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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 344 KB, 256x192, Boy next door.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9814305 No.9814305 [Reply] [Original]

>The video-streaming service Niconico announced on Monday that it will retire its current English website, Niconico.com, by the end of 2012. The service will replace it with an English version under its Japanese domain name on October 17.


They should have done this from the start.

>> No.9814375

Whats the difference

>> No.9814383

They're combining both sites into one? Like how youtube has multi language support? what's wrong with that?

>> No.9814390


Nothing. It's what they should have done from the start instead of making an entirely different website.

>> No.9814393

Now all the subhuman gaijin are going to pollute the comments with their drivel.

>> No.9814404

Their comments are shit already. Fuck them.




>> No.9814417

I honestly don't know if this is a good thing or a terrible thing. I didn't need those menus translated too badly after all.

Well it depends how much they want to force me to use the English part I guess.

>> No.9814420


>> No.9814430


The comments are already garbage. You just think they aren't because you can't read Japanese.

Fucking weeb.

>> No.9814432

Aren't comments in different languages separate already?

>> No.9814436


>> No.9814437

I see the humour and subtlety of nico comments is lost on the ignorant. I weep for you.

>> No.9814439

Pixiv has some English and it didn't interfere it just made my account easier to use

>> No.9814440


>> No.9814441

full weeb wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

>> No.9814443

How do real japaranese people actually laugh?

>> No.9814445

No, they're shit. 2ch is full of normals and even they agree.

>> No.9814446

damn this "wwwwwwwwww" shit is so fucking dumb. I wish I could kill every retarded piece of shit gook(imitating weebs are also included) who posts it.

>> No.9814448

I don't see any humour or subtlety in nico douga comments.

>> No.9814451


>> No.9814456


The Japanese are though.

>> No.9814454


>> No.9814455

oh dear your secret club is being invaded

>> No.9814457

I honestly stopped using English Pixiv because the Japanese one has a simpler design and I'd get lost when they would translate a tag to English and I'd search for it in Japanese still. I wonder if they killed the handful of bugs yet.

>> No.9814458


>> No.9814460

I'd rather post together with gaiatard, who's intelligence and IQ is obviously digits higher than that of an average niconico shitstain.

>> No.9814463

Gaia is still alive?

>> No.9814465 [DELETED] 
File: 337 KB, 600x1121, Japs Chinks tell apart .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody gives a shit weeb. They are all gooks here.

>> No.9814467


>> No.9814468

youtube and nico's comment quality are just the same

it's just that nico could do stupider shit with it like most 弾幕s

>> No.9814470

Probably. I don't think that reddit and 4chan managed to steal all of their userbase.

>> No.9814471

Like every person in any country weeaboo

>> No.9814472

Well I have never used English pixiv either, I've had an account since before they made that but some of the navigations are in English now on the JP site so its helpful.

>> No.9814476

4chan is seen in a much different light than Gaia, and Reddit has very few ties to Japanese culture.

>> No.9814477

Only subhumans laugh in katakana.

>> No.9814487

>Only subhumans laugh in katakana.
( ゚∀゚)アハハ八八ノヽノヽノヽノ \ / \/ \

>> No.9814481

Why are you so angry today, anon?

>> No.9814485

Watching comedy videos and live song streams on NicoNico is especially horrid.
"hidoi wwwww"
and repeat the same till the end of the video.

>> No.9814493


>> No.9814496


>> No.9814501


>> No.9814504

The Japanese are white, what are you talking about?

>> No.9814507

I'm joking.

>> No.9814511

How are Mountain Japanese apricots related to comedy?

>> No.9814514

Hey Jap.

>> No.9814519
File: 165 KB, 1410x1900, jap tell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9814520

No jjokbari here only Corea

>> No.9814527
File: 201 KB, 1191x1917, 1284225039054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9814529

look at this fucking wwwwwwwwwwwwwwweeb

>> No.9814532

>but Japs more often approach Western types.
centuries of raping ainu pays off huh

>> No.9814536
File: 13 KB, 160x200, 091200bix-hirohito.2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where are the pure Japanese?

I only see mixed ones.

>> No.9814539

Hirohito is the mixed one. He's got Korean blood.

>> No.9814537

Japanese looks pretty white to me.

>> No.9814538

Cool story, pig feet.

>> No.9814540

If Japanese want to be part of the Great White Race, they will have to identify as white.

>> No.9814542

Ken Hirai?


>> No.9814543

Japs having Caucasian features means that they had an ainu ancestor who at some point was raped by a gook.

>> No.9814544

Yes because pure Japanese are actually Koreans.

>> No.9814547

Japs mixed with the ainu and the portuguese.

>> No.9814548

Those could pass for a sandnigger or an indian, but not for a whitey.

>> No.9814549

Japs are honorary Aryans, and that sounds considerably better than sandniggers and indians.

>> No.9814553
File: 113 KB, 691x967, Master-Haidong-Gumdo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

butthurt korean

>> No.9814551
File: 59 KB, 340x346, 1340512318887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Japanese carve out their own private part of the internet
>American/English websites slowly overtake and dominate the Japanese internet market
>Previously Japanese only websites slowly incorporate English layouts and foreign users

Deal with it, nips.
Someday even Futaba will lift its foreign IP ban.

>> No.9814556

[citation needed]

>> No.9814561

Whats the point of an English Nico if you still have to use Japanese text to search 95% of the stuff

>> No.9814566

mudslimes were also honorary Aryans(and I don't mean Iranians here).
Slavs who were with nazis were also said to be full-breed aryans.
I hope you don't seriously believe in Hitler's political racial bullshit.

>> No.9814573

So more people will be navigate the site, and be able to buy premium accounts.

>> No.9814571


Seems well documented to me.

>> No.9814586

>Pride in one's own race - and that does not imply contempt for other races - is also a normal and healthy sentiment. I have never regarded the Chinese or the Japanese as being inferior to ourselves. They belong to ancient civilizations, and I admit freely that their past history is superior to our own. They have the right to be proud of their past, just as we have the right to be proud of the civilization to which we belong.
lol what a fucking weeb

>> No.9814601

>Honorary whites
>If anything, we are whiter in appearance than our Japanese friends.' huffed one of Cape Town's leading Chinese businessmen. Demanded another indignantly: 'Does this mean that the Japanese, now that they are [considered] White, cannot associate with us without running afoul of the Immorality Act?'[1]
>Chinese people could, however, sometimes benefit from passing as Japanese - at least at the swimming pools - because, as the chairman of the city council's Health and Amenities Committee stated, "It would be extremely difficult for our gatekeepers to distinguish between Chinese and Japanese".[1] In 1984, South African Chinese, now increased to about 10,000, finally obtained the same official rights as the Japanese in South Africa, that is, to be treated as whites in terms of the Group Areas Act.[2][3]

>> No.9814611

Ethnic rivalries in Europe go back just as far and are just as stupid as the ones in the Mideast and everywhere else.

The Neolithic Slavic tribes moving in from the east and the Neolithic Germanic tribes moving down out of Scandinavia ran head-on into each other during the early Roman era where their migratory paths met.

First they killed off, drove off, or enslaved the Celtic people who were already living there. Then they turned on each other.

This bad blood has never cooled down. There has always been strong enmity between the Slavs and the Germans. When the armies of the Soviet Bloc nations invaded Czechoslovakia to put down "Prague Spring" in 1968, the Czechs were really pissed off, but things eventually settled down to normal. Except for one thing. Years later, after relations had thawed with the Poles, Russians, and Hungarians who had occupied their land, the Czechs still said, "The worst thing about that was that there were once again GERMAN TANKS on Czech soil." And the Soviets had made sure that the East German army kept a very low profile, way back in the woods rather than driving into the towns.

I don't mean to slight the Slovaks, I just don't happen to have any Slovak friends to check in with.

It's no different than the centuries-old rivalry between the Germans and the French. The Franks were a Germanic people, for the goddess's sake, one big happy family. But the Romans conquered the Franks, molded them into a union with the Celtic Gauls in the south, taught them all to speak Latin, and made Gallia a province of the Roman Empire. The "real" German tribes never surrendered to the Romans and kept their language and culture. They regarded their Frankish cousins as big sissies for being conquered, while the Franks regarded them as barbarians for not adopting the comforts of a civilized life.

That feeling, too, still survives today.

>> No.9814612
File: 2 KB, 118x119, 0101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nico comments are bad?
minority of anchis aside, for me it looks creative and mature enough.

i've never seen spammers here.
but let's pretend that the quality of comments is just as bad. at least i didn't understand 40% of that shit and now i'm gonna see all 100%. this can't be good.

gladly there is still two lines of defense: the names of the videos and the japanese inside the videos.

>> No.9814625

how is


not spam?

>> No.9814629

It's just the japs way of saying lol

>> No.9814634


>> No.9814643
File: 113 KB, 1007x477, typical white japanese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You jap/jap defenders are worse than Argentines.

>> No.9814653
File: 545 KB, 597x596, jap and anime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So white.

>> No.9814655


not spam at all

>> No.9814661

Hitler was a weeaboo and if he was alive today he would be a /jp/eer.

>> No.9814662
File: 805 KB, 2477x1643, white children.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Typical white school.

>> No.9814663

White people are universally recognized as the most most beautiful people in the world, so it is only natural that when gooks create ideal female characters, they would have white characteristics.

>> No.9814666

Would be an improvement over niggers, spics, and mudslimes.

>> No.9814672

Heh, I looked like the bespectacled kid on the top second column when I was younger, albeit somewhat skinnier.

>> No.9814674

When will /jp/ learn to not feed /pol/fags?

>> No.9814676

me on the right

>> No.9814684

Are you the ugly one?

>> No.9814680

He also would probably be told to fuck off to /a/ or gaijinpot.

>> No.9814682
File: 22 KB, 235x299, inme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want you in me

>> No.9814687
File: 431 KB, 1800x1205, white children2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

``Damn, those children are so white, look their blond hair and large blue eyes!
- Japanese person.

>> No.9814688

most of /jp/ posters are /pol/tards and stormfags though, so nobody really feeds anyone.

>> No.9814694


>> No.9814697

What a nice picture on the bottom right. They look like they're all enjoying their teenage years. My school was so boring.

>> No.9814699

Whenever I think about how much of a pathetic loser I am, I can at least know that I'm white, which makes me better than most of the people in the world.

>> No.9814700

I have black hair and green eyes, though, so those are clearly the ideal phsyical traits.

>> No.9814702

Are you invisible then?

>> No.9814706

Are there really any nips on jp?

I imagine its just one white guy pissing off a bunch of stormfags and chuckleing when they start posting negative nip shit

>> No.9814704
File: 59 KB, 443x388, frog-san that white feel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

``...and at the end of the day I say to myself: At least I'm White''
         -anonymous /jp/ poster on his life, 2012

>> No.9814707

The two empty desks belonged to the students who secluded themselves after being bullied for years.

>> No.9814708
File: 15 KB, 352x240, miu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wwww's don't bother me at all because that's the one of two things i can post to bump the vid(other one is gj).
that is true for many japanese who want to do the same but have nothing to say.

>> No.9814710

stop samefagging.

>> No.9814711
File: 36 KB, 229x276, hnyehh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9814712

I'm asian though

>> No.9814713

check your samefag detector bud

>> No.9814714

It doesn't bother you because you're a fucking weeb who complains about certain things, but when Japs do them you think it's okay because it's "foreign".

>> No.9814720

Filthy islander

>> No.9814719

Oh no I've been played a fool :(

>> No.9814725

I thought it was this, I' don't think I've ever seen a German or Spanish comment on a Nico Douga video.

>> No.9814763

Im in California but i hardly see people with Bonde hair and blue eyes combination

>> No.9814779

It's because California is filled with spics and gooks. The whites are all queers so they are dying out.

>> No.9814786

u mad, honkey

>> No.9814798
File: 114 KB, 648x588, faggot 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, but the guy's actually stating facts, and you also can't blame him for being mad(if he is mad).

>> No.9814803

Jesus christ.

>> No.9814807

Yeah, kind of. I wish my race wasn't so susceptible to kike trickery like gay rights.

>> No.9814814

I still think gender identity disorder isn't even a real thing.

>> No.9814833

It's obviously a real mental disorder. The question is whether you should support someone falling further and further into their insanity to the point that they're having doctors cut off their genitals, or if you should get them treatment so that they can learn to accept the body they have.

>> No.9814828

Well, when people start resorting to self-mutilation in an effort to show they are serious, I am a bit inclined to give them the benefit of the doubt.

>> No.9814844

For example, consider the people who have that one disorder, can't recall the name, where they feel like they shouldn't have a particular body part, like a leg. They say they'll never feel right unless they cut their legs off or something. Do you indulge them and help them get their legs removed, or do you try to help them become mentally healthy? LGBT activists always get angry when you bring up this example, of course, even though it's obviously such a similar phenomenon.

>> No.9814864

People should be able to live their lives as they please as long as it doesn't harm others or takes away quality from someone else's life so let them cut off whatever they want as long as it doesn't put them on life support because they have to live with their choices.

>> No.9814867


>> No.9814868

On that train of thought, most gay kids I met came from fucked up families. To this day, I am not convinced one is "born gay". In my experience, it is daddy/mommy issues or one uncle who was overly affectionate.

>> No.9814871

Argentina reporting in.

>> No.9814880

Everytime someone mentions GID I have to post this link.


>> No.9814884

>most gay kids I met came from fucked up families
Excuse me i have a mother and a father

I do have 3 sisters but they didnt really have anything to do with me liking other men

>> No.9814887

Oh look an exception to the rule. No one cares.

>> No.9814893

Are you sure? Maybe the unattractiveness of your sisters turned you off of them.

>> No.9814894

But your experiences do not make a rule anon.

>> No.9814895

I'm sorry, but if I ever have a child (won't happen) and they tell me that they want to start slicing off parts of their body, I'm going to get them mental help. I'm not going to hand them a saw and a tourniquet.

>> No.9814904

When i was smaller they all looked above average

But they were BITCHES

>> No.9814905


Most gay people I know came from normal families. Sorry that you're full of shit.

>> No.9814906

People are homosexuals because they are rebelling against God's created order.

>> No.9814907
File: 747 KB, 1654x2333, Scan-back_sleeve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A natural born degenerate? While I find the possibility plausible, I have met too many examples saying otherwise. I would prefer to watch you and investigate you further. Do tell us about your relationship with your parents.

>> No.9814912
File: 59 KB, 567x851, trannie rights.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't beat this one

>> No.9814918

I love my Mother and Father despite their flaws as people

Thank you

>> No.9814919


even as a guy she gets raped.

>> No.9814920

I'm sorry, did you mean Nature? Because I do not see the evolutionary advantage or place for homosexuality in human evolution.

>> No.9814922

Oh well I just think that people need to be in control of their own lives and do what they feel is right.(I also believe that psychiatrists are full of shit but that's another story)

>> No.9814925

No, I meant God's created order.

Matt. 19:4 And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female, 5 And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh? 6 Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.

>> No.9814927

As long as forced sterilization isn't instituted on a large scale, gay is very helpful to society.

>> No.9814926

Please leave you voodoo magic talk out of this thread please.

>> No.9814929

homosexuality was invented in order to avoid overpopulation.

>> No.9814937

>The question is whether you should support
The question is, whether /jp/er should give a fuck or have a strong position about trannies, gays and otherkin or not.
I don't see why care.

>> No.9814956

Then don't post about it.

>> No.9814954

I do start to care when they being to spam their shit here.

>> No.9814958

Just by reading the thread you should realize these people are from /pol/.

>> No.9814976

Pretty sure they are not. Take off you paranoia goggles.

>> No.9814979

Hella thread drift in here.

>> No.9814986

site termination topic -> lgbt right discussion

>> No.9814989

Nobody is talking like they belong here or using approve images this IS a hivemind you know.

>> No.9815021

We're not talking like usual because we're discussing a topic which is outside of normal /jp/ topics. Obviously the language used will be different.

>> No.9815071

I'm pretty sure Anon was mocking >>9814958-san.

>> No.9815493

Princess of the Crystal started spamming `cisgendered scum' shit and everyone hated him. It's an extreme reaction to him and a few retards or trolls like him.

It also shut down /jp/ Manor threads.

>> No.9815547

I wasn't mocking myself.

>> No.9815560

That's distressing.

>> No.9815576

Your mom is distressing to my penis every night

>> No.9815710

… and natural selection will do the rest

>> No.9815754


>> No.9815775

There's an English website?

>> No.9815781

> carve out their own private part of the internet
That's called making a website in the only language that it needs to be in. A lot of countries do that.

>> No.9816406
File: 307 KB, 545x385, 1200041693688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9816502
File: 14 KB, 283x164, 1194294586737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>double nigger
Isn't that shit like, really old?

>> No.9816998

Confirmation bias. Nowadays, most people come from fucked up families, period.

Sexuality orientation is not discrete. Last I heard, possible factors include genetics and prenatal hormone exposure. Environment always plays a role, but I don't think people "choose" to be gay, similar to how I don't think a pedophile "chooses" to like prepubescent children. There's a clear abnormality.

>> No.9817321
File: 23 KB, 400x450, 1308029295459.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's curious that they are doing this near one year after they closed their abandoned Spanish and German layers which didn't lasted even the year neither.

Maybe they just need to be more patient with their prototypes.

The comments made in the Spanish and German domains where separated from those made in the original domain, the same as the comments being made in the current niconico.com. The most likely is that the same happens with the new English version.

>> No.9817331


>> No.9817356


>> No.9817374
File: 172 KB, 660x509, 何.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do the nips think of this move?

surely a race as xenophobic as the nips would balk / resist this move.

in any case i don't think this move will work well.

The subculture is just too different.

>> No.9817415


What % of niconico's revenue are from premium accounts? I wouldn't imagine it to be much.

Sites nowadays generate most of their revenue from ads and sponsors which are determined and influenced from its website traffic.

>> No.9817451

Images like that terrify me.

>> No.9821600

>Off-topic; all images and discussion should pertain to light and visual novels, figures and other otaku paraphernalia, Tohou Project, doujin works and music, NEET lifestyle, and diverse niche Japanese interests (kigurumi, idols, mahjong, tea).

I hope you get banned, op

>> No.9825282

who gives a shit??

>> No.9825338

何 is actually a Chinese surname.

>> No.9826949

What's it mean?

>> No.9826956

Children in public education a shit in every country. No surprise from me. Good children go to the private schools or very prestigious schools in Tokyo.

>> No.9826962

>white children2.jpg
Post >white children1.jpg please.

>> No.9827399 [DELETED] 


>> No.9828555

why is this thread still here

>> No.9829621


>> No.9829888

Comments will probably be separated between languages.
If not, they will once the whole community starts complaining about the spam

>> No.9834777

How do you know?

>> No.9834837

It's meaning I think is pretty much the same, but it's just a name here and it's pronounced " Hé ".

I think it can also be
Ho2 - Wade-Giles
Ho4 - Jyutping
Ho - Hong kong

>> No.9838110


>> No.9838134


>> No.9838148


Are you posting this poem to pity the fact that you area chinese Weeabo who finds enjoyment in the entertainments produced by a country whose culture are a derivative of your own which you view as inferior deep down inside?

>> No.9838164

no y

>> No.9839176

please leave

>> No.9839219

why? because he doesn't care about a shitty gook video hosting site?

>> No.9843364

chinese please leave

>> No.9843405
File: 197 KB, 999x1000, get out2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

