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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9805318 No.9805318[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Would you rather live in Gensokyo with the fairies and touhous, or would you rather live in Flonyard with the animal people and chocobos?

>Both have kawaii animal people
>Both have rules in place so that nobody ever gets hurt or dies.
>Both have friendly safe competition to solve conflicts
>Both have gorgeous scenery and friendly inhabitants
>Gensokyo is more feudal Japan
>Flonyard is more magically contemporary
>Both now have residents that can fly around and magically beamspam each other with different attacks
>Both have a witch that flies around on a broom and wears bloomers(season 2 only)
>Both have foxgirls with gigantic titties

>> No.9805326

Touhous are canonically ugly
There's no way in HELL I would choose Gensokyo over Flonyard

>> No.9805339
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Can I level up from a generic Galette footsoldier and eventually fug the princess?

>> No.9805336

No one has titties in Gensokyo and also Gensokyo has faeries so that one. Only cool people in Flonyard get to beamspam. Everyone just gets their shit smashed.

Also humans die just fine in Flonyard.

Only an idiot would choose Flonyard unless they got to be a hero or high ranking animal person.

>> No.9805345

Easy choice.
I am not a furry so Gensokyo.

>> No.9805348

Gensokyo sounds like much cooler adventures, also I don't choose my escapist fantasy based on girls

And who are you quoting?

>> No.9805350

As much as I think about Gensokyo, I'd have to go with Flonyard. I like tits and simulated battles and easy girls a lot. It'd be sad to leave my Tou-Bros behind in Gensokyo though.

>> No.9805368 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9805370

The same can be applied to Touhou
As a pathetic human you could barely do anything there

>> No.9805373


>> No.9805376

>Gensokyo sounds like much cooler adventures
Feudal Japan is SHIT and their culture is SHIT no matter how DEEP you think removing your shoes when getting inside home and sitting like a retard and drinking tea is


>> No.9805380

Fuck japan, I'm talking about stuff like the underground

>> No.9805381

Furry = anthropomorphic animals, which they aren't.

>> No.9805384

Yea sure

Keep deluding yourself Sean

>> No.9805405

Gensokyo because I can become a magician youkai and live forever.

>> No.9805410

Stop calling me by the name of your imaginary friend, nerd

>> No.9805416

Calm down Ralph.

>> No.9805500

keep believing that

you're just going to work your entire life towards that goal and at the end fail miserably and be crushed by the japanese system

>> No.9805508

where my gensoky-bros at

>> No.9805520

I got bored of Touhou and Gensokyo a while a go, so i'll try the other one even if i don't know much about it.

>> No.9805696

Marisa is a pathetic human.

>> No.9805739

Who became a fine beamspammer through hard work alone.
I don't think /jp/ has enough motivation to study as hard as her.

>> No.9806368
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Gensokyo has Youmu
Dog Days has green dog youmu

Flonyard wins

Dog Days watchers know how to take it easy

>> No.9806378
File: 271 KB, 423x575, greenyoumuandnoirgrabtits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Green Youmu is a truMiracle of the universe...
(Noir too...)

>> No.9806412

May as well go to Gensokyo, I've barely know anything about the other place.

>> No.9806420

The unknow just makes it more exciting!

>> No.9806425

Flognarde (I'm pretty sure that's the spelling they were going for, since it's a food and so is Biscotti and Eclair and so on) is my choice. There are too many people whom I absolutely loathe in Gensokyo, and humans still do get eaten there.

Everyone in Flognarde is happy and likeable. You don't have hateful elitists like the princess moonsluts, you don't have mass murderers touting themselves as saints like Byakuren, and so on.

>> No.9806436


Although I could end up in big trouble if I go anywhere without knowledge of the place. Not that my chances of surviving in Gensokyo are any better.

>> No.9806452

easy, Flonyard. Gotta go sex up black and green.

>> No.9806499


No one dies in Flognarde. Even when a fucking huge demon appeared and started shooting giant pillars of fire out of the ground and generally tearing the shit out of everything IN THE MIDDLE OF A WAR, no one died or went missing.

>> No.9806520


That sounds silly, but it sounds like a pretty big plus when considering these sorts of things. Seems like it'd be easier to get your bearings there.

>> No.9806574

if you get injured; poof animal ball! Unless you're a named person then all your clothing disintegrates and you have to walk around naked.

>> No.9806577
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>> No.9806581

That sounds really stupid and lewd, I prefer Gensokyo with no lewdness

>> No.9806583


It's less silly than it sounds.

Basically, Flognarde contains this magical energy that prevents its people from getting hurt. If you get hit with something too hard or, during wars, get tagged on the head or on your back, you turn into an indestructible little animal puffball thing for a certain time. This allows countries to fight 'wars' that are just massive athletic events. People have swords and guns and explosive arrows and whatnot, they capture bases, they run through obstacle courses, they try to breach the fort containing the opposing nation's princess, and so on. It's pretty fucking awesome.

Humans who go to Flognarde don't turn into animal puffballs, but their bodies are RIDICULOUSLY magically reinforced. The MC, at one point, gets used as a skateboard by another character and crashes headfirst into a concrete wall, completely demolishing said wall, and the MC walks out of it with a little cut on the top of his head that completely heals within the minute (it WAS spewing blood quite spectacularly while the wound was open, but that might have just been anime exaggeration).

The magical protection energy only exists within certain zones, and they have instruments to monitor said energy. When the demon started to show up, it reduced the energy, and there was a widespread announcement to stop the fighting immediately. People started running as soon as the demon actually showed up, and the demon was preoccupied by taking a goddamn nuke to the face from one of the characters, so everyone managed to get away safely. The main characters had to fight off the demon, and some of them nearly died, but everyone was all right in the end.

>> No.9806603

That would be cool in a videogame
Dog Days could be any genre MMO, action game, party game

>> No.9806609


Oh, and the magical reinforcement affects all of the main characters, not just the humans. The reinforcement is strong enough that their bodies are actually more durable than their armor, so you often end up with characters getting stripped naked by explosions and whatnot.

All of the unnamed characters don't get this reinforcement, though, and simply turn into puffballs.

>> No.9806610

Look at this secondary

>> No.9806621
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>be in Flonyard
>live happy prosperous life

>be in Gensokyo
>get eaten by a loli night sparrow girl with no titties

The only correct choice is obviously Gensokyo.

inb4 >hurr durr who r u quoting

>> No.9806636


That's an interesting premise. Doesn't seem like a bad place, at least. The only real downside seems like the walking around half naked but it's not getting killed at least.

>> No.9806667
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Best reason to choose Flonyard over Gensokyo?

Flonyard has an anime.

The guy that writes and created Dog Days also created Wanko to Kurasao and Nanoha, so he knows a thing about magic and lolis much like Zun


>> No.9806674

>The guy that writes and created Dog Days also created Wanko to Kurasao
Shit world only good for it's sex appeal and cock teasing, would not live in

>> No.9806680


It's just an excuse for fanservice, really. What's awesome is that it's presented as funny; I never felt as though the show was expecting me to fap to it. At least one girl ends up completely naked almost every episode, and it's hilarious.

>> No.9806692

w a y q
h r o u
o e u o

>> No.9806717

>The guy that writes and created Dog Days also created Wanko to Kurasao

I've never heard this

>> No.9806776
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Gensokyo has a tigergirl named Shou
Flonyard has a tigergirl named Juane

Gensokyo has bunnygirls named Reisen and Tewi
Flonyard has a bunnygirl named Vert

Gensokyo has a black catgirl named Chen
Flonyard has a black catgirl named Noir

Gensokyo has a slut named Sanae
Flonyard has a slut named Nanami

>> No.9806870

Probably Gensokyo only because of Ran.

Is the other foxgirl good?

>> No.9806880

It would be perfect as a musou game, endless unnamed cannon fodder and ridiculously overpowered named characters with super flashy moves.

>> No.9807067
File: 457 KB, 1031x1500, Yukkidogdays.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She only has one tail instead of nine, so she is not at Ran's level yet. The series states that she is a growing god though, and will get more and more powerful as time goes on, which I assume is going to have her growing more and powering up later in the franchise.

Right now she travels around with her master fighting demons and doing ninja things.

Season one had a 9-tailed fox monster.

>> No.9807087

that can't be official art. Isn't Dog Dayz for kids?

>> No.9807099

It's a late night show, anon.

>> No.9807101

Yes, like Nanoha was for kids. It's on par with the Nanoha official art.

>> No.9807116


No, I'm pretty sure it isn't, though I don't know what time it airs in Japan.

Regardless, the promo art is lewd to the point of just being gross. In the series, they don't do shit like showing a little indent in the bathing suit between the character's pussy lips, or at least not that I've noticed.

>> No.9807150
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>> No.9807160


Have youever heard of To Love Ru Darkness? Dog Days could very well be shounen.

>> No.9807170
File: 2.96 MB, 200x113, 1342327029928.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

110% wholesome Saturday morning toy selling adventure fun.

In before someone calls Kou Yoshinari's animation CGI, by the way.

>> No.9807183

There's sort of a difference between bullshit token shounen and an actual show for kids. A lot of eroge adaptions run in shounen magazines even.

>> No.9807186 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.46 MB, 1366x768, disgustingsmut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> Isn't Dog Dayz for kids?
It's not. Its light on fanservice to where kids would be able to watch it but it's really not for them.

It's funny because I always hear 2 types of people that have never watched Dog Days. The first claims that they think its furry fanservice harem smut, which is absolutely is not. The other group thinks that because of the bright colors and cute characters that it's for kids.

Dog Days is very much a show for adults that want innocent laid-back fun and action.

And Ninja Warrior with kemonomimis.

It's really the closest thing to a touhou anime there is.

>> No.9807193

I watched the first episode and it seemed like a kids show. Please no bully.

>> No.9807203


Not to mention Rebecca essentially become a Touhou character.

-Ordinary human
-Flies around on a broom
-Dodges danmaku (they specifically use the word danmaku)
-Fights using spellcards
-Has a supermove using a magical trinket that allows her to fire a massive, insanely powerful laser

>> No.9807206

Good lord, that's just a glorified strip tease.

>> No.9807223

It's Nanoha, except a lot more laid back and with humans befriending kemonomimi characters. Befriending them in a nice way, I mean.

>> No.9807222

Is that all one sequence or is that a compilation of multiple sequences?

>> No.9807231


It's all one sequence.

It honestly weirded me the fuck out. I'm glad the show never had sequences that creepy ever again.

>> No.9807250


This is the most sexual thing to ever happen in the series. The rest of the series doesn't even come CLOSE to how far they went with this, but when it's Kou Yoshinari you don't tell him to not do his own thing.

I can't tell if theres CG in it or not. All the parts I think are CG could just be really fancy paintwork, like watercolors.


>> No.9807284

How do they understand Japanese?
