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9816950 No.9816950 [Reply] [Original]

What are your favorite snack foods and non-alcoholic drinks /jp/?

>> No.9816958

grass and water

>> No.9816961
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Saltine crackers and water

>> No.9816962
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Peanut butter
Orange juice

>> No.9816965

Do you just eat peanut butter straight out the jar, fatty?

>> No.9816969
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Coke and bacon-wrapped hotdogs

>> No.9816974

Fuck off, I don't have any delicious snacks in my shit country.

I wish I could be Finnish or something.

>> No.9816971


>> No.9816979

Pickled stuff
Cranberry juice
Hot black tea

>> No.9816975

Chips and dip

One time a friend of mine got a glob of peanut butter on a spoon and dipped it in soda before eating it. He's actually really fit. Whata fuck, man.

>> No.9816982
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That's really fat of you.

People who lift can pretty much get away with putting anything in their mouths. Such privilege!

>> No.9816981


vista should of been the bloated one :D

>> No.9816988

I forgot jerky and pistachios.

Oh, and almonds.

>> No.9816983


what anime is this?

>> No.9816989

It's called "You just got filtered because you're a shitty tripfuckface with no gimmick"

>> No.9816996

Next post: pixelman posts "plz dnt bulley" without his trip.

>> No.9817004

Plz dnt blly


>> No.9817011

I'm pretty sure that's 2k-tan in the background.

>> No.9817040

Toaru Majutsu no Kawaii-kun ~Infinite Rhapsody~ S2

>> No.9817051
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Potato chips. Mainly dill flavored and a certain type of Pringles.
I like most kinds of chocolate bars. For drinks, I like a lot of different kinds of fruit juice, orange juice, etc. and milk.

I don't know if they count as ``snacks'' but I enjoy most types of pastries, too. I love tasting something new. It usually doesn't matter what flavor it is as long as I get to experience a new sweet flavor.
Cake falls under this same category.

Ice cream is ``cool'' too. My personal favorites are chocolate and strawberry, and mixing the two gives some kind of weird but good hybrid flavor!

>> No.9817068

Doritos and redbull

>> No.9817072

What kind of doritos?

>> No.9817076
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>chocolate and strawberry
>mixing the two gives some kind of weird but good hybrid flavor!

>> No.9817079

What's your filter list ? I liked your post so maybe you've got good taste.

>> No.9817080

Do people really drink Red Bull regularly? It's twice the price of other energy drinks while tasting worse.
I would even rather have Wild Tigers (some energy drink sold in Iraq) instead of Red Bull.

>> No.9817084

I'm pretty sure vista is the most bloated windows version.
Not him btw.

>> No.9817088


Are you issuing me a challenge, Baron von Nerdstein?

>> No.9817095

No, I'm calling you autistic.

Nice dubz btw.

>> No.9817102


The HELL are you calling me autistic for, faglord? You trying to bully me?

>> No.9817103
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Orange Cream soda is the best but I haven't had it in forever. Milk works good enough for me.

And I fuggin love those fruit gummies.

>> No.9817107

That reminds me, I really love sour gummy worms.

>> No.9817111

Please stop replying to me.

>> No.9817128


Shut the HELL up, turbonerd.
Nice trips btw.

>> No.9817144

Favorite Snack food:
Baked and spiced pumpkin seeds (I'm so excited this time of year has come around again. I've already been picking up a few pumpkins a week since they started putting them out and gutting them for their delicious seeds).

Favorite non-alcoholic drink:
Arnold Palmers (home made of course)

>> No.9817200

Potential vet detected. Please sir, tell me your story.

>current army

>> No.9817213

Phuck yeah, Arnold Palmers. I drink them by the score. Mostly canned though, since I never have access to homemade tea and lemonade.

>> No.9817262

Shut up faggot, stop trying to be special. Choc and straw is probably the most common combination, don't pretend you're a fucking genius for "inventing" it.

>> No.9817267
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>> No.9817271
File: 62 KB, 1280x720, [Doki] The iDOLM@STER - 19 (1280x720 h264 AAC) [0A79AF6B].mkv_snapshot_08.18_[2012.10.02_03.28.00].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bikki donuts. Really tasty and super easy to make. Great with milk.

>> No.9817274
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Leave Saber alone!!

>> No.9817278

Only an autist would ride a flying banana.

>> No.9817287
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shut the fuck up

>> No.9817292
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