happens to be a struggling werewolf fighting against his past, much like..

>> No.982390

Thread stopped being good at "London"

>> No.982398


>> No.982426

the place where Sweeney Todd kills everyone.

>> No.982440

Everything 'sags' in London, amirite?

>> No.982457

The only place the TARDIS seems to ever land when flying random, even though it's fully fucking capable of landing ANYWHERE in the god forsaken universe. Fuck you, Doctor. Fuck. You.

>> No.983813
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Only one thing can save this thread.

>> No.983825
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>> No.983847


>> No.983878

Iori's got a cousin Hayate, Miss Frizzle drives a Tardis, and Skynet got the idea of Terminators from Gunslinger Girls.

>> No.983894

Also Pokemon is really Shinji's crazy you-can-do-it dream, except it's starting to fall apart. Notice how recent new Pokemon are more likely to look all...geometric. Angled. Yeah.

>> No.983919

Tsukihime and Love Hina? Same prefecture. Not even that far apart distance-wise.

Also the Hojo family crest is totally the Triforce.

>> No.983924
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>> No.983928

>Tsukihime and Love Hina? Same prefecture. Not even that far apart distance-wise.

This makes me want to wish that the girl Nero killed at the park was Naru.

>> No.983939

Nasuverse is multiverse.
In at least one universe, undoubtedly, she was.

>> No.983938

Hmm, what I should hijack this thread with?

>> No.983943
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Nono hijack?

>> No.983954
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>> No.983975

Yukari spreads the Primarchs accross the galaxy. One of these is the ancestor of Sakuya Izayoi and Shiki Tohno.
The Emperor and Horus fight Yukari. The psyker powers crete a massive Warp Storm. The combat ends with both the Emperor and Horus forgetting the battle.
The Warp Storm is later designated "Gensokyo". The Warp Demons inhabiting it are called "Yukkuris"
Many humans were stranded inside the ever-expanding Warp Storm. A powerful psyker offered herself to seal it from within. This psyker is the ancestor of Reimu Hakurei.
Most humans, due to the powers of the Immaterium, gained diverse powers. However, some were driven insane, most of these developed a craving for human flesh. Those designated themselves "youkai"

>> No.983983



>> No.983990
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Kanako, please

>> No.984012

>AV videos
Adult Video videos?

>> No.984055

The sort that can be bought with money from an ATM machine.
Remember to type the right PIN number.

>> No.984627
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"All kids hold an egg in their soul.
The egg of our hearts,
our would-be selves
yet unseen"

In times of hope and despair, these eggs hatch into Guardian Characters, those who protect our potential selves from the pressures of society.

But what happens when an egg is left unhatched as a person is erased from the world?

>> No.984644
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When one is erased, one is replaced by a copy, and the Guardian egg is consumed into a flame. This flame indicator of remaining time is a reason these copies are called "Torches".

The initial size of the flame is determined by the quality of the original Guardian Egg. Higher quality eggs yield larger flames.

But a longer time limit is not the final goal of quality egg flames.

>> No.984676
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No. That is not the final goal.
Those who possess truly heroic spirits and die valiantly in battle or are otherwise untimely erased from the world can never completely perish.

The Guardian Egg of a hero defeated cannot be consumed by the flames of oblivion. Instead, the caramelize into artifacts known as Noble Phantasms, or Hougu that are amplified versions of artifacts linked to the hero's legend.

If a hero has no artifact attributed to his legend, or is cut down before his legend begins, the Guardian Egg serves to replicate a lost artifact from a similar hero.

>> No.984708
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One such artifact is an arrow that offers its user a gamble.

If one has a strong Guardian Egg, piercing oneself with the arrow forces the Egg to hatch- not into a mere Guardian Character, but into a much stronger being known as a Stand.

If one does not possess such a willful heart, one ends up dead.

>> No.984730
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This thread is shit.

>> No.984752


call 1800-gil-sama for a special video offer
