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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9826748 No.9826748[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How did you escape bieng a neet /jp/ or how are you planning to get out of it?

>> No.9826752

By studying.

I wouldn't really call it escape though, since NEETdom is great
I just found something more interesting to pursue

>> No.9826754

I am searching for a job in the turnip factory.

>> No.9826757

I work for mugen.

>> No.9826756

I didn't want to starve to death.

>> No.9826779

Started doing a sport, got good enough to get away with just training all the time while my parents look on in awe.

>> No.9826795
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>> No.9826825
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>> No.9826841

Why would you want to escape?

>> No.9826874

what anime is this

>> No.9826876

Not everyone is capable of maintaining themselves as such.

>> No.9826884

Yuru yuri

>> No.9826887

This picture always makes me feel incredibly sad.

>> No.9826911

Why? Because you're not good at anything?

>> No.9826933

Because my parents are douchebags that forced me to go to college against my will.

By forcing they basically gave me a choice, either I went to college or I worked with them. Working with them means meeting people, doing manual labor, and traveling around the city early in the morning.

So I went with the lesser evil.

>> No.9827055

I would like some neet contacts ;_;

to talk to and stuff, bonus if english

>> No.9827061

Something tells me finding a real NEET contact won't be that easy. You've participated in those Omegle /jp/sie chats right?

>> No.9827103


I'm a NEET and there's nothing special about it. Why do you want contact specifically with NEETs?

>> No.9827106

He wants to whine about his life to you because he thinks you'd understand him and comfort him while he indulges in self pity at your expense.

>> No.9827117

I'm actually pretty sure that there're no true NEETs in this thread, let alone /jp/, just some sort of borderline Hikkis.

>> No.9827120

I joined the NAVY to force myself the choices of work or go to jail.

Bad idea man.

>> No.9827132

What the fuck is a "borderline hikki"? Or, for that matter, a "true NEET"?

>> No.9827158
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You lift.
And then you join the military.
People say there are other options, maybe, yeah - but not for us. Accept your fate.

>> No.9827165

You need to shit on the floor bro.

>> No.9827171

What kind of faglord would want to stop being a NEET? Are we being raided by /a/ or something?

>> No.9827174


First episode just came out today, its kind of bad so far though.

>> No.9827177

A borderline Hikki is someone who stays shut in his own room for most of his time but he can go out and occasionaly do so.

a "trueNEET" is a slang term unique to this board that supposedly refers to someone who is both hikki and NEET and does some grotesque stuff such as shitting on the floor and pissing on bottles.

Naturally, while Hikki and NEET do exist, TrueNEETs are just a myth.

>> No.9827182

Because I'm in the same boat, and you guys tend to be well read, open minded and generally pleasant, and into videogames and the internet. Which covers everything from reading terrible news articles, to spooky wikipedia shit, to talking about ramen and weeb stuff.

I like that stuff too. I'm not really cool for ranting about how unfair having all the time I want in the world is unless you want to aswell

you guys have interesting stories to tell too and usually very into thinking about the mind since you spend so much time with just yourself for company

its pleasant to know you?

>> No.9827187
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Another SAO?

>top-ranked player in the online combat game Btoom!

With another kirito too apparently.

>> No.9827197

I'm nowhere near NEET and I piss in bottles. It's not weird! Everyone I know pisses in bottles because it's convenient. Floor shitting is not convenient, and it's unsanitary. Pissing in bottles is clean and quick and saves time, effort, and risk of someone seeing you when you leave your room. Stop racisting bottle pissers.

>> No.9827200

Well he actually isn't playing the game apparently passed the first few minutes of the show, instead he just seems to be trapped on an island in the real world witha bunch of bombs.

One of the problems I noticed though is that he was amazing at the game, then when he is put in very similar circumstances to the game he thinks and acts like a complete moron who doesn't know what hes doing.

Of course being good at the game wouldnt make him a master athlete and everything in real life, but you would expect some of the critical thinking and common knowledge of how time bombs work and shit to transfer over.

>> No.9827203
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i'm going to college but i don't really have any friends or go drinking... basically a neet haha
oh well, at least there's always the gf

>> No.9827204

Haha yeah when I'm lonely gifs always make me feel better too. I like the ones with little girls spiining or smiling.

>> No.9827208
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I'm trying to get INTO NEETdom.

I'm in school and have a job, and all I wanna fucking do is take it easy and do what I want all day every day.

>> No.9827209

>oh well, at least there's always the noose

ftfy thank me later

>> No.9827213

My parents are kicking me out next year, so I really have no choice. Especially since this is AMERICA where there is no welfare to fall back on. I really fucking envy you guys living in Europe, you're so lucky you can get help... ;_;

>> No.9827226

I used to be a full NEET. Now I'm in my last year getting a BS in EE. Fuck I'm happy and the me from 4+ years ago wouldn't have believed that I could do this. All I need now is to find a job after I graduate and pay off debts. and find friends of some sort, but that seems like the hardest thing of all...

>> No.9827233
File: 469 KB, 800x500, Upset Chie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't break my neet ways. I've done everything from deleting my porn folders, destroying my computer, and canceling my internet service. Even without the distractions I still had zero motivation and I couldn't focus on anything because I'm a spastic adhd ridden autist.

>> No.9827240 [DELETED] 

trying to get on my feet while I have a family to support me instead of waiting until the last second and having a mental breakdown.

All I want is to work less than 25 hours a week due to anxiety, pay for rent in a small apartment with an insuite washer/dryer, have 50-100 every month to save for a new computer / ona hole / 2 games a year. All while having enough to clothe myself, eat, and take it easy.

I need to work at least 40 hours in my city and get into government subsidized housing to even break even.

I am a single man and thus don't get the housing.

>> No.9827244

They're not a race at all.

>> No.9827245

get the FUCK out of /jp/... forever

>> No.9827248

trying to get on my feet while I have a family to support me instead of waiting until the last second and having a mental breakdown.

All I want is to work less than 25 hours a week due to anxiety, pay for rent in a small apartment with an insuite washer/dryer, have 50-100 every month to save for a new computer / ona hole / 2 games a year. All while having enough to clothe myself, eat, and take it easy.

I need to work at least 40 hours in my city and get into government subsidized housing to even break even.

I am a single man and thus don't get the housing.

>> No.9827287

>A borderline Hikki is someone who stays shut in his own room for most of his time but he can go out and occasionaly do so.
If you go out and engage in social contact, you're not a hikikomori. That's like calling someone with part-time work a borderline NEET. He's not.

>> No.9827289

Dove head first into a customer service job.
I still hate people but I can now deal with them with a smile and just seem overall pleasant.

>> No.9827296

I tried writing a response to this thread 10 times, but redid each one because I was too afraid of being mocked. I'm not escaping any time soon, and I don't think I could if I wanted to.

>> No.9827304

A better term would probably be "mild social anxiety" or something.

>> No.9827307

Has anybody ever threatened their employer? How did it work out?

>> No.9827320


>> No.9827332

In Uni, skipping classes, not listening in class, making no friends, at one of the worst Universities in my country doing a course I'm not interested in, already 2 years into it, too late to switch majors now.

Today is my birthday. The suicidal thoughts are hitting me hard today.

>> No.9827333

From a military family that pushed me along very forcefully. Even though they couldn't beat the love for 2hus and other chinese cartoons out of me, I shed alot of the social awkwardness and made some friends. When assholes are trying to kill you, being with others watching your back is a good thing. Think !bar would agree.

>> No.9827371

I'm making a half-assed attempt at college, but will most likely drop out soon.

>> No.9827374

Fucking kill yourself you fucking loser. Fucking class skipper.

>> No.9827381
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my death will be on your hands motherfucker. im going to haunt you and watch you while you shower

>> No.9827388


for the lulz!

>> No.9827385

woo /b/ for lyfe!!!

>> No.9827391

The difference between being a hikikomori and mild social anxiety is the difference between being a heroin addict and a casual drinker.

>> No.9827393

Oh boy do I know that feeling.

>> No.9827394

Fucking come at me you shitty homo ghost. I will ghost buster your ass into a vacuum cleaner and cum inside it every day till your ghost drowns in my cum.

>> No.9827397

Trying to out-/b/ people who look like they might be from /b/ only ever ends in tears.

>> No.9827398

I have to agree. Go to the fucking classes.

>> No.9827403

Wow, Eddie Murphy can really hit those high notes but still... that doesn't solve anything.

>> No.9827408

I didn't mean to skip. I didn't realise I had a class yesterday because my scheduling was all switched around.

>> No.9827411

Not surprised since you also said you don't pay attention. Scumbag.

>> No.9827415

yeah you got me there. I really hate my course though. I should have moved into halls.

>> No.9827416

A borderline Hikki engages in social contact when necessary, like purchasing food or games from a store clerk with no chatting or small talk, beyond that no social contact unless people come to their homes and even then they don't normally open the door

>> No.9827422
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Don't worry too much about it, missing one class won't mess you up too bad, you can still pass, just really try hard to pay attention in the next few classes, I'm sure you are really smart if you just apply yourself!

>> No.9827428

I bet he's a fucking idiot. Skippers never get good marks anymore. At best he'll barely pass and get a D at everything like the brainless subhuman that he is.

The myth that skippers are secret super geniuses is just a myth. Most people believe themselves to be exactly that though so they skip and fail and wonder what went wrong.

>> No.9827430

Why would I want to stop being NEET?

>> No.9827431

I got a call from the navy and a scholarship promise but Im physically weak and mentally ill. They won't let me join anyways once they find out I'm a diagnosed schizoaffectice.

>> No.9827433


It could become a habit though. It became one for me and eventually I spent three months in my dorm without going to class. He needs to be careful of that.

>> No.9827434

because its too repetitive and boring.

>> No.9827437


>> No.9827439

{>>9827434} confirmed for never having had a job.
Protip: most of them are repetitive and boring, more so than not having one at all.

>> No.9827440

I'm extremely intelligent, and some of my acquaintances who were smater than me managed to pull it off, so I thought I could do it too.

I failed all my classes and dropped out.

>> No.9827444
File: 109 KB, 444x639, wehrmacht42ks0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How did you escape bieng a neet /jp/

I joined the Wehrmacht.

>> No.9827447 [DELETED] 

I quit my shitty job 8 years ago and started going to community college. From there, I transferred to University but ended up dropping out and changing my major. I went back to Uni and failed out, became a NEET again for 10 months. Eventually Uni let me back in under a different major. I think I'm going to graduate this time, /jp/. It might have taken me 9 years, but I think I just might make it. Even after dropping out of high school.

>> No.9827457

Please tell me you're kidding. In the seven years I don't think I would consider any single day boring. There are days when I do things, and some days when I don't. There are days when things happen, and some days where nothing happens. None of them have been boring though.

>> No.9827454
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That feel when peanut butter sandwiches (I don't like jelly unfortunately) have been a staple in my diet ever since I was a wee lad. I hear it's fattening but I'm underweight like every other NEET. I guess the bread choice is important, I eat whole grain stuff with seeds in it.

For a long time I just had jif stuff, because my mother hated natural peanut butter. She said it "was for poor people". I recently started getting it, though, and I love it. I have to keep it secret from her, though, so I sometimes still eat jif.

It adds excitement to my dull life. If she finds out I'm eating this peanut butter she'll probably kick me out.

>> No.9827456

with the way people throw the word neet around here I assumed you meant being a shut-in.

>> No.9827462


You should mix cocaine into your peanut butter so your mother has a real reason to kick you out if she catches you

>> No.9827461

As a comissioned officer or NCM?

>> No.9827466

I really want to know how the fuck you've been neeting it up because you make it sound glamorous as hell. I'm obviously doing something wrong, I'm going on my fifth year of being hikki and it sucks massive dick.

>> No.9827477

What are you doing that makes it seem so bad? What's a regular day for you like?

>> No.9827483

Feldwebel der Pioniere


>> No.9827497

Well I'm on the internet reading things like /jp/ shitposts all day, some times I watch movies or play video games. That's pretty much it.

>> No.9827499


there's your problem, he's probably like me: smokes a lot of pot and does a lot of random shit in and outside (all payed for by taxpayers and my inheritance, dropped out of highschool despite straight a's)

>> No.9827510

what a disgusting thread. neo-/jp/ at its finest.

>> No.9827512

Yup, finest thread around!

>> No.9827517

Sounds pretty similar to what I do. A normal day for me includes waking up, going on the computer, having a cup of tea with a snack, back to the computer, dinner, and then sleep. If there's nothing to do on the computer (4chan slow, ect), I'll turn to one of my hobbies (food, cameras) or take my parents car out for a drive if it seems like a nice time.

I don't take any drugs except caffeine, from the tea I drink. Even if I had friends and access to drugs, there'd be no reason for them. Just a waste of money in my eyes.

>> No.9827516


>> No.9827532

Looking at your activities made me realise I lack an actual hobby... how do I get one of those?

>> No.9827533


>> No.9827537
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joined a band

>> No.9827539


>> No.9827545

Dunno, most anything you're interested in can be a hobby. It's how you treat it.

>> No.9827574

I recently quit my shitty job. All I did every day for two years was fantasize about leaving that shithole. Now my parents want to kick me out, but I don't see the point in getting another dead end job that won't pay enough to allow me to live on my own. What can I do besides go to college on loans and get a degree in something I don't give a shit about?
