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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9814695 No.9814695[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder:
1-Don't feed /pol/fags.

>> No.9814709
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>> No.9814718
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>> No.9814728

This last income of newfags sure is the dumbest one.
Meido should stick a post loke this to reduce the level of shitposting on this board.

>> No.9814731

I don't understand why shut-ins would care if other people are racists, or really have interest in promoting racial equality.

>> No.9814732
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>can't even hira

get out normal

>> No.9814740

It's the other people being other people I have a problem with.

I don't want immigrants here, they already ruined this place but I don't want it to keep getting worse.

>> No.9814738
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dont tell me what to do asspie

>> No.9814747

Don't feed the troll.

>> No.9814743

That guy's way more attractive than me though!

>> No.9814744

Same. I think you misunderstood my post, though. OP doesn't like racists, apparently, but why? If he is a shut-in like us, why would he care if we're racists?

>> No.9814745

Only races I hate are blacks (because I went to an 80% black highschool and learned of their ways) and Finngolians (because 80% of shitposts are made by Finnish scum)

>> No.9814750

I'm racist, fascist, misogynist, the whole deal, but I don't hail from /pol/, I never even posted there.

What now?

>> No.9814752

I went to a high school that was probably 60% black. I had honors and AP classes, thankfully, so I wasn't around them most of the time, but it was enough to make me hate them. Fucking subhuman filth.

>> No.9814751
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>> No.9814759

Fuck you. Learning things is for normals. I just want to take it easy.

>> No.9814756

Is it written "/jp/ - StormFront 2.0 gook culture not allowed" on the of this board?

I thought so.
Stay on topic turbonerds.

>> No.9814764


There's a whole board to discuss this shit.
Don't make /jp/ worse.

>> No.9814771
File: 118 KB, 525x295, cc pizza geass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ has been anti-asian/jew/black since split. if you actually dig archives you'll find many racist posts and threads.
those people didn't fall from the sky all of the sudden.

>> No.9814769

If I hate just blacks, I'm a racist, if I hate everyone, I'm edgy. Dammit, society, just let me choose.

>> No.9814772
File: 211 KB, 900x525, 1326583198845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the most ironic post I have seen all day, and I'm not even sure if the poster knows it.
Bravo to you.

>> No.9814776

There's nothing ironic about it.

>> No.9814774


Because there are three boards for racist discussions, /jp/ is not one of them

Go to /b/,/pol/ or /int/ if you want that
So if you want to have that kind of

>> No.9814782

Haven't you noticed the rise on this kind of post and threads for weeks?
We are being raided.
And you guys are feeding them.

>> No.9814784
File: 295 KB, 838x720, sumerian slav.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm already taking it easy by insulting and making fun of our non-white locals.

>> No.9814789

These threads have always been here, in a smaller or bigger amount. I'm not sure if you were missing them or something.
Actually anti-kike threads have reduced lately.

>> No.9814794

Slavpigs are not welcome here. Only Northern European, preferably Anglo-Saxon are allowed and no Finns.

>> No.9814806

I'm sorry, but Slavs are the Masterrace and I'm also probably whiter than you. Enjoy that mudslime cock up your ass, buddy.

>> No.9814811

Get on my level, bro.

Grorious Nippon is Grorious.
There's no other country with the same level of pop culture.
So, I'm immune to /pol/.

>> No.9814819


Enjoy your government banning videos insulting to muslims, enjoy your 15% muslims, enjoy Moscow being a muslamic shithole.

>> No.9814821

>preferably Anglo-Saxon are allowed
Sorry but I hate ugly people. Ugly people should die.

>> No.9814830

I'm not Russian though.
Also russian muslims are native, unlike yours.

>> No.9814840

You mean more Asian, mongoloid. Mudslime cock beats tiny chink dicks anyways, no homo.

You're just mad England was able to take over most of the world.

>> No.9814847
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>> No.9814857

I don't look Asian. I might have some Asian genes though.
But hey, at least my father isn't black.

>> No.9814863
File: 147 KB, 714x569, dammit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No I think you misunderstood me,
when I said immigrants I meant board immigrants, like the kind of shit that brings /pol/ discussion over here.

>> No.9814873
File: 111 KB, 900x1213, 1BdaF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I think Meido is a Nekomimi Nekomata girl who sleeps 18 hours a day.

>> No.9814876

Please make a thread in /q/ about all the /pol/shit polluting /jp/ in recent weeks.

>> No.9814881

I honestly doubt that any of /pol/tards would be interested in posting on /jp/, unlike /a/&/v/ people who are attracted here by a naive friendliness of the recent immigrant usebase.
