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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 602 KB, 858x1200, 27801106_p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9818475 No.9818475 [Reply] [Original]

Doesn't it remind you of your childhood, /jp/?

>> No.9818478

I wasn't lewd, sorry

>> No.9818481

Nudity is lewdity

>> No.9818490

I dunno. It would help if you translated it, weeb.

>> No.9818508

Why is she victimizing herself by making child pornography? Doesn't she know she'll be harmed by anyone who sees it?

>> No.9818518

It's just two shotas dressing up.

>> No.9818521

Those are boys. They have COCKS.

>> No.9818524

I wasn't a slut as a child, nice projecting OP.

>> No.9818529


>> No.9818539

Why is he victimizing himself by making child pornography? Doesn't he know he'll be harmed by anyone who sees it?


>> No.9818540

is that any way to ask for a favor?

>> No.9818550
File: 184 KB, 780x470, 27801106_p5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your repressed memories are slowly resurfacing...

>> No.9818572 [DELETED] 
File: 490 KB, 858x1200, translatien.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, I translated it.

>> No.9818574

When I was 10 me and my friends would suck each other's cocks.

>> No.9818613 [DELETED] 

You mean the ones of my mother dressing me with girls' collants and buying me clothes from the girls' section? Those are still very much alive.

>> No.9818640

>mother dressing me with girls' collants
I know that sensation, Anon...

>> No.9818648 [DELETED] 

Please bear in mind slight variations of well-known catch phrases are still not acceptable in /jp/.

>> No.9818658

How would you word it?

>> No.9818676 [DELETED] 

A polite way of showing empathy towards the quotes post would be to express your sentiments in ways a regular person would. Several response variations are suggested.

>That happened to me too
>I didn't like it either
>Are you me?
>This happened to you, too?

>> No.9818691 [DELETED] 

>towards the quoted* post

I also suggest working on your vocabulary to further improve your posting quality.

>> No.9818736

Do you want me to delete my reply and start over?

>> No.9821704 [DELETED] 

>Off-topic; all images and discussion should pertain to light and visual novels, figures and other otaku paraphernalia, Tohou Project, doujin works and music, NEET lifestyle, and diverse niche Japanese interests (kigurumi, idols, mahjong, tea).

I hope you get banned, op

>> No.9822221

"That feel" is fine here. Don't worry about it.

>> No.9823907 [DELETED] 

Please do not mislead new users. Instead, encourage them to lukr in order to find the answer on their own.

>> No.9824084
File: 78 KB, 280x320, 1330588793967.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9824104 [DELETED] 

Please forgive yet another one of my typographic mistakes. The word it was meant was "lurk". Not "lukr".

>> No.9828462

who's childhood
