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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9820927 No.9820927 [Reply] [Original]

Does /jp/ do anything special for Halloween?
Do you give candy to kids that knock on your door?
Do you decorate your house or apartment?

>> No.9820934
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I eat the candy my mom buys.

>> No.9820944

i wanted to make my marisa costume by halloween but i struggle with doing anything because im a loser

so no one is gonna have fun at my house or get candy becayse im mad.

>> No.9820942
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I keep all my lights off and stay in my room while hating myself for being so socially retarded.

>> No.9820943

My sister decorates the house. My mother answers the door to give candy to kids. I eat the candy my sister's son can't because he has a gluten intolerance.

>> No.9820946

My tou-bros and I all dress up as little girls and have LARP danmaku fights with balled up sheets of paper in the front yard, while my parents give out candy.

I'm excited because I have new spellcards this year! I'm going to with the danmaku for sure.

>> No.9820950

I used to give out candy in order to see cute little girls in costumes but stopped due to the number of shithead teenagers and slutty preteens.

>> No.9820958
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hang out w/ toubros on /jp/
don't dress up
nobody knocks asking for candy

>> No.9820962

I answer the door and give candy to trick-or-treaters while wearing one of those rubber horse masks and watch horror movies with my dad.

>> No.9820966

Halloween is Christmas for pedophiles

>> No.9820971

Most kids go trick or treating with their parents, it's too hard to abduct them or get them into your house.

>> No.9820978

Why would I want to do that? Looking is enough for me.

>> No.9820994

Then it's more like window shopping for pedophiles. You usually keep stuff on Christmas.

>> No.9821485

I put out a bowl of candy on the porch and turn off the lights inside and hide in the basement so it looks like nobody is home, then I candy and play games. Later on, I get the candy bowl off the porch and eat all the candy that is left over in it(which is most of it because I live on a pretty busy street so parents don't want their kids crossing it or even going near it.

Sometimes I get invited to parties by my normal friends, and I sometimes go to them, mostly for the alcohol and snacks.

>> No.9821494

Yesterday my neighbor put out a jack o lantern in front of their house. I don't know who carved it or why. The only people in that house is the mother, the father, a 14 year old daughter and a 16 or 17 year old daughter.

>> No.9821536

I think I might try to mess with people somehow

>> No.9821558

I work at the 6th greatest haunted house in NA on Halloween. Technically, we started on September 20th.

>> No.9821560

Sounds cute~

>> No.9821603

Last year I waited in my living room with a big bowl of candy but one one kid came. I spent some very lonely hours wondering where all the kids were. I ended up eating all the candy myself later and then I felt gross.

This time things will be different though. I will dress up and and lots of pumpkins outside my door and hopefully kids will be more inclined to come to my house!

>> No.9821607 [DELETED] 

>Off-topic; all images and discussion should pertain to light and visual novels, figures and other otaku paraphernalia, Tohou Project, doujin works and music, NEET lifestyle, and diverse niche Japanese interests (kigurumi, idols, mahjong, tea).

I hope you get banned, op

>> No.9821615


>> No.9821618

I think it's funny how touhou gets named specifically there.

>> No.9821643

I live down a very long driveway on a sparsely populated rural road.

We don't have people come here. I haven't done anything for Halloween in the past 10 years.

>> No.9821653

I trust you are already suitable for the occasion...

>> No.9821686

How do you know so much? I don't even know the ethnicity of my neighbor.

>> No.9821703 [DELETED] 

Last year, I goaded a little girl into my house for just a few minutes and had sexual intercourse with her.

>> No.9821722

Even though this is fake I want you to tell the story.

>> No.9821750

Does Japan do anything special for Halloween?
Do they give candy to kids that knock on their door?
Do they decorate their houses or apartments?

>> No.9821751
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I want to carve pumpkins and stuff so hopefully my mom will let me.. and who doesn't like eating candy?? I'm not sure which is my favorite it's always hard to pick when I go to the store.

>> No.9821766

Because there are 3 young women in that house that he plans to violently rape on halloween. How did you not get that?

>> No.9821769

i'll definitely try to make some pumpkin soup

>> No.9821773
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I bet you didn't even finish.

>> No.9821774

mediator where do you live? i want to go to your house for candy, and maybe more if you know what i mean ;)

>> No.9821780

Get out, nerd.

>> No.9821783


No kid has ever knocked on my door for candy.... ever.

>> No.9821790

I'll give you something sweet to suck on.

>> No.9821793

I usually sit on the couch and eat the candy that I'm suppose to hand out to whoever comes at the door.

>> No.9821799

I've spent most of my life hating Halloween and being generally grumpy about the whole ordeal. This year I'm really missing my youth so I might make an extra effort to make some kids day.

>> No.9821803

No kid wants to see your dick, how many times do I have to tell you?

>> No.9821810

No. No. No.

>> No.9821812

Do vampires ever dress up as vampires for halloween?

>> No.9821814

Your grandmothers kid wants to see my dick lol.
Thats ur mum btw.Like dis if u laff every time.

>> No.9821822
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That's not very adventurous

>> No.9821846

back off b4 I make you

>> No.9821850

Halloween is the one day each year when I can hand out candy and tell children how adorable they look without their parents telling them to keep away from me and not to make eye contact in hushed tones.
I can even occasionally get away with patting one on the head. Oh, be still, my heart!

>> No.9821875


>> No.9821876


Do you only pet lolis?

>> No.9821882

I pet all the boys and girls. I love them all.

>> No.9821890

>implying /jp/ leaves the house
>implying the average /jp/spie wouldn't just rape any child that got near them

>> No.9821900 [DELETED] 

Are quoting who you?

>> No.9822064

I hand out candy and act passive and friendly for all the little kids that come to the door.
I perform either the human meathead or the human blockhead with a power drill for the teenagers who are really too old for trick-or-treating.
Everybody goes home happy, or some variant thereof.

>> No.9822066 [DELETED] 



>> No.9822082

Wasn't there a guy who handed out copies of toohoo on CDs for halloween?

>> No.9822098
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I decorated my whole house and bought a bunch of candy I'm keeping locked up until Halloween so I don't eat it. Halloween will be the perfect excuse for me to go outside and try to find out why there's a cow outside my house.

Oh I guess I might dress up too if I have the motivation that day

>> No.9822105
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Last Halloween all of six kids came to my door. Ten years ago it was like sixty. I bought big king size bars and everything. It kind of felt like throwing a party where nobody showed up.

>> No.9822122

Oh, god. I should do this. Pass them out to the older trick-or-treaters. Give them something they'll really enjoy.

>> No.9822126

You can do it anon! I believe in you!

>> No.9822134
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At least you get to eat all the candy.

>> No.9822142

Clearly you have never experienced the joys of handing lolis king-sized candy bars.

>> No.9822148

It is tradition to reminisce dead relatives and such so I'm planning on lighting a few candles for my dead German Shepherd.

>> No.9822152

I enjoy Thanksgiving way more since for a day I finally feel like I'm doing something.

Me and my brother cook a lot of stuff so it's both exhausting and fun.

The ham he made last year was delicious. Unfortunately, my asshole dad decided to invite all his stupid friends over and I spent all day in my room playing Dark Souls. I nearly cried because it's the only holiday that I actually have fun.

Maybe this year I'll try cooking for Halloween. I'll make Flan and decorate it to look like flanfy. Or maybe I will do that Patchy cake.

>> No.9822158

fucking paranoid parents ruining an awesome holiday.

15 years ago when i was going out the streets were packed with kids and it was awesome. Hell even 5-7 years when i started giving out the candy to the cute little lolis we were still getting 150+ kids. Then last year we got maybe 20 and they were all kids under 5 coming up to the door with their parents. five more years and it will be dead.

I miss Halloween ;_;

>> No.9822159

Blame the internet and the recession.

>> No.9822162

My mom is truChristian and refuses to acknowledge it, so lights off and no candy.

>> No.9822163

Wow, I just checked, it's on a wednesday. Fuck that.

>> No.9822166

I bought $100 of full size candy bars last year and didn't get more than 5 kids.

I didn't want to store/eat/dump it, so the last 3 kids got like 20 bars each. They were under 12 and didn't much,so I pretty much rocked their whole night.

I'm working this Halloween, so nothing this year.

>> No.9822169

I live in the "hood," so no. I'll just turn off the porch lights.

>> No.9822171

i went out with my little sister once and when she said "trick or treat!" the lady said "sorry we don't celebrate halloween, i'm a christian. we celebrate the harvest" and she gave her a bag of chips. it was all very hard to explain to her.

>> No.9822180

Why would somebody do that to a little kid? Hell, if she HAD to say something, she could have just replied "Happy harvest", given the girl the fucking chips, and been done with it.

>> No.9822175
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I carved these last year.

>> No.9822181

I could buy candy bars to hand out to the few kids who might show up. Or, I could just buy discounted candy the next day all for myself.

Or I could do both.

>> No.9822182


That's HELLa scary.

>> No.9822189

*didn't get much

Fuck, I remember whole neighborhoods getting into Halloween/Christmas wars as a kid. Decorations, music, costumes, fucking everything.

Our neighbor loved getting drunk and chasing kids with a running chainsaw. He'd take the blade off so no one got hurt, but holy shit would the scream.

I truly feel bad for kids today.

>> No.9822197

When I was young even churches would get involved. And I lived in a small town with lots of churches, so that was lots of candy all over the place. I'm pretty sure some of the preachers would dress as devils, which was kind of funny. But the churches gave out the most candy.

>> No.9822203


Nothing is more disgusting that one who rejects their final form. Embrace the darkness, shed your material layer and become one with your computer; only then will you know freedom from suffering.

>> No.9822207


I would have said, 'Gosh, I hope you don't have one of those pagan Christmas trees in December then. Oh and, were you aware that God had a wife? Oh of course you weren't... you're just a believer, not an educated person.'

So edgy.

>> No.9822219

Local politicians usually gave out monster sized candy, with political shit in the outer wrapper.

Dogs got biscuits. Bars gave cash. Schools had parties and pageants. And the churches did shit, too.

Now it's all politically correct bullshit. In 10 years, nothing more will happen. Everyone will be too scared to offend anyone.

>> No.9822223
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I went trick-or-treating until I was in my early 20s. I used to dress up for Halloween parties and the like, but I stopped doing drugs and now I hate almost everyone around me.

>> No.9822227


/jp/ seems somewhat full of self-medicators, former and present.

I guess all of us have our "medication" of sorts, just some are more blatant that others.

>> No.9823148


fuk off weebuu

>> No.9824066

I got into 2hu because someone gave me a disc with EosD for halloween

>> No.9828478

sound about right

>> No.9828528

I kinda want to spook some kids, but I bet no one will come and I'll feel like an idiot for buying a smoke machine and filling my apartment with rotten meat.

>> No.9828552

I like to open my window and listen to all the people enjoying themselves.

>> No.9828575
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this needs more satori

>> No.9828631

I found some great Touhou Halloween pictures shortly after last Halloween, but by then it was too late to post them.

I've saved them all up and I'm going to dump them on /jp/ whenever and wherever I can.

>> No.9828644
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>> No.9831725

i think you need to chill out dude

>> No.9831744

the neighborhood out here has had everyone grow up too

>> No.9831794

What drugs were u doing and how frequently?

>> No.9831838

I'm trick-or-treating with my little sister and dad. She's going as a princess, and I'm going as Tom Cruise from the Last Samurai.

It's the last Halloween I'm going to have at home, and I couldn't think of a reason not to. I have to find some excuse to wear yukata, Hakama and my Katana.

>> No.9831858
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I'm going to be a Japanese kindergartener for Halloween and wet my diapee all day in celebration.

>> No.9831911
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Back in the day kids used to do pranks and really mess up the town on Halloween, then the adults got sick of it and brainwashed the kids into doing things in a more "Christian" way. A common prank back in the day was to put furniture on top of someone's roof if they were out of the house that night.

>> No.9831922

We don't do Halloween here because this is a good country.

>> No.9831948
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Time flies by so fast...

It will be a normal night, spending my leisure time here on /jp/. And yes, I do give candy to kids, but I don't decorate the house because I'm too lazy.

They don't need to.

>> No.9831965
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The outside worlds influences Gensokyo alot, for example soccer started getting popular.
Do you think Halloween is a thing there?

>> No.9834025


ROFLMAO wat a fuking weebuu
